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Richmond Police Department Crowd Management Manual 2008

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Chief of Police or Designee

Table or Contenls

J>urpose...................................................................................... 3
Policy.......................................................................................... 3
Deploylnent.................................................................................. 3

IV. Personnel and


VI. Uniforms....................................................................................
VII. CMT Tr.iler................................................................................
VIII. Training......................................................................................
V. Specialized

CMT MmlUal





The purpose of this manual is to provide direction to the members of the Crowd Management
Team (CMn. The scope of the CMT shall be understood by the team's members and

Crowd Management Team is a dynamic, functional component of the Special Events Division
specializing in crowd management. The successful resolution of crowd management incidents
often requires the use of specialized personnel and equipment specifically designed to address
officer safeLY, citizen safely, the protection of property. and tactical considerations. II is the
policy of the Richmond Police Department that all incidents re resolved as quickly and
effectively as possible through the use of successful crowd management techniques.

Deployment of CMT members occurs in situations in which large crowds have formed where a
propensity for violence is present and may require the use of specil.llized personnel. CMT
personnel will be deployed as required by each specific incident Factors that will be considered
include but are not limited to:
)- Estimated size of the crowd
)- Propensity for violence

Group involved


Type of Operation

:;. Officer Safety
After the operational planning is complete, all logistics will be addressed for deployment - the
following will be taken into account:



).- Officer Comfort (water. weather, safety, food. rest, breaks. etc)
). &Juipment management


Type of specialized equipment needed (less lethal chemical agents. cut lools. elc)

The CMT is a specialized unit within the Special Events Division made up of a team of sworn
officers that have been approved to take part in the unil in addition to their full-time positions
within the department. The eMT is comprised of 55 sworn personnel and the structure is listed
CMT Manual




Sergeant - Executive Officer
Sergeant's - Squad Supervisors
Training coordinator

48 - Officers
Criteria for Selection
The selection process is designed to identify those applicanL'i who demonstrate a capability to
function efficiently and effectively during incidents involving large crowds or protests. CMT
personnel shall be selected based on the following. but nOllimited to:

Skills developed during the course of their duties as law enforcement officers


The candidate must be past the initial departmental probationary period.


Prior experience in crowd management is preferred however not required


Willingness to be dedicated to the team concept and attend training

CMT Application Process
Sworn officers who express an interest in becoming a member of the CMT shall submit a written
PD - 15 "request for transfer" form through the chain of command to the OIC of the CMT. This
form should illustrate the candidate's qualifications, experience, and specialized skills.
Once t.he request for transfer is received by the OIC of the CMT a selection process shall be
created under the direction of the Commander of the Special Events Division and approved by
the ComtTI<mder or designee assigned within SED (to include the homeland security unit). The
selection process shall at minimum include a panel interview coordinatcd by the OIC of the
Crowd Managcmcnt Team.
Succcssful applicants will be selected primarily, but not exclusively, from Field Services based
upon lhe candidate's specific qualifications, training, experience, and ability to function as a
member of the team. The ole of the Crowd Management Team will submit selection
recommendations through the chain of command to the Comm.mder of the Special Events
Division. Final'lpproval will be made by the Chief of Police or designee.

The successful resolution of crowd management incidents often requires the use of specialized
equipment specifically designed to address officer safety. citizen safety. the protection of
property, and tactical considerations. Such equipment must be properly maintained. CMT
personnel must :tHain high levels of proficiency in the use of a variety of vehicles, weapons ;:md
CMT specific equipment.
The following items arc maintained by the CMT:
CMT Manual





Riot Shields
Less Lethal Chemical Agents




Body protectors - Chest, ann, leg



Cameras I Video

Gas Masks
Mass Arrest Kit
Flex Cuffs

Weapons and specialized equipment issued to CMT personnel shall be carried at all times and
readily accessible. Additional equipment and weaponry shall be stored on the CMT equipment
trailer. All CMT issued equipment shall be used or worn only during CMT training exercises,
civil disturbance or disorder instances, or with the approval of the Crowd Management ole.

The ole or Designee of the CMT will ensure that specialized equipment and weapons shall be
inventoried and inspected on a hi-monthly basis to coincide with the assigned training dates.
Such inventories and inspections will be carried out under the supervision of the CMT squad
leader or assigned Sergeant. Such inventories and inspections will be carried out during training
sessions and a written record will be maintained and recorded. Squad leaders shall inspect all
issued equipment and uniforms of their assigned squad members at each training session.

All chemical munitions shall be managed, inspected, and maintained by a certified chemical
agent instructor and will report directly to the OIC of the crowd management team. The OIC of
the CMT will inspect munitions on a bi-monthly basis and deployment or usage will be recorded.
The OIC of the CMT will ensure that training is conducted in the proper use of chemical
munitions and other specialized devices, at least. an annual basis. This training will be
documented through the completion of the PD-128 training form and maintained by the assigned
training officer.

Reassigllmelll Procedures
Officers resigning or transferring to a unit that necessitmes resigning from the CMT componcnt,
shall return all equipment in good, clean, working condition to the CMT Sergeant in charge of
equipment management or the equipment officer.

CMT Manual



Each member of the CMT will be issued two uniforms to include the following:

Two (2) BDU pants


Two (2) shirts

CMT personnel shall wear these uniforms in accordance to the following:

One (I) unifonn will be designated for training purposes


One (I) uniform will be designated for operations

Reassignment Procedures
Officers resigning or transferring to a unit that necessitates resigning from the CMT component,
shall return all uniforms in good, clean, working condition to the CMT Sergeal1l in charge of
equipment management or the equipment officer.

The CMT trailer is designated for CMT use only. This trailer is to be used for the transport and
storage of CMT related equipment and weaponry for incidents where such equipment is needed.
It will be stored at the Richmond Police Academy and stored in the secured garage. CMT
personnel will maintain the trailer and are responsible for the maintenance and movement of this
A listing of the stored equipment will be maintained by the Sergeant in charge of equipment
management and it will be readily accessible. This will be updated as needed and should always
reflect an accurate account of the stored items. The CMT trailer will be inspected and
inventoried bi-annually by the OIC of the Crowd Management Team.
The following equipment shall be maintained within the CMT trailer:


Riot Shields
Less Lethal Chemical Agents
Cut tools
Body protectors - Chest. arm, leg
Cameras I Video
Gas Masks
Mass Arrest Kit




Flex Cuffs


Crowd Management Team training is designed for the affected personnel to gain and maintain
proficiency with specialized equipment and tactics in an effort to foster an environment
umcnable to lawful protests, peaceable assembly and the maintenance of order. Through
training, the eMT will achieve and maintain an acceptable level of readiness for an effective

response to critical incidents.

Each eMT squad will train at least 6 times per year, on a hi-monthly basis.


eMT will train with the Mounted Unit on a hi-annual basis.


The training will include



Operational simulations
Chemical agent munitions


Legal updates

The Crowd Management Team Leader or designee will ensure that a training roster is completed
and maintained. This will provide a written record or attendance as well as maintain an accurate
account of training provided.
The Crowd Management Team Leader will be responsible for ensuring that a post training repoJ1
is compiled and maimained at the completion of each training session. These records will be
forwarded to the OIC of the Crowd Management Team to be maintained for 'lccreditation.

CMT Manual




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