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The Habeas Citebook: Prosecutorial Misconduct - Header

Articles by Jayson Hawkins

Warrantless Warrants and Crooked Courts in Chicago

Recent media coverage of police brutality and other flagrant violations of civilians’ rights has offered numerous candidates for the dubious distinction of worst law enforcement agency in the U.S. The competition is stiff, but an investigation by CBS2 in Chicago suggests their police department should be a ...

Debunking the Myth of ‘Dangerous’ Traffic Stops

Daunte Wright. Philando Castile. Walter Scott. Sam DuBose. All too often another name is added to the list of Black men killed by cops at traffic stops. While police training continues to push the narrative that it is law enforcement officers who face extreme danger during these ...

A New Age of Video Analytics

Video footage from security cameras is common fare in a variety of modern movies and television shows, but depictions in popular culture rarely offer an accurate portrayal of the state of surveillance technology or the way police or other security personnel utilize it. Gone are the days ...

The Vallejo Cop Controversy: Whistleblowers Expose a Secret Club of Killers

According to an independent report of an incident ...

Fusion Technology Enables Vast Police Surveillance

Building Data on Police Conduct

Domestic Terrorism Laws and Civil Liberties

Report: Encryption No Barrier to Feds

Report Shows Cellphone Searches Common

Leaving Digital Trails



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