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Articles by Douglas Ankney

Seventh Circuit Exercises Supervisory Powers in Reversing District Court’s Judgment Revoking Supervised Release

In March 2019, Jordan began three years of supervised release imposed upon ...

Iowa Supreme Court Announces Brady Standard Applies to Motion for New Trial Based on Withheld Exculpatory Medical Records

Prior ...

Michigan State Police Reverse on Use of Messaging App That Can Evade FOIA Requests

Wyoming Supreme Court: District Court Abused Discretion by Granting State’s Dismissal of Charges Without Prejudice and Refiling to Gain Tactical Advantage, Remands for Dismissal With Prejudice

New Jersey Appellate Court Holds Defendant Entitled to Source Code of Novel Probabilistic Genotyping Software Upon Showing of Particularized Need

California Court of Appeal: Prisoners Are Not Required to Serve ‘Thompson Terms’ After Grant of Parole Under Elderly Parole Program

New York Court of Appeals Rejects Federal Jurisprudence Allowing Searches of Vehicles Based on Warrants Authorizing Searches of ‘Premises’

As the result of their investigation of Tyrone Gordon, police sought a search warrant. In their warrant application, the officers swore that: ...

Fifth Circuit: Anonymous Tip Didn’t Provide Reasonable Suspicion to Conduct Investigatory Stop

Investigator ...

Ohio Supreme Court: Imposing Two Punishments for One Quantity of Mixture of Heroin and Fentanyl Violates Double Jeopardy

Officers executed a search warrant of Kenny Pendleton’s residence and seized, inter alia, three bags that contained mixtures of heroin and fentanyl with a combined weight of 133.62 ...

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