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Articles by Jayson Hawkins

Who Pays for Police Surveillance?

Retiree’s Home Taken for $8.41 Tax Bill Draws Michigan Supreme Court Ire

A New Style of Crime Documentary

Effective Crisis Management Without Police

PBA Cards and the Problem with Police Discretion


by Jayson Hawkins

Police officers have recently been under fire for excessive or even deadly force being used in routine arrests and traffic stops, but some critics have begun to draw attention to a different police behavior that involves how and when officers let people go free.

This criticism ...

Guilt by Google

by Jayson Hawkins

An extraordinary wealth of information is easily available if one only utters the magic word –  “Google.” The problem arises with the realization that though the Google-genie provides information, there is no guarantee that the information is accurate or fair.

Questions about truth and privacy inevitably ...

Government Enforcers Are Still Cops


by Jayson Hawkins 

The police-involved killing of George Floyd in late May 2020 has proven to be a rallying cry against systemic racism across America. The sight of a man begging to breathe while a cop knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes has become the defining ...

Campaign Zero Advocates for Police Accountability

Fed Position on Pot Pushing Vets to Black Market

by Jayson Hawkins 

The walls in Alex’s home are decorated with medals earned from two tours as a Marine serving in Iraq. He returned to the U.S. in 2007 at age 21, psychologically scarred by a war that left him suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (“PTSD”) and crippling anxiety. ...

Is the Georgia Bureau of Investigation Ready to Investigate Arbery Cover-Up?

by Jayson Hawkins

The murder of Ahmaud Arbery was shockingly mishandled by local police from the very beginning. Two White men chased down and shot a young Black man, and yet they had not been charged two months later, despite the fact that the whole event was caught on tape. ...



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