Taser - M26 Directives, Seattle PD WA, 2000
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Seattle ...lolic·e Depaitml-ilt DIRECTIVES Date: December 22 • 2000 Directive: D 00-92 PROVISIONAL DEPARTMENT POLICY: ASSIGNMENT AND DEPLOYMENT OF M26 TASERS The following is a list of guidelines for the deployment of the M26 Taser. Swom personnel selected to deploy with tbe M26 Taser sball attend a four-hour training and certification class prior to being issued a Department M26 Taser. Eacb M26 Taser sball be individually assigned, and shall be listed by serial number on the employee's equipment card filed in tbe Evidence Section. All swom personnel autborized to carry tbe M26 Taser sball adhere to the following procedures, as well as the curricula of the M26 training and certification course. Until further notice, these procedures and guidelines, in addition to the curricula of the 4-hour training and certification course, has the force and effect of Department PoliC)'. L QUALIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION A. Sworn personnel must successfully complete a Department authorized training and certification course before they.may carry and use an M26 Taser. B. Authorized officers may only carry a department issued M26 Taser and M26 Taser cartridges. lL APPLICATIONS A. AIl applications of the M26 Taser shall conform to the principles outlined in tbe training and certification program, consistent with tbe RCW definition of necessary force (RCW 9A.16.010) B. At the earliest practical opportunity, an SPD supervisor shall be notified and respond to the scene of a potential or completed application of the M26 Taser. Preferably, and whenever possible, a supervisor shall be on-scene during an incident where the use of tbe M26 Taser is considered. It is recognized, however, tbat on-scene supervisory command may not always be possible or timely. IlL POST-APPLICATION PROCEDURES A. Whenever an M26 Taser is applied to an individual, a Seattle Fire Department Aid or Medic Unit shall be called to the scene. B. Expended Taser darts and cartridges shall be handled as a biohazard and (unless required to be retained as .evidence or to document malfunction) shall be disposed of in properly marked biohazard containers. C. Barring an emergency, qualified medical personnel at an authorized medical facility shall be responsible for removing M26 darts tbat penetrate an individual's skin. IV. REPORTING mE USE OF M26 TASER A. Wben tbe M26 Taser is deployed on an individual, involved personnel sball follow the Department use of physical force reporting procedures. (See Section 1.149 - Reporting the Use of Force) V. REPLACEMENT M26 CARTRIDGES AND BATTERiES A. Swom personnel are individually responsible for obtaining replacement M26 cartridges and batteries wben tbey deplete tbeir supply. Eacb precinct stationmaster sball maintain, control and record the inventory of replacement cartridges l!Dd batteries. VL YEARLY QUALIFICATIONS A. Eacb authorized user of tbe M26 Taser sball qualify witb their weapon once a yeai'. B. Tbe qualification date shall be puhlisbed by directive at the start of eacb year. C. Unexcused absences sball terminate an authorization to carry the M26 Taser until tbe qualification can be made up. By Order of //.I(k~ {~K~~Wske Chief ofPolice