Taser La County Sheriffs Deploy 2001
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LOt Ang,les, CA WOODLAND HilLS DAILY NEWS· ANTELOPE VALLEY EO i.Df AlIIlltn -lalljj JlIIIl Mt! ..,.. DlU6t Wedu.cl'r MAY 313. 213131 0....1 RO.M'SIoIlI'l......... Sheriff's training officer Sam Sdehnel lires an M-2e Taser gun into a target. The weapon shoots a dart in a suspect. The shock treatment Sheriff adds new electric-dart-fIring Tasers to arsenal By Holly The Santa Clarita station already has about a dozen Ed1'l'ard~ $laffW,iler PALMDALE - Confronted with n 14. year-old girl threatening to kill herself and slash her mother with a butcher knife, Palmdale sheriffs deputies swiftly deployed a new tactical weapon. It was the electrically charged 1'A~er gun a<:quired by the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department that instantly brings the most out-of-control SUSpeclS to tbe ground. It is being deployed countywide, including in tile Sanla Clarita VaDey. The May 17 in\:ldent occurred in a Palmdale mobile home park, and illustrated how effective the new M-26 Tasers can be, said Deputy Bl')'an Riley, traming deputy at the Palmdale shenffs station. "Theft aft no long-term mjuries and it stops people 10 theIr tracks, MRiley saId. MWith tbe old Tlser, someone fO\:used or mentally disturbed could continue their assaull. Witb the ""·26, Ihey drop immediately.M The weapon shools a din inlo the combative suspee;t and an electrical cllarse IS sent from the Taser to the dan, explained Sgt. Mike McDermoll of the sheriffs beadQuaners bureau, one of the few sb~T1ffs offICialS who have volun- teered to be shocked by the device. MTake the shock you get when you toucb an e1eclrical socket, mcrease It many limes, and lmaJine that bcmg sent Ibrougboul your body, ~ McDermott said. of the new Tasars and is expected to receive about a dozen more. Countywide, nearly 300 of the weapons will be deployed al a cost 01 about $120,000, offidals said. "It's a vel')' intense. extftme shock 10 yom system. M Countywide, nearly 300 of the weapons will be depI.oyed at a 00IiI of about S 120,000, sheriffs officials said. ~Evcntually well bave one in evel')' patrol car,M said Sgt. Jim Morrow. who oversees naming at Ibe Santa Oarita station. Min the past, we only bad two of the old Tasc:rs on hand, and thet'e 'A-U always I hme lag between when we asked for tbe Taser and wben we got it. The new onu will be readily available.Not only does the new Tasa do a betItt job of incapacitatmg a combati~'e susp«:t, MolTOw said, It also has a 21-fool range - six fed 1oD8Cf Iban the range of the old Tascr _ which creates a largff safety cushion for the deputy wielding tbeweapon. The Twrs will primarily be used on assaultive suspects aft not armed, be said. adding thai deputies will use bean bas sboIguns or rubber-pellet IUDS to deal witb suspects armed with I knife or gun. The Palmdale station was among the firsl to aeqUH'C tbe M-26s last year in a Sheriffs Depattment pilot project. "'hile the Santa Clarita and Lancaster swlK>ns Just rc«otly obtamed their firsl5uppl.y of the weapons. woo see TASER I Page 3 Pliol VI,dOl, CA PlninlUl1 NBWI ~DI Angtln Mtl Arn SalurdaJ iW 17,4D7 JUN 23. 2001 - 111I11111111111111111111111111111111111 11I[J]I'iIIliI "20202 ,L!I==U1"Ll!I=~p~R~E~s~s~C~'~'~P~"UN~G'-"S L.A. County Sheriffs Wi II Now Carry lasers - LOI Anglin, CA WAVE - CRENSHAW, BALDWIN HILLI & I, LOI ANSELEI i.Dl Anglill -LDng 811Gh Mtl Ar" WednlldlJ MAY W76,000 30, 2001 I11111 II 1111111111111111111 "1111111 III [lDJ[lflBPRESS cr.;p:~::: The deputy winced in pain and was unable to control his muscles after being shot. Fortunately. it was all part of a calcu· lated demonstration at a press conference announcing the counry·wide deployment of the Advanced Ta.ser conducted energy de·lice. Camera crews recorded the event and the deputy who had volunteered to be show by the taser was not injured by the less-lethal device. As part of a continued commitment to protect the residents of Los Angeles County. Assistant Sheriff Larry Waldie, on behalf of Sheriff Lee Baca, announced the deployment of more than 290 of these conducted energy devices. The M·26 Advanced Taser is designed to transmit electric pulses which temporarily disrupt the body's central nervous system. The device will aid deputies in handling and apprehending assaultive high-risk suspects. The taser has been deployed at all Sheriff's stations and custody facilities and can now be carried by trained deputies. In the past, tasers were only carried by supervisors. The new design of this device has many improvements over the original energy technology introduced in the early 198Os. The device is now shaped like a handgun. This physical redesign takes advantage of muscle memory functions of traditional handgun training. its built-in laser sight and a 21-foot range will improve accurqcy and increase the· number of situations where it can be safely used. The increased power to 26 watts will cause electro·muscular disruption. It is designed well within electrical safety standards and has advanced weapon tracking technologies that record the time and date of each firing. Most importantly. with more than 20 years of field use, there has never been a death attributed directly to taser technology, making it an effective less-lethal device. "Any effective less-lethal tool we can give our deputies reduces the possibility of a deadly confrontation," said Assistant Sheriff Waldie. Sheriff's Introduces New Stun Devices • It has a pon that records dala each time it's fired: MONTEREY PARK - A veteran Los Angeles County sheriffs lieutenanl allowed himself to be upped by a speCial new taser May 24 - one that has advantages over the model that is in use. hies not somelhing you really like fo do every day. bul it"s lmponant 10 demonstrate It:' said Lt. Mike McDennott. 51. who has only been shocked bnce before by the device during a training session. "The M-26 Advanced TjSer' has several 3Jvalllages over the one that is now in use. said Deputy Darren Harris. Among lhose 3dvant3ges. he said. are: • It automatically shulS off after five seconds. and has an override bunon Ihal can shu. il off sooner; • II has a 2I-fOOl cord. about Silt feel longer than the presenttaser; • II has an 18-26 wat! range compared 10 the presenl 7-14 watt range; and • II is powered by compressed nitrogen rather than black powder. so is not classified as a flfCaIm. The device, which looks like a handgun. t.ransmits electric impulses to shock and temporarily disable a "combative. high-risk- suspect. Deputies deploy newest Tasers TASER I From Page 1 The Santa Clarita station has about a dozen M-26s in stock and is slated to get a dozen more in July, said Morrow. The Palmdale station has nine M-26s in stock and is expected to get si.'t more, while the Lancaster station is earmarked to receive 16 new Tasers, officials said. While the Santa Clarita station recorded fewer arrests and use-of-force incidents during the last two years than the Palmdale and Lancaster stations, it is slated to receive more Tasers than the Antelope Valley stations. Sherirrs officials explained that they base deployment of the Tasers at each station on the total number of patrol cars on duty during the hours of peak service, which is typically Saturday night.