Taser Product Warning - Law Enforcement, 04-08, Taser Intl, 2008
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Product Warnings: Law Enforcement IMPORTANT ECD PRODUCT SAFETY AND HEALTH INFORMATION 1 Read, understand, and follow current TASER International, Inc. (“TASER”) training, safety instructions, and warnings before handling, manipulating, or using the ADVANCED TASER® M26™ or the TASER® X26™ electronic control device (“ECD” or “device”). (These warnings are effective April 28, 2008, and supersede all prior revisions and relevant Training Bulletins.) The most current warnings are online at www.TASER.com. This warning label appears on newer TASER device models. TASER devices are designed in probe-deployment mode to temporarily incapacitate a person from a safer distance while reducing the likelihood of serious injuries or death. When used as directed, TASER devices have been found to be safer and more effective than other traditional use-of-force tools and techniques. However, it is important to remember that the use of force and physical incapacitation, by their very nature, involve risk that someone will get hurt or may even die from factors that include, but are not limited to: physical resistance, exertion, individual susceptibilities, and/or unforeseen circumstances. GENERAL OPERATIONAL SAFETY 2 Complete Training First. Do not attempt to handle, manipulate, carry, or use a TASER device unless you have been trained and certified by a Certified TASER Instructor.3 Read and Obey. Read, study, understand, and follow all instructions and warnings before handling, manipulating, or using the TASER device. The most current warnings are online at www.TASER.com. Obey All Applicable Laws. Do NOT acquire, possess, store, carry, brandish, display, deploy, use and/or discharge a TASER device unless done in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws, and other regulations or legal requirements. Your law enforcement agency’s (“agency’s”) guidance, policies, procedures, and training must also be followed. Any acquisition, possession, storage, carrying, brandishing, display, deployment, use, and/or discharge of a TASER device must be legally justifiable. Store in a Secure Location. Store TASER devices, cartridges, and accessories in secure location(s) inaccessible to children and other unauthorized persons. TASER devices, cartridges, and accessories are not toys, and users should prevent inappropriate access, possession, handling, manipulations, deployments, and/or activations, which may result in serious bodily harm to the user, other persons, or animals. Minimize Risks Associated with Use Perform Spark Test Prior To Each Shift. TASER device to be safely spark tested prior to each shift. 1 These warnings cannot address all possible device application circumstances. They are intended to inform users about potential risks of harm. Be reminded that the decisions to acquire, store, possess, carry, brandish, display, discharge, deploy, or otherwise use the device in a particular manner or circumstance must follow applicable legal standards, alternatives, and options. These warnings do not create a more restrictive standard of care than applicable law. 2 Law enforcement agencies are responsible for their own policies, training, and standards. TASER has no power or authority to mandate or require training; to recommend, establish, and/or set policy; or to establish standards of conduct. 3 A Certified TASER Instructor possesses and maintains a current TASER instructor certification and is fully compliant with TASER’s most current training requirements and materials. April 28, 2008 Page: 1 of 4 Product Warnings: Law Enforcement Avoid Misuse. Use a TASER device only for its intended purpose and only in legally justifiable situations. Assume Device is Loaded. Always assume that a TASER device is loaded and capable of discharging. To avoid unexpected discharge, ensure that no live TASER cartridge is in the device when inserting batteries, DPM™, XDPM™, or TASER CAM™, or while performing maintenance, data downloading, or charging batteries. Avoid Unintentional Activation. Keep finger off the trigger until it is legally justifiable to use the device. Keep Body Parts Away From Front. Keep your hands and body parts away from the front of the TASER device and cartridge. A discharging device and/or cartridge can cause serious injuries to body parts. Avoid Static Electricity. Keep the TASER cartridge away from sources of static electricity, because static electricity can cause the device or cartridge to discharge unexpectedly, which may result in serious injury. Beware Electronic Device Interference. Interference from electronic transmission devices in close proximity to the TASER device could interfere with the proper operation of the device. Keep the device at least several inches away from other electronic devices. Place the safety switch in the down (SAFE) position whenever it is immediately adjacent to electronic equipment (including transmitting radios and cell phones). Remember to activate the device prior to attempting use. Avoid Dropping Device. Dropping a TASER device or cartridge may damage it and make it inoperable or hazardous for continued use. If a device has been dropped or damaged, keep the safety switch in the down (SAFE) position until completing the procedure(s) recommended in the current version of the TASER Instructor Training materials.4 DEPLOYMENT WARNINGS AND CONTINGENCIES Warning. Avoid Explosive/Flammable Materials, Liquids, and Vapors. A TASER device can ignite explosives and flammable materials, liquids, and vapors (e.g. gasoline, gases found in sewer lines, gases found in methamphetamine labs, butane-type lighters, and flammable hair gels). Do not use a TASER device in the presence of any explosive/flammable substance without legal justification. Note that some self-defense sprays use flammable carriers or anti-freeze agents, such as alcohol. Avoid Weapons Confusion. Holstered and drawn handguns have been confused with TASER devices. Learn the difference in the physical feel and holstering characteristics between TASER device(s) and handgun(s). This should help avoid confusion in the identification, selection, and discharge of the device during stressful situations. Follow your agency’s equipment carrying and holstering location guidelines and training regarding handguns and TASER devices. Warning. Directing a TASER device at body parts other than TASER recommended target areas can raise the risk of injury. The following specific practices are recommended to reduce the risk of injury to both the user and targeted individual. • TASER Device Target Preferred Areas of Body. When practical, the preferred target areas are the subject’s torso (center mass) or legs. • TASER Device Targeting Sensitive Areas. When practical, avoid intentionally targeting the head, face, throat, or genitals without legal justification. Significant injury can occur from device deployment or use into these sensitive areas of the body. • TASER Device Targeting Known Pre-Existing Injury Areas. When practical, avoid deploying or using a TASER device on a known area or location of pre-existing injury without legal justification. Pre-existing injuries may be exacerbated by such deployment. Minimize Repeated, Continuous, and/or Simultaneous Exposures. TASER device users should only use the number of ECD exposures which are objectively reasonable to accomplish lawful objective(s). Repeated, 4 TASER Instructor Training materials can be obtained by contacting TASER for copy of most recent training materials. April 28, 2008 Page: 2 of 4 Product Warnings: Law Enforcement continuous, and/or simultaneous use of TASER devices should be used only when objectively reasonable given the totality of the circumstances and reasonable efforts should be made to continuously assess the circumstances to minimize the number of ECD exposures.1,2 Be Prepared to Redeploy or Use Back-Up Plan. If a TASER device and/or cartridge is inoperable or the intended device application is ineffective in achieving the desired effect(s), consider reloading and redeploying, using other force option(s), disengaging, and/or using other alternatives according to agency training and policy. No weapons system, tool, or technique is effective 100% of the time, including TASER devices. Be familiar with backup plans and acceptable alternatives in the event of ineffective deployment. Control and Restrain Immediately. Begin control and restraint procedures, including cuffing under power, as soon as it is reasonably safe and practical to do so in order to minimize the total duration of ECD exposure(s). The device user, and those assisting the user, should avoid touching the probes, wires, and the areas between the probes to avoid accidental shock during TASER device electrical discharge. DEPLOYMENT HEALTH RISKS Secondary Injury Due to Loss of Control of Movement or Startle. In probe deployment mode the TASER device usually renders subjects temporarily unable to control their movements. Also, a TASER device use may cause a startle response. This loss of control or startle can in some circumstances increase the risks of serious injury or death resulting from loss of balance, falls, loss of control of vehicle/machinery, or drowning. Especially at risk are persons: • Who could fall on a sharp object (such as those holding a knife or other edged weapon) • Who could fall and suffer impact injuries to the head or other sensitive areas • Located on elevated or unstable platforms (e.g., vehicles, trees, roofs, ladders, ledges, cranes, loading docks, and stairs) • Who are running • Operating a vehicle or machinery • Located in water, mud, and or marsh environments if the ability to move is restricted • Who are physically infirm, elderly, or pregnant Permanent Vision Loss. If a TASER probe strikes or becomes embedded in, or in close proximity to, an eye, it could result in serious injury including permanent loss of vision. Laser Beam Eye Damage. The TASER device incorporates a laser aiming aid. Avoid direct eye exposure because laser light can cause eye damage. Avoid intentionally aiming at the eye(s) of a person or animal without justification. Penetration Injury. TASER probes have small dart points which may cause penetration injury to blood vessels, arteries, internal organs (including lung [pneumothorax]), bone, and nerves. The probe and/or the dart point (which may detach) could puncture or become embedded into a bone or organ, which may require immediate medical attention, surgical removal, and/or may result in scarring, infection, and/or other serious injury. Seizure. Repetitive stimuli such as flashing lights or electrical stimuli can induce seizures in some individuals. This risk may be heightened if electrical stimuli or current passes through the head region. Muscle Contraction-Related Injury. The TASER device can cause strong muscle contractions that may result in physical exertion or athletic/sports-type injuries. In certain instances this may be serious for some people, such as those with pre-existing conditions, special susceptibilities, or in unusual circumstances. This may also occur in instances where a person has an unusual and/or unanticipated response to the TASER device deployment and/or discharge. Strain Injury. TASER device-induced strong muscle contractions may cause strain-type injuries. It is possible that these direct and/or indirect injury types may include, but are not limited to, injuries such as hernias, ruptures, dislocations, tears, or other injuries to soft tissue, organs, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and joints. Fractures (including compression fractures) to bones, including vertebrae, may occur. These injuries may be more likely to occur in people with pre-existing injuries or conditions such as pregnancy, osteopenia, April 28, 2008 Page: 3 of 4 Product Warnings: Law Enforcement osteoporosis, spinal injuries, diverticulitis, or in persons having previous muscle, disc, ligament, joint, bone, or tendon damage. Scarring. Use of a TASER device, especially in drive-stun mode, or by other means where an electrical arc to the skin is generated, can cause punctures, marks, friction abrasions, and/or scarring that may be permanent depending on area(s) and method(s) of application(s), individual susceptibilities, or circumstances surrounding TASER device use and exposure. Response to Device Exposure. The TASER device can cause temporary discomfort, pain, stress, and/or panic, which may be injurious to some people. Anticipation of TASER device exposure(s) can cause stress, trepidation, panic, and/or fear, which may be injurious to some people. Neurocardiogenic Response. Some individuals may experience an exaggerated response to a device exposure, or threatened exposure, which may result in a person fainting and possible secondary injury. Lead WARNING. This product contains chemicals known to the State of California and others to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. POST-DEPLOYMENT SAFETY (WOUND AND INJURY CARE) Utilize Appropriate Bio-Hazard Protocols and Personal Safety Equipment.2 Probe Removal. Probe and probe removal may cause injury. Follow your agency’s guidance/training and biohazard protocols for probe removal. In the case of embedment, organ or bone penetration, and/or dart point detachment, immediate medical attention and possible surgical removal may be required. Penetration Injury Care. Injuries due to penetration of the probe and/or dart point into a blood vessel, organ, nerve, or bone may require medical attention. Skin and Wound Treatment and Infection. TASER devices can cause skin irritation, small puncture wounds, friction abrasions, rash, or burns which may require medical attention. As with any injury of this type, in some circumstances infection(s) may occur. Appropriately cleanse, apply antibiotic ointment, and cover any wounds. Subjects in custody should subsequently be monitored for signs of infection and provided treatment as needed. Subjects who are released from custody should be advised to cover and treat the wound with antibiotic ointment, and to seek medical attention if signs of infection occur such as swelling, redness, or heat. MAINTENANCE Damaged Device. If a TASER device and/or cartridge has been dropped or damaged, it may be inoperable and/or hazardous for continued use. Keep the safety switch in the down (SAFE) position until completing the procedure(s) recommended in the current version of the TASER Instructor Training materials.4 Avoid Exposure to Wet Conditions. If a device has been drenched or immersed in water or other liquid, keep the safety switch in the down (SAFE) position until completing the procedure(s) recommended in the current version of the TASER Instructor Training materials.4 Incidental exposure to moisture, such as brief exposure to moderate rain, should not unduly affect the operation of the TASER device. Use Only TASER-Approved Components, Batteries, Accessories, and Cartridges. The TASER device is a sophisticated electronic system. In order to provide proper function, only TASER-approved components, batteries, accessories, and TASER cartridges are to be used with the TASER device. Use of anything other than recommended batteries, TASER cartridges, or other TASER-recommended accessories, or repairs/modifications by unauthorized persons, may cause malfunctions, will void the warranty, and may put the user and others at risk of serious injury or even death. Maintain (Update as Available) Device Software. Some TASER devices, including the TASER X26, have the capability for ECD software updating through DPM™ or XDPM™ replacement. As with any device controlled by a sophisticated electronic system, there are benefits to maintaining the latest software updates. Acquire, update, and maintain the latest ECD software update(s). April 28, 2008 Page: 4 of 4