Wadoc Report Staff Sexual Misconduct Blannon 2003
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STATE OF WASHINGTON WARNrr~rG THIS FILE IS THE PROPERTY OF THE ... WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER FOR WOMEN INTELLIGENCE & INVESTIGATIONS OFFICE CONTENTS MA Y BE DISCLOSED ONLY TO PERSONS WHOSE OFFICIAL DUTIES REQUIRE ACCESS. CONTENTS MAYNOT BE DISCLOSED TO THE PARTY(S) CONCERNED NOR TO COUNSEL, WItHOUT SPECIFIC A UTHORIZA TION OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. CASE #: 01O-054-03-FOl DATE OPENED: 10/27/03. DATE CLOSED: ·10/28/03 p sign and date at time of review or receipt IN OFFICE REVIEW CASE OUT REVIEW 242 CONFIDENTIAL Washington State Correction Center for Women Intel~,gence &- Investigations . CaseFUe ," 1O~054-03-FO1 .. I -', ',' ,- -"..,;,-[ .. , ., 243 Washington Corrections Center for Women Intelligence & Investigations Investigative Case #10-054-03-FOI October 28, 2003 TO: Belinda D. Stewart Superintendent, WCCW FROM: Steven B.BaxterU/r~ Investigator, CCW /~ SUBJECT: SYNOPSIS: On 10127/03~~l!l!and§~'§.~£1!Ueported to Shift Lt. Baker that they had observed what they believed to be inappr9Jlriate behavior by AC Cook Ron Blannon, Both individuals wrote Incident Reports (see attaclunents.1 8!1d. 21.jJl which they claim to have observed Mr. Blannon approachlnmate ~@~dappeared to be whi.sp~.8,"jD~thingin her ear. Sgt. Stout in his rl'P0jt.slll.I\teftt~t"'a:le Mr·bBI8klffi'PIl.w/Ill sWhi."Spering to YM..:!lI~.J.at Mr'dB1alinonthe~ rubbm; the inmates en-arm ower ac region, gt tout reports ,,",to;. . on stoo next to inmate tor about 20~25 seconds, Sgt. Belfour in hi." report states that Mr. Blannon's right forearm was touching lnmat ' .......•.... ' .'.2 fOrearm while he whispered in her ear. Sgt. Belfour states that he WIIll at a different angle from Sgt. .Stout and did not have as good of a view as Sgt. Stout. an Inmate ... .... . ... 't'/Ill interviewed on 10/28/03 and stated that Mr. B1aIln0llbl¥!.taiked to her on the day in question 8!1dthathe might of touched her during the conversation. IIM........also.stated that she :~n~°:d~:~a:r::~::u~~:tj=ie~~~~h~~:~t:~~~. denied any personal relationship with Mr. Blannon. .. • .. Mr. Blannon ~ interviewed/onlOI28/03 and SUpplied a written statement (see attachment 3) in which he stated thaI he did ta1kwithI/¥ tl1e day in question he was not whispering to her. Mr. Blannon also denies touching lnma;. 'C'f,' ,'"""~,,., .. Interviews with all partie.sinvolvel1 resulted in negative results inthellllIllCs of any other inmates in the vicinity and therefore no furtherinterviewscould be accomplished, Interviews with inmates working the serving line on the day in lju"iltionmet with negative results, j , This case is closed pending further developments or evidence. Superintendent, HR, and Food Manager notified. .. 244 .1"'..... IrtfIl't-\ ...,. STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INCIDENT REPORT PLACE I AREA OCCURRED MI Kitchen servin OFFENDERS INVOLVED DOC NUMBER LIVING UNIT Line 10-27-03 USE OF FORCE INCIDENT 0 YES 1:8:1 NO WITNESSES S Stout DETAILS; Who was involved, what took place, howdid it happen, description of any injuries, damage,use of force, etc. Attach additional sheet~ifn,ec,e,',ssa . ,On ',1,0,',27-03 at approx, 0712 w.hile sla,nding Main, L".ln,e,.1 opserv.e,sLAC Cook Ron Blannon approach 11M.. , . , ' t h e serving line. MR. Blannon stood lle)(t toE~nd appeared to be whispering something In Ifer ear. nile Mr. Blannon was standing next to 1/~!IlPpeared that his right , . forearm was touching her left forearm while he appeared to be whispering in her left ear. I IMMEDIATE ACTION TAKEN; Notified Shift Lt and completed Incident Report DATE DATE I TIME RECEIVED INCIDENT NUMBER BY INVESTIGATION ASSIGNED TO DATE Distribution by Associate Superintendent: , Superintendent 0 Intelligence Officer ShiftCommander 0 Clinical Director Safety Officer 0 Other ( o o o r .0 Other o other o Other , ~ ' f. .:.....,.. L, ... 1 ;"··~t""·'.r:"-;'r'l.r-nr.··" '.', . • ",-:.., f ;,";! '0,'.., !,. Attachment· ( ) ., 245 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INCIDENT REPORT PLACE I A~EA OCCURRED OFFENDERS INVOLVED DOC NUMBER MI Kitchen Servin Line DATE !TIME 'OF INCIDENT ..... LIVING UNIT ...---, 10-27-03 I 0712 ,; USE OF FORCE INCIDENT 0 YES IZI NO " WITNESSES S t Belfour DETAILS; Who was involved, what took place, how did it happen, description of any injuries, damage, use afforce, etc. Attach additional sheet, if necessary, While standing Main Line at t~e MI Kitchen I observed Ron Blannon (the cook) approach the 11M in the servin!l line. Ron stood next to the inmate and appeared to be whispering into her left ear, I also observed Ron's right hand rubbing the 11M left arm and lower left back region. Ron stood next to the 11M for approximately 20-25 seconds rUbbi[1g her the whoie time. IIMMEOIATEACTION TAKEN: Notified Shift Lt and cClmpletedlncident Report R7"9RTI~ STAFF,BIGNA'WRE ( AA ( ) TITLE o.JJ7 ~., f / DATE geT , , BY Distributicm by Ass.ociate Superintendent: Superintendent Dlntelligenge Officer ShiftCommander 0 Clinical Director S~fety Officer 0 Other o o o .1 INCIDENT NUMBER DATE !TIME RECEIVED INVESTIGATION ASSIGNED TO " DATE o Other o Other o Other Attachment ( DOC 21-458 (F&P 10/16/2001) WCCW 246 (J) IV ~ "L /6 -- ~ 7- 03 If/c ,SIZJ5 . '7-; /IT B7Y;Z:/9ffFI'7>i P&/1). {Lx; jj f?o Ot/r:£/L ./ 0 ---- CJF ytfF ./!J.-!/1' 1'(;,. (3/- r~ IVIV OVU ) . "70-j.E SI:£I2,,/j~jc!-(/L1S /V/r II J'/7Z" , Ji/llrzc G:SS 'ft"7~fZ -/0 Irv/IJ:s:-~t.- OK c/~/2 7C - jijll~~E,e r-: 1-+£12" /1-1/ cru/ ";;~. ) Attachment ~( , 247