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Summary of Ice Detention Standards 9 07

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Commission on Immigration
Summary of Select ICE Detention Standards
In November 2000, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE; formerly the Immigration and
Naturalization Service or INS) issued detailed detention standards to ensure consistent treatment and care
for detainees in immigration custody. The ICE Detention Standards took effect at 28 facilities in January
2001, including 18 ICE–owned and operated Service Processing Centers (SPCs) and contract detention
facilities (CDFs) and 10 county jails. The ICE Detention Standards have since been implemented at
almost all facilities holding ICE detainees, which include those county and local jails with an
Intergovernmental Service Agreement (IGSA) with ICE, with the exception of facilities operated by the
Federal Bureau of Prisons. The ICE Detention Standards are not codified, and thus their violation does
not confer a cause of action in court.
There are a total of 38 ICE Detention Standards that cover a broad range of issues. The following
information is a summary of fundamental provisions. The summary is provided as a public service by the
American Bar Association's Commission on Immigration. The ABA Commission on Immigration
assumes no responsibility for, and makes no guarantee or warranty about, the accuracy or reliability of the
information in this summary. The ICE Detention Standards are available in the DHS Detention
Operations Manual (DOM) at
ICE Detention Standards Included in this Summary


Visitation (by Legal Representatives, Family and Friends, and News Media)
Telephone Access
Group Presentations on Legal Rights
Access to Legal Material
Correspondence and Other Mail
Detainee Classification System
Detainee Grievance Procedures
Staff-Detainee Communication
Detainee Handbook
Detainee Transfer
Medical Care and Hunger Strikes
Religious Practices
Voluntary Work Program
Disciplinary Policy
Special Management Units
Detention Operations Manual (DOM) Detainee Services Standard 17
A. Hours of Access

Legal visitation must be permitted 7 days a week for a minimum of 8 hours on weekdays and 4 hours on
weekends and holidays. Legal visitations should not be terminated for meals or routine official counts.
Procedures should be in place to permit the detainee to receive a meal after the visit.
B. Access (Attorneys and Legal Representatives)
Attorneys without bar cards must be granted access if they show other available documentation [for
example, a letter from law firm] to demonstrate bar membership. An attorney or an accredited


representative should not have to submit a Form G-28 for a pre-representation interview. Upon
presentation of a letter of authorization from a supervising attorney, legal assistants, law students, law
graduates not yet admitted to the bar, and non-attorneys with appropriate identification should be allowed
entry. Mental and medical health professionals, and interpreters accompanying legal representatives,
should be allowed entry.
C. Privacy
An attorney or legal representative should be provided with a private room to conduct a meeting with
possible visual but no audio observation. Attorneys, legal representatives, law students, and legal
assistants should be able to provide the detainee with paper documents, and the detainee should have the
right to retain or have reasonable access to them.
D. Strip Searches
In SPC and CDF facilities, detainees should not be strip searched after a legal visit unless there is a
reasonable suspicion that detainee is concealing contraband. In all facilities, if strip searches are normally
required after a contact visit there should be an alternative procedure available to allow for a non-contact
E. Consultation for Detainees Subject to Expedited Removal
Prior to the credible fear interview and while the Asylum Officer’s decision is under review, detainees are
entitled by statute to meet with any persons of their choice for a consultation.
F. Pro Bono List of Legal Organizations
ICE shall provide the facility with the list of pro-bono legal organizations that is updated quarterly by the
Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR). The list should be posted clearly.
DOM Detainee Services Standard 17
A. Hours
Visiting hours should be clearly posted and permitted during set hours on weekends and holidays. Special
arrangements should be available for family members who are unable to visit during regular visiting
hours. Visits should be for at least 30 minutes.
B. Restrictions on Visitors
Other than limitations due to visiting room capacity, no limitation should be imposed on the number of
visitors per detainee. Immediate family, relatives, friends, and associates may visit. Family members
currently detained at the same facility should be allowed to visit during normal visiting hours. In facilities
with restrictions on visitation by minors, detainees are required to make a request and visitation should be
allowed within 30 days, or the detainee may be transferred to a separate location to visit with the minor.
Detainees should be able to request visits free from audio monitoring. Detainees at SPCs and CDFs may
be subject to a pat-down search before a contact visit and may be strip-searched after a contact visit. A
visitor may be subjected to a pat down search as well as a search of their belongings before and after a
contact visit. Visits are allowed with detainees in segregation unless the detainee is violent or disruptive.
Money from visitors for detainees should be given to a designated staff member, who should provide the
donor with a receipt.
C. News Media
Members of the media may generally visit detention facilities. A written request for a visit should be
submitted in advance. Members of the media must obtain the signed consent of the detainee before
photographing or recording the detainee. ICE may monitor, but not participate in, detainee interviews.


DOM Detainee Services Standard 16
A. Direct Calls and Free Calls
Even if telephone service is generally limited to collect calls, the facility must permit direct (not collect)
calls to a local immigration court, the Board of Immigration Appeals, Federal and State courts where the
detainee is or may be involved in a proceeding, to consular officials, to legal service providers, to a
government office to obtain information about the detainee’s immigration case, and in a personal or
family emergency. Indigent detainees will not be required to pay for these calls if they are local calls, or if
there is a compelling need. All ICE detainees, including those in segregation, must be able to make free
calls to consular offices and to the legal service providers on the ICE pro bono list, at no charge to the
detainee or to the receiving party. (See below, Attachment A-1 “Notice of Telephone Privileges for INS
Detainees,” for more information.)
B. Telephone Access and Privacy
Detainees at an ICE SPC detention facility should have reasonable access to telephones during waking
hours. Telephone calls should be no shorter than 20 minutes. There should be one working phone for
every 25 detainees. The facility must ensure privacy for legal calls by providing telephones where calls
will not be overheard by officers, staff, or other detainees. Legal calls should not be electronically
monitored without a court order. If the facility monitors calls, notice of monitoring must be displayed at
each monitored phone along with the procedures for requesting an unmonitored call to a legal
representative. Detainees should be able to contact family members detained at other facilities. The
facility must take and deliver telephone messages to detainees.
DOM Detainee Services Standard 9
Attorneys and BIA-accredited legal representatives have the right to conduct legal rights presentations in
detention facilities. ICE-approved videotapes and materials may also be shown and distributed at the
request of outside organizations. Legal assistants/paralegals may make rights presentations provided they
have a letter indicating that rights presentations are being conducted under the supervision of an attorney.
People who wish to make presentations should submit a written request to the ICE ten days before the
date of the presentation. Informational posters announcing legal rights presentations must be displayed
clearly in housing units at least 48 hours before the presentation. At least one hour of uninterrupted rights
presentation should be granted. ICE and jail officials may observe and monitor the presentations, but
cannot interrupt. Presenters shall be permitted to meet with small groups of following a presentation, and
ICE and facility staff shall not be present during these meetings.
DOM Detainee Services Standard 1
A. Hours of Access
Detainees must be permitted access to the law library for at least five hours per week.
B. Equipment/Accommodation
The library should provide enough space for legal research and writing and provide sufficient lighting,
tables and chairs. Detainees (including those in segregation) should be granted access to typewriters
and/or computers. Detainees in segregation should have access to legal materials as well as photocopies
and indigent packets.


C. Holdings/Updating
The library should contain all the legal materials listed in Attachment A-2 (see attached). A procedure
should be in place to review the material and replace outdated or damaged materials.
D. Photocopying
Facilities must make copies of detainees’ legal documents as required for court filings.
E. Indigent Packages
Indigent detainees should be provided with envelopes and stamps for legal mail. Indigent detainees
should also be provided with free legal mail to their attorneys and courts.
F. Assistance to Illiterate and Non-English Speakers
Detainees who are not proficient in English or who need other assistance have the opportunity to seek
assistance from other detainees or pro bono legal assistance organization in researching and preparing
legal documents.
DOM Detainee Services Standard 3
A. Incoming Mail
Incoming mail must be distributed to detainees within 24 hours of receipt by the facility. “Special
correspondence,” or legal mail, is written communication with attorneys, legal representatives, judges,
courts, news media, members of Congress, embassies, consulates, the Department of Justice, the U.S.
Public Health Service, and administrators of grievance procedures. Special correspondence may be
inspected for physical contraband, but only in the presence of the detainee. Staff shall neither read nor
copy special correspondence.
B. Outgoing Mail
Outgoing special correspondence (legal mail) must not be opened, inspected, or read. Outgoing general
correspondence and other mail may be inspected in the presence of the detainee if the addressee is another
detainee or if there is reason to believe the item might present a threat to the facility’s security, endanger
the recipient or public, or might facilitate criminal activity. Outgoing mail shall be delivered to the postal
service no later than the day after it is received by the facility staff or placed by the detainee in a
designated mail depository, excluding weekends and holidays.
C. Rejection of Mail
Incoming and outgoing mail may be rejected to protect the security of the institution, to protect the public,
or to deter criminal activity. Both the sender and addressee will receive a written notice, with explanation
and the signature of the authorizing official, when mail is confiscated or withheld (in whole or part).
Detainees shall receive a receipt for the confiscated item(s).
D. Postage Allowance
Indigent detainees will be permitted to mail at least five pieces of special correspondence (legal mail) and
three pieces of general correspondence each week at government expense. The facility will generally not
limit the amount of correspondence detainees may send at their own expense.
E. Writing Supplies
The facility shall supply writing paper, writing implements, and envelopes at no cost to the detainees.


DOM Detainee Services Standard 4
All facilities shall ensure that detainees are housed according to their classification level. “Level 1”
classification may include detainees with minor criminal records and nonviolent felonies, but may not
include detainees with a felony conviction that included an act of physical violence, or an aggravated
felony conviction. Level 1 Detainees may not be housed with Level 3 Detainees. “Level 2” classification
may not include detainees whose most recent conviction was for any offense in the highest severity
category, including assaulting any person or threatening bodily harm, and may not include detainees with
a history of violent assaults, whether convicted or not. Under no circumstances will a Level 2 detainee
with a history of assaultive or combative behavior be placed in a Level 1 housing unit. “Level 3”
classification detainees are considered high-risk, requiring medium to maximum security housing. All
facilities shall have procedures by which new arrivals can appeal their classification level. The detainee
handbook shall include an explanation of the classification levels and the procedures by which detainees
may appeal their classification.
DOM Detainee Services Standard 5
Each facility must develop standard operating procedures that address detainee grievances, including
emergency grievances, and must guarantee against any reprisals. An informal procedure should be in
place for a detainee to present orally his or her concern to any staff member at any time within five days
of the event. Each facility should make provisions to provide translation assistance when requested by a
detainee. Illiterate, disabled, or non–English speaking detainees should be given the opportunity to
receive assistance in filing formal grievance.
DOM Detainee Services Standard 15
Procedures must be in place to allow for formal and informal contact between detainees and ICE staff and
to permit detainees to make written requests to ICE staff and receive an answer in an acceptable time
frame. The ICE Officer in Charge (OIC) and other ICE officials shall conduct unannounced
(unscheduled) visits to facility living and activity areas on a regular basis, including housing units, food
service areas, recreation areas, and special management units. The purpose of these visits is to encourage
informal communication between staff and detainees and to unofficially observe detainee living and
working conditions. ICE officials must also conduct weekly visits according to a written schedule to
address detainee concerns and monitor living conditions. All detainees shall have the opportunity to
submit written questions, requests, or concerns to ICE staff. The detainee request shall be delivered to
ICE staff by authorized personnel without reading, altering, or delay. The detainee handbook must
outline procedures for submitting questions and concerns to ICE staff, including the availability of
assistance for preparing the request.
DOM Detainee Services Standard 6
Every Officer in Charge will develop site-specific detainee handbook to serve as an overview of detention
policies, rules, and procedures in effect at the facility. Detainee handbooks should be distributed to each
detainee upon their admission to any facility in which they will be detained for more than 72 hours.
Handbooks will be available in English and Spanish and other prevalent languages. Handbooks should
also be distributed to staff who have contact with detainees. Handbooks must list detainee rights and
responsibilities, prohibited actions, disciplinary procedures and sanctions. Handbooks must include
grievance and appeal procedures.


DOM: Security and Control Standard 4
A. Transfer Decision and Notification
In deciding whether to transfer a detainee from one facility to another, ICE will consider whether a
detainee is represented before the immigration court. If so, ICE will consider whether the attorney is
located near the facility, and where immigration court proceedings are taking place. If the detainee has an
attorney, ICE shall notify the attorney when the detainee is being transferred to another facility, after the
detainee is en route to the new facility. The notification will include the reason for the transfer, and the
name, address, and telephone number of the receiving facility. ICE may delay notification to the
detainee’s attorney only for special circumstances. Detainees will be notified of the transfer immediately
prior to the transfer, and will be told that they are being moved to another facility, not deported.
Reasonable efforts will be made to communicate this information in a language that detainees understand.
ICE must inform detainees that it is their responsibility to notify family members of the transfer.
B. Types of Transfers
A detainee may be transferred for the following reasons: Medical, Change of Venue, Recreation, Security,
or other needs of ICE, including eliminating overcrowding.
C. Medical Procedures and Information Required for Transfer
The facility health care provider will be given advance notice prior to the transfer in order to
accommodate any medical needs of the detainee. The sending facility’s medical staff will prepare a
transfer summary to accompany the detainee. ICE officers must understand that medical information is
on a need-to-know basis and must protect the privacy of the detainee’s medical information to the greatest
extent possible. [See “Confidentiality and Release of Medical Records” in the “Medical Care” Detention
Standard.] Transporting officers will be given instructions and medications for the detainee’s care in
D. Property
Detainees’ legal material pertaining to immigration proceedings shall always accompany them to the
receiving facility. This includes items such as the Notice to Appear, hearing evidence, and hearing
transcripts. Cash, small valuables, address books, dentures, prescription glasses, small religious items,
pictures, etc. shall also always accompany the detainee to the receiving facility. If the receiving facility
will not accept larger or excess items, the detainee may have them shipped to an address of their
choosing. If the detainee cannot afford postage the sending facility will pay for shipping.
E. Phone Calls
Indigent detainees will be permitted to make one domestic phone call at government expense upon arrival
at the final destination. Non-indigent detainees shall have access to make phone calls at their own
expense in accordance with the Telephone Access Detention Standard.
F. Food During Transfer
Meals and snacks will be provided during any transfer that is longer than six hours in accordance with the
“Meals” section of the Detention Standard “Transportation (Land Transportation).” If the transfer occurs
during a scheduled meal the detainee shall be provided with that meal during the transfer.


DOM Health Services Standards 1 & 2
A. General Access to Healthcare
Facilities must provide each detainee with an initial medical and dental screening upon arrival, and a
health appraisal and physical examination within 14 days of arrival at the facility. Facilities will provide
primary medical care and emergency care. In addition, the Officer in Charge should arrange for
specialized health care, mental health care, and hospitalization within the local community. If language
difficulties prevent the health care provider/officer from communicating with the detainee, the officer
must obtain translation assistance. A physician or qualified medical officer should be available to
examine detainees. Each facility will have regularly scheduled times, known as “sick call,” when medical
personnel are available to see detainees who have requested services. Sick call should be provided as
follows: one day per week for facilities with fewer than 50 detainees; 3 days per week for facilities with
50–200 detainees; and 5 days per week for facilities with more than 200 detainees.
B. Dental Treatment
An initial dental screening exam should be performed within 14 days of the detainee’s arrival. Detainees
should be provided with emergency dental treatment, which includes procedures directed toward the
immediate relief of pain, trauma, and acute oral infection that endangers the health of the detainee, and
repair of prosthetic devices to prevent detainee suffering. Routine dental treatment may be provided for
detainees in long-term detention (detained for over six months).
C. Privacy and Consent
Signed and dated consent forms should be obtained from a detainee before medical examination or
treatment unless in emergency circumstances. Medical treatments should generally not be administered
against a detainee’s will. Forced treatment may be administered after consultation with the ICE, unless it
is an emergency. All medical providers shall maintain confidentiality of detainees’ medical information to
the extent possible. Copies of health records may be released to the detainee or to any person designated
by the detainee with written authorization from the detainee.
D. Hunger Strikes (DOM Health Services Standard 1)
Specific procedures should be in place to have qualified medical staff whether a hunger striker is acting
according to his/her will or is exhibiting signs of a mental illness. In SPCs and CDFs a hunger striker’s
mental and vital signs will be monitored at least once every 24 hours. Facilities should make every effort
to obtain informed consent from detainees for treatment. Facilities should do everything within their
means to monitor and protect the health and welfare of detainees on hunger strike.
Detainees exhibiting signs of HIV infection should not be separated from general population unless
medically required. HIV-positive diagnosis must be reported to government bodies according to state and
federal requirements. Otherwise, this information is to be treated confidentially.
DOM Detainee Services Standard 13
A. Requirements
Detainees should be placed in facilities that provide outdoor recreation. If the facility does not have an
outdoor area, a large recreation room with exercise equipment and access to sunlight will be provided. A
facility lacking any recreation area may be used to provide short-term housing for detainees. If outdoor
recreation is not available, a detainee will be eligible for a transfer to a facility providing outdoor


recreation after six months. If no recreation is available, a detainee will be eligible to transfer to a facility
providing recreation after 45 days.
B. Schedule
Each detainee shall have access to outdoor or indoor recreation for at least one hour daily, five days a
week. In SPCs and CDFs, detainees will have access to outdoor recreation every day, including
weekends. Detainees may not be forced to miss basic law library privileges for recreation privileges.
Detainees in segregation for either administrative or disciplinary purposes should receive recreation
separate from the general population for one hour each day, but may be denied access to recreation for
safety or security purposes.
DOM Detainee Services Standard 14
Detainees are to be provided reasonable opportunities to participate in religious practice, without regard
to whether such services are mainstream or non-mainstream. Religious headwear is permitted in SPCs
and CDFs, including kufis, yarmulkes, turbans, crowns, headbands, and headscarves. Detainees should
have access to personal religious property; in SPCs and CDFs access to prayer beads, rosaries, oils, prayer
rugs, phylacteries, medicine pouches, and religious medallions is required. Each facility will
accommodate religious and dietary requirements of detainees within reason, including fasting, restricted
diets, modified menus, and providing meals at unusual hours.
DOM Detainee Services Standard 18
Every facility with a work program will provide detainees who are physically and mentally able to work
the opportunity to work and earn money. Work assignments will depend on the detainee’s classification
level. Detainees will not be permitted to work more than 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week. Work
assignments are voluntary. Detainees may be removed from work programs for unsatisfactory
performance, disruptive behavior, infractions of rules, or physical inability to perform the job.
DOM Security and Control Standard 5
A. Guidelines
The detainee handbook shall provide notice of the disciplinary process, prohibited acts, sanctions imposed
for violating the rules, and the procedure for appealing disciplinary findings. The handbook must provide
notice of the right to protection from personal abuse, corporal punishment, or excessive use of force, and
the right to pursue a grievance. Disciplinary action may not be capricious or retaliatory. A facility
disciplinary system should not allow for corporal punishment, deviation from normal food, or deprivation
of: clothing, bedding, personal hygiene products, physical exercise, access to legal and family visitation,
telephone access, correspondence, or access to law libraries. Punishments range from the withholding of
privilege(s) to segregation. Time in segregation after a hearing will generally not exceed 60 days.
Facilities shall have graduated scales of offenses and disciplinary consequences. The facility shall not
hold a detainee accountable for his/her conduct if medical authority finds him/her mentally incompetent.
B. Incident Reports and Investigations
Officers who witness a prohibited act or have reason to suspect one has been committed shall prepare and
submit a detailed incident report. All incident reports should be investigated within 24 hours of the
incident. The investigating officer shall have supervisory rank and shall have had no involvement in the
incident. All facilities must have a disciplinary panel to make decisions about detainee incident reports.
Only the disciplinary panel can place a detainee in disciplinary segregation. Detainees in SPCs and CDFs
have the right to: remain silent at any stage of the disciplinary process, attend the entire hearing or waive


the right to appear at the hearing, present statements and evidence on his/her own behalf, appeal the
committee’s decision through the detainee appeal process, and have a staff representative assist in helping
prepare a defense.
DOM Security and Control Standards 14 and 15: Administrative and Disciplinary Segregation
A detainee in administrative segregation should have the same general privileges as the detainees in
general population: for example, legal and family visitation, access to telephones, legal rights
presentations, access to the library, recreation, etc. Administrative segregation should be non-punitive
and can be administered if the detainee: poses a threat to self, others, facility property or to the
administration of the facility requests protective custody, is a holdover (is in the facility only for limited
time and will be ready for transfer), has a medical condition, or is awaiting a disciplinary hearing. A
detainee in disciplinary segregation should have access to recreation, personal hygiene material (including
access to shave and shower at least three times a week), law library, rights presentations, telephone
access, correspondence and legal and family visitation. Telephone access for detainees in disciplinary
segregation may be limited to calls regarding legal matters, calls to consulates, and family emergencies.
Legal visitation may not be denied.


Notice of Telephone Privileges for INS Detainees in Facilities without Preprogrammed Phone
You are being detained by the Immigration and Naturalization Service for immigration removal
proceedings at the following facility:
(Address and Phone Number)
As you are in the custody of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, you are allowed to make
certain free phone calls.


You have been provided with a list of free legal service providers in your
area. You may call an attorney from this list to secure legal representation
in your case at no charge to you or the attorney.
You are free to call and consult with an attorney who does not appear on
the list, however, you are responsible for any costs incurred, including the
cost of the call.
You may call your consulate at no charge to you or the consulate.

You may also make other calls for free if they are local numbers including:



The local immigration court and the Board of Immigration Appeals. If
this involves a long-distance call, you will be responsible for the charges
unless you can show that there is an important need for the call.
The federal or state courts where you are detained or may become
involved in legal proceedings. If this involves a long-distance call, you
will be responsible for the charges unless you can show that there is an
important need for the call.
A government office to obtain documents for your immigration case. If
this involves a long-distance call, you will be responsible for the charges
unless you can show that there is an important need for the call.
A friend or relative if there is a personal or family emergency.

To make one of these phone calls, you should ask a corrections officer to assist you. Some
facilities may require requests to be made in writing. If you cannot write or understand English,
you should ask for assistance.
You should receive access to a phone generally within eight (8) waking hours.
If you encounter difficulties accessing the phone for these calls, please notify:

(INS Liaison Officer, Address and Phone Number)


List of Legal Reference Materials for Detention Facilities

Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation.
Prepared by the Congressional Research Service Library of Congress. 1996.
One hardbound volume.
Updated: Supplements and revised editions are published irregularly.


United States Code, Title 8, Aliens and Nationality.
Title 8 is in three books.
Updated: Annual pocket parts


Code of Federal Regulations, Title 8, Aliens and Nationality.
One paperback volume.
Updated: Published annually


Bender’s Immigration and Nationality Act Service.
One loose-leaf volume.
Updated: Monthly


Bender’s INS Regulation Service.
Two loose-leaf volumes.
Updated: Monthly


Administrative Decisions Under Immigration & Nationality Laws. Board of Immigration
Appeals (BIA) decisions consisting of 20 bound volumes and loose-leaf Interim


Immigration Law and Defense, by the National Lawyers Guild.
Third edition, Includes INS and EOIR Forms.
Two loose-leaf volumes.
Updated: Annual subscription


Immigration Law and Crimes, by the National Immigration Project of the National
Lawyers Guild.
One loose-leaf volume.
Order from: Clark Boardman Callaghan
Updated: Annual subscription


Guide for Immigration Advocates.
One loose-leaf volume.
Updated: Published irregularly

10. Country Reports on Human Practices. Submitted by the Department of State to the
Committee on Foreign Affairs of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Committee
on Foreign Relations of the U.S. Senate.
One paperbound volume.
Updated: Published annually in February
11. Human Rights Watch – World Report.
One bound volume.


Updated: Annually
12. UNHCR Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status.
One bound pamphlet. 93 pages. Re-edited January 1992.
Updated: Irregularly
13. Considerations for Asylum Officers Adjudicating Asylum Claims From Women.
Immigration and Naturalization Service Memorandum dated May 26, 1995.
Updated: Irregularly

Immigration and Naturalization Service Basic Law Manual
3-ring binder. Immigration and Naturalization Service guide to asylum law.
Updated: Irregularly

15. Lawyer’s Committee Handbook on Representing Asylum Applicants.
Soft bound guide. Approximately 200 pages.
Updated: Irregularly
16. Rights of Prisoners. 2nd edition by Michael B. Mushlin
Two volumes, published 1993
Updated: Annual pocket parts
17. Federal Habeas Corpus, Practice & Procedure. 2nd Edition by James S. Liebman
Two volumes published 1994.
Updated: Annual pocket parts
18. Federal Civil Judicial Procedure and Rules. Paperback volume.
Updated: Published annually
19. United States Code, Title 28. Rules Appellate procedure pamphlets I + II.
Only the two softbound volumes contain the U.S. Court of Appeals Rules.
Updated: Annually
20. Federal Criminal Code and Rules. Paperback volume.
Updated: Published annually
21. Criminal Procedure (Hornbook). By LaFave.
One volume.
Updated: Published irregularly
22. Legal Research in a Nutshell. 5th edition by Morris L. Cohen, published 1992.
Updated: Published irregularly
23. Legal Research & Writing: Some Starting Points. 4th edition by William P. Statsky,
Edited by Hannan, publishes 1993.
Updated: Published irregularly
24. Black’s Law Dictionary. 1990, latest standard edition, one hardbound volume.
Updated: Published irregularly
25. Spanish-English Law Dictionary, By Solis. 1992.
Updated: Published irregularly


26. Directory of Nonprofit Agencies that Assist Persons in Immigration Matters.
Perfect-bound booklet.
Updated: Irregularly
27. Other Translation Dictionaries Depending on the Most Common Languages Spoken by the
Detainee Population.
28. Detainee Handbook and Detainee Orientation Materials.
29. Self-Help Materials. Materials provided by outside organization after clearance by District
30. Telephone books (Yellow pages) for local areas and nearby metropolitan areas where
counsel may be located.




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