Wadoc Report Staff Sexual Misconduct Taylor 2003
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.. . . '.:' ,.-., . ." ",". -, -: ..... :.':;; . .' ,.' , " . " .... .' . " . . ': i· . .;' Washington State Correction Center. for Women • . . . .... ,. ,-, . . 'f ' .. , . , ' .. '. Intelligence &: Investigatiqns .' .. , . . Case File ,< -, ',' 01-03-03-£'01 1 RCW, (b), (e) Exempt from public inspection and copying of intelligence information and investigative records compiled by Department of Corrections, or other law enforcement or penal agencies, including any information revealing identity of any person who files a complaint with the Department of Corrections for the protection of any persons right to privacy and to protect any persons life, physical safety or property. 2 Washington Correction Center for Women Intelligence & Investigations Case # 0 1-03-03-FO 1 Date: Jan. 23, 2003 To: Steve Baxter From: ValindaK Singletonc}S.c Subject: CI Worker Q,af:lny Taylor" Inmate . . . . . 06c#..-, SYNOPSIS: On 01/03/03, I received an incident report written by CIO Kasler. Kasler stated that inmate_'Doc_;said she had observed what she would call inappropriate behavior between ;pg~, . .. and CI Supervision Danny Taylor. The incidents listed in the report were alleged touching and the two of them going off and returning together. 11M _ stated to staff, " it is a well known among the crews that I / M - , has a crush on Taylor." -" I / M _ was interviewed on 01/09/03. 11M .~ stated she had seen them rub up against each other but had never seen Taylor touch I/Mt_ 11M _states she did not know if the rubbing was consensual. I / M _ added, "it appears that 11M _ ' i s after Danny because she wears a lot of make-up!' 11M _made the following statements about Danny Taylor: • Danny Taylor shows favoritism. • 11M _ _ follows Taylor around and does not work with other bosses. • Danny Taylor does not take control of his crew. The inmates tell Danny what they want to do. . 11M _,then stated, "this situation is inappropriate and it may be more going on. I would just like things to be handled!' I/M_tGj'&c;_was interviewed on,01/13/03. 11M ~said that 11M _Cl;~,'" . . fis 11M", b,est friend and you should talk to her. 11M _ _.said that 11M -'talked to 11M _about her relationship with Danny Taylor. I/M"then stated the following: • About two weeks ago 11M "'{lind Taylor went off together for about 45 min. They did that twice. 3 • I asked if there was any touching. All.the women touch and joke with the crew bosses and she has seen 11M _ touch Taylor. However, we have been told not to. • _stated she heard officer Bailey tell other staff about how he had to look for Taylor, This has been going on for three months. Taylor did • _:>aid Taylor took coffee from 11M not act right after he took the coffee. (There were rumors that 11M _added medication to her coffee.) I then interviewed the following inmates on 01/1,5/03: Inmates _ _ {_~ _ _ and _ _ All the inmates ~. She stated the state there. was not problems except inmate following: • Nothing has happened yet but Danny Taylor and _ _ are too close. • 11M _"spoke to 11M_about her behavior. 11M ~tated she told._about a past investigation with Danny and other inmates. • _said the other inmates are not going to say a thing. However, I (11M . . would Iike_·to be careful. • All the bosses are helpful and we learn a lot. • _ _meeds to be rotated more often within the crews. No~~q-efused to write a statement because she did not want to get back to I/M_'or Danny Taylor. Officer Christian Bailey was interviewed on 01/14/03 and he wrote a . }".·",,t.f··,.·.·'·"'" ..,-', .....,.'•.. statement dated 01115/03. Clo Bailey stated the following: • Danny Taylor brought in candy and soda for the inmates. This was in September 2002 and December 2002. Officer Bailey reported this to both supervisors Eictqppc~ and O'Hara. They both said this has been an on going thing with Taylor. Both Supervisors counseled Taylor and there was a meeting with all staff where these subjects were also discussed. • Taylor takes items from the inmates. Once he took coffee from Inmate _ . Taylor acted as if he was high and could not stop talking. Later in the dav, Taylor did not feel good. This was in Oct. 2001. It was not reported. • Taylor does not treat them as inmates. Taylor looks on them as coworkers. • Taylor works with 11M_fall the time. Bailey said it makes him feel uncomfortable and he has had conversations With Taylor about favoritism several times. • Bailey said he has not observed Taylor going off with 11M 1!IIItby himself. Nevertheless, they will be in one work area and the other inmates are in another close by. "~"""'<'"" 4 • In Bailey's statement he said, " While Taylor is working with 11M . ' it seems I have been responsible for assigning tasks to the other inmates on the crew. " Supervisor Paddock was interviewed on 01/17/03. • CIO Bailey did talk to him and O'Hara about Taylor giving candy and sodas to the inmate. O'Hara spoke to Taylor on Dec. 30 and Paddock talked to Taylor on Dec 31. • Favoritism - Paddock stated Danny Taylor could not understand how working with one inmate could be perceived as favoritism. • There was another meeting on Jan. 8 where all the above subjects were covered again. Note: Mr. Paddock was Danny Taylor were partners a year ago. As a group, it was routinely going on then (candy and soda to inmates by staff). However, Danny Taylor knows this is not now an acceptable behavior. During the interview with Paddock, I asked him about the statement, "this has been an on going thing with Danny Taylor." He would not admit to saying that nor would he admit to having more then one conversation with Taylor about these subjects. However, he slipped up and said that during the conversation with Danny on the above date, he told him, "didn't I just talk you about this." Danny Taylor was interviewed on 01/21/03 and gave the following statement: • Have you ever give candy and soda to the inmates. Yes • Have you ever taken things from the inmates. Yes, • How many times. Twenty or more. What is the big deal? • Did you take coffee from 11M I ? Yes, I was not feeling well afterward. • Taylor admitted to the meetings with his supervisor on the above subjects. • Taylor denied any touching by him or 11M _ . ; When I asked Danny Taylor about the. working relationship with the inmates, he stated "if I can accommodate the inmate I will. I am not a baby sitter. I do a job and I need to get the job done." When I asked him about I / M - , tried not to talk ~bout her. I kept going back. Taylor finally stated she was a good worker. I asked if he worked with her more. Taylor stated he worked with all the inmates. Some inmates are better at one job then others. Therefore, I put them on jobs they do best. _he 5 Conclusion: Mr. Danny Taylor admitted to: • • • Bring in candy and soda for the inmate. He had been told several times by his partner and supervisors that this is not acceptable behavior. However, it has continued. Admitted to receiving food items from inmates that were brought to the job site. Did not admit to favoritism, however staff and , inmates stated that this was taking place. Attachments 1. 2. 3. 4. Incident report from C/O Kasler Statement from Officer Bailey Inmate statement Inmate statement 6 '" 8 •. ~ STATE OF WASHINGTl.. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ~ INCIDENT REPORT DATE OF INCIDENT . INCIDENT CATEGORY /'2 - __1 7- n-"l TIME OFINCIDENT O,/)(; '7 USEOF FORCE INCIDENT? DYES NO WITNESSES DETAILS: (Who was involved, what took place, how did It happen, description of anyinjuries, damage, use of force, etc. Attach additional sheet, if neceseery.) bY! Ai3QiI: OQTF /4 '5 cO':",! ~ S -Pi L.- f<f/4TLD _ 10 tlAt 'Sir£. WI" d?, SST 1)-9 Ji~" r I? £--~0. h I 1<1 c- 0 AnD _ _ _ _ 6 SEc£. v' 1'12 (1.J/-ltf!T ( 14 ;':I::'~= ~h',:';~:::r<~:,roa;: ~~ ~::o;~• (nyL~) . _. /5 14/ II! lhi I S lD:9f:t~Ed'- 17)1 C1\ m an b/ '> , _ c P,<'I J2s i t 1\ T yotl S/....'C 6y) t.- rL< ..\0:8 Silt STAn -Q In 'oc r \I It /', h Kl ,- A He <hUS)," yo v .sEE. =tL L- nTJ,1' i? ' _ VrJ L I) . IIA, lA, 'n , / J o-Pf 1":"3 E: If,,,, <i: 90 ~ GTDE --a fl T IMMEDIATE ACTIONlAKEN: ;C +-1 . 1;) u c h111)3 YU m A(JD rt <: !- K0"1,-.£ ~ VI' C ((0 ,- tiO'V<'-<lS,"""t j /.-U't-/ L. III Iu-t . n UJAs·h'Ojtdl /"+t JAy!Q f: An fJ Ch1 r kn Ii d+' f\ nil 1?E t&" "J) nil) ""15 T)1f r / g)h E fJ m i'<I' c'Urf;; rn I -H:c; = ~ , 4---- [) __ PERSONS INVOLVED r,"NMATE NAME OQC NUMSER I DOONUMBER UVING UN1TIPQST / '" -'~'--I~=;-'C:,::3~':< / .-;:t):~-,) -"'~'( .,' ,.' / 7 I have been with CI for over six months and during that time I have observed D. Taylor buy items for the inmates to reward them for doing a good job. The first time, he bought two litres of soda and I told him this was against policy and to stop. A couple of months later, he bought candy for the inmates. At that point, I notified my supervisor Kevin O'hara and Roy Piddcock. Both. stated that in Danny's five years of employment, this was an ongoing cycle for him and has to be reminded every six months to not buy candy, pop, for the inmates. He also has a habit of taking items from the inmates like coffee, state issue cookies, etc. On one coffee. incident, he took a cup of inmate Approximately 30 minutes later, he was talking very quickly and acting hyper. About four hours later, he stated he felt sick (headache, upset stomach.) This issue was also addressed about taking items from inmates. Over the past two months, I have noticed D. Taylor working solely with inmate a majority of the time. He has been working with her to assist him in completing the task of the day. I have never seen him leave an area with her alone but I have seen him working with her alone in the designated job area. While he has been working with inmate _ " i t seems I have been responsible for assigning tasks to the other inmates on the crew. Sometimes, he has trouble assigning tasks to other inmates. He will give them an assignment or directive and when they say no, there is no follow up, he will send them directly to me. He is so focused on the job, I will haveto handle all security issues and all other inmates. Over the Christmas holiday, several inmates stated to me something was going on between him and .Inmate"land he was showing favoritism toward her. In our morning meeting 01-08-03, supervisorB,9Y Pid.dc9l;* addressed the issue of buying items for inmates and he also addressed working with just one inmateall the time and how it showed favoritism to the other inmates on the crew. After this meeting, I still observed D. Taylor working with inmate_> ? •.~. c/Y4,,;:~/A>,/ >/q.~.,./. ;.>7 :." ~ ..' .., .:.6? . ':-:¢,.,..-".,,,," ::::::----..: - .'.'" ·-r ~' ~_~.. r r".> S:...//Ci "/ <" =- ......:.- -z:""7 8 DEPARTMENT OF CORA DIVISION OF PRiSONS FORM ONS WITNESS STATEMENT FACILITY J • I W(2(2J_L/ . DOC NUMBER NAMEOF INMATE(S) TO WHICHSTATEMENT REFERS INMATE DESIRES WRiTTEN STATEMENT CONCERNING THE FOLLOWING: DATE q 1) o P.M. NOTE: This statement should glv a factual acco of the events witnesses. Of particular I po ce Is Infonnatlon as to what was observed, where and when It occurred, who we "Involved, what other witnesses there were to the event, and It possible, any factual Information relative to the possible reasons for theIncident or misconduct. ' STATEMENT: (USE BACK OF PAGE IF ADDITIONAL SPACE is REQUIRED) I HAVE EAD THE ABOVE STATEMENT AND AFFIRM THAT IT IS BASiED ON PERSONAL OBSERVATiON OF THE EVENTS OESCRIBEO AND THAT IT IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, A TRUE AND ACCURATE STATEMENT OF FACT. DISTRIBUTION: WHITE· CENTRAL FILE PINK· HEARING OFFiCER '-!""i_'--------~<...:."'*'rnt"'-.:~-~ 9 FORM ONS WITNESS STATEMENT FACIUTY WCCW DOC NUMBER INMATE DESIRES WRITTEN STATEMENT CONCERNING THE FOLLOWING: DA TIME o o P.M. A.M. NOTE: This statement should ~Ive a factual account at the events witnesses, Of particular mportance ls lntormaflon as to what was observed, where and when It occurred, who was Involved, what other witnesses there were to the event. and if possible, any factual Information relative tothe possible reasons fortheIncident or misconduct. I HAVEREAD THE ABOVE STATEMENTANDAFFIRMTHATfT IS BASED ON PERSONAL OBSERVATION OF THE EVENTS DESCRIBED AND THATIT IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, A TRUEAND ACCURATE$TATEMENT{JFFACT. : ,t.'.. DISTRIBUTION: WHITE· CENTRAL FILE PINK· HEARING OFFICER 10 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS . OFFICE OF CORRECTIONAL OPERATIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER FOR WOMEN P.O. Soxn, MS: WP-Q4 • 9601 BUjacich Rd. N.W.• Gi9 Harbor, WA96335-0017 January 2, 2003 FR: R<;>y Pidcock RE: Expectations This memo documents the conversations held at the Install office between Kevin, you and me on Monday and Tuesday the 30th and 31 st of December 2002. th On Friday, December 27 Chris Bailey informed me that while assigned to the University of Washington TAB installs you provided soda or candy to your crew, on two separate occasions. During a staff meeting in March of 2002 it was explained to you that under no circumstances are staff or customers allowed to provide food or beverages to the install crews without prior authorization from your supervisor and the Institution. Kevin and I also informed you not to utilize the same offenders to accomplish particularly difficult tasks; others could misinterpret this as favoritism You were instructed to give ample opportunities to all of the crew to participate in all aspects of the job. . A1J we mentioned to you during our meetings in December, these rules were established to protect the inmates as well as yourself. Please be advised that you must adhere to these rules and requirements as set forth. "Working Together for SAFE Communities" '0 Ttty( ledpaper 11