Us Doj Report, Hiv in Prisons, 2003
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U.S Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin September 2005, NCJ 210344 HIV in Prisons, 2003 By Laura M. Maruschak BJS Statistician On December 31, 2003, 2.0% of State prison inmates and 1.1% of Federal prison inmates were known to be infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Correctional authorities reported that 22,028 State inmates and 1,631 Federal inmates were HIV positive. The number known to be HIV positive totaled 23,659, down from 23,864 at yearend 2002. Of those known to be HIV positive in all U.S. prisons at yearend 2003, an estimated 5,944 were confirmed AIDS cases, up from 5,643 in 2002. Among State inmates, 0.5% had AIDS; among Federal inmates, 0.4%. During 2003, 268 State prisoners died from AIDS-related causes, down from 283 in 2002. In 2003, 8% of State inmate deaths were attributed to AIDS, down from 32% in 1995. Among Federal prisoners 14 died from AIDSrelated causes, down 3 deaths from the total in 2002. This report is based on the 2003 National Prisoners Statistics (NPS-1) and the Deaths in Custody Reporting Program (DCRP). Data from NPS-1 are reported on one form by the departments of corrections in 50 States and by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. DCRP data are from individual records for each death. A record includes information on the deceased’s characteristics such as gender, age, and race/ Hispanic origin. Highlights Number of HIV-infected inmates steadily decreasing since 1999 Yearend 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 HIV-positive prison inmates Percent of custody Number population 25,680 25,807 25,333 24,147 23,864 23,659 2.2% 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.9 • Between 2002 and 2003 the number of HIV-positive prisoners decreased less than 1%, while the overall prison population grew 1.6% during the same period. • At yearend 2003, 2.8% of all female State prison inmates were HIV positive, compared to 1.9% of males. • During 2003, 29 States reported a decrease in the number of HIVpositive prisoners, and 14 States and the Federal system reported an increase. Jurisdiction New York Florida Texas Federal system California Georgia HIV-positive prison inmates Percent of custody Number population 5,000 3,112 2,460 1,631 1,196 1,095 7.6% 3.9 1.8 1.1 0.7 2.3 • New York held about a fifth of all inmates (5,000 inmates) known to be HIV positive at yearend 2003. • Florida, with an increase of 264 HIV-positive inmates, reported the largest increase, followed by the Federal system (up 84). New Jersey, with 99 fewer HIV-positive inmates, reported the largest drop. • The overall rate of confirmed AIDS among the prison population (0.51%) was more than 3 times the rate in the U.S. general population (0.15%). Rate of AIDS-related deaths in State prisons decreased in 2003 Year AIDS-related deaths in State prisons Number Rate per 100,000 Reported in NPS-1 Total* inmates 1995 1,010 100 -1996 907 90 -1997 538 48 -1998 350 30 -1999 242 20 -2000 185 15 -2001 256 311 25 2002 215 283 22 2003 213 268 21 *Total deaths for 2001-03 are based on a combination of NPS-1 and DCRP data. • In 2003, 282 prisoners died from AIDS-related causes — 268 State inmates and 14 Federal inmates. • The number of AIDS-related deaths in State prisons decreased 73% from 1995 to 2003. • Through a combination of death data from both National Prisoner Statistics and the Deaths in Custody Reporting Program, 55 additional AIDS-related deaths were identified for 2003. Table 1. Inmates in custody of State or Federal prison authorities and known to be positive for the human immunodeficiency virus, 2001-03 Jurisdictiona U.S. total Reportedd Comparable reportinge Total known to be HIV positiveb 2003 2002 2001 HIV/AIDS cases as a percent of total custody populationc 2003 2002 2001 23,659 23,649 23,864 23,806 24,147 23,981 1.9% 1.9% 1.9% 1,631 22,028 7,394 572 10 230 21 657 5,000 775 120 9 1,547 22,317 7,620 666 -290 16 756 5,000 800 86 6 1,520 22,627 8,136 604 15 307 17 804 5,500 735 148 6 1.1% 2.0 4.5% 3.2 0.5 2.3 0.9 2.8 7.6 1.9 3.4 0.6 1.1% 2.0 4.6% 3.6 -2.9 0.6 3.2 7.5 2.0 2.5 0.4 1.2% 2.0 4.9% 3.5 0.9 3.0 0.7 3.4 8.1 2.0 4.4 0.4 Midwest Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota Ohio South Dakota Wisconsin 2,087 551 -31 32 579 40 268 21 2 416 11 136 2,133 570 -33 48 591 37 262 24 4 417 6 141 2,135 593 -27 41 584 33 262 24 4 398 5 164 1.0% 1.3 -0.4 0.3 1.2 0.5 0.9 0.5 0.2 1.0 0.4 0.7 1.0% 1.3 -0.4 0.5 1.2 0.5 0.9 0.6 0.4 1.0 0.2 0.8 1.0% 1.3 -0.3 0.5 1.2 0.5 0.9 0.6 0.4 0.9 0.2 0.9 South Alabama Arkansas Delaware Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Mississippi North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia 10,740 270 94 105 3,112 1,095 -511 988 200 640 162 520 208 2,460 361 14 10,656 276 100 128 2,848 1,123 -503 967 224 602 146 544 218 2,528 425 24 10,392 302 108 143 2,602 1,150 105 514 830 234 573 130 559 231 2,388 507 16 2.2% 1.0 0.7 1.6 3.9 2.3 -2.6 4.2 1.6 1.9 1.0 2.3 1.5 1.8 1.2 0.4 2.2% 1.1 0.8 1.9 3.8 2.4 -2.5 4.0 1.9 1.8 0.9 2.4 1.5 1.9 1.4 0.7 2.2% 1.2 0.9 2.1 3.6 2.5 1.1 2.6 3.5 2.0 1.8 0.9 2.6 1.7 1.8 1.7 0.5 1,807 -123 1,196 162 27 22 4 107 29 -37 93 7 1,908 16 130 1,181 182 22 18 8 113 30 42 58 101 7 1,964 16 122 1,305 173 13 14 11 127 27 30 34 88 4 0.7% -0.4 0.7 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.2 1.0 0.5 -0.8 0.6 0.6 0.7% 0.5 0.4 0.7 1.1 0.6 0.4 0.4 1.2 0.5 0.4 1.4 0.6 0.6 0.8% 0.5 0.4 0.8 1.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 1.4 0.5 0.3 0.8 0.6 0.4 Federal State Northeast Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont West Alaska Arizona Californiaf Colorado Hawaii Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming --Not reported. a At yearend 2001 responsibility for housing District of Columbia sentenced felons was transferred to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. b Counts published in previous reports have been revised. c Percentages are based on custody counts, except for New Mexico for which percentages are based on its yearend jurisdiction count. d Excludes inmates in jurisdictions that did not report data. e Excludes Alaska, Kentucky, Oregon, and Maine all 3 years because of incomplete data. f The number of HIV-positive inmates in California was estimated by applying the percentage of inmates known to be HIV positive in 2002 to the 2003 custody population. 2 HIV in Prisons, 2003 Number of HIV-infected prison inmates at yearend 2003, down from 2002 At yearend 2003, 23,659 inmates in State and Federal prisons were known to be infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), down from 23,864 in 2002 (table 1). Among State prison inmates, 22,028 were known to be HIV positive; among Federal inmates, 1,631. HIV-infected inmates were concentrated in a small number of States. New York (5,000), Florida (3,112), and Texas (2,460) held the largest number of HIV-positive inmates. These three States housed nearly half (48.0%) of all HIV-infected inmates in State prisons in 2003. New York has estimated the number of HIV-infected inmates using data obtained through blinded seroprevalence studies conducted biennially by the New York Department of Health.* The trend in HIV-infection among prisoners is affected by these estimated numbers in New York. Excluding New York, the number of HIV-infected inmates has been stable among the other States. Between 1998 and 2003 the number has fluctuated between 18,180 and 19,333. Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Number of HIV-positive inmates All jurisdictions Exclude New York 25,680 18,180 25,807 18,807 25,333 19,333 24,147 18,647 23,864 18,864 23,659 18,659 *New York draws blood from all entering inmates. Every other year an extra sample from 1,000 sequential receptions in each of 4 reception centers is tested for various diseases including HIV. The percentage with HIV-infection is applied to the total inmate population and then adjusted for length of stay and findings from other studies. Projections are made for the interim years without the blinded studies. HIV-positive inmates comprised 2.0% of the State prison population in 2003, unchanged since 2001. In Federal prisons HIV-positive inmates comprised 1.1% in 2003. Overall, the percentage of the total prison population with HIV has remained constant at 1.9% since 2001. Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Percent of custody population known to be HIV positive State Federal 2.3% 1.0% 2.3 0.9 2.2 1.0 2.0 1.2 2.0 1.1 2.0 1.1 Inmates in the Northeast had the highest rate of HIV infection Table 2. Inmates in custody of State or Federal prison authorities known to be positive for the human immunodeficiency virus, by gender, yearend 2003 Jurisdiction U.S. total Estimateda Reported Between 2002 and 2003, 29 States reported a decrease in the number of HIV-positive inmates. The largest decrease was reported in New Jersey (down 99), followed by Connecticut (94), and Texas (68). Fourteen States and the Federal system reported an increase. The largest increases were reported in Florida (up 264), the Federal system (84), North Carolina (38), and Rhode Island (34). A greater percentage of females than males with HIV infection On December 31, 2003, 19,777 male inmates and 2,115 female inmates in State prisons were known to be HIV positive (table 2). Overall, 1.9% of male inmates and 2.8% of all female inmates were known to be HIV positive. New York reported the largest numbers of male and female HIV-positive inmates (4,570 and 430, respectively). The second largest numbers of HIV-positive male and female inmates were in Florida (2,744 and 368, respectively), followed by Texas (2,205 and 255, respectively). Four States (Vermont, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Montana) reported having no HIV-positive female inmates. Every reporting State had at least one HIV-positive male inmate. Over 10% of all female inmates were known to be HIV positive in two States — New York (14.6%), and Maryland (11.1%). New York (with 7.3%) was the only State with more than 5% of male inmates known to be HIV positive. Female HIV cases Percent of Number population 21,569 21,286 1.8% 2,253 2,237 2.6% 1,509 19,777 1.1% 1.9 122 2,115 1.2% 2.8 Northeast Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont 6,697 480 9 211 19 569 4,570 724 106 9 4.3% 2.9 0.5 2.3 0.8 2.6 7.3 1.9 3.2 0.7 697 92 1 19 2 88 430 51 14 0 8.1% 6.7 0.9 2.7 1.5 7.5 14.6 2.9 6.3 0 Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota Ohio South Dakota Wisconsin 1,793 488 -29 29 543 40 258 20 2 378 6 -- 1.0% 1.2 -0.4 0.3 1.2 0.6 0.9 0.5 0.2 1.0 0.2 -- 158 63 -2 3 36 0 10 1 0 38 5 -- 1.3% 2.3 -0.3 0.5 1.6 0 0.5 0.3 0 1.3 1.9 -- South Alabama Arkansas Delaware Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Mississippi North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia 9,628 246 82 103 2,744 991 -469 852 176 573 154 483 186 2,205 352 12 2.1% 1.0 0.7 1.7 3.7 2.2 -2.5 3.8 1.6 1.8 1.1 2.3 1.4 1.7 1.3 0.3 1,112 24 12 2 368 104 -42 136 24 67 8 37 22 255 9 2 3.2% 1.4 1.6 0.4 7.3 3.3 -4.1 11.1 1.5 3.1 0.4 2.4 1.9 2.6 0.4 0.6 West Alaska Arizona Californiab Colorado Hawaii Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming 1,659 -119 1,121 141 24 19 4 82 28 -29 87 5 0.7% -0.5 0.7 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.2 0.8 0.5 -0.7 0.6 0.5 148 -4 75 21 3 3 0 25 1 -8 6 2 0.8% -0.2 0.7 1.3 0.6 0.6 0 3.3 0.2 -2.6 0.5 1.9 Federal State In the Northeast 4.5% of the prison population were known to be HIV positive in 2003, followed by 2.2% in the South, 1.0% in the Midwest, and 0.7% in the West. New York had Midwest Illinois the highest percentage of inmates known to be HIV Indiana Iowa positive (7.6%), followed by Maryland (4.2%) and Florida Kansas (3.9%) Vermont, North Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming reported fewer than 10 HIV-positive inmates in their prisons. In 2003 every reporting jurisdiction held at least one HIV-positive inmate. Seven States reported that fewer than 0.5% of their inmate population were HIV positive. Male HIV cases Percent of Number population --Not reported. a Includes estimates of the number of inmates with HIV/AIDS by gender for Alaska, Kentucky, Oregon, and Wisconsin. Estimates were based on the most recent data available by gender. b The number of male and female HIV cases in California was estimated by applying the 2002 gender distribution to the 2003 estimated total known to be HIV positive. HIV in Prisons, 2003 3 Number of HIV-positive male and female inmates in State prisons declined during 2003 Table 3. Inmates in custody of State or Federal prison authorities and known to have confirmed AIDS, 2002-03 In States that did not provide a breakdown of the number of HIV cases by gender, estimates were made using the data Jurisdiction U.S. total reported from the most recent year. Based on these Estimatedb yearend estimates, the number of HIV-infected females in Reported State prisons decreased from 2,164 to 2,131 in 2003. The Federal number of infected male inmates decreased from 20,273 to Stateb 20,060 in 2003. The estimated number of both male and Northeast Connecticut female HIV-positive inmates in State prisons declined after Maine 1998. Between 1998 and 2003 the percentage of male Massachusetts HIV-positive inmates decreased from 2.2% to 1.8%, as the New Hampshire New Jersey percentage of female inmates fell from 3.8% to 2.7%. Year Male inmates 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Female inmates 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 State prison inmates Estimated number of HIV-positive Percent HIV/AIDS in inmates* custody population 22,045 22,175 21,894 20,415 20,273 20,060 2.2% 2.2 2.1 1.9 1.9 1.8 2,552 2,402 2,472 2,212 2,164 2,131 3.8% 3.5 3.4 3.1 2.9 2.7 *To provide year-to-year comparisons, estimates were made for States not reporting a gender breakdown. For each State, estimates were made by applying the same percent breakdown by gender from the most recent year when data were provided. Confirmed AIDS cases in U.S. prisons increased during 2003 At the end of 2003, a reported 5,227 inmates in U.S. prisons had confirmed AIDS, up from 4,898 in 2002. Among those with confirmed AIDS, 4,601 were in State prisons, and 626 were in Federal prisons (table 3). Because some States each year did not provide a breakdown of the number of HIV cases by type of HIV infection, estimates of the number of confirmed AIDS cases were made for those States to provide comparable year-to-year data. Based on yearly estimates, the number of confirmed AIDS cases increased from 5,643 in 2002 to 5,944 in 2003. Between 1998 and 2003, 33 States and the Federal system consistently reported the number of inmates with confirmed AIDS. As with the reported and estimated numbers, the comparable number of inmates with confirmed AIDS declined between 1998 and 2003, from 5,864 to 4,956. 4 HIV in Prisons, 2003 Confirmed AIDS cases Percent of custody populationa Number 2003 2002 2003 2002 5,944 5,227 626 4,601 5,643 4,898 544 4,354 0.5% 0.4% 0.5 0.5% 0.4% 0.5 New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont 1,555 211 0 78 2 168 800 240 52 4 1,666 271 -113 4 167 860 212 36 3 0.9% 1.2 0 0.8 0.1 0.7 1.2 0.6 1.5 0.3 1.0% 1.4 -1.1 0.2 0.7 1.3 0.5 1.0 0.2 Midwest Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota Ohio South Dakota Wisconsin 237 76 -2 4 -11 -10 0 123 11 -- 303 149 -15 6 -4 -5 0 124 0 -- 0.2% 0.2 -‡ ‡ -0.1 -0.2 0 0.3 0.4 -- 0.3% 0.3 -0.2 0.1 -0.1 -0.1 0 0.3 0 -- 2,452 133 23 31 711 ---253 -246 -220 55 778 -2 2,016 81 20 39 520 ---252 -207 -261 60 559 -17 0.7% 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.9 ---1.1 -0.7 -1.0 0.4 0.6 -0.1 0.6% 0.3 0.2 0.6 0.7 ---1.1 -0.6 -1.1 0.4 0.4 -0.5 357 --188 35 4 0 0 20 29 -11 70 0 369 1 -186 46 1 4 0 14 15 1 20 81 0 0.2% --0.1 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.5 -0.2 0.4 0 0.2% ‡ -0.1 0.3 ‡ 0.1 0 0.1 0 ‡ 0.5 0.5 0 South Alabama Arkansas Delaware Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Mississippi North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia West Alaska Arizona Californiac Colorado Hawaii Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming --Not reported. ‡Less than .05%. a Percents exclude jurisdictions that did not report type of HIV infection. b Includes estimates of the number of inmates with confirmed AIDS for Arizona, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Virginia, and Wisconsin in 2002 and 2003, for Maine in 2002, and for Alaska and Oregon in 2003. Estimates were based on the most recent data. c The number of confirmed AIDS cases in California was estimated by applying the 2002 percentage to the 2003 estimate of HIV positives. Number of confirmed AIDS cases Year Estimateda Reportedb Comparablec 1998 6,809 6,282 5,864 1999 7,039 6,642 5,788 2000 6,295 5,696 5,093 2001 6,286 5,754 5,214 2002 5,643 4,898 4,571 2003 5,944 5,227 4,956 a In States not reporting confirmed AIDS, estimates were made by applying the percent breakdown by type of HIV infection from the most recent year when data were provided. b Excludes 7 States in 1998, 5 in 1999, 8 in 2000, 6 in 2001, 12 in 2002, and 13 in 2003. c The Federal system and 33 States reported data in all 6 years. Confirmed AIDS cases made up 0.5% of inmates in State prisons and 0.4% of those in Federal prisons. Of those known to be HIV-positive inmates, more than a fifth had confirmed AIDS. AIDS-related deaths in State prisons dropped from 1995 to 2003 The number of State inmates who died of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, Kaposi’s sarcoma, or other AIDS-related diseases peaked in 1995 and steadily decreased until 2001 (figure 2). According to data reported in the NPS-1, the number of AIDS-related deaths (213) was slightly less than that in 2002 (215). Overall, after 1995 the number Rate of confirmed AIDS cases, comparing the general population to State and Federal prisoners, 1991-2003 Number of cases per 10,000 60 The States with the largest number of confirmed AIDS cases were New York (800), Texas (778), and Florida (711). Combined, these States held nearly half of all confirmed AIDS cases in State prisons. The Federal system held 626 inmates with confirmed AIDS. Eleven States reported having fewer than 10 confirmed AIDS cases in their prisons; 5 reported having none. Rhode Island (1.5%) had the highest percentage of confirmed AIDS, followed by Connecticut and New York1 Figure (both 1.2%). In 12 States confirmed AIDS cases comprised 0.1% or less of State inmates. During 2003, 16 States reported a decrease in the number of confirmed AIDS cases. Illinois, with a decrease of 73, had the largest drop in the number of confirmed AIDS cases, followed by New York and Connecticut (both down 60). Seventeen States and the Federal system reported an increase in the number of confirmed AIDS cases, led by Texas (up 219) and Florida (191). Rate of confirmed AIDS 3 times higher among prison inmates than in the U.S. general population In every year since 1991, the rate of confirmed AIDS has been higher among prison inmates than in the general population (figure 1). At yearend 2003 the rate of confirmed AIDS in State and Federal prisons was more than 3 times higher than in the total U.S. population. About 51 in every 10,000 prison inmates had confirmed AIDS, compared to 15 in 10,000 persons in the U.S. general population. Percent of population with confirmed AIDS Year U.S. general population State and Federal prisoners 1998 0.11% 0.53% 1999 0.12 0.60 2000 0.13 0.53 2001 0.14 0.52 2002 0.14 0.48 2003 0.15 0.51 Note: The percent of the general population with confirmed AIDS in each year may be over-estimated due to delays in death reports. See Methodology for source of data. Prisoners 40 20 General population 0 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 Note: The shaded area covers the period prior to the 1993 expansion of the classification system for HIV infection and the case definition for AIDS. This expansion improved estimates of the number and the characteristics of persons with HIV disease, but complicated interpretation of AIDS trends. The increase in reported AIDS cases in 1993 was largely the consequence of the added surveillance criteria. See Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Vol. 43, No. 45, November 18,1994. Figure 1 Rate of State prison inmate death, by cause, 1991-2003 Number of deaths per 100,000 State prison inmates 400 All causes 300 200 Illness 100 Other causes AIDS 0 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 Figure 2 HIV in Prisons, 2003 5 Table 4. Inmate deaths in State prisons, by cause, 1995 and 2003 Table 5. Inmate deaths in Federal prisons, by cause, 2002 and 2003 Deaths of State inmates Rate per 100,000 Number inmates* Cause of death 2003 1995 2003 1995 Total 3,230 3,133 250 311 Natural causes other than AIDS 2,417 1,569 187 156 AIDS 213 1,010 16 100 Suicide 195 160 15 16 Accident 28 48 2 5 Execution 64 56 5 6 By another person 42 86 3 9 271 204 21 20 Other/unspecified Deaths of Federal inmates Rate per 100,000 Number inmates* Cause of death 2003 2002 2003 2002 Total 347 335 204 207 Natural causes other than AIDS 315 289 185 179 AIDS 14 17 8 11 Suicide 6 17 4 11 Accident 4 5 2 3 Execution 1 0 1 0 By another person 5 3 3 2 Other/unspecified 2 4 1 2 *Detail may not add to total due to rounding. *Detail may not add to total due to rounding. of AIDS-related deaths was down 797 from 1,010 in 1995 to 213 in 2003 (table 4). Among Federal inmates 14 died from AIDS-related causes, down from 17 in 2002 (table 5). In 2003 for every 100,000 inmates, 8 died from AIDSrelated causes. These AIDS-related deaths accounted for 4% of all deaths in Federal prison. The introduction of protease inhibitors and combination antiretroviral therapies produced a substantial improvement in the effectiveness of HIV/AIDS care. See Hammett and Harmon, “Medical Treatment and a Continuum of Care” in 1996-1997 Update: HIV/AIDS, STDs and TB in Correctional Facilities (July 1999, NCJ 176344). DCRP identifies more States with AIDS-related deaths in State prisons Pursuant to the Death in Custody Reporting Act of 2000, BJS began in 2001 to collect individual-level information about deaths in State prisons (DCRP). Overall, 12 States underreported AIDS-related deaths in the NPS-1 collection, while 11 States under-reported AIDS-related deaths in DCRP. For a total of AIDS-related deaths in prisons, DCRP and NPS-1 data were combined (table 6). The most complete data for each State’s number of deaths were used to calculate the totals for 2001, 2002, and 2003. An additional 55 AIDS-related deaths were identified in 2003, 68 in 2002, and 55 in 2001. Adjusted for under-reporting, the 6 HIV in Prisons, 2003 number of AIDS-related deaths in 2003 was 21 per 100,000 State prison inmates, down from 22 in 2002. AIDS-related deaths in State prisons Number Rate per Reported 100,000 Year in NPS-1 Total* inmates 1995 1,010 -100 1996 907 -90 1997 538 -48 1998 350 -30 1999 242 -20 2000 185 -15 2001 256 311 25 2002 215 283 22 2003 213 268 21 *Total number of deaths for 2001-2003 are based on a combination of NPS-1 and DCRP data. For the general population the percentage of deaths due to AIDS increased in 2001 but declined in 2002. In 2002 the percentage of deaths due to AIDS was more than 2 times higher in the prison population than in the U.S. general population ages 15-54. About 1 in every 11 prisoner deaths were attributable to AIDS-related causes compared to 1 in 23 deaths in the general population. AIDS-related deaths as a percent of all deaths U.S. general population age State 15-54b prisonersa Yearend 1995 34.2% 13.1% 1996 30.8 10.1 1997 18.9 5.8 1998 13.3 5.4 1999 11.2 4.3 2000 8.4 3.9 2001 10.3 4.5 2002 9.1 4.4 2003 8.0 --- Not available. a Percents are based on the number of inmate deaths, excluding those in jurisdictions not reporting AIDS-related deaths. b See Methodology for source of data. About 1 in 12 deaths in State prisons due to AIDS-related illnesses In 2003 for every 100,000 State inmates, 21 died from AIDS-related causes. The most AIDS deaths were reported in the South (157), followed by the Northeast (63). Together, these two regions accounted for more than 8 out of 10 AIDS-related deaths in State prisons. Florida reported the largest number of AIDS-related deaths (42), followed by New York and Texas (27). Eighteen States reported having no AIDS-related deaths. Relative to the number of inmates, Delaware had the highest rate of AIDSrelated deaths (87 per 100,000 inmates), followed by Maryland (54 per 100,000), Florida (52 per 100,000), and Vermont (50 per 100,000). AIDS-related deaths reported in DCRP show variations by gender, race/Hispanic origin, and age Of the 210 reported inmate deaths due to AIDS-related causes in 2003, 202 were deaths of males, and 8 were deaths of females (table 7). Inmates between ages 35 and 44 accounted for almost half of all AIDS-related deaths (97). AIDS-related deaths among black inmates (146) accounted for more than two-thirds of all AIDS-related deaths. Relative to the total number of inmates under State jurisdiction at midyear 2003, males (18 deaths per 100,000) were nearly twice as likely as females Table 6. Deaths of State prisoners, 2003 Prisoner deaths reported In the DCRPa In NPS-1 Jurisdiction Total AIDSTotal related Total AIDSrelated b Total deaths All causes AIDS-related Rate per Rate per 100,000 100,000 Number inmates Number inmates 3,230 213 3,168 210 3,344 258 268 21 Northeast Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont 500 36 3 30 6 63 200 147 9 6 50 8 0 0 0 10 15 17 0 0 492 36 2 30 6 60 198 147 8 5 36 0 0 0 0 7 27 1 0 1 500 36 3 30 6 63 200 147 9 6 284 175 149 285 242 223 303 363 252 302 63 8 0 0 0 10 27 17 0 1 36 39 0 0 0 35 41 42 0 50 Midwest Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota Ohio South Dakota Wisconsin 567 81 60 13 32 132 14 68 7 1 106 12 41 24 12 1 -1 1 0 1 0 0 8 -0 538 80 56 13 32 127 13 66 7 1 91 11 41 20 11 2 0 1 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 567 81 60 13 32 132 14 68 7 1 106 12 41 229 188 266 155 355 267 184 222 171 86 231 392 183 29 12 2 0 1 3 0 1 1 0 8 0 1 12 28 9 0 11 6 0 3 24 0 17 0 4 1,591 100 39 7 224 139 77 87 67 2 76 96 61 98 407 96 15 120 8 1 0 42 18 4 -7 -3 2 3 6 23 3 0 1,533 92 39 19 221 126 45 70 67 58 74 71 63 97 383 93 15 139 4 3 6 38 11 1 12 13 4 4 2 3 6 27 5 0 1,661 100 39 19 224 139 77 87 67 58 76 96 63 98 407 96 15 284 352 315 276 279 296 470 241 277 282 228 417 260 386 243 276 319 157 8 3 6 42 18 4 12 13 4 4 2 3 6 27 5 0 27 28 24 87 52 38 24 33 54 19 12 9 12 24 16 14 0 572 5 86 313 51 8 13 13 -11 25 11 34 2 19 0 3 13 2 0 -0 -0 0 0 1 0 605 4 84 333 47 8 12 12 24 11 25 10 33 2 15 0 1 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 616 5 86 333 51 8 13 13 24 11 25 11 34 2 216 113 280 204 267 142 223 378 228 179 201 196 209 111 19 0 3 13 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 0 10 8 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 South Alabama Arkansas Delaware Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Mississippi North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia West Alaska Arizona California Colorado Hawaii Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming --Not reported. a The 2003 AIDS-related death counts are based on individual reports submitted to the DCRP. b Data from the NPS-1 and DCRP were combined to provide the number of total deaths in each State. The most complete data for each State were used to calculate a total for each State. (10 per 100,000) to die from AIDSrelated causes. Black inmates (27 per 100,000) were about 3½ times more likely than whites (8 per 100,000) and almost 2½ times more likely than Hispanics (12 per 100,000) to die from AIDS-related causes. Inmates age 45 or older had the highest rates of AIDSrelated death (36 per 100,000), 4 times Table 7. Profile of inmates who died in State prisons, 2002 and 2003 Characteristic State total In DCRP AIDS-related deaths Per 100,000 Number inmates 2003 2002 2003 2002 268 283 21 22 210 245 17 20 Gender Male Female 202 8 236 9 18 10 21 11 Age 24 or younger 25-34 35-44 45 or older 1 38 97 74 0 28 119 98 0 9 26 36 0 6 34 64 Race/Hispanic origin White Black Hispanic 36 146 25 50 163 30 8 27 12 12 30 15 Note: The AIDS-related death counts by gender, age, race, and Hispanic origin are based on individual reports submitted to the DCRP. See Methodology. the rate among those age 25 to 34 (9 per 100,000). Methodology National Prisoner Statistics The National Prisoner Statistics series (NPS-1) includes yearend counts of prisoners by jurisdiction, gender, race, Hispanic origin, and admissions and releases during the year. The series consists of reports from the departments of corrections of the 50 States and the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Since 1991 respondents have indicated the circumstances under which inmates are tested for HIV and have provided the number of HIV-infected inmates in their custody. AIDS in the U.S. resident population The number of persons with confirmed AIDS in the U.S. general population (age 13 and over) was derived from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report, yearend editions 19952001. For each year the number of active AIDS cases in the United States was calculated by subtracting the number of cumulative AIDS deaths for people age 15 or older at yearend from the cumulative number of total AIDS cases for people age 13 or older at HIV in Prisons, 2003 7 The Bureau of Justice Statistics is the statistical agency of the U.S. Department of Justice. Lawrence A. Greenfeld is director. This report and others from the Bureau of Justice Statistics are available through the Internet: Laura M. Maruschak wrote this report, under the supervision of Allen J. Beck. Todd D. Minton provided statistical review. Tom Hester and Tina Dorsey edited the report. Jayne Robinson prepared the report for publication. Get immediate e-mail notification of BJS releases from JUSTSTATS. Subscribe at <http://www.ojp.>. AIDS-related deaths in the United States September 2005, NCJ 210344 yearend as listed in the HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report. The rate of confirmed AIDS cases in the U.S. resident population was calculated by dividing the annual totals for individuals with AIDS by the population estimates for the U.S. resident population of individuals 13 or older prior to 2000 and 15 or older for 2000 and beyond. 8 HIV in Prisons, 2003 The number of AIDS-related deaths for persons age 15-54 was derived from the CDC, HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report, yearend editions. Deaths in the U.S. population for persons age 15-54 were taken from the CDC, Monthly Vital Statistics Report, Vol. 42, No. 2(S); Vol. 43, No. 12; Vol. 43, No. 6(S); Vol. 45, No. 3(S); and Vol. 45, No. 11(S); and from CDC, National Vital Statistics Report, Vol. 47, No. 9; Vol. 47, No. 25; Vol. 48, No. 11; Vol. 49, No. 8; and Vol. 50, No. 15. AIDS-related deaths as a percentage of all deaths in the U.S. population were calculated by dividing the national estimate of AIDS deaths of persons age 15-54 by the national mortality estimates of persons age 15-54 in a given year. BJS Deaths in Custody Reporting Program To implement the Death in Custody Reporting Act of 2000 (PL 106-297), BJS developed four quarterly data collections of death records: local jails (begun in 2000), State prisons (2001), State juvenile correctional agencies (2002), and State and local law enforcement agencies (2003). Records include data on the deceased’s characteristics (such as age, gender, and race/ Hispanic origin), criminal background (such as legal status, offenses, and time in custody), and the death itself (such as cause, time, location, and medical conditions and treatment).