Taser Stun Guns an Independent Report 1994
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Wi i I ,, , • An Independent Report • Published by: T'Prin& Technology Gateway Station Aurora, CO 80044-1126 U.S.A ,, All rights reserved. No part ofthis report may be reproduced or transmitted in any fonn or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without written permission from the publisher. Copyright C 1994 T'Prina Technology Printed in the United States ofAmerica. --""~--------------"--- .-.. ----_.,._._-~._--- --- .--~--_ . _~._- . --- -- --------------- I Stun Guns An Independent Report . . Stun guns that are available to the public vary considerably in both their electrical output characteristics as well as their safeness' . This report gives detailed information by brand and model. Electrical information includes power, amount of energy per . pulse, peak voltage, average voltage, peak current, average current, and pulse rate. The relative physiological effects of each model were determined by testing on a human subject. Buying from a reputable retailer may be no guarantee of quality or safety. Because there has been so little information available on the performance of specific models of stun guns, retailers as well as buyers have had few facts on which to base their opinions and purchases. Most buyers do not wish to tests the various models on themselves and there is a dearth of volunteer subjects (particularly those who would volunteer to test 15 different models and be shocked repeatedly with each one). Also, while the medical literature offers several proposed mechanisms by which these devices may produce a temporary immobilization effect, there is no sound data proving . which of these mechanisms, or combination ofmechanisms, is correct. TEST FIRING A STUN GUN produces' an arc that is seen between the inner electrodes. manufacturer, the size of the device and the appearance of a 'demonstration' arc. This study proves that none of these factors alone is an indicator of the performance or safety ofthe device. Some stun guns are sold under various brand names and model numbers. The photographs included in this report are useful in identifYing a particular device. The biomedical engineer conducting these tests has 15 years experience in testing the physiological effects of high voltage-high current medical devices as well as designing them to meet FDA Typically the only information the standards. • buyer has is the price, the output claimed by the voltage 1 Table1: Table J gives seven electrical parameters for each model tested. All measurements were taken while the stun gun probes were in direct contact with the target. This is the recommended mode of use. Power can be delivered from the stun gun to the target by arcing to the target, however, this is not as efficient as direct contact. ~ The power delivered by a stun gun varies with the condition under which it is used. For example, the thickness of clothing worn by the assailant, the area to which the stun gun is applied - whether bony, fatty or muscular - effects Safety as discussed in this report refers to the safety of the user, not of the assailant on whom the stun gun may be used. <01994 T'Prina Technology II the amount of power that the stun metal door knob and draw a small quently produces only weak gun will put out arc do you fall to the ground neuromuscular stimulation. • biliz'e. dl muno Ie power that the stun gun will reliably deliver under a particular, reasonable set of circumstances. A change in conditions may reduce this power. The particular set of conditions under which a stun gun will deliver maximum power varies from one model to another. (This is problem is considered in the "Clothing Penetration" column of Table 2). The third column of Table 1, "Voltage" is the effective (or, to the engineer, rms) value. This is useful in comparing one device to another regardless of the pulse shape or waveform. Column four, "Peak Voltage" is the highest voltage that appears across the electrodes while maximum power is being delivered to the target. Note that this value is significantly less than the voltage you see in advertisements or on the packaging. The advertised voltage is typically a theoretical voltage that would appear across the probes if they were not in contact with a target and were not so close that an arc would occur between the probes, in other words this is the voltage that is there when you are not using the device on a target! The advertised number is generally nothing more than a fascinating bit of trivia. For example, consider the tens-of-thousands of volts that may be generated when shuftling across a nylon carpet on a low humidity day. When you touch the 2 T'lP'rina Technology 1994 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do not let a manufacturer's claim of high voltage influence your purchase. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The fifth column, "Current", is the effective (rms) current that flows while maximum power is being delivered to the target. In the final analysis the electrical parameters shown in Table 1, while they do give good guidance, they do not give an absolute method of determining performance. This is because, as mentioned earlier, stun guns vary in how much power they deliver under different conditions. Hence the need for actual testing on a human subject. • Column six, "Peak Current" is the Table 2: highest current that is delivered through the target under conditions that permit maximum Cost power. The prices shown in column two of Table 2 are those paid for the test samples. The street price of Column 7 of Table 1, "En- stun guns varies considerably. ergy/PuIse" is an important pa- The best bargains can sometimes rameter to consider. This is the be found at gun shows. . amount of energy that is delivered in each of the very short pulses that the stun gun delivers. This along with the pulse rate in col- The values given in Table 2, column 8 tells you a great deal about UIIJ1l three, are the peak voltages a stun gun. claimed by the manufacturer. While these are frequently the ~ only information that the manThe last column, "Pulse Rate", is ufacturer provides, it can readily the average number of pulses of be seen that they are not a good energy that the stun gun delivers indicator of performance. each second. It appears that a pulse rate of approx 14 Hz or greater may be adequate. A higher pulse rate is not necessarily advantageous if the energy per pulse is not adequate; for example, the SK7000 has a relatively high pulse rate of 28.6 Hz but a low power of only 80 millijoule per pulse and conse- Column four, "Clothing Penetration", is a general guideline that addresses the ability of the stun gun to deliver energy through the assailant's clothing. The amount of energy delivered to the target will of course vary with the thickness of the clothing as well as the type of material. Even those 7' , • rated as poor will penetrate thin layers ofclothing. The models tested here are 'civilian' or available to the public. Some manufacturers sell models "Neuromuscular Stimulation", or that they make available to only stimulation of the nerves and the police. muscles, described in column five, . was determined by applying each One of the best known police stun gun for a period of at least models is the Taser which is refive seconds while the degree of ported to have an energy output stimulation was observed. Each of 0.800 joules per pulse. Comtest was repeated at least three pare this to the highest value for times and all tests were made on the models tested here of 0.350 the same person so that a subjec- joules - less than half tive comparison could be made. The power of the police Taser is approximately 10 watt as com~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As they say, "DO NOT TRY pared to about 5 watt maximum for the civilian models tested here. TIIIS AT HOME.". This allows for a considerable ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ safety margin in terms of potential The engineer conducting these hazard to any person the stun gun tests has 15 years experience in might be used on. The Taser is testing the physiological effects of reported by police to be effective high voltage, high current medical 82% of the time in immobilizing devices and is therefore familiar suspects. with how to conduct these trials The Taser is also reported to safely, albeit not painlessly. require a two to three second application to immobilize an assailant. The manufacuters of the models tested here generally recommend three to six seconds Among the stun guns reviewed there is considerable variation in performance, size , features, and cost. It is suggested that the reader review each of the models in order to become familiar with stun gun characteristics, both good and bad. Waveforms are included for the more technically inclined. ~ Notice: The reader is strongly advised to read the cautions and disclaimers at the end ofthis report before purchasing or using a stun gun or any electronic self-defense device. Models Reviewed O-Mega SS Nova Spirit Myotron Venus STN-160 SK-1200 Thunder Power SK-6900 Thunder 945SP SK-7000 Sigma-7 Model C Super Thunder Z-Force-Ultra Z-Force ill Z-Force I STG-I Pro-007 Personal Protector Defender II 6 8 10 12 T'Prina Technology 1994 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 21 23 3 • "'3 "Q •• • • ~ ;:3 ..• Table J. ~ ~ o ~ Stun Guns· Measured Electrical Parameters. Model Power [watt] Voltage [volts, rms] Peak Voltage [kv] Current [rnA, rms] Peak Current [A] Energy/Pulse Doules] Pulse Rate [Hz] O-MegaSS 5 121 16.4 41 5.5 0.35 14.3 Nova Spirit 5.3 164 24.9 33 5 0.28 18.9 Myotron Venus 5.2 161 23.9 32 4.8 0.25 20.8 STN-160 3.5 242 28.7 14 1.7 0.17 20 SK1200; Thunder Power 4.2 171 25 25 3.6 0.19 22.2 SK6900; Thunder 945SP 2.6 136 23 19 3.3 0.13 20 SK7000; Sigma-7 Model C 2.4 143 20.7 17 1.9 0.08 28.6 Super Thunder 2.3 156 19.6 14 1.8 0.11 20 Z-Foree-U1tra 2.9 157 25.2 18 3 0.1 28.6 Z-Force III 2.4 184 29.7 13 2.1 0.07 28.6 1.8 124 20.4 15 2.4 0.06 28.6 STG-l 1.1 138 11 8 0.6 0.07 15.6 Pro-007 Personal Protector 0.14 2 0.31 71 10.8 0.22 Single pulse. (assumes 0.67 Hz) (assumes 0.67 Hz) ~ ~ A . Z-Force I (This device is nol a slun gun.) Defender II @1994TIPrina TcclmololY (assumes 0.67 Hz) (assume 0.67 for comparison) . Unit failed during test. "'All measurements were made at maximum power. • • « • • • ---_._- " Table 2. Model' Cost Voltage Claimed by• Mfr. O-MegaSS $149.95 120,000 . Nova Spirit $89.95 160,000 Stun Gun Effects. Clothing Penetration Neuromuscular Stimulation Fair Strongest stimulation. Good Moderate Excellent Moderate Good Moderate Comments STN-160 $94.95 Myotron Venus $149.75 SK1200; Thunder Power $64.95 120,000 Good Weak. SK6900; Thunder 945SP $69.95 65,000 Good Weak. SK7000; Sigma-7 Model C $102.37 45,00050,000 Good Weak. Super Thunder $70.95 75,000 Excellent Weak. Leakage from pin. Leakage through edge of battery cap. Leakage through pin. . Z-Force-Ultra $50.00 150,000 Good Weak. Very strong leakage from both switches Z-Force III $69.95 100,000 Good Minimal. Leakage at switch and case joint. Z-Force I $49.95 80,000 Good Minimal. Leakage from edge opposite switch. STG-I Kit $79.50 50100,000 $34.95 "- Pro-007 Personal Protector 400V 76A V> Defender II $52.95 90,000 o-j "g ~ ..., .~. ~ ~ ~ ".. ~ "< ~ ~ :g Minimal. Poor No muscle stimulation. Unit failed during test. © 1994 TIIP.·inA Tedmo)olY • Causes a burn on the tissue surface. This device is not a stun gun. --~. !!in: Network, Incorporated Q.:M.i.giTM This stun gun clearly has the strongest effect of those tested. Not only did it stand out in effectiveness but it showed no arcing or discernible leakage current to the hand ofthe user. The Super Stunner has two switches, an on-off switch and a trigger switch. The on-off switch is useful in that it may prevent the device from being activated accidentally. It has a potential disadvantage in that if it is inadvertently left on for an extended period the battery will be drained. An automatic timeout on this function would be very desirable. The on-off switch, which is not spring loaded, protrudes in such a way that it can easily be pressed to the 'on' position unintentionally while the stun gun is being carried in a purse or pocket. This is the only model tested to include a battery indicator - a small red LED - that glows when the safety switch is in the 'on' position and the battery ostensibly has sufficient energy remaining. The other stun guns must be activated and arced in order to verify the battery condition, resulting in significant wear on those units with internal spark gaps. battery energy remains. But, in fact, there may not be enough energy to cause a single spark, let alone enough to discourage an assailant. Unfortunately, the battery condition light does not always operate as intended. If the on-off switch is left in the 'on' position and the battery drained to a low level, the battery condition light may still glow indicating that sufficient The O-Mega Super Stunner has two other potential drawbacks. Firstly it is a fairly large unit and therefore may be inconvenient to carry; though some may consider its size an advantage in that it is easier to get a good grip on. 6 T'IPrina Technology 1994 Super Stunner Secondly it is not as good as some of the other stun guns at penetrating very thick layers of clothing. The distributors of the O-Mega state in the literature that accompanies their product. "A very small percentage of people, however, can withstand this amount of electric shock, so O-Mega cannot absolutely guarantee that their '7' Stun Guns will render everyone unconscious. ". Some of the other distributors are not so forthright in their claims.. O-Mega'IM Super Thunder i j.1 I 5t-i'-t-r'--;·_--+_+1--r'--j._-+-+--I The Super Stunner has a belt clip as well as very sturdy strap. "I ! 4 • " While the manufacturers of three other devices tested claim higher voltages they did not perform nearly as well as the O-Mega Super Stunner. Batteries This device uses two 9- volt batteries, e.g. Duracell MN1604. Waveform - - J.. I i_ 3-1+-11---' -+' I I C § U ;! I I I I II II _Jl-I---+-'---11--1,--1 I I I I I --t"--~--+--!-_-:_-I I I 11, i :c --i-+--ii--+I -r--: -, ' --+. ---1 I -I I I I I I 1 ! I I ! 1 -+--'.+-"'_.., -+- 1--1-+, I "i I 1"-.' , , I -t---~- , , -! -1--- I I 1 i ! 1+-_+-_:1:;1--+-+--il~---ll_--l ;1 __+ I'_--J o 10 20 30 40 Time [ ""ec.] @ 19941"lPrin& l'ecbnolo:y The waveform to the right shows a single output pulse of the Super Stunner. The pulse is seen to be very short, delivering most of its power in less than ten millionths of a second. NoU Table 1 tllll1 Distributed by ~TM, Network Incorporated, 3544 Overland Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90034. Made in Taiwan. No telephone number is given on the packaging or in the enclosed instructions.. • • T'P.;"" Technology 1994 7 '7 Nova Technologies, Inc. --" The Nova Owner's Manual does not specifY voltage but does claim "an equivalent current of about 3 mil1iamps" under unspecified conditions. An 'equivalent current' means that the Spirits' output is estimated to be equivalent in current hazard to about 3 milliamps of low frequency (50Hz) sine wave current. The actual output - 33 mil1iamps measured at maximum power output - is of • • course not a contmuous sme wave but a series of short duration, high voltage pulses. '." -' ",,- , '::. _. ,'''". -' - , '. • ,; Batteries This model requires a speciallithiurn battery pack sold only through Nova Technologies. As with the Myotron Venus, it consists of 3 each 3-volt Duracell Lithium batteries. • Waveform The waveforms, as well as the electrical and neuromuscular stimulation characteristics, of the Spirit are virtually identical to that of the Myoton Venus. The differences that can be seen in Table J are insignificant in that they might be accounted for by small variances in battery capacity, internal spark gap condition, and production tolerences. -- -. -,' -: .. - ' "',, " .- - Nova Spirit accompanied the Nova Spirit are The Nova Spirit produces a mod- no longer valid numbers. erate level stimulation. of neuromuscular Nova Technologies, Inc., 2120-F West Baker Lane, Austin, TX 78758. The telephone numbers prOVided in the literature that 8 T'lPrina T~clmology 1994 • m Nova Spirit 6 I 5- I 0 ,.- I , 0 , 0 - I ! ,,I I I, - 3 , I __-1._ , 2 I 0 1 1"", I 0- -t ,I I -'1, I, , ,, II ,I I, 0 ,, I I I ,.,0 I , 5 ,,I __ I i I o I ,,I ,, ,,I , I 1 , I -~ i , 0 10 I II ,I ,,, , t, I,, , , 0 - I, , , I 1 II 0 0 I, i0 ,, I 1-- 0 15 Time [ ""ec,] @ 1994 T'lPri... T ""bolo", Compare the waveform of the Nova Spirit with that of the Myotron Venus on page 11. • • T'lPrina Technology J 994 9 51! Arianne International While the manufacturer claims the Myotron Venus is not a stun gun, extensive testing was not able to distinguish it from a stun gun. Their argument is simply one of semantics. They argue this is not a stun 'gun' because it does not shoot a projectile - only the TaserTM which actually shoots two dart-like projectiles with wires attached does - however, the tenn 'stun gun' as it is commonly used in the medical literature and popular press would clearly include the Myotron Venus. What makes their 'this is not a stun gun' argument even more peculiar is that extensive electrical and physiological testing was not able to clearly distinguish the output of the Myotron Venus from the Nova Spirit, a device which Arianne recommends in their literature to those who intend to purchase a stun gun. In comparison to the Nova Spirit the pearl colored Myotron is a smaller, more convenient to carry package, designed to appeal primarily to women. i n h Nova Technologies has been making stun guns for more than 10 years and the Spirit model for at least 7 years. The differences that can be seen in Table 1 are insignificant in that they could be accounted for by small variances in battery ca- 10 T'lPrina Technology 1994 MyotronTM Venus pacity, spark gap condition, and Duracell Lithium (as does the Nova Spirit) type DL2/3A batterproduction tolerances. ies grouped into a single package Wrist Strap that is not intended to be reThe Myotron television commer- placed. The DL2/3A are "For cial, videotape and brochure all pack assembly and memory use make a strong argument for the only." This may at first thought advantages of a wrist trap. How- seem like a mean-spirited way to ever, the device arrived without prevent the user from replacing the strap; an enclosed note stated the batteries. However, a ratiothat the strap would arrive later. nale might be that after the device Three months from the order date has been used to the extent that a the strap had not yet arrived. set of lithium batteries has been expended, other components, such as the internal spark gap, Batteries The Myotron uses 3 each, 3-volt would also likely be nearing the , end of their useful life making it necessary to replace the entire unit.. Myotron TM Venus Arianne International, Box 32112, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 333410. • " The only phone number provided, 1-800-348-2900 is a marketing service for placing orders only and is not a source ofproduct information. or access to Arianne International. I t j ~ U I ! 3I+1---I\,--.j.! ! 1 - I I I 1 I t I I _ 21--·--1-:.---t--.t. I ! l I J 1 -+i---I J 1-- ~--__+_-I I _ I I 0+----+,-'--\-,i---::i---I 1 -I I r 1_ _ 'I J _ I ,I I - ! -.__. lo--l--l::::±'==t=ji==t~J 5 10 .Time [ !'SeC.] 15 @ 1994 'f'IPr;,,,, 'f echolo&)' Compare the waveform of the Myotron Venus with that of the Nova Spirit on page 9. T'jp>rina Technology 1994 11 :;;r; King Hope Enterprises, Ltd. The SIN-160 comes with a leath. er sheath and a wrist strap. A small amount of leakage curThe SIN-160 is a large - 16.5 in- rent could be felt at the edge of ches long - baton which according the battery cap which is at the disto the manufacturer is designed tal end ofthe handle. for police and night watchmen. Although the two probes are at Batteries the tip, the baton is 'hot' along its The SIN-160 uses 8 AA alkaline full length above the handle as batteries stored in the handle. well as at the tip. King Hope Enterprises Ltd., The SIN-160 has the highest ef- Hong Kong. Made in China. No fective voltage of those tested. It telephone number is given on the is particularly effective at pene- packaging or in the enclosed intrating thick layers of clothing and structions. causes moderate neuromuscular stimulation. STN-160 , 2 1.5 -f - i ~ " I h I i \ \/ 0.5 I I o II I II I I I L I I I I II I I 5 I , I I o I I \J 1 -0.5 II i I 10 Time [ I'S"C. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 15 iC> 1994 T'lPri... T eclm.l. 12 T'lP'.ina Technology 1994 STN-160 (length 16.5 inches) T I , S.K. Electronic Corp. • , The SK1200 is a convenient size that fits easily fits into pocket or purse. It includes both a wrist strap and a belt clip. The electrical parameters as well as the waveform at bottom right are seen to be fairly typical with no outstanding characteristics. Neuromuscular stimulation with this stun gun was weak. Batteries The SK1200 uses a single 9-volt alkaline or rechargeable nickelcadmium battery. S.K. Electronics Corp., made in Korea. Distributed by PDI, 9608 Van Nuys Blvd. #104, Panorama City, CA 91402. No phone num- ber was prOVided in the accompanying literature. SK1200/ThunderPower SK1200 I Thunder Power 4 , t !\ i - 1 ,!. •1 •2 o 5 V 10 Time [ Ilsec. 1 15 @ 1994 T'lP.;"" T .cbolo, T'Prina Technology 1994 13 I Degen Electro Shield'" P.D.I. 7M S.K. Electronics ---: ------------------- The SK-6900 has a wrist strap that when pulled out disables the stun gun. The SK-6900 produces only weak neuromuscular stimulation. There is some leakage current to the hand of the user in the area of the wrist strap pin. Batteries This stun device uses a single 9-volt alkaline or nickel cadmium battery. - Degen, 1800 N. Highland Ave., #600, Los Angeles, CA 90028. No phone number is prOVided on the packaging or in the accompanying literature. =- LD C") ~.,....... ~ 0 C> 1994 T'P.;,,,, T eelu.olofY SK-6900 I Thunder 945SP • SK-6900 I Thunder 945SP 4 I (\ 3 _ I II II I, I I 2 I Co ~ - io I 1 0 - I +\ -1 -2 14 T'P,.;".. Technology 1994 I II o I I I I I I i I II I I I I• I • , ,I I II I i I I J - • r / ,I , i I I 10 Time [ ....,. J II II I 15 © 1994 T'P...... T eebolo&)' Sigma·7 products, Inc. S.K. Electronics CD The Sigma-7 includes a belt clip, wrist strap, strobe light and siren. A three position alarm control switch allows the user to select among: (1.) stun gun with alarm when the activation switch is pressed (2.) alarm off i.e. stun gun only on pressing the activation switch (3.) the siren is activated immediately on selecting this position and the stun gun is becomes active on pressing the activation switch ----=-C'0 --- The strobe light is always activated with the stun gun. - =-C\J - Operation of the Sigma-7 Model C is excessively complex for a defensive device that may be operated in a surprise situation. - There is an external jack for recharging the battery and a jack for an 'accessory alarm' the use of which was not specified in the owners manual. I I ,I - =--- 0- Sigma-7 Model C I SK-7000 As shown in Table 1, the energy per pulse is very low. Neuromuscular stimulation with the Sigma-7 Model C was weak. 2 .5 2 1.5 Batteries This stun device uses a single 9-volt alkaline or rechargeable (Eveready or G.E.) battery. Sigma-7 Products, Inc., 2888 Bluff Street #174, Boulder, CO 80301, (303) 444-9319. Made in Korea. -~ o '"" I i, I I I I ,I ,I ,, I I ,I I I , 1 I o.5 , ,, , -0.5 -1 o I . ,i , I, . 5 I I I, I,, ,,I , I, , j I I, 10 Time [ ....c. J • ,, I, [ I ,I I ,, I I I -j -, ,, ,I -j, I J, I I ,,f,I 15 @ 1994 T'Pri... 1"••b.l••r T'lP'rina Technology 1994 15 I ?pI U.S. Protector ,Inc. Degen POI The Super Thunder is an unusually sturdy unit with a metal belt clip and a wrist strap. Removing the wrist strap disables the stun gun. The Super Thunder is excellent at penetrating clothing but produces only weak neuromuscular stimulation with its' 0.11 joules per pulse. Batteries The manufacturer specifies use of only a 9 volt rechargeable or a 9 volt Eveready battery. The battery is easier and faster to change than in most stun guns - it is simply slid into its compartment. U.S. Protector, Inc.; Degen Panorama City CA 91402; POI 9608 Van Nuys Blvd. #104, Panorama City, CA 91402. Made in U.S.A.. No telephone number is provided on the packaging or in the accompanying literature. Super Thunder <. d 1.5 I .5 I, f-- -0.5 ,• I, I, • I, • -o J, I I , • • ,I• I• I 5 ,• I• ,, I• ,,•• ,,,• ,•• ,, I,, '1 , , • 10 I I• •• ,,• ~I, -• , I, , ,• ! --1'-. [ ,,• ,, I ,•, I, - I I , I ,, ,,• ,,,• 1·----- ~ • ~i! I • - I ,,I ,,, • !, I,• I , 1 I I, I , II • ,• I I • ,I, 0 I I 1 ,I • !I , 15 Time ["see.] "" 'W 19941"P' rlUa. 1" eChnoI0I.Y 16 T'lP'rina Technology 1994 , , The Z-force-Ultra was difficult to test due to excessive current leakage from both switches on/off and activation - to the operators hand. Arcing was observed between the activation switch and the operators finger causing . significant pain. This much leakage current and arcing to the hand could be a serious hazard in that it might startle the user causing the stun gun to be dropped. A rubber glove was worn during the remaining tests. - The Ultra has both a belt clip and a wrist strap. - Neuromuscular stimulation with this product was weak. --- Batteries The Z-Force-Ultra uses two 9 volt batteries, e.g. Duracell MN1604. lM Z-Force -"Ultra, Assembled in USA. No address or phone rmmber is given on the packaging or in the enclosed instructions. ;:'-'0C 19941"Pri.... T ed.n.l. Z-Force™ Ultra Z-Force TM -U Itra ~. 5 ~ I I \ I 2. -~ M i () I 2 , 1.5 I i, , 1 ! o. 5 0 I -0.5 -1 o !-+' !\ , 2 4 Time IllSoo.J ,I I I I, I 6 8 C 1994 T'Pri.... l'ecb.l.", T'Pr;"" Technology 1994 17 -1.0 - As with the Ultra model there was excessive current leakage from the stun gun to the user's hand. The leakage from the switch as well as from the case seams was not as strong as with the Ultra model but could be distracting. -- Neuromuscular stimulation was minimal. - Battery The Z-Force m uses one 9 volt battery, e.g. Duracell MN1604.. Z-Force™ , Assembled in USA. No address or phone number is given on the packaging or in the enclosed instructions. - =---0- Z-Force™ III Z-Force™ III 4 I, 3 Ii - Co / 2 \ , • • 1 I 0 ./ •1 " 18 T'IP'.ina Technology 1994 I V , I, , , o 2 4 Time [!'Soc.] 6 6 © 1994 T'lPri",. Tecbolo!y Pi - • • The Z-Force I showed a small amount of leakage current from the case seam opposite the switch to the user's hand. -- The Z-Force I comes with both a belt clip and a wrist strap. -- This device has a high repetition rate - 28.6 cycles per second - but low energy per pulse, 0.06 joules/pulse. _ L{) (Y) --- Neuromuscular stimulation was minimal. -- Battery --- The Z-Force I uses one 9 volt battery, e.g. Duracell MNI604.. - _ C\J ,- Z-Force™ , Assembled in USA. No address or phone number is given on the packaging or in the enclosed instructions. ~o·· Z-Force™ I Z-Force™I 3 I fI - I 2 I I, I I I I I I o I ---!. I I I ,I I I I , I I - I 5 10 Time [""00. J 15 @1994 T'lPriu T eelmololY T'lP'rina Technology 1994 -- - -------.",-. -. 19 Information Unlimited : ....... - ..CAUTION: 50,000 vOlt . .... . $T\lN(IgI . . •. . '-'. REAl) iNSTRUCTIONS;'. The STG-1 was constructed from a kit, the plans for which first appeared in Radio Electronics September, 1986. The kit is well documented and simple to construct. CD i.4~y cause 1I1lury duelo seco~c:!arr . :":. ction:i Ae?'Ove rear. ca9.~d .. tlIlI'1-10V N,CAO Batlllr)'·lIi'1Oi<l '."hysical COflll3C1 ~ int!g::t~' ~ nttrpidate,p;ush memb'1Qe swirct:. : te:audiblevisible spar!<l!.J STGI. The accompanying literature states under a caution heading, "WE MAKE NO CLAIMS AS TO THE USER'S SAFETY OR STOPPING POWER OF TIllS DEVICE.". This is a very low power (Ll watt) device that produces only minimal neuromuscular stimulation. HIGH VOLTAGE Batteries A single 9-volt nickel cadmium or • alkaline battery is recommended. and a jack is provided for convenient recharging of the nicad. A charger is not provided with the unit but is available at extra charge Information Unlimited, Box 716, Amherst, NH 03031, 1-800-221-1705, 603-673-4730. STG-1 (case only) 0.75 1'\ 0.5 - I I Q. ~ - 0.25 / '" \. '\. 20 I I -ll.25 -ll.5 ./ I \/ o 20 I 40 Time (I'SOC. 1 60 60 © 1994 T'P.inA T echnololY T'Prina Technology 1994 ..... . . . . . .. .. I ;; Saftron • • Although advertised as a "Micro Stun Gun" and the "World's smallest stun gun!", the Pro-007 is not a stun gun. Stun guns put out a series of high voltage, narrow pulses of eneI)'. The PrQ-007 ......u.ITu I w To operate the Pro-007 one must first ensure that the rubber cap (not shown in photo) is in position, remove the safety pin, then, hold down the activation button and wait while the unit charges up. When the indicator light is seen to be fully lit the device is ready to be used. It is then applied to the assailant, delivering energy for only a fraction of a second. The Pro-007 must then be removed from the assailant and Pro-007 Personal Protector recharged before it will deliver more energy. In other words if • the two points. The rigidity of the length and sharpness sufficient to you keep the device in contact with the assailant it cannot be re- rubber cap serves to somewhat penetrate skin to a depth to draw limit the exposure of the points. blood. charged and will not deliver more energy. This unexpected operating anomaly is not described in To test this device the user re- The rubber cap ( held in place by moves the rubber cap, charges the friction ) is not securely affixed to the accompanying instructions. device, touches the two needles the Pro-007; it could inadvertentStun guns typically have two met- to a piece of metal and observes a 1y be removed while being carried in a purse or by being jostled al probes that are not sharpened "sparking action". in a scuffle. but rather are blunt and not capaThe accompanying instructions ble of piercing the skin. The "... the unit functions specify that When this device is applied to an Pro-007 has two vel)' sharp points protected by a removable, with the rubber cap in place to assailant no muscle spasms are When the protect the user.". seen. What you do see and smell flexible rubber cap (not shown in cap is removed the rubber is a small plume of smoke from the photo). The cap has two holes that, on pressing against the Pro-007 will still deliver power to burning flesh. On removal a small assailant, permits protrusion of the needles. The needles are of a area of burned tissue can be seen. T'lPrina Technology 1994 21 I PES;; A typical stun gun would require an application in excess of 5 seconds before a bum mark might be seen. Saftron Personal Protector Pro-007 12.5 The ability of this 'bum' gun to penetrate clothing is virtually limited to mechanical penetration by the needle points as opposed to electrical arcing such as would occur with a stun gun. The values shown in Table 2 for the Pro-007 assume a total recharge-plus-reapplication time of 1.5 second; that is, the maximum power shown is what would be delivered if the user could charge-apply-discharge-removerecharge in rapid succession with a cycle time of 1. 5 second. This is obviously a very optimistic estimate so that the actual power and rms values that you might expect are somewhat less than that shown in Table 1. I, ~ I, - 5 I I - 10 ~ 7.5 , I I ~ ~----L--L , 2.5 o o I I I II ,, I II II I 50 T'lPrina T ecbnology 1994 I I JI , I, I ,I , ,I , I ,,, , I I,, I i ,,I -- ~----~-------1-----~-----' , , I I I ' I , , --r------rI ', ,I ,' II II I : ,I ----1---,I ,I 100 TIme [ !'Sec.] I , I I '! ,: I I I 1 150 e 1994 'fllPrina. 1"ecbololY charged and applied to an assailThe Pro-007 uses two 1.5-volt ant. Note that the pulse length is batteries; it came with 2 Magicell considerably longer than that employed by stun guns which deHigh Duty size N, UM-5. liver a train of pulses. Batteries Waveform The pulse shown at the upper The safety pin comes with a key right is the single pulse of maximal power delivery that might ring and attachment device. occur each time the Pro-007 is 22 T 7J Pro-007, Saftron. Made in Taiwan. No address or phone number is given on the packaging or in the enclosed instructions. fe,:, Exotic Electronics PDI -=--L() ---- r • • The Defender II failed at the beginning of the test procequre. After only a few seconds of use the power output was zero. -- PD!, 9608 Van Nuys Blvd, #104,Panorama, City, CA 91402. Made in Korea. No telephone - :--C') - number was provided on the packaging or in the enclosed literature. - - =-0· Defender II • TIP.in" Technology 1994 23 rz . );> Keep all stun guns, electro-immobilization devices, and electronic self-defense devices out of the reach of children. );> Do not exceed the manufacturers recommendations for duration of application. Excessive application times may result in serious harm such as bums or suppression of respiration. );> This report does not endorse any manufacturer or product and makes no claims as to the effectiveness of these devices in stoppmg an assailant. Further, this report makes no claims as to the safety ofthese devices as regards the user or the person on whom the device may be used. . );> The results presented in this report are based on testing only one sample of each model evaluated. );> Check local laws before acquiring a stun gun. Most, but not all, states permit the sale and carrying of stun guns. );> The authors of this report have given their best efforts in making this report as complete and accurate as possible. However, typographical errors as well as errors in content may have occurred. Therefore, this report should be used only as a general guide and not as the ultimate source ofinformation on stun guns, electro-immobilization devices, or electronic self-defense devices. T'Prina Technology and the authors of this report shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any entity or person with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained in this report. • 24 T'iP'ri"" Technology 1994 <nr 2 About T'Prina T ecb.nology A consulting firm that has provided services in medical electronics since 1989. • Our experience includes: • the design and testing of high voltage instruments used in clinical applications • delivering seminars to surgeons and corporate executives on medical instrument technology. • measuring the effects of medical instruments in terms of electrical energy spread and depth of penetration into tissue. • expert witness testimony and technical advice in litigation both in U.S. and foreign courts. • evaluation of stun guns. • invention of now patented medical instruments Considering a stun gun for your Security Service Of Police Department? If your organization is considering the purchase of a stun gun T'Prina Technology can help you make the right decision by performing unbiased tests of the models that you are reviewing. Many new models of stun guns are introduced on the market every year. Without extensive electrical and physiological testing by an independent expert you have no solid information on which to base your purchase. To obtain further information please write to the following address: T'Prina T eclb.nology Gateway Station Aurora, CO 80044-1126 T'PrinA T echllology 1994 25 . -- ,- - -... -- t' 7-:; ; I Order Form for 'Stun GUIIS An Independent Report'. • Please send copies @ $14.50 ea. Shipping & handling: Surface. $2.00 Air Mail. $3.50 (Allow three to four weeks for surface shipping.) $,--- $ _ Sales Tax: Please add applicable taxes for reports shipped to Colorado addresses. $ _ Total Enclosed: $. _ Ship To: Name: _ Company:, _ Address: _ City: S1ate:, Phone: ( ) FAX: ) ( _ _ Payment: Please make check or money order payable to T'Prina Technology. Send Orders to: T' Prina Technology Gateway Station Aurora, CO 80044-1126 -'Zip: _