Tsa Procurement Specification for Body X-rays 2008
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SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMATION TRANSPORTATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION OFFICE OF SECURITY TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM PLANNING AND EVALUATION PROCUREMENT SPECIFICATION FOR WHOLE BODY IMAGER DEVICES FOR CHECKPOINT OPERATIONS u.s. Department of Homeland Security Transportation Security Administration 601 South 12th Street Arlington, VA 22202-4220 23 September 2008 FINAL, Version 1.02 u.s Department ofHomeland Security Transportation Security Administration Prepared By: TSA Office of Security Technology WARNING: This re~ord contains Sensitive '. nff.lrmation that is controlled under 49 C.l!"R parts 15 and 1520. No part of this record may be disclosed to PCl"$(>US without II "need to ., defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, except with the written . r the Secretary of Transportation. Un:lUthorized plIrmission of the Administrator of the Transportation Security Admillls relea,e may result in dvil penalty Qr "ther action. F". U.S. gove"nment .. g~ncles, pub"" e iii governed by;; U.S.C. 552 and 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. SENSITIYE SECURITY INFORMATION I 1. Report No. DHS/TSNOSTIENGIWBI-OOI Technical Report Doenmentation Pa!!e 2. Government Accession No. 3. RecipicQ.t's Catalog No. N/A N/A 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date Procurement Specification for Whole Body Imager Devices for Checkpoint Operations 6. PerformIng Organization Code i. Author 8. Performing Organization Report No. Office of Security Technology System Planning and Evaluation Group DHS/TSNOST/ENG/WBI-OOI 23 Seotember 2008 TSA-16 9. Performing Or~anizationName and Address 10. Work Unlt No. (TRAIS) Transportation Security Administration Om.e of Security Technology System Planning and Evaluation h 601 Soutlllt Street Arlinl/ton, VA 22202 N/A 11. Cnntl'act Or Grant No. NlA 12. Sponsoring Agent)' Name and Address 13. T;ype of R<;lport and Period Co"'cred N/A FINAL 14. Sponsoring Agency Code DHS/TSNOSTiENGI 15. Supplementary Notes N/A 16. ,Abstract This Procurement Speci1Ication establisht:s the technical requirements for the Vv'ho1e Body I:rnager hereinafter referred to as the vrm. Whole Body Imaging (WBI) systems ate passenger screening technologies which use imaging technology such as backscatter XMray (BS) or millimeterwav~ nvrM'W,) to detect tJotential threat:> \hat may be hidden on a nassengcr Qr within their clvtlul1l2' 17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement This record contains Sensitive S~urity Information that is conttol1r;::d undt:t" 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, No part of this record:may be disclosed to persons without a "need to know", it;; defined in 49 CFRparts 15 and 1520, except with the "'tritten permission of the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration or the Secretary of Transportation. Unauthorized release may result in civil penalty or other action. For U,S. government agencies, public disclosu.re is £!overned bv 5 U.S.c. 552 and 49 CFR l~arts 15 and 1520. 19. SecUrity ClassiC. (of tbis report) 20. Securit}' Cla8sif. (ofthis page) 22. Price ~~ No. QrPagcs Unclassified I I Unclassified I Renroduction of comnleted naOI:! authorized WARNING: This record contains e ,. eeur-it)' Information that is controlled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 152(). No part of this record mny be dis,.::losed to p"rsons without a "0 w H , as defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, except with the written permissioD of the Administrator of the TranspormtioD Secoril)· .. atlon or the Secretary hf Transportation. {)nauthonzed release may result in civil penalty or other action. For l,;o$. g<Jvernment agencies., ',closure is governed by 5 U.S.c. 552 llnd 49 CFR parts 15 nnd 1520. ii SENSITIVE SECUftlnl' INFORMATION DOCUMENT CHANGE HISTORY {b6 Version 0.01 Description - Author Initial Dr J Date 2/26/07 0.02 3/7/08 0.03 3/10/08 0.04 3/12/08 0.05 3/14/08 0.06 3/28/08 0.07 4/14/08 0.08 4/21/08 0.09 5/12/08 0.10 Comments Draft 5/15/08 0.11 5/22/08 0.12 Updated detection requirements 6/10/08 0.13 Industry Comment Update 7/2/08 0.14 OSO comments update 8/14/08 0.15 Engineer team review 8/29/08 0.16 Formatting updates and detection requirement update 9/4/08 Finalized release 9/5/08 1.00 TTTT• • • • • TTTTTT• • • • • • • • 1.01 Updated RMA Section 9/22/08 1.02 Multiplexing requirement update/updated release 9/23/08 ,YAR'lING: This record Mntains Sens i . Information that Is controUed under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of tbls record may be disclosed to persons with()ut a "nee ." lIS defined in 49 eFR parts IS and 1520, except with the written permission of the Administrator of the Transportation Security tion or the $ec:fetary of Transportation. U~authorized l'01e3$e rna)' result in civil pl1:11ally or other adion. For If.S. g<)vcl;'nment agencies, . disclosure is governed by 5 U.S.c. 552 and 49 CFR parts lSand 1520. iii -sENSITIVE SECtfRlTY INF'ORMA'I'ION NOTICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in the interest of infonnation exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for the contents or use thereof. The United States Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturer1s names appear herein solely because they are considered essential to the objective of this report. This document does not constitute Transportation Security Administration certification policy. ---- WARNING: This record cont;dQs Sensitive . Information thllt Is controlled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 152U, No part of this r~cord may be disclosed to persons without a "need 0 ." as defined in 49 eFR parts 15 and 1520, except with the wl'itten permission of the Administrat<>r of the Transportation Security A ' . ation or the Secretary of TrllDsportation. Unauthorized relellse may Nsult in ~Ivil p~l1l11ty or oth"r action, For U.S. gov"rnment ~g.meies, . isclosure i~ governed by 5 U.S.c. 552 and 49 eFR parts 15 and 1520. iv SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 1 1 1 1 1.4 BACKGROUND SCOPE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Major Components DEFJNITIONS 2.0 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2 2.1 2.2 2.4 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS NON-GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS ORDER OF PRECEDENCE 2 2 2 3 3.0 REqUIREMENTS 4 1.2 1.3 1.3.1 2.3 1 TIER I REQUIREMENTS System....................................................................................... Eleetrical 3.1.3 Physical 3.1.4 Identification Markings 3.1.5 Environmental............................................................................. 3.1.6 Electromagnetic Compatibility 3.1.7 Human Factors 3.1.8 Regulatory 3.1.9 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability 3.1.10 Safety 3.1.11 Security TIER II REQUIREMENTS 3.2 3.2.1 System 3.3 TIER III REQUIREMENTS 3.3.1 System OPTIONAL CAPABILITIES 3.4 3.4.1 Automated Threat Detection Marking 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 4 4 10 1I 11 11 12 13 14 14 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 . . 4.0 VERIFICATION 19 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 TEST AND EVALUATION Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E) Qualification Testing Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) First Article Test and Evaluation (F AT&E) Factory Acceptanee Test (FAT) Site Aeeeptance Test (SAT) 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 4.1.7 Continuous Assessment __ ,............................ .. ~" " " 20 \VA.Rl'\'ING: This record conta.ins Sensitive Security Information that is l;ontrolle del' 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this record may be dh:dQ$l;!d to persons without :a "need to know", liS defin 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, except with the written permission of the Adroinistrator of the Transportation Security A istration or the Secretary (If Transportation. Unauthorized nment llgendes, public disclosure is governed by S IT.S.c. 552 nnd 49 release IDay re:sult in civil penalt)" or other al'.:tion. FM U.S. CFR parts 15 and 1520. v SENSIlIVE SECURITY INF'ORMATION 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.3 VERiFICATION METHODS Analysis Demonstration Inspection Tcs!.. VERiFICATION REQUIREMENTS TRACEABILITY MATRiX 20 20 20 21 21 21 5.0 ACRONyMS 33 APPENDIX A TECHNOLOGY SECURITY REQUIREMENTS 1 A.I A.2 A.3 A.4 A5 A.6 2 2 2 2 3 4 INTRODUCTION SCOPE VENDOR REQUIREMENTS REFERENCES OS HARDENING/SECURITY REQUIREMENTS SYSTEMS IT SECURiTY REQUIREMENTS APPENDIX B FIELD DATA REPORTING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 1 APPENDIX C USER ACCESS LEVELS AND CAPABILITIES 1 APPENDIX D TSA OPERATIONAL POWER REQUIREMENTS 1 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Overview 1 3.0 Equipment 1 4.0 Measurement 1 5.0 Power Performance Data Acquisition and Requirements Analysis 1 5.1 5.2 5.3 5,4 5.5 5.6 5.7 BASELINE VOLTAGE AND CURRENT DISTORTION . POWER USAGE PROFILE AND POWER FACTOR : MAXIMUM INRUSH CURRENT RATIO STEADY STATE CURRENT UNBALANCE MAXIMUM LEAKAGE CURRENT VOLTAGE SAG AND INTERRUPTION WITHSTAND PERFORMANCE.. UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 APPENDIX E WBI REPORTS 5 1.0 5 FDRS Report Display vi SENSlllvE SECURIlY INFORMATION 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND The Department ofHome1and Security (DHS), Transportation Security Administration (TSA), presents the Whole Body Imager (WBI) as a new device that is intended to be used to screen passengers. SCOPE 1.2 This specification establishes the performance, design, and verification requirements for the WBI systems. 1.3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION WBI systems are passenger screening technologies which use imaging technology to detect anomalies on a passenger's body or within their clothing. The mission of the WBI is to effectively SCreen passengers at airport checkpoints, while preserving the privacy of passengers. The requirements within this Procurement Specification have been broken into a tiered system. The vendor has the choice to meet the requirements of different tiers: Tier I encompasses the core requirements that must be met; Tiers II and III describe stepped requirements that may be met. A higher level system must meet all the requirements of the tier below it: for example, a Tier III system must meet all Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III requirements. Requirements are denoted by the use of a bold, italic, shall. 1.3.1 Major Components WBI systems consist of the following 11l4ior components: • Scanner • Image Operator Station • Screening Operator Station 1.4 DEFINITIONS Anomaly Downloading Image Operator (10) Screening Opcrator (SO) Shall Transportation Security Officer (TSO) Unloading WBI System Any undivested Ol1iects includilw explosives weapons and liquids. Retrieving data or information from the WBI either locally or remotely. The TSO responsible for reviewing the images and communicating to the SO the alarm status for each passenger. The TSO responsible for scanning and managing each passenger during the WBI screening process. Bolded, italicized "shalls" are requirements that the vendors' submitted WBI must meet in accordance with the tier svstem. Formerly known as Screeners or Operators, TSOs are the TSA personnel who operate the airport security checkpoint and conduct security screenin o of all persons and obiects entering the secure area. Loading data or information into the WBI either locally or remotelY. The combined performance of the WBI including the operator in the 1000. WARNING: This reeord cont:UllS 'ecurity Information that is controJled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this reeCJl'd may be disdOl:ed to. persons without l\ ;'ne ." as defined in 49 CFR parts 15 llnd 1520. except with the written permission of the Administrator of the Transportation Security A . n or the Secretary of Transportation. Unauthodzed rcl~ase may result in civil penalty or other action. For U.S. government agencies, pu CFR parts 15 and 1520. I e is governed by 5 U.S.C. 552 and 49 SENSIIlvE SECURII y INFORlVIA'l'ION 2.0 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 GENERAL The documents listed in this section are referenced in this specification. While every eHbrt has been made to ensure the completeness ofthis list, document users are cautioned that they must meet all requirements of this specification, whether or not the applicable references are listed. The following specifications, standards, handbooks, documcnts, and drawings of the exact revisions listed below form a part of this specification to the extent noted herein. 2.2 GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS 5 USC 552 29 CFR 1910.7 29 CFR 1910.1096 29 CFR 1910.1200 47 CFR 15 49 CFR 15 49 CFR 1520 49 CFR 1544.403 49 CFR 1544.405 DOTfFAAJCT-03/05 FIPS 197 2.3 Freedom of Information Act 1996 Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA): Occupational Safety and Health Standards; Definition and Requirements for a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory, I January 2007 OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Standards; Ionizing Radiation, I Januarv 2007 OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Standards; Toxic and Hazardous Substances: Hazard Communication, I January 2007 Federal Communications Commission (FCC); Radio Frequency Devices I October 2007 Transportation: Protection of Sensitive Security Infonnation, I Octobcr 2007 Transportation Security Administration (TSA); Protection of Sensitive Security Information 1 October 2006 TSA; Airport Operator Security: Air Carriers and Commercial Operators: Current Screeners, I October 2006 TSA; Airport Operator Security: Air Carriers and Commercial Operators: New Screeners: Qualifications of New Screening Personnel, I October 2006 Human Factors Design Standard for Acquisition of Commercial Off-theShelf, Non-developmental and Developmental Systems (2003). Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 197 Advanced Encrvption Standard CAES) TSA Security Technology Integrated Program (STIP) Business Rules Document (BRO), 13Alj@st2007 TSA Security Technology Integrated Program (STIP) Transportation Security Equipment (TSE), Interface Requirements Document (lRO), Version 3.11, 14 April 2008 TSA WBI Classified Detection Appendix, Version 2.0, September 23, 2008 NON-GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS ANSI C63.16-1993 ANSIIHPS N43.l7-2002 Discharge Test Methodologies and Criteria for Electronic Equipment (1993) American National Standard "Radiation Safety for Personnel Security Screening Svstems Usin<> X-rav." \VARNING: This record contains Sens i . Information that is controlled "odeI' 49 CFR parts 15 and 152(). NQ part of tbis record mil}" be diselo.<;ed to pe-rsonlO without :a "nee II as def'th.Qd in 49 CFR parts 1S: and IS20. cx<:~pt with the written permission of the Administrator of the Transportation Sccurit)' Adml . or the Secretary of Transportation. Unauthorized release rnSl)' rostdt in eivil penalty or other a~tioD. For U.S. government agendu, pub c is governed by 5 IT.S.C. 552 and 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. 2 SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMA.TION EN 55022 IEC 60068-2-64 lEe 61000-4-3 IEC 61000-4-4 IEC 61000-4-5 IEC 61000-4-6 IEC 61000-4-8 IEC 61000-4-11 IEC 61000-6-3 IEEE C95.l-2005 UL310 UL 61010-1 UL 61010A-1 2.4 Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Disturbance Characteristics of Information Teehnology Equipment (Radiated Radio Freauencv!RF) Emissions). Environmental Testing, Part 2: Test Methods - Test Fh: Vibration, Broad-band Random (Di!!ital Control) and Guidance, 28 May 1993 Testing and Measurement Techniques. Radiated, radio frequency, electromametic field immunity test. Testing and Measurement Techniques. Electrical fast transientlburst immunity tes t Testin" and Measurement Techniques. Surrye immunity test Testing and Measurement Techniques. Immunity to conducted dishlrbances, induced bv radio-frequencv fields. Testing and Measurement Techniques. Power frequency magnetic field immunity test. Testin(! and Measurement Techniaues. Volta!!e dios and interruotions. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). Generic Standards. Emission Standard for Residential, Commercial, and Light-industrial Environments, 17 Julv 2006 Safety Leyels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz Standard for Electrical Quick Connect Terminals. 27 May 2003 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use, Part 1: General Requirements, 12 July 2004 Electrical Equipment for Laboratory Use; Part 1: General Requirements, 30 January 2002 International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields (up to 300 GHz). Health Physics 74 (4); 494-522' 1998 ORDER OF PRECEDENCE In the event of a conflict between the text ofthis document and the references cited herein, the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes national and state laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained. WARNING: This record contains Sensitive ormation that is controlled under 49 eFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this ~eeol'd may be disclosed to PQl'SOlHl without It "need to krio, ned in 49 CFR varts 15 and 1520, except with the written permission of the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administru 0 eeretury of Transportation. Unauthorized release may result in chil penalt:f or other action. For U,S. govcnuu-ent agcndes, publl.c diselo$u cd bJ:5 U.S.C. 5:52 nnd 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. SENSITIVE SECURiTY INFORMATION 3.0 REQUIREMENTS 3.1 TIER I REQUIREMENTS 3.1.1 System Detection/Imaging System Detection The Concept of Operations for the WBI system encompasses a scenario in which an Image Operator (10) reviews the WEI scanned image and determines if an anomaly is present. For this reason, detection performance for the "WBI system" refers to perfonnance corresponding to the overall performance of WBI imaging and the operator in the loop. The WBI shall (1) image passengers without requiring the removal of clothing beyond outerwear. Detection performance requirements are as follows: Explosives Weapons 14(ml The WB! System shall 3 of we a ons Liquids Other Anomalies • .......... """"............... ~~~~~~~~ _~~ ~~~~~B B~~~~n~~M~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~ Privacy TSA policy dictates that passenger privacy is maintained and protected during passenger screening. To ensure passenger privacy safeguards arc in place, WBI systems win prohibit the storage and exporting of passenger images during nonnal screening operations. When not being used for nonnal screening operations, the capability to capture images ofnon~passengers for training and evaluation purposes is needed. To ensure that image capturing maintains passenger privacy, the WEI will provide two distinct modes of operation: Screening Modo and Test Mode as defined in,1. During Screening Mode, the WEI shall (6) be prohibited from exporting passenger image data, including via STIP. During Test Mode, the WEI shall (7) not be capable of conducting passenger screening. The WBI shall (8) prohibit local storage of image data in all modes. The WBI shall (9) employ 256-bit encryption for image data in accordance with Federal Infonnation Processing Standard (FIPS) 197 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). WA d contains Sensitiv<,l Secul'ity Infol'mlltilln tnat is controlled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this A "need to know", ns defined in 49 CPR parts 15 and 15:20, 'lxcept with the written permission of the Administrator of the Transporm dministtatioD 01' the Se~remry of Transportation. Unauthorized release may result in civil penalty or other action. F<JI' U.S. !l<Jveromeot agen .closure I. governed by 5 {1.S.C. 552 and 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. record may be disclosed to pe 4 SENSI fIVE SECURITY INFORMitTION The \VBI shall (10) provide image filters to protect the identity, modesty, and privacy of the passenger. Enabling and disabling of image filtering shall (11) be modifiable by users as defined in the User Access Levels and Capabilities appendix. The WBI shall (12) ensure that images viewed by the 10 are not viewable by the SO. The WBI shall (13) provide a means for passengers to maintain a line of sight to their divested carry-on items during the screening process. Throughput Rate I Capacity The WEI shall (14) have an imaging time of no greater than 10 seconds. Imaging time is defined from when the scan is initiated until the image is ful1y projected onto the Image Operator Control Panel (IOCP). The WBI shall (15) be able to scan passengers with a height of up to at least 195 em. Passenger access to the WBI imaging area shall (16) be no less than 85 em wide. The WBI shall (17) require passengers to be no less than 8 em and no more than 120 em from the system in order to complete a scan. The imaging area of the WEI shall (U~) be dimensioned so that a person, as defmed above, is able to attain the required poses that the vendor deems necessary for optimal performance without bumping against any part of the system. General System Modes of Operation Screening Mode The WBI shall (19) provide a Screening Mode. TheWBI Screening Mode shall (20) be the ~ormal mode of operation for screening passengers for anomalies. Multiplexing The WBI system shall (21) provide a means to multiplex images, allowing up to 64 IOCPs to receive images from up to 64 \VBI systems utilizing the network requirements set forth in section Test Mode For purposes of testing, evaluation, and training development, the WBI shall (22) provide a Test Mode. The \VB! Test Mode shall (23) be the sale mode of operation permitting the exporting of image data. '\lBI Test Mode shall (24) be accessible as provided in the User Access Levels and Capabilities appendix. When in Test Mode, the WBI: • shall (25) allow exporting of image data in real-time; • shall (26) prohibit projection of an image to the IO station; • shall (27) provide a secure means for high-speed transfer of image data; • shall (28) allow exporting of image data (raw and reconstnwted)" WAR.!.'\ING: This record contains Sens curity Information that is contl'olled under 49 CFR parts 15 Jlnd 1520. No part of this re~ord may be disdo.cd to persons without 11 "ne " ow", as defined in 49 CFR part. 15 and 1520, except with the written . 'strlltion or the Secrlltary of TransportathlD. Unauthorized permission of the Administrator of the Transportation Security release may re~mlt in civil pellalt~" Or other action. For U.S. government ... gcni<ic~, 'I'><oI1:tli, eFR parts 15 and 1520. SENSITIVE SEetJItlT"t INPO~IATION Start-Up and Power-Down The WBI SO station shall (29) have start-up and power-down procedures or functions at the Screening Operator Station (see Section 3.1" 1.4.1 below) that shall (30), upon completion of start-up, display a login window. The \VBI 10 station shall (31) display a login window upon completion of SO Station start-up. The WBI shall (32) provide messages to the SO and 10 that inform them of the system status. Cold Start-up The WBI shall (33) complete cold start-up procedures in five (5) minutes or less from a powered off/shutdown mode. Powered off/shutdown mode is defined as a state in which a WBI has been turned off or shutdown, but is still connected to a power source. Sleep/Standby The WEI shall (34) complete a Sleep/standby start-up procedure in three (3) minutes or less from sleep/standby mode. Sleep/standby mode is defined as a power conserving state in which a \VBl has been turned on but is not fully functional. Login Process The WEI 10 station shall (35) require no more than thirty (30) seconds to complete the login process. The WBI SO station shall (36) require no more than thirty (30) seconds to complete the login process. The login process is defined as the time from when the TSO enters user infOlmation and password to the time the ISO is able to scan passengers. Fault Reset The ViTBI shall (37) have a fault reset time, after the fault has been corrected, of no more than two (2) minutes from activation of the system fault reset to ready for operation. Power~Down The \VEl shall (38) complete a power-down procedure in five (5) minutes or less. Power-down is defined as the transition from operational mode to shut-down mode. Calibration If the WBI employs a technology that requires recalibration over time, the system shall (39) employ a calibration process that culminates in a visible notification to clearly indicate to the SO whether the WBI system is correctly calibrated and ready/not ready to scan a passenger. The calibration process shall (40) take place as necessary in order to keep the system accurate to its qualified detection tier. The WBI shall (41) provide a message indicating to the operator that re-calibration is necessary and shall (42) not allow passengers to be scanned by the system during the calibration process. Emergency Stop The WBI shall (43) include a physical emergency stop (E-Stop) button with protective guards to prevent accidental initiation of an emergency stop. An E-Stop button shall (44) be located at the SOCP. When an E-Stop button is enabled anywhere on the system, the E-Stop location shall (45) be identified on the SO and 10 stations. Activation of the E-Stop button shall (46) render the WBI incapable of scanning passengers. WAR.'1ING: This record contains Sllnsitivll Sllcurity Information that is contl'olllld under 49 CF s 15 and 1520. No part of this rQcord may be dl.c1o~ed to persons wlth,')tit a "nj>ed to now", as ,lefined In 49 CF • Hi and 1520, except witb the written permission of the Administrator of the Transportation Security Admlnistra the Secretary of Transportation. Unauthorized release way result in civil penalty Or other action. For U.S. govcrnm cndes, public disclosure is governed by 5 CS.C. 552 pnd 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. 6 SENSITIVE SECURIT'l INfilOR1ffATION Lock Down The WBI system shall (47) have a lock-down mode so that when activated by the SO: (a) No portion of the system shall (48) move under power. (b) System shall (49) not allow any passengers to be screened. (c) System shall (50) not emit scanning source radiation (d) System shall (51) not disable the display nlonitor or any means of two-way communication. Network Interface The WBI system: (a) Shall (52) possess an Ethernet network interface equipped with an RJ-45 connector. (b) Shall (53) support fullJhalf duplex data rates of 10/100 mega-bits per second to support future requirements. (c) Shall (54) support Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). External Interface SliP Interface The VlBI shall (55) meet the requirements specified in the Security Technology Integrated Program (STIP) Transportation Security Equipment (TSE), Interface Requirements Docwnent (IRD), Version 3.11, 14 April 2008 and STIP Business Rules Document (BRD), 13 August 2007. The \VBI shall (56) comply with the levels ofacccss control as defined in the User Access Levels and Capabilities appendix. Operator Stations Screening Operator Station (SO Station) The SO station: (a) shall (57) not interfere with the TSO's visual contact with passengers and their belongings, nor should it impact a TSO's ability to view the front and back end of the unit. (h) shall (58) have an activation button to initiate a scan. The activation button, if tethered to the device, shall (59) provide a minimum of 3 meters of cable length so that the cord does not interfere with the operator's activities. (c) shall (60) provide a hard-wired, secure means of communication between 10 and SO. An audible means shall (61) be provided to communicate anomaly presence and location. A visual indicator shall (62) provide the SO with notification regarding passenger status. A green status indicator shall (63) he used to denote when passenger is cleared. A red status indicator shall (64) be used to denote when passenger requires secondary screening. The SO shall (65) be provided a means to reset the status indicator. This 10/SO communication shall (66) not be discernible by others. Image Operator Station (10 Station) The \VEl 10 station shall (67) include an Image Operator Control Panel (IOCP), which consists of the IO console and any other necessary input devices. WARNING: d contains Sensitive Security InforDlation that is contl'olled under 49 CFR p:uts 15 and 1520. No part of tbis record may be disclosed to without a «u"",d to know", as defined in 49 CFR p3l"h 15 and 1520, except with the written permission of the Administratol" of the r don Security Administration Qr the Secretary of Transportation. Unauthorized release may result in civil p,-,nalty or other action. }'(W Illcn! agencies, public diselosurll is governed by S {f.S.C. 552 and 49 em part& 15 and ]520. 7 SENSITIVE SECURITY INFQRJVlATION The 10 station shall (68) be operable at a distance up to 100m from the WEI system. loep The IOep: (a) shall (69) pennit only authorized users to log on to the system. (b) shall (70) provide a means to indicate clear or suspect status of a passenger. (c) shall (71) provide all controls required for the 10 to view images. (d) shall (72) provide image enhancement tools to have, at a minimum, the following image processing capabilities, each selectable by a single keystroke to support image review: (i) Reverse image contrast from full negative to full positive (ii) Zoom from IX to 4X loep Display Monitor The IOCP shall (73) include one or more flat panel color displays each measuring a minimum of 17 inches diagonally. Mounting for the flat panel displays shall (74) allow the display(s) to be placed directly in front ofthe user when the user is in his or her nonnal working position. The monitors shall (75) be adjustable so that the centers of the monitors range from 110 em La 160 em from the surface on which the operator is standing. These values are based on a seat height of 60 em and a viewing angle of 65 em. Note that the required monitor heights can vary as a function ofseat height and viewing distance. A summary oftbe eye height, viewing distance, and viewing angle variables used in determining momtar height are provided in the figure below, Viewing Distance xin. Eye Height 69.0 in. Eye Height 30.0 in. WAR.I'JING: This record conia 5th pe rcenti Ie 95th percentile seated female standing male a:: 20 max. .= 0 Center of monitor lIsltlve SecUflt)' Information that is controlled under 49 eFR parts 15 a.nd 1520. No part of this ..ecl)rd Illa)' be d,.clMed II) p,,"on, Wl "need to know", a, defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and H20, .,,,cept with tho> written permission of the Administrator of the Trallspo Seem'it)' Administration or the Secretary of Trllnsportation. Unauthorized release may ",sult in civil penalty or other action. For U.S. CFR parts 15 and 1520. rnCQt 8 "g~llcie., public disclosure III governed by 5 U.S.C. 552 and 49 SENSITIVE SECURITY INFOR~IA'fION Display Monitor Mounting ros The height and location of the IOCP, monitors, seat, and other controls with which will interface must be considered together, as they will comprise a single workstation from which the TSOs will perform their screening tasks. The monitors and IOCP shall (76) be easily accessible (visually or physically, as appropriate) from both a standing and seated position within the workstation. The display monitor mounting method: (a) shall (77) allow operators to adjust height, tilt, and viewing angle without requiring the use of tools. (b) shall (78) allow for continuous adjustment or in increments of no more than 25 mm (c) shall (79) enable adjustments to be accomplished by a single individual (d) shall (80) be adjustable to allow a viewing distance from the eye to the display that is not less than 330mm. (e) shall (81) be adjustable so that the line of sight from viewer eye level to the center of the screen is beh:veen 10° and 20° below horizontaL (f) shall (82) have the capability to tilt displays up or down between _5° and +20°, in 5° increments or continuously. (g) sholl (83) be possible to swivel the display by a minimum of 20° to the left or right, in 5° increments or continuously, to accommodate for varying ambient lighting conditions (h) shall (84) allow the monitar(s) to be placed directly in front of the user when the user is in his or her Donnal working position, whether seated and standing. (i) shall (85) ensure that monitor positions are stable over time once a position has been set. There should be no sagging, drooping, tilting, etc. Operator Display The monitor shall (86) display or indi~ate, at a minimum, the following: (a) Current operational state of the WBI system. (b) Present operational state of the scanner (c) Critical system parameters which state the operation of the scanner and the complete WBI. (d) Identification of the TO, (e) System error messages and diagnostic results. (f) WEI images. Image Quality The images shall (87) have the resolution necessary for the TSO at the 10 station to visually identify any anomalies. The flat panel display shall (88) have a manufacturer's luminance rating ::::: 150 edlm2. WARNING: This re~ ontains S~nsitive Security Information that is contrQlled under 49 CFR paMs 15 lind 15l0. No paM of this reeord Dlay be disd".ed to p without II "nu..d to know", liS defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, except with the wri~J:l permission of the Administrator of the • ortation Securit)' Admiuish'ation Or the SecretaI')' of TranspoMation. Unauthorized release rna)' result in <:ivil peoalty or other aetion. CFR parts 15 and 1520. U.s. government agencies, publie disclosure is gQveJ:"oed by 5 U.S.C. 552 ond 49 SENlSI'l'IvE SECURITY INFORMATION Jitter and Motion Artifacts The display monitor shall (89) exhibit no perceptible jitter or motion artifacts. Field Data Reporting System The \VBI: (a) shall (90) ensure that all data recorded in the Field Data Reporting System (FDRS) is an accurate record oftbe events required to be recorded, as specified in Appendix:5, and that all data in each of the tables are captured and correlated throughout. (b) shall (91) collect FDRS data related to system events specifically defined for WBI in the Security Technology Integrated Program (STIP) Transportation Security Equipment (TSE) Interface Requirements Document, Version 3.11, 14 April 2008, Section 2.4.1. (c) shall (92) collect FDRS data as identified in Appendix B. (d) shall (93) display FDRS reports identified in Appendix E on the 10 monitor. (e) shall (94) provide User Access data according to the access levels defined in the User Access Levels and Capabilities appendix. (f) shall (95) make FDRS raw data available for downloading. (g) shall (96) make FDRS data reports available for downloading, (h) shall (97) provide internal storage so that data elements (as defmed in Appendix B) are stored for a minimum of one (1) year without being overwritten. Data Storagerrransfer The WBI system shall (98) provide capabilities for data transfers via USB devices. These devices shall (99) provide connectivity to download FDRS data as described in 3.1.1 j and to uploadldmvnload a user database as defined in, A high capacity read/write drive shall (l00) be installed to pennit data uploads and downloads, All necessary softv/are drivers and operating system services to support the data collection devices shall (101) be preinstalled and preconfigured. Operational Test Kit (OTK) The vendor shall (102) provide an OTK that wiIi validate the WBI is operating as required. 3.1.2 Electrical The \VBI: (a) shall (103) be capable of operating on commercially available 110 VAC, 220 VAC, or 480 VAC power at 60 Hz with a +/- 15% voltage tolerance and up to a +/- 10% variance in frequenoy, at no more than 20 amp service for 110 VAC, 10 amp for 220 VAC, or 5 amp for 480 VAC. (b) shall (104) route the power and data cables (if applieable) to floor level. (c) shall (l 05) meet the input power requirements defined in Appendix D, TSA Operational Power Requirements, Uninterruptible Power Supply The WBI system shall (106) include an UninternIptible Power Supply (UPS) to ensure automatic, orderly, and safe shut-down ofWBI system equipment and to preserve data in the event ofloss of WARNING: rd contains Sensitive Security Information that is controlled under 49 eFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this record may be disclosed ns with.,ut " "need to lmow"', 9S defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, except with the written permission of the Administrator of t S ortation Secudty Admilli~tratilJn or the Secretary of Tnm~portation. UDlluthonzed .S. goverllmellt agencies, public disclQsure is governed by ;; U.s.C. SS2 and 49 Telease may result in civil penalty I,Ir other acti.;m. CFR parts 15 and 1520. 10 SENSlIIvE SECORII i' INFORMAIION electrical power. The UPS shall (107) provide an indicator to the operator when running on UPS power and shall (108) provide an indicator to the operator when the UPS battery requires replacement. 3.1.3 Physical Floor Loading The total floor loading of the WEI system shall (109) not exceed 416.04 kg/m2 (85 Ibs/ft') based on the actual foot print dimensions. The point load (concentrated load) shall (110) not exceed 453.59 kg over a 193.55 cm square (1,000 Ibs over a 30 in square) floor area. The vendor shall (111) indicate the number of support legs and pad size including the maximum actual load in pounds-per-square·in (psi) per leg. Scanner Footprint Thc WEI system footprint shall (112) be less than 4 square meters. Orientation The WEI system shall (113) be configurable so that passengers may face left or right in relation to the entrance during scanning. Height The WEI system height shall (1 14) be less than 3 m. Width The \VBI system width shall (115) be no greater than 2.25 m. 3.1.4 Identification Markings Identification Information The WEI system shall (116) identify the following information (which shall (117) is located to be readable without disassembly of any hardware): (a) Manufacturer name. (b) Model. (c) Unique serial number. Permanency and Legibility Direct identification marking and identification plates, tags, or labels used shall (118) be as permanent as the life expectancy of the item and shall (119) be capable of withstanding the environmental tests and cleaning procedures specified for the item to which it is affixcd. Legibility shall (120) be understood to mean that which allows ready human or machine readability, as applicable. Information contained on identification plates shall (121) be displayed in a color that contrasts to the color of the surface of the plate. Identification tag marking, when used, shall (122) be permanent to the extent required for use of the item. The minimum text character height shall (123) be 2.54 mm (0.1 inch). 3.1.5 Environmental Operational Environment The WEI shall (124) be capable of operating between 0° and 32° Celsius (32 0 and 89.6° Fahrenheit) and 10% to 80% relative non~condensinghumidity, without affecting: pcrfonnance. , " . This record contains Sensitive Seeuri(y Information tbat is record may be permission of IS th~ creon:!! without a "need to Imow", Administrator 0 AS co~trolled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this defined in 49 CFR puts 15 nod 1520, ll'xcept with the Wl'ittl"h ansportation Security Administration or the Secretary of Transportation. Unauthorized release ma:y result in civil penalt)" or other action. overnment agencies) publk disdosure is g<Jverned by 5 U.s.C. 552 nnd 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. 11 SENSI1TVE 8ECBRITY INFOltJ\1lA I'ION Storage Environment The WBI system shall (125) be capable of storage between -7°C and 49 °C (19.4 of and 120.2 OF) and 10% to 98% relative, non-condensing humidity The WBI sholl (126) be capable of storage under these conditions for not less than 12 months, without resulting in any temporary or pennanent degradation of WEI performance or appearance. Vibration Immunity System function degradation resulting from low-frequency (low frequency vibration will be defined from 0.1 to 30 hertz) vibration typically stemming from airport terminal sources (e,g., aircraft departures/landings, heavy foot traffic, electric carts, large heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, subfloor bag conveyors, and outdoor truck traffic) shall (127) be prevented by compliance with IEC 60068·2-64, Environmental Testing. Part 2: Tests -- Test Fh: Vibration, Broadband Random and Guidance, or equivalent test type. 3.1.6 Electromagnetic Compatibility The WEI system: (a) shall (128) comply with ANSI C63.16-1993, Discharge Test Methodologies and Criteria for Electronic Equipment in the following aspects: (i) Section 9.4 Contact Discharge at 2 kV and 4 kV. (ii) Section 9.3 Air Discharge at 2 kV, 4 kV and 8 kV. (iii) Assuming 8 to 10 equipment discharge test points plus coupling planes, positive and negative discharge wavefonn polarities. (b) shall (129) comply with lEe 61000-4-3, Testing and Measurement Techniques. Radiated, radiofrequency, electromagnetic field immunity test in the following aspects: (i) 10 V/meter, 80 MHz to 1 GHz. (ii) Four sides of Equipment Under Test (EUT), 1% steps, 2.8 sec. dwell. .AM Mod., 80%, 1 kHz. (iii) Perfonnance Criteria A. (c) shall (130) comply with IEC 61 000-4~4, Testing and Measurement Techniques. Electricalfast transient/burst immunity test in the following aspects: (i) Alternating Current (Ae) and Direct Current (DC) power ports at O.5kV, lkV, and 2kY. (ii) Signal lines over 3 mat 0.25 kV, O.5kV and lkV. (iii) Performance Criteria B. Cd) shall (131) comply with LEC 61000-4-5 Testing and Measurement Techniques. Surge immunity test in the following aspects: (i) AC power port at 2kV line to earth, lkV line to line at 0,90 and 270 deg. (Ii) DC power ports at 0.5 kV line to earth, 0.5 kV line to line. (iii) Signal lines over 30 m at 1 kV line to earth. (iv) Positive and negative polarity, 5 surges per mode of appearance. (v) Perfonnance Criteria A. ow ARc'iING: This record contains Sensitive Security Information that is cnntrolled under 49 parts 15 and 1520. No part of this record may be disdosed to persons without a «need to know", as defined in 49 C llrts 15 llnd 1520, ""c"pt with th" written pcrmissian of the Administrator of tbe TransportatioD Security Administrll' 1)1' the Secretnry of Transportation. 'Unauthorized reI""•• may ...,sult in <:i,'ll penalty or other action. For U.S. gov"rnm eneies, public disclQsure i. governed by :; U.S.C. 55Z and 49 CFR parh 15 and 1520. 12 SEN8J:fI,rE SECURITY INFORl\ltA fION (e) shall (132) comply with IEe 61000-4-6, Testing and Measurement Techniques. Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio1requency fields in the following aspects: (i) 10 Vnns, 150 kHz to 80 MHz. (ii) Power ports and signal lines over 3 In, 1% steps, 2.8 sec. dwell. (iii)Performance Criteria A. (f) ~'hull (133) comply with lEe 61000-4-8, Testing ~ind Measurement Techniques. Powerfrequency magnetic field immunity test in the following aspects: (i) 30 Aim, 50 or 60Hz. (ii) Performance Criteria A. (g) shall (134) comply with IEe 61000-4-11 Testing and Measurement Techniques. Voltage dips and interruptions in the following aspects: (i) 30% reduction for 0,5 periods (lO ms), Perfonnance Criteria B. (ij) 60% for 5 periods (100 ms), Performance Criteria C. (iii) 60% for 50 periods (1 sec), Perfonnance Criteria C. (iv) 95% for 250 periods (5 sec), Performance Criteria C Personal Electronic Devices A Personal Electronic Device (PED) is defmed to include any PED, which in the user non-operational mode utilizes electl"Onic circuitry to maintain computer clock and data storage functions. An unpowered PED is defined to include any PED, including FLASH memory devices, which in the user nonoperational mode utilizes electronic circuitry to maintain computer clock and data storage functions. The WBI system vendor shall (135) provide a report indicating that the WBI system unit has, at a minimum, undergone testing in accordance with the European Committee for Electro-technical Standardization (CENELEC) Standard EN 55022, Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Disturbance Characteristics of Information Technology Equipment (Radiated RF Emissions), or equivalent test type. 3.1.7 Human Factors Note: Reference the human factors standards in DOTJFAAJCT-03/05 HF SID.OOl ~ Human Factors Design Standard: Acquisition of Commercial Off-the-SbelfSubsystems, Non-Developmental Items, and Developmental Systems (2003) for the following requirements. All \VBI components with a user interface: (a) shall (136) be operable by TSOs meeting personnel requirements specified in 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 1544.403 and 1544.405 in terms of auditory and visual acuity, dexterity, English proficiency, and educational level (high school diploma, General Educational Development (QED), or a combination of education and experience). (b) shall (137) use a graphical user interface (QUI) that is viewable on the \VBl display monitor and controlled through the IOCP. (c) During utilization of the WEI: em WAR.'UNG: This record contains Sensitive Security Information t • controlilld under 49 parts 15 and 15l0. No part of this record may be disclosed to persons without a "need to , as defined in 49 (,}<'R parts 15 lind 1520. except with the written ecority Administration or tbe Secretary of Transportation. Unauthorized permission of the Administrator of tbe Transport relell'. rna)' result in civil penalt)· or other n. For U.S. government lIgendes, publi~ disclosul"e is governed hy 5 lUte. 552 lind 49 CFR parts 15 nod 1520. 13 -SENSITIVE SECURIT"'lINFORMA'I'ION (i) The system shall (138) take no more than one (1) second from the time that a soft key or icon is selected to the time the action is complete, or the operator receives feedback that the soft key or icon was successfully selected. (ii) Labels, icons, and colors shall (139) be used consistently across displays. (iii) Key strokes shall (140) not be buffered. (iv) The system shall (141) display a message or icon (such as an hourglass icon) to indicate when the system is busy processing an operator-initiated or machine-initiated command. (v) If the same function keys or icons are available on more than onc screen, then those functions shall (142) appear in the same location across screens. (vi) The system shall (143) indicate when a function or mode has been activated or deactivated on any screen or console. Functions are activated by command from the control panel. Modes are changed via menu selection. (vii) Function keys and icons shall (144) be assigned a single function to the maximum extent practicable. If an action requires the use of an embedded menu system or a multistep process, then there shall (145) be available at all times a menu selection, key, or icon that allows the operator to cancel the last action or return to the starting position. (viii) Noise Audible noise levels produced by the WEI shall (146) not exceed a time*weighted average of 70 dBA within 1 m from the WBI system over a 5 minute period. 3.1.8 Regulatory Electromagnetic Emission Safety The WEI systemshali (147) comply with lEC 61000-6-3, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). Generic Standards: Emission Standard for Residential, Commercial, and Light~industrial Environments, 17 July 2006. Emission Control All WBI System radio frequency emissions shall (148) comply with 47 CFR 15, Radio Frequency Devices. 3.1.9 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability Reliability The WBI system shall (149) be designed to meet a minimum of 1000 hours Mean Time Between Critical Failure (MTBCF) in an airport operational environment. This is calcuLated using a 16 hour duty day. A oritical failure means that the system cannot be used operational/y. A failure that prevents the equipment from performing its intended function is considered 8S a critical failure. A non-critical failure means that the system can still perform its intended function until the next scheduled maintenance interval. W.4.&'iIl"iG: This record contains Sensitive Security Information that is controlled un record may be dlscl"".d to persons without .. "Rood to know", CFR parts 15 and 1520. 14 d..fiRed In eFR parts 15 and 1520. 1"0 part of this FR part. 15 lind 1520, except with the written permission of the Administrator of tbe Transportation Security Admini. on or the Secretary of Transportation. Unauthorized release may result in civil penalty or other action. }'Qr U.s. govern agencle., publk di.c1o.ure is governed by 5l.:.S.C. 552 and 49 9S SENSITIVE SECURITY INFO:R1VIA'I'ION Maintainability The WBI system shall (ISO) be designed to have a Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) of no! more than 4 hours_ MTTR is defined as follows: MTTR = Total Aetive Corrective Maintenance Time I Number of Maintenance Actions Maintenance Access The WBI system shall (lSI) have a maintenance access capability that requires no more than 60.96cm (24in) of external clearance distance for perfonning scheduled or unscheduled maintenance actions. The maintenance doors shall (152) be either removable or sliding with a key lock and handles. Scheduled (Preventive) Maintenance The WBI system shall (153) have a Mean Time Between Maintenance Action (MTBMA) for scheduled (preventive) maintenance of not less than seven (7) days. The maintenance manual shall (154) specify all scheduled maintenance activities and the intervals ofperformance. The WBI system shall (155) not require any custom tools for the performance of scheduled maintenance_ Unscheduled (Corrective) Maintenance The WBI system: Shall (156) be modular in design to allow easy removal and replacement of failed Line Replaceable Units (LRUs). (a) Must provide Built In Testing (BIT) diagnostic capabilities that: (i) shall (157) initiate on power-up. (ii) shall (158) monitor system health in a non-interference (background) mode during normal operations. (iii) shall (159) capture and report error and failure codes to the FDRS. (b) Must provide Fault Isolation Test (FIT) diagnostic capabilities that: (i) shall (160) be manually initiated by the TSO as a result of BIT or other system-generated error. (ii) shall (161) identify the failed LRU with at least 90% accuracy. (iii)shall (162) be at least 98% accurate when isolating the failed component to one of three LRUs. (iv) shall (163) report the resultant error or failure codes to the user display and store the resultant error or failure codes on the system for later retrieval as part of the FDRS. Availability The WBI system shall (164) demonstrate an inherent availability (Ail threshold of at least 99%. Availability shall (165) be computed as: Ai = [MTBF I (MTBF+MTTR)] *100% Where MTBF is the Mean Time between Failures and MTTR is the Mean Time to Repair. ----- MTBF = 1 I Failure rate WARNING: This record con iti'Vc Secnrit)' Information that is controlled under 49 CPR parts 15 and 1520. .1'\0 part of this record may be di~dosed to persons withou to know". lUI df'fined in 49 ern parts Hi llnd 1520, except with th", written pcrmiillion of the Administrator of the Transportation cc linistratia» or the Secretary of Transportation. Unauthorized release ma;y result in civil penalty or otber Rction. For U.S. g()vernment agen,,; ·c disclosure i$ gJ>vcrocd by 5l:.S.C. 552 and 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. 15 SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMATION Failure Rate - Nmnber of failures I Total Operating Hours 3.1.10 Safely General The WEI shall (166) not expose operators, passengers, or maintenance personnel to hot surfaces over 43.9 degrees Celsius (Ill degrees Fahrenheit). Radiation The WEI shall (167) comply with ANSIIHPS N43.17-2002 American National Standard - "Radiation Safety for Personnel Security Screening Systems Using X-ray." The WEI shall (168) comply with OSHA Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1096, Ionizing Radiation, I January 2007. The WEI shall (169) comply with Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), C95.1 - 2005, Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz, revision ofC95.l-1991 (Active). The WEI shall (170) comply with International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields (Up to 300 GHz). Health Physics 74 (4): 494-522, April 1988. Electrical Safety The WEI: (a) shall (l7l) comply with UL 61010-1, Safety Requirements/or Electrical EqUipment/or Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use, Part I: General Requirements, 12 July 2004. (b) shall (172) comply with UL 61010A-l, Electrical EqUipment/or Laboratory Use, Part 1: General Requirements, 30 January 2002. (c) shall (173) comply with UL 310, Standard for Electrical Quick Connect Terminals, 27 May 2003. These standards are applicable to electrical equipment used in the workplace and require approval or certification by a National Recognized Test Laboratory (NRTL) listed by OSHA in 29 CFR 1910.7. Ergonomic Safety The WEI: (a) shall (174) possess no sharp comers or edges that can puncture, cut, or tear the skin or clothing, or otherwise cause bodily injury. (b) shall (175) mount external wires, connectors, or cables in a manner which will prevent trip hazard, disconnection or damage by operators and passengers through incidental contact. (c) shall (176) possess no loose covers and cowlings. Hazardous Materials If hazardous materials are used in the WEI, they shall (177) be identified, including their location and amount by weight or volume. A complete Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) shall (178) be developed and provided to meet the requirements of29 CFR 1910.1200, OSHA Hazard Communication. The WARNIN : contains Sensitive Set:urit)< Information that is controlled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of tbis record may be disclosed to l' " hout a "'Med to know", $l.S defined in 49 eFR p:.trts 15 llnd 1520. except ,,,'jth the 'Wl'ittun permission of the Administrator of the Traosp . ecurity Administration or the Secretary of Transportation. Unauthorized release may result in civil penalty or other action. For U.s. gove ndes, public disclosure is governed by 5lJ.S.C. 552 ;and 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. 16 SENSITI¥:E SECIJRITY INFORMATION hazardous materials ,5hall (179) be packaged or configured to not require the use ofpersonal protective equipment (e.g., respiratory protection, eye and face protection, hand protection, protective clothing). 3.1.11 Security Physical Security The units are to be used in areas accessible to the public. The WBI system: (a) shall (180) provide thlD means to physically protect its sensitive components and controls. (b) shall (l81) possess highly visible tamper-evident seals or alarms on assemblies that contain sensitive components!data. Software Access TheWBI: (a) shall (182) allow user access, password protection, and capabilities per the User Access Levels and Capabilities appendix. (b) shall (183) have a user database with a minimum capacity of 10,000 users. A user database is defined as the user ID and password combinations to access the system. (c) shall (lR4) through the use ofa graphical user interface (GUI) or menu, allow the user to encrypt and export a user database. (d) shall (185) through the use of a aUI or menu, allow the user to import and decrypt a user database. Information Technology Security The WBI system shall (186) address the technology security requirements set forth in Appendix A. 3.2 TIER II REQUIREMENTS 3.2.1 System Detectionltmaging System Detection Detection performance requirements are as follows: Explosives Weapons location WARNING: This reeo WI Sensitive Security Iu!ol.'nllttion that is controlled under 49 eFR PSl"ts 15 and 1520. No part o{ this record may be disclosed to persons' II "need to know", as defined in 49 ern parts 15 :md 1520, exeept witb tbe written permission of the Administrator of the TranspOl" curity Administration or the SecNtllry of Trllnspurtation. Unauthorized release may result in civil penalty or other action. Fur U.S. gove encies. public disclosure is governed by 5 US.C. 552 and 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. 17 SENSITIVE SECURITY INF'ORMATION Liquids The WBI System shall (189) produce images to enable an operator to determine the presence and location ofliquids, 3.3 TIER III REQUIREMENTS 3.3.1 System Detection/Imaging System Detection Detection performance requirements are as follows: Weapons .. , • • II • • • • '"' • "" I C' C I II" n I 3.4 OPTIONAL CAPABILITIES 3.4.1 Automated Threat Detection Marking The WBI system shall (193) provide an automated detection highlighting function in meeting the tiered detection requirements. Automated detection highlighting of anomalies shall (194) be coded red. Automated detection highlighting shall (195) be bounded by a box indicating the location of the anomaly. The WEI shall (196) provide a means for the 10 to toggle automated detection highlighting on and off. WARNING: This record contains Sensitive S~ur ormation that is controlled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this r~cord may he disclosed to persons without It "need to kii defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, except with the written permission of the Administrator of the Transportation Security AdlUl .on or the Secl"-'tary C)f Transportation. Unauthorized . ·.closure i. governed by :5 U.S.C, 552 and 49 relMse may I"<!sult bt cMI peno.lty or other action. For U.S. govemment agcndell, p CFR parts 15 aDd 1520. 18 SENSI flV E SECURITY INF8RMAI'lQN 4.0 VERIFICATION Unless otherwise specified within this document, verification will be accomplished through inspection, test, demonstration, and analysis. To support compliance with the requirements in this specification, inspection, test, demonstration, and analysis will be performed on a WBI that is representative of the approved production design that has been placed under configuration control. 4.1 TEST AND EVALUATION Use of the test and evaluation process will assure that a WBI has met the requirements of the WBI specification, associated interface requirements and control documents, and algorithm description. Requirements verification will be performed in accordance with the Contract Statement of Work (SO\\l) and this Specification. All testing will be conducted according to Government-approved test plans, test cases, and test procedures and will be witnessed by an authorized Government representative. 4.1.1 Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E) Contractor DT&E testing comprises test and evaluation of the engineering design and developmental process that is conducted by incrementally determining the degree to which functional engineering specifications are attained. Verification will proceed from the unit level, through integrated verification of functional areas and interfaces within the complete system, to the complete system, in as near an operational configuration and environment as practical. 4.1.2 Qualification Testing The Government will conduct testing to verify compliance to the requirements set forth in this specification. 4.1.3 Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) The Government will conduct OT&E on production~representative systems to assess operational effectiveness and suitability when used by representative field TSOs in the intended operational environment. 4.1.4 First Article Test and Evaluation (FAT&E) An FAT&E will be performed, as directed by the Government, on the Contractor's first production model to verify compliance with all technical contract requirements. 4.1.5 Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) The Contractor will conduct an FAT at the factory on each system prior to delivery. FAT will verify that each system is manufactured to the Government-approved product baseline, that each system complies with technical contract requirements, and that no defects from the manufacturing process exist. 4.1.6 Site Acceptance Test (SAT) The Contractor will conduct an SAT at the site on each system prior to its placement into operation. SAT will verify that each system is properly installed and configured, and that no defects remain from the transportation and installation processes. WARNING: This record contains Sensitive . Information that is controlled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this record may be disdos.::d to persons withnut a "need to ." s defined in 49 eFR parts 15 and 1520, except with the written . n or the Secretttry of Transportation. Unauthorized permission of the Administrator of tbe Transpnrtation Security Adnn Nlease ma}' result in chil penaln' or other action. For U.s. government agencies, po . sure is goverOlld by 5 IJ.S.C. 552 and 49 eFR parts 15 and 1520. 19 SENSITIVE SECURB l' Il'iiFORMAlION 4.1.7 Continuous Assessment The Government will perfonn continuous assessment of fielded WBI systems to verify operational effectiveness, suitability, reliability, and availability of the equipment. Continuous assessment will include collection of data from fielded WBr for the purpose of assessing field perfonnance over time. 4.2 VERIFICATION METHODS All WEI development will undergo test and evaluation to verify that the WEI meets system specification requirements. The verification methods (analysis, demonstration, inspection, and test) described below are mandatory for WBI requirements verification. 4.2.1 Analysis Hardware Hardware analysis will encompass any or all of the following: (a) Engineering analysis is an engineering design function comprising study, calculation, or modeling of the known or potential failure modes and the reactions or interactions of the specified parts, materials, and the design configuration with the known function, performance and/or probable effeets of the operational environments. This analysis is customarily used to verify margin when it is not desirable to test to failure. (b) Similarity analysis is a method applied to end-items or components that are identical in design and manufacturing processes to end-items or components that have previously been qualified to equivalent or more stringent requirements. This method can be applied to commercial, off-the-shelf/non-developmental item (COTSINDI) equipment for the same manufacturer's models, based on tbe manufacturer's engineering specifications. For COTSINDI equipment, the use of manufacturer's published materials that contain test conformance information relating to materials construction, commercial reliability test data, intemal performance capabilities, and environmental conditions (heat, power consumption, etc.) are acceptable. (c) Validation of records analysis is a metbod of verification wherein manufacturing records are used to verify the compliance of concealed construction features or processes of manufacturing (e.g., Contractor items). This method will be applied to COTS equipment for the same manufacturer's models based upon the manufacturer's engineering specifications. Software Software analysis will encompass the processing of accumulated results and conclusions to provide proof that the verification of requirements has been accomplished. The analytical results may be composed of interpretation of existing infonnation or derived from lower level tests, demonstrations, analyses, or examinations. 4.2.2 Demonstration The demonstration method of verification is used to indicate a general "pass/fail" condition. Hardware Hardware demonstration will detennine, by observation, the qualitative characteristics of end-item or component properties. Demonstration will require no special test equipment or instruction to verify characteristics such as operational perfonnance, human engineering features, service, access features, and transportability. s record contains Sensitiyc Secu.ritJ Information that is controlled under 49 CFR pans 15 and 1520. No part of tbis record may he disclOSE: "thout a «o.::cd to know", as defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, except with the written permission of the Administrator of the Transpo Administration or the Secreta¥)' of Transportation. Unauthorized 20 SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMATION Software Software demonstration will determine compliance ""ith requirements (e.g., the proper response at a site as a result of a specified interrogation or command to be processed by the program) through observation of functional operation. Demonstration will be used primarily for activities where data gathering is not appropriate, such as display image verification. 4.2.3 Inspection Hardware Inspection ofhardware will comprise verifying physical characteristics to determine compliance with requirements without the use of special laboratory equipment, procedures, items, or services. Inspection will verify workmanship, physical condition, construction features, and docwnentfdrawing compliance. For COTSfNDI hardware, use of manufacturer's published materials that contain test conformance information such as commercial reliability test data, safety regulations, or other Government standards and licensing, as applicable, are acceptable. Software Inspection will consist of an examination that comprises review of software source and object listings to verifY compliance with software documentation, technical requirements, coding standards, and verification of the implementation of required algorithms. 4.2.4 Test Hardware Hardware testing will verifY hardware performance during or after the controlled application of functional and/or environmental stimuli. The test equipment required for verification will be calibrated and kept in proper working condition. Any test hardware or software used will be documented, validated, and kept under configuration control. Software Software testing will employ technical means, including evaluation of functional operation by use of special equipment or instrumentation, software and/or simulation techniques, to determine compliance of the system with requirements. Data derived from software testing will be reduced for analysis of software/system performance under the test specified. Test equipment required for verification will be calibrated and in proper working condition. Any test hardware or software will be documented, validated, and under configuration control. VERIFiCATION REQUIREMENTS TRACEABILITY MATRIX 4.3 The Verification Requirements Traceability Matrix (VRTM) shown in Table I defines the verification method to be used to validate each WBI specification requirement. Formal verification tests will encompass the following range of conditions, when applicable: • Normal data flow or condition. • Minimmn and maximum conditions. • Below minimum and above maximum conditions. • System failures and recovery. \V ARNING: This record con sltive Secllrit)· Information that lJi contl'olled unde.· 49 ern parts 15 and 1520. 1'0 part of tbl~ record may be disclosed to persons w.t "need to know", as defined in 49 CFR parts 15 lind 1520, except with the written permission of tbe Administrator of the TraDsporta urlty Administration or the Secretary of Transportation. Unauthorized release may result in civil penalty or other action. For {l.S. ~over a cndes, public disclosure is goyerned by !ilf.S.C. 552 and 49 CFR part'& 15 and 1520. 21 SENSITiVE SECUttlTV IN'FORlVIAllON TABLE I. Verification Rennirements Traceabilitv Matrix - Req.# Paragraph Number Paragraph Title FAT&E FAT SAT 1 System Detection D D D 2 3 4 A A A X X X X X X Q-T Q-T Q-T 5 A X X Q-T 6 7 8 9 10 II Explosives Weapons Liquids Other Anomalies Privacy Privacy Privacy Privacy Privacy Privacy D X X D X X D X X I X X X 12 13 Privacy Privacy 14 15 D D D D X D D I D I Throughput Rate I Capacity T X X Throughput Rate I Capacity 1 X X 16 Throughput Rate I Capacity I X X 17 Throughput Rate I Capacity D X X 18 I X X 19 D X X 20 D D X 21 22 23 24 25 D D D X D D D D D D D X X X X Throughput Rate I Capacity Screening Mode Screening Mode Multiplexing Test Mode Test Mode Test Mode Test Mode Remarks I WARNING: This talns Sensitive Secur!!')' Information that is controlled under 49 CFR parts 1S and 1520. No part of tbis a "need to know", as defined in 49 CFR parts 15 llnd 1520, except with the written permission of the Administrator of the TraDsporta rity Administration or the Secretary of Transportation. Unauthorized record may be dis.dos:ed to perf;(jns rltlease may result in civil penalt;r or other action. For U.s. governm des, publie di~clt'\lmre is governed by 5 U.S,C. 552 and 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. 22 - SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMAl ION D D D X X X D D X Start-up and Power-Down D D X Start-up and Power-Down D D X 31 Start-up and Power-Down D D X 32 Start-up and Power-Down D D X D D D D D D D D D D I I I D D T T T T D D D D D D D D D D I I I D X T X X T X X X X X X D D D D X X X D X X X X X I I X A X X 26 27 28 Test Mode Test Mode Test Mode 29 30 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Cold Start-up Sleep I Standby Login Process Login Process Fault Reset Power-Down Calibration Calibration Calibration ......_.._..Calibration _E-Stop E-Stop E-Stop E-Stop Lock Down Lock Down Lock Down Lock Down Lock Down Network Interface Network Interface 54 Network Interface A X X 55 STIP Interface A X X --_._._.... W AID cord contains Sensitive Securit.,.. Information that is controlled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this recurd may be disdo&(: '0 ithout R «need to know", lUI defined in 49 CFR parts 15 ..nd 1520, o.'I;ccpt with the written permission of the Administrator of the Tr9ll. . Secu.riQ' Admin.istration Qr the Secretary of' Transportation. Unauthorized ule.ase may result in civil penalt)' or other 3l.:tion. For U.S. go,'e <:fench~$, public dbdQ.$lue is g.. . "erned by S LS.C. 552 and 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. 23 -- SENSII I vI!: SECURI'FY INFORMATION X X SO Station A I I I SO Station I I X 59 SO Station 1 X 60 SO Station I X X X 61 SO Station D D D 62 SO Station D D D 63 SO Station D D D 64 SO Station D D D 65 SO Station D D D 66 SO Station D D D 67 IO Station I X X 68 IO Station D X X 69 IOCP T X X 70 IOCP D X X 71 IOCP D X X 72 IOCP D X X 73 3.LL4.2.2 IOCP Display Monitor I X X 74 IOCP Display Monitor I I I 75 IOCP Display Monitor I I I 76 3.1.I .4.2.3 D D D 77 3.1. D D D 78 3.1.I.4.2.3 T X X 79 D X X 80 3.1. T X X 56 STIP Interface 57 58 Display Monitor Mountino Display Monitor Mountino Display Monitor Mountino Display Monitor MountinQ Display Monitor Mountin a --~~~ W.4.R.."JING: This record contam C-C . ·ve Securif.)· Information that is controlled under 49 eFR parts 15 and 1520. :Ko part of this record may be disclosed to persons without :1\ know'"'' as defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520~ except with the written permission of the Administrator of the Transportation Secul') . 'stration or the S"t:rl.l:tary of Transportation. 1lnlluthorb:ed . disclosure is governed by 5 U.S.C. 552 and 49 release m9Y result in civil penalt:r or other action. For U.S. govel'oment agenclc • CFR parts 15 and 1520. 24 SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORl\IATION T X X T X X T X X D D D I I I I I I I I I X X X I X X Field Data Reporting System D X X Field Data Reporting System D X X Field Data Reporting System D X X 81 82 83 84 85 86 87\ 88 89 90 91 92 . Display Monitor Mountin" Display Monitor Mountinl> Display Monitor Mounting Display Monitor Mountin" Display Monitor Mountin" Operator Display Image Quality . Image Quality Jitter and Motion Artifacts . 93 Field Data Reporting System 94 Field Data Reporting System D D X 95 Field Data Reporting System D X X D X X WARNlNG: This rcco . s Sensitive Security Information that is controlled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this record may be disclosed to persons II "'need to know", as defined in 49 eFR parts 15 :lind 1520, except with the written permission of the Administrator of the Transpo. 'urity Administration or the Secretary of TranSpQTtanon. Unauthorized release rna)' result in civil penalt~' or other action. For U.S. gover odes. public disclosure is governed b~; :S (i.S.C. 552 and 49 eFR parts 15 and 1520. 25 SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORl\'1ATION 96 3.Ll.5 Field Data Reporting System D X X 97 Field Data Reporting System A X X 98 Data Storage I Transfer D D D 99 Data Storage I Transfer D D D 100 Data Storage I Transfer I I X 101 Data Storage I Transfer I X X 102 103 104 105 3.1.2 3.1.2 3.1.2 OTK Eleetrical Electrical Electrical D X T D X X D D T X X 106 Unintcrruptible Power Supply D I I 107 Uninterruptible Power Supply D D X 108 Uninterruptible Power Supply D X X 109 110 111 112 A X X X X X X X X X X . Floor Loading Floor Loading Floor Loading Footprint Orientation Height Width ID Info. ID Info. D I I X X X X X X X X X A A I 114 115 116 117 118 Permaneney and Legibility A X X 119 Permanency and Legibility T X X 113 w~.a I I ,iii,. . Security Information that is controlled nnder 49 CFR part' 15 and 1520. No p.rt of thi, record rna)' be disclo,~ed to persons witiiOih~ed to know", as defined in 49 eFR parts 15 and 1520, except with the \'l'l'itt"'D permission of the Administrator of the Transportation . . Administration or the Secretary of Transportation. UnauthQood release may result in civil penalt)-° or other action. For U.S. governm des. public disclosure is governed by 5 U.s.c. 552 and 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. 26 SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMATION 120 Permanency and Legibility A X X 121 Permanency and Legibility I X X 122 Permanency and Legibility A X X 123 Permanency . and Legibility I X X 124 Operational Environment A X X C-C 125 Storage Environment A X X C-C 126 Storage Environment A X X C-C 127 Vibration Immunity A X X C-I 128 3.1.6 Electromagnetic Compatibility A X X C-I 129 3.1.6 Electromagnetic Compatibility A X X C-I 130 3.1.6 Electromagnetic Compatibility A X X C-I 131 3.1.6 Electromagnetic Compatibility A X X C-I 132 3.1.6 Electromagnetic Compatibility A X X C-l 133 3.1.6 Electromagnetic Compatibility A X X C-l 134 3.1.6 Electromagnetic Compatibility A X X C-l 135 PED A X X C-I 136 3.1.7 Hwnan Factors A X X 137 3.1.7 Human Factors D X X 138 3.1.7 Human Factors T X X 139 3.1.7 Human Factors 1 X X 140 3.1.7 Human Factors D X X 141 3.1.7 Human Factors 1 X X WARI l.'d contains Sensitive Seeurit)' Information that is controlled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. I'."o part of this record may be disclosed to . Gut 9. "need to know", as defined in 49 CFR parts 1$ and 1520, except with the written permission of the Administrator of the Transpo' ucity Administration or the Secretary of Transportation. lJnauthorized release may result in civil penalt~' or other action. For U.S. goverum ublic disclosure is 20verned by 5 V.S.C. 552 and 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. 27 -- SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMATION 143 3.1.7 Human Factors ] 144 3.1.7 Human Factors ] 145 3.1.7 Human Factors D X X X X 146 Noise T X X 147 Electromagnetic Emission Safety A X X C-I 148 149 142 3.1.7 Human Factors ] X X X X A X X c-] Emission Control Reliability A X X C-C 150 Maintainability A X X C-C 151 Maintenance Access I ] X 152 Maintenance Access ] X X 153 Scheduled Maintenance A X X 154 Scheduled Maintenance A X X ISS Scheduled Maintenance A X X 156 Unscheduled Maintenance ] X X 157 Unscheduled Maintenance D X X 158 Unscheduled Maintenance D X X 159 Unscheduled Maintenance D X X 160 Unscheduled Maintenance D X X 161 Unscheduled Maintenance T X X 162 Unscheduled Maintenance T X X 163 Unscheduled Maintenance D X X 1.64 Availability A X X C-C , cord contains Sensitive Securit)' Information that is controlled under 49 eFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this record may be disclose 0 p " out a "need to know", as defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, except with the written permission of the Administrator of the Transpor . Administration or the Secretary of Transportation. Unauthorized release rna:)' result in civil penalty or other action. For U.S. government a ' eFR parts 15 nnd 1520. 28 ic disclosure is governed by 5 LS.C. 552 and 49 SEl"SI'fIVE SECURITY INFORMATION 165 Availability A X C-C X X X X 166 General T T 167 Radiation A 168 Radiation A X X C-] 169 3.1I0.2 Radiation A A X X C-] Radiation Electrical Safety Electrical Safetv Electrical Safetv X X 170 17l A X X C-I 172 A X X c-r 173 A X X C-] 174 3.1I004 Ergonomic Safety I I X 175 3.1.1 004 Ergonomic Safety I I X 176 3.1I004 Ergonomic Safety T X X I77 Hazardous Materials I X X 178 Hazardous Materials A X X 179 Hazardous Materials I X X 180 3.1Il.l I ] X 181 I I X 182 Software Access D X X 183 3. I.! 1.2 Software Access A X X 184 3.1I1.2 Software Access D D X 185 3.1I1.2 Software Access D D X 186 3.1.1 1.3 Info. Tech. Security A X X 187 3.2.U.U Explosives A X X Physical Security Physical Security C-I C-I Q-T WARNIN : ontains Sensitive Security Information that is ccmtrolled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this record may be disclosed to pel'S "need to know", as defined in 49 eFR parts 15 and 1520. except with thf: written . dministraticUl or tbe Secretary of Transportation. Unauthorized permission of the Administrator of the Transporta 0 'j;' disclosure is governed by 5 ·V.S.C. 552 :lind 49 release may result in civil penaJt:r or other action. For U.S. government ag CFR parts 15 and 1520. 29 SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMATION 188 189 190 191 192 193 3.4.1 194 3.4.1 195 3.4.1 196 3.4.1 Weapons Liquids Explosives Weapons Liquids Automated Threat Detection Marking Automated Threat Detection Marking Automated Threat Deteetion Marking Automated Threat Detection Marking Q-T Q-T Q-T Q-T Q-T A A A A A X X X X X X X X X X D X X D X X D X X D X X X X A X X C-I A X X C·J AppendixC 197 n1a User Access Levels and Capabilities A Appendix D Baseline Voltage and Current Distortion Baseline Voltage and Current Distortion 198 5.1 199 5.1 200 5.2 Power Usage Profile and Power Factor A X X C-J 201 5.3 Maximum Inrush Current Ration A X X C-I 5.4 Steady State Current Unbalance A X X C-J 202 WARNING: This l'ec<lcd contains Sensitive Securit)' Information that is controlled under 49 CF'R parts 15 a record may be disclOSed to persons without a "need to kno ." . parts 5 llnd 1520. l"~C'~t with the wJ:;'hte-n permission of ransporrntion Seeurit)' Administration or the Secretary of Transportation. Unautbol.'i:«>d re ease may result in civil penalt)" or other CFR parts 15 and 1520. :acrinn~ For U.S. government agencill's. public disclosure is govcl'ocd b}' 5 U.s.C. 552 and 49 30 SENSITIV:E SECURITY INF9RMATION 203 5.4 Steady State Current A X X C-I A X X C-I Unbalance 204 5.4 Steady State Current Unbalance 5.4 Steady State Current Unbalance A X X C-I 5.5 Maximum Leakage Current A X X C-I 207 5.6 Voltage Sag and Interruption Withstand Performance A X X C-I 208 5.7 A X X C-I D X X D X X 205 206 Unmterruptible Power Supply A]>llendix E FDRSReport Display 209 1.0 210 1.0 211 1.1 10 Log Report D X X 212 1.1 10 Log Report D X X 213 1.1 10 Log Report D X X 214 1.2 Event Report D X X 215 1.2 Event Report D X X 216 1.2 Event Report D X X 217 1.2 Event Report D X 218 1.3 Access History D X 219 13 Access History D X X X X FDRS Report Display WARNING: This record contains Sensitive Security In or hat is controlled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this record may be disclosed to persons without a "need to know", as e . 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, e.'l:cept with the written permission of the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration or retary of Transportation. Unauthorized ....1."'. n"I)" t'e~ult In dvll p.nll.lf)" or other ""rion. For U.S. goveJ'nment agende" publ;" dis.Io.Ul·. eFR parts 15 and 1520. 31 • n.d by ,5 I.tS-C- 552 and 49 SENSITIVE SECURI I'f INFORMATION LEGEND 1 Remarks See paragraph 4.2.1 See para,graph 4.2.2 See paragraph 4.2.3 Verification Methods Analysis Demonstration D Inspection I Not verifiable NV Test T Not aoplicable X A See paragraph 4.2.4 LEGEND 2 c-c C-I Q-T Certifications/Oualifications Certification bv the Contractor Certification by an independent evaluator (UL Listing or Equivalent is a certification ~rformed by Underwriter's Laboratories or eCluivalent independent agency) Qualification by the Government (Transportation Security Laboratory) W Alli"iING: This A'e<:ord contain~ Sensitive " formation that is cOntrolled under 49 CFR parts 15 lind 1520. No part of tbis rocoro may be di.do•• d to persons without" "need to . de£lll"d in 49 CFR pnrts IS lOnd 1520, "xcept with tbe written permission of the Administrator of the Transportation Security Admin ~ • or the Secretary of Transportation. Unauthorized r..,leas", ma~' result in dvil pe"alty Qr other action, For {.J,S. government agencie., pu J ure is gQYened by ;; {),S.C. 552 auu 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. 32 SENSITIVE SECURll }' INFORMATION 5.0 AC A; ANSI BIT BRD BS C&A CBEMA CENELEC CFR COTS DC DHS DISA DPF DOT EMC EN E-Stop EUT FAA FCC FDRS FIPS FISMA FIT GED Gill Hi-SOC HSAR HVAC ICNIRP lD IEC IEEE 10 IOCP IP IRD 15S0 IT ITIC ITMRA ITSEC ACRONYMS Alternating Current Inherent Availability American National Standards Institute Built-In Test Business Rules Document Backscatter Certification and Accreditation Computer Business Manufacturers Association European Committee for Electro-technical Standardization Code of Federal Regulations Commercial off the Shelf Direct Current Department of Homeland Security Defense Information Security Agency Displaced Power Factor Department of Transportation Electromagnetie Compatibility European Standard Emergency Stop Equipment Under Test Federal Aviation Administration Federal Communications Commission Field Data Reporting System Federal Informatioll.:I'rQgeSsing Standard Federal Information Security Management Aet Fault Isolation Test General Equivalency Diploma Graphical User Interface High Speed Operational Connectivity Homeland Security Acquisition Regulation Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning International Commission of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Identification International Electro-technieal Commission Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Image Operator Image Operator Control Panel Internet Protocol Interface Requirements Document Information System Security Officer Information Technology Information Technology Industry Council Information Technology Management Reform Act IT Security WAR.'\lNG: ThiS r tainsSensitive Securit)' Information that is controlled under 49 C.FR parts 15 and 1520. No part of tbis r€tcord may be di~d(J!;ed to rel"Son a "need to know", 9.S defined in 49 CFR parts 15 llnd :l5:!O, exc:cpt with the written permi.ssioh of the Administratur of the Transpor udty Administrfltion or the Secretary or Transportation. Unauthorized role9$(, rolA)' result in civil peoa.lty 01' ()thcr action. For V.S. govern ndes, public:: dbdosure is governed bJ 5 U.S.C. 552 and 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. 33 SENSITIVE SECURITY INFOR1\iATION Pd PED Line Replaceable Unit Millimeter Wave Material Safety Data Sheet Mean Time Before Failure Mean Time Between Maintenance Actions Mean Time To Repair National Electrical Manufacturers Association National Institute of Standards and Technology National Recognized Test Laboratory National Security Agency Operator Control Panel Operating Security Occupational Safety and Health Administration Operational Test Kit Probability of Detection Personal Electronic Device PEa False Alarm Rate RF RMS SO Radio Frequency Root Means Square Screening Operator Standard Security Technology Integrated Program Transmission Control Protocol Total Hannonic Distortion Total Power Factor Transportation Security Administration Transportation Security Engineering Transportation Security Laboratory Transportation Security Officer Underwriters Laboratory Unintenuptible Power Supply Universal Serial Bus LRU MMW MSDS MTBF MTBMA MTTR NEMA NIST NRTL NSA OCP as OSHA OTK STD STIP Tep IHD IPF TSA TSE rSL ISO UL UPS USB VAC Volts Alternating Current WBI Whole Body Imager WARNING: This record contains Sensitive Security Information that' ntrolled uuder 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No p"rt of this ..ecord may be disclo.ed to p(>l'sons without " "need to 1m , ". defined in 49 CFR part< 15 and 1520, e:x"ept with the written permission "f the Administrator of the TranslJorta . ecurity Administration or the Secretary of Tnmsportation. Unautborized release may result in civil penalty or other a . . For lJ.S. government agendes, l'ublie disclosure is governed by 5 U.S.C. 552 nnd 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. 34 SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMATION APPENDIX A TECHNOLOGY SECURITY REQUIREMENTS Preparedfor: Transportation Security Administration Security Transportation Deployment Office January 2008 record~'io~njt'~i""~S~'c~n~"['t'~V~~~~I:n':Oirm~.ti~'o;n~tb~.~t~is~.~o~n;tl~'O;U;Cd~Ulnd!c[rj419iC~'FiR~p~a;r"'~·il~S~a~nd record may be dbcluscd to persons without WARNING: This 11 "'need to .,. $IS defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. except 1520.with 1\"0 the partwritten of this permisllion of the Administrator of the Transportation Security Admm . Qr the Secretary of Transportathm. llnlluthomed release may result ill civil penalt:y or other action. For U.S. govCl;nmcnt lIgcndes,. pu 1 CFR parts 15 and 1520. A-I nre is goverr)cd hy 511.S.C. 552 aDd 49 - SENSITIVE SECUIUTY INFORM'ATION A.1 INTRODUCTION Due to the TSA's plan for a secure network which will connect thc vast information systems of our nation's airports, it is necessary to outline information security control requirements to ensure the network is both secure and effective. In support of the Security Technology Integration Program (STLl') team's work to achieve this goal through the High Speed Operational Connectivity (Hi-SOC) roll-out, the Certification and Accreditation (C&A) Assessment team compiled these requirements in the form of an IT Security (ITSEC) Requirements matrix which applies to all Transportation Security Equipment (TSE). The points of contact for this effort are as follows: ~orroation System Security Officer (ISSO) U.S. Transportation Security Administration 701 South 12 th Street Arlington, VA 22202 . Phone:. . ~ Email: hs. ov A.2 SCOPE This document covers a subset of the security requirements mandated by DHS and TSA. The complete set of IT Security requirements can be found in the TSA Management Directive 1400.3 and the DHS National Security Systems Handbook 4300A This document was created to identify specific requirements from the full set of sccurity requiremcnts that are directly applicable to the hardware and software utilized for the TSE being designed and built A.3 VENDOR REQUIREMENTS Vendors shall configure their Operating System (OS) and application software by strictly following the OS Secure Baseline Configuration Guides. All hardware and software systcms shall be secured based on the TSA IT Security requirements which can be found in the TSA Management Directive 1400.3 and the DHS National Security Systems Handbook 4300A Technology Security Requirements are also included in section 6, which provides a guideline to assisting an implementing the major security requirements. This document provides a reference of many of the findings that have been identified in past security scans. These requirements are included as guideline which TSE is required to meet all of the security requirements identified in 1400.3 and the 4300.A TSA and DHS IT Security Requirements documents. Additionally, TSA will conduct preliminary security scans (as needed and as requested) and quarterly security scans on the equipment that provides security reports. This will help the vendor in meeting the security requirements. A.4 REFERENCES The following documents were utilized in the development of this set of Systems ITSEC Requirements for Systems Developers & Administrators: TSA MD 1400.3 Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Management Directive No. 1400.3 - TSA Information Security Policy DHS4300A Department of Homeland Security Sensitive Systems Handbook V3.2, October I, 2005 --- "YAR+~ING: This recur Sensitive Sf.!(:urity Information that is t'ontrol1ed under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this record may be disclosed to persons w ed to know", us defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, except with the written Distrntion or the Secretary of Transportation. Unauthorized other action. For U.S. government agen . disclosure is govQr-ned by 5 V.S.C 552 Dnd 49 " permission of the Administrator of the Transportation e ' release may result in civil penalty CFR parts 15 and 1520. (H.' A-2 SENSITIVE SE€URI'f¥ INFORMATION FIPS 140-2 Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules ~ December 3, 2002 (Change Notice 2) Pubtic Law 107-296 Homeland Security Act of 2002 - November 25, 2002 FISMA 2002 Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) of2002 November 25,2002 Public Law 104-106 Clinger~Cohen Act of 1996 Lformerly, Information Technology Management Reform Act (ITMRA)] - February 10, 1996 HSAR Homeland Security Acquisition Regulation - December 2003 OS HARDENING/SECURITY REQUIREMENTS A.5 Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) vendors should follow the OS Secure Baseline Configuration Guides from the following sources and in the following order (i.e., if an as guide is not available under source i. then go to source ii.): 1. TSA as Secure Baseline Configuration Guides available from TSA upon request are: 1. HP-UX Server Secure Baseline Linux Server Secure Baseline Solaris Server Secure Baseline 4. Windows 2000 Server Secure Baseline 5. Windows 2003~XP Secure Baseline Department of Homeland Security (DRS) National Security Agency (NSA) 2. 3. 11. iii. iv. v. http://wwvi.nsa.gov/snac/index.cfm?MenuID=scgl 0,3.1 Defense Infonnation Security Agency (DISA) http://iase.disa.mil/stig§/checkli~t!jp.dex. html National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) http://osrc.nisi. gOY/pcig/ci g. html WARNING: This record contains Sens urlty Information that is controlled under 49 eFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of tbis record may be diSClosed tu persons without a n ow", as d..tined in 49 CFR P:ilrts Hi lind 1520. except with the written permission of the Administrator of the Transportation Securl • inistration or the Secretary of Transportation. Unautborilllld t:'clellse roay t:'esult in civil penalty or other action. For U.S. govcl'nment ag . ublie disclosure is governed by 5 U.S.c. 552 and 49 erR parts 15 llnd 1520. A-3 SENSITIVE SECURIrY INFORMl.TION A.6 SYSTEMS IT SECURITY REQUIREMENTS *Reference nwnbers apply to this document only. **A waiver is requested when a rcquirement cannot he met within a reasonable timeframe, hut can be fixed within a near-future timeframe (for example,6 months to a year). ***An exemption is requested for a requirement that cannot reasonably he fixed ever. This is something that will either be an unreasonable cost to fix or fixing the issue would result in the equipment not working and there is no work-around for the fix. Please fill in the matrix below for the following requirements. If a requirement has been met, please indicate Yes. If the requirement has not been met, please indicate No and under the Notes section please fill out the reason why. If a requirement is Not Applicable, please indicate this with Nt A and under the Notes section please fill out the reason why. If requirements cannot be met, please provide a detailed explanation in either the waiver or the exemption sections of the matrix. *Reference Number AC-t AC-2 DHSorTSA Reference TSAMD 1400.3, v3.lJI, Chapter 3, Access Control Section 7 "Passwordsn Section 3.2.1. Parts A andL TSAMD 1400.3, v3.IJI. Chapter 3. Access Control Section 7 Control Category HPasswordsl~ AC-3 Systems IT Security Reouirement Password length shall be a minimum of eight (8) characters and a maximum of 15 characters. Met Requirement YeslNo or NIA Notes No or NIA, Otber **Waiver Exolanation **~Exemption Exolanation Passwords shaH contain at least one of each of the following: one alphabetic uppercase, one alphabetic lowercase, one numeric, and one spcciai character. Section 3.2.1. PartB Passwords shall not contain TSAMD 1400.3, v3.IJI, any two identical consecutive cbaracters. Access Control Chapter 3. Section 7 "Passwords" WARNING: This record contains •.,c . . ,J. formation that is controUed under 49 ern paris 15 and 1520. No part of tlJis r£cord mllY he disclosed to persons without a "need to know", as defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520~ cx:cept with the wn . . ...rthe Administrator of the Tl'unsportntion Security Administrntion or the Secrefury of Transporrntion. Unauthorized release may resliit in civil penalty or other action. For U.S. government agencies. pu...... . vemed br5U.S.C. 552 and 49 CI"U parts 15 and 1520. A-4 SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMA.TION *Reference Nnmber AC-4 Control Category DHSorTSA Systems IT Security Reference Requirement Section 3.2.1, Parte TSA MD Passwords shal! not be the 1400.3, v3.1 - r1, same as the User ID. Chapter 3, Access Control Section 7 Met Requirement YeslNo orNtA Notes No or NtA, Other **Waiver Explanation ***Exemption ExPlanation '~Passwords~' AC-5 AC-6 Access Control Access Control AC-7 Access Control AC-8 Access Control I Section 3.2.1, PartK TSAMD 1400.3, v3.lJI, Chapter 3, Section 7 "Passwords" Section 3.2.2, Part A TSAMD 1400.3, v3.UI, Chapter 3, Section 7 uPasswords" Section 3.2.2, PartB TSA MD 1400.3, v3.JJ I, Chapter 3, Secticn 7 "Passwords" Section 3.6, Part A TSAMD 1400.3, v3.J JI, Chapter 3, Section 7 "Passwords" Section 3.6, Part A Passwords shall have a maximum lifetime of 90 days. Passwords shnll not be reused for a minimum of6 password change cycles. Systems, applications and network components sometimes come with default system accounts and passwords (or no password). The TSA requires that: All default accounts shall be removed from the system and the default password must be changed prior to placing the system or device into service. d contains Sensitive Security Information that is controlled under 49 ern parts: 15 and IS10. No part of thhl record may be disclosed to persons without a "need to know'" as defined in 49 CFR parts 1 an , . . . ion of the Administrator of the Transportatiun Security Administration or the Secretary of TrnRsportation. Unauthorized release may result in civil penalty or other action. For U.S. government agencies, pu Ie l ' ::; 2 and 49 CFR pam 15 and 1520. A·S SENSITIVE SECf:fIUTY INFORMATION *Reference Number AC-9 Control Category DHSor TSA Reference TSAMD 1400.3, v3.IJI, Chapter 3, Access Control Section 7 "Passwords" AC-IO Systems IT Security Requirement All system or root level accounts shall have a password assigned prior to placement of the system or Met Requirement YesINo or N/A Notes No or N/A, Otber **Waiver Explanation ***Exemption Explanation device into service. Section 3,6, Prot A All "guest" accounts shall be TSAMD 1400.3, v3.1 _fl. removed from the system. Chapter 3, Access Control Section 7 "Passwords" AC-ll AC-12 AC-13 Section 3.6, Part A TSAMD 1400.3, v3.1 Jl, Chapter 3, Access Control Section 7 "Passwords" Section 3.6, Part A TSAMD 1400.3, v3.l _fl, Chapter 3, Access Control Section 7 "Passwords" Section 3.2,7, Part A TSAMD 1400.3, v3.1_fl. Chapter 3, Access Control Sel..'1ion 7 "Passwords" Section 3,2.7,Part B Operati ng systems and applications shall be configured to force users to create strong passwords, as defined in this document. Personal passwords shaU be authenticated each time a claim of identity is made (e.g" when fllogging onto lT an interactive system). Access passwords shall be authenticated during the initial request for access to protected data, WARNING: Tlli!~ record tontains Sen'iitwe • ation that is controlled under 49 CFR parts 15 and J520. No part of this ~ord may be disclosed to persons without a "ne(!d to know". 11S defined in 49 CFR pnrts 15 and 1520~ except with the wn • ,. n of the Administrator of the Transpurtation Security Admini9trntion or the Secretary of Transportation. • osure is governed by 5 U.S.c. 552 and 49 CPR parts 15 and 1520. Unauthorized release may result in civil penalty or otJlI;r action. For U.S. government ag('l1cl , A-6 SENSITIVE SECURIFY INFORMATION *Reference Number AC-14 Control Category DHSorTSA Reference DHSMD4300, v2.1 Chapter 5, Access Control Section 5.6.5, "Internet AC-15 Systems IT Security Reauirement Firewalls shall be configured to prohibit any protocol or service that is not explicitly permitted. Met Requirement YesJNo or NI A Notes No or NIA, Other >l<*W-aiver ***Exemption Explanation Explanation Security", Port B DHSMD4300, Mobile code (e.g., ActiveX, v2.1, Chapter 5, JavaScript) that has not!leen Section 5.6.5, reviewed and digitally Access Control '-'Internet approved by an appropriate Security'~, Part D TSA authority shall not be used. AC-16 AC-17 AC-18 DHS MD 4300, v2.1 TSAMD 1400.3, v3.1 _rl, Chapter 3, Access Control Section 11 b, Section 3.3,Part C; and Section 11 c, Section 3.4, PartC TSAMD 1400.3, v3.1 _1'1, Chapter 4, Section 2 Access Controi HNetwork Logical Access Control" Section 3.2,Part A Telnet shall not be used to connect to any TSA computer. A connection protocol such as Secure Shell (SSH) that employs secure authentication (two f.ctur, encrypted, key exchange, etc.) and is approved by the Organization Element shall be used instead. Upon successful logon, the tlser shall be notified of the date and time of the last successful logon using this user identity and the number of unsuccessful logon attempts using this user identity since the last successful logon. Upon successfullogon~ a TSA MD 1400.3, standard and approved v3.tJl, Chapter warning message shall be 4} Seciion2 displayed. Minimum Access Control "Network LDgical requirements for this message Access Control" shall be as follows: Section 3.2,Part R WARNING: IS itive Seeurity Information that is rontroIled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this record may be disclosed to persons ",itlrout a "need to know". us defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 152 ,exec . crmission of the Administrator of the Trnnsportation Security Administration or tile Secretary of Transportation. Unauthorized ..dease may result in civil penalty or otllcr action. For U.S. government age .. re ill: owrncd by 5 U.S.c. 552 and 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. A-7 SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMA I ION *Reference Number Control CateQorv DHSorTSA Reference Systems IT Security Requirement Met Requirement YesINo or N/A Notes No 01" N/A, Other **Waiver Exoianation ***Exemption Explanation SAMPLE WARNING MESSAGE, 'THIS IS AN UNCLASSIFIED SYSTEM. This is a Government information system. This system is fOr the use ofauthorized users: find unclassified processing only. lndividuals Ll5ing this c:omputer system without authority or in excess of their authority are subject to Imving aIt of their activities on this system monitored and recorded by system personnel. In the course of monitoring individuals improperly using this system. Of in the course ofsystem maintenance. the activities of nuthorized users may also be monitored. Anyone using this system expressly consents to such monitoring and is advised that ifsuch monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity or inappropriate use, such as input ofclassified infonnation, system personnel may provide the evidence of such monitoring to TSA officials and/or law enforcement officials. depending on the nature of the evidence revealed. Security Violations will be issued to any user processing Classified National Securitv lnfonnation on this system." Warning message shall be TSAMD 1400.3, v3.lJ1, displayed until a specific user AC-19 AC-20 Chapter 4, action is taken. Section 2 Access Control "Network Logical Access Control" Section 3.2,Part B Warning message shall include TSAMD 1400.3, v3.1_rl, a warning that they have Access Control accessed a Government Chapter 4, Section 2 information system. Unauthorized release may result in civil penalty or other action. For U.S. government agcncjes, PUudo; A-& . . • bv 5 U.S.C. 551 and 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMATION *Reference Number AC-21 AC-22 AC-23 AC-24 Control CategorY Access Control Access Control Access Control Access Control DHSor TSA Reference "Network Logical Access Cnntrol" Section 3.2,Part B TSAMD 1400.3, v3. I_d, Chapter 4, Section 2 "Network Logical Access Control" Section 3.2,Part B TSAMD 1400.3, v3.lJI, Chapter 4, Section 2 ''Network Logical Access Control" Section 3.2,PartB TSAMD 1400.3, v3.1_r1, Chapter 4, Section 2 «Network Logical Access Control" Section 3.2,PartB TSAMD 1400.3, v3.1JI, Chapter 4, Section 2 "Network Logical Access Control" Section 3.3,PartA Systems IT Security RequIrement Met Requirement YeslNo or N/A Notes No or N/A, Other **Waivl,'f Explanation ***Exemption Explanation Warning message shall include a warning that lIsage may be monitored, recorded and subject to audit Waming message shall include a warning that notifies users that use indicates consent to monitoring and recording. Waming message shall include a warning that notifies users that unauthorized use is prohibited and subject to criminal and civil penalties. All end user assets shall have and employ session lock capabilities in accordance with TSA MD 1400.3, End User Assets Policy. WARNING: This record contains Sensitive Security Information that is oontToUed under 49 eFR parts 1S and 1520. 0 tbis reco-rd may be disclosed to persons without a "need to Imow", as dcfintd in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, except with the written permission of the Administr ransportation Seeurity Adminutration or tbe Secretary of Transportalion. Unauthorized release may result in 'Civil penally or Gther aetiau. For U.S. gf.lvernment ' . u lie disclosure is governed by 5 U.S.C. 552 and 49 CFR parts 15 and 152Q. A-9 SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMATION *Reference Number AC-25 AC-26 Control Category DHSorTSA Reference TSAMD 1400.3, v3.1 JI, Chapter 4, Section 2 Access Control "'Network Logical Access Control" Section 3.4,Part A TSAMD 1400.3, v3.1 _rl, Chapter 4, Access Control Section 3 Systems IT Security ReQuirement An end user assets shaH have Met Requirement YesINo or NtA Notes No or NtA, Other "'*Waiver Explanation ***Exemption Explanation and employ session inactivity lockout capabilities in accordance with TSA MD 1400.3, End User Assets Policy. Remote access shall require identification and authentication consisting of a user identity and password and shall not be connected to any Access" Section other network aside from the 3, Parts D and J TSA network. TSAMD Split-tunneling or dual homing 1400.3, v3.IJI, shall not be permitted at any Chapter 4, time; only one connection is allowed. Access Control Section 3 ;~Rernote AC-27 "Remote Access" Section 3, PartM DHSMD4300, v2.1, Chapter 4, Section 4.6.2, "Wireless LANs Part A; TSAMD 1400.3, v3.1JI, Access Control Chapter 4, Section 4 H , AC-28 '~Wireless Wireless communications technologies are prohibited from use within DHS unless the DHS CISO specifically approves the technology and application. [If the device is equipped with wireless technology, this requirement must be met and Access" Section this technology MUST be 3, Part A disabled on the device1 WARNING, This record ,ontains Sensiliv. Security Inl",·m,tion that i, controlled under 49 C~p"t ----- 01 thi, record may be di"losed to persons "ith,ut a "need to know~', as defined in 49 CFR parts IS and 1520, except with the written. permission ministrator of the Transportation Security Administration or the Secretary of Transportation. UnautIl6ri:z~d release may result in civil penalty or other action. For U.s. go ent agencies, public disclosure is governed by 5 U.S.c. 552 and 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. A·IO SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMATION *Reference Number AC-29 AC-30 AC-31 AC-32 DHSorTSA Reference DHS MD 4300, v2, I, Chapter 5, Section 5.3, Access Control "Identification and Authentication", PartB TSAMD 14003, v3,1 _rl, Chapter 4, Section 2 Access Control ''Network Logical Access Control" Section 3.7,PartA Control Cate,gory Systems IT Security Requirement For IT systems requiring authentication controls, the IT system shall ensure that each nser is authenticated before IT system access occurs. Met Requirement YesINo or N/A Notes No or N/A, Other **Waiver Explanation ***Exemption Explanation Each system will be configured to restrict a user or process to the least privileges or access required to perform authorized tasks. Unencrypted passwords shall he transmined as ASCII characters ifinterchanged between TSA IT systems within the TSA Wide Area Network and shall be TSAMD transmitted separate from any 1400.3, v3.1 _fl, identification ofintended use. Chaptel'3, Encrypted passwords and Access Control Section 7 virtual passwords shall be "Passwords" transmitted either as a 64-bit Section 3.2.6, binary field in bit-oriented PartC communications, or as ASCII representations of the hexadecimal character set (i.e., the 16 characters in the set [09. AF] in character-oriented communications). TSAMD VPN assets shall be Access Control 1400.3, v3.1 _fl, automatically disconnected from the TSA network after Chapted, ----- WARNING: This re-eord contains Sensitive Security Information that is controlled under ~parts 15 and 1520. No part of this record may be diseIDsed to persons without a "need to know", as defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, ex«'!ptwith the written perm' . rUI tnc Administrator of the Trnnsportatlon Secnrity Adminktratlon or the Sceretary of Transportation. Unauthorized release may result in dvil penalty or other action. F ~. g(Jvernmcnt :igenclc-s. public disclosure is governed by 5 U.S.c. 552 and 49 CFR p~rts 15 and 1520. A-II SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMATION *Reference Number Control Caterrorv DHSor TSA Reference Section lid "VPN Security" Section 3.2, Part F Systems IT Security Met Requirement YeslNo or NfA Reauirement thirty minutes of inactivity. Notes No or NfA, Other **\Vaiver Explanation ***Exemption Exolanation The user must then logon again to reconnect to the network. Pings or other artificial network processes AC-32 AU-I used to keep the connection onen are prohibited. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) shall not be used to connect to or from any DRS computer. FTP shall be disabled on the device. DHS4300A, v3.2, Chapter 5.0, Access Control Section 5.4.5, "Network Security", Part F AU devices capable oflogging TSAMD 1400.3, v3.IJl, shall have logging enabled at all times. C1lapter 4, Audit and Section to Accountability "Security Audit Trails" Section 3, Prnt A AU-2 AU-3 All successful and TSAMD unsuccessful attempts to 1400.3, v3.IJI, access TSA networks, network Cbapter4, devices, software applications, Audit and Section 10 and systems shall be logged Accountability ~<Security Audit automatically to an approptiate Trails" Section log file hy the component's 3, PartC logon process. Audit trails shall contain at a TSAMD minimum, the idcutity ofeach 1400.3, v3.1 _rl, user and device accessing or ,Chapter 4, Audit and attempting to access an Section 10 information tcchnology (IT) Accountability "Security Audit system or network component; Trails" Section the time and date of the access 3, Part D and the logoff; activities that ~ C~"'t ------ ~ WARNING: This r.cord oont.i.s S,nsitivc Security Information that co.troned uudcr 49 of .his r""onl may be disclosed ro persons with.ut a ''ueed to kn<Jw", as defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, except witll the written permission of the Admi' ator of the Transportatil:m SfcurUy Administration or the Secretary of Transportadon. Un81ltllOl'ized rclcasc may rEsult in civil penalty or other action, For U.S. govel'nment a .. s public diselosllre is governed by 5 U.S.c. 552 and 49 eFR parts 15 and 1520. A-12 SENSITIVE SECURIT}' INFORMATION *Reference Number Control Category AU-4 Audit and Accountability AU-5 Audit and Accountability AU-6 Audit and Accounlability AU-7 Audit and Accountability AU-8 Audit and Accountability DHSorTSA Reference Systems IT Security Requirement mig/lt modify, bypass, or negate IT seourity safeguards; and security-relevant actions associated with processing. Individual audit trail records TSAMD 1400.3, v3.1 Jl, shall specify the authenticated Chapter 4, identity oftlle individual or Section 10 process generating the record. "Secmity Audit Trails" Section 3, rart J TSAMD Individual audit trail records 1400.3, v3.J - rl, shall specify the software or Chapter 4, system command used to Section 10 initiate the event. "Security Audit Trails" Section 3, Part J TSAMD Individual audit trail records 1400.3, v3.1 _rl, shall be time stamped, Chapter 4, accurate to within a second or Section !O less ofthe TSA network time "Security Audit reference, and include local Trails" Section time zone information. 3, Part J TSAMD Password files shall be 1400.3, v3.1 _rl, encrypted or hashed when Chapter 4, stored in logs. Section 10 "Security Audit Trails" Section 3, Part K The information system shall TSAMD 1400.3, v3.1 J 1, provide the capability to Chapter 4, ensure timt audit trails and Section 10 audit 10l!S are Drotected against Met Requirement YeslNo or N/A Notes No or N/A, Other **Waiver Explanation ***Exemption Explanation WARNING: ThiS re . sitivc Secllrlty Information that is controlled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this record may be diS<':loscd to persons without a "nero to l(Oow", ali defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 15 • ex . 'tten ermis!'.ion of the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administra(ion fir the Secretary of Transportntion. . bUc disclosure is governed by 5 V.S.c. 552 and 49 CFR parts 15 and 1510. Unauthorized rdcase may result in civil penalty or other action. For U.S. gavern A-13 SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMATION *Refcrence Number AU-9 Control Category DHS orTSA Reference "Security Audit Trails" Se<:tion 3 l'artH DRS Windows Server 2003/Windows XI'Secure Audit and Baseline Aecountability Configuration Guide, Sectton 2 "Audit Trail Systems IT Security Requirement unauthorized a'teration~ loss, Met Requirement Yes/No orN/A Notes No or NIA, Other **\'laiver Explanation ***Exemption Explanatio" unavailability, disclosure. or destruction. Auditing shall be implemented in accordance with DHS Secure Configuration Baseline Guide for the information system Operating System. Controls" IA-I TSAMD 1400.3, v3.1 _rl, Chapter I, Identification and «General Authentication Information Security Policy", Section DHSMD4300, v2.l, OJapter 5, Section 5.8, '''Virus Protection~', Part A 81-1 System and Information Integrity SI-2 DHSMD4300, v2.1, Chapter 5, Information Section 5.8, "Virus lntegrity . :' Protection", Part A System and i The information system shall provide the capability to uniquely identi!)' and authenticate users prior to each network session. This includes access to individua~ group, and functional or service accounts. The positive identification must be verified through strong authentication methods (e.g., password, biometric, token, certificate, etc.). The information system shall implement antivirus software at the desktop that is properly configured to che<:k all files. The information system shall install updates to antivirus software and signature files in a timely and expeditious manner without requiring the end user to specifically request the update. ~ WARNfNG: This record ~ontains Sensitive Security Informathm tbat is rontrolled un 9 CFR parts lS and 1520. No part oftbis record may be disclosed to persons without a "neEd to kn()w", as defined in 49 CFR parts 1511lld 1520. c.xceptwith the written permis·" of the Administrator of tlte Transportation Securii}' Administration or the See.retnry ofTransportn(ion~ UnRnthoriwd nlease may result in civil penalty or other acti{jn. F'or U.S. rnment aget1cics, public disclosure is gov-erne-d by 5 U.S.c. 552 and49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, A-14 SENSITIVE SECURITY INFOR]\{:<AJION *Referenee Number Control Category 81-3 System and Information Integrity DHSorTSA Reference TSAMD Systems IT Security Requirement All initialization, shutdown, 1400.3, v3.lJI, and abort sequences and Chapter 3, scripts shall be configured to ensure the network remains in Section II "Infrastructure a secure state. Asset Security" Section 3, Part H Met Requirement YeslNo or NJ A Notes No or N/A, Other **Waiver Explanation *Exemption Explanation >1<", WARNING~ TillS retord contains Sensitive Secnrity Information that IS lied uude]' 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part oHllls record may be disdosed to persons without a "need to ImolY", as defined in 49 CPR parts 15 and 1520, except with the written permissiun Administrator of tbe Transportation Security Administratilm or the Secretary of Transporta!ioll. Unauthorized release may result in dvU penalty or other action. fio. U.S. government agencies, . disclosure is governed by 5 U.S£. 552 and 49 CFR PdTts 15 and 1520. A-IS SENSITIVE SECURITY INFOR~f*~feN APPENDIX B FIELD DATA REPORTING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS DATA ELEMENTS The data elements to be collected by the 'WEI system are described in the following five tables: Title Table Content I Operator Log Information Information for each 10 Session. II Information for each system event III System Event Infonnation Access History Information IV Scan Information Information for each scan completed by the WEI System. V User Data File User Data Information Information for data and report access . TABLEI 0,perator Log In~ormatIOn. Field Name Field Description Field Format MACHlNE_ID Identification number of the WBI String (length = 8) User_ID Identification login of the 10 String (length = 15) FirstName IO First Name String (length = 15) LastName 10 Last Name String Field Values/Comments Upon contract award a Contractor identifier will be assigned by the Government The field fonnat is a total length of eight (Contractor identifier plus WBI System serial number), (length'" 15) LoginTime IO Login Time String (length = 19) mm~dd-yyyy _hh:mm:ss LogoutTime IO Logout Time String (length = 19) mm-dd-yyyy_hh:mm:ss PaxCount Number of passengers scanned during session Integer WARNING, This record contains Sensitive e Information that is £Qntrolled under 49 eFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this record may be dis<:losed to persons withtlut a "ne"d t ", lls defined in 49 eFR parts 15 and 1520. except with the written istration or the SecretaI'}' ()f Transportation. Unauthorized permission of the Administrator of the Transportation Security relcas<' rna)' re.ult h. civil penalt)· or nth.... lienon. For U.s. gov~rx..u.nt 1Ogel1 ublic disclosure is gov"rned hy :Ii lU;.e. 552 and 49 eFR parts 15 and 1520. -- SEN~InVE Field Name SECURITY INFORM: ATION Field Description Field Format Field Values/Comments PaxSuspectCount Number of passengers suspect during session Integer PaxClearCount Number of passengers cleared during session Integer Affiliation Company the 10 works for (TSA or Contractor) String (length = 50) SiteCode FAA Airport Code String (length = 3) Such as: SNA, BOS, EWR SubsiteCode Machine Location String (length = 20) Example: "Terminall Lane 2" WBIModelNo Model Number of String the WBI System (length = 8) WARNING: This rCl:ord c;:ontains Sensitive Sccurit)' Information tha conu:oIled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this "",('ot'd m:ty he disclosed to persons without a "need to know''" defIned in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. e~('ept witb the written perml<;.sion of the Administrutor of the Transportation Secnr Administration or the Secretary of Transportation. Unauthorized release ma.y result in civil penalty or other action. For U.S. vernment agencies. public disclosure is governed by 5 U.S.C. 552 and 49 CFR parts 15 llnd 1520. B-2 SENSITIVE SECURITY INFOR.1WATION TABLEII . S~vst em Event I norma £ ti on. Field Name Field Description Field Format Field Values/Comments MACHINE_ID Identification String number of the WBI (length = 8) System Upon contract award a Contractor identifier will be assigned by the Government. The field format is a total length of eight (Contractor identifier plus serial number). WBIModelNo Model Number of String the WBI System (length = 8) SitcCode FAA Airport Code String (length = 3) Such as: SNA, BaS, EWR SubsiteCode Machine Location String (length = 20) Example: "Terminal I Lane 2" SoftVers WBI software version identification String (length = 10) Contractor assigned software version identification for the software running on the WBI System User_ID Identification login of the 10 String (length = 15) FirstName 10 Name LastName IOName AccessLevel Access Control Level String (length Affiliation TO Affiliation String (length = 15) Event_Time At what time did the String event occurred? (length = 19) mm-dd-yyyy_hh:mm:ss Event What event occurred? At a minimum, possible choices String (lcnRth = 15) String (length = 15) I) String (length = 25) include: account creations, modilY account, machine fault resets, 10 logoff, 10 logon, Operational mode change, View reports, download data, software restart, system errors, system startup, svstem shutdown. s.ns~,ation that i, controlled nndcr 49 eFR parts 1S and 1520. No part of thi, tn.'tY b" disclosed to persons without a "need to kno ' defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, el':<:ept with the written permission of the Administrator of the Transportation Seculity Adml . non or the Secretary of Transportation. Unauthorized release may result in civil penalty or other a<:tion. For U.S. government agencies, lie dif'dosure is governed b" 5 U.S.C. 552 and 49 WARNING: Thi' re<ord contain' J'1!!~l)I'd CFR parts 15 and 1520. SEN SI'I'IVE SECUltITY INFORM2\'fffiN" TABLE III" ACCCSS H"IS t 00' I. norma f< ti on. Field Name Field Description Field Fonnat Field Values/Comments Upon contract award a Contractor identifier will be assigned by the Government. The field format is a total length of eight (Contractor identifier plus serial number). MACHINE_lD Identification number String (length = 8) of the WBI SYSTEM User ID Identification login of String (length = 15) the 10 AccessLevel Access Control Level String (length = 1) Action System action Integer Use I =download files 2=cbange parameters 3=enter/modify users 4==view reports ActionTime Time action occurred String (length = 19) mm-dd-yyyy_bh:mro: 5S ReponType Report type Integer Downloaded Was the file downloaded? String Use 1=10 Log Report 2=Event Log Report 3=Access History Report Use D=Downloaded (length=l) N=Not Downloaded WARNING, This record contains Sensitive Security non that is controlled under 49 eFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this record may be disclosed to persons without 0. "need to 1m" /I defined ill 49 CFR p'lrts 15 dnd 1520, except with the written pernlission of the Administrator of the Transportation Security A . . 't,ration or the Secretary (If TranSpol·tation. lJnauthorlzed release mil)' result in civil ptll1alt)· or other action. For U.s. government "ll"n CFR parts 15 and 1520. SENSfHVE SECURiTY INFORMATION TABLE IV Scan Information Field Name Field Format Field Description Field Values/Comments MACHINE_ID Identification number of the WBI String (length = 8) Upon contract award a Contractor identifier will bc assigned by the Government. The field format is a total length of eight (Contractor identifier plus WBI System serial number). SoftVers WBI software version identification String (length = 10) Contractor assigned software version identification for the software rUlUling On the WBT System ImageStart Date and time the String passenger scan starts (length mm-dd-YYYLhh:mm:ss 19) ImageComplete Date and time the passenger scan completes String (length = 19) mm-dd-yyyy_hh:nnn:ss IORespTime Date and time the 10 String decision is made (length = 19) mm-dd-yyyy_hh:mm:ss TO Decision Nature ofIO response String (length Use C for Clear S for Suspect Identification login of the 10 String (length = 15) User_ID I) 'VARNING: This record contains Sensitive Security Infor ation that is controlled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1~2o. No part of this record may be dlscl<Jsed to persons without a 'Ineed to . QW". as defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, except with the written permission of the Administrator of the l'raosportatio Securi~' Administration or the Secreta!')' of Tram,portation. Unauthorized t'eleasll' mll;r result in civil penalty or other action. Fo li.S. government agencies. public disclosure is governed b~> 5 l).S.C. 552 and 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. B-5 SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMATION . TABLE V User Data File Field Name FirstName Field Format Field Description String (length TSOName Field Values/Comments 15) LastName TSOName String (length = 15) User_ID Identification login of the TSO String (length = 15) Password TSO Password String (length = 15) Affiliation TSO Affiliation String (length = 15) AccessLevel Access Control Level String (length = I) Status User Status String (length = I) Use I=active O=inactive StatusDate Date current status was activated String (length = 19) mm-dd-yyyy_hh:mm:ss is contJ'olled under 49 eFR parts 15 and 1520. No part 0:£ this to know" as defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. except with the written WARNING: This record contains Sensitive Securit)' Information tb rcc:ord may be disdoS0d to persons with~ut .It "n~ed permission of tbe Administrator of the Transportation Sec l"e1case ma~: ~'Administration or the Secretnry of Transportation. lJnauthorized result in t;:i,vil penalty or other action. For Ii • government agencies, public disclosure is CFR parts 15 and 1520. )3-6 gov~l'ned h)'" 5 TLS.C 552 :lnd 49 SENSITIVE SECURIJ;¥ INFORMATION APPENDIX C USER ACCESS LEVELS AND CAPABILITIES User access and associated capabilities, based on usemame, password, and user access level, shall (197) be as outlined in the Access Control Levels Table. Access Control Levels Table User Access Level Z User Capabilities Transportation Security Administration Headquarters Contractor Maintenance Technician (see Note Logon and Logoff Startup and Shutdown EnablelDisable Image Filters Access Test Mode Export Raw Image Data in Test Mode Modify Access Level Capabilities UploadJDownload User Database Create and Modify Accounts (All Users) Download Data (see Note 1) Set and Alter Passwords (All Users) (see Note 1) Modify Baselined or Fielded Software (see Note 1) Access Operating System :tlQte I: Contractor Maintenance Technicians shall not set or alter passwords and shall download data only without alteration. Contractor "superuser" passwords will be disabled by a Government representative after site acceptance. Only Government approved so.ft\'rare changes shall be made to the baselined or fielded software. 1) Super User 1 Federal Security Director Screening Manager Screening Supervisor All Access Level 2 Capabilities Logon and Logoff Startup and Shutdown EnablelDisabIe Auto-Detect Highlighting CreatelModify Accounts (Level 2) 2 Lead-In-Charge All Access Level 3 Capabilities Perform Daily Preventative Maintenance Create and Modify Accounts (Level 3) Access and view WBI FDRS Database and Reports Access and view WBI User Database Download WBI FDRS Data Calibrate system WAR."I/1NG: This rfcord contains Sensitive Security InfoI' n that is controUtll under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this reeord may be discl~.ed tt> persons with6ut " "n'" 0 know", as defined in 49 CFR parts 15 lind 1520, except with the written rtan'.lJl Security Administl'ation or the Secretary of Tran~portatioD. Unauthorized permission of the Administrator of tbe Tr release rna}' result in civil penil.lty or J: nction. For U.s. government ag'H1.ie~, puhlic di~dosure i. governE'(\ b)' !i U,S.c. 552 and 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. C-l 8ENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMATION User Access Level 3 User Operators Capabilities Logon and Logoff Startup and Shutdown Access Screening Mode Screens Passengers Initiate Fault Isolation Test WARNING: This record contains Sensitive Se<:urit)' Informatio at is conn'olled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of tbis k"ecord m1ty be disclos~d to pl'rsons without a "need to· ''', as defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, e;:((:ept with the written permission of the Administrator of the Transportatio ecurity Adminlstratinu or the Secretary of Transportation. 'Unauthorized release ma;r result in dviJ penalty or other action. r U.S. govel'nm~nt CFR parts 15 and 1520. C-2 agencies, puhlic disclosure is governed by 5 U.S.c. 552 and 49 SENSI'IIVE SECORITY JNFORMATION APPENDIX D TSA OPERATIONAL POWER REQUIREMENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this document is to define the minimum power performance requirements for any detection system that identifies potential threats 011 a person, an article of baggage, a parcel or cargo. The standards, on which these requirements were based, have been adopted from the FAA Specification Document: Electronic Equipment, General Requirements (FAA-G-2l00H). 2.0 OVERVIEW The requirements defined in this dOC1Jment were generated from the results of eight different electronic screening device tests, from the point-of-view of "power system perfonnance." The tests were conducted between August 21 st and August 25 th 2006, at the Transportation Security Laboratory (TSL) and the Doughty Road Laboratory. The objective of these tests was to provide confidence, as well as validate the compatibility ofTSA's equipment with the available electrical supply at its various deployment locations. Special attention was given to the equipment's power profile, energy consumption, and vulnerability to power system events (i.e., voltage sags and drops). Each system was tested to define the baseline electrical performance relative to: (a) The respective equipment data sheets, (b) The current Commereial-Off-the-Shelf (COTS) procurement specification, and (c) The actual system voltage sag and intenuption withstand performance. The recorded results of these tests are expected to provide procurement and specification personnel with a better understanding ofthe impact that detection systems have on other facility equipment, in addition to their internal components. This includes the sensitivities of detection systems to some of the more common power quality variations that may be encountered at locations where the detection systems are deployed. 3.0 EQUIPMENT For the purpose of this document, "detection systems" will refer to all screening devices using bulk, trace, or any other teclmology to screen passengers and their luggage before entering a secure area (e.g., Checked Baggage Systems, Checkpoint Systems, Cargo Screening Systems, or any other passenger and baggage screening system). 4.0 MEASUREMENT Power over an entire operational cycle tends to vary as heaters, compressors, and other cyclic loads tum on and off. The measured "Max.imum Steady State Load" will identify the highest level of power drawn consistently over a measured period oftime (e.g., 4 kW for 5 min, with no changes). Therefore, the Maximum Steady State Load must be maintained during a full operational cycle while power requirements are measured and recorded. 5.0 POWER PERFORMANCE DATA ACQUISITION AND REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS 5.1 BASELINE VOLTAGE AND CURRENT DISTORTION The baseline voltage and current distortion measurement identifies the harmonic current distortion of the equipment and determines how that current distortion level will distort the vo tage at the supply point. WAlli~ING: This record contains Sensitive Security Information t controUed under 49 CfR parts 15 and 11520. No part of this rt'cord may be disclosed to persons without il "need to k , as defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, except with the written permission of the Administrator of the Transport' ecurity Administration Qr the Secretary of Transportation. lJnauthorized r"lease may result in civil penal!)' or other . . For U.S. government agencies, public disclosure is governed by 5 U.S.c. 552 and 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. 0-1 SENSITIVE SECUftlTY INF'ORMATION Total Harmonic Distortion - The "Total Hannonie Distortion" will be calculated as the square root of the cumulative sum of each measured distortion over several operational cycles. The maximum Total Hannonic Distortion (THD) during a full operational cycle for detection systems' shall (198) be less than three percent «3%), as specified in the follO\ving references: (a) IEEE 519, Harmonic Limits and (b) FAA·G-21 OOH,£, Inrush Current. Individual Harmonic Distortion The measured "Individual Hannonic Distortion" will identify the maximum distortion of the equipment during any operational cycles over a specific period oftime. The maximum Individual Hannonics (IN) during any given cycle for detection systems shall (199) be less than three percent «3%), as specified in the following references: (a) IEEE 519, Harmonic Limits and (b) FAA-G-2100H,, Table 1, Hannonics. 5.2 POWER USAGE PROFILE AND POWER FACTOR The power usage profile and power factor measurement evaluates the minimum and maximum power drawn during a full operational cycle of the equipment. Once the full load power draw is determined, the power factor is measured at the full load value. Power Factor (a,mll.'dmumstoodys(.tdooding) - Standard measure of "Power Factor" includes two methods, Displaced Power Factor (DPF) and Distortion Power Factor, or Total Power Factor (TPF). As long as the meter being used integrates the instantaneous voltage and currents over each cycle of the power frequency, the calculated Power Factor will be accurate regardless of the method selected. The Power Factor at maximum steady state loading shall (200) be greater than point six (> .6) for all detection systems, as specified in the following reference: (a) FAA·G-2100H,, Power Factor. 5.3 MAXIMUM INRUSH CURRENT RATIO The inrush current measurement assesses the maximum peak inrush of the equipment during a full operational cycle and detennines how that peak inrush compares to the maximum steady state Root Means Square (RMS) current drawn. Max Inrush Current Ratio ~ The maximum inrush current ratio will compare both the Maximum Peak Inrush (lm2X pea0 and the maximum steady state RM:S current (Imax RMS) through the following formula: ImllX peak I IJlli\x RMS. The maximum "Inrush Current Ratio" during a fun operational cycle for detection systems shall (20 I) be less ilian twenty times « 20) the steady state, as specified in the following references: (a) IECIEN61000-3-3, Flicker and Voltage Variation and (b) FAA-G-2100H,, Inrush Current. 5.4 STEADY STATE CURRENT UNBALANCE The steady state current unbalance measures the current unbalance of the equipment and determines how that current unbalance value compares to the COTS procurement specification. WARNING: This record contailLS Sensl Tit)' Information that is controlled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this record may bc dlaclo..d to PCl"$OI1S without'" "nee . w". as derIDed in 49 CFR parh 15 and 1520, except with the written permissioll of the Administrator of the TranSpllrtatioD Security . . atioD or the Se~rebry of T ....nsportatien. '()nauthori2:ed release may J'''suU in civil penal!)' or other action. For U.S. govcrnmeJ;lt agencies, . ·SdO_UN i. governed hy 5V.S.C. 552 and 49 pun l5 and 15Z0. em D·2 SEN£ITIVE SECURITY INFORMATION Avg. Current Unbalance (lUND A'~) - The averagc eurrent unbalance will be the sum of eaeh eurrent unbalancc measured over the course of several operational cycles. (a) The average current unbalance measured for detection systems shall (202) be less than ten percent « 10 %), as specified in the following references: 1. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 11. FAA-G-2100H, 3.].1 A., Electric Load Balance. M61 and (b) The average current unbalance measured for detection systems shall (203) be verified and adjusted as needed during site acceptance. Max Current Unbalance (TUN''''''.) - A three-phase system is called balanced if the three-phase voltages and currents have the same amplitude and are phase shifted by 1200 with respect to each other. If either or both of these conditions are not met, the system is considered unbalanced or asymmetrical. Thus the maximum current unbalance is the maximum current measured that is out of symmetry, with respect to the other phases. (Note: Under multiple system configurations, it is possible for the eurrentunbalance of one system to be neutralized by the current unbalance of the next system (based on phase and direction)). (a) The maximum current unbalance for threat detection systems shall (204) be identified. for each system to substantiate the caleulation, sizing and integration of multiple configurations of the same equipment. (b) The maximum current unbalance for threat detection systems shall (205) be verified and adjusted as needed during site aeceptanee. 5.5 MAXIMUM LEAKAGE CURRENT The intent of the maximum leakage eurrent measurement is to identify the maximum leakage current injected onto the ground conductor by the equipment, during a full operational cycle. In addition, this measurement will help determine how that value might need to be correlated to ground fault protection settings, if applicable at the installation location. Maximum Leakage Current - The maximum leakage current is the current that flows from the unit through the grounding conductor into a facility ground. Leakage current could shock an individual if the household grounding is not sufficient or there is an intentional or unintentional interruption of grounding connection. Ca) The maximum leakage current measured for detection systems shall (206) be less than or equal to three and a half milliamps (3.5mA) as specified in the following references: 1. UL Standard 60950, clause 5.1.7, ii. lEe 6060 I-I, General requirements for basic safety and essential performance, and iii. IEEE Transactions on Very large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 12(2):131-139. 5.6 VOLTAGE SAG AND INTERRUPTION WITHSTAND PERFORMANCE The voltage sag and interruption withstand measurement evaluates the capability of the equipment to withstand power faults which result in momentary power system interruptions. The secondary objective of this requirement is to evaluate the system drop-off and subsequent restart time. -- Voltage Sag - The voltage sag measurement identifies the length oftime and percentage below nominal usage that n system can tolerate) if the power source is interrupted or eliminated during normal operations. W AR~NG: TWs record contains Sensitive Securit)' Information that is controlled uode reeord may hi: dilldoll",d to persons without 9 14 neQ d to know", AS permission of the Administrator of the Trans ort release mar re:ntlt in civil penal r Administration ern 01' arts 15 and 1520. No part of this parb 15 and 1520. except with the written the Secretal')' of Transportation. Unauthorized action. "'or U.s. govcl'nmC'nt agencies, public disclosure i.ll CFR parts 15 D-3 gov~rned by 5 tl.S.c. :552 lind 49 SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORl\,fATION (a) The voltage sag for detection systems shall (207) tolerate a zero voltage for a minimum duration of twenty milliseconds (20 ms) as specified in the following references: 5.7 1. lEC 61000-4-34, Voltage Sag Immunity, 11. lEe 61000-4-11, Voltage Dip Immunity, and 111. lTIC (CBEMA) Curve 07.01.2000. UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY The presence of an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) demonstrates the systems ability to shield against unexpected power fluctuations, voltage sags or temporary power loses from the power distribution sources. As a byproduct of power performance, a weak UPS can cause unwarranted system reboots, hang-ups, and several other system anomalies. Uninterruptible Power Supply ~ The health ofa UPS can be significantly affected by the system's ability to tolerate the variance of power over short periods oftime. Measuring the strength of the UPS identifies the systems ability to maintain operational availability during moments of critical power failure. The UPS, ifpresent, shall (208) be configured into the core system for automated monitoring and display of the current health and condition of the UPS. WARNING: This recllrd co,ntalns SenSitive Securit)· Informatllll1 that is 'olled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this record nUl)' be disclosed to persons witbout II "need to know" efined in 49 eFR parts 15 lind 1520, except with the written permhsion of the Administratllr of the Transportation S Ity AdminiJtration Or the Secrctoll'Y of Transportation. UDauthllrized release may result in civil penalt:\, or other acnon. .5. govel'>1ment ag.mcles, public di.closure b governl>d by !Ii II.s.C. 552 and 49 CF'R parts 15 and 1520. D·4 SENSITIYE SECURITY INFOR.M~ TION APPENDIX E WBI REPORTS FDRS REPORT DISPLAY 1.0 The WBI system shall (209) provide the reports listed in Table 1 below. Data reports (Reports 1, 2 and 3) shall (210) be viewable by calendar month and year (e.g., February 2008). Table 1. WEI Data Reports Report Narne ReDort 1 10 Log Report 2 Event Report 3 Access History Report 1.1 10 Log Report The 10 Log Report shall (211) present an overview of all lOs who worked each day for the selected month, along with their locations and login/logout times. The 10 Summary Report shall (212) contain one record / row in the output table for cach login session occurring in the date range. This report .<hall (213) be downloadable and be viewable on the 10 Station monitor. Output Field User_ID DescriDtion Identification login of the 10 Format String (length = 15) LastName 10 Last Name String (length = 15) FirstName 10 First Name String (length = 15) LoginTime 10 Login Timestamp String (length = 19) LogoutTime 10 Logout Timestamp String (length = 19) PaxCount Number of passengers scanned during session Integer PaxSuspectCount Number of passengers suspected during session Integer PaxClearCount Number of passengers cleared during session Integer Affiliation 10 Affiliation String (length = 15) WBIModeiNo Model Number of the WBI System String (length = 8) SiteCode FAA Airport Code String w_" ~ ••N,_••~ ~•• cm_~.. ~,,~ ,"_" of this record may be disclosed to persons without a "need tow", a$ deitned in 49 CFR plIrt:s 15 and 1520, enept with the permil)siM of the Administrator (If the Tran tatiOD SeC:l.l.rity Administration or the SecretaI')" of Transportation. Unauthorized release may result in civil penal' other action. For U.S. gOYfll"nment agencies, public disclosure is governed by 5 U.S.C. 552 and 49 CFR parts 15 an . writt~n SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMATION Deseription Output Field SubsiteCode 1.2 Format (length - 3) String (length = 20) Machine Location Event Report An Event Report containing details of each system event shall (214) be provided. This report shall (215) consist of one row per event, and shall (216) provide data indicated in the following table. This report shall (217) be downloadable and be viewable on the 10 Station monitor. Descriotion OUtDU! Field Fonnat MACHINE_ID Identification Number of the WBI System String (length ~ 8) LastName 10 Last Name String (length ~ IS) FirstName 10 First Name String (length = 15) User_ID Identification login of the 10 String (length = 15) SiteCode FAA Airport Code String (length ~ 3) Event_Time Time event occurred String (length = 19) Event Description of event String (length 1.3 = 25) Access History Report The Access History Report shall (218) report who modified system settings as well as the time and nature of the modification using the format described below. The Access History report also presents detail on administrative operations activity (Le., who accessed the report, the type of report, and when the report was accessed). This report shall (219) be downloadable and be viewable on the 10 Station monitor. Output Field Description Format MACHINE)D Identification Number of the WEI System String (length ~ 8) User_ID Identification login of the 10 String (length = 15) AccessLevel Access Control Level String (length = 1) Action System action Integer ActionTime Time action occurred ../' String WAR1~ING: This record contains Sensitive Security InfQrmation tha . controlled under 49 eFR parts 15 and 1520. No paJ;'t of this rccord may be disclosed to persons without a "need to , as defined in 49 CfR parts 15 and 152:0, I;'!xc:ept with the written permission of the Administrator of the Transpo 1011 S¢curity Administratioll or the Secretary of Transportation. er action. For U.S. go",·ernment agencies, public disclosure is governed Unauthorized relcase may result in civil penalt)' or by 5 U.S.C. 552 llnd 49 CFR parts. 15 and 152 SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMA lION Outnut Field Descrintion Format (length = 19) ReportType Report type Integer Dov.nloaded Was the file downloaded? String (length=l) WARNING: This re<:ol'd contains Sensitive Security InfQrmatio tat is controlled under 49 eFR parts 15 sod 1520. No part of this record may be disclllsed to persons without a "need t ow". as defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, except with the written permisshm Qf the Administrator of the Transpo don Security Administration or the Secretary of Transportation. Unauthorized release may result in civil penalty or 0' er action. For U.s. government agencies, public disclosure is governed by 5 U.S.C- 552 and 49 eFR pllrts 15 and 1520.