Usdoj Fbop Program Statement Re Stun Gun Fed 203-a Gas Gun With Mk Ballistics Adapter Oct 7 1997
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U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons Program Statement OPI: NUMBER: DATE: SUBJECT: CPD 5558.13 October 7, 1997 Stun Gun (Federal 203-A Gas Gun with MK Ballistics Adapter) 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE. To authorize and regulate the use of the Federal 203-A gas gun with the MK Ballistics adapter as the Bureau stun gun. The Federal 203-A gas gun with Zuriel adapter (stun gun) may be used to incapacitate or disable assaultive or armed inmates posing a serious threat to the safety of others. The stun gun shall be used only after determining that other means of subduing the inmate, such as the use of chemical agents, are not feasible. 2. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES. are: The expected results of this program a. A stun gun will be used to protect staff, inmates, and others from inmates posing a serious threat and when other methods of control are not feasible. b. A stun gun will be used only by trained and certified Lieutenants and select staff. c. Detailed reporting and documentation will be maintained when a stun gun is authorized and used. PS 5558.13 October 7, 1997 Page 2 3. DIRECTIVES AFFECTED a. Directive Rescinded PS 5558.09 b. Directives Referenced PS 5558.12 PS 5566.05 4. Use of Federal 203-A Gas Gun with Zuriel Adapter (Stun Gun) (6/1/92) Firearms and Badges (6/7/96) Use of Force and Application of Restraints on Inmates (7/25/96) STANDARDS REFERENCED a. American Correctional Association 3rd Edition Standards for Adult Correctional Institutions: 3-4087, 3-4088, 3-4191, 3-4192, 3-4193, 3-4194, 3-4195, and 3-4198. b. American Correctional Association 3rd Edition Standards for Adult Local Detention Facilities: 3-ALDF-1D-17, 3-ALDF-1D-18, 3-ALDF-3A-25, 3-ALDF-3A-26, 3-ALDF-3A-27, 3-ALDF-3A-28, 3-ALDF-3A-29, and 3-ALDF-3A-31. c. American Correctional Association 2nd Edition Standards for Administration of Correctional Agencies: 2-CO-2A-01 d. American Correctional Association Standards for Adult Correctional Boot Camp Programs: 1-ABC-1D-15, 1-ABC-3A-24, 1-ABC-3A-25, 1-ABC-3A-26, 1-ABC-3A-27, 1-ABC-3A-28, and 1-ABC-3A-31. 5. PRETRIAL/HOLDOVER PROCEDURES. Procedures required in this Program Statement are applicable to pretrial and holdover inmates. 6. AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF THE FEDERAL GAS GUN WITH ADAPTER. The stun gun discharges a pellet-filled bag that can temporarily disable a person. The stun gun can cause serious injury and shall be used only by trained and certified staff. PS 5558.13 October 7, 1997 Page 3 ! The Warden or Acting Warden of a low, medium, high, maximum, and administrative security level institution, or the Administrative Duty Officer (in the absence of the Warden), may approve the use of the stun gun. A stun gun shall not normally be used at minimum security level facilities. ! The Shift Lieutenant may authorize the use of the stun gun in situations which are determined to be life-threatening and require immediate action. The approving official may authorize the use of the stun gun only after determining that the inmate poses a serious threat to the safety of others, and that other means of subduing the inmate are not feasible. The reasons for, and the effect from, the stun gun's use must be documented as required in this Program Statement. Refer to the Program Statements on Use of Force and Application of Restraints for further information. 7. USE OF THE STUN GUN a. Ordinarily, the stun gun is to be used in close-proximity situations, from distances of five to 25 feet, or on inmates who are armed with weapons. The stun gun shall not be used at distances less than five feet. The following is an example of a situation which may require the use of the stun gun: ! An inmate has a weapon and refuses to surrender it and a high probability of serious injury to staff or others exists if close contact is required to subdue the inmate. When possible, chemical agents should first be used, but if not feasible, the stun gun may be used. b. The stun gun's use is limited to Lieutenants or certified staff who have received training and been certified in the use of the stun gun. c. All calculated uses of the stun gun shall be videotaped. ! When immediate use-of-force is necessary (involving life threatening situations) videotaping shall begin as soon as possible. PS 5558.13 October 7, 1997 Page 4 d. When the stun gun has been authorized for use on inmates, only factory loaded rounds are to be used. Reloads may be used for training purposes only. Factory Round Round Title Number Color Code Application Distance 205 215 225 235 GREEN YELLOW RED BLACK Close range Low impact Standard Super Long Range 5 - 25 25 - 75 75 - 175 175 - 250 BOP BOP BOP BOP Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. In special situations, requiring long range applications of distances between 175-250 feet, (e.g., to disable ring leaders in disturbances, SORT operations), the Super Long Range factory round 235 BOP (Color Coded: BLACK) shall be used. e. If time and the situation allows, a warning shot shall be fired from a stun gun to demonstrate the impact of the stun gun. If the inmate continues to pose a threat, the stun gun user shall aim at the center mass area only, and fire a round to strike the inmate. f. Sufficient staff must be available to physically restrain the inmate immediately after he or she is struck with the bag. g. When staff anticipate the use of the stun gun, medical staff shall be notified immediately and shall be on-site to render care as necessary. After the inmate is physically restrained, an evaluation to determine the extent of any injuries sustained shall be performed. Medical staff shall render appropriate medical treatment based on clinical evaluation. An injury report shall be completed and appropriate documentation shall be entered on the chronological record of care (SF-600). ! The inmate shall be closely observed in appropriate housing for at least 12 hours afterward. ! Under no circumstances shall a Stun Gun be used on a pregnant inmate. PS 5558.13 October 7, 1997 Page 5 8. REPORTING. Whenever a stun gun has been used, the Warden shall notify the Regional Director immediately, both telephonically and in writing. Copies of the report shall be forwarded to: ! ! ! ! The Director, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Assistant Director, Correctional Programs Division, Central Office Correctional Services Administrator, and Regional Correctional Services Administrator. A "Use of Force" report, a video tape of the incident, and a written report shall be submitted in accordance with the Program Statement on Use of Force and Application of Restraints on Inmates. 9. STORAGE OF THE STUN GUN. The stun gun and the ammunition (two rounds of each type) shall be maintained in the Control Center. The stun gun and ammunition shall be stored in a locked storage container with a glass front and can only be opened for maintenance and emergency access. Accountability shall be maintained in accordance with Correctional Services Manual requirements for other types of emergency equipment maintained in the Control Center. 10. TRAINING. Lieutenants and selected staff at low, medium, high, maximum, and administrative security level institutions shall receive specialized training in this weapon's use. Each Lieutenant shall review and sign a receipt acknowledging review of this Program Statement. Lieutenants shall be certified as passing the training after receipt of the policy and applicable training in the stun gun's actual use. Training shall emphasize the stun gun is a shoulder fired weapon and aimed the same as the 37mm Federal gas gun. Minimum standards for certification require the successful firing of five rounds at a selected target. Training shall be provided by an instructor certified to provide the training. PS 5558.13 October 7, 1997 Page 6 The Employee Development Specialist shall maintain training documentation and a list of those staff certified to use the stun gun. Copies of this list shall be maintained in the Control Center and the Lieutenant’s Office. Lieutenants and select staff shall be re-certified annually, by the institutions certified instructor, generally during annual refresher training. Documentation of initial stun gun use certification and any re-certification is to be made a permanent part of the employee's training record. /s/ Kathleen M. Hawk Director