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Wadoc Rape Elimination Procedures Investigation Protocols 2006

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Sexual Assault Investigation Protocols Checklist


Incident Commander:


Required Actions:
a. Assign an Investigator(s)
NOTE: Any staff who investigate offender on
offender sexual assault or related incident will be
required to have successfully completed
Washington State Department of Personnel Core
Investigator Training/Executive Order 98-02.
b. Process Crime Scene
• Gather Evidence from Crime Scene
• Pictures
• Video
• Stills
• Unit Security Tapes
• Physical Evidence
• Logbooks
• Clothing (place in paper bag)
• Paperwork (Offender
Correspondence, Kites, etc.)
• Weapons
• Bedding (place in paper bag)
c. Identify Witnesses (staff and offender)
d. Interview Alleged Offender Victim(s)
e. Interview Offender Witness(es)
f. Obtain Staff Incident Reports
g. Interview Involved Staff as Needed
• Custody Staff
• Transportation Staff
• Medical Staff
• Other Identified Staff
h. Interview Alleged Suspect(s) Offender
i. Re-interview Witnesses and Offender Victim(s) as
j. Place offender suspect(s) and offender victim(s)
on the facility mailroom monitoring list.
• Hotmail

Rev. 5/06





DOC 490.800 Attachment 3

Sexual Assault Investigation Protocols Checklist
k. Reporting
• Document the investigative process using the
report format.
• Superintendent approves report and forwards
to HQ Special Investigative Unit.
• Assigned Investigator forwards report and
supporting evidence/documentation to Law
Enforcement once report has been approved
by the Prisons Deputy Secretary/designee.
a. Reporting
• The HQ Special Investigative Unit assigns an
HQ case number to the investigative report
and forwards the packet to Prisons Deputy

Rev. 5/06


DOC 490.800 Attachment 3



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