Wadoc Report Staff Sexual Misconduct Skillings 2006
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STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER FOR WOMEN MS: WP-D4 • 9501 Bujacich Rd. NW .• Gig Harbor, Washington 98332-8300 WARNING THIS FILE IS THE PROPERTY OF THE WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER FOR WOMEN INTELEGENCE & INVESTIGATIONS uurr (l\U) Content may be disclosed only to person whose official duties require access. Contents may not be disclosed to the party(s) concerned nor to counsel, without specific authorization of the superintendent. CASE TOPIC: Correctional Officer Skill1ngs allegedly raped Offender'" CASE #: WCCW 011-099-05 DATE OPENED: 11-23-06 DATE CLOSED: 12-20-05 Sign and date at time of review or receipt IN OFFICE REVIEW CASE OUT REVIEW COpy AUTHORlZATION ~--~------i~----------+------------j i-.----------.\-------------i---------~-_j i ~.~------~--;-----------+-----------j "Working Together for SAFE Communities" 0260 Sexual Assault Case Initiation Form - DATA COLLECTION Special Investigation Unit (SIU) Case Number: HQ 10-65-05-F01 I.Fi2"'i'!B~,;~~~(~!"8li1'iG)@1]llf.?8~:;r;I0t)J;!';!;lfiY!~;'i2i0"';'''i~t!i!ii!!;,r:jiit'il;:,';'!: '/; i" 'I'IUdII'lUt;l:Il , '!'EI,E)R!!o'miiiER1fpENT'iEYiN~!::'INFrli~M'A-tIH~A Complainant: ~ Offender Victim o Other Offender !d Staff member o Family / Friend o Anonymous OOther (specify), ,:,.' , ...., I ','", '" , Type of Allegation: bI Offender-an-Offender Sexual Assault o Offender-an-OffenderAbusive Sexual Contact o Staff Sexual Harassment o Offender-on-Staff Sexual Assault o Staff-an-Staff Sexual Assault 1ZI Staff Sexual Misconduct CRIME II'll Time I Date, 1~A l1TI 0 N',?;::::::'::,',,,:n,',::;:,,:"!','?!:':'!! ,(,C''C',;' Facility (if applicable): Specific location for Prisons and/or Work Releases: WCCW '=J Cell Common area / Day room Dorm lather multiple housing area Food Services Correctional Industries Medical I Health Services OOutside the Facility, Din transit OHospital OCour! / Jail Program Area: OGym Yard School ORestroom: Din housing unit Din program I work area Shower 1ZI Staff only area Temporary holding cell Work area (other than CI) MUltiple locations (indicate all) Unknown 0 Other (specify): '=J Field Office Offender home Home of Offender Family I Friend Offender work iocation Multiple locations (indicate all) Motel Other (specifv): '=J Internal/facility health services Community medical provider Hospital Other (specify): 1ZI None (include reason): _ No Injuries noted at exam Injuries confirmed bv: o o o o o o o o o o Treatment of Injuries: , 10/23/05 o Specific location for Community Custody and/or Work Releases: , ' ,',"";':;"",:,:""" ."'::" o o o o o o o o o o o o , m:~AOGRAPHICS:'" IZI Victim Suspect I Perpetrator No offender involved Race, White :'I:';!'!!/"i' ',,,e,," ""'/i,!,"':':':, "'::,,! 'i):",i"::' ""'d:,',':,",.:" •",,!:ii!.,':.','"i" "" 3N , o o Gender: Female Age: 48 Height: 4'10" Weight: 139 Documented Intelligence Level: NA Documented Mental Health Issues: Violence RMA DEMOGRAPHICS6STAFEWVOl.tJI:rEEER/GONTRAGTOR,#t\'':'':m.:,?,\\\\,/\, ........ Victim Permanent Employee IZI Probationary Employee IZI Suspect I Perpetrator Volunteer Contractor No staff involved Other State Agency Intern Other (specifv): INT Gender: Male Age: 38 Race: White o o Height: 6'9" o o o o o o Weight: 250 # of months of unbroken service: 11 0261 Page 1 of 3 Special Investiaation Unit (SlUT Case Number: HQ 10-65-05-F01 ,;""",.', ~,," ' -"'.,' , ",,~; i" '<"<'i'" " '<,",," "ai", "~I' ,"~F~'_"I"il /;',~, " ' '," ", Dlt[t¥; GO'ELEGiliI0'N '" "t ~ -",,''!. ". '1,/" ,"""~' • !,0""'" f~~j \1:" "1' "'t\.'., ,, W,«'" [ 'i" " ,i6,~"''''~~,Uf,,T ~, ,:kr:,' ,':"-)-". DO NOT INCLUDE NAME OR OirHER'IDENTIFYiING INFORMATION Documented completion of Staff Sexual Misconduct Training: Related DISCiplinary 1 Counseling Contacts in Past 5 Years: Marital Status: Recent Major Life Event (e.q. divorce, bankruptcy, financial issues, death of significant individual, etc.): o No I2SJ Yes I2SJ No Date of most recent: 09/2005 DYes Single Divorced No Number: o o o o Yes (specify): I2SJ Married o Widowed I2SJ Unknown 1 information not available INrnAI...DCQDA~I= ~:c;;:- 'i,," 'I;"""'" ',i::":,'):,;,',', ','II:"'; :,:'W';'i:"':', ,: ,':,: i',)" ::"'j', '",',':"::"i,,",,,:;"': Separation of Parties lnvolved: Why:_ I2SJ Yes Hosoital: Harrison Hosnital Officer placed on horne assignment Victim Services Offered o None Why: I2SJ Yes (indicate all) "fr\JV~ Case Assigned To: Date Assigned, 10/23/05 nrl'il\lES'.I1 '; o No Rape kit completed: I i' o Oommunity service provider I2SJ Facility me~i~~health services o Other'(sneci : ~ o HQ Special Investigations Unit o Facility Staff ,';{''; ",!, o Substantiated I2SJ Staff - Unsubstantiated (Evidence was insufficient to make a final determination that the event "':),::' o Community Corrections Staff DOther (soecifv oosition onlv): # of Victims: 1 Date Report Submitted: 12-20-2005 \ M"f"A 1\11:"1-'II",r !!!l [gJ Facility I & I # of Perpetrators: 1 o Unfounded ~ (The event was determined NOT to have occurred) occurred) 'ASSI,GNfIIIEJN;r-§:oniQ0fV1ptEJI0'N;'Pfil.NVESirIGJ:iSPIQNYCD['r'lblete)fQr-allcase~Y:;,':;:<.·.·.······ Offender #1 Assignment (include for each offender involved) I2SJ Victim o Suspect 1 Perpetrator o No offenders involved Community Corrections I WDrk Release Offender: No change Assigned to new CCO within same office Assigned to new field office Prison I Jail Prison I WDrk Release 1 PreRelease Offender: I2SJ No change Facility transfer Segregation Intensive Management Unit Protective Custody o o o o o o o o 0262 Page 2 of 3 Staff #1 Assignment (include for each staff, volunteer, contractor, intern involved) 0 Victim [ZJ Suspect I Perpetrator 0 No staff involved DOC Staff Member: [gJ No change 0 Assigned to home Assigned to new position within same facility I office Assigned to new facility I field office No Ion er with DOC Volunteer, Contractor, Intern: oNo change Assigned to new position within same facility I office D Assigned to new facility I field office D No longer with DOC or permitted in DOC facilit I office o o o o Offender Discipline (include section for each offender involved) - I nsert additional lines if needed D Staff Discipline (include section for each staff member involved) - Insert additional lines if needed D NotApplicable Not Applicable {gJ No Why: DYes Rule Violation:. _ _ Sanction: [ZJ No Why: D Yes (indicate all) Case Referred for Prosecution _ D Reprimand o Demotion 19J No 'DYes Outcome of Prosecution: 0263 Page 3 of 3 CONFIDENTIAL State of Washington Department of Corrections Office of Correctional Operations Special Investigations Unit Case File HQ 11-65-05-FOl CONFIDENTIAL 0264 STATE OF WASHII~G101~ DEPARThflE~vT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF CORRECTIOhlAl OPERATIONS WASHII\lGTON CORRECTIONS CEt\lTER FOR WOMEN P.D (-101. 17 hilS' WP-04 ·9601 Bujacicn Rd I>J.W . (,Ig Harbor WA9B33S'0017 December 21 , 2005 TO: Belinda D. Stewart Superinten en FROM: Ke " ....-.....,v,-I'Jrr }.L.(,"...-1 Chi ....~~....p •.\l::l SUBJECT: CORR IONAl OFFICER DAVID SKILLINGS ALLEGEDLY RAPED OFFENDER CASE WCCW 11~099~05 Synopsis: On November 23, 2005 the Washington Corrections Center for Wom~CW) Shift Commander notified Chief Investigator Kelly Kelly that Offende~ _ a d alleged that she was sexually assaulted on two separate occasions by a male Correctional Officer in her unit. Offende_ was reluctant to discuss the allegations any further in fear of reprisal and retaliation by the officer in question as well as other WCCW officers. Offende On November 23, 2006 I interviewed Offender n the Treatment and Evaluation Center (TEC) conference room. During the interview she stated that on two separate occasions within the last month she was raped by Correctional Officer David Skillings. She alleged the first incident took place near the end of October 2005 in the Close Custody Unit (CCU) conference room. Offender_ said on the day of the first rape she had been out of bounds at the library. As she returned to CCU, she was the last offender coming through the door with a group of offenders when Officer Skillings told her to report to the conference room. Offender _tated .that she thought the reason Officer Skillings told her to report to the conference room was because she had been caught out of bounds. When asked, she could not identify who the other offenders were. "\lilorking Tcqetner tor SAFE. Communities" OZG5 / WCCW 11-099-05 Page Z on Offende_stated that once they entered the conference room Officer Skillings pushed her down into the northeast corner of the room. Although she could not remember the details, she recalled that he pulled down his pants, and while his pants were down he removed her pants. She stated he placed his' penis inside of her vagina until he ejaculated. 'Offende~hen stated that Officer Skillings told her to get dressed and he pulled his pants up. She said she could not scream or say anything to him because she was too scared. Offender_ alleges that the second occurrence took place in early November in the storage closet in CCU West Pod dayroom. She said Officer Skillings pulled her in the storage closet and said he was going to teach her a lesson. He then penetrated her anus with his penis and d'ld not use a condom because she felt his skin. She said she did not remember if he had taken her pants off. She said that the closet had no light and he had her up against something that felt soft. She said immediately afterwards she began to bleed from rectum. She said she cried and told him to stop that she was going to go straight to the top and "tell Belinda Stewart." She then told him she intended to report him for his current and past actions against her, he responded by telling her to keep quiet or he will take away her Early Release Date (ERD) and the other guards were on his side. Offende~stated that on November 23, 2005 she finally decided to report the incident because she was having lower abdominal pain and was hyperventilating every time she thought about what had happened. When asked, she said she had problems with Officer Skillings and that he had' her put in segregation because ,he smelled smoked. She said she was not smoking and that her cell smelled like popcorn. She then said that she filed a grievance against Officer Skillings because he assigned her a top bunk. She said that whenever she would ask Officer Skillings for an inmate kite he would ~e it to her. She added that he was always very cold to her. Offender _stated that she thought Officer Skillings was a "freak fag." Offende~ said that she felt that other offenders were being sexual assaulted by Officer Skillings. When asked the names of the other offenders she declined to give the names. _stated that she would take a polygraph. Offender On December 9, 2005 I was interviewing Offender on a different incident which happened in her unit. During the interview Offender _stated that she wanted to speak with meregarding a conversation she had with Offender_bout being raped by Officer Skillings. Offende~aid that she had a conversation with Offender_ when she had moved over to CCU East pod. She said that they began talking and Offender _ o l d her what had been going on. Offende~ad said she was 0266 WCCW ]J -099-05 Page 3 of5 supposed to leave on the December 5, 2005 and it was now all screwed up. Offender_ asked her "How is it all screwed up? Are you okay?" Offender_said she was okay and then said it was "just a farce," to get moved out of the CCU west pod because she had gotten burned from Offenders Trina Berry, DOC 947140, Tracy Sherman, DOC 976174 and Sheri Riley, DOC 982248. She said that she had been "ripped off" from those offenders. Offender Monroe said she told her "So you made up the thing about Skillings?" and "You know he is going to get in trouble." Offende~ told "Oh well, I am out of here." (See attachment 8) Correctional Officer David Skillings On December 20, 2005 I interviewed Correctional Officer David Skillings in the Intelligence and Investigation Unit. He stated that other staff told him that he had allegedly called Offende~into the conference room and raped her. He stated that he does not call offenders into the conference room by himself. That the only time the offenders are in the conference room is when they have to sign for mail. He said one officer will sort the mail and the other officer has the offender sign for their mail. Officer Skillings stated that he does not remember Offende~being out of bounds and never called her into the conference room. Officer Skillings said that he never raped Offende_ When asked, Officer Skillings denied ever saying that he would take away her ERD. He then said that he recalled two situations where he had to hold Offender_ accountable to the institution rules. He feels these two situations may account for the allegations made by Offende~ The first incident was when he smelled smoked coming from Offender_ room. At that time she was housed with Offender and both Offenders were placed in segregation. He said when she returned to CCU from segregation she refused her assigned cell and said she had to have a bottom bunk. He informed her she needed to have a Health Service Request (HSR) in order to get a bottom bunk, because they did not have one available and would have to move another offender to accommodate her HSR. He said Officer Valdez was in the booth and could not locate her HSR. He said Offende~could not find her copy. Officer Skillings explained to Offender ~hat she would have to take her assigned cell. Offender _immediately filed an emergency grievance against him. Officer Skillings followed set procedure and notified the Shift Lieutenant. Offender _then eccepted the cell assignment. 0267 WCCW lJ-099-05 Page 4 of5 Officer Skillings said that he had never had Offende~in the West Pod closet. Officer Skillings said that the closet is used for linen storage. He then described the door, as being controlled by the booth officer and the pod officers does not have keys to access the door. Actions: • On November 23, 2005 two Correctional Officers escorted Offender_to Harrison Hospital for a rape evaluation. • On November 24, 2005 WCCW Officer of the Day (OD) Belinda D. Stewart notified the DOC Headquarters 00 Eldon Vail and advised him of the allegation. • On November 24, 2005 Pierce County Sheriff was notified and Deputy M. Blair interviewed Offender_ and case number 05"328-051 0 was assigned. (See attachment 3). • On November 28, 2005 Donald Wilbrecht was notified of at possible PREA investigation. PREA Inve~r Steven Baxter responded to the institution and 'Interviewed Offende~ at that time the case was referred to Washington Correction Center for Women IIU for investigation because Investigator Baxter could not substantiate the allegations. (See attachment 4) • On November 28, 2006 GSR Polygra h Examiner William Tuft attempted to administer a polygraph onOffende The purpose ofthe examination was to verify or refute Offender allegations that Correctional Officer David Skillings had sexual intercourse with her. A polygraph was not administered. Offende_ refused the polygraph. (See Attachment 5) • On December 16,2005 Pierce County Sheriff's Department Detective Jerry Bates interviewed Offender_and declined to conduct any further investigation because she had consulted with her Husband and their attorney, Todd Gardner. On their advice she was no longer going to cooperate with the investigation, and would pursue civil action after her release from Washington Correction Center for Women on January 5, 2006. Detective Bates declined to interview Officer Skillings unless further information was brought forward. (See Attachment 10) Conclusion: No supporting evidence can be located to substantiate Offende~ allegations that Correctional Officer David Skillings vaginally raped her. No supporting evidence can be substantiated that Correctional Officer Skillings anally raped Offende~ 0268 WCCW 11-099-05 Page 5 of 5 After consulting with her attorney Offender_ refused to take a polygraph cooperate with the investigation. Attachment: 1. Incident Report Correctional Officer Lynn Wilds, dated 11-23-05. 2. Incident Report Psychologist 4 Dr. Rachael McDc;>ugali dated 11-23-05. 3. Pierce County Sheriffs Department Incident Report Deputy M. Blair #325, dated 11-24-05. 4. Medical Records Release Offender_ dated 11-24-05. 5. E-mail PREA notification Investigator Manager Donald Wilbrecht dated 11-28-05. 6.GSR Polygraph Report William Tuft, dated 11-28-05. 7. Letter Offender 8. E-Mail Psychologist 4 Dr. Rae ael McDougall, dated 11-30-05. 9. Witness Statement Offender Debra Monroe, dated 12-9-05. 10. Letter Offender dated 12-9-05. 11. E-mail Pierce County Sheriffs Department Detective Jerry Bates, dated 12-13-05. 12. E-mail Pierce County Sheriffs Department Detective Jerry Bates, dated 12-20-05. 13. E-mail Pierce County Sheriffs Department Detective Jerry Bates, dated 101-06-06. 0269 - , '. ~ Kelly. Kelly M. From: .ent: fa: SUbject: Jerry Bates [JBATES@co,pierce.wa.us] Friday, January 06, 2006 9:11 AM kmkelly@DOC1.WA.GOV RE·. Case 05-328-0510 Thanks, J will ~et the report to our word processor today and then a copy to you and the prosecutor when I get it back. .J erry Bates . - /y D2.70 / -. J. View All Photos Page 1 of 1 Please click on the picture to enlarge it. PHOTO DATE OF PHOTO SOURCE OF PHOTO 7/1/2004 3:15:03 I'M ,AS ,AS Close • Developed and Maintained by DOC's IT Web Application Unit. 0271 IIS_ DIl4 0 DOC NO: BED NO: . •.... ~RECORD NAME: ("AA") COUNSELOR: GB87 BUCKNER, BRIAN CUR¥ENT LOCATION: W. C. C BIRTH : 957 SSA NO: SEX: F : 48 FBI NO: RACE : WHITE SID NO: HISP ORIG: NO HRR: NOT REQUIRED P U L H E S D X T REG OFFENDER: NO 2 1 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 DATE: 07/16/2004 SENTENCE STRUCTURE HOLDS EARNED TIME OUT-TIME COMMENTS (DT02) (DI63) (DI45) (DI47) (DTOB) MXED: 06/03/2006 MNED: ERD : 12/14/2005 ADJ.: 12/14/2005 NRD : 12/20/2005 SCORE: 42 CUS.: MED MFED: 07/01/2004 VW ELIGIBLE:YES COMM.PLACEMENT: NO LSI-R: 23 AND LSI LEVEL: LOW/MOD COMMUNITY CONCERNS (Y/N): N VICTIM WRAP AROUND/SENSITIVE: N N MEN U * * * MOVEMENTS (DI43) CUSTODY (DIB8!B9) GEN ST/V WIT (D150) ISRB (DI54) JOB/WRK ASG (DE10/12) * * * 11/24/05 14.52.46 PAGE 1 STATUS: ACTIVE RMI:RMA DETAINER/WAlUUU,T (DT03) INFRACTIONS (DI46) BEDS/CLSR (DI44) NAME/DOB/SSN (DT04) HISTORY 1;CURR/2;COMPLT ENTER AN 1;CURRENT/2;HISTORY ON ANY OR MORE ABOVE ITEMS TO VIEW DESIRED INFORM 0272 / P//N 0 IISO~ DOCNO:_ COM. COUNTY #AA#N SNOHOMISH CI';1P. CO. /CAUSE ~ECORD NAME: ("AA") 11/24/05 14.52.59 PAGE 1 STATUS: ACTIVE GTL TIME STRT RECEIVED OC MIN. TERM CC CS REL.DATE STATUS 33 07/01/04 07/01/04 51 lYllM 7D 12/14/2005 ACTIVE OFFENSE DESC. V OC CNTS MIN.TERM CC CS JAIL MAND Y 51 lC ROBBERY 1 lYllM 7D 7 OY OM ATTEMPT (ABOVE) TOTAL MONETARY OBLIGATION: ORDERED $****847.00 ;AS OF 11/24/05 PAID $******0.00 SCHEDULE: 0 SET BY: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: YES 06/26/2014 STAT MAX: ******************************************************************************* 0273 11/28/05 15.11.12 OFFENDR CHRONO SCREEN PAGE 001 COMMUNITY CONCERNS: N LOCATION; FOI W.C.C.WOMEN OFFICER/CNSLR: GB87 BUCICNER, BRIAN VICTIM WRAP AROUND/SENSTIVE: N ADMIT/INTAKE DATE: 07/01/2004 11/03/05 TC 04 RECEIVED AN EMAIL ~ VMAIL FROM F'S HUSBAND. I LEFT HIM A PHONE MSG TELLING HIM I NEED TO MEET HIM AT HIS HOUSE TO DISCUSS F'S RELEASE PLAN. I SET A TENATlVE APPT FOR 3PM ON 11-16. ASKED HIM TO CALL AND CONFIRM THIS DATE AND TIME. SOUNDS LIKE HE IS HOME FROM WORK AROUND 3PM. 11/03/05 J YERKES 11/15/05 TC 04 P'S HUSBAND CONFIRMED THE APPT FOR TOMORROW; HOWEVER, I HAVE A MEETING TO ATTEND, PER MY CCS, AND THE TIME HAS BEEN CHANGED. SENT HIM AN EMAIL AND LEFT A VMAIL TELLING HIM I NEED TO RESCHEDULE. 11/17/05 J YERliliS 11/16/05 CM 04 SEGREGATION""MADE P STATES SHE rs OKAY 11/16/05 B BUCKNER 11/16/05 TC 08 pIS HUSBAND, LEFT A COUPLE MSGS ASKING ME WHERE I WAS FOR THE APPT TOD Y. APPARENTLY, HE DID NOT RECEIVE MY MSGS. I CALLED AND EXPLAINED I TRIED TO CONTACT HIM. HE SAID HAD HAD BEEN IN CLASS ALL WK, DURING THE DAY AND AT NIGHT. WE AGREED TO MEET AT 4PM TOMORROW. I ASKED IF HE HAD QUESTIOSN AND HE SAID HE DID NOT REALLY KNOW WHAT TO ASK B/C THIS IS ALL NEW TO HIM. 11/17/05 J YERKES PF11-ADD PF7-BKWRD ENTER-FRWRD (PUT CURSOR ON DATE, GO TO UPDTE) 0274 DT37 0 FKR OTST037 11/28/05 15.11.32 OFFENDR CRRONO SCREEN PAGE 002 COMMUNITY CONCERNS: N LOCATION: F01 W.C.C.WOMEN OFFICER/CNSLR: GB87 BUCKNER, BRIAN ADMIT/INTAKE DATE: 07/01/20~ VICTIM WPAP AROUND/SENSTlVE: N 11/16/05 TC 08 P'S HUSBAND,IIIIIIIJLEFT A COUPLE MSGS ASKING ME WHERE I WAS FOR THE APPT TODAY. APPARENTLY, HE DID NOT RECEIVE MY MSGS. I CALLED Alqo EXPLAINED I TRIED TO CONTACT HIM. HE SAID HAD I~ BEEN IN CLASS ALL WK, DURING THE DAY AND AT NIGHT. WE AGREED TO MEET AT 4PM TOMORROW. I ASKED IF HE HAD QUESTIOSN Alqo HE SAID HE DID NOT REALLY KNOW WHAT TO ASK B/C THIS IS ALL NEW TO HIM. 11/17/05 J YERKES 11/18/05 FC 04 CCO CAMPBELL F~ I MET WITH P'S HUSBAND,~AT HIS HOME. THE J&S WAS REVIEWED AT LENGTH AS WAS DOC'S ABILITY TO IMPOSE CONDITIONS BASED ON RISK AND NEED. I STRESSED THE IMPORTANCE OF P STAYING ON HER MENTAL HEALTH MEDS AND PARTICIPATING IN MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT. HE SAID SHE WAS SEEING A PRIVATE PSYCHIATRIST. HE AGREES THAT NEEDS TO CONTINUE UPON HER RELEASE. HE DID NOT OFFER MUCH INSIGHT REGFJmING HER MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES. I ASKED IF HE WAS AWARE OF HER HAVING ANY ISSUES WITH DRUGS Mqo ALCOHOL Alqo HE SAID SHE HAD ISSUES WITH ALCOHOL IN THE PAST AIqo COMPLETED TREATMENT AT RESIDENCE VII FOUR OR FIVE YRS AGO. HE SA ENTER~FRWRD (PUT CURSOR ON DATE, GO TO UPDTE) PFll-ADD PF7-BKWRD 0275 DT370_ 11/28/05 15.11.35 OFFENDR CHRONO SCREEN PAGE 003 COMMUNITY CONCERNS: N LOCATION: FOI W.C.C.WOMEN OFFICER/CNSLR: GBS7 BUC~iER, BRIAN ADMIT/INTAI~ DATE: 07/01/2004 VICTIM WRAP ARO~IVE: N 11/18/05 FC 04 CCO CAMPBELL AND I MET WITH pIS HUSBAND,AT HIS HOME. THE J&S WAS REVIEWED AT LENGTH AS WAS DOCtS ABILI TO IMPOSE CONDITIONS BASED ON RISK AND NEED. I STRESSED THE IMPORTANCE OF P STAYING ON HER MENTAL HEALTH MEDS AND PARTICIPATING IN MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT. HE SAID SHE WAS SEEING A PRIVATE PSYCHIATRIST. HE AGREES THAT NEEDS TO CONTINUE UPON HER RELEASE. HE DID NOT OFFER MUCH INSIGHT REGARDING HER MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES. I ASKED IF HE WAS AWAP.E OF HER HAVING ANY ISSUES WITH DRUGS AND ALCOHOL AND HE SAID SHE HAD ISSUES WITH ALCOHOL IN THE PAST AND COMPLETED TREATMENT AT RESIDENCE VII FOUR OR FIVE YRS AGO. HE SAID HE DOES NOT 11/28/05 J YERKES 11/18/05 FC 08 CONT ... KEEP ALCOHOL IN THE HOUSE. WE EXPLAINED ALCOHOL IS A DIS INHIBITOR AND A CONDITION WOULD MOST LIKELY BE IMPOSED PROHIBITING THE USE OR POSSESSION OF ALCOHOL P~ONG WiTHE STANDARD NO DRUG USE CONDIT~ ALSO HAD A LENGTH DISCUSSION ABOUT THE NO CONTACT ORDER.~AID IT WAS THE FIRST TIME P HAD GONE TO THAT PARTICULAR HAIR SALON, SO HE DOUBTS SHE WOULD R PF7-BKWRD ENTER-FRWRD (PUT CURSOR ON DATE, GO TO UPDTE) PFl1-ADD FKR OTST037 0276 11/28/05 15.11.38 OFFENDR CHRONO SCREEN PAGE 004 COMMUNITY CONCERNS, N LOCATION: F01 W.C.C.WOMEN OFFICER/CNSLR: GB87 BUCIQNER, BRIAN ADMIT/INTAKE DATE: 07/01/2004 VICTIM WRAP AROUND/SENSTIVE: N II/IS/OS FC OS CONT ... KEEP ALCOHOL IN THE HOUSE. WE EXPLAINED ALCOHOL IS A DISINHIBITOR AND A CONDITION WOULD MOST LIKELY BE IMPOSED PROHIBITING THE USE OR POSSESSION OF ALCOHOL ALONG W/THE STANDARD NO DRUG USE CONDIT~E ALSO HAD A LENGTH DISCUSSION ABOUT THE NO CONTACT ORDER.~SAID IT WAS THE FIRST TIME P lVill GONE TO THAT PARTICULAR HAIR SALON, SO HE DOUBTS SHE WOULD RECOGONIZE THE VICTIM. WE DISCUSSED THAT SHE WOULD NEED TO AVOID THE ENTIRE COMPLEX WHERE THE BUSINESS IS. HE WANTED TO IG,OW WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF THE VICTIM WERE TO SEE HIS WIFE. IT WAS EXPLAINED THE NO-CONTACT ORDER IS AGAINST HER AND SHE NEEDS TO MINIMIZE ALL CONTACT. 11/2S/05 J YERKES II/IS/OS FC 12 CONT ... HE DID NOT SEEM TO LIKE MY RESPONSE TO THIS AI'D INSTEAD, TURNED HIS ATTENTION TOWARD CCO CAMPBELL HIM IF HE UNDERSTOOD WHAT HE MEANT. I GOT THE FEELING HAS ISSUES WITH WOMEN AS CCO CAMPBELL IS A MAN AND THR UT OUR CONVERSATION, HE LOOKED AT AND INTERACTED WITH HIM ALTHOUGH I WAS DOING MOST OF THE TALKING. ~AID HE THINKS P WILL BE AB PF7-BKWRD ENTER-FRWRD (PUT CURSO~TE, GO TO UPDTE) PF11-ADD ANDIIISK 0277 0>_ 11/28/05 15.11.41 OFFENDR CERONO SCREEN PAGE 005 COMMUNITY CONCERNS: N LOCATION: F01 W.C.C.WOMEN OFFICER/CNSLR: GB87 BUCKNER, BRIAN VICTIM WRAP AROUND/SENSTIVE~ N ADMIT/INTAKE DATE: 07/01/2004 11/18/05 FC 12 CONT ... HE DID NOT SEEM TO LIKE MY RESPONSE TO THIS Al~ INSTEAD, TURNED HIS ATTENTI.ON '!'OWARD CCO CAMPBELL ~.. HIM IF HE UNDERSTOOD WHAT HE MEANT. I GOT THE FEELIN~S ISSUES WITH WOMEN AS CCO CAMPBELL IS A MAN AND THROUGHOUT OUR CONVERSATION, HE LOOKED AT AND ~CTED WITH HIM ALTHOUGH I WAS DOING MOST OF THE TALKING. _ _ SAID HE THINKS P WILL BE ABLE TO RETURN TO HER JOB AT A LOCAL CONVENIENCE STORE. HE WAS REMINDED P WILL NEED TO REPORT TO THE LYNNWOOD DOC OFFICE WITHIN 24 HOURS OF HER RELEASE. 11/28/05 J YERKES 11/23/05 eM 04 SEGREGATION ROUNDS MADE. 11/23/05 B BUCIOffiR 7 PF7-BKWRD ENTER-FRWRD (PUT CURSOR ON DATE, GO TO UPDTE) PFll-ADD 0278 DT34 6 F01 11735 11/24/05 00:32.00 INCIDENT REPOET PAGE 1 NO.: 11735 TYPE: 37 STAFF MISCONDUCT-ALLEGED LOCATION: FOI W.C.C.WOMEN OCCURRED ON DATE: 11/23/05 TIME: 07:50PM STAFF REPOETING: LT. G. BURTON ~LACE: 300 DIV. OF PRISONS REPORTED ON: 11/24/05 TIME: 12:IOAM PLACE: CLOSE CUSTODY UNIT CONFIDENTIAL: YES OFFENDERS INVOLVED: INJURED HOSP. STAFF INVOLVED: INJURED HOSP N N INV. - KELLY - KELLY N N B29 OTSB310 PROPERTY DAMAGE: NO APPROX. COST: OTHER AGENCIES CONTACTED: DATE: AGAINST: 3 STAFF $ / /. TIlvJE: - --- NAME OF HOSPITAL: HARRISON MEDICAL CENTER FOLLOWUP REPORT: YES OTHER TYPES: PF~-OFFENDERS * PFS-DESCRIPTION INCIDENT PRINTED AND EMAIL SENT 0279 DT34 5 F01 11735 11/24/05 00:28.20 B29 OTSB310 INCIDENT DESCRIPTION PAGE 2 NO.: 11735 TYPE: 37 STAFF MISCONDUCT-ALLEGED DATE: 11/24/05 DES C RIP T I 0 • )l.T 1900 HP.S, DR. MCDOUGALL REPORTED THAT OFFENDER. HAD TOLD DR. DAVIS THAT SHE HAD BEEN SEXUALLY ASSAULTED BY A STAFF ME N TWO OCCASIONS AND NO LONGER~FE IN HER UNIT. INV. KELLY WAS NOTIFIED AND INTERVIEWED THE OFFENDER . . . . . . . .STATES THAT SHE WAS ASSAULTED IN OCTOBER IN THE CCU CONFERENCE ROOM AND THAT SHE WAS VAGINALLY RP.PED. SHE STATES THAT IN NOVEMBER SHE WAS RECTALLY ASSAULTED BY THE SAME OFFICER WHILE IN THE CCU WEST POD JANITOR'S CLOSET AND NOW HAS INTERMITTENT SHARP PAIN OF THE RIGHT SIDE WHEN SHE WALKS. SHE STATES SHE DID NOT SAY ANYTHING AS SHE WAS AFPAID D I ' OFFICER, SUPERINTENDENT BELINDA OF RETALIATION FROM THE OFFICERM STEWART WAS NOTIFIED. OFFENDER WAS TRANSPORTED TO HARRISON MEDICAL CENTER BY SGT GROTH AND C/O DAU RTY. INV. KELLY CONTACTED HOSPITAL STAFF AND INFORMED THE EMERGENCY ROOM NURSE, CANDICE SRP.NCOM OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES AND THAT THE OFFENDER W)l.S ENROUTE FOR ASSESSI~ENT OF SEXUAL ASS)l.ULT AND PAPE KIT TESTING. AN INCIDENT REPORT WAS SUBMITTED BY OR. MCDOUGALL. UPDATE COl~PLETE PRESS PF3 TO PRINT & SEND INCIDENT 0280 INCIDENT REPORT PATE OF INCI DEI~T 1I~C1DEI~1 CI,fEGORY WlmESSES PERSONS INVOLVED LIVING UI'·J11IPOST ~---_._-._~.-~-IE INI,\ATE I'IAME INI~A TE I~AI~E DOC NUloiIBER .. --,-----~~_._-_._._- -----~.- _----_._--~ II Jr,',,t.TE <2.._, UVII~G ul~r; .. LIVING UI~iTlPOST U'/Ii~G UNiT IPOST --~-_. DOC I~UI"'8ER I~AI<lE {POSl --------~_._-_._~-----_._~-----_ _------~--_._--------- .-----~~ . n2.8_1 __ J STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS / INCIDENT REPORT DATEfTlME OF INCIDENT - DOC NUMBER 11/23/05 1930 LOCATION WITNESSES SNU ACUTE Officer Lynn Wildes McNish 1ZI Confidential LIVING UNIT CCU I------------~--~___l Sg! USE OF FORCE lNCIDEt\lT? DYES [ZJ NO Dr Kathleen Davis _in DETAILS: Who was involved, what took place, howdid it happen, description of any injuries, damage, use of force, etc. Attach additional sheet, if necessary. At approxim ately 1900 I received a call from MHOD Dr. Da~cating the need for placement of Offender SI\jU due to her level of distress. Dr. Davis stated that Offender _ _eported alledgedly being "assaulted" on her liVing unit and did not feel safe. I received a call from Officer Wildes shortly ~She indicated that Offende~stated she was sexually assaulted by an officer on her unit. OffiCer_sleed that I speak to Offende~nce she was escorted to SNU. u p o . ·I, Ms. •was escorted to my office by Officer Wildes [Officer Daugherty assisted with the strip search]. Ms. as informed of the limits of confidentiality prior to beginning our conversation. She was informed that 1&1 as well as the Shift Lt and Superintendent would be informed of any abuse that was reported. M~indicated she lived in MSU until the end of September when she was placed in SEG after a room search revealed "rolling papers". Once she was releas.d.SEG she was placed in CCU to wait for a bed in MSU. She stated she arrived in CCU October 5. Offender ated she was placed in SEG again in November when her -oommate was discovered smoking in their room. She was returned to CCU again yesterday, November 22. I Ms_tated she was alledgedly sexually assaulted 'by a male correctional officer in CCU on two separate occassions. When asked to describe the assault, she stated that she was raped vaginally on the first occasion which she stated took place "on a Wednesday". She stated that after the first alledged assault, she told the officer in question [whom she refused to name stating.s "too scared of retaliation"] to stop and that she was going to grieve the officer and "tell Belinda Stewart". Offende reported that she was assaulted a second time by the same officer "on a Tuesday I think". She reported that this assault alledgedly involved both vaginal and rectal penetration and was "so rough" that she wo~e might have sustained some physical damage. When asked if she was experiencing any bleeding'lIffe r_tated she experienced rectal bleeding following the assault. She denied any vaginal bleeding. Offender lso stated that she has been experiencing intermittent sharp pain in her right side "when I walk" since the alledged s cond assault. Offende-Iso stated that after she confronted the officer in question [after her first alledged assault] she other officers such as not being let out during door rack. She stated that she had to "bang on my door" and that other offenders "had to yell and ask for me to be let out". She also stated she was refused access to the unit Sgt. by.officers whom she did not name. experien~midation" from Following our discussion, \ reported Ms.~ccusations to Shifl Lt Simmons and Sgt McNish. Kelly Kelly was contacted as well as Superintendent Stewart who was the assigned 00. I also asked CO Wildes to complete an incident report. She stated that she would report to Sgt. Mct\lish as well. Kelly Kelly [l & I] was requestedto return to the institution to interview Ms. •nd decide upon the next course of action. F: L.-~=' _1_ c'id:- 0282 Distribution: WHITE - Chief Investigator CANARY· Exaculive Team Member PINK - Originator GOLDENROD - Immediate Supervisor rMEDIATC ACTION TAKEN l_.~~_ 11/23/05 DATE R. McDougall, Psy 4 Psy 4 STAFF SlGI~ATURE (Please Pnnl) TITLE TO BE COMPLETED BY CHIEF INVESTIGATOR DATEfTllvlE RECEIVED INVESTIGATION ASSIGNED TO II>lCIDENT NUMBER BY DATE The contents of this document may be eligible for public disclosure, SOCial Secunty Numbers are considered confidential information and will be redacted in the event of such a request. This form is governed by Executive Order 00-03, RCW 42.17, and RCW 40.14. Distribution: WHITE· Chief lnves\igator CANARY· Executive Team Member I~·'· I,. -- . ... r~ i l l . _ . -Ij PlI>lK . Originator ~·7 t GOLDENROD - Immediate Supervisor Pierce C,junty Sheriff Department Incident Report Incident No. 053280510 .: Page 1 of 4 ORIGINAL Quick Print P'"''\~l ' Ho~eland Security: Subject: ! Rape 00'l:J W Q, ",,0- --~--------~.~--- CXlCD o:J 01...lo.Z ~O ...lo. Related Cases: ...-.. I taseReporti~LJmber-· "._~_~JI\.£ienci·"· Non-Electronic Attachments . ];iiaCi\~-ntType--" -_-_ _. ....... ~oc~~i::~!"~~~~ss.: _:.. ~~ 01_B u.La_c_ic_h~~ .. W ..City, Stale, Zip: Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Contact Location: i - !il. I . __.___ .L.._~ _HWS-.:.!iand..written Statement Farm -__ ._.. Count =--==:---,-,-,u-"~-'AddilionarDfStribuii~on---'-'-'-----_ -.-----..-1-- _.~~c::!~~_~:m_e_: .l ,I Cross Street: I =c _ _ ,.._ _.__.__._ . ~ . _._.__ . _._"_.__:_._.. - -' _,_ . _~ __'_ I City, Slate, Zip: I CBI~~~~~D: i 305 - PIERCE COUNTY .__.__ j_._..9~~tricVSector: i PC14_-._E.ierc~_Co_u~!y.JE~~in_sul~Q~tac.~J o~rr~From:11~4m514:59:00Thuffid~L_ _~I --.J o_oo_ur_~_d_T_O_:~! _ ~ Noles: Offense Details: 1103 ~ Sex Crime - Forcible Rape - Strongarm I ! Gang Related: Juvenile: ! Crime Against: ; PE Hate/Bias: Using: Toots: . _._.~~_~~~::;.;t~~~_' Entry Method: I ..__ .__... .__ J_~~~~::COlle~~J .__ I I None (No Bias) I I ~ ........_._. ...._._. Notes: / Suspect 51: Skillings, David Aliases: I-------=DOB- I _____. ' i . ! I Height:: Weight: ..--_·_-.·-..-..-._....A.._.d.·.~.-.r.------,-_e._s_s ...:... 1....-._._... ... City, State Zip: I~:.·::=~.:~·?~h::~~~.~ress: Age: Verified: No i 40 i 1 . _·-···-_·--_·_-- C=:........ Sex: ! Ethnicity: I Non-Hispanic I Male ! Hair Color: . PDA: I ----==-rcOtinty: ~== ~FY: I Eye Color: : Phone: \ . TI -- -- -----.----II --'''-SUSfriessPhone:,'---'''' I Other Phone: _-- I (j.~ • ,gr.i~tedj NQ=er 25, 2005 - 5:24 PM biJ r'CI,:teL.l; . ted By: O'Connor, Patricia )ierce County Sheriff Depa lent Incident· Incident No. ·53280510.1 Page 3 of 4 ~eport ----~~-------- ,;;pilal Taken To: : -.-...-..- ...- ...-. --.. -~--t \Uending Physician: , Harrison Memorial .... i ! Victim Was 31 ~ Skillings, David ! _8W )fficer Killed or :>'ssaulled nfonrnalion Type: : \- .A~gnmenf:J_--_~ Activity: Yes Medical Release .1 . Obtained: I .;:foidpjacedBy:-- -- --_. - .. .,?!i,!! Q!f_~!l_f!~ __~_~~!i~ I]~~!p~. _... T"ReiaIionshlp:-· .-.--.----)ffender: ~nforcemenl ..------. -··--------rFtre CIBpl Res-pclnw: . j- ~ m __ ~_. - I --=r-aken By: : ! m -I .. __ .. Otherwise Known ._ ._._.. ~.~.~_~=_=J i I Justifiable Homicide 1 Circumstances: i I ' i Viclim Notes: ] ivestiqative Information Means: -.----~ ...- .. ---~~----- Vehicle Activity: Synopsis: ..-.-----.--.-.. Motive: .1 -----------------·-----·~----~r--------·----·---------··-·-·----··-·-------.--. Direction Vehicle Traveling: I 1 Corrections officer versus female inmate, Narrative; 11/24/051459 Hours: I spoke with Investigator Kelly at the Washington Correctional Center for Women 9601 Bujacich Dr NW reference a sexual assault Kelly is the Chief Criminal Investigator at the prison and stated a female inmate was taken to Harrison Memorial Hospital on 11/23/05 and treated for possible internal injuries. A corrections officer named David Skillin s had been placed on administrative leave because of the rape allegation against Because of the Thanksgiving holiday, the prison's human resources department him by inmate was not availa a gIve any further information on the officer, I I I spoke Wit~ in an interview room with Investigator K811 Y ' I I i gned the attached medical release form and also told Kelly she is willing to take a polygraph test. old me she had been raped twice by Skillings in the past month. The first incident took place near t e end of October 2005. In the evening hours on the October day, _ _ aid she was "out of bounds" in her pod and she thought she was in trouble. Skillings tol i d0 go into~rence room just behind the pod's control room. O~ere, Skillings forced himself on and raped her vaginally with his penis. Skillings ejaculated inside., and then told her if she said any ing, he could revoke her release date and keep her in prison longer. - \ 1 The second incident took place two weeks ago in November. In_housing pod, there is a small storage etos.et under the stairwell, "He Rulled me into the closet by the ic~ne". I asked her what happened and she said "He raped me aqain". _said this time the rape was done anally and that she bled afterwards. 1 She threatened to turn him in a~old her to keep quiet and that the other guards are on his side. I l _ s a i d she finally reported the incidents bec~ain in her lower abdomen. She was treated Harrison ~rial and was given prescription pain killers~as not sure of the extent of the injuries yet the doctor I told her she might need surgery in the future. \ Nothing further at this time. ! De ut Blair #325 95-014 I', f-l~ ., I, For Law Enforcement Use OnJy- No Secondary Dissemination A/towed ." .•• :~ rZ \ ~.,...A, 11',,_.: v f~,! 0285 Printed: November 25, 2005· 5:24 PM Printed By: O'Connor, Patricia PIERCu COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPAh ~ ,\1ENT Case No: I hereby authorize and request you to release the complete medical records In your possession concerning my illness and/or treatment to the following for purposes of criminal investigation and prosecution, A copy of this release is as good as the original. Send Records to: Pierce County Sheriff's Department Attention: Address: ----------_._-- ---~----..,.------------------------'------ Phone #: Patient Information: ---------..,.--- patie~ Date of.Bilth: SSN: Fax #: --------- Address: ~ __ . ' lnformation to be released from: Doctor/Hospital: ItA- ((At;:;, (/» DateTreat~dlHospitalized: Type of Crime: 5hXU/IU:.- . J2 ---1.L! Z '77af Address: _ ~ ~ ,ft:dlL-. Information to be released: ~ Medical records pertaining to treatment received on date treated. Otber _ o Patient Authorization: I understand that my records may contain information regarding the diagnosis or treatment of HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, drug anclJor alcohol abuse, mental illness, or psychiatric treatment. I give my specific authorization for these records to be released. I understand thal once the health information I have authorized to be disclosed reaches the noted recipient, that person or organization may re-disclose it, at which time it may no longer be protected under Privacy Laws, I ~'EXCLUDE the following information from the records released (please initial): Drug/Alcohol abuse/treatment & diagnosis Sexually Transmitted Disease "'17' \ .•.'.~ :,.):-! \T ( • . • "')j • ~I.} .._~ '. l \ _ _ HIV I AIDS diagnosis/treatment/testing Mental Illness or Psychiatric diagnosis/treatment = \ l F' :~QI= .s/. l.l'.,.c .... ·.=-.. .... . .-...tI 1 have been advised that I may revoke this authorization anytime in writing, Signe '-- Dated:/!- ')::. -( ~f-}286 Kelly, Kelly M. From: 'ant: Kelly, Kelly M. Monday, November 28, 2005 6:00 PM Wilbrecht, Donald A.; Delano, Lynne N.; Stewart, Belinda D. Staff Misconduct (0: Subject: Offender occasions. is alleging that Officer David Skilling raped her on two separate Offender. said in October she was raped vaginally by Officer Skilling in the Close Custody Unit (CCU) conference room. She said that in November he raped her vaginal and rectal penetration in CCU- West pod janitorial closet. She stated that following the rape she experienced rectal bleeding. She denied any vaginal bleeding, Offend~as taken to Harrison Hospital, screened by Mental Health and Pierce County Sheriff was notified. Kelly M. Kelly Chief Investigator Washington Correction Center for Women 9601 Bujacich Rd. MS: WP-04 '7ig Harbor WA 98332 253.858.4689 I I .J.. -- 0287 . / ...: -~/-/. ~ . /._0"- (ilSn 1·(n~l'(.RA.PIISEn\TJ(~I~S William D. Tufts 1409 18 th Ave CT. SW Puyallup, WA 98371 TO: Investigator Kelly Kelly Department of Corrections Washington Corrections Center for Women 9601 Bujacich Road NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Subject: DOB: Requested by: _1957 Examination Date: 11/28/05 Offense: Statement Verification Investigator Kelly Kelly Purpose of Examination: To verity or refute the subject's allegation that Officer David Skillings had sexual intercourse with her. Prior to the polygraph examination, the subject was advised of her Polygraph Rights. CONCLUSIONS A polygraph examination was not administered. exam. The subject refused the polygraph November 28, 2005 Examiner: William D. Tufts Date of Report POLYGRAPH EXAMlNATION STATEMENT OFCONSENT DH"I&t&-OS-· E•• Time ll?oC;- Plnce LJCtlAj min.~on ~~~~~~~~_ I, ,understand a polygraph ex arninauon /Nc.e.- ~ adrninist ered by GSR polygraph s e r v ic es lor the is being conducted concemjng~J4f-eIr1~LW;crJ;Llrh~:'1also understand rha: I cannot be required to subrnit to n polygraph examination without my consent. Addi uonall y, tha: if the answers durin g the examination show dece p.ion, I may be asked 1 hold G S R to e),plai n. po lyg r a ph s e rvi c es and W'd liarn Tufts harmless and free lrorn any liabil it Yfor any acts or omission by any other pani es or agenci es and release and hoi d harml ess any persons or agencies from any and all claims or liabilities aile ged to result from or arise OUI of this exami nation, Understanding tbat ! have the unqualified righl to refuse, [ do hereby, this dare. voluntarily and without duress, coercion, unlawful inducement, or promise of reward, agree to submit to a polygraph examination. ! further understand that the information obtained during this process will not be released to me, D\O No! !AJ,~TO ~~ WilnessJ~~ S( Y 1'0 ·0 ,'"L ""'-;\-1<:- -e. Tf-\- -e, ~s 'J SignatureW1""T? 1D CcY\TIl'er=MTO~ Date /~ 2-~~O) / r r-, r:": ~ , :. ..'; 'f_ ,. -~'. ,. . \ ..... ~ ~ ··7 ,\ d ...2- o28 9 GSR POLYGRAPH SERVICES INVOICE # 05-046 Federal 10 532626194 William D. Tufts ]409 lS fu A ve Court SW Puyallup, WA 98371 11128105 Department of Corrections Office of Correctional Operations Attn: Kelly Kelly 9601 Bujacich Road NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335-0017 Attn: Investigator Kelly: A polygraph examination was offered to the following subject: 11-28-05 $200.00 (REFUSED) Total Examination Fee $200.00 We appreciate your business! GSR Pnlvcranh Servic-es 1409 1Rlh Ave. f:Ollrt SW. Puvallnn. WA 9K'\71 0290 2';:'1-770- 1477 Form A State of Washington l~·LA VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION (REV. 1(91) AGENCY NUIoIIQER l-OCAlION COOF. 3100 Vendor Nama and Add'Dss LTO AGEJr\lCY p.R. on AlI'lHORiZJ,;ltDK tlUMUltP G2 AGENCY NAME J\HII LQCAlIOili GSR Polygraph Services William D. Tufts 1409 18th Ave CT. SW Puyallup, WA 98371 WA CORR CENTER FOR WOM EN 9601 BUJACICH RD NW GIG HARBOR, WA 98332 MB3DO RECEIVED U'f' UAll, HE.CE:IVEl.I Chief Investigator Kelly 12-19-05 USE 91'ACE U€LOWA5 ~ WOnKl:iH=:£T TO DEYElOP on EXP'LA'N TUt=:GOODS Ok SfRVlCES. PU./iCHA9EP S1APLE ltil/DICES au DJo.CK PREP,/l,RE:DBY DATE Kelly Kelly DOC.OJ.TE: liEF UBI NUMBER WOHK ClASS. M uoc TRA.NS 0 ORG sur cOOt 0 ~NDEX COUtiTY CITYfJOW .... AMoUNT BI,IOClEl ALLOt:: \lNIT 200.00 ACCOUNTING A.PPROVA,.LFON PAYMENT INVO'CE. HlJhlBF.~ lidOS D....TE 200.00 05-046 2"h1 "'AR""N'tI.U U ~ Kelly, Kelly M. From: :ient: To: ce. Subject: McDougall, Rachael T. Wednesday, November 30, 2005 2:32 PM Haroian, John M. Dahlbeck, Ronald C.; McDougall, Rachael T.; Kelly, Kelly M. - Ms. as stabilized and is ready for transfer to GP pending bed space. She was placed in TEC on 0 em er 23 due 10 acute anxiety and panic secondary t~leged sexual assault [X2] by a custody staff member. This reported incident is currently under investigation. Ms~has been receiving supportive therapy while in SNU ACUTE along with psychoeducation re: acute PTSD. She has a strong support network [formal and informal] in the community and looks forward to continuing MH services upon her releasW!0mmunity. Pendlno her release [which is tentatively slated for January 2006 - address approval is pending], Ms equires continued MH intervention to assist her in processing the alleged trauma. I will be placing her on the callout for t e SNU Transition Group to assist with her return to CCU. In addition, I would strongly recommend a period of short-term 1:1 work to provide further psychoeducation and process re: her alleged assaults. n294 , .. I( - .......t _ _ ', Co' • .1- -_.'.,';,.- 5TATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS P G /C) - i-:5 ~L(J\5I16LJ5 [) -..... WITNESS STATEMENT FACILITY (,£JC{~ tJ • • • g • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • R • • • • • • -• • • • • • ~ ••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••• ~.m {} ........•..... la ••••• A.M. NOTE: •• a 0 P.M. This statement should give a factual account of the events witnessed. Of particular importance is information as to what was observed, where and when it occurred, who was involved, what other witnesses there were to the event, and if possible, any factual information relative to the possible reasons for the incident or misconduct. 11. II _ . a . g B . Ill mll • • IIIlIR.tllla • • I have read the above statement and affirm that it is based on personal observation of the event(s) described herein and that it is, to the best of my knOWledge, a true and accurate statement of fact. . , L~~ LLL"-.;../ ~!-.):J3'LSIGNATURE OF WITNESS s Distrlbuuon. WH1TEcHearing Officer, PINK·Offender C_.L~3 J' ! 11295 DATE ---rf-;/'5 . {~/,h{dc (Ji/I /r:.It"LIU::F7.5'hl p //"15 c/- //7 (.~,1?.5 I Ci/Z>/7 5h2/'Lc.J:/ U/l /"17 ,h--1CJLV.s i,/;I 5 j?Ot/:f//(' !::. / /l r 11£ A.( l./~ ..S"At [71:r!.1J (1/z>'1 )-!() (!/;u lti/lfC d/,J{</ (}z./J-t[ d~(' L+- /71?CLO It! ,/l?f;) t/{/i//'7tj/ /:I?C! r h/7~ J/J( ({~~ IA,f1a, /;f)? r I~ 01 //17t m.Jf hc-:5k2../1,?/} . . . . . . {-111 f . (if') jj ,./' ;?-[./{~lI{l . (,tI11-( . _ /I"'? /it./ {leJ{(.Ir:!l./5 1'7'75[/ /(;/,7/ /~ ,/ /71{:( ~ '/ IV /. -61'/:;7 .Jlu /:'/z::;('ccc:~-/:? ,6, JL// t:-/::7 ti-'i::-?"7/-- /i/ .5 ,;t~/ /.:J bye' /lpt?/..j iN J";:h.1!1 /;u71 [./U' u./lr::7 f '/'- /4'1/1 '; '. / Ib// , 1;7/1'7') . (hilP, I1n1j ' / hy1/7 10 /. (,(/c?3 d/ c-k /'7 l' II-/' l ItCI?:; d~/7/? ~f t: hire> Ii'51' c~ t /Y )u'tU , / p(')f' i"l'7C[.Z£7 !,:; t~(,.J (~5 k;lc":/, ( A.cr~ -t, :}/u tlu 17 n()t: /£7 /t.c~/ l:(/- f?71Yf ie:' ti/~'-/7 :5 /7.{ C7C i.c/ io JZ..( I / / eyel,/ /7,;7 / ·c /j C,' O~ ~ 5l./'/'(j-{ It> / / /0 5(1/0 r' CAe//,- l'7C!: [.-7z.t rcl?7 ltt.,'/- /Zc'VZ-/- i-c./Ic.,t>I'Z Ik r' /' 1', e» ,-'7 I 1.--7 11c')) Pt"C.;t/ I ,)!:Z-U;? !('(?it- 11/"Yl{,,: 5'A.c: c.L.. .t~r ;;;,~) j (7~y-- (vlt/i.1--- /' ....J/U !t(j »? /"G7c1 l-c/c? 5 cY (/ 'l::" l(i .",.... [~-tj «r.r: k) j,(~c['(/--- (-Iv lA/f.!. / . {{::/'7cJ It? I/{,-( t? /0 ;te/ lr7a·~cf'./ a'f'f" ~?'lI7f' /4::-c:.. If:, /v/I'/"2· /u-// C2..-/7 cJ /.-:v~-; //1.C S .r / {cw-r''Z...e.. 5(/2 cf/z;. ,k/ . -. / /; h /1/7/(. 'Cc!;:; 5ILl. /;..7P(/(C { U l/ . IUj// 7 (J 5'c:./;;-: ,a,!c/Y ";;; (55;/i~5 [;/-;cii . (/17 ~ J ~k-Cf c::./{,((t;fc/ 5he :~.f;/1] / /;;2:} . /0 0u{."lICI'b>.s ~ £t/t- s)- l/l /i.J:l-J 5 /1.( l(d~-r6 ' O?c.'t-'.;/ t-F7£1)( (/5--/1., /7/ ;, / .' _ I CU'7~ /:7,,- ~. #/1 ).~I ii: L- / ; / Kelly. Kelly M. To: ,ubject Offender _ Seattle. Jerry Bates RE: Case 05-328-0510 attorney is Todd Gardner. She was not sure if his law firm is in ---Original Message----From: Jerry Bates [lnailto:JBATES@co.pierce.wa.us] Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 3:07 P1\'1 To: kmkelly@DOC1.v\TA.GOV Subject: Re: Case 05-328-0510 Thanks again. Any word on whom the attorney advising 111ay be? I want to finish up this report and get it to the prosecutor soon. (I do not plan to interview Skillings unless the case goes forward.) JB 253-798-6089 0297 Kelly. Kelly M. From: ;ent To: Subject: Jerry Bates [JBATES@co.pierce.wa.us] Tuesday, December 20, 2005 3:40 PM kmkelly@DOC1.wAGOV RE: Case 05-328-0510 I have started to dictate the report but it will be awhile before I get back to it as a few other priorities have been sent my way. Thanks, ,J erry Bates »> "Kel1~ M. <ku1kelly@DOCl.\J\7A.GOV> 12/16/2005 1 5 :54 »> Offender _ attorney is Todd Gardner. She was not sure were he 1t 1S located at. Could you please provide us with a copy of you report. Thank You! ---Original Message----From: Jerry Bates [n1ailto:JBATES@co.pierce.wa.us] Sent: Tuesday, December 13,20053:07 PM To: lankelly@DOC1.WA.GOV Subject: Re: Case 05-3 2 8- 0 5 10 Thanks again. Any word on whom the attorney ad vising be? I want to finish up this report and get it to the prosecutor SOOl1. (I do not plan to interview Skillings unless the case goes forward.) may