Ventura County Pre-Trial Detention Center Annual Detention Review, ICE, 2005
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Office of Detention and Removal Operations US. Department of Homeland Security 425 I Street. NW Washington, DC 20536 u.s. Immigration and Customs Enforcement MEMORANDUM FOR: Gloria Kee ~ Field Office Director Los Angeles Field Office ~ Il r~ i FROM: John P. Torres Acting Director SUBJECT: Ventura County Detention Facility Annual Detention Review The review of the Ventura County Detention Facility conducted on July 19-20,2005, in Ventura, California, has been received. A fmal rating of Acceptable has been assigned and this review is closed. The rating was based on the Reviewer-In-Charge (RIC) Summary Memorandum and supporting documentation. The Field Office Director must now initiate the following actions in accordance with the Detention Management Control Program (DMCP): 1) The Field Office Director, Detention and Removal Operations, shall notify the facility within five business days of receipt of this memorandum. Notification shall include copies of the Form G-324A, Detention Facility Review Form, the G-324A Worksheet, RIC Summary Memorandum, and a copy of this memorandum. 2) The Field Office Director shall schedule the next annual review before July 20, 2006. Should you or your staffhave any questions regarding this matter, please contact Deputy Assistant Director, Detention Management Division at (202) 732 b2 high cc: Official File b2 high, (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) b6, b7c Aepartment of Homeland Security 1!I!:'~lgtOI1, DC 20536 u.s. Immigration and Customs Enforcement August 10,2005 MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: John P. Torres Director (Acting) Office of Detention and Removal b6, b7c Reviewer In Charge Los Angeles Field Office SUBJECT: b6, b7c Ventura County Pre-Trial Detention Facility/Todd Road Facility Annual Detention Review The Los Angeles Field Office, Office of Detention and Removal conducted adetention review of the Ventura County JailfTodd Road Facility on July 19 - 20, 2005. This review was conducted by with additional team members, and The b6, b7c b6, b7c b6, b7c Ventura County Jail facility is used for detainees requiring housing less than 72 hours. It must be noted that the Todd Road facility houses only sentences persons and are transferred there from the main Ventura Jail. Detainees at the Todd Road facility are transported to the Ventura County Main Jail by the Sheriffs Department, for release to ICE. Type of Review: This review is a scheduled Operational Review to determine general compliance with established Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) National Detention Standards. The last review of these facilities was on August 17 - 18, 2004. All worksheets and working papers are maintained in the appropriate ftle system and are available for review by the Review Authority. Review Summary: Both facilities operate under the guidelines of Title 15. In addition, they are accredited by the Institute for Medical Quality (subsidiary ofthe California Medical Association). The current medical accreditation expires May, 2006. The accreditation review is performed every three years. Subject: Ventura Couare-Trial Detention Facility/Todd Road Annual Detention Review Page 2 Fa. Review Findings: The following information summarizes those standards not in compliance. Each standard is identified and a short summary provided regarding standards or procedures not currently in compliance. Compliant Deficient At-Risk Non-Applicable - 24 0 0 3 Standards Summary Findings: The Ventura Pre-Trial Facility has improved their In-Take Processing to ensure no person is detained in the holding ceUs for more then 3 to 4 hours, before being moved to a housing area. In addition, both facilities have removed the disciplinary "meat loaf' meal and are no longer served. All required ICE National Detention standards are being observed and there were no deficiencies observed by any team member during this review. The class action law suite filed in 2003 is currently still pending. The class action suite prevents them from performing strip searches on any person booked into the facility or returning from outside court hearings until there is a final decision in the case. The facility continues to conduct pat down searches and a complete change of clothing to all inmates returning from court hearings. This procedure is performed at both facilities and was observed by the male team members. The Ventura Pre-Trial facility stated that the increased amount of Chemical Agents usage is due to the fact that they have more inmates who are combative because of drug abuse. In some instances one inmate has been sprayed more then one time in any day, while in SMU Administrative Segregation. In addition, the increase of outside medical referrals is attributed to this same drug abuse of the inmates booked into the facility. RIC Observations: BEST PRACTICE: The facilities have developed a computer system that enables them to view all aspects of each inmate's time while incarcerated. This is why the team was only able to review the medical records of some inmates that are located in the medical units. The computer system allows for all Sheriffs personnel to access any inmates recorded stay including housing movements, meals, medical attention including medicine dispensing, disciplinary and special management housing, court hearing dates and time, etc. Within a few minutes it is possible to view every aspect of an inmate. Subject: Ventura c o .re-Trial Detention Facilityffodd Road F a a Annual Detention Review Page 3 STAFF: During the tour of each facility, all staff was pleasant and professional toward the team. The staff exhibited working knowledge in their respective areas and answered all questions. They were eager to demonstrate various procedures and ensured the team that they were in compliance with not only their policies but ICE Detention Standards as well. Even though the Ventura Pre-Trial facility is older, the team was informed that the current Commander demands cleanliness. It was very obvious to the team that all areas including the kitchen maintained this very high standard. The Todd Road facility as well practices this same high standard and is very well maintained. COMMUNICATION: There are no significant concerns or issues as a result of this review. There is continued communication with ICE personnel and the facilities on a weekly basis. Staff at the ICE Ventura Sub-Office and the Ventura Pre-Trial Facility communicates via telephone and e-mail to ensure daily operations are maintained. RIC Issues and Concerns At this review, there were no issues or concerns to report at either facility. Recommended Rating and Justification: It is the Reviewer in Charge recommendation that the facility receive a rating of "Acceptable". It is the recommendation of the RIC that no plan of action is required and this review should be closed. RIC Assurance Statement: All fmdings of this review have been documented on Form G-324B and are supported by the written documentation contained in the review file. • UARTERS EXECUTIVE REVIEW Review Authority The signature below constitutes review of this report and acceptance by the Review Authority. OIC/CEO will have 30 days from receipt of this report to respond to all findings and recommendations. HQDRO EXECUTIVE REVIEW: (Plcase Print Name) John P. Torres I itlc Date !\cti n Dir¢clur Final Rating: D Superior o Good ~ Acceptable o Deficient D At-Risk Comments: The Review Authority (RA) concurs with the recommended rating of "Acceptable" made by the Reviewer-In-Charge (RIC) as listed in the RIC Memorandum and G-324B Worksheets. Form G-324A (Rev. 811/01) No Prior Version May Be Used Atler 12/31/0 I • . " • Department Of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement G. Accreditation Certificates e of FacUi Reviewed ICE Intergovernmental Service Agreement ICE Staging Facility (12 to 72 bours) List all State or National Accreditation[s] received: C81 B. Current Facili~ Review Type of Facility Review [8J Field Office HQ Review Date[s] of Facility July 19 - 20, 2005 o o C. Previous/Most Recent Facrn~ Review Date[s] of Last Facility Review 08/2004 Previous Rating C8l Acceptable 0 Deficient 0 At-Risk N amean d L oca t'Ion 0 Check box if facility has no accreditationls] R. Problems / ComJ!laints JCopies must be attacbedl The Facility is under Court Order or Class Action Finding Court Order Class Action Order The Facility has Significant Litigation Pending Major Litigation Life/Safety Issues E} Check ifl'U"ll,e. 0 D o o F acilltlY Hi St o!y Date Built 1981 Date Last Remodeled or Upgraded 112004 Date New Construction I Bedspace Added N/A Future Construction Planned DYes [8J No Date: Current Bedspace Future Bedspace (# New Beds only) 966 Number: NI A Date: I r F acilItty Name VENTURA COUNTY PRE·TRIAL DETENTION FACILITY Addresl (Street and Name) 800 S. VlCIORIA AVE. City, State and Zip Code VENTURA CA. 93009 County VENTURA Name and Title of Chief Executive Officer (WardeniOIClSuperintendent) COMMANDER b6, b7c Telephone # (Include Area Code) ;05) 654 b6, b7c ield Office I Sub-Ofl1ce (Ust Office with oversight responsibilities) LOS ANGELES FIELD OFFICE Distance from Field Office 60 miles E ICE Information Name of Reviewer In Charge (Last, Title and Duty Station) b6, b7c / OIC I YEN Name of Team Member I Title / Duty Location b6, b7c 1 SDO I SPP Name of Team Member I Title I Duty Location b6, b7c o / DOS 1 LOS Name of Team Member I Title 1 Duty Location 1 I F CDFJlGSA I n ~ormation 0 Diy I Contract Number Date of Contract or IGSA 10/0111998 12-99-0006 Basic Rates per Man-Day $79.00 Other Charges: (If None, Indicate N/A) $3.00 for medical charges; ; , Estimated Man-days Per Year Detention Facility Inspection Form Facilities Used Under 72 hours I J. Total Facility Population Total Facility Intake for previous 12 months 31 ,364 Total ICE Mandays for Previous 12 months K. Classifi.cation Level jICE SPCs and CDFs Only) , .,',:" ....... ' " , L-l L-2 L-3 I AdultMaIe I Adult Female ... L. Facility Ca ~acity :... : Rated Op_erational Emergency AdultMaIe 716 708 Adult Female 200 234 [] Facility holds Juvenile, Offenders 16 aDd older as Adults I USMS Other Support: b2 high b2 high Form G-324B (Rev. 3117/05) No Prior Version May Be Used After 10/1 /04 • Significant Incident Summary Worksheet For ICE to complete its Review of your facility, the following information must be completed prior to the scheduled review dates. The information on this form should contain data for the past twelve months in the boxes provided. The information on this form is used in conjunction with the ICE detention standards in assessing your detention operations. This form should be filled out by the facility prior to the start of any inspection. Failure to complete this section will result in a delay in processing this report. Assault: Oll'cmdcn; on Offcnden i 0 0 0 0 0 2 Assault: Detainee 00 0 0 0 0 0 Stall' Number of Forced Moves, incl. Forced Cell moves l 0 0 0 41 40 16 0 2 0 \-M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Escapes 0 Grievances: 0 NOT TRACKED ALL DECISIONS IN COMPUTER S Deaths 0 # Psychiatric Cases referred for Out.~ide 0 1,1 2 144 178 0 0 Care Any attempted physical contact or physical contact that involves two or more offenders Oral, anal or vaginal penetration or attempted penetration involving at least 2 parties, whetber it is consenting or nOTH:onsenting Routine transportation of detainees/offenders is not considered "forced" Any incident that involves four or more detainees/offenders, includes gang fights. organized multiple bunger strikes. work stoppages, hostage situations, major fires. or other large scale incidents. Fonn G-324B (Rev. 3/17/05) No Prior Version May Be Used After 12/1/04 • Classification System Detainee Handbook Food Service Funds and Personal Property Detainee Grievance Procedures Issuance and Exchange of Clothing, Bedding, and Towels Practices Detention Files Disciplinary Policy Emergency Plans Environmental Health and Safety Hold Rooms in Detention Facilities Key and Lock Control Population Counts Security Inspections Special Management Units (Administrative Segregation) Special Management Units (Disciplinary Segregation) Tool Control Transportation (Land management) Use of Force Staff I Detainee Communication Fonn G·324B (Rev. 3/17/05) No Prior Version May Be Used After 1211104 RIC Review Assurance Statement By signing below, the Reviewer-In-Charge (RIC) certifies that all findings ofnoncornpliance with policy or inadequate controls contained in the Inspection Report are supported by evidence that is sufficient and reliable. Furthermore, findings of noteworthy accomplishments are supported by sufficient and reliable evidence. Within the scope of the review, the facility is operating in accordance with applicable law and policy, and property and resources are efficiently used and adequately safeguarded, except for the deficiencies noted in the report. Reviewer-In.charge: (print Name) b6, b7c b6, b7c b6, b7c Title & Duty Location Officer-In-Char eNEN Print Name. Title, & Duty Location Print Name. Title. & Duty Location b6, b7c , SDO/SPP b6, b7c Print Name, Title, & Duty Location RIC Rating Recommendation: Comments: o, DOSILOS & Duty L:x:alion ~ Acceptable D Deficient D At-Risk See Attached Memorandum Fonn G-324B (Rev. 3/17/05) No Prior Version May Be Used After 12/1/04 -- D~i'artmeDt of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Detention and Removal Condition of Confinement Review Worksheet (This document must be attached to each G-324a Inspection Form) This Form to be used for Inspections of alllGSA Facilities Used Under 72 Hours Field Office Detention Review Worksheet C8J 0 Local Jail- IGSA State Facility - IGSA Name Ventura County Pre-Trial Detention Facility Address (Street and Name) 800 South Victoria Avenue City, State and Zip Code Ventura CA. 93009 County Ventura Name and Title of Chief Executive Officer (Warden/OIC/Superintendent) b6, b7c Commander Name and title of Reviewer-in-Charge b6, b7c OIC/DRONEN Date[sJ of Review July 19-20,2005 Type of Review DSpecial Assessment Other Headquarters I2SI Operational rr o 1 G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Rev: 10/18/04 o [8J ICE Staff enter all information on detainees admitted, released, or transferred into the Deportable Alien Control Deficient o Deficient Reviewer Signature b6, b7c o o o 0 0 [8J 0 0 l8J 0 0 l8J 0 0 l8J 0 [8J Each shift at least 5 female officers for female searches. No ICE staff on site/ICE staff enters info. @ ICE office At-Risk At-Risk AUG ~ " ")('10; Date: 0-324B Detention Review Worksheet for rOSA (Under 72 Hours) Rev: 10/18/04 2 ~~G ~. (', ~ "'/'" states in clear language basic The detainee detainee The handbook identifies: • Initial issue of clothing and bedding and personal hygiene items. • when a medical examination will be conducted . • the telephone policy, debit card procedures, direct and frees calls; Locations of telephones; Policy when telephone demand is high; Policy and procedures for emergency phone calls, and the Detainee Message System. facility search procedures and contraband policy. • facility visiting hours and schedule and visiting rules and lations [8] 0 0 [8] 0 0 [8] 0 0 [8] 0 0 o o o o • policy and procedures : Including: • Prohibited acts and severity scale sanctions. • Time limits in the Disciplinary Process. • Summary of Disciplinary Process. • The detainee handbook describes the sick call procedures for general population and segregation. • The handbook specifies the rights and of all detainees. Deficient At-Risk Knife cabinets close with an approved locking device and the on-duty cook foreman maintains control of the that locks the device. All knives not in a secure cutting room are physically secured to the workstation and staff directly supervises detainees using knives at these workstations. Staff monitor the condition of knives and utensils Reviewer Signatur AUG 1 0 Z005 b6, b7c Date: G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Rev: 10/ 18/04 3 Detainees are served at least three meals daily. No more than 14 hours elapse between the last meal served and the first meal of the A registered dietitian conducts a complete nutritional analysis of every master-cycle menu planned. ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 o Procedures include inspecting all incoming food shipments for damage, contamination, and pest infestation. o Deficient Reviewer Signature: o o l8J 0 0 l8J 0 0 [gJ 0 0 [gJ 0 0 o At·Rlsk Date: AUG 1 0 2005 b6, b7c (Under 72 Hours) Rev: 10/18/04 G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IG 4 • Deficient At-Risk ~ ~'~An'tAhl e o Deficient OAt-Risk ~ Acceptable Deficient At-Risk Reviewer Signat b6, b7c o Repeat Find Date: AUG 1 G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Rev: 10/18/04 5 0 2005 of privacy Emergency phone call messages are immediately given to detainees. to return emergency phone calls as soon as Detainees are allowed phone calls to consula officials. Detainees in disciplinary segregation allowed phone calls for family emergencies. Detainees in administrative segregation and protective custody afforded the same telephoning privileges as those in on. eneral When detainee phone calls are monitored, is posted by detainee telephones that phone calls made by the detainees may be monitored. Special Access calls are not monitored. o Deficient t8J are and identified according to standard requirements. t8J e Reviewer Signature: Deficient b6, b7c 181 0 0 181 0 0 181 0 0 181 0 0 r:8l 0 0 rzl 0 0 181 0 0 0 OAt-Risk r:8l 0 0 r:8l 0 0 I8l 0 0 OAt-Risk Flndl D MJG 102005 Date: _ _ _ __ G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Rev: 10/18/04 6 medication The medical unit keeps written records that is distributed. to consent form Detainees are when medical [8J Deficient ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 [gl 0 0 [8J 0 0 r81 0 0 At-Risk Every new member receives suicide-prevention training. Suicide-prevention training occurs during the Drnn.n'"DQ orientation nrnnr!:lrn Training prepares to: • Recognize potentially suicidal behavior; • Refer potentially suicidal detainees, following facility procedures; • Understand and apply suicide-prevention o Deficient o o o o At-Risk o RAr~AA' .. . n , .,nn AUG 1 0 Z005 b6, b7c tI'~---- Date: Reviewer Signature: G-324B Detention R 7 The facility follows a written procedure ndling illegal contraband. Staff inventories, holds, and reports it when necessary to the proper authority for seizure. Upon admittance, detainees receive notice of items they can and cannot possess. r8l Acceptable Deficient o o o o At-Risk Written ru i the following sanctions: • corporal punishment • deviations from normal food service • clothing deprivation • bedding deprivation • denial of personal hygiene items • loss of correspondence privileges exercise of • The rules of conduct, sanctions, and procedures for violations are defined in writing and communicated to all detainees verbal and in The posted in and English or other dominate languages used in the facility: • Rights and Responsibilities • Prohibited Acts • Disciplinary Severity Scale • Sanctions • If acts occur, Defici ent Reviewer Signature: o 0 0 1:2] 0 0 1:2] 0 0 Only in Handbook, & in Video orientation. 0 (gJ 0 ~ 0 0 At-Risk b6, b7c Date: AUG 1 fI 7.005 Under 72 Hours) Rev: 10/18/04 G-324B Detention R 8 ee or detainee groups over other detainees. Detainees are protected from: • Personal abuse I Corporal punishment • Personal injury • Disease • Property damage • Harassment from other detainees The facility has written emergency plans that cover: • Work/Food Strike • Disturbances • Escapes • Bomb Threats Adverse Weather • Facility Evacuation • Internal o o o o • o At·Rlsk o Deficient b6, b7c G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Rev: 10/ 18/04 9 The facility has an approved evacuation Ian. The plan requires: • Monthly fire inspections. • Fire protection equipment strategically located throughout the facility. • Public posting of emergency plan with accessible building/room floor plans. • Exit signs and directional arrows. exit diagram conspicuously • An area. and disposal Standard cleaning practices include: • Using specified equipment; cleansers; disinfectants and detergents. An established schedule of cleaning and followins A licensed/CertifiedfTrained pest-control professional inspects for rodents, insects, and vermin. • At least monthly. • The pest-control program includes preventive for • [8J Acceptable D Deficient D [8J 0 0 [8J 0 0 [8J D 0 l8l D 0 Done every month or more if needed. ~ D 0 At-Risk AUG 1 0 2005 Reviewer Signature: - b6, b7c G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs 10 'r----- Date: 72 Hours) Rev: 10/18/04 The hold rooms contain sufficient seating for the number of detainees held. The walls of the hold rooms escape • The hold room ceilings are escape and tamper f8l 0 0 f8l 0 0 Individ are not held in hold rooms for more than 12 hours. Ie and females are segregated from each other at ,ff 0 0 f8l 0 0 f8l 0 0 [8] 0 0 f8l 0 0 f8l 0 0 o Deficient OAt-Risk door locks to detainee living quarters, or areas with an occupant load of 50 or more people, conform to • Occupational Safety and Environmental Health Manual, Chapter 3 • National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code 1 f8l o o Individual gun lockers are provided. • They are located in an area that permits constant officer observation . • In an area that does not allow detainee or public f8l o o o o Reviewer Signature held at b6, b7c --4~----- Date: AUG 1 0 2005 ----- G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Rev: 10/18/04 11 • • Issued keys are returned immediately in the event an employee inadvertently carries a key ring home. Detainees are not permitted to handle keys to staff. o Deficient x: o o Written procedures cover informal and emergency counts. The control officer (or other designated position) maintains an out -count record of all detainees tern leavi the I:8J Acceptable D9ficient o 1<91:19al .. OAt-Risk ,n ... nn o o D KAnA:nFin At-Risk o o Reviewer Signature: b6, b7c 0-...------ Date: AIJG 1 0 Z005 G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for rGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Rev: 10118/04 12 o o o o o o o DefIcient OAt-RIsk The Administrative Segregation unit provides non-punitive protection from the general population and individuals undergoing disciplinary segregation. • Detainees are placed in the SMU (administrative) in accordance with written criteria . may inee in In exigent circumstances, ad the SMU (administrative) before a written order has been approved. • A copy of the order given to the detainee within 24 181 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 181 0 0 condition. nee maintains a normal level of personal the SMU . A health care professional visits every detainee at least three times a week. Reviewer Signature: b6, b7c o --¥''''t------ Date: AUG 1 0 Z005 G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Rev: 10/18/04 13 The SMU maintains a permanent log. • Detainee-related activity, e.g., meals served, recreation visitors etc. At a minimum staff record whether the detainee ate, showered, exercised and took any medication during every shift and records all pertinent information, e.g., a medical condition suicidaVassaultive behavior o Deficient o o o o o o 0 o o [8J 0 0 [8J 0 0 [8J 0 0 [8J 0 0 [8J 0 0 [8J 0 0 All records are computerized At-Risk o Monthly AUG 1 0 2005 Reviewer Signature: b6, b7c Date: G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Rev: 10/18/04 14 • Deficient OAt-Risk The facility has a tool classification system. Tools are class ified according to: • Restricted (dangerous/hazardous) • D Maintenance unit and all tools are located outside of the secured facility. o Non Restricted (non-hazardous). the ~Acce • • • tools to o Deficient D o o OAt-Risk Does not use force as punishment. Attempts to gain the detainee's voluntary cooperation before resorting to force Uses only as much force as necessary to control the detainee. I:8l o o o o Reviewer Signature: ----~tk------ Date: b6, b7c fl..UG 102005 Under 72 Hours) Rev: 10/18/04 G-324B Detention R 15 • Acceptable Deficient 121 0 0 121 0 0 121 0 0 121 0 0 Deficle Viewed written policy. OAt-Risk AUG 1 0 Z005 b6, b7c Reviewer Signature -t------ G-324B Detention Date: _ _ _ __ r 72 Hours) Rev: 10/18/04 16