Taser Muskingum Co Oh Use of Force Continuum 1991
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ACTION RESPONSE USE OF FORCE CONTINUUM u not intended to be in any specific order, but reflects on the amount of resistance encountered. The officer will choose the necessary response to gain control of the situation based on departmental policy, his physical capabilities, perception, training and experience. IMPORTANT - The list of officer responses is Weapons Used Against Officer Attempting to Disarm Officer Life Threatening Weaponless Assaults ·OFFICER • SUBJECT FACTORS· ~~~~-~,\{1a~' 1I~~:::~;:;:;;::.1~ Wrestling With Officer Pushi ng Ollker : ':'~.:" .. ~. ;i:.'.'~-: ,.,:,', \ ~(~;~.\.~./,;·::N~·;~:~--C: <:::::\~: ~:( ~':. :., ".-:; ,', ,0'" ',' . ;.'f. ",":-' ';, Striking, Punching, Kicking Aerosols or Electrica: De~ices Baton Restraints ~ . ... 1. Age 2, Sex 3. 4. 5. 6. Size Skill Level Multiple Subjects/Officers Relative Strength ·SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES· 1. Closeness of a Weapon 2. Injury, or Exhaustion 3, Being on the Ground 4. Distance From the Subject 5. Special Knowiedge 6. Availability of Other Options Balance"Djsplacemeni N"ot Responding lo Commands Vexbal or Physical Danger Cues ~~\''J;fI;-'+iff.1!;r.:jiFJ;.'''' 1cI.i'$~'!"';.Y.;.;'ttl J>.l lNDlVIDUAl'S ACTIONS Escort Position Assistance From Other Officers Verbal m Physical Comrr. dlds Officer Pn.."Sence .OFFiCER'S RESP:)NSES © Copyright 1991 Samuel Faulkner