Usdohs Ice Torres Memo Re Amended Medical Escort Policy Jan 9 2008
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Of fice of Detention II lId R I!I1I0 1'a i Op erations I I.S. Departm ent of lI omclamJ Sec urlrj: 01 25 I itreet. N\\ ' Washington. DC 205.36 u.s. Immigration and Customs Enforcement January 9. 2 0 Assi tam Director Deputy . isu m Din: t r. Field Office Dire lor. Deputy Field ffice Di FR .1 : BJ ยท T: Ii 'y Thi mern randum amends the .Iune 21. 2007 M die, I Es ort P licy JO\ erning medical e cort for detainee who are removed from the .. by .. . Immigrati nand 'ust m Enforcement (I E. EO'c rive immediate!.. Detent ion and R moval penni n (DR ) Field Ifi es may no long r reque t a medi 411 escort from the Division of Immigration Health ervices (DIH ) in order to dmi ni t r inv lunt ry edation to facilitate an alien's removal unlc s the Government has obtained an order authorizing edation from a Federal Di trier ourt. DII I may only involuntarily sedate an alien to fa ilitate removal where the Govern ment has obtained a cour t order as provided above. There re no exceptions to this policy. Emergency or exigent circumstances are 110t grounds lo r depa rture from this policy. L In seeking authorization to involuntarily sedate an alien lo r purpo es or remo val, the Government will a k the court to find that involuntary adrnini tration f the particular drug(s) to the particular alien i both necessary to effectuate removal and medically appro] rime. In upport of its appl ication for a c urt rdcr. the Government \ ill offer evidence that the alien has a history of exercising phy ical r i ranee 10 being remove d, or that the lien pre nts, or will likely pre cnt. a danger to him elf or her elf. I' to others during the removal proce. .. Th overnme nt will also pre ent evide nce from a medical d ctor that admini uraiion r the partic ular drug t the specific alien i rn Ii ally, ppropriate. In such a pr ceeding the Governmen t will r .ommend that the court appoi nt coun el or the alien. where the alien is not rcpr cntcd by oun d or i unabl to retain coun el. The Field ffi emu I first rcquc t appr val from the 0 tention -lanagemern Division's nil Chief for 011 I to pu ue court order requesting authorizati n for in oluntary edation . The Field om e rdinat with it corresponding Ifice of hid" .oun I and 10 al nited tales hall a1 Anorneys ffi e in applyi ng for court authorization. Amended Medical Escort Policy Page 2 This policy applies whenever the Govemment seeks to remove an alien by aircraft whether on a commercial, charter, JPATS, or other flight. This policy does not apply to aliens whose medication is administered pursuant to a previously prescribed course of therapeutic treatment.