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Articles by Anthony Accurso

Big Tech Using Third Parties to Sell Surveillance Tools to ICE and Border Patrol

by Anthony W. Accurso 

Google, Amazon, and Microsoft continued to sell surveillance technology to Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (“ICE”) and Customs and Border Patrol (“CBP”) using subcontractors despite publicly threatening to pull contracts with both agencies over concerns about human rights abuses.

The PR show followed after employees at the ...

Armed Police Drones Are Coming

by Anthony W. Accurso 

It’s not just hobbyists who are exploiting the near-endless potential of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or “drones”). Law enforcement from all over the country—most especially federal agencies—are using, or making plans to use, drones to conduct surveillance and subdue suspects.

Americans first became widely aware of ...

Idaho Supreme Court Announces Whether a Container Is Located Inside or Outside Vehicle When Probable Cause Arises Determines if Container May Be Searched Under Automobile Exception, Joining Conclusion of Several Other States

by Anthony W. Accurso

In a case of first impression, the Supreme Court of Idaho held that the automobile exception to the warrant requirement applies only to containers located inside the vehicle at the time probable cause arises to search containers thereunder.

Diasha Lynn Maloney was pulled-over in Twin Falls, ...

Texas Court of Criminal Appeals: Police Deception That Statements Wouldn’t Be Used Against Defendant Requires Suppression

by Anthony W. Accurso

The Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas upheld the decision of a lower court to suppress a defendant’s surreptitiously recorded statements on the ground that it was not properly “warned and waived” under Texas law.

Erlinda Lujan was arrested by El Paso police in connection with ...

New Digital Warrants Undermine Fourth Amendment

by Anthony W. Accurso

Two relatively new types of warrants are causing a stir among privacy advocates and defense attorneys who claim the warrants are overbroad and jeopardize the spirit of the Fourth Amendment’s protections.

“Geofence” or “reverse” warrants involve police obtaining a warrant to obtain location information, stored at ...

Tenth Circuit Rules Impounding Car Following Arrest on Outstanding Warrant Was Pretextual, Suppresses Evidence Discovered, Reverses Convictions

by Anthony W. Accurso

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit ordered the suppression of evidence discovered during the impounding of a vehicle where the impoundment was for the sole purpose of searching for evidence of a crime.

Tulsa police received a call with a tip stating that ...

Brooklyn DA Releases List of Untrustworthy Cops

by Anthony W. Accurso

The District Attorney’s Office for Brooklyn, New York, released a list of New York City Police Department officers who cannot testify in court because of prior misconduct.

Known as a Brady (or more precisely for New York, Giglio) list, this is a list of officers ...

North Carolina Supreme Court Announces Pretrial Notice of Duress Defense Does Not Forfeit Fifth Amendment Right to Silence, Reaffirms Rule Against Preemptive Impeachment

by Anthony W. Accurso

The Supreme Court of North Carolina held that defendants filing a pretrial notice of intent to rely upon the affirmative defense of duress do not waive their Fifth Amendment right to silence.

On March 2, 2017, police approached a Ford Fusion in the parking lot of ...

California Supreme Court Announces Mandatory Supervision Conditions Un-der Realignment Act Evaluated for Reasonableness on Case-by-Case Basis Under Lent Test

by Anthony W. Accurso

In a case of first impression, the Supreme Court of California held that conditions of mandatory supervision under the 2011 Realignment Act, Stats. 2011, ch. 15, § 1, are to be assessed on a case-by-case basis using the same standard previously articulated for probation conditions in ...

Iowa Supreme Court Calls SCOTUS’ Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence ‘a Mess,’ Announces Departure from Lockstep Adherence, and Rules Warrantless Seizure and Search of Defendant’s Curbside Trash Unlawful

by Anthony W. Accurso

The Supreme Court of Iowa ordered the suppression of evidence in a criminal case while announcing that the Iowa Constitution prohibits law enforcement from taking a homeowner’s opaque garbage bags left curbside for collection and searching through the trash contained within without a warrant.

Officer Brandon ...



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