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Taser Phoenix Az M26 v Pepper Spray Use

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Capsicum (OC)
(Punch II)

May be used when reasonable and justified in the following situations:

To prevent the possibility of injury to an officer or another person
To ward off threatening dogs or other animals
In tactical building entries such as search warrants
To subdue a person who is:

Threatening or attempting physical harm to himself or another
Resisting an arrest
Interfering with an arrest

Carrying Procedures

Uniformed Employees


Sworn Plainclothes Employees


All plainclothes employees will be trained in the use of OC spray.
Sworn employees in plainclothes below the rank of commander will carry
3/4-ounce OC spray as readily available as their weapon.

Undercover Operations


All uniformed employees will be trained in the use of OC spray.
It will be mandatory equipment and will be attached to the gunbelt and
carried at all times while on duty.
It will be carried with the canister in an upright position.

Carrying OC spray is optional for sworn employees assigned to undercover

Civilian Employees

employees authorized to carry OC spray will comply
with the guidelines in this policy.

M26 Advanced Taser


The M26 Advanced Taser may be used on subjects who are using defensive resistance, active aggression,
aggravated active aggression, or who are a threat to themselves.
Based on the definition of defensive resistance, in Order 1.5.2, simply running from officers does not constitute
defensive resistance. If the M26 Advanced Taser is used on an individual running from officers, the deploying
officer will need to enumerate their justification for use in their departmental reports.
Prior to use, officers should consider:
The severity of the crime
Whether the suspect poses an immediate threat to the safety of officer or others if not apprehended
Does the suspect have a history of violent behavior
The M26 Advanced Taser is a force option and its deployment will be reasonable and based on totality of the
circumstances known by the officer at the time.

Types of


Psychological Intimidation - Non-verbal cues indicating subject’s unwillingness or
threats through attitude, appearance, and physical readiness.
Verbal Non-Compliance - Verbal responses indicating unwillingness or threats.
Passive Resistance - Physical actions that do not prevent officer’s attempt to control.
Defensive Resistance - Physical actions that attempt to prevent officer’s control, but
does not involve attempts to harm the officer. This would usually mean there is
ongoing physical contact between the officer/s and suspect.
Active Aggression - Physical actions of assault.
Aggravated Active Aggression - Deadly force encounter



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