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Articles by Douglas Ankney

Fourth Circuit: Conditions of Release Banning Internet Access and Legal Pornography Overbroad and Not Reasonably Related

Washington Supreme Court Announces Misconduct of Petitioner’s Own Counsel Can Be Basis for Equitable Tolling in Habeas Proceeding

Police Robo Stalkers in a Location Near You

Ninth Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Suit Challenging Idaho’s Sex Offender Registration Law

In July 1993, Idaho initially passed a ...

California Court of Appeal: Trial Court Abused Discretion by Denying Romero Motion and Life Sentence for Attempted Robbery Is Cruel and Unusual Under State Constitution

California Court of Appeal: Counsel Ineffective for Failure to Investigate Mental Health History

In October 2018, police responded to two elderly women, Rachel D. ...

Michigan Supreme Court: Police Must Limit Search of Cellphone Data to Uncovering Evidence of the Criminal Activity Alleged in Warrant

On August 6, 2016, Lisa Weber agreed to stay all night at ...

North Carolina Supreme Court: Superior Court Abused Discretion by Flatly Prohibiting Questions on Racial Bias During Voir Dire

Police arrived at a parking garage in response to ...

Texas Court of Criminal Appeals: Witness Testifying Remotely Via Two-Way Video Without Sufficient Reason Violates Confrontation Clause

Haggard was tried on charges related to alleged ...

Fifth Circuit: District Court Cannot Delegate to Probation Officer Authority to Impose Inpatient Treatment

Abran Martinez tested positive for cocaine use while on supervised ...



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