Archive: 2024
Touch-Transfer DNA Remains Misunderstood and Still Poses High Risk of Wrongful Conviction
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From the Editor
(p 11) -
Illinois Supreme Court Announces Dismissal by Nolle Prosequi as Part of Agreement Bars State From Bringing Second Prosecution Where Defendant Satisfied Obligations and Reverses Empire Actor Jussie Smollett’s Conviction
(p 13) -
Third Circuit Announces Claim of Innocence Does Not Resolve Whether Defendant Would Have Accepted Plea Offer Absent Counsel’s Error and Holds Counsel Ineffective for Failing to Properly Advise Defendant About Mandatory Sentences If Plea Offer Rejected
(p 16) -
You’d Better Watch Out: The Surveillance State Is Making a List, and You’re On It
(p 16) -
Kansas Supreme Court Announces Defendant-Witness Retains Fifth Amendment Privilege Against Compelled Self-Incrimination After Guilty Plea and Sentencing as Long as Testimony Sought Presents Legitimate Risk of Incrimination
(p 21) -
First Circuit Holds Government Breached Plea Agreement by Implicitly Arguing for Upward Variant Sentence by Including Pictures and Video of Defendant That Allegedly Depict His Criminal Tendencies in Sentencing Memo
(p 24) -
California Supreme Court Announces Retroactivity of 2022 Version of Penal Code § 1170 to Upper-Term Sentences Imposed Before Its Enactment
(p 26) -
Colorado Supreme Court Announces When Deciding Defendant’s Pro Se Motion Requesting Counsel on Postconviction Review, Trial Court Must Either Deny Entire Motion or Permit All Claims If Any Have Arguable Merit
(p 28) -
Ninth Circuit Holds District Courts Have No Authority Under Rule 4 of Rules Governing § 2254 Cases to Dismiss Habeas Petition on the Merits
(p 29) -
Recovering Deleted Messages
(p 30) -
Scent of Death Evidence Admitted at Indiana Murder Trial
(p 30) -
Washington Supreme Court Declines to Expand Scope of Attenuation Doctrine Under State Constitution and Reverses Murder Conviction Based on Unlawfully Seized
(p 34) -
Why Aren’t Eligible Individuals Taking Advantage of Expungement Laws?
(p 35) -
Las Vegas Jury Finds Detectives Fabricated Evidence Against Woman Who Spent 15 Years in Prison for Murder and Awards Her $34 Million
(p 35) -
Maryland Supreme Court Announces New Constitutional Rule Requiring Voir Dire Questions Related to Child-Witness Credibility and Abrogates Prior Inconsistent Case Law
(p 38) -
California Court of Appeal Announces Postconviction Discovery Permitted in Resentencing Under Penal Code § 1172.6 for Felony Murder and Natural and Probable Consequences Murder Convictions
(p 40) -
Eleventh Circuit Announces Defendant Must Know Leaving Residential Facility Without Permission Is ‘Unlawful’ for Escape Conviction Under 28 U.S.C. § 4082(a)
(p 40) -
Federal Law Enforcement Using Banks to Circumvent Warrant Requirement in Surveilling Sensitive Financial Data of Americans
(p 42) -
Sixth Circuit Announces Ohio’s Standard for Judicial Bias Contrary to Clearly Established Federal Law, Holds Trial Judge Unconstitutionally Biased in Capital Case and Defendant Denied Right to Present Mitigating Evidence, Grants Habeas Relief
(p 43) -
Seventh Circuit Announces Maximum Revocation Sentence for Violation of Supervised Release Based on Classification of Underlying Offense at Time of Conviction, Not at Time of Revocation
(p 43) -
DNA on Fired Cartridge Casings: Promising Advances to Link Suspects to Crime Scenes
(p 45) -
News in Brief
(p 49) -
Forensic Genetic Genealogy: Police Are Searching Genetic Genealogy Companies’ Databases Regardless of Whether They Have Permission
(p 1) -
Montana Supreme Court: Expert Witness Testimony Presented Via Two-Way Video Conferencing Technology Violates Confrontation Clause
(p 12) -
Indigent Defense: Appointed Counsel Does Not Mean Free Counsel
(p 14) -
Parole Rate Plummets in South Carolina
(p 15) -
Washington Supreme Court Announces Prohibition Against Use of ‘In-Court Holding Cell’ for Court Proceedings Without Individualized Determination of Need
(p 16) -
False Confessions and Wrongful Convictions: Known Causes and Steps to Eliminate Them
(p 18) -
Federal Court Rules Michigan’s Sex Offender Registration Laws Violate Constitution
(p 22) -
Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Announces Prosecution’s Duty to Provide Discoverable Evidence Upon Request Applies to Discoverable Items in Law Enforcement Agencies’ Possession Unbeknownst to Prosecution and Exclusion Is Appropriate Remedy for Violation
(p 24) -
Second Circuit Holds Full De Novo Resentencing Hearing Required Based on Partially Successful Habeas Petition Where Resentencing Judge Not Original Judge and Changed Circumstances Plausibly Alleged
(p 26) -
Michigan Supreme Court: Fundamentally Unfair to Deny Indigent Defendant Funds to Retain False Confession Expert Where Genuineness of Confession Key Issue at Trial
(p 28) -
Ninth Circuit Grants Habeas Relief to California Prisoner on Napue Claim Because Prosecution Failed to Correct Informant’s False Testimony That He Did Not Receive Any Benefit In Exchange for His Testimony
(p 30) -
Nevada Supreme Court Announces Incorporated Probable Cause Affidavit Cannot Broaden Scope of Warrant’s Description of Places and Persons to be Searched or Items to Be Seized
(p 32) -
Wrongfully Convicted Actor Exonerated After 24 Years in Prison
(p 33) -
Missouri Man Awarded Record $38 Million After Insurance Company Refuses to Pay Wrongful Conviction Settlement
(p 33) -
Arkansas Supreme Court Announces Petition for Testing Forensic Evidence Based on Advances in Technology Under Act 1780 of 2001 May Be Filed by Anyone Convicted of a Crime, Not Just Those Still in State Custody
(p 35) -
California Supreme Court Announces Uncharged and Unproven Offense-Specific Enhancements May Not Be Imposed Under § 1172.6(e) Resentencing
(p 35) -
Rhode Island Supreme Court: Officer Lacked Reasonable Suspicion for Terry Stop Based on Unsubstantiated, Anonymous Tip
(p 37) -
Third Circuit: Despite ‘Expressly and Repeatedly’ Requesting Low-End Sentence, Government Breached Plea Agreement by Emphasizing ‘Heinous’ Nature of Offense and Presenting Victim-Impact Evidence at Sentencing Thereby Undermining Recommendation
(p 39) -
Indiana Supreme Court: Defendant Entitled to Discharge by Showing No Court ‘Congestion’ After Trial Court’s Unexplained Denial of Speedy Trial Motion
(p 41) -
Mississippi Supreme Court: Defendant’s Guilty Plea Not Knowing and Voluntary Because He Was Not Informed of His Habitual Offender Status
(p 44) -
Washington Supreme Court: Judgment and Sentence Facially Invalid Based on Miscalculated Offender Score Despite Defendant’s Stipulation to Exceptional Sentence
(p 45) -
Cell-Site Simulator Proposal: A Glimpse Inside the Black Box Whose Secrets Are Protected by NDAs and Obfuscation
(p 47) -
Chula Vista’s Police Drones
(p 49) -
News In Brief
(p 49)
Angola Prisoners Granted Limited Relief From “Farm Line” Work
(p 50) -
Broken Trust The Pervasive Role of Deceit in American Policing
(p 1) -
WhatsApp’s Security Team Identifies Vulnerabilities
(p 18) -
University of Maryland Carey Law Pioneers Forensic Defense Clinic
(p 18) -
Seventh Circuit Announces Search of Cellphone at Border Constitutes Routine Inspection and Does Not Require Warrant, Probable Cause, or Even Individualized Suspicion
(p 20) -
Delaware Supreme Court: Counsel Ineffective for Failing to Challenge Search of Cellphone Where Consent Was Ambiguous and Warrant Constituted a General Warrant
(p 22) -
Barrier-Crime Laws Continue to Unjustly Prohibit Otherwise Qualified Persons With Prior Convictions From Employment
(p 23) -
Cops Hide Behind Encrypted Radio
(p 27) -
Ninth Circuit Denies Habeas Relief to Prisoner Who Invoked Fifth Amendment Right to Counsel During Custodial Interrogation but Made Incriminating Statements to Undercover Informant Posing as Fellow Prisoner Because Right to Counsel Not Violated
(p 28) -
Overthrowing the Constitution: All Sides Are Waging War on Our Freedoms
(p 30) -
California Court of Appeal: Wearing Puffy Jacket on Hot and Humid Night Does Not Constitute Reasonable Suspicion of Criminal Activity
(p 33) -
Ninth Circuit Announces California Carjacking Conviction Not Categorically ‘Crime of Violence’ Under Immigration Law for Removal Purposes
(p 35) -
SCOTUS Clarifies Prejudice Standard Under Strickland for Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Claims at Capital Sentencing
(p 37) -
Oregon Supreme Court Further Clarifies ‘Guilty Except for Insanity’ Defense
(p 39) -
Wisconsin District Attorneys’ Police Brady Lists Often Secret, Incomplete, or Nonexistent
(p 41) -
Georgia Supreme Court: Discovery of Common Law Wife’s Infidelity Entitled Defendant to Voluntary Manslaughter Instruction in Malice Murder Prosecution
(p 42) -
Arizona Supreme Court Allows Third PCR Motion Based on IAC for Erroneous Advice About Parole Eligibility Due to ‘Pervasive Confusion’ Regarding Parole Within Legal Community
(p 44) -
Chicago PD Continues Racial Profiling While Underreporting Incidents of Traffic Stops
(p 45) -
Wisconsin Supreme Court: Officer Violated Fourth Amendment by Exceeding Scope of Community Caretaking Function During Traffic Stop
(p 46) -
ICE’s Deadly Force Problem: A Culture of Impunity
(p 48) -
Seventh Circuit Holds Sentencing Guidelines Commentary Still Entitled to Deference
(p 48) -
News In Brief
(p 50) -
A New Approach to Drug Testing: Electrochemical Sensors and Raman Spectroscopy
(p 50)
The Rise of Mass Supervision: From Rehabilitative Alternative to Shadow Carceral State
(p 1) -
California Court of Appeal Announces Crime Defendant ‘Was Convicted’ of, Not Crime ‘Could Have Been Convicted’ of Today, Governs Eligibility for Removal From Sex Offender Registry
(p 18) -
Ohio Supreme Court Announces Self-Defense Jury Instruction Does Not Require Intent to Harm or Kill Assailant
(p 19) -
Georgia Supreme Court Grants Habeas Where Defense Counsel Failed to Understand State Self-Defense Statute Provides Complete Defense to Felony Murder Based on Felon-in-Possession Charge
(p 20) -
Fifth Circuit Announces Geofence Warrants Are Unconstitutional ‘Modern-Day General Warrants’
(p 22) -
Federal Judges Closing Loophole That Permits Government to Conduct Warrantless Searches of Cellphones at Border
(p 27) -
Texas Court of Criminal Appeals: Trial Court Violated Defendant’s ‘Due Process’ Right to Be Present During Zoom Probation Revocation Hearing by Muting Him
(p 28) -
Kansas Supreme Court Announces Complete and Wrongful Denial of Defendant’s Constitutional Right to Testify Constitutes ‘Structural Error’ and Reverses Convictions Where Defendant Removed From Stand and Entire Testimony Stricken
(p 30) -
Sixth Circuit Strikes Retroactive Application of Parts of Tennessee’s Sweeping Sex Offender Registration, Verification, and Tracking Law
(p 32) -
Cops Want to Use DNA for Facial Recognition
(p 33) -
Systemic Failures in Background Check Reporting Is Ruining Lives and Costing Billions of Dollars
(p 34) -
Study Finds That Black Americans Want Both Police Presence and Reform: Looking Beyond the Headlines
(p 36) -
U.S. Sentencing Commission Publishes Data Report on Compassionate Release in FY 2023
(p 37) -
New Research Method Leads to Better Touch DNA Recovery and Development of Genetic Profiles
(p 37) -
Refuting the Government’s Argument Against Nonretroactive Changes in Law as Grounds for Compassionate Release
(p 39) -
Third Circuit District Court Erred by Failing to Consider Mitigating Evidence Under § 3553(a) Because It Mistakenly Believed Such Grounds Already Taken Into Consideration Based on Safety-Valve, Minor Role, and Acceptance of Responsibility Departures in
(p 41) -
Fourth Circuit Vacates Order Denying § 2254 Motion, Remands for Evidentiary Hearing on Whether Counsel’s Failure to Object to Duplicative Drug Conspiracy Counts in Violation of Double Jeopardy Clause Was Strategic
(p 42) -
Rhode Island Supreme Court Holds Temporal Requirement of ‘Recent Fabrication’ Exception to Hearsay Rule Not Satisfied and Scribbled Note Made by Child Victim of Sexual Abuse Years After Alleged Events Not ‘Excited Utterance’
(p 44) -
Louisiana Becomes First State in Nation to Allow Judges to Order Surgical Castration for Sex Offenders
(p 45) -
Virginia Supreme Court Announces Parties Are Free to Renegotiate Plea Agreement Not Already Accepted by Trial Court, Which May Not Enforce Original Plea Against Parties’ Wishes
(p 46) -
Ninth Circuit Clarifies ‘Implicit Breach’ Case Law Regarding When Government Breaches Plea Agreement by Responding to Defendant’s Request for Downward Variant Sentence
(p 48) -
News in Brief
(p 50)
DNA Databases, Privacy Concerns, and Noble Cause Bias
(p 1) -
Third Circuit Announces Rehaif Applies Retroactively to Cases on Collateral Review and Rules Second-in-Time § 2255 Petition Not Successive Where Defendant Resentenced Prior to Second Petition
(p 12) -
Ninth Circuit Announces Issues Not Raised in Prior Appeal Are Not Waived on Subsequent Appeal Following De Novo Resentencing
(p 14) -
AI-Generated Police Reports Must Have Guardrails for Inaccuracy, Bias, Transparency, and Review
(p 15) -
Law Review Article Reports Metadata on Victims of Coercive Plea Bargaining
(p 16) -
First Circuit Announces Doctrine of Abatement Ab Initio Applies When Defendant Dies During Pendency of Direct Appeal in Published Precedential Ruling
(p 20) -
Maryland Governor Pardons Thousands of Low-Level Marijuana Convictions, Seeking to Right Historical Wrongs
(p 21) -
Investigation Reveals That Almost 90% of Discipline Records Temporarily Disappeared From Officer Tracking System Used by the NYPD
(p 22) -
Push Notifications: Yet Another Secret Surveillance Technique
(p 23) -
The Steady Slide Towards Tyranny: How Freedom Dies from A to Z
(p 24) -
Years of Warnings Ignored as DNA Analyst at Colorado Crime Lab Allegedly Cut Corners, Her Misconduct Casts Doubt on Thousands of Cases
(p 27) -
Indiana Supreme Court Announces Proper Procedural Framework for Civil Forfeiture and Who Constitutes an ‘Owner’
(p 28) -
Eighth Circuit Holds Right to Self-Representation Is Not Forfeited Based Solely on Defendant’s Repeated Assertion of Frivolous ‘Sovereign Citizen’ Arguments
(p 30) -
Maryland Eliminates Parole Fees
(p 31) -
California Court of Appeal Holds Defendant Suffering From ALS and Near Death Entitled to Compassionate Release
(p 32) -
Forensic Microbiology and Criminal Investigations
(p 33) -
The FBI Really Doesn’t Want the Public to Know About This Surveillance Device
(p 34) -
Thousands of Americans’ Mail Monitored by Law Enforcement, Records Reveal
(p 35) -
Tenth Circuit: Mere Presence in Vehicle Used to Transport Large Quantity of Drugs Insufficient to Establish Necessary Intent for Conspiracy Conviction
(p 36) -
California Court of Appeal Announces Correct Legal Standard for Whether Dismissal of Sentence Enhancement Would ‘Endanger Public Safety’ Under § 1385(c)(2) Is Dangerousness at Time of Future Release, Not at Time of Resentencing Under SB 1393
(p 37) -
New Mexico Supreme Court Holds Double Jeopardy Applies When Prosecutor’s Misconduct Willfully Disregarded Resulting Mistrial
(p 38) -
Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Holds Admission of Defendant’s Rap Videos at Trial Was Unfair Propensity Evidence and Orders New Trial
(p 40) -
Woman Left Handcuffed in Parked Cop Car Struck by Train Settles Suit for $8.5 Million
(p 42) -
Washington Court of Appeals Clarifies ‘Nexus’ Standard Authorizing Warrantless Searches of Parolees and Probationers
(p 42) -
Colorado Law Enforcement Agencies Will Soon Send Drones Instead of Cops in Response to 911 Calls
(p 43) -
California Court of Appeal: In SB 483, Legislature Intended to Prohibit Prosecution Withdrawing Plea Agreement for Any Sentence Reduction in § 1172.75 Resentencing Hearing, Even Reductions Based on Code Provisions Not Enacted by SB 483—Deepening Split in
(p 44) -
First Circuit Holds Government Breached Plea Agreement With Defendant by Failing to Explain Why It Agreed to Substantial Downward-Variant Sentence
(p 48) -
News in Brief
(p 49)
The Catch-22 of Qualified Immunity
(p 41) -
Hair Drug Testing: New Approach Differentiates Deliberate Ingestion or Introduction From Environmental Exposure
(p 44) -
Behavioral Health Experts Claim Head Movement While Speaking Indicator Whether Women Are Psychopathic
(p 45) -
California Court of Appeal: Defendant’s Conversation With Officers Not Consensual Based on Officers’ Positioning and Manner of Approaching Legally Parked Vehicle so Evidence Obtained Resulting From Conversation Must Be Suppressed
(p 46) -
Demonstrable Remorse, Psychiatric Diagnoses, and Alternatives to Incarceration
(p 1) -
New Mexico Supreme Court Revises Rules Governing Pretrial Release
(p 7) -
SCOTUS Announces Existence of Probable Cause for One Charge in Criminal Proceeding Does Not Categorically Defeat Fourth Amendment Malicious-Prosecution Claim Relating to Another Baseless Charge
(p 8) -
Down with Big Brother: Warrantless Surveillance Makes a Mockery of the Constitution
(p 10) -
First Circuit: District Court’s One-Sentence Explanation for 10-Year Upward Departure From Sentencing Guidelines Range Insufficient to Justify Significant Variance
(p 12) -
After California Cops Kill Someone, They Probe Families for Information on Deceased Before Telling Them Their Loved One Is Dead
(p 13) -
SCOTUS Clarifies Nieves Exception to Lack of Probable Cause Requirement for First Amendment Retaliatory-Arrest Claim Does Not Require ‘Virtually Identical and Identifiable Comparators’
(p 14) -
SCOTUS: Jury, Not Judge, Must Determine Whether Defendant’s Prior Offenses Were Committed on ‘Occasions Different From One Another’ for Enhanced Sentence Under Armed Career Criminal Act
(p 16) -
FBI Encourages Use of Controversial Surveillance Program Despite Misuse
(p 19) -
Third Circuit Orders Evidentiary Hearing on State Prisoner’s Petition Seeking Federal Habeas Relief Because Both State and Federal Courts Denied Relief Without Holding Hearing on IAC Claim That, if Proven, Would Entitle Him to Relief
(p 20) -
Texas Man Exonerated by DNA Evidence After 25 Years of Maintaining His Innocence
(p 20) -
Nevada Supreme Court Announces District Courts Have No Discretion to Deny Motion to Set Aside Judgment of Conviction Filed by Statutorily Qualified Defendants Under NRS 176A.240(6)(a)
(p 22) -
Don’t Stand Too Close to First Responders Under New Florida Law
(p 24) -
First Circuit: Sentencing May Not Be Based Upon Unreliable Hearsay Testimony
(p 25) -
California Supreme Court: Presence in High Crime Area and Desire to Avoid Contact With Police Does Not Amount to Reasonable Suspicion Justifying Detention for Suspected Criminal Activity
(p 26) -
College and Post-Carceral Job Searches
(p 27) -
Kansas Supreme Court Severs ‘Noisy Conduct’ Law as Unconstitutionally Overbroad
(p 28) -
Big Money and Massive Surveillance: The Finance Industry’s Partnership With Federal Law Enforcement
(p 30) -
Researchers Discover Wire-Cutting Evidence Is Too Unreliable for Court
(p 32) -
For Signal, Privacy Is Not Merely a Buzzword
(p 33) -
Dozens of Prisoners in Colorado Notified About Potential Compromised DNA Evidence
(p 33) -
Minnesota Sex Offender Program: The Indefinite Detention of the Reviled
(p 34) -
Louisiana Supreme Court Finds Prosecution Withheld Favorable Impeachment and Exculpatory Evidence in Violation of Brady
(p 36) -
Dogs Are Sniffing Out Electronics
(p 37) -
False or Misleading Forensic Evidence Plays an Oversized Role in Wrongful Convictions
(p 39) -
Tenth Circuit: Counsel Advising Black Defendant No Minorities Would Be on Jury Is Material Misrepresentation About Right to Impartial Jury Rendering Guilty Plea Unknowing and Involuntary
(p 40) -
The Prosecutor and the Snitch Ring
(p 41) -
News in Brief
(p 50) -
Bluetooth Surveillance Tool Added to List of Known Cache of DHS’ Surveillance Technology
(p None)
Cold Case Killer Kelly Siegler Is a True-Crime Celebrity. Did She Frame an Innocent Man for Murder?
(p 1) -
Breakthrough in Burn Victim Identification: Ancient DNA Tech Offers New Hope
(p 18) -
Tenth Circuit Announces Assault Conviction Under 18 U.S.C. § 113(a)(6) Not a Qualifying Predicate ‘Crime of Violence’ for Purposes of USSG § 2K2.1(a)(3)
(p 19) -
New York Court of Appeals Announces ‘Due Diligence’ Is Applicable Standard for Certificate of Compliance Regarding Discovery Obligations and Trial Readiness, Improper Certificate Is ‘Illusory” and Fails to Toll Speedy Trial Clock
(p 20) -
Ohio Supreme Court Announces Same Postconviction-Relief Filing Deadline Applies to ‘Delayed Appeal’ as Applies to Any Other Type of Direct Appeal
(p 21) -
Federal Habeas Corpus: Getting Around Procedural Default
(p 22) -
New NIJ-Funded Website Assists Forensic Practitioners Estimate Age of Unidentified Skeletal Remains of Infants and Teens Based on Dental Data
(p 25) -
$3.76 Million Awarded to Denver Grandmother for SWAT Raid of Home Based on Inaccurate iPhone Ping
(p 25) -
Minnesota Supreme Court Announces Good-Faith Exception to Exclusionary Rule Under State Constitution Does Not Apply to Search and Arrest Based on Quashed Warrant That Appears Active Due to Clerical Error by Court Administration
(p 26) -
California Court of Appeal Announces Rulings on Three Issues of First Impression Involving Certificate of Appealability and Habeas Petition
(p 28) -
Tennessee Supreme Court Announces Prospective Abrogation of Common Law Accomplice-Corroboration Rule
(p 30) -
Surveillance Tech Companies Compose Self-Promoting Press Releases for Cops That Media Lazily Regurgitates
(p 31) -
South Carolina Supreme Court: Confession Involuntary Where Police Provide Miranda Warnings Then Tell Defendant Statements Are Confidential
(p 32) -
Ninth Circuit Announces That Asking About Parole Status During Traffic Stop Does Not Violate Fourth Amendment
(p 34) -
UN Human Rights Committee Report: ICE Electronic Data Surveillance Practices Violate Human Rights Law
(p 35) -
Fourth Circuit Announces ‘Sentencing Package Doctrine’ Permits District Court to Resentence Both Covered and Noncovered Offenses Under First Step Act
(p 36) -
‘Asian Nazis’ Be Damned: Cops Coveting AI for 2024
(p 37) -
Federal Government Proposes Reclassifying Marijuana as Less Dangerous Schedule III Drug in Historic Policy Shift
(p 38) -
Prosecutors Receive Absurdly Lenient Sentence of Probation for Brady Violation That Resulted in an Innocent Man Spending More Than Four Years in Prison
(p 38) -
The 153 Exonerations in 2023 Include 19 Resulting From Threats or Sentences of Death
(p 39) -
SCOTUS Announces Federal Sentence Under ACCA Based on Federal Classification of Drug at Time of State Court Proceeding
(p 40) -
California Court of Appeal Explains Qualification for Mental Health Diversion Under Pen. Code § 1001.36, Rules Defendant Qualified for Pretrial Mental Health Diversion
(p 42) -
Rethink Googling That Video of Big Bird Teaching Your Child the Letter ‘B’—You Might Be Caught in a Federal Dragnet
(p 42) -
DOJ Is Charging Founders of Samourai Wallet for Allegedly Laundering Bitcoin
(p 43) -
Foundations of Firearms Audio Forensics Built by Dr. Robert Maher Will Continue to Be Important Forensic Tool as More Recording Devices Are Present at Crime Scenes
(p 44) -
What’s in a Name: ShotSpotter Becomes SoundThinking, But Problems Remain
(p 44) -
Colorado Supreme Court Announces First Degree Criminal Trespass of Dwelling Is Lesser-Included Offense of Second Degree Burglary, Explicitly Overruling Garcia, and Merger Is Remedy for Double Jeopardy Sentencing Error
(p 45) -
Eleventh Circuit Reverses District Court’s Grant of Habeas Relief, Notes It’s ‘Murky on When Putting Two Suspects in a Room Together Qualifies as Interrogation Under Miranda’
(p 46) -
Minnesota Becomes Third State to Restrict ‘Excited Delirium’
(p 47) -
Sixth Circuit Grants Habeas Relief on Ineffective Assistance of Counsel and Batson Claims
(p 48) -
News in Brief
(p 50)
Forensic Genetic Genealogy: Law Enforcement’s Rapid Adoption Outpacing Adoption of Laws and Ethical Guidelines Regulating Its Use
(p 1) -
HRDC Files Civil Rights Action on Behalf of Wrongly Convicted Florida Man Who Spent 45 Years in Prison
(p 12) -
California Supreme Court: Defendant Has Due Process Right to Notice of Prosecution’s Election to Seek Enhanced Sentence in Order to Make Key Decisions About Defense
(p 14) -
University of New Hampshire Designs a Simpler, Cost-Effective Test to Identify Touch DNA
(p 15) -
Kansas Supreme Court Announces Clarification of Framework for Deciding Whether Confession Is Voluntary and Overrules Precedents That Held Reliability of Confession Is Factor to Be Considered
(p 16) -
Reform-Minded Prosecutors Face Backlash for Prosecuting Bad Cops
(p 18) -
Decedent’s End-of-Life Condition and Toxicology May Alter Time-of-Death Estimation
(p 19) -
Fourth Circuit Vacates Where Instructions Failed to Inform Jury That Mens Rea of ‘Knowingly or Intentionally’ Applies to ‘Except as Authorized’ in 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)
(p 20) -
Junk Science Convicted an Innocent Sailor, DNA Exonerated Him Decades Later with the Help of the Innocence Project
(p 21) -
Third Circuit Denies Prosecutor’s Claim of Absolute Immunity Where Wrongfully Convicted Man’s Complaint Alleged Facts Sufficient to Support Finding That Prosecutor’s Actions Served ‘Investigatory Function’
(p 22) -
New York Court of Appeals: Dismissal Required Where Prosecution Failed to Explain Repeated Requests for Post-Readiness Adjournment
(p 23) -
Delaware Supreme Court: Warrant That Authorized Search of ‘Any and All’ Data of Named Files on Cellphone Is Invalid General Warrant That Also Failed to Include Temporal Limitation
(p 24) -
Colorado Supreme Court Announces Parole Board Not Statutorily Required to Consider ‘Demonstrated Maturity and Rehabilitation’ When Deciding Whether to Release Sex Offenders Who Received Adult Sentences for Crimes Committed as Juveniles
(p 26) -
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Affirms Trial Court’s Exclusion of Expert Testimony on iPhone’s Frequent Location History Data as Not Sufficiently Reliable Under Daubert-Lanigan Standard
(p 28) -
DOJ Creates Database to Track Federal Law Enforcement Officers Accused of Misconduct
(p 29) -
Idaho Supreme Court Admitting Video of Child-Witness Interviews at Trial Violates Confrontation Clause
(p 30) -
Misuse of Facial Recognition Technology Threatens Everyone
(p 30) -
Bluetooth Surveillance Tool Added to List of Known Cache of DHS’ Surveillance Technology
(p 31) -
California Court of Appeal: Statistical Evidence Showing Racial Disparity Combined With Evidence Showing Non-Minority Defendants Charged With Lesser Crimes Establishes Prima Facie Case Under California Racial Justice Act
(p 32) -
AC Units and DNA
(p 33) -
Indiana Supreme Court Clarifies Framework for Determining When Courts May Apply Cash Bail to Public-Defender Costs and to Fines, Costs, and Fees
(p 34) -
Changes to Appeals of Pretrial Detention Decisions Prompts Illinois Supreme Court to Adopt Changes to Appellate Rules
(p 35) -
First Circuit: Defendant Did Not Understand Consequences of Guilty Plea Because District Court and Counsel Led Him to Reasonably Believed Plea Agreement Would Result in Sentence Below Applicable Mandatory Minimum
(p 36) -
U.S. Sentencing Commission Votes Unanimously to Restrict Use of Acquitted Conduct at Sentencing
(p 37) -
New Research on Predictive Models for Pediatric Head Injuries
(p 38) -
Report Finds Inaccurate Field Drug Tests Major Cause of Wrongful Convictions
(p 38) -
Medical Examiners’ Biased Manner of Death Determinations Sending Innocent People to Prison and Exonerating Bad Cops
(p 39) -
Government Accountability Office Issues a Report on DOJ and DHS Use of Facial Recognition Technology
(p 42) -
Oregon Supreme Court Rules Police Questioning of Probationer in Probation Officer’s Secure Office Absent Miranda Warning Constitute ‘Compelling Circumstances’ and Suppresses Statements
(p 44) -
Push Notifications Pull to the Forefront
(p 46) -
Landmark Drug Possession Reform Based on Unproven Allegations Reversed in Oregon
(p 46) -
Second Chances: California Clears Criminal Records, Including Violent Crimes
(p 48) -
New York Court of Appeals Overturns Harvey Weinstein’s Convictions Based on Trial Court Rulings That Admitted Prejudicial ‘Prior Bad Acts’ Into Evidence and Violated His Right to Testify in His Own Defense
(p 49) -
News in Brief
(p 50)
Stinging Back: Resisting Government Surveillance of Cellphones
(p 1) -
Seventh Circuit Announces Safety Valve Relief Under § 3553(f) Is Narrower Than Guidelines Firearms Enhancement Under § 2D1.1(b)(1), District Court Erred by Conflating Them
(p 13) -
Cellular Roaming’s Inadequate Security
(p 14) -
Tech Monopolies Prevent Effective Privacy Laws in the U.S.
(p 16) -
California AB 2773 Requires Police to State Reason for Traffic Stops Before Questioning
(p 17) -
Fourth Circuit: Maryland’s First-Degree Assault Statute Is Indivisible so Conviction Is Not an ACCA Predicate for Sentencing Enhancement Purposes
(p 18) -
Report Finds Bad Forensic Evidence Leads to More Wrongful Convictions and Establishes Forensic Errors Typology
(p 19) -
Washington Supreme Court: Nonexceptional Consecutive Terms of ‘Community Custody’ May Not Exceed Aggregate Term of 24 Months
(p 20) -
SCOTUS: Reiterates Jury Verdict of Acquittal for Any Reason Bars Retrial Under Double Jeopardy Clause of Fifth Amendment
(p 22) -
FBI Visit to Oklahoma Woman in Response to Social Media Post Sparks Debate on Free Speech
(p 24) -
California Court of Appeal: Petitioner Has Constitutional Right to Be Present at Evidentiary Hearing Under Felony Murder Resentencing Law
(p 24) -
De-Identified Is Not Anonymous
(p 25) -
The Police Have a Dark Money Slush Fund
(p 26) -
Police Body Cameras, A Decade Later
(p 28) -
Criminal Justice Reform Becoming a Corporate Priority
(p 29) -
Tenth Circuit: Plea Not Knowing and Voluntary Where Plea Counsel Materially Misrepresented Defendant’s Right to Impartial Jury Selected Through Racially Nondiscriminatory Means
(p 30) -
More Facial Recognition Failures
(p 31) -
California Supreme Court: Jury’s Finding of Intent to Kill for Gang Enhancement, Standing Alone, Insufficient to Find Prisoner Failed to State a Prima Facie Case in § 1172.6 Petition for Resentencing on First-Degree Murder Conviction
(p 32) -
Non-Toxic Fluorescent Spray Reveals Fingerprints in Seconds
(p 33) -
Use of Solitary Confinement on the Rise in ICE Facilities
(p 33) -
New York Court of Appeals: SORA Designation Violates Defendant’s Due Process Rights Where Crime Involved No Sexual Contact or Motivation and Defendant Was Not a Sex Offender and Posed No Risk of Sexual Threat
(p 34) -
New Data From BOP Reveals Technical Violations Account for Nearly a Third of First Step Act Recidivism
(p 35) -
The Death of the Savings Clause
(p 37) -
Retraction: ‘Federal Habeas Corpus: The Savings Clause Remedy for Federal Prisoners’ by Dale Chappell
(p 37) -
First Circuit: Defendant’s Statement ‘I guess I’ll wait until I have a lawyer’ Is Unequivocal Invocation of Right to Counsel
(p 38) -
Facial Recognition’s Distorted View
(p 40) -
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Announces Defendants Under Age 21 Ineligible for LWOP Sentences
(p 42) -
New Jersey Supreme Court Announces Extension of Eyewitness Identification Safeguards of Henderson to Pretrial Preparation Sessions and Provides Framework for Showing Photos During Pretrial Phase
(p 44) -
Robotic Police Dogs Being Adopted Across the Country
(p 45) -
Ninth Circuit Announces Adoption of ‘Premises Rule’ for Co-Tenant Consent-to-Search Analysis, Holds Co-Tenant’s Consent Invalid Where Defendant Instructed Co-Tenant Not to Allow Police Entry in Their Presence
(p 46) -
Sixth Circuit Announces Untimely Notice of Appeal That Provides Reason for Tardiness May Be Construed as Motion to Reopen
(p 48) -
Googling Your Privacy
(p 49) -
News in Brief
(p 50)
- Disgraced NYC Council Candidate Gets Slap-on-the-Wrist Sentence
Massachusetts State Police Facing Possible Class Action Lawsuit for Illegal Recordings
(p 49) -
Electronic Monitoring: An Alternative to Incarceration or a Troubling Extension of Punishment?
(p 1) -
Cellebrite Asks Law Enforcement Clients to Keep Its Phone Hacking Tech Secret
(p 11) -
California Court of Appeal: Traffic Stop Prolonged for Drug Dog Sniff Search Unrelated to ‘Mission’ of Stop Violates Fourth Amendment
(p 12) -
Maine Supreme Court: Defense Counsel Ineffective for Opening Door to Otherwise Inadmissible Evidence of Bad Character
(p 14) -
Eighth Circuit Announces ‘Categorical Approach’ Applies to SORNA Tier Analysis
(p 16) -
Pharmacies Are Giving Your Prescription Data to Police Without a Warrant
(p 17) -
What Happens When Prosecutors Offer Opposing Versions of the Truth?
(p 21) -
New York Court of Appeals Declines to Adopt Per Se Rule That Handcuffed Person Is Always ‘In Custody’ for Miranda Purposes, but Holds the Handcuffed Defendant Was ‘In Custody’ and Suppress Incriminating Statements
(p 24) -
Research Shows It Makes Sense to Hire Individuals with Criminal Records
(p 25) -
Fifth Circuit: Admission of DHS Investigation Form G-166F at Trial Where Preparer of Form Did Not Testify Violates Confrontation Clause and Rule Against Hearsay
(p 26) -
AI Disrupts Established Forensic Fingerprint Analysis—Not Every Fingerprint Is Unique
(p 27) -
Does the Fourth Amendment Protect Cellphones at the Border?
(p 28) -
New York Governor Signs Law Sealing Millions of Criminal Records From Public View
(p 30) -
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Announces Constructive Denial of Right to Counsel Where Defense Counsel Sleeps for Significant Portion or During Important Aspect of Trial
(p 31) -
California Attorney General Issues Memo Prohibiting Out-of-State Sharing of ALPR Data
(p 33) -
Utah Supreme Court Announces Communication of Cellphone Passcode Protected by Fifth Amendment and Rules Advising Jury of Defendant’s Refusal to Disclose Passcode Violates Privilege Against Compelled Self-Incrimination
(p 34) -
Tracking Your Cellphone Might Be Easier Than You Think
(p 35) -
Vermont Supreme Court Announces Prejudice Determination for IAC Claim Based on Rejected Plea Offer Limited to Evidence Available at Time Plea Considered—Not Any Subsequent Evidence
(p 36) -
Time Served Under the First Step Act: Reduction, Not Revolution
(p 37) -
One Year of New Orleans Police Department Facial Recognition Data
(p 39) -
Police Bodycams: If You Film It …
(p 40) -
The FBI’s Rapidly Expanding DNA Database
(p 41) -
Federal Habeas Corpus: Understanding Second or Successive Petitions for State Prisoners
(p 42) -
‘Trail ’Em, Nail ’Em, and Jail ’Em’: Issues Private Probation and Parole
(p 44) -
New York Court of Appeals: Admission of Prior Bad Acts Evidence to Prove Propensity to Commit Crime Harmful Error
(p 45) -
FBI’s Bias for Keywords
(p 46) -
Potential Dangers of Medical Monitors
(p 46) -
Crime Scene Context: Bridging the Gap Between Evidence and Reconstruction
(p 47) -
Taxpayers Foot the Bill for Police Training on How to Violate Constitutional Rights
(p 48) -
‘Blatant Miscarriage of Justice’: Oklahoma Man Exonerated of Wrongful Conviction After 35 Years Despite Former Prosecutor’s Attempt to Perpetuate Injustice
(p 50) -
News in Brief
(p 50)
Understanding Fusion Centers
(p 1) -
LexisNexis Aids Customs and Border Patrol to Flaunt Fourth Amendment
(p 11) -
Unconscious Bias: Facial Features Can Influence Life-or-Death Decisions in Verdicts
(p 11) -
Lung Float Test: Junk Science Used to Convict Women of Murder
(p 12) -
Watchlisted: You’re Probably Already on a Government Extremism List
(p 14) -
Studying Ant Bites on Cadavers May Advance Criminal Investigations
(p 16) -
Illinois Supreme Court Announces § 9-1.2(d) Sets Range of Sentences for Intentional Homicide of Unborn Child but Does Not Convert Offense Into Murder for Life-Sentence Enhancement
(p 17) -
Seventh Circuit Orders District Court to Hold Evidentiary Hearing Where Record Insufficient to Permit Review of State Prisoner’s Section 2254 Habeas Petition Alleging Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
(p 18) -
Nebraska Supreme Court Announces Probation Search Unlawful When Conducted After Original Term Expired and Before Hearing on Extending Term
(p 19) -
Pennsylvania Supreme Court: Failure to Disclosure Mental Health Report Showing Key Witness Was a Sociopath Constitutes Brady Violation That Prejudiced Defendant
(p 20) -
Audit Finds LAPD’s Frivolous Use of Helicopters Flunks Cost/Benefit Analysis
(p 21) -
The Supreme Court’s Forensic Follies
(p 22) -
Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Announces Correct Computation of Time for Purposes of Determining When Statute of Limitations Has Run for Returning Indictment
(p 23) -
Research Paper Reveals Laypeople Have Insufficient Understanding of False Confessions by Examining Prior Research Based on Surveys and Mock Juries
(p 24) -
Preliminary Analysis of Recidivism Data After Three Years Under First Step Act Is Promising but Inconclusive
(p 28) -
California Court of Appeal: Petitioner Has Constitutional Right to Be Present at Hearing to Determine Facts Surrounding Felony Murder Charges for Possible Resentencing Under § 1172.6
(p 28) -
Interactive Lineups Are a Promising New Tool to Improve Accuracy of Suspect Identification by Eyewitnesses
(p 29) -
New York Court of Appeals Reverses Conviction Because Testifying Criminalist Not Shown to Have Requisite Involvement in DNA Testing Process and Provides Guidance to Avoid Future Sixth Amendment Confrontation Clause Violations
(p 30) -
Fourth Circuit: Defendant Entitled to Discovery and Evidentiary Hearing on § 2255 Petition to Withdraw Guilty Plea Because It Was Not Knowingly and Voluntarily Made
(p 31) -
First Circuit: Miranda Waiver Not Valid Where Interrogating Officer Answered ‘No’ to Defendant’s Question — ‘None of this can be used against me, can it?’
(p 33) -
The Potential for Soil Dust Analysis in Forensics
(p 33) -
Oregon Supreme Court Announces ‘Escape Clause’ of Postconviction Relief Statute’s SOL Applies to Severe Mental Impairments During Limitations Period
(p 35) -
California Court of Appeal Reverses Denial of Full Resentencing Under SB 483
(p 36) -
‘How The Government Created a Terrorist’: FBI-Manufactured Crimes Reveal Urgent Need for Reforms
(p 37) -
Minnesota Supreme Court Holds Prosecutor’s Repeated Statements During Closing Arguments That Defendant ‘No Longer Has Presumption of Innocence’ Constitutes Plain Error, Requiring a New Trial
(p 38) -
Improvements to Decertification Procedure for Law Enforcement Officers Guilty of Excessive Force Urgently Needed
(p 38) -
New York Court of Appeals Announces Traffic Stop of Bicyclist Is Seizure Under Both Fourth Amendment and State Constitution Requiring Reasonable Suspicion of Crime or Probable Cause of Traffic Violation
(p 40) -
Foundations of Firearms Audio Forensics Built by Dr. Robert Maher Will Continue to Be Important Forensic Tool as More Recording Devices Are Present at Crime Scenes
(p 43) -
Amazon Ring Curbs Police Access to Doorbell Camera Footage—But Privacy Concerns Remain
(p 43) -
Suspicion of Government Surveillance Increasing
(p 44) -
FBI Searches of NSA Data Extended Until April, Despite Admission of Unconstitutionality
(p 44) -
Cops’ Sky-High Hopes
(p 45) -
DEA and Police Use Pretense of Consent Searches to Effectively Steal Cash From Airport Travelers
(p 46) -
A Legal Argument Against Government Purchase of Location Data
(p 48) -
North Carolina Supreme Court: Outstanding Warrant for Driver Who Fled Accident Scene Does Not Authorize Inventory Search of Disabled Vehicle
(p 49) -
News in Brief
(p 50) -
Cops Just Love Secret Metadata Collection
(p 50)
Geofence Warrants: The Mass Location Surveillance and Privacy Threat Created by Google May Be Eliminated by Its Creator
(p 1) -
Minnesota Supreme Court Announces Odor of Marijuana Alone Emanating From Vehicle Insufficient for Probable Cause to Search Under Automobile Exception
(p 13) -
Michigan Supreme Court: Defendant’s Statements Involuntary and Inadmissible
(p 14) -
Tales From the ‘Tails’ of Bloodstains
(p 15) -
New Jersey Supreme Court Excludes CSLI Testimony Based on Agent’s ‘Rule Of Thumb’ Method for Determining Defendant’s Location
(p 16) -
New Night-Vision Capable Drone Marketed to Police
(p 17) -
Missouri Supreme Court Orders Dismissal of Pending Charges Where Trial Court Failed to Bring Prisoner to Trial Within 180-Day Limitations Period Provided for in ‘Interstate Agreement on Detainers’
(p 18) -
Third Circuit: Defendant Not on Rental Agreement Had Reasonable Expectation of Privacy in Car Because He Had Dominion and Control of Car Where Renter Gave Keys to Him, He Was in Possession of Them Upon Arrest, and Car Parked Nearby
(p 20) -
NYPD Has Spent Millions of Dollars on Social Media Analysis Tools
(p 21) -
New York Court of Appeals: Forensic Findings Establishing Possible Alternative Cause of Injuries in Sex-Crime Prosecution Admissible Under ‘Interest of Justice’ Exception to Rape Shield Law
(p 22) -
The Diminishment of Miranda Is Leading to False Confessions and Conviction of Innocents
(p 24) -
FBI Works to Expand Court Authority for Its Offensive Cyber Operations
(p 26) -
Fifth Circuit Announces Revocation Judgments for Violation of Supervised Release Vacated Because Underlying Sentence Vacated
(p 26) -
Third Circuit: Defense Counsel Ineffective Under Strickland Where Counsel Sat Silent After Judge Threatened to Charge Witness With Perjury Unless Testimony Changed
(p 28) -
Study Raises Alarms About Inaccuracies and Bias in Gun Forensics Reporting
(p 29) -
Ninth Circuit Announces District Courts Must Either Orally Pronounce All Discretionary ‘Standard’ Conditions of Supervised Release in the Presence of Defendant or Provide Conditions in Writing Prior to Sentencing
(p 30) -
The Problem with Some Non-Carceral Punishments
(p 31) -
Researchers Find Fiber Evidence Lasts Longer Underwater Than Previously Thought
(p 33) -
Who Let the Dogs Out? Robotic Dogs Are the Newest (and Scariest) Surveillance Tech in U.S. Police Departments
(p 34) -
DHS Allows CBP and ICE Officers to Create Fake Social Media Profiles to Track Subjects of Interest and Conduct Investigations
(p 35) -
After Ohio Becomes 24th State to Legalize Recreational Marijuana, What Next?
(p 35) -
Fourth Circuit: Walking Past Unoccupied Home With Bulging Pocket and Attempting to Evade Neighborhood Tipster Insufficient for Reasonable Suspicion to Seize and Search
(p 36) -
Harris County, Texas, Settles Civil Rights Case for $1.5 Million Brought by Innocent Man Shot in His Home Five Times by Trigger-Happy Deputy
(p 37) -
DEA’s Domestic Surveillance Mission Creep: Beyond Drugs, Beyond Protests
(p 37) -
New Mexico Supreme Court Announces Marquez’s Holding That ‘Crime of Shooting at or From Motor Vehicle Cannot Be Predicate Felony Supporting Charge of Felony Murder’ Is New Substantive Rule and Applies Retroactively
(p 38) -
The Potential Privacy Threat of Generative AI
(p 39) -
Pennsylvania Supreme Court: Testimonial References to Post-Arrest Silence Cannot Be Used Against Defendant at Trial, Pre-Arrest Harmless Error Analysis Does Not Apply
(p 40) -
Evidence Shows When Researchers Work Alongside Cops in the Field, De-escalation Training Is Implemented and Effective
(p 40) -
Data Mining: Law Enforcement Pays Cash for Your Private Data and Saves on the Hassle of Complying With the Fourth Amendment
(p 41) -
Sixth Circuit Announces Due Process Right to ‘Prompt’ Post-Seizure Hearing While Government Deciding Whether to Initiate Forfeiture Proceedings and Holds Wayne County’s Vehicle Forfeiture Program Violates Due Process
(p 43) -
Idaho Supreme Court Announces Adoption of ‘Primary Purpose’ Standard for Reviewing Police Decision to Impound Vehicles and Conduct Inventory Search to Prevent Pretextual Searches in Violation of Fourth Amendment
(p 44) -
Steady Improvement in Techniques for the Analysis of Degraded DNA
(p 45) -
Indiana Supreme Court Announces Civil Forfeiture Triggers Right to Jury Trial
(p 46) -
Study Finds Public Defenders’ Heavy Workloads Prevent Effective Representation, Amendments to 50-Year-Old Guidelines Recommended
(p 47) -
Kentucky Supreme Court: Trial Court Abused Discretion by ‘Rehabilitating’ Juror Who Indicated Could Not Be Impartial and Failing to Strike Juror
(p 48) -
Identification Via DNA, Fingerprints, and 3D Scanning of Footwear
(p 49) -
Vendors Late to Recognize the Serious Threat of Cell-Site Simulators
(p 49) -
News in Brief
(p 50) -
Car Culture Dramatically Increases Number of Cop Confrontations
(p 50)
Federal Sentencing Guidelines Undergo Substantial Amendments
(p 1) -
California Court of Appeal: Probation Condition Prohibiting Possession of Pornography Impermissibly Vague
(p 12) -
FBI Access to FISA Database Includes Some Accountability
(p 13) -
DOJ Spending Over $6 Billion in Firms to Seize Innocent Citizens’ Property Via Civil Asset Forfeiture
(p 14) -
Indiana Supreme Court Suppresses All Evidence Related to Polygraph Exam for Examiner’s Failure to Disclose Unilater-ally Changing Exam Results From ‘Admissible’ to ‘Inadmissible’ Due to Defendant’s Mental State
(p 15) -
Survey: Why Defendants Cooperate with the Government in a Process Described as ‘Unfair’ by Defense Attorneys
(p 16) -
West Virginia University Forensic Scientists Provide a Benchmark for Analyzing Duct Tape Fracture Edges
(p 22) -
FBI Buys Software to Enslave Your Phone
(p 22) -
The White House Goes Rogue: Secret Surveillance Program Breaks all the Rules
(p 24) -
House Judiciary Committee Investigates Major Banks for Unauthorized Sharing of Private Financial Information With the FBI
(p 25) -
Second Circuit: Money Concealment Guilty Plea Vacated for Lack of Evidence to Support Factual Finding of Required Mens Rea
(p 26) -
Oregon Supreme Court Announces Overruling of Precedent on ‘Attempted Transfer’ of Drugs
(p 27) -
Maryland Supreme Court Announces Expectation of Privacy Covers Electronic Data, Not Physical Devices, Thus War-rantless Search of Government’s Copy of Defendant’s Hard Drive After Consent Revoked Violated Fourth Amendment
(p 28) -
Fifth Circuit Affirms Habeas Relief Granted to Capital Defendant Where Counsel Failed to Impeach State’s Pivotal Wit-ness with Available Forensic Evidence
(p 30) -
First Circuit Announces It Has Authority to Raise Claim of Error Sua Sponte for Violation of ‘Mandate Rule’ by Sentenc-ing Court on Remand
(p 32) -
Human DNA Retrieved From Dogs Might Provide Evidence
(p 33) -
Sixth Circuit: Trial Judge’s Personal and Condemnatory Remarks Directed Toward Defendant Requires Recusal
(p 34) -
Police Requests to Google Replacing Old Fashioned Detective Work
(p 35) -
One Solution to Jurors Giving Too Much Weight to Improper Forensic Testimony: 4-Minute Training Video Based on DOJ Guidelines
(p 36) -
California Court of Appeal: Defendants Who Plead Guilty to Stipulated Sentence Eligible for Resentencing Under Amended § 1170.91
(p 36) -
California Bans Bogus ‘Excited Delirium’ Diagnosis as Cause of Death
(p 37) -
New Mexico Supreme Court Clarifies When Reviewing Double Jeopardy Claims, Court to Apply Blockburger’s Strict-Elements Test or Modified Strict-Elements Test—Not Both
(p 38) -
FBI Lost Count of Its Snitches at Capitol on January 6, 2021
(p 39) -
U.S. Supreme Court Apparently Prioritizes Ideology Over Guilt or Innocence
(p 40) -
Jesse Johnson: 194th Person Exonerated While on Death Row
(p 41) -
Kansas Supreme Court Announces State Must Prove Defendant Specifically Intended to Enter Dwelling in Which There Was a Person to Sustain Conviction for Attempted Aggravated Burglary, Overruling State v. Watson
(p 42) -
Oregon Supreme Court Clarifies Test to Determine When Person Becomes Agent of the State and Rules Jailhouse Snitch Was Agent, Requiring Suppression of Defendant’s Statements
(p 44) -
NYPD’s Solution for Abusive Cops Who Cost Taxpayers Millions of Dollars in Civil Suits—Promote Them
(p 45) -
Eleventh Circuit Announces Supervised Release Term Not Tolled When Defendant Absconds, Deepening Circuit Split
(p 46) -
California Court of Appeal: Confrontation Clause Violated Where Defense Prohibited From Cross-Examining Prosecution Witness About Biased Motivation and Fabrication
(p 47) -
Fourth Circuit: Evidentiary Hearing Required Where Prisoner’s Allegation of Mental Illness, if True, Is Sufficient to Demonstrate ‘Extraordinary Circumstances’ Warranting Both Rule 60(b)(6) Relief and Tolling of Habeas SOL
(p 48) -
News in Brief
(p 50) -
Study Reveals That Aging Federal Judges May Experience Cognitive Impairment Affecting Their Opinions
(p 50)