Wadoc Report Staff Sexual Misconduct Mikelson 2006
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CONJF1DENTIAL State of Washington Department of Corrections Prisons Division Special Investigations Unit Case File HQ 06-48-06-F'Ol CONFIDJENTIAL 0319 STATE OF WASHII,GTOt, DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER FOR WOMEN MS: WP-04· 9601 BUJ<lCICh Rd. H,W.• Gig Harbor', Wasninglon ~8;i:i2-B:'lOO WARNING THIS FILE IS THE PROPFRTY OF THE WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER FOR WOMEN INTELEGENCE & INVESTIGATIONS UNIT (IIU) Content may be disclosed only to person whose official duties require access. Contents may not be disclosed to the party(s)concerned nor to counsel, without specific euthonzetior: of the superintendent. CASE TOPIC: Correctional Officer Terry Mikelsen Staff Custodial Misconduct ; 'h r-: .: n ,T; tne --rrst uegree rAC:E #. .....,......., ,. WCCW 06-106-06 DATE OPENED: 06-27-06 DATE CLOSED: D J endiIng Sign and date at time of review or receipt L-_~ IN OFFICE REVIEW I ~1. --l...- -1- "Working Together for SAFE Communities" _ 0320 STATE OF WASHlhIGTOI'l DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF CORRECTIONAL OPERATIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER FOR WOMEN P.O. Box 17. MS WP·04 . 960'l Bujacich Rd. 1\1 W . Gig Harbor. WA 98335·Q0l7 WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INVESTIGATIVE REPORT CASE NUMBER: WCCW 06-106-06 DATE OPENED: June 27, 2006 DATE CLOSED: Pending EMPLOYEE(S) INVOLVED: Correctional Officer Terry Mikelsen TYPE OF INVESTIGATION: Custodial Sexual Misconduct in the First Degree ORIGIN OF COMPLAINT: LOCATION(S) OF OCCURRENCE(S): Washington Corrections Center for Women Close Custody Unit (CCU) DATE(S) OF OCCURRENCE(S): June 26, 2006 INVESTIGATED BY: POLICY AREAS ADDRESSED: '\~;::J) ,,t,t(/ Chief Investigator KeliV~~J ~ Department of corrections,Pblicy: 850.020 - Investigation of Alleged Custodial Sexual Misconduct 490.800 - Prison Rape Elimination Procedures 0321 "lWorking Together for SAFE Communities 11 WCCW 06-106-06 Terry Mikelsen Custodial Sexual Misconduct July 11 , 2006 Page 2 of 10 SYNOPSIS: On June 27, ~006 at 5:10am I was contacted at my residenc~ Lieutenant Gilbert Burton, Lt. Burton Indicated that Offende~ had been sexually assaulted by a Correctional Officer. Superintendent Belinda D, Stewart requested that I report to the facility immediately, I arrived at the facility at approximately 7:15am, Upon my arrival, Associate Superintendent Jane Parnell told me to report to the Superintendent's Office for a briefing of the above incident. Present at the briefing was Superintendent Stewart, Associate Superintendent Dianne Doonan, Associate Superintendent Parnell and Head Quarters Investigator Steven Baxter. , At that time, Superintendent Stewart reported that on June 26, 2006 at approximately 10:00pm Offende_ _eported to Correctional Officer Randy Goodnite that Correctional Officer Terry Mikelsen had sex with her in the Close Custody Unit (CCU) east pod property room, Offende~used a towel to wipe the semen and a Q-tip to swab the inside of her vagina. All articles were placed in an evidence bag and placed in evidence locker number 3. , At 11 :50pm Correctional Officer Andrew Cozzolino and Correctional Officer Verna Gardner escorted Offender_by State Vehicle to the Bremerton Hospital for a sexual assault exam. Upon return to the facility, Offende_ was housed in the clinic. The Pierce County Sheriff's Office was notified. Investigator Baxter stated that PREA would not accept the case. The case was turned over to Pierce County Sheriff's Department. At 8:15am Deputy T. Larson was the first responding Officer along with Forensics Officer Steve Mel, both with the Pierce County Sheriff's Department. At that time I escorted both officers to the Training Room where they were briefed and given a complete packet of the incident. After the briefing, Deputy Larson and Forensics Officer Mel were escorted to CCU where the incident had occurred. At approximately 8:50am, Pierce County Sheriff's Detective Ray Shaviri arrived at the facility and was escorted to CCU. Detective Shaviri was briefed and given a complete packet of the incident. At approximately 9:30am Deputy Larson departed the facility to Bremerton Hospital to pick up the sexual assault kit. Correctional Officer Darren Gooding remained in CCU with Forensics Officer Mel who processed the scene for evidence. I escorted Detective Shaviri to the Medical Clinic to interview Offender _ At approximately 10':38am Correctional Investigator Henry Keller, 0322 WCCW 06-106-06 Terry Mikelsen Custodial Sexual Misconduct July 11 , 2006 Page 3 of 10 Detective Shaviri, Forensics Officer Mel and myself went to the Hearings Lieutenants' Office to sign out the evidence. NARRATIVE: The following interviews were conducted during the course of this investigation. Offender Detective Shaviri and I interviewed Victim Offender _ The interview was audio taped with her consent. The following is a brief summary of that interview. Offender_old us that she had asked Officer Mikelsen if she could clean because her cell was hot. Offende~stated that Officer Mikelsen told her "sure", and then asked her to come into the CCU east pod property room to lift a box. Offender~aid once inside the property room, Officer Mil<elsen was standing behind the door and shut it. She stated that he stood in front of the door. took off his radio and put it on the shelf. Offende~tated that Officer Mikelsen then took off his belt, and began taking off his pants. Offender.stated that she stared at Officer Mikelsen for a minute then asked what he was doing. She stated that he told her that if she had sex with him she will be allowed to have the rest of the night out of her cell and he would get her drugs and a package. Offender"'tated that Officer Mikelsen pullec her grey shorts down while turning her around to face the corner of the room. She said that he told her she had a nice body and commented on her tattoo. Offender • stated that Officer Mikelsen then grabbed her around her stomach and entered her vagina with his penis.. She stated after about two minutes he said "I haven't had any in a long time, please excuse me." Offender. stated that she told Officer Mikelsen that she wanted out. She stated that he told her to wait until he put his cop gear back on and he would leave first so the booth Officer, John Dunn would not see him. Offender.stated that he turned off the light and told her if he closed the door behind him do not come out. She said he left the door open and she came out. Offender.said after the incident she felt violated and decided to use the towel to wipe herself and also used a swab to preserve evidence in case no one believed her. She said right before the 9:00pm count Office Mikelsen came to her cell and asked "Have I been had? Are you going to tell?" She said she felt violated and waited until the next shift of Officers arrived before she reported the incident. (See attachment 13) 0323 wccw 06-106-06 Terry Mikelsen Custodial Sexual Misconduct July 11 , 2006 Page 4 of 10 Offender Offender as interviewed in the Main Institution Visit room and was identified as o ender_cell mate. Offender seemed ve reluctant and scared to makeany statements. She stated that Offender ntered their cell and a peared to be upset and was crying. Offende told Offende that she was upset because some of the other offenders wanted her (Offende to have sex with Officer Mikelsen so he could provide them with drugs and other privile es. Offender stated that Offende~old her that Offender ad told Officer Mikelsen that she (Offender hada crush on stated that she had this conversation with Offender him. c:Hfehder ~fter she had sex with Mikelsen. Offender stated that Offende came into their room and told ~that she didn't think she would really do this. She said Offende~ld Offender.o take a shower but before doing so to wipe herself with the towel and swab her vaginal area to preserve any evidence of the sex. Offender said she saw Offende"swab herself with a Q-tip and also wipe her vaginal area with a towel. Offende . Detective Shaviri and I re-interviewed fferi~cond time with the new information we received from Offender~his time Offender ~ave us a second detailed, taped statement regarding what had happened. Offenderlllt>tated that on June 26, 2006 she was hav~the Main Institution Dining Hall with Offendel_ and O f f e n d e _ She stated that Offende_ told them that Officer Mikelsen had asked her if she would have sex with him at which time Offende~told him tha~ end of the night she would find someone to have sex with him. Offender _tated . that Offende_as\\ed her (Offende~ she would have sex with Officer Mikelsen. Offende~ated that Offende~egan begging her saying that afterwards she WOij'idmake him bring in tobacco, drugs and send her a package. Offende_stated that at that point she told Offender_ she would think about it hoping she would drop it. After they left the dining hall they decided to go to the Gym because Offender_wanted to discuss the plan further but were kicked o~orrectional Officer Presley because it wasn't CCU gym time. Offende~aid they continued their talk and she finally agreed to have sex with Officer Mikelsen. Offende_ said Offende~ and Offender tayed outside for their hour out and she went inside to take a shower because she knew she was 0324 WCCW 06-106-06 Terry Mikelsen Custodial Sexual Misconduct JUly 11 , 2006 Page 5 of 10 going to have sex with Officer Mikelsen. Offender. stated that once she was finished with her shower she got dressed. She pushed her button and told the booth officer that' she was coming down to clean. Offender.said she approached Officer Mikelsen and asked if she could clean because her cell was to hot. Offende~tated that they sat at the table and he asked what she wanted to clean. Offendertlllstated that's when Offender_came and sat with them. She stated that Offende~ began telling Officer Mikelsen that Offende~ used to be her ex-girlfriend, that Offender. had a crush on him and had been talking about having sex with him all night. Offende~tated that Officer Mikelsen got u from the table and went inside the property room. She stated that Offender Id her (Offender_ "He's waiting for you to go in there." Offende stated that she got up, went inside and asked if she could come in. Offender tated that she went inside and closed the door. Offende. stated that she asked Officer Mikelsen what she was supposed to do. She stated that he told her to take off her shorts, tum around and bend over. Offender.stated that Officer Mikelsen then stuck his penis inside her vagina. Offender stated that she began to cry and Officer Mikelsen said "I am almost done. I am an old man it does not take me very long." Offende~aid it lasted about two minutes. Offender.stated that Officer Mikelsen came inside of her and she turned around and pulled her shorts up. She asked if she could leave and that's when he said that he would go first. Offender.said Officer Mikelsenleft and then she walked out. When asked if she was wearing any underwear Offende_ said, "No, it was hot that day". Offende~stated that everyone in the pod was sayln~, I want some of what you got" and that's when she told Offende~to go inside the cleaning closet where Offende~ollowed them and asked what happened. (Offender_ stated that _ is what the offenders commonly refer to her as.) Offender. stated that she told her "What you told me to do". Offender~tated that Offende~ started telling her that she was better than that and that if Offender_ wanted it so bad she should have done it. Offender. stated that while they were talking, Offender ~ was telling Officer Mikelsen to say that I was lifting boxes in the property room. Offende~ said she came out of the cleaning closet and told Officer Mikelsen to stick to the story because everyone saw her come out of the property room. Offender.stated that she went to her cell to do what Offender had told her to, to preserve evidence by swabbing the inside of her vagina and wiping herself on a towel and then taking a shower. Offender. stated that Offende~told her if she did not receive the package from Officer Mikelsen and if no body believed her she would have evidence. -.~ ... WCCW 06-106-06 Terry Mikelsen Custodial Sexual Misconduct July 11, 2006 Page 6 of 10 Offende_stated she went to the third tier and took a shower. She stated that later she went to mail call and Officer Mikelsen told her to cell up. She said Officer Mikelsen later came to her cell door and asked her if he had been had, then asked if she was going to tell, she stated that she told him "no." Offender ~tated that she felt guilty and threw her towel in the laundry bag. Offende~stated that at approximately 10:30pm she could not stop crying, and had to get It off her. chest. She stated that she pushed her intercom button and told the booth officer that she had an emergency. At that time she was informed that Officer Goodnight would be notified. Offende~stated that while sitting with Officer Goodnight she was crying and after a few minutes she told him she had sex with Officer Mikelsen. She stated that she was returned to her cell until the Sergeant was notified. Offende. said about ten minutes later she was told to report to the conference room. She said that Correctional Sergeant Donald Wilson and Correctional Officer Andrew Cozzolino were waiting in the conference room. Offende_stated that after giving them an untrue statement she returned to her cell and approximately fifteen minutes later the booth officer told her to get dressed as she would be going to the clinic. Offender~d that she had planned this with Offender_and Offende~earlier during the day. She said she did not know when and where this was going to take place. She said Offende~ had already spokento Officer Mikelsen and told him that she (Offen~ would have sex with him. ~er_said when Officer Mikelsen went into the property room, Offender_ told her to follow him inside he'll be waiting. She said she went into the room knowing she was going to have sex with Mikelsen. (See attachment 14) Correctional Officer Terry lVlikelsen At approximately 2:45pm Correctional Officer Terry Mikelsen was in the training room with Correctional Captain Michael Green and Investigator Henry Keller. In the presence of Captain Green, Investigator Keller and I Detective Shaviri advised Officer Mikelsen that he wanted to talk to him about some accusations made against him in the facility. Officer Mikelsen immediately asked for his Union Representation at which time Detective Shaviri informed him that this was a criminal case and that The Department of Corrections was no longer involved. Detective Shaviri advised Officer Mikelsen of his Miranda warnings which he said he understood and said he did not wish to talk to him. At that time Detective Shaviri told Officer lv1ikelsen that he was under arrest. Officer Mikelsen never asked him what he was being charged with or who had accused him of committing a crime. Officer Mikelsen only wanted to know if he was going to lose WCCW 06-106-06 Terry Mikelsen Custodial Sexual Misconduct July 11, 2006 Page 7 of 10 his job over this. Detective Shaviri advised him not to discuss the incident since he had asked for an attorney. Detective Shaviri notified Transport Officer Phil Bernel who transported Mikelsen to the Pierce County Jail where he was booked for Custodial Misconduct in the first degree. Offende Detective Shaviri and I interviewed Offender Offende~told us that she did not plan anything and that Officer Mikelsen was set up entirely b~ Investigator Keller informed me that Offender _ h a d a track record of lying and introducing contraband into the facility. (See attachment 16) Offenc!e Offender was interviewed in the Segregation agreed to give us a Dayroom by Detective Shaviri and I. Offender taped statement. Offende was very detailed regarding what had happened. She stated that she and Offende~had convinced Offender to have sex with Officer Mikelsen. She said she never thought Offender would actually go through with the act. Offende~said she told • Offende~o preserve evidence by swabbing her self and using the towel to wipe herself. Offender said Offende~was crying after the incident and regretted doing it. (See attachment 15) CONCLUSION: Detective Shaviri, reviewed the video tape from the Close Custody Unit east pod where the property room is monitored by video cameras. Detective Shaviri reviewed the video tapes dated June 26, 2006 from approximately 7:11 pm. It was discovered that Offender.was sitting next to Officer Mikelsen and Offende_was seated across from them. At about 7:11:56pm Officer Mikelsen got up and was walking towards the property room which was about 10 to 15 fee~. As Officer Mikelsen walked away from Offende~and_ Offende~e stopped briefly and looked in the direction of Offende~ He was then seen opening the door to the property room and entering inside. Offende~followed him almost immediatel~o went into the same property room. When this happened, Offende. . . . got up and started sweeping the dayroom area around the property room but stayed in that area the entire time. At 7: 15:48pm Officer Mikelsen was seen coming out of the property room and Offende~came out a few seconds later. Offende~as seen walking straight across the dayroom towards the area where her cell 207 is located on the second tier. Officer Mikelsen came towards the camera then walked away. A few minutes later he left the area. A copy of this tape was given to Detective Shaviri for evidence. (See attachment 18) 0327 WCCW 06-106-06 Terry Mikelsen Custodial Sexual Misconduct July 11, 2006 Page 8 of 10 At approximately 12:30pm, Forensics Officer Mel notified Detective Shaviri by cell phone and advised him that he had discovered biological fluids on some of the personal items that belong to Offende~ Offender On June 30, 2006 Intelligence and Investigation Unit received an ffender Kite dated June 29, 2006 to Chief Investigator Kelly from Offender The kite stated that it wasn't the first time Officer Mikelsen ha approached someone and offered to~bacco in exchange for "favors." It also stated that during her (Offender~t~gregation he approached her several times and also gave her (Offende~his phone number to call, which she still has. (See attachment 19) I interviewed Offende_n the Segre~t which time she gave me a piece of paper with a phone n u m b e r - " h a t had Monday & Tuesday off, Wednesday - Sunday leave at noon. Offender_stated that Officer Mikelsen opened her cuff port in Segregation, gave her his number with a book and asked if she need anything to call him before noon, because that is the time that he leaves his home to come to work. She stated that she has not called him. Offender_said she would take a polygraph to prove that Officer Mikelsen gave her the number. She stated that he told her that when she is release, he could set her up real good, she could live in one of his apartments. Offende~said that Officer Mickelsen was the booth Officer and talked with her on the intercom throughout his shift. She said during their conversation at one point he told her that he was "Jacking off." She said that he would bring tobacco inside the facility 'for her when she was released from segregation, she could come to the clinic when he was working. It was verified that the number Offender" had was Officer Mikelsen's home number that was provided to the Human Resources Office. It was also verified that no calls from offender's phone was placed to Officer Mikelsen's home. POLYGRAPI-l: On June 11, 2006 GSR Pol' raph Services William D. Tufts adrninlstered polygraph to Offender Prior to the polygraph the subject was advised of her Polygraph Rights and waived these rights by signing the attached form. (See attachment 25) 032<'3 WCCW 06-106-06 Terry Mikelsen Custodial Sexual Misconduct July 11, 2006 Page 9 of 10 Based on the physiological response produced by the subject on three (3) polygraph charts, in the opinion of this examiner, she was not attempting deception when she answered "yes" to the following relevant questions: 1. Did Officer Terry Mikelsen ever give you his home phone number while you were in segregation? Based on the erratic physiological response produced by the subject on three (3) polygraph charts, in the opinion of this examiner, chart recording were not adequate to form a definite opinion as to truth or deception when she answered "yes" to the following relevant questions: (See Attachment 26) 2. Did Terry Mikelsen touch your stomach while you were in segregation? ATTACHMENTS: 1. Incident Report from Correctional Officer Randy Goodnite date 06-26-06. 2. Incident Report from Correctional Sergeant Donald Wilson dated 06-26-06 3. lncident Report from Correctional Officer Verna Garner dated 06-26-06. 4. Incident Report from Correctional Officer Andrew Cozzolino dated 06-26-06. 5. Incident Report Correctional from Officer Shannon Kriebel dated 06-27-06. 6. Search Report from Shannon Kriebel dated 06-27-06. 7. Incident Report from Correctional Officer Joe Luckett dated 06-27-06. 8. Harrison Hospital Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Authorization Form dated 06-27-06. 9. Authorization for Disclosure of Health Information dated 06-27-06 10. Tele-Incident Report No: 11899 dated 06-27-06. 11. Offender Sexual Assault Response and Containment Checklist dated 0627-06. 12. Authorization For Disclosure Of Health Information dated 13. Evidence Card Case number 2006-020 Offender IIIIIIIIId e -27-06. written Statement 14. Offender dated 06- 6-06. written Statement 15.0ffende ri!ten Statement. 16. Offender . ten Statement 17. Offender dated 06-29-06 18.lnmate Kite Offender 19. Close Custody Unit Video Tape, Start/End a e -26-06 - 06-27-06. 20. Hand written piece of paper from Offender Correctional Officer Terry Mlkelsen home phone number. 21. Pierce County Sheriff Department Supplemental Report Incident No. 061780244.3. 0329 WCCW 06-106-06 Terry Mikelsen Custodial Sexual Misconduct July 11, 2006 Page 10 of 10 22. Superior Court Of Washington for Pierce County State of Washington vs Terry Mikelsen. 23. Pierce County Superior Court Criminal Case 06-1-02910-2. 24. State of Washin on De artment 0 Correction Primary Encounter Report Offender dated 6-27-06. 25~h Examination Statement of Consent 0 ender ~ated 06-11-06. 26. Polygraph Examination Report Offender ated 06-11-06. 0330 08/28/2008 07:51 FAX 2537883ROl PIERCE COUNTY PROS , ~ 002/003 / E·FILE IN COUNTY CLE PIERCE COUNTY. B OFFICE ASHINGTON .Junl;f 2B 2008 1 :18AM 1 2 SUPEJUOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR PIERCE COUNTY STATEOFWASHlNGTON, PlainlifCI 3 CAUSE NO. 06-1-02910·2 v~. 4 5 KEVIN ST CK COUNTY C !!RK TERRYMICHAEL M[KELSON, DBCLARATIONFOR DSTERMlNAT10N OF PROBABLE CAUSE 6 Defendant. 7 MARY E. ROBNETT, declares undorpon.lly of perjury: 8 9 10 11 That1 am a deputy prosecuting attorney for Plerce County and I am famlllar with the police report and/orinvestigation conducted by the PlERCECOUNTY SHERIFF, incident number 061780244; That the police report and/or investlgationprovided me the following information; That in PierceCounty, Wa~hlngloll, on or abou;the.2.6th dqy of June, 2006, the defendant, TERRY MICHAELMTKELSON, did commltthe crime of Custodilll SexulllMi!lconduct in theFirat Oegree. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 On June 26, 2006, Pierce Counly Sheriff'sDeputy Larson contacted Investigator Baxterat the correction center.ln Purdy; Bm<ter reponedthat a female inmate had reporling beillg raped by a guard; the female was taken to Harrison Hospital in Bremerton; the victim had used u Q.tip swab to collectevidence from herself. which were placed into sn evidence room artbe correction center, On June 27,'Detective Shavirl responded to thescene, 'with aforeaslc technician: Detective Snavl1, contacted the female inmate. who reported thefollowing: the defendant,Terry Mikelson, is a guardat the prison: he aaked her \0 go into the property room to assist with carryingsome boxes; while she was in theroom. he told her he wouldallow her to have specialprivileges if she would have sex with him: Rhe diuallow him to have sex with her.but afll.'rWBrds she fell violated; she wiped herself with a towel and,thel1 she used a swab to collectevidence in cesenc one would believe her; she Interadmitted that she and a couple other inmares,. 3 md _ wanted to get special privileges from the defendnnt like getting drugs told the JlefenJlnnt. would have Sex with him and set \'p would meethim in the property room wbJoh she did, ' Iba. Detective Shaviri rcporta thalvideo surveillance corroborates thul the defendalttwent Into the property room, immediately followed by. undthe third inmate, who fCported ,et up the sexual encounter stayedoutside the room sweeping; taeforenslo technlclan with Detective Snavirl collected porcntial evidence of biological flUid from tbe property room floor. Detective Shaviri contacted the defendam who immediately askedfor an attorney. Detective Shaviri then contaetod? who denied setting' up any sexual encounterand he contactede who cnnflrmed tbnt she and E had convlnc• • ro have sex with the defendant,but -iii•• she tlidn'L 24 Orfjl;lC tlr lht: Pro~ecilling AUQmq DECLAF.AnON FOR DETllRMINATION !1JU "rllcomll A,venut South. Rocm 946 Tacoma, WA !JS402-217L OF PROBABLE CAUSE-I Muin OfIlce (2.5:n i98.,400 PJTACHMENT i~: ~ C7-'i3., 0331 08/28/2006 07: 5 1 FAX 25878B8"0'1 ) PIERCE COUNTY PROS Ii!J 003/003 On- 1-\1291 Q.2 1 actually thl~ would go through with it .' reported thatshe lol_ro preserve the -evidence by wiping herself and she reported that afterwards. was crying and regrettlng doingthis. 2 3 1DECLAR.E UNDER PBNALTY OF PERlURY UNDER'l'H.E'LAWS OF TIlE sr ATE OF WASH1I\IGTON THATTJ-IE FOREGOING 15 TRlJE AND CORRECT. 4 DATED: June28,2006 PLACE: TACOMA, WA S Is/MARYE.'ROBNETT MARY E. ROBNETT, WS:B;II2.112.9 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1~ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 DECLARATION FOR DETB.ltMINA'nON OF PROBABLE CAUSE-2 Onlt:Cll( Lh.~ PrMt:cuting AlIomt'y 93U 1'UO;:lJmh Avenue Soum, Room 946 Teccm... WA 9S40Z.Z171 Muin Olnee(l.\31 798-7400 033~ Pierce County Superior Court IminaJ Case 06-1-02910-2 / Page 1 of2 ..J Pierce County Superior Court Criminal Case Defendant: Access: Jurisdiction: Initial Arrest Date: Initial Bali Amount: 06-1- 0 2910-.2 TERRY MICHAEL MIKELSON PubOc SUPERIOR CT - PIERCE CTY 06/27/2006 $0.00 Attorneys Type Prosecutor Name MARY E, ROBNETI Firm Prosecuting Attorney Role LEAD COUNSEL Charges CountType Description RCW Disposition Se 1 Original CUSTODIAL SEXUAL MISCONDUCT IN THE FIRST DEGREE 9A.44.160Cl)(a1 Filings [ e-file document I Filing Date Filing 06/28/2006 Information 06/28/.2006 Affidavit/Determination for Probable Cause Access Public Pages 2 Public 2 MI Proceedings Date 06/28/200601:30 PM 'Judge CRIMINAL DIVISION 1 Dept. Type COl ARRAIGNMENT Outcoi ARRAl Incidents Incident 'Number 061780244 Law Enforcement Agency PIERCE COUNTY SHERIFF Offense Date 06/26/2006 Superior Court Co-Defendants Cause Number Defendant Judgments Cause # Status Signed Effective File • Hearing and location Information displayed in this calendar is subject to change without not changes to this information after the creation date and time may not display in current vers • Confidential cases and Juvenile Offender proceeding information is not displayed on this caj Confidential case types are: Adoption, Paternity, Involuntary Commitment, Dependency, an • The names provided 'In this calendar cannot be associated with any particular individuais wi' individual case research. • Neither the court nor clerk makes any representation as to the accuracy and completeness except for court purposes. Created: Wednesday June 28, 2006 5:01PM 033 Pierce County Superior Court . minal Case 06-1-02910-2 Copyright © 1995-2006 Pierce County Washington. All rights reserved. Page 2 of2 Pierce County Public .Tail Ros Pagelofl Created: Wednesday June 28, 2006 5:04PM Pier-ce County Corrections Inmate Listing for Terry Michael Mikelson Your search returned 0 matches for Terry Michael Mikelson. The list includes all persons Who are in custody I supervision of the jail. Jail Name Booking lD Facility * Booked LessThan 24 Hours Ago Copyright © 1996-2006 Pierce County Washington, All rights reserved. ~ 033 IBR Disposition: Case--Marla-gemeni' Arrest _. , ..Pl~g_sWC?,~:.,' Reporling By/Dule: 92-031~Shaviri, Ray 06/26/2006 00:37:00 -'-~ReviewedByIi5"le:~ -B1~011.~Adamson, Richard' 06/28/200609:50:51 Porenstcs: Caser,epoli SIalus' Approved .elateo Cases: Case Ffeporl Number- Agency Jon-Electronic Attachments AtlachmentType Count .1 I J 'i Offense Details: 1103·· Sex Crirna- Forcible Rape· Strongarm 'Domestic Violence: Completed: ! Child Abuse: Completed Yes Gang Related: crime Against: Juvenile: PE Hate/Bias: US·lng'. .rtrninal Activity: Localion Type: Corrections Facility/Jail of Units Total No. Entered: Type _.__.._~ __ ._."._,_. ._.__ ._, of Security: None (No Bias) Tools: Evi'derlc;e ColieCied: .. "_,_. ---=- ._. .__,__. ._ ._..__. ._.. . ..\ -E~I~~~f:A=::--~:- ~~------ --~-------------_.----- ------------ -----~------- -------------.----- . -'' -1 Arrestee A1: Mikelsen, Terry Michael PDA: Call Source: ...Dls'pat~h",d. ."p}io'ne-Repo-rt: Insurance Letter Assisted By: -- -~----'-""f,fOtifie(C'-' .... -.- -~-_.- 'EnleredBY'-92-()31-:Sh"vlri,Ray -Enler.dOri, 06120/2006 08 :37: 16 ----·--------Approve;fBy:~E202i34-:-F;.eii:as:Kathy . ---ApprovedOii:-06izs-'2006 1o:z'f:2S----- -------EXCBplionaICiearance:-· -------- - --- .---- Aduiv Juv'eniie'"Cleararlce: ;....-_._-- -,_._--",- ------.--..-._.. ._..__.- -. Exc-e'p'UonalC18aranc-e'Oate: ·-·p:dCil'tionai bistrlblitlon': .._--.------ --_._- ------....~-~-~--.- . -_.---- Other'DiS"tr-lbut'lon; ,--''c'PS-'--- ... sui;erv!s-or: .JatTon -.. -blstrlbu'tlOri'"5i.ite:-·._.-,-- --- C:~~i~--·-'---· -.--.. _".! ~9:o~~TY-:-~?~~7~_~X:_~I.-'-:::·--J~Y_8Q~le-·- -_····-.. Ohl·er·; Processing Indexed Dale: By: Cay Pros, Atty. i Military - : DSHS ., PreTrial For Law Enforcen"int Use Only - No Secondary Dissemination Aliowed Printed: July 10, 2006 -12:32 PM \ ~::~~~:c~:: ~~:h~~~~~~~Y to ensure correct agency, CB/Grid/RD, and District/Sector are Printed By: Shaviri, Ray SSN: botl~o: Sf FBI No: ·'LocalcH'No';--; State io: License I\.io: Driver-LTcons'B"-';-- Was hi ngton MIKELTM453JA --" b"rlverLic's'lise . Stale: Hair Length: Glasses: Hair Style: Teeth: Hair Type: Speech: Appearance: RighI! Lell Handed: Country: Facial Hair: Facial Shape: .; I Complexion: ..t._ SMT: Alli,:e: ___ • • • • __ ~.__ L I I -'---Body Build: .ir-ibe"'Affii·(atlon;'·' ""fden'tifielrs;' " Gangs: Signifi'canl . Trademarks: Suspect Pretended I Facial Feature Oddities: Disljnctive:-F~~Iui:es: I I, Modus Operandi: . to Be: Placebi SI,iii' HablluaIOHaii,i'e,'---- Dateirini'e)\rreslecf· 0612712006-15:00: OO-'-Sooked -Custody' Status: Toeal,on:'· -..-- ArresI L.ocat(on: - 9601 Buja'Cich-Rd Hw -ReieasedTocaiiDri,: ---- --GiS Harbor, WA 98332 1103 . Sex-Crime~ForcibleR''-pe-=-stror;garm .---- -O;';:;;iewBooi<ed. r;,le;w-Prc;ilable Cause-------------- Arreill-lope Unarme·d-----·----···· Armed With: IViira'n-da-Read: I batetTi'm~e"Booked: ! H,MFor: i, -OatalTime-- ---- I Released: --: JuYerill"blip"sllio,'---'-- ·--·---·----·--·---_··---------,··--···----·------r- ! I Ad-uitPresenTi~ame : - -' --- J -- . -..-----.---- --..-."' ----.--.. 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Strongarrn .. offender . Weapon·:" a'thai- 'Weapon: Action: Manufacturer: Make: iITlporter'. Model: A1:Milielsen,ferry i\,4ichaei None ., - - - -.-..-.---- - -".--. -'-'-r_''' Serial No: \ i . ~ .• _. __ •• __ .. __ ~ ..._ ••• OA": _ I I '--",--"-- '-·Alitomat1C:·-';·· ! ----Callber;"-' " · · _. Gauge:' I Length: . FStock: ~~:::.~.::_:PT'"J~,CL1MEJJTf)J) ; -apon 'I\fotes:"- -j , "-D337 PDA: For Law Enforcement Use Only - No Secondary Dissemination Allowed Printed: July {O, 2006· 12;32 PIII'-: D~:_4_~ c,,, (" ..._ .. :~; t':l_ .. , I Page foT7! J Aliases: . ; H~~~.:"1~~£"i~~iA9~~~2·4. ·~H~~~~I~~FjrE,,:.R~ce:·.W6h~ 'Addresi:-- -_._' cfty, State 'Zip:" - - . ---- ·······--·------r·-·'Coulity;···\·····-- -'.-"- . .- ·--------··--'1--cou'j,lry:'-r- . .- Phone: ::~::~i: ~~~~~~!~~i~~s~~e~~Gif~~u~~I~~~~fa~~B:~r~mate ssif'\ .--...-.-...,--.-... OtherP'holle: 253 65B-4200 EmplclyerlSchoal: . WCCW 'Place'of"Birth: T'-.-'---.-.-.-.....- .. ,,------~'---"- Driver License -i~o:' .... "Eili"nicity: Non-I-Iispan ic. Eye 'colo'i-";'- Green Business Pho'ne: --, Other .- .6ri\;8f[rcense-:-'w~~ h ington Driver State: ljcense' country: Attire: Complexion: SMT·. Victim Of: VictimType: Facial Hair: 1103 - Sex Crime - Forcible Rape - Strongarm individual ~ircu~st~~ces:.\ Other (not to be used Testily: i for simple assault) Rape Injury: Type of Injury: Facial Shape: Weapon Used: .1·· None Reporting Statement Obtained: Fire Dept Response: .-,...-- .--- --Take-ri-SY: Police Vehicle Type: \ Law -ement L .Ir Killed or Assaulted Information Assignm'ent:" . i ._ _'~=_J Attendingf'hysiclan:' ER F J Justifiable Homicide ; Circumstances: . Activity: Victim Notes: \ - Witness W1: Kelly, Kelly Marie PDA: --Facfa:fHaYr':-~'" - . SMT: -TestifY: '/~itne5S i~'otes: .Jess W2 Yes :, ---------- -----~---~---------------- Fa-CiafSha~pe:--;-----"'-- -'- ~ For Law Enforcement Use Only - No Secondary Dissemination Allowed i.z:»: _ Printed: July 10,2006 - 12:32 PNI] 1"J~:~4~..J 0 ... C:-j.,~. . :~: p~" , --'----'-A-11ases:--'-'~----'-----" OOB:"983 ! Age 22 Weight: - Height: :' Sex:!F"mal,,' 'I Black RaG.: Ethniclty: . T~iafi: C'~jDr: i'" Add,ess-_. 9601..$.;Jj~~icFfi~NW - Part .. ~:=:·:I~~u~~J=--= 'Pho'fle: ",! -- .iiusiness' pi,orle: ·l, _. _ . . . ~ Time Reside:~.t. __ ._,~ ..?cC~~~·~_~~~~~~~~~~·. ._~ OtherPhone: ErnpioyeriSchocii: . -P(ace--bi'Sirlh: . ..• "1 'Drive-r-Ucensel~-'-c, State; I Eye Color: Cily, Stale Zip: ' Gig Harbor, WA 98332 Country: i Other Address; . -. . ... - ... . .-_. --...- . _..-. -- ._ .. _..._-- R'esi~~~~~ Non-Hispanic Drl\/ei-r-(jcElrls'e . j Country: Attire: Complexion: SMT: F'acfiii' Hai-r: Testify: . _ ._- ' .. __VI!it~':'~ I'J(Jt~~.s an;nmaiealihefaCili,t~y,--'_' .,.,__-_-_,.._.._.._'__., --_ _ , 'F'acral .Shape: .. -. , Witness W3: I I . ~J -.:.-...:....::.:.::. PDA: _ J,I i .J, ._----_ .. _._-\ Witness W 4 : _ _ . . r -'PDA: --"--'--"- _ Aliases: 00B:~i982 i Age: 23 i Height: Address: City, Slate Zip: Other Address: Resident: Femaie ': Sex: Race:' White ··,,···,·,··.1.''''"1 Hair Color: Weight: Eye Color: j I 9601 Bujacich Rd N~ Gig Harbor, WA 98332 County', .j _ ,_ .. . Country: Phone: Business Phone: Other Phone; Occupation/Grade: Emptoyer/School: Place Of Birth: Driver License Counl'l': SSN: Driver License Driver License No: ____ ~ .. _.~. I ~.!~~~J_. ., ._.__ AUire: SMT: Testify: Ethnicity: : ..!Vitn:::.~~ an inmate at the facil,i"lyL.__ Comp"iexion: F eclat Hair: Facial Shape: . . '-.' ' ' . _. property Item NQ. 1011; 1312 • Recording· YCRNideo Tape For Law Enforcement Use Only - No Secondary Dissemination Allowed ---- Printed: July 10, 200! - :2:32 r:,fV/i .----------- --1- -,Page - 5-6(7. Pierce County Sherlff Depai _.•1-enT---.---------r.fncident No. vl61780244.3 §_upplemental Report _ .j i -----6ther Common"llem: : - Desc;:ip'U()rl;' Maxell VHS .Quantity: 1 ._~_! -I -~-------------- --'--'--'i- -·"-Conlenls'S"ampiE;ii: -_ ..~ __ _ __ ___ I Owner: II : Mai('e/Srar;a: Recovered Date: "j ·--·Modee·' Recovered'Va'ilJe':"-i .Field"Te"s'tscF"i 'Fi'e'lcl"Tesl Re"su'lhi:-r " \ I .-- -.----.--.' Ser1;:i-No:" Vehi~:PI~;~;~~~f;~n:: .. Pc::~D/Tpprv1ain~r"t>ertyRoom License: LiceV:~i-3t~::~'T .------~~~~~-.~~,- rvtocfe-I':-":' I policyNo: .1 Locked: 'j I ·······Keys·in\iefiicfe:~ ,. Slate:--' - Make:-"] I -------·------··'OAN: -''--In'sur~ilice-Compa'riy:-\ P-ro·p_~~ty_P!~~.?_~I.~~·~~~.-.:·,--~9,~I~~j-~~~-. ~.i~p'j~y__. '-'ie-til'de- ~ E~Evidence-(lncludingOtherSeized--rValue:' , Proporty AndTools) i status: License . Photographed: "'Fing"erprlnte'd:--' - . _,- -----~'-I ~urcj_y_Co'rrections Finding Location: - L ... ._-------~ , ---.- .- . - -. . -....-=-~~~-~~·?~!nt¥c;f~'~!~:~+-~ ..-.---------. ..--.- ·--··-··----·-----D!iveabTe:·..·-- ...-..---,..---.--,------ .---.--..-"'--- ----.--.--.-.. -- ----.--.----.. ---.---------..----.-----.---- ·-:------··--·------Oamage: ~-- ... ~---.---.... -"1 j -,·-··-------·~·--Estim-aiecj""oamage:- §tYie':'~"--- i: 1 piimaryVehlcieCok;r:-;-·-·-·----·--·----------'-~---:---···----OamagedAreB:T-···'-·----··-· .---.-..,..-.--...---- ·----1 .. §Eico'ndary-VehiC1e' bolor:"""1'-------··---·---·--·----------·--·-----·--~----·T-ow'CompanY:-'-·-····-··------·..-.--..-----.---.,.~ --·,,--·---·,·-·-·--,·-·..-,,·-··-·-VIN:~;· . --.. -·----··--'------"---..-------·------'---:-··---·--"1"owConsen~-- -.. . ----·----Sp-ecialFeaiui,;S:-----·---~---------- ---------HoiCF..Requ"stedBy"---------·----~------------.---. ---"I i .. -D!iJgl~fO!_01~i?il:~=~ ~.=:.:-:-=:===::_=_- . ._. 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Enter WACIC Time Date . ' LESA Inllial Clear Release Inlo. Dale Owner Notified Time Release I ... J \ Release No. Authority Operators Name Investigative information ----- Vehicle Activity: . ·----·---Synopsis: -_ .. _._-_._---_. -_· __·_·------------_·_·_ .."1 ····DiieCIiOriVehICleT;a~::~:;.~;~~,~T=i£J,_pag~P·7-- ~ Means: ..- - - - - - - - - . ----.~--- __ _------------_.-. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I .. 0340 Lt. Rick Adamson regarding this case -Hea~-~~d me -I for women regarding a rap.!"_._.. ~~ ._. .. .J ,·jarralive: --On 06/27/06 at about 0715 hours, I received a page from to re~ond to the Purdy Corre~tion's fa~ For Law Enforcement Use Only - No Secondary Dissemination AI/owed Printed: July 10, 2006 .. 12:32 D,-i"~L>ri &:I". (:1>",,,.,-, PM I c;.",,, \ pferea-County Sheriff-Oepal ..•lent _~upplemental Report 'W~~-~:he fl~~~'~:~';:'~':,~~'" I arrived at the facility at about 0850 hours On arriving, I mel Deputy T. Larson Officer and also Forensics Officer Steve Mel, both With the Pierce County Sheriff's Department I also met · Chief Investigator Kelly IZeily With the Departmenl of Corrections "I' I ~ ! . ell •advised me that the allegations were made by an inmate n a m e d _ with an AKA O f " was currently In the facility c1inic.~ad notified the Prison st~night at about 2200 · ours and Since then they had taken h~ hospital in Bremerton to have a sexual assault exam done. Kelly said that_ad used a towel to wipe the semen off her and had also swabbed herseif after the incident. 1 The incident occurred in a storage room which is used to slore ilems belonging to the inmates. Kelly told me that no inmates are allowed inside this storage room.The room is in the Closed Custody Unit's East Pod commonly referred to as the CCU's east pod. This is a common area where the Inmates are allowed to · interact during certain hours. Forensics Officer Mel processed the scene for evidence. (See sup report by · Steve Mel) Deputy Larson toid me that he would pick up the sexual assault kit from the hospital in Bremerton and book iI into evidence (See sup report by Deputy Larsen) · Ms. Kelly and I first interviewed victim _ _ The interview was audio taped with her consent. The following is a brief summary of that int~ us that Correction's Officer Terry Mikelsen had asked her to come into the property room in question to assist her with carrying some boxes. She said while she was in the room he told her that if she had sex with him she wili be allowed to have special privileges~aid : she did as she was told and had sex with Officer Mikelsen. She said after the incident she felt vi~nd · decided to use the towel to wipe hersetf and also used a swab to preserve evidence in case no one believed · her. She said she felt violated and waited untii the next shift of Officers arrived before she reported this. (See attached transcripts of the taped statements) I ! \ ! I I,,!, I I I Next we interviewed.s roommate seemed very reluctant and scared to • make any statements ..She did say tha sea ear rom a some of the other inmates wanted her to i , have sex with Corrections Officer Mi~ould pro I e em with drugs and other privileges. She said _ o l d her that an inmate named_had told Officerl' elsen that she had a crush on him to ! ~te this. She said she had this conv ion with _ after had sex with Mikelsen. She s a i d " ! , was upset and crying. She said she saw wab hem with a -tip and also wipe her vaginal area with a . I : towel. She said an inmate named came into their room and told _ h a t she didn't think she ! i, would really do this. She then tal e a shower but before doing that w"TPe"herseif with the towel and \ : , swab her vaginal area to preserve_vidence olthe sex. or a second time with this new information we had. This time'" ! : Investigator Kelly and I confronted · gave us a second detailed statement on ta e regarding what had happened. She said she had planned this : i with Inmates~nd arlier during the day. She said she did not know when and e said ad already spoken to Officer Mikelsen ~ him that where this w~e pi e. w en Mikelsen went into the property room ~Id her to · she-"'ould have sex with him, : follo~nside since he was waiting. e said she went into the room and had sex with MiI\elsen. (See · attached transcripts of the taped statement) 't I C'""-t I-v<- 1..,.1 ::.:.:: .., Investigator Kelly also advised me that the area of this property r o o is . onitored by video cameras. We viewed the tapes from the approximate times as a related to us by nd discovered that on 06/26/06 at , about 1911 hours, she was sitting next to Officer Mikelsen and across rom them seated was _ At was walking towards the property room which wa~ 5 about 1911.56 Officer Mikelsen got feel away. As he walked away from an~e stopped briefly and looked in the direction o~e : was then seen opening the door to t e prope~m and entering inside allowed him almos~ immediately and also went into the same property room. When lhis happene , at up off her seat and .t hours started sweeping the area around the property room b~ed in that area the entire t i m e1915.48 as seen Officer Mikelsen was seen coming out of the room an~ame out a few seconds later walking straight across the common room towards the area her own room was located. 0 cer Vlikelsen came towards the camera then walked away and a few minutes later left the area. A copy of this taParl'''P 41fed II1to evidence. V-,.) lid At about 1230 hours, Forensics Officer Mel called me over the phone and advised me that he had discovered "._- --'--'---' biological fluids on some of the personal items thai belonged to the vicUm that he had taken Into evidence-:-(See attached report by Officer Steve Mel) -'---1 At about 1445 hours, we were advised thai Officer Mikeisen had corne to work at the facility. Captain Green had him wait for us in their training room, I advised Mikelsen that I wanted to talk to him about some , accusations made against him in the facility. He immediately asked for his attorney. I advised him of his Miranda warnings which he said he understood and said he did not wish to talk to me. I told Mikelsen that he was under arrest. Mlkelsen never asked me what he was being charged with or who had accused him of committing a crime. He wanted to know if he was going to lose his job over this, I advised him not to discuss tile incident since he had asked for an attorney. I I ii Transport Officer Phil Bernel transported Mikelsen to the Pierce County Jail where he was booked for Custodial Misconduct in the 'first degree. I\lext, investigator Kelly and I interviewed Officer Mikelsen was set up entirely by and introducing contraband into the facil y. . . .Old us that s h l lnot ' plan anything and that vestigator Kelly told me that ad a track record of lying ee detailed report by mvestrpa or Kelly) After Kelly, we interviewed". She a~o give usa taped statemen.was very detailed s and"'ad convlnce~Into h i l i x With Officer . regarding what had happened. She SMld Mikelsen. She said she never though would actually go throug~he act she tol~o preserve evidence by swabbing her se and using the towel to wipe herself. She sai was cr~er the incident and regretted doing this, (See attached transcripts of the taped statemen I \ 1 i I I I Case forwarded to Prosecutors Office lor review. Reviewed By: Reviewed Date: 1 " - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~---_;:.-_-::-_;-7'"7 ......----;-;:;---·;:;;.:.-;.::;::--.";;-~;;--;;...____;: ...-: C ..... L-L- \ ..J C. 1+&2- J-t-r...H. iSk,0, D. I .....,. r=o-efY\ e.P l~ r !'rB.o u.-T rrl.j D W I \lot )-\-kU ,,'" (; 1) I PF / c u.. '-T~ \ S. I 'l~ Pt-r:~L)..ee:o I+-Et2- QLLL..O C"'cL-L.- E V-) J <..1 FOI'-f'!'..~T} ~. M-o<2--E I-\- LA s g A .~ 0 V-.-> f='A-<..- . "-I S l+ £: ) s;. 0 \S !+A-P.pi:N I"'~ G. \+c IS c--r~ I e::J s:~ tSf>-C 1C- e. l.J LOL.L oS: L-~ ~ \T~ u- '" (:) cilZ-s:TIT"", (J I,-.j c;, I..J-'"" A'T Co>..) Cl5---L<..::, A-N" D l-'reL ~ i2QVu.c.::rr-- 1'l...:l t=" 0 er't-,,4':T\ON , 0343 Photo Display Page 1 of J DOC Number: Name: Date of Photo: 7/19/2005 7:31 :51 AM Source of Photo: TAS Close "'~ View All Photo Developed and Maintameo by DOC's IT Web Application Unit. For assistance, please contact your local Site IT Coordinator (SITe). If you are unsure of who your SITC is, please refer to !b.is.p5'..9~. ~ D URGENT! Date _ _ :::~::::::::::::: f!i")if.A ·"'j~i4t~.t 06/27/06 ;'<>oHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIG•. ~ IIS0100 PAGE LEGAL FACE SHEET TIME 07 :48 (IIAAll) D O C N O : . NAME: BED NO: COUNSELOR, 1131 CAMPOS, MONIQUE CURRENT LOCATION: W.C.C.WOMEN 24 FBI NO: SEX; F AGE: RACE: WHITE SID NO: HISP ORIG; NO HEALTH RECORD REVIEW ; NOT REQUIRED NJ.I..MES: 1 STATUS: ACTIVE MXED: 11/25/2007 MNED: 08/26/2006 ERD : 08/18/2007 ADJ.: 08/18/2007 NRD : 07/28/2006 SCORE: 00 CUS.: CLO MFED: 04/14/2005 COMM. CONCERN: N RMI: RMB VICTIM WRAP AROUND: N VW ELIGIBLE:NO COMM.PLACEMENT: NO (AYJ<) LSI-R: 44 AND LSI LEVEL: HIGH SSA NO: . . . . . . . . . . . .BIRTH: """/1982 P. WTR: P. REL: NO ACTION TAKEN P~GISTERABLE OFFENDER : N -:rr;::- . P. PREL: DENY INST INFRACTION P. MFED: DENY INST INFRAC DATE P U L H E S D X 'I' 1 1 1 1 1 2 211 05/03/2005 COM. COUNTY GTL TIME START P~CElVED OC MIN. TERM CC CS #AA#N SNOHOMISH 33 04/14/2005 04/14/05 01 2Y 9M OD CMP. CO./CAUSE OFFENSE DESC. V OC CNTS MIN.TERM CC CS 2Y 9M OD ~ND CRIM ASSISTAN N 01 lC REL.DATE STATUS 08/18/2007 AC MANDATORY JAIL 1Y 6M OD 66 TOTAL MONETARY OBLIGATION: ORDERED $***1500.00 ,AS OF 07/01/05 PAID $******0.00 SCHEDULE: o SET BY: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: YES ST1>.T MAX: 02/23/2010 ****************************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * COMMENTS: l1797 11 01/23/06 FOI MOVEMENT 04/14/05 06/21/05 09/29/05 10/17/05 11/10/05 01/23/06 01/23/06 DATE & TYPE NEW COMMITMENT TRANSFERRED TO TRANSFERRED TO OUT TO COURT RET.FM.COURT ESCORTED LEAVE RET. FI~.AUTH. LV. HOUSING.DATE & LOCATION 06/09/06 DATE 04/24/06 04/25/06 04/25/06 04/25/06 E~~ED 11899 32 06/26/06 FOI DESTINATION W.C.C.WOMEN PINE LODGE CC W.C.C.WOMEN SNOHOMISH W.C.C.WOMEN KITSAP W.C.C.WOMEN REASON FOR INITIAL CLASSI. REDIRECTED POOR ADJUSTMENT COURT ORDER RETURN FR COURT MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL COMPLTD COUNSELOR CAMPOS, MONIQUE PROGRAM-POSITION J326GlO3 CUSTODIAN I C027COOS JOB HUNTER V900E10S YOVTP VOCATIO V900F103 YOVTP VOCATIO - -WEEK-1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 EARLY RELEASE DATE & TYPE DOC Sl~OHOMISH W.C.C.WOMEN KITSAP WORK ASSIGN. ------DAY-----SU M TH F S M T W TH F M W M W ISRB ORIGIN SNOHOMISH W.C.C.WOMEN PINE LODGE CC W.C.C.WOMEN SUPERVISOR ---TIME---- STATUS 08:00-14:00 ASG 09:00-12:00 DRP 13: 00-13; 50 ASG 14: 00-14: 50 ASG STATUS LOCATION 0345 06/27/06 NO_ 1••• dHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTI"••" IIS0100 DOC LEGAL FACE SHEET NAME: DOC B.OO 8.00 30.50 AA EARNED TIME 30.50 5.17 AA 12/01/05--01/01/06 EARNED TIME 5.17 AA INFRACTION DATE & TYPE 07/04/05 505 FIGHTING CELL 1'1 2 TIME 07: 48 IIM11} EARNED EARLY RELEASE DATE & TYPE 04/14/05--06/01/05 EARNED TIME 06/01/05--12/01/05 PAGE ISRB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DOC ISRB 5 5 STATUS: ACTIVE STATUS LOCATION PENDING WCCW PENDING WCCW PENDING WCCW STATUS APPLIED SANCTIONS DENY GCT LOCATION PLCCW 2L SUSPEND 05 30 * STRUCK #748783 IN THE HEAD. 08/02/05 559 GAMBLING N 09/03/05 N 5 5 APPLIED ATTEMPTED TO SEND OUT PERSONAL I~IL OOFFENDER' S NAME WRITTEN ON IT 09/03/05 657 4 GENERAL INFPA. N 15 15 APPLIED 605 IMPERSONATING * DENY GCT PLCCW PREV.SUSP. EXTRA DUTY 40 20 20 APPLIED DENY GCT PLCCW 2L SUSPEND 10 60 IN AN ENVELOPE WHICH HAD ANOTHER * DENY GCT TRANSFER GUILTY OF 5 MINOR INFRACTIONS W/I 6 MONTHS. 09/21/05 605 IMPERSONATING 1'1 20 20 APPLIED DENY GCT ATTEMPTED TO MAIL OUT LETTER TO A WCCW OFFENDER VIA A 3RD PARTY. * 09/21/05 72 7 COMl"!lJN. MISUSE 0 APPLIED TRANSFER 0 1'1 11/19/05 714 POSSESSING > $10 1'1 0 0 APPLIED REPRIMAND * DID HAVE POSSESSION OF A RADIO THAT DID NOT BELONG TO HER 11/24/05 714 POSSESSING > $10 N 0 0 APPLIED WKEND CONF 01 * DID BORROW A PAIR OF JEANS FROM ANOTHER INMATE 01/10/06 657 4 GENERAL INFRA. N O D APPLIED WKEND CONF 02 * FOUND GUILTY OF FOUR MINOR INFRACTIONS BETWEEN 10/13/05 AND 1/2/06 06/03/06 558 STAFF INTERFER. 1'1 0 0 APPLIED MAX SECUR. 07 * DID NTERFERE WITH STAFF DUTIES BY BEING IN AN UNAUTHORIZED p~EA. * HOLDS: DATE 01/19/06 REASON FOR HOLD TRANSFER YOP - YOUTHFUL OFFENDER PROG Y LOC F01 STAFF GB96 PLCCW PLCCW PLCCW WCCW WCCN WCCN WCCN UNTIL 08/1S/07 06/27/06 NO:_ l...dHINGTON IIS0100 DOC DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTI0.,,, PAGE 3 LEGAL FACE SHEET NAME: CUSTODY DATE SCORE TYPE 04/18/2005 51 INITIAL S7 PLAN RVW 07/08/2005 09/27/2005 00 PLAN RVW 12/14/2005 DO PLAl' RVW I CC ACTION: CONCUR WITH FRMT. STATUS: ACTIVE ASSIGNED 05/02/2005 07/08/2005 09/27/2005 01/11/2006 CUSTODY MINIMUM MINIMUM MEDIUM CLOSE OVERRIDE LOCATION W.C.C.WOMEN PINE LODGE CC PINE LODGE CC W.C.C.WOMEN 01/27/2006 00 REVIEW 01/27/2006 CLOSE W.C.C.WOMEN F P.MT CID.IRED BY CUS BROWN. CC3 NEWSOM AND CC2 BUCKNER MEI>"J13ERS. P WAIVED PRESEN C E. 'R' REVIEW. MAIWrAIN CLOSE CUSTODY AND HOUSING DUE TO CONTINUED INFRACTION BEllAVIOR. ANY CHANGE IN CUSTODY POINTS WILL BE ADDRESSED BY A CUSTODY PROMOTI ON/DEMOTION AND/OR CHANGE IN HOUSING UNIT. IISUI012 NO WARRANTS OR DET1'.INERS FOUND 0347 Photo Display Pagc] of] DOC Number.: Nam· Date of PIJOto: 9/26/2003 12:30:30 I'M Source of Photo: TAS Close View All Photo "'.,. Developed and Maintained by DOC's IT Web Application Unit. For assistance, please contact your local Site IT Coordinator (SITC). If you are unsure of who your SITC is, please refer to !blSJi,<'9."', 0348 07/12/06 W~oHINGTON IIS0100 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION~ LEGAL FACE SHEET ( It AC II ) (llAD") (IIAHU) (AleA) 1 TIME 09:07 D O C N O : _ NAME: (UAGII) BED NO: FOIC332B COUNSELOR: GB87 NEWSOM, leATHERINE CURRENT LOCATION: W.C.C.WOMEN FBI NO: SEX: F AGE: 29 RACE : WHITE SID NO: HISP ORIG: NO HEALTH RECORD REVIEW : OPEN PAGE STATUS: ACTIVE MXED: 08/15/2008 MNED: ERD : 05/15/2007 ADJ.: 05/15/2007 NRD : 06/20/2006 SCORE: 00 CUS.: CLO MFED: 09/26/2003 COMM. CONCERN: N RMI: RMA VICTIM WRAP AROUND: N VW ELIGIBLE:YES COMM.PLACEMENT: NO LSI-R: SSA NO: 44 AND LSI LEVEL: HIGH BIRTH: ~1977 (AICA) (AlCAl P. PREL: DENY INST INFRACTION P. MFED: DENY INST INFRAC P U L H E S D X T DATE 2 3 1 1 1 3 131 10/02/2003 P. WTR: DENY INST INFRACTION P. REL: N/A REGISTERABLE OFFENDER : N COM. COUNTY GTL TIME START RECEIVED OC MIN.TERM CC CS 5Y OM OD #AG#N COWLITZ 09/26/2003 09/26/03 81 33 V OC CNTS MIN. TERM CC CS CMP. CO./CAUSE OFFENSE DESC. DRUG POSSESSION N 81 lC 5Y OM OD 5Y OM OD 0 BAIL JUMPING N 01 lC REL.DATE STATUS 01/08/2007 AC MANDATORY JAIL OY OM OD 273 OY OlQ OD 273 TOTAL MONETARY OBLIGATION: ORDERED $***3708.50 ;AS OF 04/28/06 PAID $******0.00 SET BY: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: YES SCHEDULE: o 03/02/2008 STAT MAX: ******************************************************************************* #AH#N COWLITZ 33 09/26/2003 09/26/03 52 CMP. CO. / CAUSE OFFENSE DESC. V OC CNTS ROBBERY 2 Y 52 lC 5Y 3M OD AG MIN.TERM CC CS 5Y 3M OD 05/15/2007 AC MANDATORY JAIL OY OM OD 175 TOTAL MONETARY OBLIGATION: ORDERED $***2834.28 ;AS OF 07/12/06 PAID $******0.00 SET BY: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: YES SCHEDULE: o STAT MAX: 05/16/2013 ******************************************************************************* DETAINER TYPE AUTHORITY 01/13/00 WC WACIC/NCIC 03/09/00 WC WACIC/NCIC 04/16/02 WF WACIC/NCIC CUST OR 07/24/02 WF WACIC/NCIC 09/11/02 HC THURSTON CO 09/12/02 HC THURSTON CO 09/13/02 HC THURSTON CO 09/14/02 HC THURSTON CO CHARGE(S) CCI ESCAPE- TACOMA CCI ESCAPE- CHEHALIS CC CCJ FTR OLYMPIA CC CCJ FTR OLYMPIA 98114273 PROB VIOL 98115199 PROB VIOL 9913474 PROB VIOL 9914551 PROB VIOL CLOSED 01/15/00 03/09/00 05/07/02 08/27/02 10/18/02 10/18/02 10/18/02 10/18/02 0349 07/12/06 WAbHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF IIS0100 2 LEGAL FACE SHEET NAME: STATUS: ACTIVE AUTHORITY DETAINER TYPE 01/14/03 WF WACIC/NCIC CHAI<GE (S) CC CCJ FTR OLYMPIA COMMENTS: 3/22/96 SPEC FROM CALIF RS CPR PKT TO CHEHALIS 021400 DVH 08853 01 03/09/00 362 11287 63 09/26/04 F01 MOVEMENT 09/26/03 03/16/04 03/16/04 04/01/0.4 04/01/04 04/13/04 04/13/04 11/16/04 11/16/04 06/15/05 06/15/05 06/21/05 09/06/05 PAGE CORRECTION~ DATE & TYPE READMISSION ESCORTED LE1WE RET.FM.AUTH.LV. ESCORTED LEAVE RET.FM.AUTH.LV. ESCORTED LEAVE RET.FM.AUTH.LV. ESCORTED LEAVE RET.FM.AUTH.LV. TRANSFERRED TO IN TRANSIT AT TRANSFERRED TO TRANSFERRED TO HOUSING DATE & LOCATION 07/08/06 EARNED TIME AG AH 06/01/05--09/01/05 REASON FOR INITIAL CLASSI. MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL COMPLTD MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL COMPLTD MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL COMPLTD MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL COMPLTD ACPTD IN PREREL ACPTD IN PREREL ACPTD IN PREREL DISC. PROBLEM COUNSELOR NEWSOM, KATHERI AH 02/01/05--06/01/05 0008 09 09/22/99 F01 10010 02 03/09/00 ~01 08855 02 03/09/00 362 ACCEPT AT ECHWR 6/27/05. JB DESTINATION W.C.C.WOMEN PIERCE W.C.C.WOMEN PIERCE W.C.C.WOMEN PIERCE W.C.C.WOMEN PIERCE W.C.C.WOMEN PINE LODGE CC W.C.C.WOMEN PINE LODGE CC W.C.C.WOMEN EARNED EARLY RELEASE DATE & TYPE 09/26/03--01/01/04 EARNED TIME AG AR 01/01/04--02/01/05 EARNED TIME AG EARNED TIME AG AH 09/01/05--12/01/05 EARNED TIME AG 12/01/05--01/01/06 ET NOT EARNED AG AH CLOSED 04/01/03 DOC 16.17 16.17 16 .17 66.17 66.17 66.17 20.00 20.00 20.00 15.33 15.33 15.33 15.17 15.17 15.17 5.17 5.17 ORIGIN COWLITZ W.C.C.WOMEN PIERCE W.C.C.WOMEN PIERCE W.C.C.WOMEN PIERCE W.C.C.WOMEN PIERCE W.C.C.WOMEN wecw MINIMUM wecw MINII"illM PINE LODGE CC WORK ASSIGN. ISP.B 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.17 SUPERVISOR STATUS LOCATION PENDING WCCW PENDING wccw PENDING WCCW PENDING WCCW PENDING PLCCW APPLIED WCCW 0350 07/12/06 NO:_ WA~HINGTON IIS0100 DOC DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONb LEGAL FACE SHEET NAME: DOC 5.17 9.83 9.83 9.83 20.33 AH 03/01/06--07/01/06 EARNED TIME AG AH ~,ED TIME AG 20.33 20.33 AH INFRACTION DATE & TYPE 10/26/03 710 TATTOO/PARA. CELL N 3 TIME 09:07 (IiAGn) EARNED EARLY RELEASE DATE & TYPE 01/01/06--03/01/06 PAGE STATUS: ACTIVE STATUS LOCATION ISRB 5.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DOC ISRB o o PENDING WCCW PENDING WCCW STATUS l.PPLIED SANCTIONS SECUR. 15 !'lAX * DID ADMIT TO POSSESSING TATTOO PARAPHERNALIA 12/20/03 555 THEFT N O D APPLIED MAX SECUR. * DID ADMIT TO STEALING PAINT FROM THE SCHOOL FOR TATTOO PURPOSES 12/20/03 710 TATTOO/PARA. N 0 0 APPLIED MAX SECUR. 25 * DID ADMIT TO ASSISTING OTHER INMATES TATTOO THEMSELVES 04/01/04 714 POSSESSING> $10 N 0 0 APPLIED WlCEND CONF 03 * DID ADMIT TO BORROWING A TV AND CLAMP LAMP FROM ANOTHER INMATE 04/03/04 710 TATTOO/PARA. N 0 0 APPLIED MAX SECUR. 30 * WAS CAUGHT TATTOOING ANOTHER INMF_TE ON HER SHOULDER. 06/03/04 509 REFUSE TO LEAVE N O D APPLIED MAX SECUR. 05 * DID REFUSE TO DISPERSE AFTER BEING TOLD TO DO SO 07/06/04 506 THRE1'-TENING N O D APPLIED MAX SECUR. 15 * DID ADMIT TO THREATENING ANOTHER INMATE OVER STOLEN PROPERTY 10/10/04 657 4 GENEPAL INFRA. N O D APPLIED WKEND CONF 02 * I~~TE WAS FOUND GUILTY OF FOUR MINOR INFRACTIONS BETWEEN 5/24/04 * 9/28/04. 20 APPLIED DENY GCT 07/04/05 505 FIGHTING N 20 2L SUSPEND 10 60 * ADMITTED TO FIGHTING W 08/24/05 752 POSITIVE DRG TST N 60 APPLIED DENY GCT 60 * U.A. TESTED POSITIVE FOR COCAINE @ PLCCW. 12/22/05 554 DESTROY PROPERTY N 10 10 APPLIED DE1'fY GCT MAX SECUR. 12 LOCATION WCCW WCCW WCCW WCCW WCCW WCCW WCCW WCCW AND PLCCW PLCCW WCCW 0351 07/12/06 WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONb IIS0100 DOCNO,_ LEGAL FACE SHEET NAME INFRACTION DATE & TYPE STATUS, ACTIVE SANCTIONS LOCATION RESTITUT. * DID ADMIT TO TAMPERING WITH FOOD IN THE KITCHEN Tr~T SHE WAS PREPARING 12/22/05 557 REFUSE TO PROG. N 10 10 APPLIED DENY GCT WCCW MAX SECUR. RESTITUT. * WAS TERMINATED FROM KITCHEN FOR TAMPERING WITH FOOD ITEMS 03/02/06 752 POSITIVE DRG TST N 60 60 APPLIED DENY GCT WCCW I"!AX SECUR. 30 * UA SAMPLE SUBMITTED BY INMATE DETERMINED TO BE DILUTED BY THE LAB RESULTS 03/03/06 603 POSS. CONT. SUB. N 100 0 APPLIED 2L SUSPEND WCCW 60 * ADMITTED TO BEING IN POSSESSION OF COCAINE POWDER 06/09/06 603 POSS. CONT. SUB. N 100 0 APPLIED 2L SUSPEND WCCW 90 MAX SECUR. 30 * DID USE A TUBE FP.SHIONED OUT OF PAPER TO "SNORT" HER MEDICATIONS 06/20/06 657 4 GENERAL INFRA. N 0 0 APPLIED WKEND CONF WCCW 03 * FOUND GUILTY OF FOUR MINOR INFRACTIONS BETWEEN 2/20/06 AND 6/1 /06 HOLDS: DATE 06/09/05 07/2l/05 06/28/06 07/12/06 DOC STATUS REASON FOR HOLD TRANSFER MIl - MINUMUM 1 TARGETED N CDT - CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY TR Y INF - INFRACTION HOLD Y INF - INFRACTION HOLD Y CUSTODY DATE SCORE TYPE ASSIGNED 09/29/2003 30 INITIAL 10/15/2003 02/11/2004 37 PLAN RVW 02/20/2004 02/18/2005 PLAN RVW 03/09/2005 44 I CC ACTION: CONCUR WITH FRMT. F E D D ISRB 4 TIME 09,07 ( uAGtI) CELL PAGE CUSTODY MEDIUM CLOSE MEDIUM LOC FOl UOl F01 F01 OVERRIDE INSTITUT STAFF 0015 CH22 GC41 GC41 UNTIL 07/01/06 12/06/06 07/28/06 08/12/06 LOCATION W. C. C . WOMEN W.C.C.WOMEN W. C. C. WOMEN 06/08/2005 57 PLAN RVW 06/13/2005 MINIMUM W.C.C.WOMEN 07/08/2005 52 PLAN RVW 07/13/2005 MINIMUM RISK MAN PINE LODGE CC 09/13/2005 00 PLAN RVW 09/13/2005 MEDIUM W.C.C.WOMEN 01/19/2006 42 REVIEW 01/27/2006 MEDIUM W. C. C. WOMEN RMT CHl'.IRED BY CUS BROWN. CC3 NEWSOM, CC2 BUCKNER MEMBERS. MEMBER WAIVED PRES NCE. 'R' REVIEW. NO Cr~GES. MAINTAIN MEDIUM CUSTODY AND HOUSE IN MSU WHEN BE S ARE AVAILABLE. ANY CHANGE IN CUSTODY POINTS WILL BE ADDRESSED BY A CUSTODY EMOTION OR PROMOTION AND/OR CHANGE IN LIVING UNIT. WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF 07/12/06 LEGAL FACE SHEET IIS0100 (IiAGlI) NAME: DOCNO:_ PAGE CORRECTIO~o 5 TIME 09: 07 STATUS: ACTIVE CUSTODY DATE SCORE TYPE ASSIGNED CUSTODY OVERRIDE LOCATION 03/22/2006 00 REVIEW 03/22/2006 CLOSE W.C.C.WOMEN F RMT CHAIRED BY CUS BROWN. CC3 NEWSOM AND SGT BELFOUR MEMBERS. P WAIVED PRESEN C E. 'R' REVIEW WITH A CUSTODY DEMOTION TO CLOSE. DEMOTE TO CLOSE CUSTODY AND H o USE IN THE CLOSE CUSTODY UNIT. ANY CHlU"GE IN CUSTODY POINTS WILL BE ADDRESSED BY A CUSTODY PROMOTION OR DEMOTION Al~/OR CHANGE IN LIVING UNIT. ·07/05/2006 00 REVIEW IISUI016 NO RPM DATA FOUND IISUI016 NO RPM DATA FOUND 00/00/0000 W.C.C.WOMEN Photo Display Page 1 of] DOC Number: Name Date of Photo: 0612:50:04 I'M Source of Photo: TAS Close View All Photo -------------------------------_. .cit __ _ .. ..- Developed and Maintained by DOC's IT Web Application Unit. For assistance, please contact your local Site IT Coordinator (SITC). If you are unsure of who your SITC is, please refer to this page. 0354 WhoHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF 07/12/06 PAGE CORRECTIO~~ TIME 09,06 LEGAL FACE SHEET NO'_ IIS0100 {IiMI I DOC BED NO, F01C313B STATUS: ACTIVE MNED: MXED: 10/18/2008 ADJ.: 12/19/2007 ERD : 12/19/2007 SCORE: 47 NRD : MFED' 05/05/2006 CUS.: MED COMM. CONCERN: N N VICTIM WRAP AROUND: VW ELIGIBLE:YES COMM.PLACEMENT: NO BIRTH, ~950 SSA NO, CURRENT LOCATION, W.C.C.WOMEN SEX, F AGE, 55 FBI NO, RACE : WHITE SID NO: HISP ORIG: NO HEALTH RECORD REVIEW : NOT REQUIRED NAMES: . . . . . . . . . . . (AKA) _'~ (AKZ\~ P. PREL: N/A P. MFED' N/A P U L H E S D X T 322 113 2 2 1 1 P. WTR: N/A P. REL: NO ACTION TAKEN REGISTERABLE OFFENDER : N DATE 05/09/2006 REL.DATE STATUS 12/19/2007 AC MANDATORY JAIL OY OM OD 53 COM. COUNTY GTL TIME START RECEIVED OC I"lIN. TERM CC CS 2Y 7M OD #AA#N LEWIS 33 05/05/2006 05/05/06 51 CMP. CO./CAUSE OFFENSE DESC. V OC CNTS MIN.TERM CC CS 2Y 7M OD _OBBERY 1 Y 51 lC TOTAL MONETARY OBLIGATION: ORDERED $***3873.50 ;AS OF 07/12/06 PAID $******0.00 SCHEDULE: o SET BY: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: YES STAT MAX: LIFE ******************************************************************************* COMMENTS: VW LTR TO OLY 061001898 MOVEMENT DATE & TYPE 05/05/06 NEW COMMITMENT DESTINATION W. C. C. WOI"lEN HOUSING DATE & LOCATION 07/07/06 F01-C313B CUSTODY DATE 05/08/2006 SCORE TYPE 47 INITIAL IISUI004 NO INFRACTION FOUND REASON FOR INITIAL CLASSI . COUNSELOR CAMPOS, MONIQUE ASSIGNED OS/26/2006 IISUI012 NO WAPJU1NTS OR DETAINERS FOUND IISU1016 NO RPM DATA FOUND SENT 05/30/06 JJ. CUSTODY MEDIUM ORIGIN LEWIS WORK ASSIGN. OVERRIDE SUPERVISOR LOCATION W.C.C.WOMEN Pagelofl Photo Display DOCNu ber: Name Date of Photo: 2/20/20033:29:42 PM Source of Photo: TAS Close • View All Photo Developed and Maintained by DOC's IT Web Application Unit. For assistance, please contact your iocal Site IT Coordinator (SITC). If you are unsure of who your SITC is, please refer to this page. 0356 ,;nqnOOIi PAGE WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS 06/29/06 - NAME: . (IIAA") DOC NO: MONIQUE BED NO: F 01SA227M COUNS~, ~~~:~ 22 HISP ORIG: YES HEALTH RECORD REVIEW NOT REQUIRED NAMES: P. PREL: DENY P. MFED: DENY P U L H E S D 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 INST INFRACTION INST INFRAC DATE X 'I' 1 1 09/27/2005 STATUS: ACTIVE MXED: 05/30/2007 MNED: 10/29/2004 ERD : 07/19/2006 ADJ.: 10/30/2006 NRD : 07/02/2006 SCORE: 39 CUS.: CLO MFED: 02/20/2003 COMM. CONCERN: N RMI: RMA VICTIM WRAP AROUND: 1'1 VW ELIGIBLE:YES COMM.PLACEMENT: NO CURRENT LOCATION: W.C.C.WOMEN :~~ ~ OT~~~: TIME 09:46 LEGAl FACE SHEET IIS0100 1 32 AND LSI LEVEL: MODEHATE LSI-R: SSA NO: BIRTH: " 1 9 8 3 P. WTR: DENY INST INFRACTION P. REL: N/A REGISTERABLE OFFENDER : N GTL TIME START RECEIVED OC MIN.TERM CC CS COM. COUNTY 4Y 7M OD 33 #AA#N SNOHOMISH 02/20/2003 02/20/03 51 V OC CNTS MIN. TEP-M CC CS CMP. CO. / CAUSE OFFENSE DESC. ROBBERY 1 Y 51 1C 4Y 71'1 OD REL.DATE STATUS 10/30/2006 AC HA.NDJ>.TORY JAIL 2Y OM OD 113 TOTAL MONETl'.RY OBLIGATION: ORDERED $****500.00 ;AS OF 10/07/04 PAID $******0.00 SET BY: SPECIAl CONDITIONS: YES SCHEDULE: o LIFE STAT MAX: ******************************************************************************* COMMENTS: 11150 11 06/06/04 F01 11381 11 12/13/04 F01 BEGIN HBR WR SCP~ENING PROCESS DENY HBR WR REDIRECT TO RAP 12/21/05 HCSC CONCURS WITH MOVEMENT 02/20/03 06/09/03 06/09/03 06/11/03 07/03/03 07/03/03 08/14/03 08/27/03 11/26/03 12/04/03 02/23/04 02/26/04 03/23/04 03/30/04 DATE & TYPE NEW COMMITMENT ESCORTED LEAVE RET.FM.AUTH.LV. TRANSFERRED TO ESCORTED LEJ>.VE RET.FM.AUTH.LV. ESCORTED LEJ>.VE RET. FM.AUTH .LV. TRANSFERRED TO TRANSFERRED TO ODT TO COURT RET.FM.COURT TRANSFERRED TO TRANSFERRED TO DESTINATION W.C.C.WOMEN PIERCE WCCW MINIMUM WCCW MINIMUM PIERCE WCCW MINIMUM STEVENS WCCW MINIMUM W.C.C.WOMEN WCCW MINIMUM SNOHOMISH WCCW MINIMUM W.C.C.WOMEN WCCW MINIMUM 11215 13 08/01/04 POI 11659 69 08/27/05 POI 9/27/05 LWF 11/30/05 LWF DENIAL TO HBR W/R. GFW REJ>.SON POR INITIAl CLASSI. MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL COMPLTD INITIAL CLASSI. MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL COMPLTD DNR/FIRE CREW DNR/FIRE CREW INITIAL CLASSI. INITIAL CLASSI. COURT ORDER RETURN FR COURT DISC. PROBLEM INITIAl CLASSI. ORIGIN SNOHOMISH W.C.C.WOMEN PIERCE W. C. C. WOMEN WCCW MINIMUJ~ PIERCE WCCW MINIMUM STEVENS WCCW I~INIMUM W.C.C.WOMEN WCCW MINIMUM SNOHOMISH WCCW MINIMUM W.C.C.WOMEN 0357 1'10:_ MOVEMENT 04/28/04 05/06/04 06/02/04 06/06/04 06/06/04 06/09/04 06/09/04 06/22/04 06/22/04 07/08/04 07/08/04 07/23/04 07/23/04 07/28/04 12/l3/04 12/14/04 HOUSING DATE 06/27/06 & STATUS: ACTIVE NAME: DATE & TYPE OUT TO COURT RET.FM.COURT-NS TRANSFERRED TO ESCORTED LEAVE RET.FM.AUTH.LV. ESCORTED LEAVE RET. FM.AUTH.LV. TRANSFERRED TO IN TRANSIT AT ESCORTED LEAVE RET.FM.AUTH.LV. ESCORTED LEAVE RET.FM.AUTH.LV. TRANSFERRED TO ESCORTED LEAVE RET. FM. AUTH. LV. W.C.C.WOI~EN KITSAP WCCW MINIMUM KITSAP WCCW MINIMUM W.C.C.WOMEN KITSAP W.C.C.WOMEN COUNSELOR CAMPOS, MONIQUE EARNED EARLY RELEASE DATE & TYPE 02/20/03--04/01/04 EARNED TIME. EAP.NED TIlvIE DOC 67.67 67.67 20.33 AA 20.33 EARNED TIME PA EARNED 1'IME 14.83 14.83 35.83 1. 95 5.00 40.50 AA 08/01/04--10/29/04 10/29/04--06/01/05 AA 06/01/05--07/01/05 07/01/05--03/01/06 ORIGIN REASON FOR WCCW MINIMUM COURT ORDER RETURN FR COURT SNOHOMISH WCCW MINII'1UM DISC. PROBLEM W. C. C. WOMEN MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL COMPLTD PIERCE W.C.C.WOMEN MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL COMPLTD KITSAP ACPTD IN PREREL W.C.C.WOI~EN ACPTD IN PREREL WCCW MINIMUM WCCW MINIMUM MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL COMPLTD KITSAP WCCW MINIMUM MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL COMPLTD KITSAP INITIAL CLASSI. WCCW MINIMUM W.C.C.WOMEN MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL COMPLTD PIERCE DESTINATION SNOHOMISH WCCW MINIMUM W.C.C.WOMEN PIERCE W. C . C . WOI~EN KITSAP W.C.C.WOMEN TPR (CLOSED) LOCATION 04/01/04--08/01/04 2 TIME 09:46 LEGAL FACE SHEET IIS0100 DOC PAGE WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS 06/29/06 EARNED TIME EAP.NED TIME INFRACTION DATE & TYPE 06/02/04 724 REF. CELL ASSIGN DID REFUSE A CELL ASSIGNMENT 07/28/04 509 REFUSE TO LEAVE CELL N WORK ASSIGN. ISRB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SUPERVISOR STATUS LOCATION PENDING WCCW PENDING WCCWMSC PENDING WCCW PENDING WCCW PENDING PENDING WCCW WCCW DOC 0 ISRB 0 STATUS APPLIED SANCTIONS MAX SECUR. 05 21 SUSPEND 10 30 LOCATION WCCW 0 0 APPLIED MAX SECUR. 10 WCCW 0 0 APPLIED MAX SECUR. WCCW * N INMATE REFUSED DIRECTIVE TO CELL UP. 07/28/04 710 TATTOO/PARA. N * 0358 06/29/06 NO:_ WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF STATUS: ACTIVE NAME: INFRACTION DATE & TYPE CELL DOC INMATE WAS TATTOOED WHILE INCARCERATED. 0 N 08/01/04 717 REFUSAL/SAFETY * 3 TIME 09:46 LEGAL FACE SHEET I1S0100 DOC PAGE CORRECT10N~ ISRB STATUS 0 APPLIED SANCTIONS 05 LOCATION SECUR. WCCW MAX SECUR. WCCW MAX 10 INMATE RESISTED ORDERS FOR ASSISTED MOVEMENT. 0 0 APPLIED N 09/16/04 509 REFUSE TO LEAVE * J.O * INMATE REFUSED DIRECT ORDER TO RETURN TO HER CELL. 02/13/05 657 4 GENERl,L INFRA. N 0 0 APPLIED WKEND CONF WCCW 02 * WAS FOUND GUILTY OF FOUR MINOR INFRACTIONS BETWEEN 10/28/04 AND 1/31/05 03/01/05 724 REF. CELL ASSIGN N 0 0 APPLIED MAX SECUR. WCCW 10 * REFUSED TO MOVE INTO A CELL IN THE CLOSE CUSTODY UNIT AFTER BEING TOLD TO * DO SO 03/07/05 563 TAMPER FIRE EQU. N o o APPLIED MAX SECUR. WCCW 07 * DID ADMIT TO SETTING OFF THE FIRE ALARM IN HER CELL 06/15/05 657 4 GENERAL INFRA. N 0 0 APPLIED WKEND CONF WCCW 02 * WAS FOUND GUILTY OF FOUR MINOR INFRACTIONS BETWEEN 4/27/05 AND 6/10/05 06/30/05 657 4 GENERAL INFRA. N 0 0 APPLIED WKEND CONF WCCW 02 * Im~TE FOUND GUILTY OF FOUR MINOR INFRACTIONS BETWEEN 4/7/05 ro~ 4/30/05. 08/27/05 505 FIGHTING N 0 0 APPLIED MAX SECUR. WCCW 10 * WAS INVOLVED IN A PHYSICAL ALTERCATION WITH ro~OTHER INMATE 10/31/05 658 FAIL TO PERFORM N 0 0 APPLIED 2I SUSPEND WCCW 03 30 * INMATE FOUND GUILTY OF FAILING TO COMPLY WITH SANCTION OF CELL CONFINEMENT. 11/04/05 506 THREATENING N 0 0 APPLIED MAX SECUR. WCCW 10 * DID THREATEN ANOTHER INMATE IN THE KITCHEN 11/27/05 509 REFUSE TO LEAVE N 0 0 APPLIED INVOK PREV WCCW MAX SECUR. * FAILED TO DISPERSE TO HER CELL WHEN TOLD TO DO SO BY STAFF 11/27/05 657 4 GENERAL INFRA. N 0 0 APPLIED WKEND CONF WCCW 03 * FOUND GUILTY OF FOUR I~INOR INFRACTIONS BETWEEN 10/23/05 AND 11 /22/05 11/27/05 658 FAIL TO PERFORM N 0 0 APPLIED INVOK PREV WCCW MAX SECUR. 03 0359 06/29/06 ( IlAAII) NAME: INFRACTION DATE & TYPE CELL • DID VIOLATE HER CELL CONFINEMENT 01/07/06 509 REFUSE TO LEAVE N DOC o 4 TIME 09:46 LEGAL FACE SHEET IISOlOO DOCNO:_ PAGE WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIOl% ISRB STATUS: ACTIVE STATUS o APPLIED SANCTIONS MAX SECOR. lO LOCATION MAX SECUR. 20 21 SUSPEND 10 30 WCCW * REFUSED TO RETURN TO HER CELL WHEN TOLD TO DO SO 03/l2/06 657 4 GEl,ERAL INFRA. N 0 0 APPLIED WKEND CONF WCCW 04 * FOUND GUILTY OF FOOR MINOR INFRACTIONS BETWEEN l2/lS/0S AND 3/1/06 04/l4/06 558 STAFF INTERFER. N 0 0 APPLIED MAX SECUR. WCCW 05 * DID INTERFERE WITH STAFF DUTIES DURING COUNT WCCW 04/14/06 658 FAIL TO PERFORM N 0 0 APPLIED MAX SECOR. 05 * DID VIOLATE HER "DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR" CONTRACT 04/lS/06 509 REFUSE TO LEAVE N 0 0 APPLIED MAX SECOR. WCCW 30 * FAILED TO DISPERSE WHEN TOLD TO DO SO BY STAFF OS/2l/06 610 POS MED > 1 DOSE N 0 o APPLIED MAX SECOR. WCCW * DID Sl'.VE MEDICATION ISSUED AT PILLLINE SO SHE COULD PASS IT TO ANOTHER * OFFENDER OS/21/06 716 DRUG/ALCOHOL USE N o o APPLIED MAX SECOR. WCCW 15 DID ATTEMPT TO PASS HER MEDS TO N,OTHER Im~TE IN THE SEGREGATION UNIT * CUSTODY DATE SCORE TYPE ASSIGNED CUSTODY OVERRIDE 02/24/2003 41 INITIAL 03/14/2003 MINIMUM MENTAL H 67 PLN< RVW 05/01/2003 MINIMUM 04/16/2003 ICC-PROMOTE TO MI2/MSC. TARGET MIP/TPR ON 071904. LOCATION W.C.C.WOMEN W.C.C.WOMEN 04/20/2004 67 PLN< RVW 04/22/2004 I~INIMUM WCCW MINIMUl~ F RMT MET FOR REVIEW. P WAIVED HER APPEARANCE. RECOMMENDATIONS: PROMOTE TO MIP CUSTODY, MAINTAIN PRE-RELEASE REFERP~ AND PROG~ AS DIRECTED BY THE FRMT. 08/10/2004 00 PLAN RVW 08/24/2004 MEDIUM W. C. C. WOMEN I CC ACTION: DEI~OTE TO MEDIUM CUSTODY N'!IJ ASSIGN APPROPRIATE HOUSING AND PROGRA M MING. CANCEL TARGET FOR 709. 03/07/2005 52 REVIEW 03/07/2005 MEDIUM W.C.C.WOMEN F RMT. CUS BROWN, CC3 CAMPOS N'!IJ CC2 NEWSOM MEMBERS. P PRESENT. MAINTAIN MED CU 06/29/06 WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF IISOI00 DOC NO,.- PAGE CORRECTION~ 5 LEGAL FACE SHEET STATUS, ACTIVE NAME, ASSIGNED CUSTODY OVERRIDE LOCATION CUSTODY DATE SCORE TYPE S TODY AND TRANSFER TO MEDIUM CUSTODY UNIT WHEN BEDS ARE AVAILABLE. MAINTAIN CU R RENT PROGRAMMING. 07/19/2005 52 PLAN RVW 07/27/2005 I CC ACTION: CONCUR WITH FRMT. MEDIUM W.C.C.WOMEN 01/27/2006 00 REVIEW 02/13/2006 CLOSE W. C. c. WOMEN F RMT CHAIRED BY CUS BROWN. CC3 NEWSOM AND CC2 BUCKNER MEMBERS. P WAIVED PRESEN C E. 'R' REVIEW FOR CUSTODY DEMOTION. DEMOTE TO CLOSE CUSTODY AND HOUSE IN CLOS E CUSTODY UNIT. ANY CHANGE IN CUSTODY POINTS WILL BE ADDRESSED THROUGH A CUSTO D Y PROMOTION/DEMOTION AND/OR C}UU<GE IN LIVING UNIT. 03/22/2006 39 REVIEW 03/22/2006 CLOSE W.C.C.WOMEN F RMT CHAIRED BY CUS BROWN. CC3 NEWSOM AND CC2 SHERIDAN MEMBERS. P PRESENT. 'R' REVIEW TO ~.INTAIN CLOSE CUSTODY DUE TO INFRACTION BEHAVIOR. MAINTAIN CLOSE C U STODY AND HOUSING. ANY CHANGE IN CUSTODY POINTS WILL BE ADDRESSED BY A CUSTOD Y PROMOTION OR DEMOTION AND/OR CHANGE IN LIVING UNIT. II8UI012 NO WARRANTS OR DETAINERS FOUND II8UI016 NO RPM DATA FOUND II8UI016 NO RPM DATA FOUND 0361 Photo Display Page 1 of 1 DOCNu Name: Date of Photo: 9/16/2005 8:07:37 AM Source of Photo: TAS Close View All Photo . , . Developed and Maintained by DOC's IT Web Application Unit. For assistance, please contact your local Site IT Coordinator (SITC). If you are unsure of who your SITC is, please refer to this page. 0362 PAGE WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS 06/29/06 TIME 09:46 LEGAL FACE SHEET IIS0100 STATUS: ACTIVE DOCNO:_ NAME: BED NO: F01SB135 COUNSELOR: 1131 CAMPOS, MONIQUE (IIADI!) CURRENT LOCATION: W.C.C.WOMEN FBI NO: SEX: F AGE: 23 RACE : WHITE SID NO: HISP ORIG: m,K HEALTH RECORD REVIEW : 1'101' REQUIRED NAMES: ( "AE") 1 MXED: 05/05/2010 MNED: ERD : 11/24/2007 ADJ.: 11/24/2007 NRD : 08/23/2006 SCORE: 00 CUS.: CLO MFED: 04/14/2005 COMM. CONCERN: 1'1 RMI: RMD VICTIM WRAP AROUND: 1'1 VW ELIGIBLE:NO COMM.PLACEMENT: NO (lIAFII) (lIAGI1 ) ( "AH") P. PREL: DENY INST INFRACTION P. MFED: DENY INST INFRAC P U L H E S D X l' DATE 2 3 112 3 3 2 1 04/26/2005 LSI-R:~LEVEL: LOW/MOD SSA NO: _ _ IRTH:"1982 P. WTR: N/A P. REL: NO ACTION TAKEN REGISTEPJffiLE OFFENDER : 1'1 GTL TIME START RECEIVED OC MIN.TERM CC CS COM. COUN'fY 5Y 8M OD #AD#N SKAGIT 50 04/14/2005 04/14/05 78 V OC CNTS MIN. TERM CC CS CMP. CO./CAUSE OFFENSE DESC. POSSESS STOLEN FIR 1'1 78 5C 5Y 8M OD REL. DATE STATUS 11/24/2007 AC MANDATORY JAIL OY OM OD 300 TOTAL MONETARY OBLIGATION: ORDERED $****610.00 ;AS OF 05/31/06 PAID $******0.00 SCHEDULE: o SET BY: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: YES STAT MAX: 09/04/2014 ******************************************************************************* #AE#N SKAGIT 50 04/14/2005 04/14/05 79 V OC CNTS ~ F E N S E DESC. 1'1 79 1C ~HEFT2 1Y10M OD AD MIN.TERM CC CS 1Y10M OD 02/08/2006 EX MANDF_TORY JAIL OY OM OD 149 TOTAL MONETARY OBLIGATION: ORDERED $****610.00 ;AS OF 06/29/06 PAID $******0.00 SCHEDULE: o SET BY: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: YES STAT MAX: 12/22/2009 ******************************************************************************* #AF#N SKAGIT 50 04/14/2005 04/14/05 79 CMP. CO. / CAUSE OFFENSE DESC. V OC CNTS IDENTITY THEFT 1'1 79 4C 3Y 7M OD AE MIN. TERM CC CS 3Y 7M OD 01/27/2007 AC MANDATORY JAIL OY OM OD 141 TOTJ,L MONETARY OBLIGATION: ORDERED $***<610.00 ;AS OF 06/29/06 PAID $******0.00 SCHEDULE: o SET BY: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: YES STAT MAX: 12/28/2009 ******************************************************************************* #AG#N KI~G 50 04/14/2005 04/14/05 81 CMP. CO./CAUSE OFFENSE DESC. V OC CNTS 2Y OM OD 1'.F MIN.TERM CC CS 03/15/2006 EX MANDATORY JAIL 0363 PAGE WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS 06/29/06 LEGAL FACE SHEET IISOI00 DOC NO: _ NAME: TIME 09:46 STATUS: ACTIVE (IIAD") v OC CNTS CMP. CO./CAUSE OFFENSE DESC. DRUG POSSESSION N 81 MIN.TERM CC CS 2Y OM OD 1C 2 MANDATORY JAIL OY OM OD 139 TOTAL MONETARY OBLIGATION: ORDERED $****500.00 ;AS OF 06/02/06 PAID $******0.00 SCHEDULE: a SET BY: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: YES 01/10/2010 STAT MAX: ******************************************************************************* GTL TIME START RECEIVED OC MIN.TERM CC CS COM. COUNTY #AHI(N KING 5004/14/2005 04/14/05 76 4Y 2M OD AG V OC CNTS MIN.TERM CC CS CMP. GO. / CAUSE OFFENSE DESC. IDENTITY THEFT N 79 1C 4Y 2M OD FORGERY N 76 2C 2Y 5M OD 0 POSS STOLl' PROPERT N 78 lC 2Y 5M OD 0 REL. DATE STATUS 06/08/2007 AC I"lANDA:rORY JAIL OY OM OD 90 OY OM OD 90 OY OM OD 90 TOTAL MONETARY OBLIGATION: ORDERED $***2563.78 ;AS OF 06/29/06 PAID $******0.00 SCHEDULE: o SET BY: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: YES STAT MAX: 02/12/2010 ******************************************************************************* MOVEMENT 04/14/05 05/17/05 06/14/05 09/20/05 05/02/06 05/02/06 DATE & TYPE NEW COMMITMENT TRANSFERRED TO TRANSFERRED 1'0 TRANSFERRED TO ESCORTED LEAVE RET.FM.AUTH.LV. HOUSING DATE & LOCATION 06/27/06 DATE 01/19/06 03/22/06 03/22/06 04/19/06 DESTINATION W.C.C.WOMEN WCCW MINIMUM PINE LODGE CC W.C.C.WOMEN PIERCE W.C.C.WOMEN COUNSELOR CAMPOS, MONIQUE PROG~~-POSITION V750C204 V900E106 V900FllO J326DI03 COSMETOLOGY ( YOVTP VOCATIO YOVTP VOCATIO CUSTODIAN I --WEEK-1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 RARNED EARLY RELEASE DATE & TYPE 04/14/05--06/01/05 EARNED TIME AD AE AF AG AH REASON FOR INITIAL CLASSI. INITIAL CLASSI. REDIRECTED POOR ADJUSTMENT MEDICAL NEEDS MEDICAL COMPLTD DOC 8.00 B.OO 8.00 B.OO B.OO 8.00 ORIGIN KING W.C.C.WOMEN WCCW MINIMUM PINE LODGE CC W.C.C.WOMEN PIERCE WORK ASSIGN. - -- -- -DAY -----MTWTHF M T W TH W M SU M T W TH ISRB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SUPERVISOR - --TIME---- STATUS ASG 14:00-20:20 RSH ~3: 00-13: 50 ~4:00-14:50 RSH TER 08:00-14:00 STATUS LOCATION PENDING WCCW 0364 06/29/06 NAME, DOC 45.50 45.50 45.50 45.50 45.50 45.50 AD AE AF AG AH INFRACTION DATE & TYPE OS/17/05 603 POSS. CONT. SUB. STATUS, ACTIVE (ITADII) EARNED EARLY RELEASE DATE & TYPE 06/01/05--03/01/06 EARNED TIME CELL N DOC 15 ISRE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ISRB 15 3 TIME 09,46 LEGAL FACE SHEET IIS0100 DOC NO, _ PAGE WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS STATUS LOCATION PENDING WCCWMSC STATUS APPLIED SANCTIONS DENY GCT 2L SUSPEND 05 CUST ./PGM LOCATION PLCCW * ADMITTED POSSESSING DRUGS NOT PRESCRIBED TO HER. 09/10/05 555 THEFT N 0 0 APPLIED WP.ITEN ORD PLCCW * FOUND IN POSSESSION OF MAGAZINES STOLEN FROM ISC LIBRARY. 09/10/05 610 POS MED > 1 DOSE N 20 20 APPLIED DENY GCT PLCCW * WAS NOT TAKING PRESCRIBED MEDS AS ORDERED. 09(10/05 72B OBSCENE ~~TERIAL N 5 5 APPLIED DENY GCT PLCCW PREV.SUSP. * FOUND IN POSSESSION OF SEXUALLY EXPLICIT MATERIALS. 12/27/05 710 TATTOO/PARA. N 0 0 APPLIED MAX SECUR. WCCW 06 21 SUSPEND 04 30 * RECEIVED NEW TATTOO RIGHT UPPER 1'.RM "LIFE" WCCW 05/14/06 606 POS.TOBACCO PROD N 30 30 APPLIED DENY GCT MAX SECUR. 30 * DID HAVE HER GRANDMOTHER BRING TOBACCO INTO THE INSTITUTION DURING A * FFAMILY FRIENDLY EVEN HOLDS: DATE 01/19/06 03/22/06 06/06/06 REASON FOR HOLD TRANSFER YOP - YOUTHFUL OFFENDER PROG Y VED - VOC - ED Y MED - MEDICAL HOLD Y LOC F01 POl F01 STAFF GB96 GB96 HBS9 UNTIL OB/15/0B 03/22/0B 09/06/06 CUSTODY DATE SCORE TYPE ASSIGNED CUSTODY OVERRIDE LOCATION 04/19/2005 51 INITIAL 05/03(2005 MINIMUM W.C.C.WOMEN OB/23/2005 47 PLAN RVI'l 09/19/2005 MEDIUM PINE LODGE CC 03/06/2006 00 PLC ELIG 03/06(2006 CLOSE W.C.C.WOMEN F RMT CHAIRED BY CUS BROWN. CC3 NEWSOM AND CC2 SHERIDAN MEMBERS. 'X' REVIEW FOR CUSTODY DEMOTION. DEMOTE TO CLOSE CUSTODY AND HOUSE IN CLOSE CUSTODY UNIT DUE 0365 ~6/29/06 NO:_ WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS 1IS0100 DOC PAGE 4 LEGAL FACE SHEET NAME: STATUS: ACTIVE ASSIGNED CUSTODY DATE SCORE TYPE CUSTODY OVERRIDE LOCA'I'ION TO INFRACTION BEHAVIOR. ANY CrlANGE IN CUSTODY POINTS WILL BE ADDRESSED BY A C U S'I'ODY DEMOTION OR PROMO'l'ION AND/OR A CHANGE IN LIVING UNIT. IISUIOl2 NO WARRANTS OR DETAINERS FOUND 0366 ~~\",,'10l"r.C' lrttrit:\ E..I..JE" ~IACE STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INCIDENT REPORT I AREA OCCURRED E T DATE /TIME OF INCIDENT - () b ;;I. ;;. USE OF FORCE INCIDENT YES @ WITNESSES C c DETAILS: Who was involved, what took place, how did it happen, description of any injuries, damage, use of force, etc. Atlach additional sheet, if necessary. c/o ljIa$EK2 CAI.d.£P ME O..:l THE I Mki;P m:.B 1\ klHe-L I '- S TH~t0 J..5cKRD L.. c.qITP ze: 7 'I :[He Is GlD/!J6 ON. 1'130, f)R :teab HiS.." fit' Pa.nergTy Room PHoN"'; 'I..) c'5TATEj) •I I-Iap 'THE e>F'Fe/u.DE'R 1M> (j.j e:A:fr ft:>D j .+",D Dr-.rofZ. tloPP ?'p,/?(J-;'E:DEt> M.Dvf ID J Cob M 'CI4~L<SC>r\J. lET bl2.1:>U."" '0 INn "CHi[ ,...,;) l,vvE',vT'OR.le:i> A 58'<. 5ij£ s-rr:rrepv'/f£ J-IevTi SElIt', jAJlTfj ~ JI .MMEDIATE ACTION TAKEN: NoTIFieD »aei: SeA/. 4.511--5D,;) DATE TITLE INCIDENT NUMBER DATE /TIME RECEIVED INVESTIGATION ASSIGNED TO BY Distribution by Associate Superintendent: Superintendent Intelligence Officer Shift Commander Clinical Director Safety Officer Other DATE Other Other Other The contents of this document may be eligible for public disclosure, Social Security Numbers are considered confidential information and Nill be redacted in the event of such a request. This form is governed by Executive Order 00-03, REW 42.17, and RCW 40.14. 0367 DOC 21-"158 (O2l19/03) WCCW ~ c:/ STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INCIDENT REPORT AREA OCCURRED (1.-1 DATE I TIME OF INC/~NT ;; -z: -0 ( 02.:1 'f i/ USE OF FORCE INCIDENT YES @) WITNESSES DETAilS: Who was involved, what took place, how did it happen, description of any injuries, damage, use of force, etc. Attach additional sheet, if necessary. -rr: ~ uo/4.S' /../[,+1 , 1'-I'.Ly Cr • »> -i : '/.1 n1-<.+ (.:J""r(17ITZ I 'II ifl/l I TITLE DATE ~~ 1 d0/T DATE /TIME RECEIVED IINESTIGATION ASSIGNED TO INCIDENT NUMBER BY Distribution by Associate Superintendent: Superintendent Intelligence Officer Shift Commander Clinical Director Safety Officer Other DATE Other Other Other The contents of this document may be eligible for public disclosure. Social SecurIty Numbers are considered confidential informatIon and will b. redacted In the event of ouch a request. This fonn 15 governed by Executlv~r~~r0~,~.3~R~: 4~.17~and RCW 40.14. DOC 21-458 (02/19/03) WCCW t . ,~: ,.,,:J.~&::7!: I v, - 0) 68 i- --- STATE OF WASHINGTON OEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INCIDENT REPORT o Confidential DATEfTlME OF INCIDENT CCU OFFENDERS INVOLVED 06/26/06 2325 LOCATION/ WCCW Clinic/Transport to Harrison C/O Tanner & C/O Cozzolino USE OF FORCE INCIDENT? 0 YES x NO DETAILS: Who was involved, what took place, how did it happen, description of any injuries, damage, use of 'force, etc. Attach additional sheet, if necessary. On 6/26/06 at 23251 was notified by Sgt. Wilson to assist C/O Tanner with a transport strip in the clinic. After strip search was A strip search was completed on.lnrnate completed, I assumed transport duties with C/O Cozzolino. Cozzo mo and I departed WCCW at 2350 hours with inmat~rr:=tHarrison Memorial Hospital in Bremerton at 0024 hours. Upon arriving at hospita~at~comPleted intake paper work. Social worker talked wit~and informed her RN Shea Brimas would be in to talk with her and would be also condu~er ex.amination. RN Shea Brinias in at 0220 hours and completed examine with inmat~at 0310 hours. C/O Cozzolino and I departed Harrison Memorial Hospital with inmate_at an arrival at . WCCW at 0415 hours. IMMEDIATE ACTION TAKEN: Assisted with strip search on Inmate.ook inmate to hospital; completed incident report+ STAFF SIGNATURE TITLE DATEITIME RECEIVED I"ICIDENT blUMBER INVESTIGATIOI, ASSIGNED TO DATE BY .. The contents of tnis document may be efJglble for publiC diectozure. SOCial Security Numbers are coneiaered confidential tntormetion and will be redacted in the event of such a request. This form Is governed by Executive Order 00-03, RCW 42.17, and RCW 40.14. /1. 0369 Distribution: WHITE - Chief Investigator DOC 21-917 109/10/04\ CANARY - Executive Team Member PINK - Originator GOLDENROD - Immediate Supervisor STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INCIDENT REPORT o Confidential - DATEfTlME OF INCIDENT DOC NUMBER 06-26-06/2350 06-27-06/0415 LOCATION WlmEsSES Transport CIO V. Garner USE OF FORCE II~CIDEI~T? 0 YES LIVING UNIT CCU East 307 IZl NO DETAILS: Who was involved, what took place, howdid it happen, description of any injuries, damage, use afforce, etc. Attach additional sheet, if necessary. On June 26, 2006 at 2350 I was assigned as the transport officer with Officer Garner to escort O f f e n d e r - . - r to the Harrison Hospital in Bremerton. At 2350 we departed~titution, at 0024 we arrived at the Ha~ Bremerton. After.ing the intake paperwork, Offende~et with a social worker. At 0220 RN Shea Brinia examined Offend the exam was competed at 0310. We departed Harrison Hospital Bremerton at 0340 and arrived at the institution at 0415. IMMEDIATE ACTION TAKEI~: Wrote an Incident Report 06-27-06 C/02 STAFF SIGNATURE (Please Prinl) TITLE DATE DATEfTlME RECEIVED INVESTIGATIOl' ASSIGI'ED TO INCIDENT NUMBER BY DATE The contents of th,s document may be ell.glbfe for public dIsclosure. SoCIal Security Numbers are conSidered confidential mformatlon and will be ecacteo in the event of such a request. This form is governed by Executive Order 00-03, R~!:~~~~!?,. ~~.~;~~T40';,12J A Distribution: WHITE· Chief Investigator CANARY· Executive Tearn Member I' ,_. ll,,;.JI!JI Pll\lf( - Originator "( f) 37 n r!~ GOLDENROD - Immediate Supervisor STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INCIDENT REPORT o Confidential DATE(fIME OF IhICIDEI"T LIVING UNIT 06-27-06 I Approx 0500 LOCATION WlmESSES Sgt. D.M. Wilson USE OF FORCE INCIDENT? 0 YES I2'J NO DETAILS: Who was involved, what look place, how did it happen, description of any injuries, damage, use of force, etc. Atlach additional sheet, if necessary. On 06-27-06 at approximately 0500 Hours Sgt. Wilsonand I escorted 11M rom the Clinic to CCU cell 207 to retrieve lhe clothing that I/~ales that she was wearing during a sexual assault. I/~ISO gave me a towel and a Q-tip that she states was usee 10 wipe her genitals. ,vlMEDIATE ACTION TAKEN: I bagged the evidence and completed necessary paperwork. I escorted I/~m CCU to the Clinic, room H-139. 06-27-06 DATE C/O STAFF SIGNATURE (Please Print) TITLE DATE(fIME RECEIVED II"CIDE'"T NUMBER INVESTIGATION ASSIGNED TO BY DATE The contents of this document may be elIgible for publIC ellse/asure. Social Security Numbers are constdereo confident/a/Information and will be redacted in the event of such a request. This form is governed by Executive Order 00-03, RCW 42.17, and RCW 40.14. 0371 u:': . I Distribution: WHITE ~ Chief Investigator CANARY· Executive Team Member , .. ".-,-~. ._": ;'. ~:-, ' PINK - Onqinator ; /"'_7 GOLDENROD - Immediate Supervisor ,,""""'-/· e ,'\ i l'DBC' ~ STArE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS SEARCH REPORT DATE TIME O~-;:;'7-0u, 12.0 OS-DO REASON FOR SEARCH: (Please Print) OFFENDER NAME DOC NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF ITEM (INCLUDE QUANTITY, TYPE, SERIAL NUMBER, CONDITION) ~ \ \ DISPOSITION I \ ,. \~ YT"C- S~bO":> "1:>1'-1\ V- "<'1.-1> :~"l\I,;;.c.t--lc.'E... '{ "', "'E~'" AS I f"" ,,,,<'0,,,,,- If. \ 'du ,",,,,- -r:S¥I'<l..-r- \ P1\)'R. (-r,E.Y \ \ \NI't ::>1-\0""" 1'1:> t:'II ~t:Joel"--\.C:f'_ ,,<:- \.\.f\'.1t:>'\~L0bL \ 8.-,,'1' ""~J'1~08> '1" PIA>: "'10 ~ "" ", "t f .:«: c.'-I\ t>'E.Nt.."'E..... HE-LIe" F/j sE:Cuf.£i> WITH II {2.v~K,e.8"Nb, £1//t:.>CNCtC- \ WAC VIOLATiON t-\'E.L 't;;. ~S Il\SL .. \ INFRACTiON WRITTEN YES NO "'-"'I>'CeNC.I< Il'fI\'il.. ",'\"II",€.. P"-,,-,"l-Ie-S \ \ , , DESCRIPTION OF CONFISCATED PROPERTY ,xJ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ SIGNATURE OF SEARCH STAFF MEMBERS .: -Iff{(didJ,J The contents of this document may be eligible for public disclosure, Social Security Numbers are considered confidential information and will be redacted in the event of such a request. This form is governed by Executive Order 00-03, RCW 42.17, and RCW40.14. Distribution: WHtTE-Evidence Copy CANARY-CUS/Shift Supervisor GOLDENROD-Offender PINK Captain DOC 05-384 (Rev 11/25/2002) POL I .----. .J'~ t' 0372 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INCIDENT REPORT ACE / AREA OCCURRED J~I 7.)(;7 (~ £ '" OFFENDERS INVOLVED DOC NUMBER / ScJ.m"i , LIVING UNIT DATE /TIME OF INCIDENT 06 - :z r:: rr - CJ 0800 USE OF FORCE INCIDENT YES NO WITNESSES DETAiLS; Who was involved, what look place, how did It happen, description of any injuries, damage, use of force, etc. Attach additional. sheet, if necessary . .I I!O~/" llu:)!!f'7i T),,7 j),FF[ CC6~ , A 7/7)/<'1·"'''2 rVt7T trt Si;-1;d 7/~/E ( .2)~"'1 -!- A'kY ~/~ bL. G~\ec:f,- ,EV-7;c C,f;""e., /<-1;,ha/s",,,,,, C'/", .,?) ..:::s-~, SM 70 b~1,. b<'€~.4 b£TI-JEEw ' I.JJ.....-nA7t:: R-(7~ rt iIJ'lt,,,- rY!r'l'j .j/J-SEJ l)v',q RoT), 1i!'!'R.(j/tei.~d ",/:"IS ~\.Ie~v7' Ir';:;CJ '1;:-) i", A C Jo.Je i IA/mA7,-';; ;N;-,~,,7~ .,f- c/i, /'l!t/S't'r 1...1 A.s- C 4.r/::'-fcI'- C".t1.rJ7E .A ~/cl (,J y, «I j Tk"ii: Ou7- wor- r~ru..r'T>e:r IMMEDIATE ACTION TAKEN; ._' ./ I i -r: /"'. ' 1'+ "/i , "-"" 'ilL 1,;1 I ~ .. 7 _ .:» ' I i C/...;/. 1.<.. .-l: . I .r:: ( / REPORTING STAFF SIGNATURE DATE TITLE 6 -S, Lu« leFT! DATE /TIME RECEIVED INVESTIGATION ASSIGNED TO DOC 21-458 (02119/03) wccw .:>. 7- o£ INCiDENT NUMBER BY DATE Harrison Hospital Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Authorization Form I fUlly understand that the above requested forensic examination and information may be used by Law Enforcement Officials. In the event of an investigation of a crime, I hereby consent to the release of sexual assault information to Law Enforcement Officials and release of the Forensic chart and evidence to the Prosecuting Attorney's Office. I hereby authorize the SAI~E Program to request all past medical records that may be needed related to this present examination of abuse I assault. 1IIIIi 1111111111 ~I~ IIIIIII~ 1111111111111111111 MIIII The SANE Program has permission to Lise the photography for quality assurance and teaching purposes. Patient confidentiality will be maintained by the SAI~ E program for all patient data. SEX, 06178-00003 JVlR#: Patient Signature: (Age 14+, patient must sign form) Lock Number o Scheduled Arrived Via: State o Consult ~olice fvr~ 0 Ambulapfe 0 CarlPOV C.oIV~G<A-,I,J, D \-hc...Q..("S o Walked City o Follow-Up 0 Friend 0 Advocate Time of Assault: Zip Phone # (With Area Code): o Native American SANE Discharge Time: Examiner's Signature: o I o Asian o Hispanic o SANE exam explained Rape Kit Complete? es 0 No 0 Patient Declined Checklist of Forensic Ev'tlence? 0 Yes 0 No es 0 Copy of Report sent with Rape Kit? 0 Pt Deciined Cloliling Sent? 0 Yes ( _ # Bags) o N/A o Blood 0 Pt Declined Olher Sent 0 UA o Non Genital Photos o Other ~~ Date Sent For Medical Records Use Only: Prosecutor: 0 Kitsap o Mason o Jefferson 0 Other Law Enforcement Case #: Officer's Name. SANE introduced to palient 0 African American 0 Pierce initials o King o Clallam Law Enforcement Agency: ,I Other: Harrison Hospital, Bremerton WA Sexual Assaulll Abuse Forensic Exam 0374 Rev. 1/2006 Page 1 of 12 •. G. , I OFFENDER LD 01-.1f. STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS 82 AUTHORIZATION FOR DISCLOSURE OF HEALTH INFORMATION I. ____ , hereby authorize the use or disclosure 01 my health iniorrnauon The iollowlng individual or orqanization I,AIvIE: ADDRESS: IS authonzec to make the disclosure: _~jATrl'C;M) l-!-o<;(J,,4, I ~~~~~~ ------ ..~~~.. ~~~--~~~~- ~J T[18 t pe and date(s) of Information to be used or disclosed Is as follows: <v. /'. . d Ii )11.f'(!r (C( ( 1::'(7 Ct I cll-l···/.. " ,/V' ,I ~ Purpose for disclosure: I understand that the information in my health record may include information relating to sexually transmitted infections, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), or Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). 1\ may also Include information about behavioral or mental health services and treatment for alcohol and drug abuse. This information may be disclosed to and used by the following individual 0 NAivE: ADDRESS: Washington Correction Center for Women 9601 Bujacich Rd NW Gig Harbor, WA 96332 Fax # 253..658..4258 I understand that I have a right to revoke this authorization at any time. I understand that If I revoke this authorization I must do so in writing and present my written revocation to the Health Information Management Department. I understand that the revocation will not apply to information that has already been released in response to this authorization. Unless otherwise revoked, this authorization will expire on the following date, event, or condition: (if left blank, authorization will expire six (6) months from signing). I understand that authorizing the disclosure of this health Information is voluntary. I can refuse to sign this authorization. I need not sign this form in order to assure treatment. I understand that I may inspect or copy the intorrnation to be used or disclosed, as provided in CFR 164.524 and RCW 70.02. 1 understand that any disclosure of intorrnau on carries with it the potential for an unauthorized redisclosure and may not be protected by federal or state confidentiality rules. If I have questions about disclosure ot my health information, I may coni act the RHITldesignee ot the Jacility: J / . I (; vl2'7 ' (p I-.rrDale ~=- DOC Number L~GA!.. OTS0310 WASHINGTG.. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INCIDENT REPORT NO:11899 TYPE,ALLEGED RAPE OCCURRED ON, 06/26/06 AT 07,30PM LOCATION, W.C.C.WOMEN PLACE, DOP-INSTITUTION OFFENDERS INVOLVED ..TE' 06/27/06 TIME: 00,34.15 STAFF REPORTING,LT G.G.BURTON REPORTED ON, 06/27/06 AT 12,16AM CONFIDENTIAL: NO WCCW CCD CLOSE CUSTODY UNIT INJ HOS N N STAFF INVOLVED C/O COZZOLINO C/O GARNER INJ HOS N N N N DESCRIPTION, AT APPRO~ SHIFT SGT WAS NOTIFIED BY CCD STAFF THAT OFFENDER"""""""', STATED THAT SHE HAD BEEN SEXUALLY ASSUALTED BY A STAFF MENBER, ON SHIFT 3. DUTY OFFICER STEWART WAS NOTIFIED, AND SHE WANTED THE OFFENDER TAKEN TO THE HOSPITAL FOR EXAMINATION. A STATE CAR WAS READIED, AND C/O COZZOLINO, AND C/O GARNER , ESCORTED THE OFFENDER TO HARRISON HOSPITAL BRE~~RTON, FOR THE EY~. THIS WAS A UNSCHEDULED OUTING. PROPERTY DAMAGE, NO APPROXIMATE COST: $ o OTHER AGENCIES CONTACTED: DATE, 06/26/06 TIME: 11: 45PM LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT HOSP NAME: HARRISON HOSP BREMME FOLLOWUP RPT: NO AGAINST, INMATE ------------.----------.- OFFENDERS INVOLVED -.---.------------------NAMES DOC NO: _ CLASS, CLOSE LAST KNOWN ADDR: MARYSVILLE WA DOB: liliiii1982 SEX, F RACE, WHITE HISP.ORIG, N REL.DATE: 08/18/2007 MSC, OTHER FELONY COUNTY, SNOHOMISH RECEIVED WCCW : 04/14/05 TRANSFER TO PRESENT FACILITY, 09/29/05 VIC/WIT ELIGIBLE, NO FBI NO, _ SSA NO, SID NO: /D Offender Sexual Assault Response and Containment Checklist Sexual Assault Preservation Location: Washinoton Corrections Center for Women Incident Commander: Lt Gilbert Burton Date: 06-27-06 Time: 2230 P.M. Required Actions' Time Initial N/A 1. Notify Intelligence and Investigations Office of allegations. 0510 GGB. 0600 2245 GGB GGB 0415 GGB 0415 GGB 2. Notify local Law Enforcement agency that an alleged sexual assault has occurred. 3. Secure location(s) where it is believed that the sexual assault occurred: • Post an individual at the scene(s) if the area cannot be completely sealed and secured. 4. Collect ALL clothing that the complainant and alleged victim are wearing. • Use trace evidence collection sheet. Require each offender involved to stand on sheet while ? removing clothing. • Place each piece of clothing in a separate brown paper bag (no plastic bags). • Document offender's name, date, time, total number of bags and item enclosed. • Place bags in a secure location. • Ensure chain-of-evidence is maintained on evidence card. 5. Take digital picturesivideo of injuries to victim and suspect offenders immediately to record discolor and severity. 6. Transport offenders separately to Infirmary for a preliminary medical examination. D / 5 0377 Rev 5/06 DOC 490.800 Attachment 2 Offender Sexual Assault Response and Containment Checklist 7. If 96 hours or less, transport offender to the local hospital for evidence collection and possible medical examination. Time 2350 Initial GGB 0520 GGB N/A If more than 96 hours, if Law Enforcement requests evidence collection, complainant will be transported to the local hospital. • Hospital staff make final determination if Rape Kit will be. completed or not. 8. Ask Law Enforcement if the suspect should be transported to local hospital for evidence collection (e.g., penis swab, fingernail check, etc.). 9. Place alleged suspect in Segregation/IMU pending an investigation. 10. Notify Mental Health staff so complainant has support available. 11. Ensure the following are correctly completed and secured in evidence lockers: • Administrative Segregation paperwork, • Tele-incident reports, • Incident reports, • Staff memos, • Videotapes of crime scene, • Pictures of crime scene and injuries, and • Additional evidence. Notes' 'cr\ J .s . U ~ 78 Rev 5106 2 DOC 490.800 Attachment 2 Sexual Assault Investigation Protocols Checklist Location: Washinqton Corrections Center for Women Incident Commander: Lt. Gilbert Burton Date: 06-27-06 Time: 2230 P.M. Required Actions: Facilitv Time Initial a. Assign an Investigator(s) NOTE: Any staff who investigate offender on offender sexual assault or related incident will be required to have successfully completed Washington State Department of Personnel Core lnvestlcator Traininq/Executive Order 98-02. b. Process Crime Scene 0415 GGB • Gather Evidence from Crime Scene • Pictures 0515 GGB • Video • Stills • Unit Security Tapes • Physical Evidence • Logbooks • Clothing (place in paper bag) • Paperwork (Offender Correspondence, Kites, etc.) • Weapons • Beddinq (place in paper bac) c. Identify Witnesses (staff and offender) 2240 GGB d. Interview Alleqed Offender Victim(s) e. Interview Offender Witness( es) f. Obtain Staff Incident Reports GGB 2240 g. Interview Involved Staff as Needed • Custody Staff • Transportation Staff • Medical Staff • Other Identified Staff h. Interview Alleqed Suspect(s) Offender i. Re-interview Witnesses and Offender Victim(s) as needed, j. Place offender suspect(s) and offender victim(s) on the facility mailroom monitoring list. • Hotmail N/A 0379 Rev. 5/06 1 DOC 490.800 Attachment 3 Sexual Assault Investigation Protocols Checklist k. Reporting • Document the investigative process using the report format. • Superintendent approves report and forwards to HQ Special Investigative Unit. • Assigned Investigator forwards report and supporting evidence/documentation to Law Enforcement once report has been approved by the Prisons Deputy Secretary/designee. 2310 GGB Headquarters a. Reporting • The HQ Special Investigative Unit assigns an HQ case number to the investigative report and forwards the packet to Prisons Deputy Secretarv/desiqnee. Notes' 2240: Notified of incident. 2245: Notified Duty Officer, directed to send Offender out to Harrison Hospital for evaiuation. 2350: Offender departed Institution 0415: Offender returned from Harrison Hospital and placed in Clinic per directive from Superintendent. 0415: Offender escorted to cell to obtain evidence ie clothinq and cue tip swab . . Ii Rev. 5/06 2 DOC 490.800 Attachment 3 Sexual Assault Investigation Protocols Checklist ~/n r 0 u 0381 Rev. 5/06 3 DOC 490.800 Attachment 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WAC Viol alion s(s) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_........r:::;::;:;;;;;;;::;;:;::;;:;;;:;:;;=~== DOC NUMBER DATE EVIDENCEFOUr<O EVIDENCE CARD INMATE NAMES -_._---- olP _.;21- oL. DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE Il I..-LD\~I/-l.. DATE TIME 0382 d )." j /