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Articles by Anthony Accurso

Pennsylvania Supreme Court: Failure to Object to Improper Jury Instruction and Curative Instruction by Court Containing ‘Freudian Slip’ Constitutes IAC

Noel Matos Montalvo was convicted, along with ...

California Court of Appeal: Defendant Cannot Be Convicted of Robbery and Kidnapping to Commit Robbery for Same Act

Jose Marcos Barrios approached a vehicle parked on the street ...

Alaska Supreme Court: ‘Set Aside’ Conviction From 1997 Is Not ‘Conviction’ Triggering Lifetime ASORA Registration

The Supreme Court of the State of Alaska determined that a 1995 Department of Public Safety regulation, defining prior sex offenses to include convictions that were set aside, was improperly issued as it was beyond the agency’s authority to enact.

Kelley Maves was convicted of two sexual ...

Tenth Circuit: Warrantless Search of Truck Driver’s Home Not Justified Solely by Connection to Alien Smuggling

Police were called after witnessing a tractor-trailer disgorge 14 people behind an Albertsons supermarket ...

Wyoming Supreme Court Abandons Alter Ego Rule in Relation to Defense-of-Another Claim

First Circuit: Government’s Mention of Co-Defendant’s Guilty Plea Before Jury Was Confrontation Clause Violation Warranting New Trial

Donna Ackerly was ...

It’s Time to Reconsider Consent Searches

Internet-Connected Devices and the Fourth Amendment

This report is part of an ongoing project by Diaz, counsel with the Liberty & National Security Program, and the Brennan Center ...

Are Police Playing Copyrighted Music to Prevent Live Streaming?

Sennett Devermont is a well-known, LA-area activist with over 300,000 followers in Instagram.

He went to the Beverly Hills PD office to file a request ...

Tenth Circuit: Firearm Seizure Not Justified After Inventory Search Is Abandoned

On January ...



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