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Taser Tasertron Te95hp Subject Testing 2000 Victoria Pd

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Tasertron TE-95HP Subject Testing 2000-04-07

Tasertron TE-95HP Subject Testing 2000-04-07
Test conducted by Sgt. Darren Laur, Victoria PD

Test Subjects:
Sgt Simpson, Patrol Supervisor (Has been hit with both M26 and TE-95)
Cst Ash, Bicycle Patrol Officer (Has been hit with both M26 and TE-95)
Cst Johnston, Bicycle Patrol Officer (Has been hit with TE-95 only)
Cst Gill, Patrol officer (Has never been hit with TASER technology)
Cst Edwards, Emergency Response Team (Has been hit with both M26 and TE-95)
Cst Mesini, Emergency Response Team (Has been hit with both M26 and TE-95)
It should be noted that at no time during this testing did I advise any of the officers about my opinions
or thoughts with regards to the TE-95HP, or its reported effects and 3x-power increase. I did advise all
six officers that the TE-95HP was Tasertron’s newest high power weapon, and that I required their
services as test subjects to conduct some empirical testing on the physiological and psychological
effects of this new weapon.

Test #1: Half second burst, probes placed between left shoulder and right buttocks:
All six officers were given a half-second burst from the TE-95HP. The results were all identical being
that the officers all winced when the power was activated, but none of the officers immediately fell to
the ground.

Opinion of Sgt Simpson:

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Tasertron TE-95HP Subject Testing 2000-04-07

Stated that he felt like the TE-95HP was about double the power of the regular TE-95. When
questioned about the TE-95HP’s effects, when compared with the M26, Sgt Simpson stated that the
effects of the M26 were much more immediate and much more intense. He noted that when he was hit
with a half second burst from the M26, he immediately dropped to the ground. Sgt Simpson did state
that the TE-95HP was a big improvement over the regular TE-95.

Opinion of Cst Ash:
Stated that he felt like the TE-95HP was about half the intensity of the M26 but far more effective than
the regular TE-95. Again Cst Ash noted that when he has hit with a half second burst from the M26 he
immediately fell to the ground.

Opinion of Cst Johnston:
Stated that the TE-95HP was a big improvement over the regular TE-95 in its effects. When asked how
much more effective the TE-95HP was, Cst Johnston stated he believed it was about double the effect.
It should be noted that Cst Johnston has not been hit with the M26, so was unable to do a comparison.

Opinion of Cst Gill:
It should be noted that Cst Gill had never been hit with TASER technology, and did not know what to
expect from an anatomical and psychological effect. Cst Gill stated that the TE-95HP’s effects were
painful but not debilitating.

Opinion of Cst Edwards:
Stated that the TE-95HP was an improvement over the regular TE-95 in its effects. When asked how
much more effective the TE-95HP was, Cst Edwards stated he believed it was "maybe" double the
power of the regular TE-95. When asked to compare the TE-95HP to the M26, Cst Mesini stated that
there was no comparison and that the M26 was far more immediate in effect, and that it had knocked
him immediately to the ground when he was hit with a half second burst from the M26.

Opinion of Cst Mesini:
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Tasertron TE-95HP Subject Testing 2000-04-07

Stated that the TE-95HP was an improvement over the regular TE-95 in its effects. When asked how
much more effective the TE-95HP was, Cst Mesini stated he believed that it was about double the
power. When asked to compare the TE-95HP to the M26, Cst Edwards stated that he also felt there
was no comparison, and that the M26 was far more immediate in effect, and that the M26 had also
knocked him immediately to the ground when he was hit with a half second burst from the M26.

Test #2: Officers given a goal to walk 5 feet and attack a dummy, probes placed between
left shoulder and right buttocks:
In this empirical test, I used four officers:

Sgt Simpson
Cst Gill
Cst Edwards
Cst Mesini
Both Sgt Simpson and Cst Gill have never been involved in goal oriented training and therefore this
was a new experience for both. Due to the fact that Cst Edwards and Cst Mesini are members of the
Greater Victoria Emergency Response Team, both of these officers have been involved in goal
oriented training and are extremely focused and goal oriented in nature.

Sgt Simpson:
Sgt Simpson was able to take three steps forward prior to dropping to the ground. He stated that after
he took his three steps, he was unable to obtain his goal of touching the dummy and fell to the ground.
Stated that he was able to focus through the TE-95HP to take those first three steps. Sgt Simpson did
state that he felt like the effects of the TE-95HP increased over time. When this identical test was done
with the M26, Sgt Simpson stated that it immediately knocked him to the ground and that he was
unable to take any steps or focus through its effects.

Cst Gill:

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Tasertron TE-95HP Subject Testing 2000-04-07

Cst Gill was able to take three steps forward prior to dropping to the ground. He stated that after he
took his three steps, he was unable to obtain his goal of touching the dummy. Cst Gill stated that when
the TE-95HP was activated its effects were not immediately debilitating and that the effects became
more progressive over time. Cst Gill further stated that he was able to focus through the TE-95HP’s
effects for the first three steps, but then lost his ability to goal orient.

Cst Edwards:
Cst Edwards was able to make it to the dummy and proceeded to punch it several times and then
knocked it to the ground. Stated that he was able to focus through the TE-95HP’s effect 100%, and
that it did not stop him. Cst Edwards did state that the TE-95HP’s effects were painful but not at all
debilitating to him. Cst Edwards then volunteered to do this drill again, but from approximately 8 feet
away, and once again he was able to get to the dummy where he proceeded to punch it several times
and again knocked it to the ground. When this identical test was conducted with the M26, Cst Edwards
immediately fell to the ground and was unable to take any steps towards the dummy. Stated that he
could not focus through the effects of the M26 and did not want to give it a second try.

Cst Mesini:
Cst Mesini was able to make it to the dummy and proceeded to knock it to the ground. Stated that he
was able to focus through the TE-95HP’s effects 100%, and that it did not stop him. Again, Cst Mesini
did state that the TE-95HP’s effects were painful, but not at all debilitating to him. Further stated that
the longer the current was applied, the more "pissed off" he became. When this identical test was
conducted with the M26, Cst Mesini immediately fell to the ground and was unable to take any steps
towards the dummy. Stated that he could not focus through the effects of the M26. It should be noted
that Cst Mesini has been hit twice with the M26 and on both occasions was immediately incapacitated
and unable to attain the goal of crossing five feet.

Test #3: Spark gap testing:
Due to the increase in the TE-95HP’s power output, a spark gap test was conducted to ascertain what
the maximum distance between the two probes would be, before there was no spark. To conduct this
test, I taped one of the probes to a wooden table and then proceeded to place the second probe
directly to the front of the first one and then began to move the second dart at pre-measured distances.

TE-95HP: 1.25 inches maximum


M26: 2.35 inches maximum

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Tasertron TE-95HP Subject Testing 2000-04-07

After all the testing with the above noted subjects was concluded, I advised them that the TE95HP was being advertised as being similar in power and effect to that of the M26. All of the
participating officers, except Csts Gill and Johnston who have never been hit with the M26,
stated that the effects of the TE-95HP although improved when compared with the regular TE95, did not even come close to the effects of the M26. Both Cst’s Edwards and Mesini
emphasised this point even further when both stated that when hit with the TE-95HP, they were
able to focus through its effects with little difficulty. This was not the case with the M26 that
dropped both immediately. When asked to compare the effects between both the TE-95HP and
the M26, all the officers, except Csts. Gill and Johnston, stated that they felt that the TE-95HP
had about half the effects of the M26.

Sgt Darren Laur
Control Tactics Co-ordinator
Victoria Police Department

Post Script: Upon informing Tasertron of the results of the above test, Sgt. Laur was told that
he had received a prototype, and that the actual unit would have a higher power output.
However, when Sgt. Laur received a second unit, the production 95HP, he tested it again and
found the output was the same as the unit originally tested here. This is consistent with the fact
that the 95HP has been described by Tasertron as the reintroduction of the TF-76, an 11 watt
unit formerly used by the LAPD in the 1980's and early 1990's. The results above are
consistent with an 11 watt output as compared to 26 watts.

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