Taser Swat Mag M26 Review Apr 2003
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NEW EXPANDED ISSUEI BONUS PAGESI A~«!nR~ THE NEXT GENERATION OF MODERATE LEVEL FORCE BY ROB PINCUS I n the course of a generation lots of things change. It would not surprise me if the next generation of cops are carryi ng the M26 Advanced Taser or devices similar to it in place of common less-lethal opti ons we now consider necessary for effecti ve law enforcement. When my fat her was in uniform, he and many of his partners carried saps. but when I went through the academy these tools were anathema in our community. It would not surprise me if the M26 put DC spray in th at category. A few weeks ago I att ende d a n M 26 Instructor's Course at the Academy of Personal Protection and Security CAPPS) in Nashville, Tennessee. Several police departments and correctional facili ti es had sent representa tives to get up to speed on this new devi ce that is just beginning to wor k its way into the regio n. I became famili ar wi t h the device while interactin g wit h offi cers in Florida who already have exte nsive exper ience and success with the M 26. Since late in 2000. I have heard nothin g but good reports from the officers I know who have personally deployed or been present when the M26 has successfully ended a da ngerou s encount er wit h a noncompliant or combative subject. I had been looking forward to t he opportunity to find out for myself just how effective the device was and what the science was behind it. 78 S.W.A.T. APRIL 2003 For t ho se of yo u not fam il iar w it h t he dev ice, it con sist s of a polyme r fra me t hat looks very much like a toy gun, comple te wi th yellow stripe s. The grip of the device houses the batt ery pack (eight size AA) and the re is an option for a built- In laser in the front of the The M26 Advanced l aser with optio nal spare cartridge carrier attached to grip. device. The "trigger" actually feels more like a rubber co at ed butto n, but th e device wa s design ed to feel and operate li ke a firearm -to take advanta ge of est abli shed muscle memory and be intuit ive for an offi cer to operate. When the device is deployed (not "fired, " more on that in a minut e) two metal pro bes with #8 stainless steel barbs are blasted out of th e fron t t railin g th in wires behind. When the probes reach th eir target , the energy flowing th rough the wires seeks the path of least resistance between th e probe s. The 50,000 vo lts of electricity flow at twenty-six watts. fift een to twenty time s per second, for five seconds. Unlike old er " stun guns" , which operated at much low er wattages, th e M 26 is not a pain compli ance device. Much research was done to determi ne that a device over sixteen watts begins to cause Electr a-Muscular Disrupt ion (EMD) by interfering with the electrical signals th at the brain sends out through the nerves to contro l muscles. Simply put, the target can be so drunk, high or enraged that his brain is not registering any pain at alland the M26 can still take him out of the fight by simply overrid ing his muscular control. The non-law enforcement version of t he device wor ks exac tly th e same way, bu t is rated at eighteen watts. The standard cycle is five seconds and th e recommended proced ure is to never ove rri de tha t cycle when deploy ing the device in the field. Taser recomm end s using t he t erm "deploy " instead of " fi re" to clearl y distinguish the device from a firearm. particu larly in th e heat of the moment when offi cers might be directing one another to use a laser on a subject or warning that they are about to use the device. We all know that sympathetic fire has been known to happen, and laser trai ns users t o take every st ep possi ble to make sure tha t the subject, other offi cers and any www.swatmag.com TASER M26 The author is shown here immediately after taking a full "hit" from the Taser. After deployment of the M26, electro -muscular disruption causes rapid contraction of major muscles in the body. making resistance virtually impossible. by-slanders know what is going on when they hear the discharge of the probes and see the reaction of the target. While APPS h o st ed the co u rse, Mike Ca pagna of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Depart me nt in Nor th Caroli na was the instru c- t or. Mi ke ' s depar t men t has successf ully deplo yed th e M 26 ma ny ti mes si nce t hey adopted it and he is a st rong belie ver in it s effect ive ness. When Mi ke asked for volun teers to take a " full hit " I waited a few seconds for anyo ne else to take the oppo rtun ity before I raised my hand. Alt hough I know other officers who had received a hit from the device, I did n't personally know of anyone who had actually been shot. It is important to note that the operato r's course does not re qui re the officer to exper ience bei n g "tased.' Simila rly, the i nst ruct or's cou rse does not actually requi re that you be shot with t he device for a full hit. The standard procedure fo r pot entia l instructo rs is fo r the probes to have th eir barbs snipped off and be tapped to the subjects cloth ing. After the probes have been attached. the instructo r triggers the device and ove rr ides the normal five second cycle once the student has gotten the feel of the M26. Volunteers are always welcome to take the test fu rther and I've never been one to pass up a good tra ining experience. It is my opinion that if you are going to teach a fourhour co urse on how " i nstantl y incapacitati ng" and yet "completely safe- a device is, you should be prepared to demonst rate both as pects . If yo u are going to be an M 26 inst ructo r. you must believe in the device and research, so why wouldn't you take a shot? Wanting to avoid pain is the obviou s answer. I have never felt pain like I did the instant afte r I heard t he" POP! " from severa l feet behind me. Operators are told to aim for large muscle groups and areas where close fit relativel y ti ght cl o thin g is worn , th ere fore th e upper legs and back are the best and safest t arget areas . Wh il e th ere i s no i ncr ea sed dan ger due to t he elec tric ity, t he pro be s hitti ng the eyes. th roat or genitals could obviously cause injury, so training shots are either do n e fro m b ehi nd or wit h ap p ro pr ia t e protective gear. At first, I arched upward and sai d something like a combinatio n of " Ow!" and "Oh ! " after that, it was a " $*@&! &*@$! $*@&!" for about 4.9 seconds. Although I had two people mor e or less supporti ng my arm s and I was tryin g for at least the first three seconds. I could not remain on my feet or stand up, th e muscle contractions were too much to t ry to overcome. The pain was significant and I can only imagine that it felt like havin g two screwdrivers attac hed to jackhammers being driven into my back. Yes.it's that bad. On the video it is dear to see that within a couple of seconds of t he cycle I was getting to my feet and laughing nervously (albei t wi t h two metal probes sticking out of my back) . The dosest things to lasting effec t I not iced were a very stiff back for the next day or so and the two small wounds from the probes. I have experienced blunt trauma. chemical agents, older "st un guns, " pressure po int and joint lock techn iques-all of wh ich were at least less incapacitating or brought more long-lasting damage than a full hit from the M26. There is a great abundance of empi rical evide nce t hat a per son can be shot wi t h a fi rearm and not be ins ta ntly incapacit ated . There are few inst an ces of that happ ening with the M26 . With the practical test over, it was time to get back into the science and applica tio n of the M26. With a power of less than 2 joules, th e M 26 repr esent s less t h an 2% of t he power in a defibrillator -the device w ill not stop a person 's heart. Taser recomm end s using NiM H (Nickel Metal -Hydr id e) rec ha rg eable batte rie s fo r maximum efficie ncy. If you are not able to use thi s typ e of battery, only top quality (Duracell Ult ra, Energizer Tit anium) batte ries are recommended. This cannot be stressed eno ugh. Use quality batt eries and check them ofte n! The M 26 cart ridges have a twenty-one foot range and the probes spread approximately one foot every seven feet traveled. Optimal deployment range is twelve to eighteen feet. The Taser can also be used as a contact device. with or without a probe cartridge attached . The eighteen watt Advanced Taser (M18) is available for civilian self ·defense. It is impo rtant to note that unl ike older devices. the Advanced Taser's probes are di scharged by compre ssed nit rogen . not an explosive charge. so they are not considered firearms. To deter and identify criminal use, the cartr idges drop dozen s o f co nfetti like disks whe n they discharge. These disk s are imprint ed with a serial number that Taser can trace to th e pu rchaser o f the cart ridge. Also, the devi ce has a bu ilt in memory that records the exact tim e and dur ati on of th e most recent 58 5 de ploy me nts -fo r use by su pe rv iso rs and admin istr ati on in Use of Force investigations. Unlike chemical sprays , w hich inevit abl y affect the deploying officer and his partners, t h e Ta se r i s a t a rge te d wea pon . Unl ike firearms, which are obvio usly lethal and only in stan tl y i ncapaci tat ing i n a li mited ta rget area. the Taser will incapacitate wi th any circu it -compl eti ng hit w ith no lasting effec ts. While Taser recommend s issui ng the M26 to all patrol office rs so that it can have a greater li kelih ood of be ing prese nt w hen it can be helpful in avo iding suspect or officer injury, so me de pa r tme nts have chosen to issue them to supervisors or to tactical units first. I highly recommend looking into this device for your department. APPS regu larly holds courses to train and ce rtify pr ivate cit izens. police officers and security agents with chemical sprays, impact devices. firearms and, of course, the M26 and MI 8 Advanced Tasers. 0 SOI/RCES: lASER INTERNATIONAL 7860 East McClain Drive Scottsda le, AZ 85260 (800) 978·2737 Training Coordinator: Jamie@TASER.com Academy of Personal Protection and Security 336 HillAve. Nashvill e. TN 37210 (615) 360·600 appstrai ning@appstraini ng.com s. W.A.T. APRIL 2003 79