Taser Santa Fe Seeks to Purchase 2001
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Denver, CO POST AUG 23, 2001 Santa Fe seeks to purchase 'tasers' for '21st century' policing ny The AsgQ~lated Press SANTA FE ~ Zap, you're caught. The'Santa ,.Fe Polici!Depa~tment wants to buynonlethlll weapons, Ad· vanced Tas,er M·26s,'which Chief John Denko said would "bring us up into the 21st century." The device looks like a cross between a handgun and a child's toy, but it's ca· pable of propelling two wire-b~cked probes packing~O,OOO volts across a roofll ...... enoughpunch to ensure a "500· poundgoriUa will g()Jike a little baby," Denkosaid. Lt. Robert Romero,thed~parbnent's SWAT commander, sUbjllctedh!m~lf to a demonstration Tuesday as he explained the, weapon to the city's Public Safety Committee. A sharp pop of compressed nitrogen, about as loud as a pellet glln, sent two barb-tipped probes into Romero's back. His muscles locked up, and he yelped and would have collapsed if two other , , torney Henry Valdez both submitted to shocks from the device before voting with fellow committee members to recommend the City Council look for monA SOO-pound gorilla will go like a little ey to buy taserS for every officer on the force. baby. Each Advanced Taser M-26 costs about $399, Romero said. Single-use cartridges containing the nitrogen propellant, wires and barb·tipped probes Santa Fe Police Chief John Denko cost about $20 each. Denko said Santa Fe has about 140 officers hadn't held him. tug the barbs free later. officers. But seconds after the jolt of electrici· The device delivers enough electriciRomero and Denko told commission ty ended, Romero continued lecturing ty to cause uncontrollable musde conon the merits of the M-26, apparently tractions ,and drop a full-grown mlln, members the costs of outfitting the en· unaffected except for two 21-foot-\on8 but it's safe enough not to disrupt heart tire department with the Advanced Taswires trailing from the probes embed· rhythms or pacemakers, Romero, said. er M-26s would be less than a settleded in his back. Dropping a troublemaker, to'the ment the city would have to pay if it "It's like being stung by a bee," said ground could keep a situation from es- lost even one wrongfUl-shooting lawsuit Romero, whO told committe!! members calatinginto one in which.'ilpolice offi- involVing a g'lR: . the only other effects were slightly sore cer has to use a firearm,fie said. Officers woiIld continue to carrY guns muscles and a tingling sensation. His PUblic. Safety.,Committe,evice. chair~ as weU,.because some situations. c"U fl>l' fellow officers had to use small pliers to man Michael Trujillo and District At- the use of deadly force, Romerostld.