TDOC Memo to Assistant Commissioner re TTCC Areas of Concern CCA Trousdale stop transfer, The Associated Press, 2016
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5 April 2016 Requester Travis Loller The Associated Press 1207 18th Ave. South, Suite 261A Nashville, TN 37212 Log Number 201600094 Please see the following response to a public records request sent to Steve Groom, General Counsel, CCA, via email on March 29, 2016. 1. Any and all records reflecting which prisoners at the Trousdale Turner Correctional Facility have been held in segregated housing between Jan. 5 and March 29, including the dates they were held and the reasons they were held. CCA has identified six (6) pages of records that appear to be responsive to your request. Please send payment of $1.39 (0.15 x 6 pages plus 0.49 postage) payable to CCA at the address below and include the Log Number in your correspondence to ensure proper handling. Be advised that some redactions will be applied based on safety and security concerns including, but not limited to those described in TCA 10-7-504(m) ("information directly related to the security of any government building") and TCA 10-7-504(a)(8) ("investigative records"). Upon receipt of payment, CCA will transmit the records to you with a detailed explanation of redactions applied. Be further advised that, consistent with the exceptions identified above, some redactions will encompass de-identification of individuals whose safety may be jeopardized by the public release of their identities (for example, non-exhaustively: individuals in protective custody; individuals held pending investigation; and other individuals whose precise locations should not be known to the public or other inmates for the protection of those inmates, other inmates, staff, and members of the public). Records Request CC.A Offlce of General Co•Jnsel 10 Burton Hills Blvd. Nashville, TN 37215 2. Any and all records that reflect the staffing levels at Trousdale Turner on a day-to-day basis from Jan. 5 to March 29. I am requesting records that reflect how many employees were actually ptesent, their names, their positons, their shifts, and the hours they were physically present. I am not seeking personal information about the employees. CCA declines to provide the requested records to the extent that any respoAsive records actually exist. The request seeks records that predominantly c:omprise correctional facility security 1 staffing information for a government building. For this reason, the records sought are exempt from disclosure pursuant to TCA § 10-7-504(m) (1), which provides: Information and records that are directly related to the security of any government building shall be maintained as confidential and shall not be open to public inspection. For purposes of this subsection (m), "government building" means any building that is owned, leased or controlled, in whole or in part, by the state of Tennessee or any county, municipality, city or other political subdivision of the state of Tennessee. CCA operates correctional and detention facilities for federal, state, and local governments. This contracted for service, by its very nature, is security-centric. The vast majority of CCA employees at correction and detention facilities are charged with the performance of security duties, such as the protection of persons and property. Their work locations, hours of service, and individual job titles demonstrate the security posture of the affected institutions. The Trousdale Turner Correctional Facility (TTCF) is operated pursuant to a contract with Trousdale County, Tennessee, a political subdivision of the state of Tennessee. The County, in turn, contracts with the Tennessee Department of Correction (TDOC), which places prisoners held pursuant to state authority at TTCF. TDOC, through its relationship with the County, exercises authority, control and oversight over the day to day operations of the affected facilities. TTCF not only houses state prisoners, but is also used as an operational location for staff ofTDOC. TDOC personnel have unfettered access to the facility, where they monitor compliance with state contracts and with.applicable provisions of TDOC policy. TTCF provides equipment, office space, and meeting space used by government employees on a routine basis. Government employees are assigned to and stationed at the facilities. The public revelation of records associated with the staffing of TTCF would compromise the security of the types of buildings envisioned by § 10-7-504 (m) (1). This is so because the information sought would allow members of the public to determine security related facility staffing by precise location and precise time. Public disclosure of this information would allow individuals and groups seeking to commit crimes or acts of terrorism affecting the facilities to assess periods and locations of supposed vulnerability. thereby enabling them to conduct activities thr.eatening the security and good order of the facilities. For just one example, the requester's request would lead to public disclosure of the number of personnel patrolling the secure perimeters on each shift. This would facilitate escape plotting by non-incarcerated accomplices, seeking to determine the best times and days to attempt the facilitation of an escape. 2 ,J Department of __ correction MEMORANDUM · To: Tony Parker, Assistant Commissioner From: Tony Howerton, Correctional Administrator Date: 3-17-16 nee Areas of concern Subject: I have concerns with the operation of nee. Some issues were corrected but some are significant findings. I spent the past two days at nee reviewing video and walking the compound with the contract Monitor Chris Brun. There are some serious issues with the top level supervisors. (Unit Managers, Captains and Lieutenants) It is of my opinion that the TDOC stop all incoming inmates to nee until these issues are resolved. I spoke with Jason Medlin and the Warden and advised them of the issues and my concern of bringing more inmates into nee. Jason Medlin met me at nee this morning and we walked the compound and did cell inspections and he encountered some of the same issues that are listed below. He has committed to getting the issues resolved and requested additional staff to accomplish the task. Below are my concerns: Sanitation During my tours of the compound and review ofthe video Cameras on 03/16/2016 -03/17/2016, I noticed the general population unit's still need improvement. Inmates are not ready for cell inspection; showers need cleaning and the entire facility needs the grass cut. I have spoken to Warden Leibach and this issue will be resolved. Segregation unit We still have inmates being placed in segregation with no segregation screen being placed on tom is and no explanation as to why they were ever placed in segregation. The Contract Monitor needs to receive a segregation confinement checklist when inmates are placed in segregation. Inmates are still being placed in segregation and the disciplinaries are either not being put into etomis or they are not being served to the inmate or given to the hearing officer. The facility is also not submitting a segregation screen on tom is for . and inmate every inmate that has been placed in segregation. Inmates. are two examples of inmates placed in segregation without entering the segregation screen on tomis this week. I offered to schedule tom is training for any employee that needs it. Department of Correction • 6"' Floor Rachel Jackson Building• 320 6"' Avenue North • Nashville, TN 37243 • Tel: 615-741-1000 • Fax: 615-532-8281 •