Wadoc Report Staff Sexual Misconduct Magnuson 2004
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STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WARNING THIS FILE IS THE PROPERTY OF THE WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER FOR WOMEN INTELLIGENCE & INVESTIGATIONS OFFICE CONTENTS MA Y BE DISCLOSED ONLY TO PERSONS WHOSE OFFICIAL DUTIES REQUIRE ACCESS. CONTENTS MA Y NOT BE DISCLOSED TO THE PARTY(S) CONCERNED NOR TO COUNSEL, WITHOUT SPECIFIC AUTHORIZATION OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. CASE TOPIC: CASE #: STAFF MISCONDUCT RE: CO MAGNUSON 01-001-04-F01 DATE OPENED: 1/9/04 DATE CLOSED: 1/15/04 sign and date at time of review Dr receipt IN OFFICE REVIEW CASE OUT REVIEW 266 Ln CONFIDENTIAL Washington State Correction Center for Women Intelligence & Investigations . Case File Ol-OOl-04-FOl CONFIDENTIAL 267 890 Washington Corrections Center for Women Intelligence & Investigations Investigative Case #Ol-OOl-04-FOl January 15, 2004 TO: Belinda D. Stewart Superintendent, WCCW FROM: Steven B. Baxter Investigator, WCCW . SUBJECT: Possible Staff Misconduct RE: CO Burt Magnuson SYNOPSIS: On Monday January 5, 2004 a preliminary fact finding investigation was opened by the WCCW 1&1office into alleged misconduct by Correctional Officer (CO) Burt Magnuson while assigned to the Special Management Unit at WCCW, These allegations arose in a letter written by CO Sophia du PrelStiles to her CDS and included the following allegations: o On 12128/03 while working with CO Magnuson on the pod CO du Prel-Stiles felt something on her back and asked CO Magnuson if there was anything on her back and CO Magnuson responded, "bend over and I'll find out." The inmate being escorted IIM also looked shocked by the comment. o While escorting IIM the same day CO Magnuson approached the cell door and said "now I get to cuffyo~ softly, while smiling, CO du Prel-Stiles then noticed CO Magnuson squeezing ~upper arm as he escorted her to the dayroom, o That while conducting Med-line on this same day that CO Magnuson blocked the speaker vents of several inmates doors and allowed the Pod to yell and scream to levels that made it impossible to conduct Med-Line. When questioned CO Magnuson stated that the noise didn't bother him, o On several occasions CO du Prel Stiles has observed CO Magnuson stand in front of cell doors and tell inmates that he had been a stripper before he was an officer and would say, "What comes after lightning? Thunder!" as he would unbuckle his duty belt. He would then tell them that Thunder was his stage name, o On another occasion CO du Prel-Stiles was told by IIM_DOC# that during tile last week of December 2003 that CO Magnuson w~t "King" magazine that was going to an inmate in segregation and showed Irnnate~ictures from themagazine of women in thong underwear and said "I can tell you what she's thinking." During the course of this preliminary fact finding 1&1 was contacted by Sgt Barrett who stated that he had been told by UM_had told him that she had been requested by CO Magnuson to flash him and that I/~ad stated that he had given her telephone numbers to contact him after she released (Sgt Barrett followed up this verbal information with a E-Mail on January 9, 2004) see attachment 1, Both inmates and staff were interviewed and due to the nature of the initial allegations made by these inmates and staff, WCCW Superintendent Belinda Stewart was briefed and requested a formal investigation be opened on January 9, 2004, 268 692 Page 2 Case #01-001-04-F01 RE: Staff Misconduct CO Magnuson January 15, 2004 INVESTIGATIVE INTERVIEWS: Correctional Officer Sophie du Prel-Stiles was interviewed on \/6/04 and had no further information to add to her previous letter to CDS Brown (See attachment 2) except that she had requested on numerous times to CO Magnuson to refrain from the sexual jokes and comments when she was around. All other allegations and statements are included above in the synopsis. Inmate as interviewed on January 8, 2004 and supplied a writiea statement (See attachment 3). Inmate -,tated that CO Magnuson had come to her cell door during the summer while she had a sheet wrapped around her but no other clothes on due to the heat and gestured for her to flash him, she refused. CO Magnuson stated, " You could bet me in a lot of trouble" smiled and left. On another occasion CO Magnuson was placing waist chains on her and told her "don't move so I don't molest you." Inmate_also related that Inmate"ad told her that CO Magnuson had given her his home and office number so she could contact him after she released. lIM-,also stated that~ad told her that CO Magnuson had requested she flash him and that she had. IIM_remembered the incident with CO du Prel-Stiles and CO Magnuson and thought the comment was sexual in nature in the way he said it. has witnessed CO Magnuson perform the Thunder/lightning dance several times. IIM"'has an on/off relationship with IIM and was upset that CO Magnuson went l<' a n d told her she needed to be careful arounciZ asked her if she had heard what she had done to her last girlfriend. ~ stated that CO Magnuson tells dirty jokes and stories to inmates and in her written statement wrote" he getting out of control and I fell uncomfortable with him working in seg with me." IIM. Inmate was interviewed on January 8, 2004 and stated that she had noticed CO Magnuson hanging around the cell door ofInmate_ll the time. IIM~lso stated that he used to tell dirty jokes and on one occasion when she was mailing out a letter to a mail friend CO Magnuson had made the comment, UGh you swing bothways". Inmate _ w a s in Segregation for a 504 - sexual acts. Inmate _ related that Inmate-'ad told her that CO Magnuson had asked her to flash him and had given her numbers to contact him when she released. Inmate"ad also told her that CO Magnuson had given her extra food. Inmate~also related that she had seen CO Magnuson do the Thunder/lightning dance. Inmate _ a l s o stated that Inmate-.,ad told her that CO Magnuson had shown her _ his bulge through his pants. Inmate was interviewed on January 8, 2004 and made a written statement on January 14, 2004 (See attachment 4) in this interview and written statement lnmate~ade the following statements/allegations against CO Magnuson: • • . Beginning on December 23, 2003 when she arrived in Segregation CO Magnuson began to make flirty and sexual comments to her. One day after she had been exercising CO Magnuson approached her door saw one of her tattoos on her stomach and asked to see it. IIM.showed him the tattoo and then CO Magnuson asked to see further down saying" What is that all? No more?" CO Magnuson then said he wanted to see "You Know" "I'm sure yon bave a pretty kitty." IIM.stated she said "Yes but yon can't see it." CO Magnuson is alleged to have continued to ask throughout the afternoon to the point that other inmates were noticing that he was at her door a lot. The next time he approachedIIM" states that she BA's him (mooned him) and he said, "Wow, I was right you do have a pretty kitty." Then asked if she had ever been a dancer and told her he would like for her to dance with him, if she knew what he meant. 269 Page 3 Case #01-001-04-FOl RE: Staff Misconduct CO Magnuson January 15, 2004 After the talk about dancing CO Magnuson asked how much longer she had in,prison and then asked to see "it" again. When IIM"efused CO Magnnson is alleged to have said no that and pointed at her chest. IIM.states that she then flashed CO Magnuson her chest and asked ifhe was happy to which he replied "very happy." Inmate.states thatfor the next two days that CO Magnnson hung around her door looking at her and making sexual and flirty comments. Then the next day he handed her an empty toilet paper and said to imagine something that would fit in there and room left on hath ends too, CO Magnuson then allegedly said that it would be enough to please 11M. CO Magnuson then is reported to return later and ask what she was thinking and then said he was thinking about seeing her when she released and asked for a number where he could reach her. 11M .stated that she gave him her parent's number and gave her his home number and the booth number in segregation. He then is reported to have shown his erect penis through his pants by holding the excess material down around it with his hands and told 11M_how excited she made "willy" pointing to his groin. 11M_then states she told him that it was quite a bit for his age and he is reported to have said "Oh yeah, "Willy" can still do plenty and I hope you get the chance to see just how." UM~en stated that he wanted herto get hold of him after her release and o o o keep quietaboutthe conversations. IIM_ Inmate. agreed to take a polygraph and was given this examination on January 12, 2004 (See attachment 5). The following questions were asked to • • • While in segregation, did Officer Magnuson ask to see your "pretty Kitty?" Did Officer Magnuson tell you his booth extension number? While in segregation, did you "B.A." Officer Magnuson and show him your breasts? Based on the physiological responses produced by the subject on three polygraph charts in the opinion of Mr. William Tufts of GSR Polygraph services, 11M Lair was not attempting deception when she answered yes to the above questions. Inmate was interviewed on January 13, 2004 and was asked about the incident involving 0 Magnuson. Inmate b,tated that she remembered the incident, and that she had been working late to clean a shower in segregation and was waiting in the foyer inside segregation for female officers to strip her out so she could return to the unit. While she waswaiting CO Magnuson was looking at a magazine called "King" and showed her pictures of women in thongs and bikini tops and said" I know what they are thinking, and would then tell her. UM4f did not remember any of the "thou ts" but does remember that they were of a sexual natnre. This magazine belonged to Inmate ho when interviewed stated that it was the only copy she had ever lowed the cover and pictures to be photocopiedand are included in this Inmate as interviewed on January 9, 2004 and stated that CO Magnuson had approac e er and warned herto watchout for Inmate_ and reminded her what_ had done to her last girlfriend. 270 LU Page 4 Case #01-001-04-FOI RE: Staff Misconduct CO Magnuson January 15,2004 Corrections Officer Brydee Glasco was interviewed on January 8, 2004 and wrote a written statement (see attachment 7). In this interview and written statement CO Glasco stated that while not able to quote word for word there have been many times that Officer Magnuson has said things out of the way thnt made her feel uncomfortable in the sense of him being unprofessional. The statements were always some kind of sexual innuendo responses to inmates or staff questions, Officer Glasco gave the following two examples: • • One time while working with CO Magnuson she was trying to get some things done and needed him to come upstairs in B-Pod to help take someone out of the shower. When CO Glasco asked if he was coming up the stairs and help her, he did not reply when she asked again if he was coming up stairs he replied "No I'm not corning yet, I'm just breathing hard." Another incident that CO Glasco had observed was when they would take inmates to the shower he would ask if they wanted the grease in a cup or smeared on their tongue. (Grease is offered to the inmates for their hair.) CO Glasco states that while CO Magnuson is very knowledgeable and a nice person his communication style is very unprofessional. Correctional Officer Russell Ortega was interviewed on January 8, 2004 and also wrote a written statement (see attachinent 8). In this interview and statement while not able to quote anything verbatim CO Ortega related that he has observed CO Magnuson make several sexnal and inappropriate jokes towards/to several staff while on post in segregation. Officer Ortega feels that this is unprofessional and should stop. Correctional Officer Ronald Wilson was interviewed on January 8, 2004 and also supplied a written memo (See attachment 9). In these statements Officer Wilson relates that on many occasion in segregation he has overheard CO Magnuson Make comments and sometimes jokes which were of a sexual nature in the presence of offenders and staff. CO Wilson felt that these comments and jokes were very inappropriate and unprofessional. Correctional Officer Manrice Glasco was interviewed on January 15,2004. Officer Glasco stated that he has worked with CO Magnuson on several occasions in segregation. During these shifts he stated that CO Magnuson has made many inappropriate comments to the offenders. On one occasion he remembered CO 'ber body wash before her shower and telling her he wish he had time to help Magnuson handing 11M her with her body wash. Co Glasco has also heard CO Magnuson make comments about offenders being BBW, which he explained to an inmate meant Big Beautiful Women. Correctional Sergeant Michael Kapsch was interviewed on January 8, 2004 in reference to the allegations made against CO Magnuson. Sgt. Kapsch also supplied a written memo (see attachment 10). Sgt. Kapach stated that he had verbally counseled CO Magnuson about comments he had made. This comment was made to an Inmate in Receiving who was returning to her room after a shower. This inmate was tall and CO Magnuson commented over the intercom "they sure gave you a short robe:" Sgt. Kapsch states he has had no further incidents since. 271 Page 5 Case #01-001-04-FOI RE: Staff Misconduct CO Magnuson January 15,2004 Correctional Officer Burt Magnuson was interviewed on January 13 and 15, 2004 in regards to the allegations made against him. CO Magnuson has denied all allegations except for the following: CO Magnuson states that he has told inmates that he was a dancer hefore he was an officer and has performed the Lightning/Thunder routine (rolling of hips while saying "what comes after Lightning - Thunder") and has unbuckled his utility belt during it. • CO Magnuson does admit to telling sexy/off-color jokes to staff and inmates some of which he stated he would not want to tell the superintendent. • CO Magnuson admits to asking Inmate if she swings both ways but not to Inmate. . . . • CO Magnuson does admit to showing pictures in the King magazine to Inmate and making comments about what the women might be thinking. • CO Magnuson admits to telling Inmate~that she should watch out for InmatS and asking her if she knew what she had done to her last girlfriend. • CO Magnuson does admit to the incident with CO Glasco when she asked if he was coming upstairs and he said he wasn't cotning yet just breathing hard. • CO Magnuson admitted to asking inmates if they wanted the grease on theirtongues but stated it was just a joke. • CO Magnuson admits to blocking the speaker vents in inmate's doors during a med-line but allowing the yelling to continue and med-line to continue. The Med-Line Nurse wrote infractions after the incident. • CO Magnuson did admit to spending periods of time at lnmate"door. • CO Magnuson does admit to giving IIM-'xtra food but says it was only one orange. • Admits he might have told_to hold still so he wouldn't molest her while applying waist restraints, but states that ifhe did it was so she would hold still and he wouldn't accidentally touch her. . • CO ~uson had no real explanation for why the inmates would be making these allegations except that IIM-,might be angry for him talking to I1M~bout her, and !1M _ecause he wouldn't give her a comb one day after finding it was used for fishing in the pod. CO Magnuson stated that he tries to feel out the people he works with and only goes as far as he feels they feel comfortable with his jokes. Conclusion: Investigations of these allegations have produced evidence of probable staff misconduct. CO Magnuson has admitted to numerous of the allegations and Inmate_has passed a polygraph on several of the more serious accusations that CO Magnuson denies. This I&i investigation is closed pending any further evidence/information. 10 Attachments I. Memo from Sgt. Barrett dated 1/9/04 2. Memo from CO Sophie du Prcl-Stilea to CDS Brown no date 3. Statement From Inmate_dated 1/8/04 4. Statement from Inmat~ated 1/14104 S. Polygraph results dated 1/12/04 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Copies of pictures from Jan edition King Magazine Memo from CO Glasco dated 1/8104 Memo from CO Ortega dated 1/8/04 Memo from CO Wilson dated 118/04 Memo from Sgt Kapsch dated 118/04 272 Baxter, Steven B. From: Sent: To: Subject: Barrett, Herbert C. Friday, January 09,20042:54 PM Baxter, Steven B. CIO Magnuson On 01/01/04 While working as the segregation Sgt, Inmate II . . . . . . told me that c/O Magnuson came to her cell to take her to the shower and asked her to flash him. I asked her on what date did that happen and she could not remember the date. also told me that Inmate told her that C/O Magnuson gave her his home phone and work number and told her he can keep her out of trouble. I n m a t e " also stated that Inmate _ _ . . . . . . was flashing C/O Magnuson. 1II1II 1 Attachment ( I ) 273 To: TelTY Brown CUSSEG From: Sophie du Prel-Stiles Seg c/o This letter is in reference to my concerns about officer Magnusons comments and behavior in segregation unit. On 12.18.03 officer Magnuson and I worked on the floor together, while moving 1MU inmate _ I felt something on my back. I asked Magnuson if there was anything on my back? He responded "bend over and I'll find out!'. His comment caught me off guard and even inmate • •l'looked at me in shock. As we arrived to her cell door and it closed I told him his comment was uncalled for and unprofessional. Later that day, I entered B pod and magnuson was leaning on cell door Sb132 talking to inmate• . As I approached the door he said "now I get to cuff you" and he smiled, his voice was very soft, as he pulled her out of her cell and escorted her to the day room I noticed he was squeezing her upper arm . I did not discuss this with magnuson but I did find it odd that all the cuffing had been done by myself until that inmate. Later that day Sgt Baccetti came in to talk to certain inmates. Officer Ortega (our RNM of the unit) assisted me in the moves in B pod, as Magnuson was doing medline in Apod. When Ortega and I entered A pod, the screaming was so loud that you could not hear the words the inmates were screaming. ( Note: if the pod is very loud, we usually stop medline and retum. I have never in my year and a half in segregation seen rnedline done in such a disruptive pod. The nurse on duty was new to seg and the institution, I had met her earlier that day). I walked in the pod and noticed towels stuffed in the grid below the cell door windows in inmate 4 I S and _door. I immediately removed the towels, as we are not supposed to cover any part of an inmates cell door. I tried to calm_and the other inmates down and asked Magnuson, who was leaning against the stairs if he would like me to take over medline and do B pod instead since it was so loud. He replied' no, I'm not disturbed by the noise", I then asked him, why did he cover the grid with a towel if he wasn't disturbed by the noise? He did not answer me. Inmate_ was calling my name by this point, as I approached her cell, she was in tears and catching her breath, she told me that she asked Magnuson if he was going to infract the inmates that were disturbing medline, since she had beeninfracted last week for doing just that. She said heanswered her "no". She said that he infracted her because be knows that if she gets a major, she automatically has to do six more months on 1111U. She also said that he is paying her back because heis no longer a sergeant because of her and what she did in CCU.~aid that the nurse was giving her the wrong med and she was questioning that so he infracted her. , Once the pod calmed down and medline was over, 1 asked Magnuson if it was true that he told _that he was not going to infract anyone, he admitted to telling her that . I then asked him if that looked fair, since last week she was inn-acted for doing the same. He replied" I was not disturbed by the noise". 1 told him that it looks like he was singleling her out and 1 will write an incident report about it and the grids being covered. I know the inmates were not spitting since they would be infracted if that happened. Attachment ( :L) 274 SLZ 1have worked for about a year with magnuson and many times I have pulled him aside and told him my concerns with his inappropriate comments to inmates in the pod. Other staff members and inmates have come to me and expressed their feelings and uneasiness. ] have asked them to talk to my supervisors and write an incident report and ] have talked to my sergeant. On many occasions I have seen Magnuson tell inmates [11 seg that he used to be a stripper before he became all officer.He has stood In front of cell doors and said" what comes after lightning? Thunder! (as be unbuckles ills duty belt). He then tells them thunder was his stage name. About a week ago, one of the seg janitors on swing shift, imnate'" told me that Magnuson was looking at a King magasine in the seg foyer as she was mopping.(Note: the magazine belong to inmate _ w h o was housed in seg). This magazine had very provocative pictures of women on thong underwear in very sexual poses. She told me that he pointed to one of the pictures and said"] can tell you what she is thinking'tand smiled. I asked her what she did?, she said she continued mopping and ignored him. I told her to talk to sgt. Kapsch and I will too. The other officers that have worked with me and have voiced concerns are Officer Hamman, Wilson, Burnside, Glavey, Glasco M, Glasco B, Ortega. Inmates that have talked to me are, _ . . . _ I m u inmates in seg . Seg janitors/laundry workers on swing shift._ that they don't want to cause any problems. and~ave told me Respectfully, 5//.----.. Officer du Prel- Stiles 275 Attachment (3 ) 276 I.. I.. G GSlt POLYGRAPH SERViCE..s William D. Tufts 140918t l1 Ave CT. SW Puyallup, WA 98371 POLy(>nAPIi &~Ai\1INAnON REPOIlT Investigator Steve Baxter Department of Corrections Washington Corrections Center for Women PO Box 17 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 TO: SUbject: 008: _1974 Requested by: Examination Date: 1/12/04 Offense: Statement Verification Investigator Steve Baxter Purpose of Examination: To verity or refute the subject's allegation that Officer Magnuson asked to see your "pretty Kitty", gave his booth extension number to you, and you pulled down your pants and aiso showed him your breasts. Prior \0 the polygraph examination, the subject was advised of her Polygraph Rights and waived these rights by signing the attached form. CONCLUSIONS A polygraph examination was administrator to the subject on the above issues. Based on the physiological responses produced by the sunect on three (3) polygraph charts, in the opinion of this examiner, she was not attempting deception when she answered "yes" to the following relevant questions: 1. While in the hole, did Officer Magnuson ask to see your "pretty Kitty"? 2. Did Officer Magnuson tell you his booth extension number? 3. While in tnenole, did you "B.A." Officer Magnuson and show him your breasts? t t0DA b Examiner: William 0, Tufts January 12, 2004 Date of Report Attachment ( 5 ) 277 POLYGRAPH EXAMINATION STATEMENT OF CONSENT (;i-e/.J 'I cc ---~./ I_---_/ 2_ - °_1'---__Time Oate_ Examination of ~ Place 1,_ ,understand a polygraph examination administered by GSR polygraph services' for the is being conducted ~~ 1 c. c. conceming514t<"'1~rV..e;t1f, c..,4-f~ I also understand that I cannot be required to submit to a polygraph examination without my consent. Additionally, that if the answers during the examination show deception, I may be asked to explain. I hold GSR polygraph services and William Tufts harmless and free from any liability for any acts or omission by any either parties or agencies and release and hold harmless any persons or agencies lrorn any and all claims or liabilities alleged to result from or arise out of this examination. Understanding that [ have the unqualified right to refuse, I do hereby, this date, voluntarily and without duress, coercion, unlawful inducement, or promise of reward, agree to submit to a polygraph examination. I further understand that the information obtained during this process will not be released to me. Witness ~ [\ 0 Signature Date -I- _ 278 ""'1/ f/:'l · SI"fI, ""·(Pl,v/ f!f( C"' ~/) «a 7:/ t'-?r'><" ~ '/ ' C; 7 I -I ,./' ;,!---r,7 rYiry- r n.,? 5" fI /07J7 ~~1 ('~P1j /777'S'~J 6~ Z h- /,F 27;" f;":P ,7 ' '" /~ .r ~I 7-IJ ' :r' o f?-/o' Y'1?fz- i', /t err 0Y /(;;'''S' , v -:# ' ~ rt/?/l lO~'7J ~:r: 7lV7! ;1j":r'1. 1;[; (7/7J!'" 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Koine opts tor 'T,el Low" tronsfcrm un nveroqa nortv into urncteur tilll!d vortku. "We were heuv'l Hen tuners bnck in our net lnosev lJOIJ~f Thr~ GI)lrh~n Pate. Well. hemlormelltilul there me ll!lrjitilJllullloise IlOl1U\(lnt5 deliverllllj 011 111m ~;onq. I\r,d lIH!y're sick rmd tired of boinq l~xl;llII]P.rJ. Annntlvl~~ Koine onu 0 Hc)C. couecuvefv known ns Ihf~ VimJ 'long Twmt. hove been teunnq up dlills wlll1 thr~ir hrnnr! 01ounk music snce their 2000 nebut. Tllug teenuqe veers. hIll the brown ununr IjOI kmdn hurt! ljrtlllelruit lutce. "uecouse it q;Il'lljUI Ille suqnr in it. '/OU'vl? no doubt seen Lil' Jon EThl! Enst Side BOYI nilJhl (It K(Jin'~, "S(!inU tm t111~ roud (] lrjt. we hrul pipl~ rtown Oil [dril1k::;l.The noose Cl.111 do you likl:' the Hen, 1J1~r.UU5t! YOII'Il kel~p consurrunq nnrl run-ummq, but rrwlly ll'~ smooth. 11m.! il you ere Oil us." suvs to Wrllkln'. And witllthe churt-top,'il1lj success ol "Gt~l qotnq to (jet (trunk, it'll toke 'IOU II Cllupll! 01 qlnsses. " Low:' these quirkv Southerners buve mostot th,! pur - Adds 0 Roc: "Thnt hrownliquor will 1'1 pooutetton chuntinq "unm me winduw II) the wujl" 1heir mnjor success wnrrrmts (] flrinkillq blnqu. So wtutt lim! bevernqn does this Dirty Snuth duo nhuse when celebmtmq suchonnctuevsrnsmv Gre,! noose V'HJk:~_'::The TWi:~U:,u:~U:ti~~:'~"-,,-__ o ,-il} KING II\NIFEB hove vnu wore down. You wuke U[l withtl h(~tl([(lr.l1(> Il'lUly \0 Ilqht tmrl The vndkn nlso serves us 0 substitute wh c0I1'tflemt11isll their\mlintl!Us with stir:kYlJreel (1 tlrinker:' udmils Klline, "I'm u choker, but nnd \VP. CClII't ~lTIokr!, I qottn 10111 By our wurueu s tunr!cu , ~/A~l~ Whlll~ 0 Rue preteec lllS ~ ~ :':hl" ~poti":~n"":t up '" _._ nnu it just tones down uie nlcoho!" leqnluta!ween lsnot. 50when \VI! III ,;;;:;' 1111 kind ut shit.' uie hl!(lUli1,'5. <- .. __ .. - . . . __ . - . " , " ~/ "f~ twtnz' pencbunt to nhirlt rules is the mum reoson lind better enuoruers ! product: -IlASIli\UNHAtL Illl· 0.1 1 -- .:lIiI I,\. Goose would he hurd-pr- 284 Laughs and lapdances: That about summed u~ vibe at Nelly's NC-17 video for "E.\:' (Tip Drill rer Filmed in ATL, the Derrty country boy gave KIN all-access pass to his private shoot-which is ( straight to video. PHOTOGRAPHYBERTSPANGEMACHER 286 January 8, 2004 To: Steve Baxter, I and I From: Officer Brydee Glasco Subject: Officer Bert Magnuson I am writing this merna as you requested of me. It is in reference to my experience working with Officer Bert Magnuson in the Segregation Unit. I honestly can not quote word for word anything specific that Officer Magnuson has said to the Offenders housed there. There have been many times that Officer Magnuson has said things out of the way that made me feel uncomfortable in the sense of rum being unprofessional. The things he says are always some kind of witty sexual innuendo responses to their questions or remarks. One time I worked with him on the pods and I was trying to get things done. ! needed him to come up stairs in B pod and help me take someone out of the shower. I asked him ifhe was coming up the stairs, he did not reply. I asked him again ifhe was coming to help me and he replied" No I'm not coming yet, !'mjust breathing hard." I felt what he said was totally out of line and I told him not to say things like that. Things such as asking the offenders "Do you want this grease in a cup on smeared on your tongue?" etc. Officer Magnusonis a very knowledgeable and nice person but his corrununicatian style is very unprofessional. fclj\-*\.-~~G' Brydee GlaSco AL Relief, Third Shift FriJSat Attachment II ) 290 01-08-04 iii'" I HAVE WORKED WITH C/O MAGNESON IN THE PAST, WHILE I WAS AN R&M. I'VE NEVER WORKED WITH HIM IN SEG. BESIDE ASSISTING SEG. STAFF WITH DETAILS. C/O MAGNESON HAS MADE SEVERAL, SEXUAL & UNAPPROPRIATE JOKES TOWARDS/ & TO SEVERAL STAFF WHILE ON POST IN SEG. I THINK WHAT HE IS DOING IS VERY UNPROFFESIONAL AND IT HAS TO STOP. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. IF Theirs ANYTHING ELSE YOU NEED TO ASK ME FEEL FREE TO CALL ME. C/O ORTEGA Attachment ( ~ ) 291 Wrll;\liu1l1C111 Stlllel OEPARTMi:~IT OF CORflt=:CTlllNS Date: 1-8-04 TO: Investigator Baxter FROM: Officer Ronald Wilson SUBJECT: Investigation of Bert Magnuson I'm responding per your request to an investigation of a co-worker from the Segregation unit. On many occasions I've overheard C/O B. Magnuson make comments and sometime jokes which were of a sexual nature in the presence of offenders and staff. I felt the comments and jokes were very inappropriate in the work environment. However, I cannot quote exactly what was said, but I know the comments were inappropriate and very unprofessional. CIO Magnuson is a very knowledgeable officer, but his communication skills with offenders and female staff is unprofessional. Attachment ( C{ ) 292 'N'If,hlnUlon Sin'.. OEJ'J\Rn"E~IT OF C.OHIlEC"TIONS Date: January 8,2004 TO: Investigator Baxter ~)-. FROM: Sgt. Kapsch, SUBJECT: J. Officer Magnuson On this date you called me about an investigation involving Officer Magnuson. During our conversation you asked me if I had ever witnessed or heard Officer Magnuson make any inappropriate comments towards staff or inmates. 1 informed you that 1had and that 1had verbally counseled him at one point about comments he had made. Since then 1 havenot had any complaints nor need to take any further action on Officer Magnuson in regards to comments being made. 1 was on annual leave when this took place. Upon returning from my leave 1 was informed about some comments he had made to one of his co-workers in the unit in the presence of an inmate. This happened to be a Sunday when 1 was informed. On Monday 1talked to the unit CUS who informed me further action was being taken (meaning 1&1 was involved). Attachment (10 ) 293 HZ Baxter, Steven B. From: Sent: To: Subject: Glasco, Maurice A. Thursday, January 15, 2004 9:28 PM Baxter, Steven B. Request for Statement I have worked with Officer Magnesson on several occasions in Segregation. During these shifts I have heard Magnesson make many inappropriate comments to the offenders in Seg. One of the occasions I remember clearly, Magnesson was her body wash in a Seg. shower. He made a remark to about wishing he had the time to help handing 11M her with her body wash. He also made remarks to other offenders about being B.B.w, when an 11M asked what this meant, he her told them 'It meant Big Beautiful Women. 1 294