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Quinn Pontiac Conditions Letters Feb 2013

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Attorneys-at -Law
1694 Timbers Court
Niles,OH 44446-3941
Phone 330.652.9635
Fax 330.652.0171
February 22, 2013

Governor Pat Quinn
Office of the Governor
207 State House
Springfield, IL 62706
Re: Conditions at Pontiac, North Cell House, 6 Gallery
Dear Governor Quinn:
Please refer to my letter to you of February 4,2013. We write once again concerning the
conditions under which men transferred from Tamms to Pontiac are living. Enclosed are excerpts
from letters from a number of such individual prisoners describing their conditions of confinement
and grievances.
As we indicated in our letter previous letter, we encountered many of the same problems
at the Ohio State Penitentiary but, in some instances, not to the same degree. The letters we
received describe the problems with a specificity that adds credence to the allegations, for
example, of vermin infestation and filth. (See LETTERS FROM PONTIAC CORRECTIONAL
CENTER, page 1, III.)
Among the letters we received from Pontiac, we have one describing inadequate mental
health attention to a schizophrenic who had been under mental health supervision since the age of
three (see LETTERS, page 6, February 10), and another prisoner who described the difficulty of
being housed with prisoners who are mentally ill: the noise-banging and screaming by the
mentally ill-interferes with his sleep and composure (LETTERS, pages 2-3, VI). We too found
that the incarceration of the mentally ill under supermaximum security confinement created
hardships not only for those who were mentally ill but also for those who were housed with them.
Suicidal attempts by some prompted some others to inflict harm upon themselves.
Inadequate ventilation, aggravated by the use of chemical agents in the housing area, is
particularly oppressive for individuals who have breathing problems. (See LETTERS, page 2, IV
and V; see also, page 4, #2.)

Prisoners do not understand why, when they have not engaged in misconduct, privileges
that they previously earned at Tamms are being denied at Pontiac. (See LETTERS, page 3,
Offender's Grievance, #11; page 5, February 8, middle of page.) Prisoners should not be
subjected to "unwritten rules." (See LETTERS, page 4, #18.) They should have access to forms
and to active and fair consideration of their grievances. They should be able to have confidence
that if they follow the rules they will be rewarded by additional privileges or confinement at a
lower security level.
It is not in the interest of anyone, prisoners or those who are responsible for their
supervision, to condone such conditions or to fail to address them. We urge you to give this
matter your personal attention until improvement is under way.


Alice Lynd

~J.k'1~L ~J
Staughton Lynd


P. O. Box 99, Pontiac, IL 61764
"Condition[s] of Confinement"
February 11, 2013
North House, Seg 6 Gallery

The walls in the showers on North House 6 gallery have months if not years of
built up soap scum (green and brown) and calcium build up. The shower area is approx 3'
x 3', so small that I can't help but have different parts of my body rub against the walls
while I['m] washing up. Said scum & unidentifiable substances come off the walls onto
my body, causing me to get sores, itchy rashes on my skin! I have never had any
problems with rashes until using said shower. ...

Unreasonable Exposure to Communicable Diseases [nail clippers not sanitized]
The requirement that inmates in the N-cell house on 6 Tamms gallery all use the
same fingernail clippers without them being properly sanitized between uses, exposes my
self and others to communicable diseases such as Hepatitus C, HIV, AIDS, etc. It is very
easy to contemplate that an inmate will transfer blood to said fingernail clippers while
attempting to remove an ingrown toenail or fingernaiL If the inmate using the fingernail
clippers after him also has an ingrown toenail or fingernail, there will be a tran[s}fer of
blood and body fluid . . ..

Extreme Vermin Infestation [and filth]
The entire N-cell house has a[n) extreme vermin infestation; e[s)pecially on
Tamms 6 gallery where they live and breed in the heaters and food cart that brings up our
food trays! Since I've been housed in Pontiac Corr. Cent[er] in the N-cell house 6 gallery,
I have seen hundreds of mice! They run around on the gallery even during the day time.
They come in my cell at all hours of the day, even while I'm walking around . ... Every
morning when I wake up there's mice feces all over my floor! I've seen numerous mice
running i[ n] and out and around 6 gallery heating units . .. and along the walls. There
was a small pink baby mouse lying dead by the heater (i.e. I guess the heat got ' em) that
every one (inmates and c/o's) witness[ed]. The door in the middle of6 gallery has mice
feces ... and nesting material falling out of the walls indicating that they are nesting
there as well. Then come to find out it's not material from the walls! It's .. . [a]nt hill orr]
rat poison! All on the floor like food . . . .
. . . Since my placement at Pontiac Corr. Cent[er} [December 23,2012] I have not
been provided with any cleaning supplies to clean my cell with, other than 112 cup of
green liquid soap. I was told by the gallery c/o that I will not be provided with any other

items-no sponge, no toilet brush, no cleaning rag (i. e., they write you up for rip towels)
I live in the N-house on 6 gallery and it is extremely filthy. It is never swept or
mopped as it should be. [C/Os] don't pick up trash like they should, they leave it for the
next shift to get. Cameras will show there's trash, food (that's being thrown from Pontiac
inmates) and rodent feces on the gallery floor, in the corners up against the heaters and
walls. On December 25th 2012 in the P.m. hours there was a flood on 8 gallery (above
us). The water was swept over into 6 gallery where the drain[s] are located. It was then
that the smell hit me hard!! The smell stayed for 4 112 days on the windows and walls.
The failure to provide for and require even the most minimal housekeeping and cleaning
in the N -cell house has resulted in an unnecessarily filthy and denigrating enviro[n]ment
that threatens myself and others' physical and mental wellbeing. Furthermore, these filthy
conditions must be a contributing factor to the rodent infestation described above .. . .

Inadequate Ventilation
The vent that's in the back of my cell is truly filthy and completely dogged with
dust, mold and other unidentifiable substances that pFevent inadequate air ciFculation
causing a health risk to myself and other[ s] who suffer from preexisting health
condition[s]. I have "a chronic lung disorder" (asthma) that I can and will have episodes
of attacks that I'll belhave tightess in my chest[,] a labored of breathing and coughing.
Every time chemical agents (mostly ma[c]e) are used anywhere in the cell house (or near
my cell) the fumes enter my cell but cannot exit because of said clogged vent and
plexiglasslshields that isn'tremovable at aB. This causes my eyes to burn and I cough to
the point of vomiting ....

Placement of Solid Front Cell
.. . Prior to coming to Pontiac Corr. Center, I was housed at Tamms Supermax
facility for 6 112 months. Since the year 201 2 I was housed in a[n} open front cell,
perforated steel cell. Upon my arrival at Pontiac C.c. I was place[d] in a cell with a solid
plexiglass front and was told I would remain behind one for the entirety of my time in
Pontiac C.C. This solid front cell has effectively stood any and all ventilation in my cell
as described above. This lack [of adequate] ventilation is causing me to suffer from
breathing difficulty, congestion and it feels like something is always caught in my throat.
I feel like I'm in !! coffin! This plexiglass also effectively prevents me from receiving
medical attention. I callout to the E.M.T. but they keep on walking. They either can't
hear me because of the solid front glass, or is simply ignoring me?! .. .

Placing Mentally III Inmates with Those Who Are Not Mentally In Inmates
... I have noticed that there are numerous inmates in my general vicinity that are
exhibiting the symptoms associated with mental illness .... I have smelled human feces


and urin[ e]. There has been a fleed with human excrements in the water and centinueus
screaming fer heurs en end, arguing and banging 24 hours a day! They will bang seven
days a week! The behavior ofthese mentally in inmates that are net mentally ill is
causing the latter greup to suffer frem the effects efthe mentally ill. I have net slept
mere than 5 heur/scattered heurs a night since my placement here at Pentiac C. C.
Excessive Neise
As described abeve, I have not slept more than 5 scattered heurs a night since my
placement here at Pentiac Cerr. Center. The "excessive neise" in my enviro[n]ment is
causing me to, suffer greatly, "en edge," and "argumentative" which I den't eften de with
security staff due to, my cemplete exhaustien... .

Offender's Grievance, Illineis Department efCerrectiens (no, date er name ef grievant)
1. Remeve the selid plexiglass cell front from my cell.
2. Provide me with proper cleaning supplies to, dean my cell and to,ilet with, i.e.
spenges, scrubpads, teilet brush, seap, etc.
3. De semething abeut the rodent infestatien in the N-cell heuse
4. Sweep and mep 6 gallery every day with windews, ledge and walls every ether
5. Provide me with sterilized fingernail clippers at least ence a week.
6. Step using the fIr?]o,nt cage on the shower stan. There is no, need to, leck me in
the shewer when I'm already in the cell.
7. I cannet use "Magic Shave." It burns my face and neck and it states right en the
tube "fer men ef celer." I'm a black man and I still can't use it at all. Provide me with the
use ef a "razor" ence a week, as we had in "Tamms Supermax," er provide me with
weekly barber services fer the purpese of shaving.
8. Provide me with regularly scheduled barber services for the purpo,se o,f getting
my menthly haircut.
9. Provide me with a security approved thin, flex mirror via cemmissary.
10. Return any and all efmy hygiene/greeming supplies that were allewed at
Tamms Supermax but was cenfiscated by Pentiac C.C., i.e. hair grease, deederant,
teethpaste, shampee, letien, etc.
11. Restere any Behavier Incentive Program (RtP.) privileges that I had earned
at Tamms Supermax, but were reveked by Pentiac C.C. fer no, rea sen, i.e., return my
cassette tapes and allew me to, purchase limited feed items and ceffee from the
cemmissary spending limit, i.e., legal white envelepes, hygiene items, bedding, clething,
12. Put plain white envelopes en the commissary and allo,w the unlimited
purchase thereef.
13. Increase the limit en hew [many] bars ef seap I can buy from the cemmissary
frem 2 to, 4 a menth.
14. Investigate the failure to, address inmates in Pentiac grievances filed at P.C.c.
15. Provide me with ferms when I need them, such as grievance ferms, request
slips, law library request, legal bex request, etc.



- --_ .. -

16. Provide me with cloth[e]s that are adequate for the winter, i.e. thicker
jumpsuits, or allow me to [have] winter boots or allow me to wear two pair of socks, a
winter cap, gloves, two T-sbirt[s], etc.
17. Allow me to possess the equivalent of two property boxes of personal
property (or one big box). The "no" small box policy you have now is unacceptable,
using plastic bags are inadequate. And,
18. Stop the enforcement of unwritten rules and policies.
This was respectfully submitted
c.c. Warden, File, Ala[n] Mills, Laurie Jo Reynolds, ... UpTown People['s] Law Center

[Another Statement]
Issue # 1, Deprivation of
(A) Property/legal work/hygiene/clean clothes to supply for the duration of being
stripped of propertylreading material/fan/correspondence allowing us to access
law/grievance procedure, family, business transactions, etc./books/mags allowing us to
learn in capacity of "threat to the security and safety of the institution"/they "strip us out"
for violations not dealing w/property.
(B) Cleaning supplies/sanitized/sanitary fmger nail clippers, hair trimmers used
by uncertified barbers/brooms, mops, fags, bleach, etc.
(C) The ability to try to resolve an issue by having access to a superior officer
such as Lt. Or Major. We go through chain of command and are pressured into dangerous
or [drastic] actions leading to punishment.
(D) We get Magic Shave and no razors. Not all can use Magic Shave.
Issue #2, Excessive Force
(A) Excessive force such as whole cans ofMace/OC spray used by Lt., Majors,
and sergeants before tactical team is called.
(B) Security personel using closed handed assaults, kicks, weapons, multiple
officers assaulting an inmate, putting I/M's head in toilets, choking, leaving IJM's in cells
with Mace/OC spray on persons, dragging IIMs down galleries with leg shackles and
handcuffs on at very fast speeds causing the I!M to "look like he's resisting" and tearing
wounds in hands and ankles with tightened mechanical restraints. Video and audio is
suppose to be used by tactical team but the tactical team either purposefully blocks the
view by placing the camera on another team member's back or not using a camera at all.
Also, medical technicians refuse medical care. We should have either recorded medical
care or have to sign a refusal. Officers and staff will argue and be biased and charge IIMs
with assaults.
Issue #3, Property
(A) IDOC personel do not document property and list what we have. Also, they
throwaway property without documenting it and giving us an opportunity to fight/defend


our property. We are supposed to have an opportunity to grieve/send home/place in
property/or destroy property issues.
(B) We get charged very high prices for commissary items.
Issue #4, Adjustment Committee
(A) We get found guilty for offences strictly/solely off of being ID. gallery chart,
and reporting officers report. No evidence gets used, and they use disciplinary actions
depriving us of freedoms and liberties given/guaranteed to us by law.
Issue #5, Equal Protection of Rights
(A) We are segregation inmates. We are being treated different than ex-Tamms
inmates and other levell Maximum Facility seg inmates (such as Stateville and Menard).
We don't get TVs, food, yard among our peers, new clean mattresses, 4 hr visits instead
of 1 hour we get now. And a yard with recreation items such as weights.
Issue #6, Opportunity for redemption on ost good time, seg time and other disciplinary
(A) A long/short term seg program has been initiated here in Pontiac. But this
program is not solid. Meaning if we accomplish what is required of us by their
stipulations they still say "Further observation needed." Ifwe earn something that is
written in black and white we should not be deprived of it and it should be awarded in
a[n] efficient time frame.
Issue #7, Cell Conditions
(A) Lights in cells are 8-9 feet above ground level and we must climb on our bed
to tum a light on or off, therefore risking injury.
(B) Count lights are left on for long periods oftime, 4-12 hours most days. Count
lights cause headaches, nausea, irritation, mental strain, and are only to be used for
security purposes.
(C) Dust/germs in air vents, doors, feeding slots, and areas outside cells we can't
Issue #8, Officer Conduct
(A) Officers provoke inmates to do dangerous, [drastic[ acts that put themselves,
inmates, officers and other staff, and property and good time privileges, seg time, etc. in
(B) If an 11M asks for medical or mental health assistance we must actually hurt
ourselves or wait for hardship to get relief We get denied access.
(C) When using law library we can only take 20 sheets of paper and 1 ink pen.
We can't cross reference our personal legal periodicals/documents.
(D) Officers deprive IIMs of access to higher authority, and don't act: civil/social
with the IIMs in a professional matter [sic].
(E) The officers don't always take precautions to ensure health environments such
as wearing latex gloves. They wear cloth gloves that hold germs/disease while passing
trays and IIMs also, they handle dirty laundry and food at the same time.


... Note: We have been going on hunger strike to try to reach our goals. We are united
for this cause because we are human[;] therefore we want the RightsfFreedoms/liberties
entitled to us by law.

Another Letter, February 8, 2013
As of today, there are still approximately 50 inmates that have been on a hunger
strike for five days or longer. . . . I may suffer some serious consequences as a result of ..
. [a list of medical conditions]. . ..
F or the last two or three days the Illinois Department of Corrections
spokesperson--I believe her name is Stacy Solano--has been issuing statements to the
media saying that the conditions at Pontiac are clean and sanitary, that most of our
complaints are groundless and that they have given us all of the privileges we had earned
in Tamms. This is not even close to true.
· . . I have not received a disciplinary report of any significance since the year
2000. Due to my good behavior and positive adjustment I had earned every privilege that
Tamms had to offer. I could use a razor once a week, I had my own fingernail clippers, I
was allowed to walk to the shower and yard without being handcuffed or shackled, I was
allowed to possess my T.V., radio, and cassette tapes, I was in a cell that did not have a
plexiglass cellfront, and I was allowed to purchase limited food items, coffee and cocoa
from the commissary.
Pontiac has revoked all ofthe abovementioned privileges other than my T.V. and
radio--I believe they gave me those two items in an attempt to pacify and silence me.
Since the beginning of our hunger strike they have given us a pillow, which is
mandated by 20 ILL ADMIN. CODE CH. I § 504.620 (b)(2) and a 112 ofa sponge. I
guess this is their idea of providing us cleaning supplies for our cells. Other than this,
none of our complaints have been even minimally addressed.
· . . They are finally passing out blankets on 6-gallery, night now!
· .. They don't sell, or provide plain white legal envelopes, so I'm forced to use
these old card envelopes.

Another Letter, February 10,2013
One thing I would like to bring up to . . . you is also the lack of mental health
treatment. Prior to coming to Pontiac while at Tamms I was seeing a mental health
counselor twice a month and a psychiatrist once a month. In March of2012 I was
diagnosed with schizophrenia with paranoid ideations. I am 33 years old. I have been
involved in the mental health system since I was three years old. I have always had
mental health treatment in prison since 2000. Since coming to Pontiac the second day I
was here a mental health lady came to my door for a few minutes, asked me some
questions. Also I saw a psychiatrist once for five minutes. . . .
They have gave us small things like pillows, cotton blankets, gave some guys
their electronics. They gave us sponges. There are still things to fight for. The plexiglass
shield is a big deal. Last year I heard from one of the guys here at Pontiac that 2 guys


, - - - - - -- ------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----

died on 1 gallery, the only gallery prior to us coming that had shields on their doors. They
used to put Tamms guys that had to go to court here in Northern Illinois. They had me
personally housed there. It was August . . . It was 110 degrees outside. It was about
1025-130 degrees in the cell.
I just wanted to let you know about the mental health thing. . . .




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