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Vt Segregation Highlights Feb 2009

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February 2009 VT Segregation Report Highlights
Total segregation (includes inmates with and without serious mental illness (SMI) or
seriously functionally impaired (SFI)
o 265 inmates were placed on either administrative or disciplinary
segregation. This is about 11.7% of the total number of inmates who
came through our doors in February.
o There were 275 episodes of segregation; 102 episodes were for
administrative purposes and 173 episodes were for disciplinary purposes.
Segregation subtotals for inmates with serious mental illness (SMI/SFI)
o Of the 102 episodes of administrative segregation, 5 involved an inmate
identified as having a SMI/SFI.
o Of the 173 episodes of disciplinary segregation, 7 involved an inmate
identified as having a SMI/SFI.
o The total number of inmates on segregation with a SMI/SFI was 12.
o The statewide average number of inmates identified as having a SMI/SFI
for the month of February was 55.
o A total of 23 episodes of self-harm occurred in segregation. Of these, 12
episodes were listed as inmates identified as having a SMI/SFI.



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