Wadoc Report Staff Sexual Misconduct Newsome 2003
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STATEOF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENTQF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CE~TER FOR WOMEN P.O. BOY. H, MS: WP·04 • 9601 Buiacich Rd. NW, ~ Gig Harbor, WI', ,9833£"0017 November 21,2003 TO: Rhonda Fausett -Correctional Investigator FROM: ... SUBJECT: CASE 11-058-03 FOI On Nov~1J~ 14,2.Q0~,Jntenigep.se i\Il\l)nvestigation received information that an Offender~:D.~n inactive supervision had indicated to Shannon Bryant from Tacoma Crises Triage that she lived in an apartment that is paid for by her ~oyfriend Q~g!<,N~~;?~"a Correctional Officer employed at Monroe .Correctional Cen~C). On November 18, 2003, I contacted InvestigatorRhonda Fausett at MCC and reported the above information and faxed her the documentation that I received from Ms. Bryant. On November 19th, I received a,.e,~fr,9)ll Investigator Fausett requesting if I could conduct ari interview with ~.~ . ;'i'>r:-,«;fY'!'.'\:::""~ I contacted Ms.~d info~ed.her that I needed to speak with her. M~''''''lagreed to meet w~McDona1ds restaurant o~ lOOth ~t. in . Lake~[o.fl:Washington, Thursday, Novelnber 20th at l2:00pm. I waited until l2:4?pm. M~ ,.. :-0 not show. I contacted Investigator Fausett and informed her that Ms. , id'not show for her scheduled appointment and herphonemimber hailbeen b:fllibg~O'tb a' non-published number. I further stated that I' 'was going to go ,over to her' .: ,;-;::""i' '-,': ..- " ,' , -,' ,, ' , " , ",,' .-" ' -.. " , 'I apartment. ' \ On November i9 th, '.)~" 248 1l-058-03FOI Page 2 ili" . ,.~~~. November 12 he served an eviction notice to Mr. Newsome and M s _ f o r not paying November's rent. • He provided copies of the lease agreement/application with Mr. Newsome and Ms. _signatures dated 12/9/02. . • ... ,'" .. , .. ,,' ./ / On November 21st, a call was transferred from the Washington Correction Center for VI0Il.'l.!lJl HumanResource office to Mr. Baxter, the individual identified herself as '.' '. . . .... ,!!l1d was upset with the phone call fro.m Investigator Kelly Kelly and the "< visit to her apartment manager. Ms. j.t~ed legal actionunless this so called harassment ended. Mr. Baxter informed M~_tlat our interest in speaking with her was over and that she shouldn't hear from us again. 1 _ _ _ _ _ .~~-'--_---------~------......:..--~-249 COUN'DR Y EST ATES > Ap AR TMENTS Dale D. Sizemore 250 Western Pacific Investment Group This agreement made and entered into till:; and between WPIG LLCas Owner, and follQWing facts· 55' .day of ·\)..!,)({W)l;:),ff \-/' 1.0 l)J~::.. (\ ;;/1 J? (=) e:O::CYi..(7 f .. , 200"2 ,as , by Re~ident. with regard to the JJ!:.Lease of Premises and Payment (complete I or II) Lease - Rental Agreement The Owner leases to the Resident certain premises ~m~.tJ?IY described as the property known as Country Estates, located a t . '. apartment~r;in in'thf/Cj{y of -...,rvashington tor the term of II-monthS _ _yearts). ~flthe day month lease commencing on the day of J0r-"v,fr';t I . 200..3, and ending on ?> \ of'~ (.l4nr?,el", 2003 Thereafter rented on a month to month term. . tv. 0 II Month to month ~. Payment Amount . ~ .The premises rent at a monthly rental rate of $ LjOr)-- . parking $ . ' storage s ..,--. ,payable to Country Estates, on or before the first day of each month mailed or delivered to the main office WESTERN PACIFIC INVESTMENT GROUP, 400 12TH AVENUE EAST #16, SEATTLE,WA 98102. If commencement of residency-should begin other than the first day of the month then, in the month following commencement of this agreement, resident shall pay pro rata the rent payment to the end of that month, and thereafter. the monthly rent paymenlshall be due and payable on ~~t~::::1::!~;i~~~f1~~Wl~i:~~~;~~~~0~::~:~:e~~:f,~!~;~~~~~!h:~~~~if receiptfor any and 1'111 payments made. WPIG-LLC wilLnot be held responsible for any cash payments. ' Under no circumstances should cash be used for payment. ./,,- , Incenti,ve:A rental incentive of " moves out before the eno of lease period; th ' '. payable to the owner. '.vV' -' was received. In the event that tenant ntire rental incentive will be will irnmemately due and .u& Agreemen(Tel11llnlition . . I Lease Termination or Renllwal: . '.' . . A. UnleSsterrninatedasprovidad.h~rain; this lease shall automatically be renewed for successive termsofORefllo~theach ~tthe.aforesaid (ental, payable on before thefil'$tcjay of each month,!a~chAatty may terminate this lea~eatthe~ndofthe Initl:ijlterm ora successive term, bygfvlngWrilte~noli~e atl\lasl20dayS prlprto1h\lend Oftne \rnOfit\i. B. If Re~id\lmdoesnotgiye 20claYSnoticlla~ reqy.iredliere.in. the securlly.deposit shailbe fO~eitIl8()rRe~idefllshaiibe obligated for next month'S rent In accordance with WaShington or St~te).;av.i(~ciYV9.1~), i, , ... . ,. ,. ... ' .. ' . ,. . . ,.. \. C. lfttteResrgentl,ra~~t\!stfle prefll.i~e~ prior 10\t1\!,eXPiratIOTlofth\l. lepse,. tne securlty deposit 'v. ,sh,all.~efQrf~it~it)~~9R'esigel)t,.~ffiilIIPIl9t;>ligate9ftilrtheTent~I.'.~ailn)entsrpf tt\erllmai~der of m\!ferfllbft1i\!Jeil~e~ (}r~htilthep(emises halleBeen re-rented, Whichever is less; as . PtoYI~ed)lor bYW~Shif\gjon$tilte Law (RCW59, jll),.··· ,.. . .. " ,-·,-,""-·""r.,',·,-", - ..,' ,.' :: >, __, , ', ." "," '" "', ,' , " " ..,,':'. ,'," ". ,.. , >'.- :!f.j,.. Use of Premises The Resident shall not assign this lease, sublet the premises, give accommodation to any roomers or lodgers, or permit the use of the premises for any purpose other than as a private dwelling solely for the residentis). This lease is being agreed to for the occupancy of the following named persons only: ~ame: %1LrJ.-~ Ii. 1,\1 !!.Wx,,,J.-Relationship: ~'T SSN Name: SSN Relationship: Nat:ne:_-'- '--_R,elationship: Name: Relationship: ' _ .SSN - - - - - - SSN. , _ Persons who remain fourteen (14) days shall be considered additional occupants, at the owners option and approval, and shall pay a monthly charge of $50.00 per person. ~;-;ervice charges . If rent has not been mailed to the office (US Postal Service) on or before the 3rd day of each month, an administrative fee based on the following guidelines will be due and payable by Resident in the follOWing manner: A, Rent received after the 5th day of the month: $60.00 an additional $80.00 on the 15th. B. Rent received on the 7th day of the month and each consecutive day thereafter will be charged and additional $6.00 per day until paid. Resident agrees to pay a fee of $20.00 for each cneck returned unpaid. C. Posting of a 3 day pay .01' vacate notice: $25.00. D. Posting of a 10 day notice to comply: $25.00. E, Posting of a Summons and Complaint: $25.00. F. NI monies paid will be applied first toward late fees, damages, legal fees &/01' any other fees or charges then balance will be applied toward rent. . ~~curity Deposit "". '. Total,securitY,deposi!...due $ ~ (;c; _ . . Owner hereby acknOWledges receipt of Resident's deposit in the amount of $ 3')0' ,With payment due on the balance of $ t::5"" , as per instructions on page 6 #2.7 Additions, remote control $ ' - , other $C , Which paid to insure compliance by Resident of the terms, condlti6ns and provision of this lease agreement. The security deposit shall be deposited by Owner in a trust account at Bank of America, whose address is Seattle, WA. If such funds on deposit draw interest, any such interest, shall be deemed additional rent and retained by Owner. Resident acknowledges that Owner has provided Resident with a written, signed and dat!id Move-ln/Move-Out Inspection Agreement specifically describing the condition and Cleanliness of existing damages to the, yW::::::a::hp:::tmR:::::ment of occupancy, . ' . Upon termination of this agreement and vacation of the premises, the security deposit shall be returned to th~Resident or ,applled'first to allY'damages or cleaning, beyond normal wear and tear, or second, to any rent delinquency sUbject to the follOWing terms and conditions: ' A. R.esident shall have complied With all of the terms and condition of the, aweement. B. The security deposit will tie retained by OWner to the extent 'lIfat the costs of cleaning and refurbishing of the 'premises to its origlhal'condllio'n (With no deduction"f9r otdins!y wear and tear), as evldencE:ld by the'Move-l.n/Move-Ouhlnspectlon Agreement signed by Resident at commencement of tenancy. Cost for cleaning and refurbishment shall in'elude but not be limited to drap\liy cleaning, carpel cl~aning and.painting, Charges for,such shall be b~$ed on hOurlyrates for in-house personnel or ,the.actual costs of contract maintenance or cleaning and shall be charged lo'and payable by the , resid~nt. . . : ." . '., . . .' .... '. C, A~ ,afUJ;tneri;;onQ~ionlo r<i~urn,~U.ofor !lQx,pOriiOn o!t~e~ecuJiI P9sit:... .. . I: Resld\:lntShi;,", \Itthe}ermini;ltlon Of'tjleagrell\l1ent 0t a . nslpJ)ther~of, ,surrender the :f,lr.emls.esin,B ne~t"cjeanandorderlycori9tllqfl: and,. ed tll Its oiiginai cond~ion, normal "-',';\...... y.J~afJ:~~na,!:le'af'f~:s'dltltlg-ilr6m;,'~,rgrh-aJY::''Us'e>of~'th:~:,pf¢hir: _.:J!~Xb,~pt'~d:mi,.:l-' '-"~ ., ',-- -,' . ' ",., ,",.',' " .. " . '.- ..-" .., ',.- ,,'-, ....• ',-,"', - ',' ,..,...... . J ,.. '''' . " .. : '" .. "," '.' ," v.:,I ..: :.:,. r" ..,"/ '.<.:,' .' . '.'" ~;'''~--,<:; -'j1.enUll,.,-Agr;emenl [)ccember . "'y-' , " 8, 201J2 , ii. Resident shall have relTieditid 01 repaired to LandlOldlManagers sausracuon any damage to the premises occurring during the term of this agreement or any extension thereof. the premises. iii. Resident shall replace any lost or broken articles whieh were originally part of iv. Resident shall surrender all of the keys to the premises. Fifteen dollars ($15.00) will be charged for .each key not returned by Resident. Resident acknowledges receipt of the following (please initial): Entry keys Door keys . Mail Box keys -,..other keys. v. Deposit is non-refundable in the event tenant does not take possession of said unit. DeposiLis intended as a "good faith" deposit to hold unit for said party/tenant. D. If more than one person is obliged to this agreement, the deposit is deemed owned by all suet} residents, and will be released to a specific Resident only upon execution of a release signed by all parties to the agree merit. E. TI,e security deposit-will be retained in It's entirely In the event resident breaks the rental agreement and leaves the unit while discontinuing regular paymen: before the expiration of the rental agreement period. =t= ~ - Non-Refundable Fees . pay the follo"'!lllg: A. $ atJ<r. Non-Refundabie fee upon occupancy for _-,----,_ _-,--,--::B. $ is.oO Non-Refundable transfer fee,If resident transfers to another unit. C. $ 75:00 Non-Refundable smoker's fee, If resident smokes, or allows smoking in the unit These non-refundable fees will nat be retumed to the resident under any conditions. -~stdent shall ~. . _ Utilities '. . . ,.'. ThemonthIYJ.entai, stipulated herein, shall include the following public utilities: water sewer garbage __ / : .electricity:-==- gas:-=- which Owner agrees to furnish to Resident at reasonable times, and In 'reasonable amounts. The resident shall pay for ali remaining public utilities. . '::!;:t;. Residents are not allowed to dump furniture and will be charged on move-in & move-out tor eXc~lve . trash disposal &/or furniture. Rate will be labor & actual dump fees. 4. V ~inlt.) $ «~onthIY heating surcharge for months of November December. January, and February only. r..1>&10.Resident's Obligations: ~ Resident snail: A. .Pay rent and any and all other charges defined by the terms of this agreement, promptly when due. B. Keep the premises in a clean and sal1itllry condition, and comply with all laws, health and policy requirements with respect to said premises and appurtenances. . C. Promptiy dispose of all garbage, rubbish and waste in a clean andsanitary manner at reasonable and regular intervals, and~s'sume.ali cost of fumigation and extermination of Infestation occurring puringthe resident'stenancy. . ' . D. ProPerly use and operate all el~ctriclll, h~atlng, piumblng; and other fixtures and appliances supplied by Owner, and assume all costs.incurredin their repair resulting from misuse or abuse. . ," '. E. Not destroy, deface, damage, or remove any part otthepremises or permit any member of the Resldenf's family,guests, invlte.esoratlyp~rsonaclingthrolJgh,under oron behalf of Resident to do ~o, or permit any .waste in, on .or abcut the premises. . F. Refrllin from loudilr boisterou.s nOi.se. ?rllny other objectionaplebehavior by Resident or Resl.dent'sguests, and to not commence, sUIf~r or permit anynulsance.ln, on or llbout the .. premiseS: or in any way annoy. 'mol.estO,ri~tirf.eri3 wit~ any of the neigh.bqrsiSUrrounding the pnornls~s. . ...• -. .••. '.. . .....••..•....•. '.' .. G. i'li?luseira VY<lsteful'M.nr~asonap.leorha~llrpolJ~l1i<lnnerany utilities fumishlld by qvyner H." Al;>ip~J)yanYand·.al(,rules,ragUlll\ion~.orpolicl~sWhiphl1iay benow or'her13attersetf9rthby Owner. . . ' . .x.: \ ',' . ' .... .... . ) RentalAgreement December 8, 2002 3 253 I. Repair any damage to the property at Resiuent's own expense causec oy Resident (including fire), Resident's guests. invitees: acts or neglect within fifteen(15) days written notice by Owner to comply with the repairs, or within shorter time in case ot emergency. If resident has not complied wilhin the notice period Owner may: (I) evict the tenant; (II) enter the dwelling, repair the damage, and charge the Resident for the reparr, which Resident agrees to pay to Owner by the next rent due date, or on termsmutually agreed upon by the Owner and Resident, or immediately If the lease has terminated. J. Permit Owner, agents, employees, or representatives to enter the premises at reasonable times for the purpose of inspections or to make necessary repairs, improvements, replacements, or to show the premises to prospective purchasers, mOl1gage representatives, or insurance representatives. Owner shall, whenever practicable, give Resident two (2) days pnor notice of his/herintention to enter the premises except in case of emergency or abandonment. K. Permit Owner or his/her agents to bring unlawful detaineraction and any other legal action in the .event of a breach by Resident of any ofJ.he covenants or provisions of the agreement. I' . ' L. Resident shall not engage in illegal drug-related activity at the rentai premises, or allow a family . member, guest, or invitee to engage in illegal drug-related activity at the rental premises witrl the knowledge or consent of the tenant. M. Pennit Landlord to show premises to prospective tenants for a period of twenty (20) days prior to expiration of tenancy. N. Gate or any other access codes that residents are given are under no circumstances to be given to anyone. Doing so will result in eviction. 9-M;"terations 1and Improvements Residents shall make no ailerations 01, or improvements to, the premises without obtaining Owners written consent in advance, including and without limitation, painting, permanent shelving, flooring, signage; fences and changing of any locks. All alterations, additions and improvements made in and to .the premises shall be the property of the Owner and, at Ownersoplion, shall re~ain upon the premises and be surrendered with the premises, or il Owner elects to have alteration or improvement removed, Resident shall be responsible for ali costs to restore the premises to its original condition. ~:'" Regulations ~ Resident shall, during the terrn ot this agreement, conform to all applicable provisions of the municipal, county and state codes, st~tutes, ordinances or regulations pertaining to use, occupancy or maintenance of the premises and to all rules regulations and poucies now or hereafter set forth by OWner. Resident acktlowledges receipt of a copy 01 the rules and regulations, which he/she has read and signed, as an addendumto this agreement. Resident agrees that the Owner may, upon thirty (30) days written notice, make changes or additionsto the rules and regulations statedherein, as deemed necessary in the" best interest of this community and, its residents, to include rent increases. .' '. ~ets No pet or animals shall be permittee in the premises, except as expressly provided in the "Pet Agreilment" addendum to this lea!\e which must immediately execute a "Pet Agreement" for the period of time that they will be staying. Breach of the covenants In this paragraph shvall be deemed a material breach of this agreement. 9i::!f( reisonal p r o p e r t y ! . . ,\ ~ .. .0wner'assumes no responsibility for loss of personal property of Resident- resUlting from fire, theft, exposure to elements, water dElmage or any other Case whatsoevl1r. Resident agrees to storefumiture, . appliances or oJ\:le~.pers~nai property only in those areas (fl1signat~d, by 9wner. '~esl~ent agrees to assume responslblhty to-insure Resident's personal property and saleguarCl against petllonai:loss which inay:be Incurred !;>y Resident: Owner shall not be responSible for any loss or dainage.·thereto to any Of Resltlent's personal propel:ty. ResiQent aCknowledges tnat liability and.properly:lnsurance should be /~I,mid by.Resldent to protect Resident trorn losses occasio~ed by, Resident's negllgeO,ce, .; :riA Too,th~ 5. Non-Liabillty and Indemnification axle'nt'pellTll~~d py I~w, Owner assumes ' . ' ... DO liability for Injury tg ,Resident 'i'~!dent's guests or , in~ll€le~,. "l)(~e?t.\Rth~:'(lxt~ng~atqM~hl.tllbility iSI)je.?Jre!it;r~$ult.qi'~Wn~:s.g .. .e,R,e.sldent ag~~.~:to~:o::ept~9:.·premls~s';l~ Its;pres,:nt cop?lt1on_and io,s~ve,aQ),tfi~ld,.,;, .Iess, from any c!~(l1sor:an.YAalT]age~,~[lsl~g,out p(,b~Jesultif).fl from Owner's orf3esli;lent's negllg~ri()eprlor any, . . defE{cl's~tlnfjelr~~$¥'s:h5W'Of hereafter'blicUrrihg, ' OJ e'l L, . , -(i'''-: ., / , •• , ' I , , .. 254 ,QAil.Possession . '"""'U'Faliure to deliver possession of ttie premises at the time agreed upon Owner S"aU not subject Owner to Iiabil\ty. SitJII7.vehi<:les . -"'-""" "Resid,ent hereby grants Owner the undispyted right without liability to remove any vehicle Iromany parking spaces which are inoperable (in OWner's opinion) and remain inoperable for ten (10) consecutive ~ays. Any vehicle not currently licensed will be subject to removal. Resident turtheragrees that any vehicle owned by Resident reml\ining the property after termination of occupancy may be immediately removed by Owner with full immunity from darnaqes for such removal. Resident agrees and aCknowled.\les that any.assigned or unassigned parking spaces available for use by Resident are limited to private passenger vehicles, and Resident shall have no right to store any recreational vehicle, boat, trailer, furniture, appliances at any other property on said parking space/spaces, without written consent from Owner .. Breach of the covenants in the paragraph shall be deemed a materiai breach of this agreement. ~'8~efa\,llt In the eventanyaction. suite or proceeding is instituted to enlorce any provisions contained herein, or to recover possession of the premises, or to cause payment of any sums due here under, Resident agrees to be responsible for and to pay, as additional rent, all costs, expenses and attorney's fees Incurred by. Owner to the extent permitted by (he Washington Residential L.andlord Tenant Act. Any breach of Resident's covenants; duties or obligations recited herein shall be deemed a material breach of this agreement. The fault by Owner to promptly enforce or insist upon fUll compliance with any term or covenant here under shall not be deemed a waiver or relinquishment of any right to enforce such terms or covenant by Owner. 9"'rJ¥Each Elindin9 Effe.ctCovrmants . .: . . . . . . . iridivld\Jlil Resident who signs this. agreement Is individually and jointly liable for full faithful. peitormances of all duties and obligations here under. This agreement shall be binding upon Resident's heirs, representatives and assigns. Residentacknow!edges that the rental appiication is a part of this Agreement and be rElferehce incorporated herein. ~Agef!t ~. Owner appoints Resident Manager as it's duly authorized agent to manage the premises and to receive all demands and payment. ' , .!:::..~otices AnY notice gillen by either party shall be in Writing, either delivered personally, or sent by O.S. Mail prepald.to Resident atthe addressot.tne premis~s, or the Resident's last knpw.n address; notices to • .bner shall be sent to the address of Resident Manager. .' . ~ 22. DestructionlCondemh~tion - In the event ofdestrudion Of the premises, orthe.building QfWhichil is a part, or damapethereto by fire or any other casu~lty. Owner may, ,at hiS/her.option,el.~ct to.termin13te this ,aQreement as of the date of happei')ing.· Inno c~se shall F\esident .~e Si')tiUedto c6Inpensation foraamaQes'on account of loss, annoyance or inconvenience resulting from such damage, destructiori or ils repair. ~·Integralion. . .•.. ". '., • .Thls writing embodies theentireagreelTl/3nt b~tlA'eel')tile parfle~,andsupersedesllil prioraqreements, whether oral or W(itten·. The following docunJents/~~ddendum's are made a. part hereof ard into this Agreement as if fully set forth: ·A. Move-lniMove-out B.-- ApPlication to Rent· C, D. E. F. __ Storage Agreement <G _l"ai'\{Jng Agreement I"ll\A~reell1./3rit, H. __ 90-SI~ner Agreement RUles'& RegUlations. I. Watsrbed Agreement Copy diOllY/Staie Landlord -r:er:antLaw . . J, Smoke Detector Form K. -.- Safe Streets Addendum Military At;ldendum L, -,., :'., ' ' .. :, ...._'...._255 ~, Miscellaneous - - the section hea(Jings used herein are not substantive but are strictiy for the conveniences of the parties, . Time is of the essence ofthis Agreement. If any provision is declared void or unenforceable by a court of cornpetent jurtsdictlon, it shall not render the other portions of this agreement unenforceable, The underssmed had read this entire Agreement and attachments as set forth in paragraph 24, understands his/her lights and obligations as set forth herein and agrees to comply with the provisions of this agreement. Resident acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Agreement and attachments as'specifies In paragraph 24, ,q~ire or Catastrophic Events In the event thai your unit is rendered uninhabitable by fire or other catastrophic event, then you will be responsibte for finding housing. We will reduce your monthiy renlal amount on a per diem basis basec on number of day required 10 vacate your unit. We recommend Ihal you obtain renters insurance to cover this potentiality and to cover'your personal possessions which are not covered in either ofthe (above . events. Landlord does not provide renter's insurance, You hereby agree to acquire your own renter's insurance and to hoid the landlord harmless from any damagesto your possessions in event of a disaster, . ~ttomey's Fees: In the event suit shall be brought regarding the pertormance of Ihe terms and provisions of this agreement, or breach of any obligation of the Tenant. or by any suit brought by Tenant for which tenant is unsuccessful in the iegal precess, Tenant agreesto pay to Landlord all attorney's fees and court costs authort:;:ed by law, . as ~~itions '\',> ~,,-:: . . ... VX-fj'/l...l 'j t' t,'. , , ,'r: I ............. " . 1,' D 0V-1-J . ~I rv--<;" r t i.f. (.,;,-l,-.,. ".".,. ~V 0 ir P- l / 1~---0<-· ..J.-. ;J J:~/}'.::;) '..... ; (f ,,q-- f::... j. ( I ., ,'''I RentalAgreement December B, .20112 (> 256 LB'"'11r (:. I Protection Service a, j790 FAX (3601805-5799 FULL SERVE REPORT REPORT TO, COUNTRY ESTATES REPQRTNO. Fl211~OOO," PROCE5SED BY, SONIA 97297 ACCOUNT "0. DATE' 12lO~12OO2 TIME, 11,\2 FAX NO. 253-963-1317 APPLICANT: GEORGE NEWSOME PUBLIC RECORDS UNLAWfUL DETAlNEJt HISTORY: N.-e"" CltlMlNAl mSTORY~ Neat ..... CREDIT REPORT Applicant's: Name, SSN.Address andDOB' have beencOfnpIlred'qIliast the credit- roport and any discrepancies are reported bciow. "",., from: 31ISfO! ~,Home SI010 YES Payan time;. JM.,. Mtices:..~ WaWd~.m: Add~• Phone:; U"jng w,ilh friend/relative 0 From: To: PIl)'ootime: ...- ...•. 0 No Ycs~O IISF_, .._ .. Valid jTd ,*,)' YCI Own> "on" 0 .,.,yuO NuD Pcu ::::~:-. ~:~D ProPer NeRice . NSf l;bI:cb:......•.••.•.... YES rREVlOUS Con\&a' D To: CURRENT b<, .._ Moldier complex :' Contoot, CIIIIIS'I1NA.oBROKE Phone, %53-531..01.. 0 006, RENTAL HlSTORY complex :~tJJJ~ Z INC (j'ting wllh fiiet\dlrclarive ~be:I SSN: ClJIlIlENT ...."" Ad,dretl/: lila dRynoti~: Rooaud:l:' _ ••••. Yes0 No0 . Prop=r Notioc •• Yts 0 Nu 0 Valid lrdParty Ve5D),Io Would re-rent apin: YES Ctwfl~· C........" NOT A VALID 3RD PAllTI..US AllM'l' lUoTE, !NSF BAt..ANa 0"SI33.03 CURJlEN'TLy OWED NO fROPER Nq1'\CE GIVEN EMPLOYMENT VERlFICATIQN' El11fIlnyer: WA STA;n REro:aM PQ5,il;lin: OFnCER Contaa: roLL'V~NN~L Selftmpl~~ verify .Verify i~ S 01" IT Eo>1>"","",,' lH--'794-161O o incomewI o Iddition.l VI' proper paperwm:. o VMUy SSt Rtitin:Jneri1 ocher ~r farm IAqth ofEmp: Sliary: p~: c;r&iarr conl~~tial-KllJl8rthllClt nub ft~.'" wi Ccimrn~,'UNABLE TO VERIFY .HIIlE D"-~PQ. l"RooF CiJnW!: 2Dd1Spousc F.mpI.~l r"",luon: Lo=nph ofEmp;', ~lary: limp..,.....n ComtiItmI~; o Satl/j' l'.()I\iidCfltiaJ -see plly.check "up o ScIf~~~il)dRC(mlI:.,llin1lf)ujllb o Verify o Verify 5$1.Retl~OfothCtwlprwcrJorm ai:ldtKm&llll~ ",I prupeT ~ork s ( .T. Landlord Protection Service 'nrlntl;on1 N;l11lC::PHJ]JC"1~: Add1'C"~~ This UppliCilli\)1l11l11~1 Country Estates \~ @ completed m full to assure jJrolTIl)\ processing. Co-tenuntsnlh~r thliIlSj'K,l\l.'OC must liSt: Sl:pUl'i.lk. appl.ic<llion:s. nnlllJc,"§ Nllmt: MlHllig.Cl:~lU1H.Ilords ,- visual proof lale Sisemore (253) 584-2205 -,----------,-----'.- Please lise separate forms for each applicant etaer than spouse or dnvcrs \icen:';C/ll1" Sll\1C 111 _ Yes No ;:RVleE REQUESTED;Pj-Jl1.JI..L SERVICE 0 SHORT SERVICED CREDITONLY 0 OTHER <C- ". I)nTt\lllg ,,' ,t\IH\lUlll - ~/ ,." _ / } , " I' (/. '\I __ •_ _ 1.casc \.\1art1llcnt # ' . . .)~ Move ill I )l1h~ .t-..!:::-: t' ... Rel\t Amount if2.(..! "._ Ulhl.:!" t\mmlJlt .~ ~ . r..::ml ..__._. I I Total Numbetol occupants? • ~""Y"""";>"C"H"~~"""Ii;""'~i'l86)IT;' ," ,'," .. '.,If!l>IIftIOl'YH~~~' ',,::,7i8,161\ d-R 1l~ A-'<:j,:'r,&i~;,m, ,,5r!iCfr'1(1Q.c( ~ Ld;cJ, / 1"'h'::":'''-!.2.:==---,=,---5",,' Add,es' •• '... .' P,LJeq 777 CilV Stete ,ZIP,' 1''1C-N,,02- <..JA,q"'_:?-!..tJ:: preVIOus 01 2. Emp1r:JYmlml(PI,8ne Cirl%le Ofie) ",' ,SI.l. City \ ,I S"!ary ?.) P~r.!:!..cL"w7 ( 0c~CJ:r+,.:J"'_c-:w "(fI"t(l~","~<!!';4~.4-~'ue!!:!JIc::qS;:~fZ'4;'@;~~;:=~ ( ll~, rvui:6r's Name ,--ZiP· " , '----s~i~·-··"'··~--~-Z1i;-···- ' " i _~:.Yl'i;. ".M~ ' M.",-cmnp.nYNu,,;t,,'--,----rPusilion HekllOcoupalio" - - - -..- - - - sl~;i;n.'O,1'f;' Naiili--·:-----~-···-_·- Spouse Employeli By Zla:;/< Posllion HeidiOOCOPalion, How Loog. U('5(Ail~Q !(lC'1::I'i3..J:J Add,sss-di[y ue, I'k.in --- 7:~';b '' ~ '. ':,_;:et~~ liDWLOng]-- .- _.Yn•._ _Mnlh S~r~ AOOmONAlINCOME: Additional income S\Jcll"as"'ctilltisuppOri".----a~yO!"~piItaie~intenaflC6nD$d nct ue ~esCfib6d uruesesuch add~nal mcqm:e,1s to be-lnoiudad,fof qusMk::atton heceundel" _IQf,$ Positl6n ;.,;j ",. j~~.~ .i...,--,-" <::c>Li.:::: 11/14/2003 15:29 PCHS TRIAGE PAGE ~ admitted to CTC 01111/07/03. She revealed to me that she is living in an apartment that is paidfor by her boyfriend, a Corrections officer from Purdy. Cl stated that she did not have a relationship withthis man while she was incarcerated. CI wasreluctant to discuss relationship withthe man, shecalled Mr. Newsome. and it was further revealed that the man is married. CI has no other form of support and stated that , the man, Mr. Newsome (George, 1 believe .she said) pays her rentbecause "he has to. If he has this overhere and wants that over there. he has to pay". C1 has been living in the ap~ent since 12102 and was just released from Purdy Prison. J Shannon M. Bryant 11113/03 .\ ,. !. I 01 Kelly, Kelly M. From: Fausett, Rhonda L Monday, December 01, 2003 2:45 PM Kelly, Kelly M. RE: Mr. Newsome Sent: To: Subject: Well first, thank you for everything you did. Newsome, no longer is employed with DOC. Again, Thank You Kelly. Rhonda _···Original Message-··· From: sent: To: . Kelly, Kelly M. Monday, December 01, 2003 1:40 PM Fausett, Rhonda L Subject: Mr. Newsome r Hello Rhonda, What happened with the Newsome case? Kelly 263 KellY,Kelly M. ~ Kelly, Kelly M. From: Sent: To: Subject: Tuesday, November 18, 20033:10 PM Fausett, Rhonda L. Mr. Newsome ) Here's part of the information I will fax the letter: If you need additional information you can contact Chris Larson at Tacoma Crises Triage 253.798.4552. 'WqtlngafWCCW on H-D1 - Last day 7-14-02 264 // / :~~N~~7~ MOVEMENT 07/29/99 04/18/00 05/10/00 01/02/01 10/17/01 11/07/01 11/15/01 11/15/01 12/28/01 11/14/03 14.49.32 PAGE 1 STATUS: INACTIVE NAME: D~E & TYPE REkDMISSION TRANSFERRED TO TRANSFERRED TO TRANSFERRED TO TRANSFERRED TO TRANSFERRED TO ESCORTED LEAVE ~T.FM.AUTH.LV. EXPIRATION DESTINATION W.C.C ..WOMEN WCCW ~INIMUM TACOMA PRE-REL W.C.C.WOMEN WCCW MINIMUM TACOMA PRE-REL. PIERCE TACOMA PRE-REL PIERCE REASON FOR INITIAL CLASSI. GOOD ADJUSTMENT ACPTD IN PREREL DISC. PROBLEM PROGRAM cHANGE ACPTD IN PREREL DENTAL NEEDS DENTAL COMPLETD SRA DISCHARGE ORIGIN KING W.C.C.WOMEN WCCW MINIMUM TACOMA PRE-REL W.C.C.WOMEN WCCW MINIMUM TACOMAPRE-REL PIERCE TACOMA PRE-REL