Wadoc Report Staff Sexual Misconduct Mikelson Pt2 2006
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STATE OF WASHINGTON EVIDENCE CARD DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Case Number 200Co -020 DOC NUMBER WACVlolations(s) ASSIGNED CE INMATE NAMES DATE EVIDENCE FOUND D lD _;)1- D L. DESCRIPTIUN OF EVIDENCEc... . LD\,",t~ WITH. SHIFT LIEuTENANT I SHIFT SUPERVISOR INITIALS L.(. .k-. CHAIN OF,POSSESSION ,OF EVIDENCE (SIGNATURE REQUIRED) TO jll-J'!..-- :'iii..!'}':, . ''', , DA.TE ()(ff f" DOC 21-043 (Rev 071D1f{)3) POL DOC ':20,375 The eoments of Ihl:r;; document mJlYbe eliglbll1m, pub/lc disc/emu,.. Social Seeurily NumtxJra it,., elms/dem conflClllmiallnmnnation lind will Do r&dll~ in the evem 0/ $ueh a ~uest,." T~;~fonn go .. emfil by .E.recL1ivcpn:te,og-oo, RCW42.17, and RCW40.14'R":SP ~ 11 \ / 0 . .• 0(' l ....____ ~j --"1 - l~ i3 z, V', d..e-,..,,( 0\. <:-.( Uk.- 1<.::;, , '~'" OXl2. L O(p •.;1 7 -0 t,. •0 Co rr: 0383 J,i i /~ ; I ... ~ m£"t STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS EVIDENCE CARD WAC Violalions(s) DOC NUMBER INMATE NAMES DATE EVIDENCEFOUND LOCATION FOUHD DESCRIPTIONOF EVIDENCE r::- RECOVERED BY NAME, TITLE (PLEASE PRINT) >,;1'. s: C/fr./77--L OWNER OF EVIDENCE (IF KNOWN) CC {/ r;; ·z.7-06 SlGr-lf~ lURE ~ CHAIN OF POSSESSION OF EVIDENCE(SIGNATUREREQUIREDj TO FROM TIME OATE C/cJ DOC 21-l>43(Rev 07101103) POL DOC 420.375 Too COnIe~ at this documel1l may be eJiglb/e tor public diac/Osure. Social Securlly NlImbfn Dm cOfl5idorod confidemiallnformeUofl and w/ll be IDdBCted in thft event at tfuch , ntql.lll4t. This form 15 governed by Exec:utlv(} Oro,r- 00-03, RCW 42.17. and RCW 411.14. I -, " t: /3 7 ·r-....,1iIIa.\ :f J £l.Ci STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS EVIDENCE CARD Case Number ~~~~_;ii;;:iii=":;';~~~~ DOC NUMBER iii DATE EVIDENCE FOUND 0(" _ DESCRIPTIOI" OF EVIDENCE . ASSIGNED eEL ;),1- oL. r.. \..-Lo"l't\-II-l ,I$l"L I, /lTOW~ -TIP SHIFT LIEUTENANT I SHIFT SUPERVISOR INITIALS RECOVERED BY NAME. TITLE (PLEASE PRINT) 0/. S. b.Je-,~ /E:5£L OWNER OF EVIDENCE (IF KNOWN) CHAIN OF POSSESSION OF EVIDENCE (SIGNATURE REQUIRED) TO DATE 11ME 0385/ 'Y7 , OJ \'\'~ ()\ lU yku~, \ u .,'\ \\::LjO.J(.">"-l,.~, +h,(, cc'\CLkr"e\',''I J [', '\-;":) \ IIcY\c,bo!\ .. ",,-\".:,\-:'..(.;(, 0" .JUJV': )<:~CCLu,':::;(-:' i\\\-\ (C("JfY'\ \ c\.:;:,\(e '\~1"'\ u· \ - .. 'u--,\ r ', e- \...ijL\.'-;~ k- e(L:Cee~e,~ '\-C U;~' ,(',h, 'W ~-\'-t. , \-'Gii .lei." 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(n~ ;"" .. I· If, II L / -e -- ¥''''./' /lll//',' )J / STATI!"oFWASHINGTON.......f DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTI • LllJu - - - I ,I -- " ( --- ~ 2 I~TI~ OJ MATE 'S -r)1/ {r.r~l ..../ ' , - t I ;' I/' f INMATE~ STA OF WASHINGTON OEP RTMENTO'CORRECTIONS • LlU~' N DEL RECLUSO (I _ -;r--" /' DY;,/ , {1L,F"r { c. / ~f. .,..' KITE NS PAPE ETA ;t ;-- J KITE PAPELETA DE PETICION DEL R~LUSO INMATE NAME (PRINn NOMSRE DEL RECLUSO (LETRA DE MOLDE) DOC NUMBER I NU~~J.oC DESIRE tNdlEW § Interpreter needed for Necesito Interprete para REASON I QUESTION Ir 7 .f T - ) / 0 - (language). (idiom a). nAL.UN I rncuul'>t 11\ .l ¥/I<I.-J r- ;/ /. :f Ere.;:, / j 17,~ ' C.1i?//7/C'/?C-; , (I .7 IlL Ei_A~;, I /0) - ) (language). Neceelto lnterprete para -/ "'Lr DATE I FECHA O-I~terprt?efneeded for RAZON/PREGUNTA cz- I UNIT, CEL~/UNIDAD, CElDA OR ANS/E:~.1! 9ESEA ENT.!3..I;1aSTACON 0 RE-~~lJESTA DE J f/ r I C r --.... (ldloma]. . . 7_ . / 0lt I r' /tt1C Ll.J ,; .~ • , I:.. '...... L-L-/ , J (J/C FLO, ,.J<./ " vt.. I r)lY~ ICJv( U • . '-F-l1.i d h., .,(.'A:. . .,...'~• '1.\' ~ i_ - -_ ..l" /-;'~i _ v!' i ;' t--\ 01 [" r ..." '. .~ l,~ -/lJh,.~~,tJ r». 1/-:!I<""""0'iC?/ ."..., .,~ '1.1 . r: DATE I FECHA WHfTElYELLOW-AeSPOnd~. Offendar~,~nse, PINK-O~6dar ke~ Distribution: YELLOW-Return to Dlsutbucion: Bl.ANCAl~"A.AILLA-P ..rs aiGue,ieSP'fl~~' ~~tAAIL~A-q6 queda alreclusc '1.f I. t\,..• '-. ;, ' DOC 2H73 EfS (7.12l ":0 a ,al rr~U3~1:~~ r ,. ' __~\_, pue,slf!.' . S.A-sa le _,_U . ,r DATEI FECHA RESPONDER I PERSONA QUE RESPONDE RESPONDER J PEASONA QUE RESPONDE ~eNK'Offe~\derps Dislrlbulion: WHlTElYELlOW·Aesponder. YELLOW-Relum 10Offer-der with Ra Distribuci6n: BLANCA/AMARILLA-Persona ql{e'\·.r~sPo.J'lt!e,~r'1~RILLA-D~vuel~a I r . usd ccn res, queda alracluso DOC 21-473 Ef5 (7f2003j OCD t'li' !~.I,,~, ;-; . . , l .,. s_. • ./) R~s'"~ ",- --'- -"" ~ 08/28/2008 07:51 FAX PIERCE COUNTY PROS 25378S3p·j @001/003 ) GERALD A. HORNE Pierce County Prosecuting Attorney Office of the Prosecuting Attorney 930 Tacoma. AveS. Room946 Tacoma. WA 98402 Phone Number (253) 793-7400 F..x Number (253) 798-6636 Fax TO: ATTN: FAX#: FROM: V \ dr\xy\ TITLE: REPLY TO: (253) Ad;Jo c Q",\ c "3 C(CG-lo ffi JFAX: (253) 798-3601 NUMBER OF PAGES: m RE; ""Te\{""c ~ y\\~e\ ~Dt) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ,rl ~''',r"_ ., / Jl ~ If Q j ',:, '. , The information in this FAX message is privileged and confidential. Ifyou are not the person or entityfor whom, it is intended, OJ" representative thereof,you are herebynotified that any disserninetion, distribution Dr copyingDfthi, communication Is strictlyprohibited. Ifyouhave received this message in error. Please notify us by telephone immediately, and return the original message to us at the above address via U.S. Postal Service. We will be happy to reimburse you for any costs. Thank you 7415 STATE OF WASH.INGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS PRIMARY ENCOUNTER REPORT BER DATE 06-27-06 132 I & I asked that see Ms. FACILITY WCCW Out alient ubsequent to a critical incident. ALLERGIES Unk PLAN RX sUIi!'ective Ms arne to my office. She explained that her cellmate had come to the ce an egan talking abou.nd _ _hey had a plan to entice an ail ~rder to force him to bring items officer into having sex t~ into the institution. Ms. ~aid that she advised her cell mate not to get involved but later in the evening, after rned-line and mail call, her cellmate came back to the cell_hed.She heard another offender say "did you just see what I saw?" Ms aid that her cellmate was tearful a e encounter and she admit e 0 just having sex with an officer. Ms advised her cellmate to wipe hersel.ith a towel and swab. At that poin came in and sat in the cell with Ms. and her cellmate. She said 0 my God I didn't think you'd really do it.' er at en_ount she advised her ised that she felt cellmate to reveal the sex act to authorities. Ms very guilty at being the one to bring this to light.· s. believedlhat her cellmate was vulnerableto suggestion by the other offenders because she was slow and that she had a need to be accepted. She felt protective of her cellmate who she believed was in SEG and for the officer who she described as a "nice guy." Obi" Ms hair was well cared for and her hygiene appeared good. Her clothes were clean. Her gait was steady. Her posture was neither rigid nor slumped. She did not gesture and no restlessness was observed. Her facial expression was appropriately animated and she smiled (and cried) at suitable times. Her speech was at a normal cadence but her voice was soft. Eye contact was good. Ms-' an~ance. affect was dysphoric. She was oriented to person, place, time Her demeanor did not seem glib. Some anxiety was evident. Anhedonia was not evident. There was evidence that her thinking was tangential. Her attention span was functional. Her frustration tolerance seemed efficient. Ideas of refeience were not expressed: She was not overly submissive but neither was she controlling, domineering, provocative or overly suspicious. No grandiosity was evident. There was no obvious associational disturbance. No delusions, obsessions or phobias were noticed. No current objective signs of suicidal or homicidal ideation were evident. Assessment Ms._iS experiencing mild critical incident stress. Plan Advise her psychotherapist, Dr. Varick. Ronald Dahlbeck, Psy.D. CMHPM Washington Corrections Center for Women DOC 13-435 (Rev. 03/08/2002) POL DOC 410.430 POLYGRAPH EXAMINATION STATEMENT OF CONSEI"T D"te_--,-_~=-- Ti me_"- --==--__ -:..._PI<lce Examination of _ ,understand a polygraph exarninauon ndmi~\stered by GBB po lygrnph services for the W cc LAJ is being conducted concemin~Ad-.f.J11.....,/V.uuhc-M,M I also understand rhot l cannot be required to submit to a polygraph examination I'(ithout my consent. Additionally, that if the answers during the ex.amination show deception, I may be asked 10 explain. I hold GSR polygraph services and William Tufts harmless and free from any liabili ty for <lny acts or omission by any other parties or agencies and release and hold hanmless any persons or agencies from any and all claims or liabiliues alleged to result from Or arise out of this examination, Understanding that l have the unqualified right to refuse, I do hereby, this date, voluntarily and without duress, coercion, unlawful inducement, or promise of reward, agree to submit to a polygraph examination, I further understand thai the information obtained during this process will not be released to me, Wi Iness_vJ __=-_-'---<t=7'-- --I;;~~ Oate 1-/2-0 Co -'-_ _--"- _ GSR POLYGRAPH SERVICES Willis:;" D. Tufts t 14091S Ave CT. SW Puyallup, WA 98371 , POLYGRAPH EXAMINATION REPORT Investigator Keliy Keliy Department of Corrections Washington Corrections Center for Women 9601 Bujacich Road NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335 TO: Subject: DOB: Requested by: _977 Examination Date: 07/12/06 Offense: Statement Verification Investigator Keliy Keliy Purpose of Examination: To verity or refute the subject's aliegation that Officer Terry Mikelsen gave her his home phone number and touched her stomach while she was in segregation. Prior to the polygraph examination,the subject was advised of her Polygraph Rights and waived these rights by signing the attached form. CONCLUSIONS A polygraph examination was administrator to the subject on the above issues. Based on the physiological responses produced by the subject on three (3) polygraph charts, in the opinion of this examiner,she was not attempting deception when she answered "yes" to the foliowing relevant questions: 1. Did Officer Terry Mikelsen ever give you his home phone number while you were in segregation? Based on the erratic physiological responses produced by the subject on three (3) polygraph charts, in the opinion of this examiner, chart recordings were not adequate to form a definite opinion as to truth or deception when she answered "yes" to the foliowing relevant question: 2. Did Officer Terry Mikelsen touch your stomach while you were in segregation? w~ Examiner: William D. Tufts July 12, 2006 Date of Report