Wadoc Report Staff Sexual Misconduct Santos 2007
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-v\TARNING THIS FILE IS THE PROPERTY OF THE HEADQUARTERS / PRISONS DIVISION SPECIAL INVESTIATIONS UNIT CONTENTS MAY BE DISCLOSED ONLY TO PERSONS WHOSE OFFICIAL DUTIES REOUIRE ACCESS. CONTENTS MAY NOT BE DISCLOSED TO THE PARTY (S) CONCERNED NOR TO COUNSEL, WITHOUT SPECIFIC AUTHORIZATION OF THE DEPUTY SECRETARY CASE TOPIC: Custodial Sexual Assault RE: Offender Scheller/CO Santos CASE #: HQ 04-24-07-FOl DATE OPENED: 03/25/07 DATE CLOSED: 04/19/07 SIGN AND DATE AT TIME OF REVIEW OR RECEIPT IN OFFICE REVIEW CASE OUT REVIEW COPY AUTHORAZATION I .... 0133 o "Working Together for SAFE Communities" r!!Cycied paper CONFIDENTIAL State of Washington Department of Corrections Prisons Division Special Investigations Unit Case File HQ 04-24-07-FOI CONFIDENTIAL 0134 Washington State Department of Corrections Investigative Report Case Number: Date Opened: Date Closed: Staff' Involved: H Q 04-24-07 -FO] (Washington Corrections Center for Women WCCW) 03/25/2007 04/19/2007 Clemente Santos Correctional Officer (CO) 2 / WCCW Offender(s) In."olved: Type oflnvestigation: Custodial Sexual Misconduct Origin of Complaint: Washington Corrections Center for Women Gig Harbor, Washington Locations of Occurrences: Harrison Hospital Silverdale, Washington Dates of Occurrences: March 19,2007 Investigated BJ': Investigator Steven Baxter #142 (HQ SlU) and WCCWIIU Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Alleged Violations: RCW 9A.44.l60 - Custodia] Sexual Misconduct ill the First Degree Case Number: HQ 04-24-07-F01 ~~sc~~~}~~~~;=~~i~net~~~(~:~f corrections~~ __ -:.~ ~. . \ . Report Submitted!D': InvestiJ'ator,stev~n~axter # J42 ~~,c:...--":c....:..~,-,,,-,,,,~=~=,,-=,-,=,,,,,,== Reviewed by: &2...4, 2Y~ ( _,0,135 Department of Corrections Policy: DOC 800.010 Ethics DOC 850.030 Employee Relationships / Contact with Offenders Synopsis: On 3/25/07 information was received by the IID office at WCCW that offender_ had made allegations that CO Santos had sexually touched during her recovery from surgery at Harrison Hospital. This information came from other offenders her living unit and was written on incident reports by the duty officers. (See attached incident reports) Offender_ wrote a statement dated 3/25/07 (see attached). In this statement offender said that CO Santos had brought movies for her to watch and later awoke to find CO Santos standing over her with a hand on her shoulder telling her to cover up. At no time did she make any allegations in this statement of inappropriate touching by CO Santos. On 4/5107 two WCCW officers were approached by an officer at the Kitsap county jail and stated that his niece was housed at WCCW and had told him that she had woken in the middle of the night to find an officer with his hand next to or on her vaginal area and thigh. (See attached statement by CO Grant). WCCW lID interviewed offender"again and notified HQ DOC SID on 4/9/07 of a possible custodial sexual assault. Narrative: The following interviews were conducted during the course of the investigation: Offender__.._provided a written statement at WCCW on 03/25/2007 (see attached statement) .had conversations In this written statement offender_ states that offender' with her and other offenders to the fact that she thought that perhaps a certain officer, name unknown had attempted to touch her while she was medicated from her surgery. Offender did not believed it happened; rather it was a result from the medications and mental strain from problems with her husband. Offender rovided a written statement at WCCW on 03/2512007 (see attached statement) Offender_stated that she was told by offender_that CO Santos had been on hospital watch with her after the surgery and at some point after waking up from her anesthesia medications she remembered CO Santos telling her to get dressed. Later offender said that two other offenders approached her and said that offender _ was going to lie to fill in the unknown about when she woke up in the hospital and CO Santos was standing over her. Case Number: HQ04-24-07 -F01 Washington State Department of Corrections Special Investigations Unit (SIU) page 2 O f f e n d e r " - ' " was interviewed at WCCW on 04/06/2007 by WCCW Iill Investigator Henry Keller (see attached email dated 04/09/2007) Offender " i l l this interview stated that she did not remember CO Santos touching her but felt by the way that he acted afterthe incident that something must have happened. Offender_stated that CO Santos was so nice before but was quiet and did not talk to her afterwards. Investigative Note: Offender-,was interviewed by Investigator Baxter ofHQ DOC/Sill on 04/] 3/2007. Also present was Investigator Kelly of WCCW IID and Christina Abby WCCW Health Care Manager. During this interview offender" again stated that at no time did CO Santos have his hand near her groin but may have bumped up against her leg as she woke up. Offender' .also stated that the only reason that she felt something had happened was due to the fact that CO Santos acted different to her before and after she woke upfrom surgery. Summary: Based on information that has been received and individuals interviewed, there is insufficient evidence to show that any custodial misconduct occurred between offende~and CO Santos. Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Picture and Face sheet of bffender-' Picture of CO Santos Offender_ _written statement dated 04/25/2007 Offender~ritten statement dated 04/25/2007 Offender-,written statement undated Misc. incident reports dated 03/25/2007 7.' Memo by CO Grant dated 04/05/2007 8. Email by Investigator Keller dated 04/09/2007 9. Misc. Emails Case Number: HQ 04-24-07 -F01 Washington State Department of Corrections Speciallnvestigatioos Unit (§ILJ) page 3 0137 SIt-,TE OF WASHll,jGTOlx DEPARTMENT Or CORRECTiONS II~CID::NT REPORT o Coniidenual Dele., hIUlvlEi::.F: i I -------'-- i :~~I~~~tl~I'~8rg-Sar;;'£, OfiJCG r: USE OF ;=OF:CE II,CIDa~p 0 \1 l-Unit ~ ------'---- ---------'-- I WITI":SS=~, _ ' i'ES 0 1-10 j DETAILS Wh::... wos involved, wha: leJOI" placL \ additional Sh8fi t. \; necessary. 1 L1\/lI-.JG UI\lli ~ , O:;,ZS07J1tJIJ5 i --------- 11~IW die: II uapper., oescriptior: 01 any injun~~. oarnaqe , use 0: terce. etc Attacn \ I I Offender had made some cnmmerns in regards l(1 ~)D~sibiE; inappropriate sexuai conduct by Officer Santos whilE:: she was in the hospill:l! tor s1Jrger~!, \ spoke with th~ ofiendar on 03.25.07 at 1906 irl my office. I asked her to tel! ITIE:: wha: had happened ShE:: said that whilE; she was in the hospital CIO Sanios was·thE:: officer staying with her. Hs had brought in 10 or 12 DVD's to watch. ThE: other officers that haC been there before sat across the room, \ but hE: sat irl t hE; chair right next to her. Shs said tna she was drifting in and out of consciousness because of the medication, .shE: was wearing the hospital gowrl that was open 'II: thE: bacr and had her legs in "those stoGking iike things that rnassaqe your legs SCJ tha: you don': gel bioot' clots." At one time: \ woke up and ne was standing over me with his \ hand on my s houlder ieliing me to cover up. I was tnraslunp my arms and ho laid me to be still and cover up, I tnini: he may nave been doing something ano ther, gal caugh~ because he wouldn't talk to me the rest 01 the night and won't 1001: a~ me. He wasn't acting like a friend liks the oths. officers. The other officers treated me like 2 person and not an inmate i Aft,er listening to Offend9r~ requested tna' ShE write 2 staternerv in her own words. She cornplied. I \ IIJIiv'IEDIA i E ACTIOI, T Af\EI~: i interviewed the offender, notiiied U Ahmu, had ofienoer wrl\e statement, attached to the incident report, instructed the \ \ offender not to discuss this with any offenders. \ \ \ TITLE D~,TE ccnecnoret Sergeant 03.25.07 \ TO BE COMPLETED BYGHIEF INVESTIGATOR I \ D.L,T=.rrllvIE RE CEIV:='O \ IbICICl=I'I I~UlviB=R , i 1I,IVSST1GI-,TIC) t·~ I',sSIGI-J::D TO I BY I I I I - DATE Tis:: contents 0"" this document may be: (;Jjgible: fo,· pUblic dbclosurf::. Social Security Numbers are c;on::.idr::fcd coniidentu: rE!da:;teo' in rne even; of such a requesL This form is governed by Executive CJrde,- 00-0;;, ReV\' -< .2.17, and ?.::;\I\' 40.14. 0138 lI~CIDEI~T [jj-.T:':fT1M:: OF ll-....}CID::::I\jT !, [I'" '>C c,_c, 07"i "'1[' , 0" I !, VdlTI.I-.::r·s::-c ' ",~_o \ LDSI-,T1CJI\1 REPORT o Confldeniial ! DC:>:: 1~~1v18EP ! :JVlI..jG IJI-JIT ~ I L-t.Jnii i I i V-:Jnii - SE:rg~aflj's Offlce I USE OF FORCE IhlCllJ'::Hn 0 YES 0 HO \ D:::TAILS: Whu was involved, wnat too! place, how did i! happen, nescnption of any Injur'IGS, dama9€;. I atkliiional sueet., ii necessary. USE: oi iorce, etc. f\tlac.h 8:Jn.,·~J<..'J \ \jJ._ \ I.f- j 1 I On 03.25,07 at approximately 1803, while I was standing mainline in the IV:SC I;itchen, Offic \ ' " i she had said that offender_was telling people the Officer Santos had be~n sexually lnapprop!late With 'I ner,whlle she was In the h~He gave m: an incident repo,rt, I ~nlt and spoke With 0!.r.,cer Santos, ana had 11lmwntE_nt report. At 184~, I interviewed Of1ende~ K-Untt Sergeant's Office. She ~Offender had made the comments and had been telling other offenders about it. And that she ~idrt 't believe it to be completely true, I requested her to write a statement as to what she had been told or had heard, She complied, The statement is attached, i I me, and asl:ed to speak with me, He said he had just spoken with Offender I I I i II I !, i lIv1hEDI,LTE ACTIObl TAKEJ,: \ Interviewed the ofiender, notified l.t. I\hmu, had ofiender write statement, atracneo \0 the incident report: instructed the offender not IO discuss this with any offenders. Attachec reports from Officers Santos and FailileT. '. J1S 'I' ;;::.. o--r F'cF'ORTII'G STflrr SIGI~ATURE p. L I TITLE I Virginia L. Bvass~J/h L5J I .z> I correcuoret Serpeanl l- ~I ... \J.J.. - l Of,IE I 03.2507 TOBE COMPLET2D.8YCHIEF INVESTIGATOR \ Of,TE!TII~E \ lIN~S j IGA110b! ASSIGI~='D TO I RE C:'IVcO i I i Ii,CIO=I'1 "UMBER i Of,TO ", ... .11139 The contents 0'- this cocumen: rna)' be eligiblr:c jor public. disclosure. Social Se:;urlt)' Numbf!rs an: constoereo cDnficl~ntia! info,mation ~,,,.. ......" ~_ redacl~d in the event 0' such a request. Thi:; form is gOl'erned by ExecutivE' OrdcrOC;-03, ReW "2.17, and keVl' 4u.14. ! I ~ E,i-;"TE Or Wi",SHII,jGTCm DSP):~r:TM~I-JT OF CORRECT1JI>!S L (I>lCID:::IH C!rFEhJDEF:~. II.JVO~\lcD C.., (f\ r~EPORT UVlhlG Uh!lT ,"; '-~--------~~--- I, I---~- I I, I~I i L _ _J OET AILS: WI,CJ W2l~ invulveti. what luol' place. how did \', ilapIJt:L, descnpuon o~ al'l~' injunet.. diJrnaS!c use D: iorc«, etc Auach additional sl !~e'_, ii uecescarv --- ------\-<.,/',": lIv'lM:=Ol,L,TE ACTI01-J T:4f':=I~:-'-/-i /~--:- /, lATE SUPERINTENDENTSDFFJC~" • ," D,L,Tc -'---------1------- 1 Other ·Ot~lei Other ioctal Security Numbers are: considered confidential information and by Executive Order 00-02, R~W~2.'iI, and RCW 4C.~<. 014 0 _~ "fl""£;" • ,,i . IlJi,',' > ; 1 ' ',~ ,' \ Sl.L,TE Of W/J,SI-IIt-iGTCJhl OE:F'ARTM::I-J1 OF CORR.c.CTIOI,!s \ o Cantlclenlla! [)/-T::JTIM:: CF II "(:ID::'I>-IT \!lJITI~E~.S::'S /,/~.D"::-,,~< ',. ., - r: t;,;V .~ ",'; L_::"'l//'/~-t./ ( > c i 1IV11,,1::01I\T="-'C,101, r C· .....· ;-; ,.-v'.< ;'':"";:1 T,"~;EI~ I \ I 2::~~::;'-~ ,,&~, /~ r STAFr 3IGI-JATURE IITLE TO 8ECOMPLETED BY CHIEF INVESTIGATOR I D/',TEIT\I~E ReCEIVeD \ \ \INESTIGkTION ,',SSIS"=u TO r~ " I!-JCIDehn "UI~BER -«. ," -,,<..,', \ DME i The contents 01 this documen: may be eligiblr:: for public disclosure. SO:;i3! Security Number!; are constcerec confidential informafion and wi/! be redacted in tin- event of such a request This form is governed by ::xe::ufivf1 Order 00-03, ReV!' 42.17, and RCVl' 40.14. 0141 _I - ·DC' ___ -U-.iE or VV.L',~;HII-JGT81~ DE!"-' AFTM;::IH 0;' COF:R;:::CTI::JIIlS ,~: _I "II"S !,I!"J1l / / ~ wr: IE..SS:::~. :.LC:·.il'JI-J ./ l./ ,"-,..1 ! d"Jrn;-J9C: us!:- ol br~l~ etc. 1:"11i:d'l .,",,: I->"'--'/::"'",,Ai L /-/f j) ./''--'. ..... / ~'.r -r-.'..•" / ,.1./ ._' .. t> / 0 r;':" /1// /2·/'[:/::iJ.-Z;7 r/::·...Y1 <>.•:;:; TITLE SiAr:r- SIGHI"TUR::: /&,1 J,rj/,,/7c)), (F'I=il5~ ?nn\j TO B!:COII'IPLETED BY CHI:::r IINESTIGATOR r- I H\NES 11G,L,IIDIJ f;,2.S\GI.J::::.~, 10 "\ 'BY DI-,It II oe TilE conrenn oj tni: cocumenr 17Jay C'ligibl>;: i~' pubUc dis:;}o::;ufe Socia! SE:~lJril)' Number!.: an: considered confidential information ane'wHo' be reba:;l[;'o ir, ,nEe ~ vern 0:' SU::li c: request. Tnh. iorm is governeD by ;:1.E:culilie Orcer Ull.Oj, Rel'l' 1,2.17 eno Rei'" 4[;,14, 0142 Avril 5,20(17 III vesugauve Complaint ceo Miller and OJl 04/05/07, al 12311 hrs, coutaeted hy Officer .I were a1 the Kitiap County Jail when we were. who was on d u t y . " asked to speak to me in privau- about a personal mutter. stated his niece , is an inmate al the Washington State Corrections Center lor Women in Purdy. S11e is serving a sentence for traffieking methamphetamine. _st8ted h« talked with his ruece approximately a week or so ago. _ state~ told him she was taken to a hospital located in Bremerton in mid _ lvEareh for surgery which required an over night stay. She was escorted by a Corrections Oillc.:er hom the facility. Sometime in the middle of the nigh~wol;e up to find th.e Corrections Unieer standing next to her bed with his hand "next to or on her vaginal area and thigh". She asked the officer what he was doing and he replied something to the effect he was covering her With 8 blanket because it fell offher. _ stated_old him when she returned to Purdy she told bel' cellmaies about th.e incident and that she was going to tum the officer in.-..t/was threatened with physical violence by the cellmates and the cellmates said the officer was "their hole in the fence" indicating the Officer "gets them things". _ o l d me he was unsure who he could trust to report the incident. J told~ 'IN ould bring the matter to the attention of my supervisor. _ s a i d _ described the Officer as possibly a Filipino male with the last name of "Shaudo" or "Sudo". _ asked to be contacted by the appropriate Department of Corrections authority. He provided his home phone number: (360) .830-5438. The best time to reach him is after 6 EM.. OfJicer Chris Grant ceo 11 Bremerton Field Office (360) 415-5649 0143 RE: Inmate Kelly, Kelly llii. (DOC) From: I<eller, Henry 1-\. (DOC) Sent: hilomlay, April 08, 2007 1:08 AIv1 To: F'orter, Carol F. (DOC) Cc: I(elly, I<elly 1\.1. (DOC) Subject: PE InITIal Importance: HI>:II, Sensitivity: Conlidenlial On April 06, 20D7 I spoke will, Ofiender. . . .8 gardin,Jthe below concerns .. Ofielld~tated that the officer III question broughl10-12 movies (CDs) l~ wnhhlm and la,d lhern out on the bed allowing her to choose the lilies thai she wlshed to vlew~laled thai due to the pain medicalions that s.he ~rning out ot anesthesia" and "1~cJ~ oj present mind" she, did not have 8 preference 'In the tltles~lso added thai that she saw this particular officer sleepinq on several occasronr. throughout his shifl Offender taled that she thou,lhl il was slrange thai the officer 'In question choose to positron his chair directly nexllo her, and the other officers would place their chair, either across lhe room from he, or next to the room entrance. She added that Officer Easton was tile officer on shifl just prior to lhe subject officer on the dale of the alleged occurrence. _0 I asked Offender recall the e v _ ha e ' lead 10 these accusations. Ofiender. staled that she awoke 10 her knees moving, terjected the she never saw Ihe officer's hands in the area of her knees, il was merely the sensation of her leg/knees being moved Ihal awoke her.) she slaied thai she opene~ find the officer in question leanlnq OV8r her while her sheets was pushed 10 the ioot of the bed. ~taled that she began thrashing "in the motion of doing the backsuoke while swimming." _ t a t e d , at thai time the officer in question used his h~er against the bed and was telling ~down and cover back up (under her sheet/blanket}. _ _added Ihat she tllOUght this reaction was due to all the noise that had been made by her reaclion and he (officer) was concerned about a nurse "or someone" coming in. Ofiender " - s l a l e d , when she was thrashing about, she "banged" her fooe tray thai "made all sorts of noise" an~the alarms from all those monitors they hook you up 10 went off." Offender aled that she is positive the ofiicer in question attempted 10 'do something 10 her Ihal evening" because he was so nice ai tne beginning ot the shift and alter "tile incident" he did notMeak 10 her anymore and "did nol even say goodbye al the end of his shift, like the resl of the officers did." added that the subjecl officer acts differenl 10 her bacl, al the facility as well, "he won'l make eye contac WI h me and tries to avoid me," I asked Offender_ _when she reporled this Issue 1 0 ' - Oflende~tatedIhal she had not had the opporlunily 10 lell her uncle yel, her falher was the only person in th~lle lold and lhat was, "a few days ago during visit." (WCCW received a report ~ndlcating~itsap County Corrections Ofiicer) had spoken, firsl hand, with his niece ~regardlllg the details of tile allegations) I asked Offender_lOW long, approximately, it took for a nurse \0 respond 10 her room when she was and "some of Ihe alarms from all Ihose monilors they hool< you up 10 wenl off." Offender ~taled, "Oh, no alarms went off or anything" ~U\ Al the conclusion of my questioning, LPN Clareece I~ash altempted to dISeuSE with Off.ender_ome of Ihe reactions the human body may experience posl surgery. as anesthesia exits it's systems. LPI~ I~ash stale5J- 14 hallucinations, strange sensations throughoul the body, confusion an~re no.\ uncommon when a U person is recovering from the administration oi anesthesia. Offende~ontinued to insist thai thr -" officer in question liad done ~ornetrllng to her and 15 sure if he had ever conducted hospital waich prior to he-, . 4 RE Inmate then 'II hat. happened betore. regarding Iter supplemental mtorrnaticn On April 06, 20D7 I spoke will) 011 surroundin r tl"liE, issue Offender sa edt -Iat irnme iatel~1 upon relurrunq from the hospital. Offender , I lall\ll)g to her a )oul an officer violating her w~lite she was unconscious al tire hospital. claimed that she used 10 be an 0 Jeraling Room I~urse rior to her incarceration and explained he srde effects of anesthesia, alleqedly Informed hat il may have been a he Gina I nor 8 flashback from her past aims that she has firs Ian -;,nowl8dye that _ was violated by a family member at " young a laims that sire 8nd.-l.contlnued 10 diSCUSS the Issue and whether il should be reported or Ilegedly Iregan to doubt anginal recall of events due 10 Ihr' meoicauons that she was on, nol. .. inal she "certainly would not be aqainst fillln[l In lhe blanks." I however s ,e alle[lecll indicated to : Infol"ITled Offender thai I was aware lhat she hers already provided a statemenl to 5g\. Byassee surrounrhnc Ih,s Inci enl, 'iowever I would Iik_~ h r rnpleie another statement providing Ofiender statements. in detail Ofiender ssured me thai a statement would be the IIU distro-br»; by on ay Aprr'. 08, 2007. hir On April 07, a the fllsl part Officer called. , 2007 I attempled 10 conlaCII,AlSler_, who is _ _ father and is allegedly reported these accusation 10. The contact number (Nextei cell phone) provided by of Kitsap County Corrections was out of service according lo the message received when On Iv'ronday April 0[1,2007, wifh authorization 10 d contact number can be established. lvir. "whole in the fence." was made by Offen these allegations to her father. wilt be contacled al his home, once that e conlacted 10 cooberale or refute that the statement , when referring 10 the subject officer as she spoke oi Henry Keller Correctional Investigator, VVCCW 253-858-4243 From: Porter, Carol F. (DOC) Sent: Fri 4/6/2007 5:52 PIVI To: Wheeler, Dennis F. (DOC); Johnson, Steven IVI (DOC) Cc: DOC DL WCCW IlU; IZelt I\ell' ne Alice (DOC) Subject: RE: Inmate Thank you for the foil a",' up ... \/../CCV>/ 1&] has been investigatin]; some allegations made by the offender ( although this statement is very different ) we arc continuing this investigation. Carol -~~-~Origlnal Me~~};age~-~-- From: Wheeler, Dennis F. (DUC) Senl: Friday, April 06. 2007 5:021'.11'1 10: Johnson, Steven M (DOC) Cc: DOC L WCCW JtU: DOC DL WCCW SUPER1NTENDENT SuhjeCl: F\\/: Inmate Steve, Pellow up report frum l"':..llsap County Officer~)cllnif. 0145 RE: J111l1ade Page::; 01"3 Sent: l- riday Apri 10(1, 2007 4:23 PM To: Wheeler. Dennis r (UOC) Subject: lmnate Attn: Deuu it> Wheeler: Per OUl couversauon 04/0(li.:!.(J07 llli~ iufonnauon i:; through ,I lll:COHU pan)' 0111y, my older broLh~I'-'. ... .V1JOI~. tne l[llb~1 of mrnatc 11)' 1(1 • 1l1r:.J!!f!'f···--- lJuHban_mudt a ~;chttlLlle.d \"l~l! with inmale_ Oil 03125/20U7 IfU 10:00. During their visit, _ i n f o r m e d her lather of a possible sexual assault by 11 IJUe ~OfriG~r. -'-mel [J scheduled surgery in Silverdale, WushillglOJI1 on the ] 71h or possibly the ll-ah of Ivli.lrch._ay~; that during the: night :-;be woke to find the UITK:cr reaching up under the coven, in the Hospital btd._ktcl whal he . .vas doing and he responded by saying "Iust tucking the b=--around your feet.' iold the Officer he wasn't describes the supposed to be in the room or 11:::):1 to her bed Officer as possibly Philippine wIth u name close 1(1 "Soutro" or close to that. \Vhen imnate"waf.. returned to Purdy followillg, her surgery, sue was told that she wasn't the first one to be "fondled' and that she could have some serious problems if she pushed the issue or cOlllplalned.l/~nt 011 to say that this Officer was a "hole in the Ience" and supplied drugs. or whatever for the itullate~.~'old her father that she fell threatened and was spending a lot of lime in the dayroom to evoid confromauon. If you wish to call, he will expect a call tomnrrow morning after OROC) at the above phone number. 1 hope this inforrnution will be of assistance 10 you. Officer Kitsup CCH.1llIy Corrections KCSO 0146 ( .'Sell)', Kelly 11II. (DOC) From: Sent: fo: Porler, Carol F. (DOC) Friday, April 06, 2007 5:53 PI>1 VVheeler, Dennis F. (DOC): Johnson, Sleven 1>1 (DOC) DOC DL VVCCVV IIU: I<elly, I<elly 1>1. (DOC): PEl ne, Ahce (DOC) RE. lnrnate Cc: Subject: 'I'heml-; you for the follow uj; WCCW 1&,1 has been investi9atin~4 come e.L'l.e-qa t.Lons made by tlJt;:' 01 f ender- ( although t.h i.s a t.a t.ememt. is v er-y d i.f.fer errt. ) we <;ITe cont.Lnua nq t.hi s j.nvr-nt i qa tjon . Cared - - - - -Or i q i r ie l l"'leEf;;c\ge- - - -From: Wbet:JJ~I', Dennis F. (lJOC) Sent: Friday 'Pc. JU1:lnSCJD, I April 06, SLeven M .s: 02 ~~On7 PI'l1 (D(JC) Cc: DOC DL WCCW lID; DOC DL WCCW SUPERINTENDENT Subj eet: F\Ji': Lrunat.e F'CJ1IClw up report from r.i t.sap County U f f i c e r " Dennis -----OWilii,-i irlal l~essage----- From: mailto:~@Iwavecable.cQm) Sent: ay, prll 06/ 20~ To: Wheeler, Dennis F. (DOC Subj ect; : Inmate Attn: Dennis Wheeler; Per our conversation 04/06/2007, this ~lder brother infolTIa~ion is through a second who is the father of .i nmar.e _ ( m y niece) husband made a scheduled visi t on 03/25/2007 @ 10:00. During their visit, lIIIIIIIIPin armed her father of a possible sexual assault by a DOC ~nlS Officer. ~1ad a schedul:d surge:.-y in Silverdale, . was hi.nqt.on on the 17th or pos s Lb Ly the .i u t h or March, ~ays that. dur Lnq the night she woke to find tbe Officer reaching up und~ covers in the Hospital bed. _ a s k e d what he was doin and he responded by saying "Just tucking the b~t a'r ound your feet. 11 old t.he Officer he wasn I t supposed to be in the room or next to her bed. describes the Officer as possibly Philippine with a name close to lIsoutro,1 or close to that. when -inrnat.e _ w a s returned to Purdy following her surgery, she was told that sbe w ~ e t i i-s.t one t.o be "f.ondl ed» and that she could have some serious problems if she pushed the issue or complained. ent on to say that this Officer was a "hole in the t ence « and supplied "druqs or whatever for the inmates. told her f at.uer- that she felt t;. hreatened and was spending a lot of time in the dayroom to avoid confrontation. IS If you "dab to call, he v.'il1 expect a call tomorrow morning after 0800 at the above Ijhone nornoer . I hope thi s information ",.rill be of assistance to you. 0147 .( Officer l:'~ t.aap County oorr ec t ions KC{;;O 0148 2 Kelly, Kelly lVI, (DOC) F'Orler. Carol F. (DOC) Friday, April Do, 2007 547 Phil F'ayne, Alice (DOC) I<elly helly 1\11. (DOC) F\IV: Com piaint From: Sent: 0: Cc: Subject: I.:..lice VvCCVV began an inveseuqauor: into this matter on ~:;-25lh. This attached description is rnarktlclly difiernen\ than what the offender laid li't ';gl.or wllal she wrote 10 1&1 The offender lolei the SGT Thai wl'rile m the hopsillal CO Sarrtos wac. ,.talldin(1 over her wilh his hanrl on her shoulder lellllrg her to cover up Tire offender was jus: coming off of medication followinf.l her surgery, She was thrlJshin~j her arms and CO SantCJs told her to be still and cover hersef up Tire otlender told tire c;91 I thlnl. he may have Ireer, dOing sorn81hllig but gol caughl because Ire would noi Ialk 10 or look athor the, rest 0111", flIghl. Ollender said Sanlos wac rrol tnendly liI,e Ihe other officers ancl treated her like an mrnate. The otiender ,dos IIldlcald in Ihe' written statement 10 1&1 that an officer ( 1I0t named) broughl 10.. 12 videos inlo the hospial Chrislln" /-Ibby was also notified, she contact Bremelorr Hospital aud lhe doctor checked with Ihe nursing slafl ano hosiptal records and there was 110 indication ot anylhing reported by the nursinq staH or the offender during her slay. The incident was, reported by a UI'"I oflender who also told r.taff lhe allieqed victim told the reprounq offender she was making 'rl up I contacted HO DO IVlike Kenny and read him paris of the atlachements and the prior investigative efforts. We agreed on the followrng plan. 1&1 Keller will meet With Ihe offender and rnedical toniqht. CO Sanlos will be allowed 10 work in the 11111 only as the offender is in L unit. Additmanlintormatlon .. CO Santos has been employed 211 \lVCC\IV since before 19% 9 1&.1 Keller's recall). There are no pnor allegataion of this type againsl him. -----Dnginal Message----From: Sent: Wheeler, Dennis F. (DOC) Friday, April 06, 2007 1:57 PI'4 To: cc. Johnson, Steven IVI (DOC) DOe Dl weew IlU; Doe DL weew SUPERINTENDENT Subject: FYI': Complaint Sieve, Jpon receiving this allegation of Staff Sexual IvI,sconducl reporl from Officer Grant, CC02, I contacted Ki\sap County ifi cer nd requested a wrillen report. . H8 did indicate he received the information from his Brother,~ , vas third hand information. He did not know his Brother's phone number. but indicated he is on~ CJffender's approved vlsifrng Irst. Off,cer_taled he would have the report to me by Monday. In the meantime, WCCW 1&1 can begin their investigation~ ii!Jf!I!!!!!!!: -----Original t"1es:.age----From; GranL, Perry C. 'Chr"IS' (DOC) Sent: Thursday, April 05, 20073:42 Plvl To: Subject: complaint.unc (2<=1 \(8) Wheeler, Dennis F. (DOC) ComplalnL Page] uf 1 I'\elly, Kelly IVi. (DOC) From: Porier, Carol F (DOC) Sent: Friday, April Oli, 2007 5:50 PI," To: Ahmu, Kathleen S (DOC), Burton, Gilberl G, (DOC), S,rnrnom., Ale>: 1\'1 Jr. (DOC) Cc: Green, lviichael P, (DOC), Doonan, Dianne, 1<' (DOC); I<elly, I<elly hll (DOC); Parler, Carol F (DOC) Subject: CO SClntos CO Santos re, restncted from the M~;C pari 0111", ["cilily unii! further notice by myself. Please ensure tbal tbls d'lfctivelt. followed Thanl. you, CClfOI 0.1.50 Vlew All 1'110l0S .r ag.c; J Ul 1 Please click on the picture to enlarge it. PHOTO b~\TE OF PHOTO SOURCE OF f'HOTO PM TAS 11J1I<007 1:lUS I'N, TP,S 1131/2007 1:11:~.4 I Close I ttl Developed and Maintained by DOC's IT Web Application Unit. For assistance, please contact your local Site IT Coordinator (SITC). If you are unsure of who your SITC is, please refer to ti)is_p_aJJe, rt151 http://docl wbtuml Ol/OffenderPhotosNiewAllPhotos,aspx 5/]112007 05/11/07 WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS IIS0100 1 LEGAL FACE SHEET DOCNO,_ BEDNO,~ COUNS~WILLIE NAME,-""" CURRENT LOCATION, WCCW MINIMUM SEX, F AGE, 44 FBI NO, RACE , WHITE SID NO, HISP ORIG, NO HEALTH RECORD REVIEW , NOT REQUIRED NAMES, PAGE ("AA") STATUS, ACTIVE MXED, 03/24/2008 MNED, ERD ,11/05/2007 ADJ., 11/05/2007 NRD ,07/08/2007 SCORE, 67 CUS., MIl MFED, 01/31/2007 COMM. CONCERN, 1'1 RMI, RMC VICTIM WRAP AROUND, 1'1 VW ELIGIBLE,YES COMM.PLACEMENT, NO (MAID) LSI-R, 25 AND LSI LEVEL, MODERATE SSA NO: _ I R T H ' ' ' ' ' 1 9 6 2 P. WTR: ~729 P. REL: NO ACTION TAKEN REGISTERABLE OFFENDER , 1'1 P. PREL, SUPT REFR DIRECT 709 P. MFED, MFSC ASSIGNS TO F03 P U L H E S D X T Dl'.TE 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 02/05/2007 GTL TIME START RECEIVED OC MIN.TERM CC CS COM. COUNTY 1Y 2M OD 33 01/31/2007 01/31/07 81 #AA#N CLARK V OC CNTS MIN. TERM CC CS CMP. CO. / CAUSE OFFENSE DESC. 1Y 2M OD RUGS-MFG,DELIVER, 1'1 81 1C REL.DATE STATUS 11/05/2007 AC MANDATORY JAIL OY OM OD 9 TOTAL MONETARY OBLIGl'.TION, ORDERED $***2400.00 ;AS OF 04/17/07 PAID $******0.00 SCHEDULE: o SET BY, SPECIAL CONDITIONS, YES STAT MAX: 01/22/2017 ******************************************************************************* COMMENTS, APPROVED CCWR 4-5-07. AYM lQOVEMENT 01/31/07 03/01/07 03/01/07 03/20/07 03/21/07 03/21/07 03/23/07 DATE & TYPE NEW COMMITMENT TRANSFERRED TO IN TRANSIT AT ESCORTED LEAVE RET.FM.AUTH.LV. TRANSFERRED TO TRANSFERRED TO HOUSING DATE & LOCATION 01/31/07 F05-RA201F 02/06/07 F05-RBl17B 03/01/07 F03-LA06 03/01/07 F03-LA06 03/21/07 F01-H140B 03/23/07 F03-LA17L 04/09/07 04/10/07 DESTINATION WCCW-REC MISSION CRK CC WCCW-REC KITSAP WCCW MINIMUM W.C.C.WOMEN WCCW MINIMUM REASON FOR INITIAL CLASSI. PROGRAM CHANGE PROGRAM CHANGE MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL COMPLTD COUNSELOR ORIGIN CLARK WCCW-REC WCCW MINIMUM WCCW MINIMUM KITSAP WCCW MINIMUM W.C.C.WOMEN WORK ASSIGN. SUPERVISOR POSITION GC72 POSITION GB97 .. ... POSITION GB97 0152 05/11/07 NO,_ WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS IIS0100 DOC PAGE LEGAL FACE SHEET NAME, PROGRAM· POSITION DATE 03/02/07 B099D306 BASIC SKILLS 03/02/07 B099E306 BASIC SKILLS AA EARNED TIME AA 10,51 STP.TUS, ACTIVE . ·WEEK·· 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 EARNED EARLY RELEASE DATE & TYPE 01/31/07--03/01/07 EARNED TIME 03/01/07--04/01/07 TII~E 2 DOC 4.83 4.83 5.17 5.17 ·-····DAY······ M T W TH M T W TH ISRB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ···TIME·_·· STATUS RSH 13,00-15,00 RSH a i . 00-12,00 STATUS LOCATION PENDING PENDING WCCWMSC CUSTODY DATE SCORE TYPE ASSIGNED CUSTODY OVERRIDE LOCATION 02/21/2007 57 INITIAL 02/28/2007 MINIMUM WCCW-REC 03/19/2007 67 PLAN RVW 04/05/2007 MINIMUM WCCW MINIMUM F RMT, CUS RIETEMA, CC3 CRAIG AND CC3 JACKSON IN ATTENDANCE. P WAIVED HER RIGHT TO ATTEND FRMT. CONCUR WITH FACILITY PLAN AT THIS REVIEW· MAINTAIN ALL HOUSI N G, PROGRAMMING AND REFERRALS AS NOTED. P ELIGIBLE FOR 10 DAY EARLY RELEASE. N o OTHER ISSUES NOTED AT THIS TIME. Al'Y CHANGE IN CUSTODY POINTS WILL BE ADDRES S ED AS REQUIRED TO INCLUDE CUSTODY PROMOTION OR CUSTODY DEMOTION. 05/09/2007 67 PLC ELIG 05/09/2007 MINIMill~ WCCW MINIM~ IISUI012 NO WARRANTS OR DETAINERS FOUND IISUI004 NO INFRACTION FOUND IISUI005 NO OUT TIME FOUlin IISUI009 NO ISR BOARD INFO FOUND IISUI015 NO HOLDS FOUND 0153 ~.c,l.~00P;'-\ a--, \""- c,.r,c)", \ c, I 0-'\ ~Qr'C~ f) l 'c:-x.'r',:{)\~(:'('\'I..LL\U\,'\'--.: C'-.. rl0,-U...Q. Y'f,,~ \'C\--, ~~ ~ -YC'-(\~~"\ U,xy-oJ"· \~jL'<"-CS'-'u'9, ,~--.- '::r ):::0 ~\;,\\O '...l... .~ ~h\,,\r:) \:S.J''. \",\:, \ U C0 \d-. 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