Wadoc Report Staff Sexual Misconduct Blannon Pt2 2003
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CONFIDENTIAL Washington State Correction Center for Women Intelligence & Investigations Case File 11-047-04~FOI CONFIDENTIAL GSA POLYGRAPH SERVICES INVOICE # 04-022 FederallD 532626194 William D. Tufts 1409 18'"Ave Court -SW Puyallup, WA 98371 11/9104 Department of Corrections Office of Correctional Operations Attn: Steve Baxter 9601 Bujac1ch RoadNW Gig Harbor, WA 98335-0017 Attn: Investigator Baxter A polygraph examination was requested for the following subject: 11-9-04 $200.00 Tota·1 Examination Fee $200.00 We appreciate your business/ 14091Rth Ave Court SW. Puvallnn. WA 9R'nl 2S~-770-1477 GSR POLYGRAPIISER,rJ(~ES William D. Tufts 1409 18'h Ave CT. SW Puyallup, WA 98371 ,tOLYGRAltl' EXAMINATION UEPOUT TO: Investigator Steve Baxter Department of Corrections Washington Corrections Centerfor Women 9601 Bujacich Road NW GigHarbor, WA 98335 Subject: 008: _19BO Requested by: Examination Date: 11/9/04 Offense: Statement Verification Investigator Steve Baxter Purpose ofExamination: To verify or refute the SUbject's allegations that AC Cook Ron Siannon never grabbed her butt. Prior to the polygraph examination, the subject was advised of his Polygraph Rights and waived these rights by signing the attached form. CONCLUSIONS A polygraph examination was administered to the subject on the above issues. Based on the physiological responsesproduced by the subject on two (2) polygraph charls, in the opinion of this examiner, she was not attempting deception when she answered "no" to the following relevant questions: 1. Has AC Cook Ron ever grabbed your butt? 2. Regarding AC Cook Ron, has he ever grabbed your butt? ~fela ed the followin s.tatementonhow this aituat.ion occurred. According to ~t Cook Ron Blannon an complaint was-made. the incident. 'Examiner: William D. Tufts old that she (inmate_ was going to get both AC introu Ie. This occurred approximately one week before this as not sure Why inmate_ wasthe one who verbalized November 9, 2004 Date of Report rot, YGRAPH EXAMINATION STATEMENT OF CONSENT , understand a polygraph examination administered by GSR polygraph services for the is being conducted - W{!.C.- concem'ln~5i4+e""\ .......-r-LJeJI-{-hC-4-.f~, - cannot be required to submit 10 J I also understand that I a polygraph examination without my consent. Additionally, Ih<1t if the answers during the excrnination show deception, I may be asked 10 explain, I hold GSR polygraph services and William Tufts harmless and free lrorn any liability for any acts or omission by an y other parties or agencies and release and hold harmless any persons or agencies [rorn any and all claims or liabilities alleged to result Irorn or arise OUI of this examination, Understanding that I have t he unqualified right to refuse] do ~ereby, Ihis dale, voluntarily and without duress. coercion, unlawful inducement, or promise or reward. agree to suornit toa polygraph examination, I lurther understnnd that the informauon obtained during this process will nOI be released 10 me, . ,L_._~ _ Dale_ _--'-----"-_-L_ _~'------ 0731 State of Washington Form A 1Y·ZA VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION IREV.1191) l.OCATlON cone AOeNCV HUIilBER 3100 Vondor Nameend A.ddress LTO AGENCYP.1t.OR Al1T1iORllATlON MUMBBR G1 AGENCY NAME AND LOCAUOM GSR POLYGRAPH SERVICES 140918th AVE COURT SW PUYALLUP, WA 98371 WA CORR CENTER FOR WOMEN PO BOX 17 GIG HARBOR, WA 98335·0017 RECEIVED BY DATE R£CElVfO lnv, Baxter 532626194 UBI! SPAce BEL.DW All A WORKBH.EET TO t!EVEl.OP OR EXPLAINTNEGOODS OR IlEAVlCI!I PURCHABal 11/19/04 BTAPLEINVOlCEB ON BACK Payment for Polygraph conducted on 1119104 on Inmat BY PREPARED DATE 11/19/04 DOC. DATE UBI NUMBER VlSHDOR HUMBER . ftEF III DOC TRANS 0 BUF CODE 0 W9RK ct.A86 COUNTY UMIT INVOICE NUMBER M08 200.00 210 ACCOUNTING APPROVAl. FOR PAYMENT CITYfTQWN BUDDET AlLOC 04-022 WARRANT IlIIMBeR O....TE 200.00 . .rtors..,. (~ ....., STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INCIDENT REPORT WITNESSES DETAILS: Who was involved, what took place, how did it happen, description of any injuries, damaqe. use of force, etc. Attach additional sheet, if necessary. IMMEDIATE ACTION TAKEN: TITLE DATE INCIDENT NUMBER DATE / TIME RECEIVED BY INVESTIGATION ASSIGNED TO Distribution by Associate Superintendent: o Superintendent o Shift Commander o satetv Officer DOC 21-458 (10/16/2001) WCCW 0 0 0 Intelligence Officer Clinical Director Other DATE 0 0 0 Other Other Other STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INCIDENT REPORT PLACE/AR\~O~RRED mI. 'I OFFENDERS INVOLVED '>nf'Y\ DATE / TIME OF INCIDENT -; c:, \ \: 'J USE OF FORCE INCIDENT 0 i 0- \/-0 L\ DOC NUMBER LIVING UNIT "C7lL>-- YES g'] NO WITNESSES IMMEDIATE ACTION TAKEN: ~ ,\ t)l1K~ \cl U~'\:\- ,b \ ~h1' DATE TITLE DATE·ITIME RECEIVED INVESTIGATION ASSIGNED TO BY Distribution by Associate Superintendent: Superintendent 0 Intelligence Officer Shift Commander 0 Clinical Director Safaty Officer 0 Other o o o DOC 21-458 (10/16/2001)WCCW DATE 0 0 0 Other Other Other