Taser Atf Non Firearm Correspondence 1994,1998
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DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY BURE AU OF ALCOHOL, T O BA C C O AND FIREARMS WASHINGTON , DC 2022 6 OCT I 3 1998 F:FPD:FTB :EMO 33 11 Mr. Stephen D. Tu t tl e Taser International 7339 East Evans Road Scottsdale , Ari zona 85260 Dear Mr . Tuttle : This is in reply t o your l ~ t t e r dated September 26, 1998, in which you ask about the classifi c ation of the Air Taser electronic stun device. The Air Taser u t i l i zi ng compressed nit rogen to expel two barbed da r t s at ta c h e d to i n s u l a t e d wi res was classified as n o t b e ing a firearm on November 30 , 1993. The original device wa s s ubmitted by Ai r Ta ser , Inc. , 4601 East I ndi an Bend Ro a d, Scottsdale , Arizona 85253 . The classificat ion o f the d e vi c e i s st i l l e f fect ive . The fact t h a t t he company h a s changed its n a me to Taser International h a s n o b e ar ing on t h e origi na l classification provided that the current Air Taser has the same design , cons truc t ion and method o f operation as the Air Taser t hat was eva luated in 19 93 a nd 1994. We trust that t he foregoing has been responsive to your inquiry. If we can be of any further assistance , please contact us. "noo,oly you,o , ~ ~~i!(tl " 1 Chief , Firearms Technology Branc / /' DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY BUREAU OF ALCOHOL . TOBACCO AND FIREARMS WASHINGTON. D .C . 20226 LE:F:TE:EMO 3311.4 JUN - 81994 Mr. John H. Cover Air Taser, Inc. 7307 East Evans Road Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 Dear Mr. Cover: This refers to your letter of June 2, 1994, with which you provided additional information concerning the dimensions of the production version of Air Taser Model 34000 electronic stun gun. Also provided was information concerning changes to the cassette. You indicated that the production version is approximately 1 inch longer than the prototype submitted but is slimmer in both width and thickness. You also indicated that the cassette, now called an air cartridge will utilize compressed carbon dioxide gas instead of nitrogen. The above changes would have no bearing on the previous classification of the Air Taser as not being a firearm. This determination is based on the fact that the device does not utilize the frame or receiver of a firearm, does not expel a projectile by the action of an explosive, and the diameter of the borers) is less than one-half inch. We trust that the foregoing has been responsive t o your inquiry. If we may be of any furthe~ assistance, please contact us. Sincerely yours, f'h;o -f' ~*?aiJ:.A--Jh'~ ................- " , , " , - _ \ . . - -,, - - - •