Taser Swat Mag M26 Review Sept 2000
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20 S.W.A. T. • S EP TE M BE R 2000 PH OT O S BY STA:-J N I EL S EN ------------------------ --- -1 ASER Int<m\ati~ bes introduced a revolutionary new lesslethal weapon, the Advanced augment accuracy. The laser also provides a warning to subjects, and can potentially de-escalate hostile situations w ithout the Taser<!l M-5t'ries EMD weapon, weapon ever having to be fired . Taking the that very well may be the most effective weapon off of "safe" automatically activates the laser. less-lethal weapon in the world today when used within its intended parameters. The M26 is controlled by a di gital Unlike earlier TASER$ and stun systems microprocessor. An onboard memory that operate in the five- to 14-Watt range. records the dates and times that the unit is the Advanced laser Meenes uses an 18- to fired. A WmdoW9l) 95/98 compatible dat.. 26-Watt electrical signal. It com p letely aport allows the data to be downloaded to overrides the central nervous system and a PC using a special adapter cab le. This directly controls the skeletal muscles. feature, which isn 't available on the MIS TIle Advanced laser sends out a series of and MI8L, enables a law enforcement agency to monitor usage patterns and proelectrical signals, called T·WavesTIot• The T· Waves are very similar to the electrical sigtects (or proves) officers from any nals that are used by the brain to communiunfounded charges of misuse of force. cate with the body. The I-Waves cause an The dataport also allows the 1126 to be immediate, uncontrollable contractioo of the fired remotely. This feature has a number of tactical applications. For instance, the muscle tissue that physicaUy debilitates the M26 can be mounted on a tactical surveiltarget regardless of his or her mental focus or pain tolerance. lASER International lance system, such as a SEARCHCAM~, for use during tactical entries Of on robotic refers to the patented technology as Bectro Muscular Disruption. or EMD. entry vehicles. Prior to the Advanced laser, all lessPower for the Advanced Taser is provided by eight AA batteries. The batteries lethal technologies, including lASERs, are housed in a battery pack that fits inside have relied on some fann of pain complithe grip of the weapon. Duracell Ultra<lP ance, dis traction or physical immobilizaalkaline ba tteries are recommended by the tion to control a subject. As any experimanufacturer. The Advanced Taser has an enced officer can attest, they often fail to LED battery status indicator that informs stop combative, goal-oriented individuals, the operator of the status of the batteries at and individuals under the influence of • glance. alcohol or drugs . When less-lethal The Advanced 'Iaser uses the same air weapons fail, all too often the only remain- objection. ing op tion is an escalation to lethal force. The fin and b la d e sights on the cartridges as TASER In terna tio n a l's Air Advanced Tase r are similar to t he iron Taser 34000-serii"S w eapons. The air car .. THE ADVANCED TASER sights on a standard duty pistol. The M26 tridges use compressed inert nitrogen as a Three models of the Advanced Taser and M I8L also have a built-in laser sight to p ropellant to expe l two barbed probes (darts) a ttach ed to insulated are available: th e MI8, MISL wires. Each air ca rt rid ge conand M26. The M26, which is tains probes, wire and a nitrosold only to police and govemgen charge. Unlike the original ment agencies, has a 26-Watt TASER. which uses gunpowder output. All of the models are as a propellant, the Advanced identical in their external Ta.W!" and Air 'laser aren't classiappearance. The M18 and M18L fied a s firear m s by the BATF. have an 18-Watt output. They may be purc hased and S. w'A.T. was provided with an possessed witho u t the restricM26 for testing and evaluation. tions attached to firearms. Unlike other TASER designs, The air cartridges are availthe Advanced 'laser is designed able in two versions: a 21·foot to handle and function like a air ca rtrid g e for la w enforcestandard duty pistol , making ment and government use, and the system intuitive and easy to a I5-foot air cartridge. The air use. It doesn't require the develcartridges are distinctively opment of new motor skills. The marked for easy identification operato r aims and fire s the ABOVE: Advanced Taser M 26 shown with optional yellow color kit installed, to clearfy mar1l It 8S Iess--Iethal. L EFT: Fred Keelin of the of each version. Each air carweapon using the same muscle Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department's Special Enforcement tridge bears an individual serial memory and motions that have Bureau (SEB) Special Weapons Team with M26. been instilled through primary handgun training. Tbe Advanced "laser is constructed of a proprietary polymer that is designed for maximum toughness. There aren't any moving parts to break. The ambidextrous safety is the only moving part on the weapon. The location and operation of the safety are identical to that of the Beretta M92/96F. Although it looks a lot like a standard firearm trigger, the trigger is a pressure switch that doesn't actually move. Total weight is just 18 0I.l0Cl'S fully loaded. The Advanced Taser is reliable and practically "co p p roo f. ~ According to TA SER International, it can withstand drops of over ten feet without damage. It has even survived being driven over by a lb. vehicle! It should certainly w ithstand the rigors inherent in law enforcementduty. To prevent the Advanced Teser from being mistaken for a lethal weapon, TASER International p rovides a use rinstalled, bright yellow color kit with the 1126. With the color kit installed, the M26 looks like something out of Bu ck Rogers. Com e to think of it, the electro-muscular disruption technology is like something out of science fiction-but it sure does work! If an agency desires, the ~i26 can be special ordered in a bright yellow polymer to overcome any "looks like a hand gun" .,,500 SEPTEMBER 2QOO • S.W.A.T. 21 --=---------------------~r ABOVE: Each air cartridge Is indlviduaIIy aeriall1Ul:m:.... : _:'- - _ .. LEFT: The ait cartridgee simply snap Into place. number and an expiration date. The car- ing, including leather jackets. The T-Waves tridges have a five-year shelf life. aren't transfer red to another person in Loading and unloading the Advanced physical con tact with the target. Taser is quick and easy. The air cartridges , The T-Waves are au tomatically dissi m ply snap into place. The Advanced . charged in to the target for five seconds, laser will function as a back-up con tact unless the opera to r chooses to tum the stun .....eapon.. with or without a cartrid ge unit off by actuating the Advanced laser's in place, possessing the capability of send- safety. The timed automatic-discharge feaing 'r-waves directly into the bod y of an ture eliminates a major ca use of failu re assailant. While it can be employed from zero feet out to the maximum range of the cartridge (15 or 21 feet ), operators should try 10 fire the Advanced laser from at least three feet away &om the target in order to with first generation TASER system saccidentally cu tting off the power before the target was fully immobilized by inadvertently releasing the trigger. The design of the Advanced laser prevents this from cccumng. Small iden tifica tion tags, called ..AFIDs," are ejected w hene ver an Air Cartridge is fired . AFID s ta nds for Anti Felon Identification Device. There are 2030 AF lDs in each Air C a r tri d ge. Eve ry AFID tag is imprinted with the serial number of the ca r trid ge, allowing la w enforcement agencies to determine who fired the cartridge. give the probes a little room to spread apart. ll\is allows the Ad vanced Taser to in;ect the I -Waves into a greater area of the target. The op timu m range for the Advanced Taser is seven to ten feet. The accuracy of the Advanced laser is excellent, much better than that of other TASERs. There are several reasons for this. The Advanced Taser, unlike other TASERs, aims just like a handgun. Also contributing to the accuracy is the faci that lASER International's air cartridges utilize a longer probe than old er model TASER cartridges. The longer probes provide m uch greater stability in flight. The M26 provided to SWAT. placed the top probe within one inch o f point of aim at ten feet. The bottom pro be is designed to travel at an eight-deg ree d ownward angle. In SW.A.T.'s tests, it perABOVE: Fred Keern of the Los formed as advertised, I " lOg 9188 Sheiiff's [)epa b •• •t'. Although the Advanced Taser should I Special Enfol c«ue"t ~ be aimed at the center of the target's chest. i Spedel Weapons Team W8SriUg i the M28 In lASER IntemationBI'i a hit anywhere on the body can be effec- i optional Kydex ~. ti ve . The probes d on't have to penetrate I RIGHT: Close-up of the the skin or cause injury to work. The T- 'I Adv anced laser OOIst« . The I I'Iolst« Is OEM man ufactum by Waves of the Advanced Taser can pene- I' DeSantis to lASER trate over two cumulative inches of cloth- . International's specifications. 22 S. W.A. T. • SEPTEMBER 2000 SAFlm' In today's litigious society, the safety of any~l~wN~5~y~~ cern. The safety testing o f the Advanced Taser has been extensive, quite possibly more extensive than with any other lesslethal technology. In developing the Advanced Taser, TASER International chose to follow the same approach that's used in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. The electrical outputs of the Advanced Taser fall well within the safe levels defined by international standards. Medical s tu d ies show that the Advanced Taser has absolutely no effect 00 hea rt rhythms. Medical ~ experts d on 't foresee any increased risk to patients with either pacemakers or implantable defibrillators. TASER International will provide la w enfo rcement agencies with extensive, indepth medical safety infermation o n the Ad vanced Taser upon request. More than 375 human ------------------- - - - - - IJ" volunteers have been subjected to the Advanced Taser as of this writing. In all cases, there has been virtually 100% instant inc.apacitaticn Even the most focused, c0mbat-trained individuals have been immedi- atel y stopped. To quote Sergeant Burt Robinson of the Chandler, Arizona, Police Department SWAT Team, "It just takes your legs out. It's like a jackhammer going keboom, kaboom, kaboom!" Recove r y limes vary with the individual . It generally takes from several seconds to a few minutes for full recovery after being " hit" with 'f-waves from an Advanced Taser, There haven't been any long term effects or injuries from the Advanced Taser in any of the volunteers. At the most the re has only been ADVANCED TASER M-SERIES SPECIFICATIONS Effectiveness In pre-release testing, the unit incapacitated 100% of test SUbjects. long Term Effects None (excepl lor potential eye injuries or injuries related to falling). Range 15 or 21 feet. Optimum Performance Seven to ten feet Backup if Probes Miss II launched probes miss, backup electrodes on front 01 weapon allow it to be used as a stun gun. Automatic Impulse Regulation Once probes are launched, unit stays active lor five seconds to keep target reliably down. Thickness of Clothing Up 10 2.5 inches 01 cumulative clothingeven leather jackets. Recovery TIme Varies by individual-generally several minutes. low Battery Indicator Yes-Ught Emitting Diode (LED). Safety Yes-Prevents firing and activates laser on laser-equipped models. Sights Fin and blade. Also laser on MI 81. and M26. some minor skin irritat ion, s imilar t o mild s u n bum. From a practical standpoint, the only real risks of physical injury associa ted with th e use o f th e Advanced Taser a re sec- ondary injuries fro m falling o r being hit in the eye with a probe. These risks apply to other TASERs as well. While no weapon system is without risk (after all , a weapon is a weapon), the risks fro m the employment of the Ad vanced Taser are substan· tially less than from other CWTt'Ilt1y available less-lethal weapon systems. The Advan ced Ta se r M-series EM D weapons come w ith a PelicanfJ- styl e, foam-padded hard case, practice target, instruction manual and a training video or CD-ROM. Optional accessories include a Kyde x~ holster and a d ataport /PC adapter cable (M26 only). The optional holster is an O EM product that's manufactured by DeSantiS'!l to TASER International' s specifica tions. A swivel clip attachment, sim ila r to those that are commonly used for rad ios, allows an operator 10 mount and remove the holster from his or her belt in about a second. TASER International also p lans on coming o u t with a paddle holster in the very near future. The Advanced Taser M-series is available fro m authorized TASER International dealers and distributors. Readers should contact the manufacturer for the loca lion of their nearest d ealer or d istributor. The Advanced "laser M26 has an agency price of $399.95, It comes with a lifetime $25 noquestions-asked replacement warranty. Instructor and individual officer certifica- tion training is available. Operational Temperature Range 2()..114 degrees Fahrenheit. CONCLUSIONS H av ing tested the M26, reviewed the medical data and reviewed data from the field, I must say that I am very impressed with the Advanced Taser. It's certainly one of the most e xci tin g and effecti v e lesslethal tools to come along in recent memory. With in its intended ta ctical and design parameters, it could very well be the ultimate less-lethal weapon. 0 Dataport Allows downloading of usage data and remote liring (M26 only). Warranty lifetime $25 replacement warranty. Weight 18ounces (with battery). Batteries Eight AA batteries. Duracell Ultra recommended. Can use rechargeable batteries as well, but battery indicator may no1 function with rechargeable batteries. T· Wave Output 50 KV Peak 1.76 J per pulse. SOURCE: TASER In temational M18 and M18l Ten pulses per second, 18 Watt output. 7339 E. Evans Road Scottsdale, A2 85260 M26 15 pulses per second, 26 Watt output. (8001418-9283 Fax: (4801991-0791 _ 24 S.W.A .T. • SEPTE MBER 200 0 .eTASER.com