Wadoc Report Staff Sexual Misconduct Young Pt3 2005
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STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER FOR WOMEN MS WP-04' 9601 Bujacich Rd. N.W .. Gig Harbor, Washington 98332·B300 WARNING THIS FILE IS THE PROPERTY OF THE WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER FOR WOMEN INTELEGENCE & INVESTIGATIONS UNIT (IIU) Content may be disclosed only to person whose official duties require access. Contents may not be disclosed to the party(s) concerned nor to counsel, without specific authorization of the superintendent. CASE TOPIC: Grievance #0503588 CASE #: WCCW 03-031-05 DATE OPENED: 03-23-05 DATE CLOSED: 04-11-05 sign and date at time of review or receipt IN OFFICE REVIEW CASE OUT REVIEW COPY AUTHORIZATION , . o "Working Together for SAFE Communities" recy<kd pal'''' 918 SlATE OF W/,SHII\lGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF CORRECTIONAL OPERATIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER FOR WOMEN P.O. 80): 17, MS WP-04' 9601 Bujacrch Rd N W . Gig Harbor, WI<. 9B33~-0017 April 1] , 2005 TO: Linda Anderson Grievance Coordinator FROM: Henry Keller Correctional SUBJECT: CASE # WCCW 03-030-05 CONTENTS (,lft ' In~estigator 1. Synopsis • Interview with Offender • Interview with Offender • Interview with Offender • Interview with Offender • Interview with Officer Taylor, Marvin • Interview with Sgt. Crittenden, David • Interview with Sgt. Sheppard, William • Interview with Ale Cook Young, Larry • Interview with Sgt. Ahmu, Kathleen • Conclusion 2. Attachments • " A ) Written statement from Offender • • Attachment (B) Written statement from AIr:; Cook Young, Larry. Packet From Linda Anderson. Referral from grievance office. Original grievance. Investigative procedure fonn. Notification of staff conductlreprisal grievance form. Original investigation findings by Bennie Moss, Food Manager. Written statement from AlC Young. "Working Toqettier ior SAFE Communities" s: _, • 919 S1ATE OF WASHlhJGTOhJ DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF CORRECTIONAL OPERATIONS WASHII,CTOI, CORRECTIONS CEI,TER FOR WOMEN P.O Be»; 17, Iv1S WP-O&1 . 9601 Bujacrcn Rd. h!W . GIg Harbor WA 98335·0017 April 11, 2005 TO: Linda Anderson Grievance Coordinator . FROM: HenryKellert Correctional Investigator SUBJECT: CASE # WCCW 03-031-051 Grievance #0503588 ~{',G Synopsis: On March17, 2005, Linda Anderson, Grievance. Coordinator requested that the Intelligence and Investigation Unit (1&1) conduct an investigation into grievance # 0503588. Offende stated that Larry Young, Adult Correctional Cook, (AI as rna em ecen sexual commentswhile a group of offenders were viewing a Victoria Secret's Magazine. She also stated in her grievance that AlC Young made a comment to her about, "Giving his wife, Arlene Scott-Young, Correctional Councilor 3 (CC3) a hard time due to a low LSI score. Interview: Offender On March 24 2005 at a proximately 0905 hours, 1 conducted an interview with Offender regards to the allegations towards AIC Young. Offender unwilling to answer questions with any detail. Ms. •stated that it was a mgerie add, not a Victoria Secret's catalog that they were lookmg at. All she knows is afterwards be an saying "this and that" about Larry but cant remember exactly what. Offender as unwilling to expand on the meaning of "this and that". 1 asked Offender'" there was ever any discussion about genitali~ht about by this add, she replied, "Not by Larry". When asked than by who? Ms.~eplied, "1 don't remember." "Vi/oiking Together for SAFE Communities" 920 WCCW OJ-03] -05 2 Ms._tated. "It was no secret that Offende~id not like Larry or Arlene because Arlene took away Offender~ good-time or something like that and Larry is Arlene's husband." End of Interview. Interview: Offen de roxirnately 1000 hours 1conducted an interview with Offender . 1 asked M s . _ f she was present on the date and time III question. She stated yes. "The magazine was mine, it wasn't a Victoria Secret's catalog though, it was a "Magnum" or "Stuff' magazine." "My husband sent it to me and I'm not quit sure why, because it is a magazine for men, its fuJ] of women in skimpy clothes." 1wasn't sure ifhe was trying to tell me something." "Like maybe 1need to start working out after 1have the baby." (named offender is pregnant) 1 asked Offender~ow the magazine got to the kitchen, she stated she removed the cover and took it to work to see what the other girls thought about her husband sending it to her. 1 asked, who all was looking at the magazine after she took it to the kitchen? She stated three or four girls and Larry were flipping through it in the kitchen area. I asked what kind of conversations this lead to? Offende_stated that people were commenting as they flipped through the magazin~uld not hear what was said as she was out in the dining area. I asked Offende_fthere was any discussions regarding genitalia, she stated, "not that I heard." End of Interview. Interview: Offender On March 24. 2005 at approximatel 1400 hours an interview was conducted with Offender asked Offende~f she was present on the date e Sal yes. I asked if she was involved in viewing the Victoria and time III question. Secret's catalog. Offender~d, "It wasn't a Victoria Secret's catalog, it was a magazine for men that Inm~rought over." Ms'-'tated that Offender _ a n d e d them the magazine and asked, "why do you think my husband would send me a magazine like this?" Ms._claims that she flipped ~t and stated, "I don't know but 1would be pissed i~sband sent me this." Ms..,tated that A/C Young said, maybe he is telling you to get into shape after you have the baby. "That was the end of it, we all got back to work." I asked Offender.there was ever any discussion of genitalia initiated by the magazine. Offend said, "No, but I know what yo~ about." "Before the magazine even came out, there was an inmate named _ t a l k i n g about how small her boyfriend's penis was, then we all kind of started talking about sizes and shapes and stuff." 1 asked if A/C Young was involved in this discussion and she stated, no Larry was sitting in the corner just shaking his head. He never joined in our conversation or said a word. End of Interview. Offende~ompleteda statement summarizing the above. See (Attachment A ) WCCW 03-031-05 3 Interview: Offende roxi ate1y 1330 an interview was conducted with Offender ia telephone from Pine Lodge Pre-release, contact was facilitated by Community Corrections Officer (CCO) Harley Farwell. I asked Offender~o recall the events that occurred on February 12, 2005 that led to the grievance that she filed against NC Young. She stated that several girls were all sitting in the dining area and Larry was leaning up against the wall. Offender_ brought over a Victoria Secret's magazine. Everyone was flipping through the magazme making ~mments about it. When asked what kind of comments were being made, Offende~stated, "They were talking about penis sizes and toys, you know that kind of stuff, and Larry didn't say a word to them about it." I asked if NC Young was involved in the discussions about the magazine and Offender ~eplied, "yes, " but could not be exact as to what NC Young said. Offender. claimed that A/C Young assigned her to less desirable working areas of the kitchen, areas that are usually designated for inmates just starting. Offender ~ felt that this was retaliation for a disagreement that she had with her counselor ~ Scott-Young, wife of NC Young. Offender_ claims that Arlene Scott-Young dropped her LSI score from a 37C to a 42B ~reason. End of Interview Interview: Officer Tavlor. Marvin On March 25, 2005 at approximately 1500 hours I conducted an interview with Officer Taylor, Marvin. I asked C/O Taylor ifhe could recall an incident i>n the middle of February when Offender approached him about a problem that she h~ kitchen staff. CIO Tay or state, "Yes that did occur." He s _ "a i d Offender~ame to me upset and I asked her what was wrong." Offende stated that she wanted a grievance form because she was going to grieve Larry in the kitchen. CIO T~legedly asked what OCCUlTed and if the issue could be resolved at a different level. ~tated that she was offended by the kind of talk that was going on bet~er inmates in the kitchen and Larry allowed it to go on. CIO Taylor stated tha_'as upset that A/C Young did not say anything to the offenders that were talking about issues sexual in nature. CIO Taylor claims at that point he referred~o Sgt. Shepard. 1 asked CIO Taylor if_omplained of A/C Young getting involved in the sexually explicit conversation. He stated, "No, just that he supposedly didn't do anything to stop it." End oflnterview. 922 WCCW 03-031-05 4 Interview: Sgt. Crittenden, David On March 28, 2005 at approximately ]215 hours] conducted an interview with Sgt. Crittenden via telephone. ] asked Sgt. Crittenden ifhe recalled an incident in the middle of February when Offende~approached him with acomplaint about kitchen staff Sgt. Crittenden stated, "Yes he did recal: the incident" He stated that Offender-."as upset because Larry allowed Offenders in the kitchen to carry on about sexuall~cit issues with out saying anything to them or putting a stop to it. Sgt Crittenden stated that he spoke with AIC Young, regarding the accusations. End of Interview. Interview: Sb>t. Sheppard, William On April 01,2005 at approximately] 500 hours, ] contacted Sgt. Shepard via telephone in regards to the allegations made by Offender _ S g t Shepard stated. "Offenders come to me every day with problems and complaints." "To be honest with you 1 really don't recall that particular incident." End of Interview. Interview: AIC Larrv Young On April 06, 2005 at approximately] 100 hours an interview was conducted with NC Larry Young. Ale Young reviewed the statement he submitted on March ]4,2005 (Attachment B) and stated that he would like it to stand. NC Young did add that he never involved himself in any type of sexual conversation with the offenders. When Offender ~rought the magazine from her unit, handed it to Offender_ and asked, "Why do you think my husband would send me a magazine like this?" NC Young stated that he did glance at the magazine and say, "Maybe he wants you to get into shape after you have the baby." The statement was not said nor perceived in a malicious manner. Young stated that the magazine incident and the sexual discussion between offenders were two entirely different occurrences. NC Young claims that he directed the offenders involved in the conversation back to work. End ofInterview. Interview: 52t. Ahrou, Kathleen On April 8,2005 at approximately 1630 1 conducted an interview wit Sgt Alunu. She was unable to recall a recent incident were an offender made complaints about kitchen staff. End of Interview. 923 weew 03-031-05 5 Conclusion: A review of the kitchen roster for February 12,2005 indicates that Offende~as not assigned to work kitchen detail, therefore not present on that date. The viewing of the magazine in question and the sexually explicit conversations by offenders appear to be two separate incidents occurring at different times. Grievance #0503588 initiated by Offender -'ndicates that these were simultaneous occurrences with one stemming from the other. Testimony of the above staff and offenders indicate that A/C Young did view the magazine however no evidence supports that he made sexual comments about the magazine or otherwise. At this time the allegations of NC Young partaking in conversations of a sexual nature with offenders are unsubstantiated and unfounded. 924 Statement of Larry D. Young March] 4, 2005 RE 11M I Larry Young am responding to the statements made by Offender _0 I/M"'ll~ed to work in the MSC food service. On her first week of work, 1 assigned 11M the dish room, an area that all offenders are assi gned to work during their shift. I/M_tated she could not work in the dish room because her shoulder hurt and she w~le to perform the task and she had an HSR. ] called the Clinic to verify if she had an HSR ] was told by clinic staff that 111M ~ad no HSR for her shoulder or work restrictions to limit work in food service. I p~M the dish room to work for her shift. During the course of her work in the dish room 11M ~ecame visibly upset of being assigned to the task. She later stated to Sgt. Crittenden and CIO Taylor that] (AIC Cook Young) was harassing her and picking on her. The following week Sgt Crittenden and CIO Taylor stated to me that 1 1 M " stated 1 was sexual harassing her and making sexually inappropriate comments to offenders. l~ stated that she overheard me talking sexuaJly to other offenders while working ~itchen. At no time did J make sexual comments or references to any offenders or staff The kitchen workers were on break and started to talk about sex, at that time I told the whole crew to cut that talk out and not discuss inappropriate matters while at work. _in It should also be noted that 11M ~tarted making this inappropriate statements after receiving her LSI-R score from her then counselor, Arlene Scott-Young. I I M ' stated that once Ms. Scott-Young left WCCW for a new job she would get out of the kitchen and not have to work as she did not like AlC Yo\.mg. 925 (, // y!~ )L£-- Page 1 of J Keller, Henry A. --_._-~._-- From: Kelly, Kelly M. Sent: Tuesday. March 22, 2005 8'.58 AM To: Keller, Henry A Subject: FW: g r i e v _ FYI.. -----Or'lginal Message----From: Anderson, Linda A. sent: Tuesday, March 22, 20057:25 AM To: Moss, Bennie R Cc: Garbitt, Edd~ Kelly M, SUbject: g r i e v _ The staff conduct griev. that you have been working on ... i/~ log id 0503588 that I referred back for further investigation has been reassigned to the I & I office. Please give that office all the paperwork and summary of what you have done. asap .. thank you 927 • STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS STAFF CONDUCT GRIEVANCE QUEJA POR LA CONDUCTA DEL PERSONAL MIDDLE DOCNUMBER 2DONOMBRE _U DATElYPED FECHAeSCRITA FACILITYIFACILIDAO, , UNIT/CELL U~ ... VIlCCW ,,' ,.'c ,1!AJf,l;'B.;': OBTSilNFlilRMATION IN ORMACION;DE,OBtS' ,'..; REMEQVIREMEDIQ RESOlUTIONIRESOLUCION PENDINGIPENOIENTE O/114JC1!) PART A - STAFF CONDUCT GRIEVANCE/QUEJA POR LA CONDUCTA DEL PERSONAL Response duelRespuesta requierida en _'jI ' /,' " ' I I I WAN1' TO r;.1~'F.1VE: ()I\ '~ 'V.:.'.')'~J w~" W'U1<llh'j "' H,(, 1,lld.."" \'J,II, '<fNfltal "H)." IIlIllal"", ••11'1<11 iJfly Yl>1I1'1'1 n1t~ft·~ l,,'\.'.,~!t": ,1 ~ ;Dllvet ~1:;l;l!n '::1J)t.:Uf \.' It~kll:a \~1f.'~:1·.'! ;i11 ttl It): J'~tl !~l .~! U11,' t :\.::[1:-:1/.11 tt:' nH~ lhen f.1f,?1 tr:t~) a 1~.(IH'¥""'I~f}hon ,-;ll~IUl.li '1:0(")1" P~HH'::- 'SIll' de j1 Wl:1H builtf.~lJll~.J Hl(' ;til •.'1 ;·.ll·'/lI' t1tlV~ 'i.() I W<.'ltlto lhl? tl,f'q~t.·"l'il PII (lUIV I "lbOa~...,t~t-'\1iol U'f'(l'InOV:"li ~"*: t~ll nrlhHil ~-=illeh<thl V-t~ll, '.~I\:~ ~,l O!'jOl /·B I ~'UIV t'inu~)hlICI nw [<tHr.'l ,ill )/1 tllat I Wi:!i,,1.f. qt\'lllt.l ! II~ Wttf.' i:t h::11 I ,1 It!rx- (I,ll l( :i~1 !~l:' I l.\rdl1 kvt:, \t li-11 fn~ I ~ I ~~(~{JJ 1':... Wet~5 dOl'If:' Ul P! to,'JIILh: ~'1.~ LI':"Ci',IIl':ll;" wl'le~ I I W"Q~~' 111 bl' t It I n lt~ t IlJl I W'''ll! (Wt1r rH'~1 i 1~:IU~ I r ~\ It kilt )';;11 11,:J thtor I _:~ l n t lt~ '">Hlt.r ~ 'I.' klll~W .'JI! f:Jl)()1 ti roe ';0. nl.laufl1f1U ~d )uul turn :"llid llE 5lJI(! !..~,\IIJl· \1) HIJI.l ~-jbll\ It ~UIt'l1,J ?11I'1l tOI !o\,"y.It:,ll hUl ;~':i~,I"l€-1nl, i~"llllh;:jl t It:' Wi~~ Ill'::! !t,II)}{!llg al Vv;tona ~)~-:'f_fel lrmrF:tJ:rnl!, l~!l!! tili:1l w~.'ll311'1 inc ttuth l'I:.!'J!.! bt"t~n tuhJ l!p r'JdS ha,j ttJl~ (;otnpll III It \)f.'1!)11 \ but i lusl luld hUll j h,14(\ hi 1\ II tlJ~1 tt:!j" Nuw { ('11"0 l'J~u It!- hlHab~"I,:d I W(lt,t1l.1 lifO.:' H Il~, LJfll;lllllt.1l,h,'d SUG • ... I! ,/ ,r , ..,' ... I~ GRIEVANCE COORDINATOR SIGNATURE FIRMA DE COORDINAOOR DE aUEJAS / ,- DATE FECHA -'..,,:: '( t..-,. ,/ GRIEVANT SIGNAlURE FIRMA DE OUEJANTE DATE FECHA PART B - LEVEL II RESPONSE I PARTE B RESPUESTA 2DO NIVEL SUPERINTENDENT, WORK RELEASE SUPERVISOR, FIELD ADMINISTRATOR SIGNATURE :~l~b~~~Ng~A~~~~~R DEL CEjO DE L1BERTAn PAR TRABAJAR, DATE Fr You may appeal this response by submltllng a written appeal to the coordinator within two (2) working days from date this response W8$ received_ r escrUo al COO!'dlnedor dentro de dos 2 dlas de trBb 0 de Ie facha en ue esta res uesta fue Vd. ada a elar esta res uest& 81 som&ter una a lacl6n DOC 05-170EIS (Rev. 1012000) POL 4. GRIEVANCE COORDINATOR· COORDINADOR DE QUEJAS 928 IJ\TVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE Please investigate the attached Grievance. Superintendent Stewart wants your response to contain two things: First. she wants a complete written rermi of vour investi !!ation with conclusions. Second. sbe wants a brief summarized proposed response to the Grievance whicb can be used as all answer to the L'Tievant. Include the following elements in your investigation report: Name ofinvestigator. 1. 2. If a Staff Conduct, have the staff sign the Notification of Staff Conduct (Form DOC 20-303) 3. Interview grievant and staff member(s)-mentioned. 4. Names of persons interviewed and date of interviews. 5. Synopsis of interviews. 6. Citation of documents consulted (policy number, WAC, RCW, etc.) 7. Evidence found to substantiate or refute the grievant's claim. 8. Conclusions ofthe investigator. 9. Action taken if any as supervisor towards staff based on investigation, i.e., counseled, letter of reprimand. 10. Signature of investigator and date. 11. Return investigation report to Grievance Coordinator by date noted. Write your investigation report and proposed response as though you were testifying in Court. The first sentence of your repot should begin as follows: On (date. (vour name and title), conducted this investigation and reports: "Briefly and in summary form report results of your investigation with conclusions." 1f you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you, Linda Anderson, Correctional Speciabst Ext. 246 Ll\lkss Revised OBIl7/00 929 HOW TO PROCESS "NonFICATION OF STAFF CONDUCTIREPRISAL GRIEVANCE FORM" (Notification to Involved Staff) The assigned investigator informs the staff member of hislher right to be notified of the outcome of the Staff Conduct Grievance !Reprisal and if appealed, Level III. The staff being grieved completes section 2 of the form (DOC 20-303 NotiIication of Staff ConduetlReprisal Grievance form), by marking one of the two check boxes, indicating whether they want to be notified as to the results of the grievance/appeal, their signature and date of signing. The investigation staff returns all three pages of the form to the Grievance Coordinator with the investigation. The Grievance Coordinator, once the investigation is signed off by the Superintendent/designee, sends a copy of the marked results to the staff requesting this information with the appropriate checked box marked. 930 GRIEVANCE l.Bermie Moss,F/M 1 at WCCW. conducted an interview with 11M concerning the alleged misconduct of A/C Larry Young on 2-12-05 11M ~tates that she, Mr. Young and the rest of the offender workers were all sitting in the dining area of the M.S.C. kitchen looking through a Victoria SECRET catalog when one of the offenders brought up the fact that she was once a phone sex operator. 11M" states that the conversation progressed into a discussion about penis and vaginal size, with Mr. Young making comparison to some of the photos in the catalog 11M _proceeded to give me names of offenders present that might be potential witnesses to the conversation, also staff that she spoke with immediately after her shift ended. 1 spoke with the person's who's names 1 was given. 11M said conversation never took place 11M said conversation never took place Sgt. Ahmu, said lIM-'never spoke with her concerning this issue Sgt. Sheppard, said he had no idea what 1 was talking about. • 931 GRIEVANCE 1,Belmie Moss,F/M 1 at WCCW. conducted an concerning the interview with 11M alleged misconduct of A/C Larry Young on 2-12-05 I/M-"states that she, Mr. Young and the rest of the offender workers were all sitting in the dining area of the M.S.C. kitchen looking through a Victoria SECRET catalog when one of the offenders brought up the fact that she was once a phone sex operator. l/~states that the conversation progressed into a discussion about penis and vaginal size, with Mr. Young making comparison to some of the photos in the catalog IIM _roceeded to give me names of offenders present that might be potential witnesses to the conversation, also staff that she spoke with immediately after her shift ended. 1 spoke with the person's who's names 1 was given. II said conversation never took place 11M said conversation never took place Sgt. Ahmu, said 11M_never spoke with her concerning this issue Sgt. Sheppard] said he had no idea what 1 was talking about. After speaking with persons who's names 1 was given, 1 find there is no evidence to substantiate I / M _ accusation. A/C Young was spoken too and given a letter of warning. A copy of this letter will be placed in his working file. ~ ", 'I"'i.P ,- 932 o AlC Larry Young 3-15-05 A/C YOUNG, it was alleged that some offenders on your work shift between the hours of 13:00 and 19:30 had a victoria secret catalog in the department. From some of the photos, an inappropriate conversation insued.One ofthe ladies that was suppose to have been there states that she became highly offended. At this time I cannot say if this is true or not but whether or not it is, there is to be no magazines, papers, books or anything that is not job related brought into the work area. Anyone caught with such items should be delt with immediately It is my expecation that you would not condone such behavior. - - ~ 933 ~ (f1.b;~ /77cYY.v r;/?1~ e,::P-'l1-d~ Cd W.C.C!ftc/· 'vIL _~~ _uJ~Ju£//J);; L fLt.Lu4.u1 '1/7.(AC~ Ale -~ r I~ C::&~"1 C7Z.- c?- - /:<- - us- Lj77;:J ~.~.~ t::kaY ~I '17J~' 7~ .cvrt-d ti-v .~ tlf ~~w~ w-OJ-d.il ~~A--<A.-/ do ~ ~ '7J zz»: Itl)_s.c. ~ (J~ ~ y _t~Ml£~:f?£?:!i~ ~~~~~-~~ "1C:::; ~ ~ ~ 'j ~~ fJ-4,dO.::' io C:fr-u ..?-H./ ~ f) /1 If ~ 7I7/J {lJ -------- 1 /J ad If // --71+'J-M.- /..;p~---L fUji", ~J.-<- ~ ~ U~ .-u~ Ii / , ~ _'-- ~ 93-4 _., 'k ~ \Vr .jj { L J~ --5 -/ . / y-U":;' .tLLe WC0 ~ ~ d~~. ,L~p- ap i~£IuJ ~ u-u. ~ d-LJ (J-t~ ~'~ ~ 1a-d~ rf!m 1;)~~S.LvuT(A);i1'4' t~~~.>w~ rIt-u ~u~ ~~fJ~ t2-,~ u~,~ ~. ~G w~ 'r?~~ £5.7 ~ j~ ~ 'f!)./-!"'~4- /V~ &-i 37 c I V)/ 0 C~~ .~tc)CKJ ~:u_uf/'~ ;Z;; ~ ~ rru . V.L/Je..uo ~ C1r.d..-u~ /7.-Ud ~ .027~ ~ ~ 'fr~<Z- W,j~ ~ tUU P o7y ,!v'UA'1 ~ /2.L~ ~ ,. C/;Je Z; ~~. 4./ ZZU ;D~ 'lr)/J . ~ Zkd A:-f.--f.- z-c/.cz..,..J;4J p~~.' 7r~~~~~ ~ ~~...t c2A&( ~-1-. Ti& ~ ~ :ltJ ~ ~ 7Ur..-n1./ w~ .J- ~ ~ ~ ...... -.,,",.,, 935 Statement of Larry D. Young March 14,2005 RE: IIM _0 1 Larry Young am responding to the statements made by Offende wa~ed to work in the MSC food service. On her first week of work, 1 assigned liM the dish room, an area that all offenders are assigned to work 11M _ during their shift. IIM_stated she could not work in the dish room because her shoulder hurt and she was unable to perform the task and she had an HSR. 1 called the Clinic to verify if she had an HSR 1 was told by clinic staff that I1llvi111had no HSR for her shoulder or work restrictions to limit work in food service. 1 placed ]J~ in the dish room to work for her shift. During the course of her work in the dish room IIM ~ecame visibly upset of being assigned to the task. She later stated to Sgt. Crittenden and CIO Taylor that 1 (NC Cook YOW1g) was harassing her and picki~ her. The following week Sgt. Crittenden and CIO Taylor stated to me that IIM. . . stated I was sexual harassing her and making sexually inappropriate comments to offenders. I1M"stated that she overheard me talking sexually to other offenders while working in the kitchen. At no time did 1 make sexual comments or references to any offenders or staff. The kitchen workers were on break and started to talk about sex, at that time I told the whole crew to cut that talk out and not discuss inappropriate matters while at work. It should also be noted that l!M~tarted making this inappropriate statements after receiving her LSI-R score from her then counselor, Arlene SCOtt-YOW1g. I I M " stated that once Ms. Scott-Young left WCCW for a new job she would get out of the kitchen and 'not have to work as she did not like NC Young. 936 NOTIFICATION OF STAFF CONDUCT / REPRISAL GRIEVANCE STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS (Notification to Involved Staff) SECTION I - TO ASSIGNEDINMES\I7IG:ti.TOR Attached IS grievance number STAFF MEMBER NAME (PLEASE PRINT) DURING THE INTERVIEW WITH THE STAFF MEMBER, inform the staff member that he/she has the right to be notified of the final determination of the grievance at Level II and (if appealed) at Level III by completing Section II below. Upon completion of Section II, the investigator shall return this lorm to the grievance coordinator. SECTION II - NOTIFIC:ti.TIONOFFINALDETERMINATloN ~\r10 . , \r 0 I do not Wish to be notified of the final determination In this gnevance. STAFf SIG"ATUR' I' ~ .J•. ( J I ~ '\ OAT' I / .~"-i \,-0") ') ~- , I SECTION 111=1:1- II ILEVEL IILD.ETERMINATloN The investigation Into the allegations of this grievance has been completed. The findings are: LEVEL II RESPONSE (Check one) LEVELl II RESPDNSE (Check one) , . .. .. , , I No evidence of rmsconduct/reonsal was Iound. Evidence 01 procedural error was found but not misconducVreprisal. Corrective action will be/has been taken outside of the qrievance procedure I L Employee misconducVreprisal was established, Corrective action will be/has been taken outside 01 the qrievance procedure, SIGNATURES: AT LEVEL II-Grievance Coordinalor AT LEVEL III-Grievance Coordinator GRIEVANCE caOROlNATOR SIGNATURE GRIEVANCE COORDINATOR SIGI~ATURE DATE DATE Distribution: Top Copy-Slaff Member, Second Copy-Statt Member, Third Copy-Grievance Coordinator t. STAFF liIIEMBER DOC 20·303 (Rev 9199) ·"'-;1 DOC 550.100 ·r·, 937