State Recidivism Studies Compendium, The Sentencing Project, 2010
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STATE RECIDIVISM STUDIES This database provides references for 99 recidivism studies conducted between 1995-2009 in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The studies have been produced by a variety of agencies, including departments of corrections, sentencing commissions, statistical analysis centers, and universities. The analyses addresses a broad variety of issues, including juvenile/adult status, gender, race, type of offense, type of program intervention, and many others. Because of this diversity, measurements of recidivism rates are not necessarily comparable across jurisdictions, but overall the studies provide insight into the variety of factors that affect recidivism for people sentenced to incarceration or community supervision. 6/10 State 2005 Population targeted by study Juveniles Alabama Department of Corrections 2007 Adult 10,956 persons released in 2003 Alaska Judicial Council 2007 Felons Alaska Judicial Council 2007 Felons Alaska Department of Corrections, Offender Programs, and the Alaska Justice Statistical Analysis Unit, Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage. 1996 Sex Offenders Arizona Department of Corrections 2005 Reported by Alabama Alabama Year of Study Release Population specifics Program type (if any) Juveniles Recidivism definition Finding or Recidivism Rate Other findings Reincarcerated within 2 years of release 66% of juveniles recidivated None Reincarcerated within 3 years of release 27.9% Rates by offense: Robbery (30.3%), Burglary (39.7%), Forgery (32.6%), Rape & Sex Offenses (22.6%), Assault (21.6%), Drugs (24%); Rates by ethnicity & gender: black male (28.7%), white male (28.9%), white female (23.6%), black female (19.8%), male (28.7%), female (21.9%) 1,798 offenders with at least one felony conviction in 1999 None Rearrested, new court case filed, reconvicted, and reincarcerated within 3 years of release from prison 66% reincarcerated at least once for a new offense or probation/parole violation; 59% arrested at least once for a new offense Younger offenders had higher recidivism rates, property offenders had higher re-arrest rates, sex offenders had lowest re-arrest rates, indigent offenders had 22% higher r -arrest rates than those with private attorneys. Those with alcohol problems had slightly higher recidivism rates (57% compared to 50%). 62% of those with drug problems recidivated compared to 57% of those without drug problems. An offender's ethnicity (if Native), prior criminal history, alcohol, drug and mental health problems were other factors that increased the chance of re-arrest. A great majority of re-arrests had occurred by the end of two years after initial arrest. 117 offenders participating in therapeutic courts (alcohol and drug programs) charged mostly with felonies in 1999 Drug Court/Therapeutic courts New arrest or new conviction 1 year after release from program or prison 13% of graduates were rearrested within one year after completing a therapeutic court program compared to a 32% rearrest rate for comparison offenders The longer individuals were in programs the less likely they were to recidivate, even if they did not graduate the program. Younger participants more likely to recidivate. Those in DUI court were less likely to be arrested than those in drug court. Blacks did not respond as well to therapeutic programs as whites. Those who were discharged, or voluntarily left, had similar recidivism rates to those not in the programs. 685 sex offenders in treatment center Sex Offender Treatment from 1987-1995 Varied Unspecified: those in program longer took longer to reoffend than those in program for shorter periods The study found that any treatment lowered recidivism rates relative to no treatment for sex offenders; for all offenders who completed the advanced stage, none were rearrested for sexual offenses; those with no history of abuse advanced further in the program, and those with a history tended to leave at earlier stages of the program. Felons 54,660 prisoners released from 1990None 1999 Reincarceration after 3 years of release 42.4% returned to custody for any reason, 24.5% returned to custody with a new criminal commitment, 23.2% acquired a new felony conviction, 5.9% acquired a new felony conviction for a violent crime, 30.9% committed a new felony offense, and 7.9% committed a new violent felony offense resulting in recommitment Those who participated in work and education programs, vocational education, and substance abuse treatment had recidivism reduced by an average of 25%. Prison industry programs reduced recidivism by approximately 34%. 538 sex offenders released in 2001; however, n=290 because the status of 232 of these individuals labeled as sex None offenders could not be confirmed and were subsequently excluded from the study sample. Percent rearrested for any type of crime 28.6% 58% of non-sex offenders were rearrested for a new crime within 3 years of release. 56.7% of sex offenders who were rearrested were charged with a felony. This is higher than the 41.6% of non-sex offenders who were rearrested for a felony offense. Latino men (45.8%) released in 2001 were more likely than Caucasian men (22.8%) to be rearrested for a new crime within the first 3 years of release. Latino men (5.1%) and black men (3.0%) had the highest rearrest rates for another sex crime compared to Caucasian men (1.9%).The younger the prisoner when released, the higher the rate of recidivism--63.3% of offenders under the age of 25 at release were rearrested for some type of crime within 3 years compared to 21% of those age 45 or older. Alaska Alaska Alaska Arizona Arizona Criminal Justice Commission (Statistical Analysis Center Publication) 2009 Sex Offenders Arkansas Department of Corrections 2007 Felons 12,379 persons released in 2003 or 2004 None Reincarcerated within 3 years of release from prison 47.4% of all those released in 2003 were reincarcerated by 2006; 44.4% Those on parole experienced higher rates of recidivism than those were simply discharged. Males age 25-34 were shown to be most at risk of of all those released in 2004 were reincarcerated by 2007 recidivating, as were those 18-24 years old. Arkansas Department of Corrections 2006 Felons 6,015 persons released in 2002 None Reincarcerated within 3 years of release from prison starting from 2002 49.4% of persons released in 2002 were reincarcerated by 2005 Of the 5, 841 parolees released, 2,938 or 50.3% recidivated. Of the 174 offenders discharged, 31, or 17.8% recidivated. At the end of the 3year period, African Americans, who accounted for 2,618 releases, recidivated at a slightly higher rate (51%) than Caucasians (49%), who accounted for 3,292 of releases; The return rate for Hispanics was significantly less at 17.3%, accounting for 75 releases in 2002. Arkansas Department of Corrections 2005 Felons 5,962 persons released in 2001 None Reincarcerated within 3 years of release from prison starting from 2001 51.4% of persons released in 2001 were reincarcerated by 2004 Parolees demonstrated a 52.6% recidivism rate while discharged persons experienced a 12.5% recidivism rate. African Americans recidivated at a slightly higher recidivism rate (54%) than Caucasians (50%) while 28% of Hispanics recidivated. California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation 2006 Felons 62,004 Felons released on parole in 2004 None Reincarcerated within 1 year of release, and reincarcerated within 2 years of release 52.7% recidivism rate after 2 years for all felons. California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation 2009 Felons 66,061 Felons released on parole in 2005 None Reincarcerated within 1, 2, and 3 years of release; ratio of the number of recidivists 39.9% recidivism rate after 1 year; 54.2% recidivism rate after 2 years, (number returned) to the number of felons at risk and 59% recidivism rate after 3 years. of recidivating (number paroled) during the specified period. California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation 2009 Felons 69,044 Felons released on parole in 2006 None Reincarcerated within 1 year of release, and reincarcerated within 2 years of release Arizona Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas California California 40.2% recidivism rate after 1 year; 52.3% recidivism rate after 2 years. California 20, 385 offenders who either successfully completed or unsuccessfully completed stays with halfway houses between 2000-2004. Successful completion included program completion and transfer to Reentry House non-residential community corrections status, on probation/parole supervision, or completion of sentence. Unsuccessful completion involved new crime and warrants or absconding or escaping. New misdemeanor or felony within 1 year and 2 26.8% recidivated after 2 years. years of release. Office of Research and Statistics, Division of Criminal Justice, Colorado Department of Public Safety. 2006 Felons who participated in community programs Colorado Department of Corrections 2005 Felons Felons None Return to prison within 3 years of release from prison. 49.8% recidivated after 3 years RKC Group 2008 Felons Felons None Return to prison within 3 years of release from prison. 49% recidivated after 3 years Department of Corrections and Central Connecticut State University’s Institute for the Study of Crime and Justice. Comprehensive study, reports on other studies: GED attainment helps find employment post-release, which then reduces recidivism rates. Drug treatment programs (therapeutic communities) reduce recidivism and are just as effective for those who are coerced into treatment as those who enter voluntarily. One study done by the Center for Court Innovation (CCI) in New York. found recidivism rates for drug court participants was 29% lower than for similar offenders who did not participate in drug court 2006 Felons 8,821 felons released from 2001-2006 None Reconviction within the 5 year period between 2001-2006 39% reconviction rate 47% recidivated who were not given supervision post-release. Supervision in halfway house significantly reduced recidivism, to 24% (or half of the reconviction rate of those unsupervised). Office of Policy & Management, Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division, Research, Analysis and Evaluation Unit 2009 Felons 16, 486 felons released in 2004 None 3 year follow-up; 1) new arrests 2) new Within 3 years of release: 67% arrested for new offense, 55.6% convictions 3) any incidence of re-incarceration, convicted of new offense, 56% were incarcerated (any reincarceration), 4) returns to prison with a new sentence 36.7% reincarcerated for new offenses Those released to half-way houses were less likely to be rearrested (63.7%), reconvicted (51.7%), and reincarcerated (35.5%) across the release cohort. For example, probationers and those under transitional supervision were rearrested, reconvicted, and reincarcerated at rates of 70.8%, 59%, and 41.7%. Those in transitional supervision were rearrested at 71.7%, reconvicted at 57.8%, and reincarcerated at 37.3% of the time. Modest decline in reincarceration rate for new offense from 2006 study. Alternatives to Violence Program 2005 Felons who participated in conflict resolution program 300 male felons who voluntarily participated in Alternative to Violence Program Alternatives to Violence Conflict Resolution Program Reconviction within 1, 2, and 3 years of release 11.5% reconvicted within 3 years of release Compared to recidivism rates of non-participants, those who participated in the conflict resolution program were reconvicted less often. But these individuals may differ since they volunteered to participate in the program. Delaware Department of Corrections 2000 Felons Felons None Reincarceration within 30-36 months after release Center for Drug & Alcohol Studies 2005 Felons who participated in drug courts Delaware Juvenile Drug Court Diversion Program 2000 Juveniles Office of Management and Budget Statistical Analysis Center 2007 Office of Management and Budget Statistical Analysis Center Office of Management and Budget Statistical Analysis Center Employed individuals were less likely to recidivate as were people with more education; whites were less likely to recidivate than black and Latino ex-offenders, married individuals were less likely to recidivate than single ex-offenders. Colorado Colorado Colorado Connecticut Connecticut Delaware 47.5% Delaware 452 probation-violators with substance abuse problems sentenced to drug Reconviction within 3 years of graduation from Drug Court/Therapeutic courts courts between October of 1993 and drug court March of 1997 33% of drug court graduates were reconvicted, 80% of those who were Those coded as violent offenders (for charges prior to drug court) were significantly more likely to re-offend post release from drug court, and dismissed or left voluntarily before graduating were reconvicted more likely to reoffend with a violent offense (almost 25% compared to less than 10% for those coded as non-vi 154 first-time juvenile offenders admitted to therapeutic diversion program in 2 Delaware counties Drug Court/Therapeutic courts Reconviction within 1 year of release or termination of program 35% of graduates recidivated compared to 60% who did not complete the program Juvenile sex offenders 22 sex offenders released in 2001 None Rearrest and reincarceration within 5 years of release 77% rearrested within 5 years of release, 41% rearrested for a new sex Black juvenile sex offenders (41%) were more likely to be rearrested than white juvenile sex offenders (36%). crime and 64% rearrested for a felony within 5 years of release 2007 Adult sex offenders 78 sex offenders released in 2001 None Rearrest within 3 years of release 71.8% rearrested for any new crime or violation of probation/parole Overall recidivism was higher for blacks than whites. 2009 Serious and Violent Offenders 303 offenders (92 successfully completed program) Serious and Violent offender Reentry Initiative (SVORI) Rearrest for a new felony within one year of starting the SVORI program 76.2% 63.5% for those who completed SVORI program, compared to 82.1% for offenders who did not complete the program. For Hispanic males (n=17) the SVORI participants were arrested within one year (100%), while the remaining 13 males who did not participate, were least likely to recidivate (69.2%). White females had the best outcomes among those who participated and completed the SVORI program. White females also had the lowest rearrest rate (41.7%), followed by black females at 66.7% and were less likely to complete SVORI compared to white females. At about the same successful completion rate, black males recidivated (68.5%) at a higher rate than white males (52.9%). 1,048 released from Level V residential placement; 2,354 released from Level IV placement; 3,964 released from Level III placement Locked secure facility (level V), staff secure (level IV) or a nonsecure program (level III); levels define intensity of Rearrest for a felony within 6,12,18,24, and 36 programming and residential months placement; synonymous with idea of max-med-low security facilities Level V locked secure facility: 43% rearrested; Level IV staff secure programs: 40% arrested; Level III non-secure program: 30% rearrested. Delaware Delaware A matched comparison group showed a 50% recidivism rate Delaware Delaware Delaware Office of Management and Budget Statistical Analysis Center 2009 Juveniles District of Columbia Department of Corrections 2008 Felons Felons None Reincarceration within 1 year 23% for all inmates Florida Department of Corrections 2003 Felons 96,415 male and female inmates None Reconviction and reimprisonment within 60 months of release from prison 55.8%, 38.7%, and 41.6% of black, other race, and Hispanic males reoffended. 44.2%, 40.5%, and 35.8% of black, other race, and Hispanic Female inmates reoffend at a lower rate than males, the reoffense rates of inmates over age 44 at release (the largest category) are about 22 females reoffended. Similarly, 45.1%, 28.1%, and 31.7% of black, other percentage points lower than inmates aged 18 to 24 (the smallest category), 15% more Blacks reoffend than whites, those with lower education race and Hispanic males were reimprisoned, while 25.4%, 23.2%, and reoffend more than those with slightly higher educational attainment. 19.9% of black, other race, and Hispanic females were reimprisoned Georgia Department of Corrections 2007 Felons Felons None Reconviction within 3 years of release from prison 28% Hawaii Youth Correctional Facility 2001 Juveniles Delaware District of Columbia Florida 28%, down from 37% in 2006 after instituting "Risk Reduction Services" Georgia Hawaii 370 juveniles released between FY 1996 and 1998 Rearrest, reconviction, or reincarceration within 82% rearrested, 57.3% reconvicted, 32.2% reincarcerated 2 years of release from juvenile facility Hawaii Department of Attorney General 2005 Felons 1,200 Offenders who whose risk was assessed and various levels of supervision were given based on risk level Levels of Service Inventory Revised (LSI-R) risk assessment tool Rearrest within 6 months of release and categorized by different levels associated with LSIR, meaning offenders with high probabilities of offending were given services that corresponded with the various levels of LSI-R. In order of level categorized: Administrative 22.6%, Low 32.9%, Medium Basically the LSI-R is a good predictor of recidivism rates in Hawaii. Takes into account offender's current age, age at first conviction, prior Such levels included (1) administrative; or no 42.2%, High 41.6%, Surveillance 42.2% arrests, etc. LSI-R assessment, (2) low, (3) medium, (4) high levels, and (5) Surveillance, which corresponded with use of LSI-R risk assessments for offenders that scores offenders based on needs Idaho Department of Corrections 2007 Felons Felons None Previous discharged offenders, probationers, and parolees who are reincarcerated, revoked, or incarcerated for a new crime within 5 years of release University of Cincinnati 2003 Felons who participated in drug courts Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority 2004 All inmates released from IL prison in Gang members released in 2000 (2,354 inmates) 26% of whom 2000 from IL prison were considered to be active gang members University of Missouri, St. Louis submitted to ICJIA 2000 Probationers Indiana Department of Corrections 2007 Felons Indiana Department of Corrections 2007 Juveniles Human Rights Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning Statistical Analysis Center 2001 Felons Iowa Department of Human Rights, Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning and Statistical Analysis Center 2000 Sex Offenders Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning 2004 Violent Offenders Iowa Department of Human Rights, Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning 2005 Juveniles Cindy J. Smith, Ph.D. and Jennifer Bechtel, M.S. 2005 Felons Hawaii 74% of discharged offenders recidivate within 5 years; 82% of probationers recidivate within 30 months and declines to 12% after 3 50% of probationers who recidivate will do so within one year, 83% within 2 years. years; 83% of parolees recidivate within 2 years and declines to 6% after 3 years. Idaho Felons who participated in drug courts Drug Court/Therapeutic courts Rearrest and reincarceration within an average 80% of drug court graduates were not rearrested and only 8% committed Those who failed to complete the program had a 60% rearrest rate; 53% of those in the comparison group recidivated of 419 days and 1,243 days respectively drug offenses Idaho None Rearrest and re-incarceration within about 26 months (2.2 years) from release in 2000 75% of active gang members rearrested, about 63% of non-gang members rearrested 3,017 inmates discharged from probation in 2000 Drug Treatment Rearrest within 4 years Treatment completers had a recidivism rate of 37% after four years, those who failed out of treatment had a recidivism rate of 67% after four Probationers with a history of drug abuse significantly more likely to be rearrested post-probation: within four years 1.4 times as likely and 1.3 years. Drug users without any treatment had a 53% recidivism rate after times as likely to be rearrested on a drug-related charge. four years. Felons None Reconviction within 3 years of release from prison 38% Nearly 50% of those charged with weapons charges recidivated; the younger the offenders were the more likely they were to recidivate; sex offenders were the most likely to recidivate 1, 543 Juveniles released in 2004 None Reincarceration within 3 years of release from prison A third (34%) of juveniles recidivated Nearly 38% of African American juvenile offenders returned to the DOC, a higher rate than both Caucasian and Hispanic offenders; 74% of juveniles returned for a new crime, as opposed to a technical violation Felons None Reconviction within 5 years of release from prison in FY 96 31.7% of parolees, and 35.2% of releases whose sentences expired Violent offenders returned at lower rates than non-violent offenders, and sex offenders had the lowest rate of recidivism. Violent young offenders (under 21) had the highest recidivism rates of any offense/age group 434: 2 groups of sex offenders (201 pre-registry and 233 registry) Development of Sex Offender Registry Reconviction for any sex crime, non-sex crime, 24.5% of registry sex offenders were convicted of a new crime, 3.0% of and revocation of parole or probation within 4.3 which were sex crimes. 33.3% pre-registry sex offenders were convicted Almost a fifth (18%) of new convictions were out-of-state convictions years of a new crime, 3.5% of which were sex crimes. 1,768 violent offenders None New arrests (felony, violent), reincarceration, and new arrest for a sex crime within 3 years 52.2% of violent offender releases were rearrested within 3 years; 28.6%violent offender releases were reincarcerated within 3 years; and 23.6% of violent offender releases were convicted of a new offense and reincarcerated within 3 years 13, 032 Juveniles referred None Delinquency complaints within 3 years of initial complaint 34% reoffended and 66% did not reoffend in 8 out 9 districts within Iowa. 1, 091 Felons 52.2% were not rearrested, 66.9% were not convicted, and 95.2% were Prison Industries Enhancement New arrest, conviction, and incarceration in less not reincarcerated. Compared to the control groups--work in traditional Certification Program (PIECP) than 2 years and up to 4.5 years correctional industries and other than work (no industry work/job)--the rates of success are comparable Felons Variety of program participants evaluated, including: sex offender program, 3 kinds of substance abuse programs, Reconviction within 1, 2 and 3 years of release vocational education program, from program pre-release program, work release program, inner change program Gang members were more likely to be arrested for drug crimes (40%) than non-gang members (29%) Illinois Illinois Indiana Indiana Iowa Iowa Native Americans showed the highest rates of recidivism after 3 years. African Americans generally showed higher recidivism rates than Caucasians. Those released without parole had rates of new violent felonies 43% higher than those released on parole. Iowa Iowa Iowa Rates of reconviction: Sex offender program (37.5%), Substance Abuse Treatment Program: ADAPT (37.5%), Substance Abuse Treatment Sex offender treatment was the most beneficial; those who needed program but didn't receive treatment recidivated at a rate of 56.1% vs. those Program: CDRP (30.7%), Substance Abuse Treatment Program: TC who were in the program recidivating at 37.7%; Substance abuse treatment (3 types) had beneficial outcomes; those who received treatment (31.4%), Vocational Education Program (39%), Pre-Release Program recidivated at slightly lower rates than those who needed treatment and did not receive it. (46.1%), Work Release Program (32.6%), Inner Change (28.1%), TTP (85.7%) Kansas Department of Corrections 2007 Felons who participated in various programs Kentucky Department of Corrections 2003 Felons 7, 579 Felons None Reconviction within 2 years of release from prison 27.5% Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections 2009 Adults Total population (male and female) None Reconviction or technical revocation within 5 years Recidivism trend from 2003 to 2008: 2003 (46.5%), 2004 (45.8%), 2005 (41.6%), 2006 (34.6%), 2007 (26.7%), 2008 (11.1%) Maine Department of Corrections 2007 Juveniles Juveniles, 2004 cohort None Juveniles who are adjudicated for a second offense during supervision or within one year of 18% release from MDOC supervision Drug and alcohol offenses accounted for 18% of all new adjudications. Juveniles, 2005 cohort None Any individual who records a first adjudication in Maine's juvenile court system for offenses committed before the age of 18 and records a 27% (a significant increase compared to the 2004 cohort rate of 18%) second adjudication for a new offense in Maine's juvenile court system or Maine's adult court system Juveniles tracked into the adult system also maintained higher recidivism rates (24%) than the previous year. Drug and alcohol offenses accounted for 22% of adjudications for first time juvenile offenders Adults None An arrest (or ticket, and summons) for any municipal, state, or federal misdemeanor or 25.4% after 1 year of release felony crime measured within 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years Education Rearrest, reconviction, and reincarceration Participants had a 30.9% reincarceration rate; non-participants had a 37.7% reincarceration rate 1,786 male felons None Reconviction within 3 years of release 39% (or 35% without technical violations) Recidivists tended to be younger, unmarried, and to have served shorter sentences, and blacks recidivated at higher rates than whites. Nonviolent offenders recidivated at higher rates than violent offenders. Drug offenders serving mandatory minimums had lower recidivism rates than those serving non-mandatory sentences. Parolees had higher recidivism rates than those who were released because of sentence expiration. 2,379 juveniles released from residential treatment Juvenile Residential Treatment Felony arrest within 2 years of release from juvenile facility 37% for felony arrest and 10% for incarceration Recidivism rates were higher for minorities Felons None Reconvicted within 3 years of release from prison 24% 19% of Minnesota’s offenders are returned to prison with a new crime within three years 3,166 sex offenders released from a state correctional facility between 1990 and 2002 Sex offender treatment and post-release supervision Rearrest, reconviction, and reincarceration for a After 3 years, 7 % rearrested for a sex offense, 6% reconvicted, and 3% new crime; Average follow-up was 8.4 years, reincarcerated; after 3 years, 24% of the offenders has been rearrested with a minimum of 3 years and maximum of 16 for a non-sex offense, 19% reconvicted, and 9% reincarcerated. years Intensive supervised release (ISR), supervised release, supervised release revocations (amount of time spent in prison for supervised released violations and deducted from total at-risk time), and successful participation/completion of sex offender treatment each significantly reduced the risk of timing to a sex reoffense; longer post-release supervision period and offenders with a history of victimizing male children significantly reduced the ris timing to a non-sexual offense 240 Offenders ( 208 adults and 32 juveniles) divided into an experimental Re-entry group (N=208) and a control group (N=121) Felon reconviction and reincarceration for a new 26% were reconvicted compared to 20% of control group crime within 2 years of release from prison SOAR participants had significantly greater criminal histories than offenders in the control group, despite random assignment 15, 910 juveniles None Referral to the juvenile office for a legally sufficient law violation (ordinance violations, misdemeanor, or felony) during a calendar year 26% and receives one or more law violation(s) to juvenile or adult court within one year of initial referral's disposition date. 29% male offenders reoffend within 12 months, compared to 19% of females. 31% of black youth return to the care of juvenile authorities through recidivating, followed by American Indian offenders (26%), and white offenders (24%). 808 sex offenders who completed a sex offender program STATIC-99 Sex offender Reconviction within 3 years program (risk assessment tool) Sentences Recommended sentences Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Violent offenders had higher recidivism rates than other groups; those with supervised release returned in greater numbers than those who were discharged; a higher percentage of blacks returned than whites Maine Maine Statistical Analysis Center 2008 1, 316 Juveniles Maine Statistical Analysis Center 2008 Adults Correctional Education Association 1998 Urban Institute 2008 Felons Michigan Department of Human Services 2005 Juveniles released from residential treatment Minnesota Department of Corrections 2002 Felons Minnesota Department of Corrections 2007 Sex Offenders Minnesota Department of Corrections 2006 Felons participating in reentry program: Serious Offender Accountability Restoration (SOAR) Supreme Court of Missouri 2009 Juveniles Missouri Sentencing Commission 2007 Sex Offenders Missouri Sentencing Commission 2007 Felons University of MontanaMissoula/Montana Department of Corrections 2005 Felons who participated in sex offender or drug abuse treatment University of MontanaMissoula/Montana Department of Corrections 2006 Felons University of MontanaMissoula/Montana Department of Corrections 2004 Felons (female) Nebraska Department of Corrections 2007 Nevada Department of Corrections New Hampshire Department of Corrections Maine Maine Felons: comparing those in Felons participating in education education programs to those programs not in education programs Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Minnesota Minnesota Missouri 29.7% within three years 0.6% convicted of a new sex offense; 60% of high risk sex offenders returned within 3 years, 26.3% for moderate-high risk offenders, 32.3% for low-moderate risk offenders, and 18.2% for low risk sex offenders Reincarceration and new conviction within 6 months, 1, 2, 3, and 5 years Recidivism rates are lowest under a probation sentence, increases with Community Structured Supervision (CSS) sentences, and is highest for prison and shock and treatment programs. When the recommended sentence of probation is imposed (occurs 77% of the time), recidivism rates are low. However, when the recommended sentence is probation and actual sentence is prison, recidivism rates are much higher, whether measured by new conviction or reincarceration. The same high trend of recidivism continues if the scenario is reversed. Sex Offender Treatment & Drug abuse treatment Adult offender who returns to prison within 3 years of release Drug/chemical dependence treatment rate: 55.3% of compliant For those in the drug abuse treatment program, the longer the sentence, the higher the recidivism rate. Drug treatment had best impact on participants recidivated compared to 77% of those without any treatment. white inmates who were under 40 at time of release. 38.2% of treatment compliant sex offenders recidivated. 885 (successfully completed prerelease stays) Pre-release program Within calendar year 2002 and FY 2004-2005 55% who were discharged from pre-release centers did not recidivate, while 45% were reincarcerated 23 females Medical Wheel (Native Those inmates who completed medicine wheel had lower rates of recidivism than those in the comparable non-treatment group. The same American based chemical Return to prison for any reason within 3 years of Overall recidivism rate was 22.7% (N=5): for treatment population, 17.6% follows for inmates who completed the anger management treatment. Native American inmates benefited more from the medicine wheel dependency program) & Anger release (N=3) and 40% for the non-treatment population (N=2). treatment, but not anger management treatment, where they were more likely to return to prison Management treatment Felons Felons None Reconviction within 3 years of release from prison 25.5% 2007 Felons Felons None Readmission within 3 years of release from prison In 2004, 24% 2009 Felons 1,082 Felons None Reincarceration as a result of a new sentence or parole or probation revocation within three years of release 44.2% Recidivism rate for males was 45.2%; females 34.6%; males younger than 25 had highest recidivism rate (52.8%) while females between 20-25 and in their forties recidivated 41.7% and 40% of the time, respectively. Offenders convicted of drug crimes had the lowest recidivism rate (36.5%) compared to those convicted of violent crimes (40.3%), public order crimes (47.6%), and property crimes (50.2%). Random sample of 336 homicide offenders; Typology used: 1) homicide precipitated by a general altercation or argument, 2) homicide during the None commission of a felony, 3) domestic violence-related homicide, and 4) a homicide relating to an accident (involuntary; usually DUI related) Committing another homicide within 5 years 0% for new homicides Slightly over 1/3 recidivism rate for new violent and drug offenses in the felony homicide group; 27% recidivism rate for homicide offenders whose offenses were precipitated by an altercation; less than 10% for domestic violence homicide offenders 718 sex offenders released in 1994 Adult Diagnostic Treatment and 1997 (495 in treatment group and Center (ADTC) 223 general population) Rearrest, reconviction, and reincarceration within 4 years (1997 cohort) and 7 years (1994 cohort) which is then divided into nonsexual recidivism and sexual recidivism 33% recidivated by committing a new offense, including 14% committing Significant differences exist between offenders who received treatment in the Adult Diagnostic Treatment Center (ADTC), a sex-offendera sexual offense and 24% a nonsexual offense. specific prison, and the general population in regard to nonsexual reoffending only Adult felons None Rearrest, reconviction, and reincarceration rate 55% rearrested, 43% reconvicted, and 31% reincarcerated Of those offenders rearrested, about half were rearrested within 9 months of release 62 juveniles who exited the juvenile drug court program between 20012002 Juvenile Drug Court Any referral to the Juvenile Justice Department, or any new arrest as an adult (exposure time Juvenile drug court graduates recidivated at rate of 28% varied) Compared to similar subjects who did not receive drug court treatment, those who participated in the program had much lower recidivism rates Felons None Reconviction within 3 years of release from prison 46.7% 19, 837 sex offenders on sex offender None registry New arrest, charge, conviction or incarceration within 2 years of registration 24% arrested for a new crime Probationers Felony rearrest within 1,2, and 3 years of release 12.4% rearrested within 1 year, 20.1% within 2 years and 25.7% within 3 Probationers were less likely to be rearrested for a felony drug offense than for a felony offense defined as "other" or for a violent felony years offense 56, 983 offenders released in FY 2003None 04 Rearrest, reconviction, and reincarceration within 3 years; Two interim outcomes also measured: technical revocation of probation or post-release supervision and prison infractions during incarceration 38.7% rearrested, 26.4% reconvicted, and 29.1% reincarcerated 20, 236 juveniles All subsequent delinquent complaints and adult arrests within 3 years following first court event Overall recidivism rate: 56.6% of sample period (June 1, 2004--June 30, 2005) Missouri Missouri Montana Persons coming from prisons (to pre-release center) were significantly less likely to recidivate than those coming from other referral sources Montana Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey Department of Corrections Research and Evaluation Unit 2007 Homicide Offenders New Jersey Department of Corrections Research and Evaluation Unit 2005 Sex Offenders New Jersey Department of Corrections N/A Adult felons University of Memphis 2006 Juveniles in drug court New Mexico Independent 2008 Felons New York State Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives 2007 Sex Offenders New York State Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives 2009 Probationers North Carolina Sentencing and Policy Advisory Commission 2008 Felons North Carolina Sentencing and Policy Advisory Commission 2009 Juveniles New Jersey New Jersey New Jersey New Mexico New Mexico New York None New York North Carolina None Most rearrests occurred within the first year of release, Factors that decreased the probability of rearrest included being married, employed, having at least twelve years of education, having a felony as the current conviction, having a longer prison sentence imposed, and having more prior incarcerations. Age also decreased an offender’s chance of rearrest, with offenders being less likely to be rearrested as they grew older. Those with post-release supervision had lower rearrest rates than those without PRS. Ages 21 and younger had the highest recidivism rates. Violent juvenile offenders were least likely to recidivate (39.8%) compared to serious (57.5%) and minor offense (56.9%) juvenile offenders. North Carolina 90 juveniles who participated in drug courts by 2004 North Dakota State University 2004 Juveniles in drug court Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections 1997 Felons participating in Ohio Penal Industry program Felons participating in Ohio Penal Industry program Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections 2001 Sex Offenders Sex Offenders Drug Court (n=2) Rearrest within 4 years For the first drug court evaluated, East Central Judicial District, graduates were more likely to be charged with a substance abuse violation (50%) than those terminated from the program (48%) and the comparison group (21%). Conversely, for the second drug court evaluated, Northeast Central Judicial District graduates were less likely (12%) to be charged with a substance abuse violation than those terminated (38%) and the comparison group (21%). However, this latter finding is not statistically significant. Differences between the two drug courts may be attributed to different lengths of stay at each drug court and late admission to the East Central drug court. Job training Reconviction within 5 years of release OPI group recidivated at 54%, comparison group recidivated at 58% : differences not statistically significant Blacks had higher recidivism rates overall. None Reconviction for any offense within 10 years 34% 22.3% for new crime (sex crime and others), 11.7% for technical violation 27.8% Under 20 years old recidivated at 43%, those above 50 recidivated at 9.6%, Black males more likely to recidivate than white males, The most recent survival analyses of institutional treatment programs find that completers of all Oklahoma DOC programs have lower return rates after at least 36 months than program non-participants. Adult Basic Education has proven to be Oklahoma's most successful program. The Level of Service Inventory- Revised (LSI-R) at reception, ranks offenders as low, medium, or high in terms of risk levels for further offending and needs for services to prevent future recidivism. Survival analysis of those offenders released in FY 2004 found that 36 months later, 7% of low LSI-R offenders had returned to DO 32% of medium LSI-R offenders, and 70% of high LSI-R offenders. Low risk and high risk offenders did better if released to probation and parole instead of immediate discharge from ODOC North Dakota Ohio Ohio Those who did not complete the program because of termination due to age (becoming 18 before completion) or other factors had higher recidivism rates than the comparison group. The older participants had higher rates of recidivism (closer to 18, many of which probably terminated because of this fact) Oklahoma Department of Corrections 2005 Felons Felons None Reconviction within 3 years of release from prison Oklahoma Department of Corrections 2009 Felons 606 offenders GPS Supervision Reincarceration within 3 years Low risk offenders had the lowest recidivism rate (11%), while high risk offenders returned to prison at a higher rate (14%). Oregon Department of Corrections 2007 Felons Felons None Reconviction of new felony within 3 years of release from prison 31.3% Oregon Department of Corrections Research and Statistics 2009 Felons Felons None Reconviction of any felony within 3 years of release from prison Paroled offender 2005 cohort: 29.3%; Probation 2005 cohort: 24.2% Pennsylvania Department of Corrections 2006 Felons Felons None Return to custody of a Pennsylvania state correctional institution for any reason At three years post release in 1999, the recidivism rate was 43.6. In 2002 the 3 year recidivism rate was 46.3%. At one year post release in 2004, the recidivism rate was 25.9% Pennsylvania Department of Corrections 2009 Recently released offenders 772 COR Completers; 538 Control Group Community Orientation and Reintegration (COR) program Overall recidivism: rearrest, reconviction, or COR completers had a slightly higher overall recidivism rate (71%) reimprisonment following release from prison in compared to the control group (70.1%) 2001 or 2002 Both groups had rearrest and reconviction rates lower than national rates. Racial composition of study population: 53.4% African Americans comprised COR completers and 55.2% of the control group. Whites accounted for 35.5% of COR completers and 31.8% of the control group. And Hispanics made up 10.9% of the COR completers and 12.5% of the control group. Rhode Island Department of Corrections 2004 Felons 3, 324 released Felons None Reconviction within 2 years of release from prison 46% Those released from Home Confinement had lower recidivism rates than those released from secure facilities. Those in substance abuse treatment programs had about a 23% recidivism rate, lower than those with abuse issues who did not complete treatment South Carolina Department of Corrections 2003 Felons Felons None Reconviction within 3 years of release from prison 32.7% Those on probation had highest recidivism rate at 43.7% Under 25 had the highest age group recidivism rate at 44.2%, some work programs had a minimal impact on recidivism, with the best program being Labor Crew with a rate of 27.2% South Carolina Department of Corrections 2007 Sex Offenders 300 sex offenders released in 2001 None Rearrested and reconvicted within 3 years 43% rearrested for any type of crime, 22.3% reconvicted and reincarcerated From the number of sex offenders released from prison in 2001, blacks made up 50% of those rearrested within 3 years, white 37.3%, and 25% other racial/ethnic groups. Young offenders between the ages of 18-29 were more likely to reoffend within 3 years Corrections Commission 2006 Juveniles Juveniles in Adult Corrections STAR Academy Program Reconviction within 3 years of release from prison 14.4% Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Crime Statistics Unit 2007 Felons 557 sex offenders; 559 comparison group None Reconviction within 3 years of release from prison Sex Offenders: 55.9%, Other Offenders (comparison group): 77.8% Of general offenders, the most frequent recommitment was for a technical violation (18.2%); No statistically significant differences between race of recidivists. Texas Legislative Budget Board 2005 Felons Felons None Reconviction within 3 years of release from prison 28.3% 48% of recidivists were African American, property and drug offenses make up over 60% combined of recidivist crimes, annually parole violators make up 25% of prison admissions. Texas Legislative Budget Board 2005 Juveniles Juveniles None Reincarceration for any offense in 3 year period 52.2% of release Utah Department of Corrections 1995 Felons Felons Project Horizon Educational Program Parole violation or reincarceration within 2 years Participants had recidivism rate of 65%, non-participants 82% and 7 months Vermont Department of Corrections 2007 Felons Felons None Offense occurring within 3 year period of release 50% Vermont Department of Corrections 2008 Felons Felons None Offense occurring within 3 year period of release 50% for persons released in 2004 and 60% for persons released in 1994 Virginia Juvenile Justice 2005 Juveniles Juveniles None Rearrest, Reconviction, and reincarceration after 12 months of release Releases from juvenile correction centers: 49.4% rearrested, 37.6% reconvicted, and 17.2% reincarcerated. Probation placements: 34.8% rearrested and 24.8% reconvicted; reincarceration data not applicable Black juveniles had higher reoffense rates than white juveniles, those who were released at age 15 had highest rearrest rates, those who participated youth industries program and Virginia Wilderness Institute had lower recidivism rates than those who did not Virginia Department of Corrections 2005 Adult 8,997 offenders released in 1999 None Returned to prison for a new crime or technical parole violation within 3 years of release 29% (28% for technical violations and 72% for a new offense) The total recidivism rate was higher in the first two years of being released (2000 & 2001); 29% of those who recidivated came back in 2000 and 26% came back in 2001; 72% of persons were returned for the same type of crime for which they were originally incarcerated Sentencing Guidelines Commission 2004 Felons Felons None Reconviction, length of time not factored into study 65% of males, 50% of females 54.6% of those 15-24 recidivated and 65.6% of those 25-34; 73% of African American men recidivated compared to 65% of Caucasian men and 51% of Hispanic men. Property and drug offenses were the most common re-offense type. Sentencing Guidelines Commission 2005 Juveniles 13,127 juveniles None Any disposition (sentence) in which the offender's juvenile history contains a disposition (sentence); length of time between convictions 77% rate for boys and 72% rate for girls not factored into report because database used does not contain data relating to dates of release from confinement African Americans accounted for 3.9% of the Washington population, but accounted for 13.1% of all juvenile dispositions and had a recidivism rate of 78.1%. Recidivism rate of Hispanics, 82.3%, was highest of all racial groups with Caucasian rate at 75.1% and Asian/Pacific Islanders at 65.1% West Virginia Division of Corrections 2007 Felons 1, 254 Felons released in 2003 None Return to the custody of the Division of Corrections within a measured amount of time after release; within 3 years for this study 26.4% Those on parole release (37%) had higher recidivism rates than those discharged (9.5%) or released by court order (26.1%); 25-29 year olds had the highest rate of recidivism by age group followed by 18-24 year olds. Wisconsin Sentencing Commission 2006 Felons Felons None Reconviction in a 23 year period 36% between 1980-2003 American Indians most likely to recidivate (45%) followed by black (43%), Hispanic (37%), white (33%) and Asian/Pacific Islander (24%) offenders. American Indian and black offenders made up 3% and 22% of the offender group, but recidivate at the highest rates. Wyoming Corrections Department 2006 Felons Felons None Convicted by the courts and sentenced on more 36% than one occasion Wyoming Corrections Department 2009 Felons Felons None Reconviction or revocation within 3 years of release from prison or supervision Oklahoma Oklahoma Oregon Oregon Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Texas 12% recidivated more than once (returning to prison repeatedly), compared to 31.5% of control group recidivating more than once. Utah Vermont Vermont Virginia Virginia Washington Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Wyoming Research support for this database was conducted by Laura Brinkman, Ajima Olaghere, and Sarah Schirmer. Released from prison: 10.3%; released from probation: 44.6% and parole: 33.1%