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Psj Prisoner Support Directory Feb 2007

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Prisoner Support Directory
A Project of the Prison Program
Partnership for Safety and Justice
Updated February 2007
The Prisoner Support Directory is a project of the Prison Program of the Partnership for Safety and Justice. If you have
any questions about the Prison Program, information about additional groups or resources, or feedback about anything in
this directory please mail it to Partnership for Safety and Justice, PO Box 40085, Portland, Oregon 97240.

These organizations are located in the four western states in our region. This does not necessarily
mean that they don’t offer aid to out-of-state individuals.



ACLU of Oregon, Portland Office
P.O. Box 40585, Portland, Oregon 97240-0585
Write to request criteria for involvement before submitting
a request for legal assistance or sending legal paperwork.

ACLU Idaho
PO Box 1897, Boise, ID 83701
Litigation on prison and jail conditions. Legislative
advocacy for prisoners’ constitutional rights.

Albany Helping Hands
PO Box 2252, Albany, OR 97321
Helps with transition, re-entry.

Friends and Family of Idaho Inmates
PO Box 1376, Boise, ID 83701

Better People
4310 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Portland, OR 97211 (main office)
Employment and counseling services for individuals with
legal histories. Job referrals only to employers paying at
least $9/hr with benefits. Portland metro area.
Books to Oregon Prisoners
PO Box 11222, Portland, OR 97211
Sends books to people in Oregon state prisons only.
Oregon CURE (Citizens United for the
Rehabilitation of Errants)
1631 NE Broadway #460, Portland OR 97232
Newsletter available, transition info, brochures:
Advocating for the Incarcerated, Keeping Love Alive, Free
but not Free, and more. Support groups, orientation for
families and friends of newly incarcerated people.
Oregonians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
OADP, PO Box 361, Portland, OR 97207-0361
Welcome Home Oregon
106 NW F St #65, Grants Pass, OR 97526
Re-entry support for people releasing to southern OR,
primarily Josephine & Jackson counties.

February 2007

Idaho Innocence Project
Attn: Greg Hampikian, Ph.D., Professor of Biology and
Criminal Justice Administration
Boise State University, 1910 University Drive
Boise, ID 83725-1515
Focus on cases where DNA evidence would change
outcome. (Coverage area: Idaho)
Supportive Housing and Innovative Partnership
PO Box 8803, Boise, ID 83707
Clean and sober housing, therapeutic community program,
case management, employment program, life skills
program, alternative to sentencing. Idaho only.
Employment program in Boise only.

ACLU Montana
PO Box 1317, Helena, MT 59624
1117 N 7th, #3, Bozeman, MT 59715
Assistance with transition back to community, parole
planning. Services and support statewide.

ACLU of Washington
705 Second Ave #300, Seattle, WA 98104
Prison conditions and prisoner treatment (no postconviction appeals).

Partnership for Safety and Justice (formerly Western Prison Project)

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Justice Works!
PO Box 1489, Lake Stevens, WA 98258
Focuses on racism in the criminal justice system in
Washington state. Newsletter, correspondence classes,
court watch and advocacy on specific reform issues,
transition support. Write for more information.
The November Coalition
282 West Astor, Colville, WA 99114
National organization advocating for prisoners of the drug
war, and for drug policy reform. Newsletter available.
Innocence Project NW Clinic
University of Washington School of Law
William H. Gates Hall, Suite 265
P.O. Box 85110, Seattle, WA 98145-1110
IPNW will only consider cases from Washington in which
actual innocence is claimed. Write for questionnaire to fill
out about your case.
Matthew House
PO Box 201, Monroe, WA 98272
Hospitality house, provides temporary housing for families
visiting prisoners in Monroe, bus service to other
Washington prisons, programs for children of prisoners
and more.
Mothers for Police Accountability
PO Box 22886, Seattle, WA 98122
Oxford Houses of Washington State
Incarceration Committee
PO Box 871442, Vancouver, WA 98682
Clean & sober housing. Must be addict/alcoholic in
recovery. Write for rules/application.
Taylor House
10830 SE Kent-Kangley Rd, Kent, WA 98042
Clean and sober housing in Tacoma area for people
transitioning out of prison. Write for info about vacancies
and rental rates.
WA Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
PO Box 3045, Seattle, WA 98114
Provides support only to prisoners on Washington’s death
NW Immigrant Rights Project
Western Washington Office
615 2nd Ave, Suite 400, Seattle, WA 98104
Eastern Washington Office
121 Sunnyside Avenue
P.O. Box 270, Granger, WA 98932
Advances the legal rights and dignity of low-income
immigrants in Washington by pursuing and preserving
their legal status through legal representation, education
and public policy

February 2007

Health & Safety/Hepatitis C/HIV
AIDS in Prison Project – The Osborne
809 Westchester Ave, Bronx, NY 10455
NY focus, may provide educational materials on HIV/Hep
C to people in other states.

National Prison Project of the ACLU
Prison AIDS, Hepatitis C and Medical Resources
915 15th Street, NW, 7th Floor, Washington, DC 20005
National resource center to provide educational materials
and legal information about AIDS and medical treatment
in prison. Know Your Rights Info about disabilities and
medical care. Write for resource list.
Hepatitis C Awareness Project/HCV Prison
Support Project
PO Box 41803, Eugene, OR 97404
Newsletter as funding allows, info packet always available.
Hepatitis C Support Project
PO Box 427037, San Francisco, CA 94142-7037
Info packet and HCV Advocate newsletter available on
National AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project
580 Broadway #1010, New York, NY 10012
Will mail Hepatitis C and HIV/Hepatitis C Co-Infection
National Prison Hospice Association
PO Box 4623, Boulder, CO 80306
NPHA helps to develop and implement hospice and better
end of life care for the terminally ill prisoner. NPHA also
publishes a tri-annual newsletter.
HIV/Hepatitis C in Prison (HIP) Committee
California Prison Focus
2940 16th St, #B-5, San Francisco, CA 94103
National Minority AIDS Council (NMAC)
1931 13th St NW, Washington, DC 20009
Helps developing leadership within communities of color
to address the challenges of HIV/AIDS. Disseminates
valuable information.
Women Organized to Respond to Life
Threatening Diseases (WORLD)
414 13th St, 2nd Floor, Oakland, CA 94612
HIV/AIDS information. Free to women in prison.
Jeff Dicks Medical Coalition
PO Box 342, Beechgrove, TN 37018
Advocacy for prisoners who need, and are not receiving,
appropriate medical care.

Partnership for Safety and Justice (formerly Western Prison Project)

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American Diabetes Association
ATTN: National Call Center
1701 North Beauregard St, Alexandria, VA 22311
Healthcare information about diabetes.

Advocacy Organizations
American Friends Service Committee
Criminal Justice Program
1501 Cherry St, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Write for complete list of publications and addresses of
state programs.
All of Us or None
c/o Legal Services for Prisoners with Children
1540 Market St, Suite 490, San Francisco, CA 94310
Fights for full restoration of rights/fights against all forms
of discrimination encountered by people with past
CURE – Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of
PO Box 2310, Washington, DC 20013-2310
Newsletter offered. State chapters.
Critical Resistance
1904 Franklin St, Suite 504, Oakland, CA 94612 Critical Resistance (CR) is a
national, grassroots, member-based organization. CR is
building an international movement to end the prison
industrial complex by challenging the belief that caging
and controlling people makes our society safe. Write for a
complete list of programs and to get involved.

Resources for Incarcerated Parents
Center for Children of Incarcerated Parents
PO Box 41-286, Eagle Rock, CA 90041
CCIP’s mission is the prevention of intergenerational
crime and incarceration. Offers education projects,
correspondence courses and child custody and advocacy
services. Direct services to prisoners, former prisoners and
their families in southern California.
Osborne Association Attn: Beverly Grant
36-31 38th Street Long Island City, NY 11101
Publications -- Parenting From Inside/Out: The Voices of
Mothers in Prison ($12.00) write for list of publications
and prices.
Family and Corrections Network
32 Oak Grove Rd, Palmyra, VA 22963
On-line publications can be downloaded by prison
counselors, library, friends, family at
Legal Services for Prisoners with Children
1540 Market St #490, San Francisco, CA 94102
Provides advocacy and referrals for prisoners, former
prisoners and family members. **Please do not send
documents unless requested.
National Institute of Corrections
1860 Industrial Circle, Suite A, Longmont, CO 80501
Provides the Directory of Programs Serving Families of
Adult Offenders. Research and publications about other
prison topics.

Drug Policy Alliance
2233 Lombard St, San Francisco, CA 94123
Organization working to broaden the public debate on drug
policy and to promote realistic alternatives to the war on

Family Support America
205 W Randolph St, Ste 2222, Chicago, IL 60606
Provides information about family programs across the
US, including prison projects. Write for publication

FAMM – Families Against Mandatory Minimums
1612 K St NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC 20006
National advocacy group that focuses on mandatory
minimums and offers a bi-monthly newsletter,
FAMMgram. Many states have chapters.

Books, Publications, and Publishers

Innocence Project (National)
c/o The Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law,
100 Fifth Ave, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10011
Only handles cases where post-conviction DNA testing of
evidence can yield conclusive evidence of innocence. See
other projects by state.
National Prison Project of the ACLU (American
Civil Liberties Union)
915 15th St NW, 7th Floor, Washington, DC 20005
Handles major class action suits involving prison
conditions and related issues in state and federal
institutions. Does not handle individual prisoner cases.
Write for publication list. Publications include National
Prison Project Journal (quarterly), $2/year for prisoners;
Prisoners Assistance Directory $35, and info about your
rights and prison.
February 2007

Innocence Denied
PO Box 18477, Pittsburgh, PA 15236
Bi-monthly newsletter focused on innocent individuals
wrongfully incarcerated. $5 for prisoners. $15 for all
others. Also offers case profile access, contacts and other
services to inmates and their families on the internet. Write
for more information.
American Correctional Association Publications
206 North Washington St, Suite 200
Alexandria, VA 22314
Offers over 300 publications including a parole planning
guide and sells self-help books.
The Graduate Group
PO Box 370351, West Hartford, CT 06137
Sells a book entitled Opportunity for Newly Released
Offenders for $22. Write for other titles.

Partnership for Safety and Justice (formerly Western Prison Project)

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OPEN (Offender Preparation and Education
Network) Inc.
PO Box 472223, Garland, TX 75047-2223
Sells in prison and transition publications for $9.95 and up.
Write for catalog..

California Prison Focus
2940 16th St, #B-5, San Francisco, CA 94103
Newsletter focusing on California prisoners and Control
Units. $5 for prisoners. (Free to California SHU

The Angolite
c/o Cashier’s Office, Louisiana State Penitentiary
Angola, LA 70712
A magazine produced by prisoners at Angola prison in
Louisiana. Considered excellent prison journalism. Subs
are $20 a year.

Legal Action Center
225 Varick St, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10014
Mission is to “fight discrimination against and protect the
privacy of people with histories of addiction, HIV/AIDS,
or criminal records, and to advocate for sound public
policies in this area.” Publications about looking for work
when you have a criminal record on website.

Pennsylvania Prison Society
245 N Broad St, Suite 300, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Newsletter relating to prisons and prisoner issues.
Prisoners subscriptions $3.
Coalition for Prisoners’ Rights Newsletter
Prison Project of Santa Fe, Inc.
PO Box 1911, Santa Fe, NM 87504
Published monthly. Free to prisoners, family members,
and ex-prisoners who request it themselves.
Cry Justice Now
New Life Evangelistic Center
PO Box 2525, New Bloomfield, MO 65063
Bi-monthly newsletter about justice issues. Shares articles
by inmates and family members of inmates. Resource lists
and referrals. Prison ministry.
The Nuclear Resister
PO Box 43383, Tucson, AZ 85733
Newspaper that provides information about and support for
imprisoned anti-nuclear and anti-war activists. Free to
Fortune Society
53 West 23rd St, 8th Fl. NY, NY 10010
Publishes Fortune News. The Fortune Society provides
advocacy for prisoners, HIV counseling, and support
Justice Watch
1120 Garden St, Cincinnati, OH 45214-2123
Works to eliminate classism and racism from prisons.
Newsletter free to prisoners.
National Prison Project Journal
ACLU National Prison Project
915 15th St NW, 7th Floor, Washington, DC 20005
$2/year for prisoners.
Oxford University Press, Inc.
198 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10016
(includes Oceana Publications) Brief Writing and Oral
Arguments $35, Introduction to the Legal System of the
United States $29.50, more.
American Friends Service Committee
1501 Cherry St, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Write for publication list. Criminal justice newsletter
called The Vision.
February 2007

National Hire Network
Project of the Legal Action Center
225 Varick St, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10014 website is clearinghouse for legal
and practical info, research on criminal justice and
employment-related policies. Also has “know your rights”
info for youth affected by the criminal justice system.
Prison Legal News
2400 NW 80th St, #148, Seattle, WA 98117
Monthly magazine edited by WA state prisoners. Review
and analysis of prisoner rights court rulings and news
about prison issues. Subscription rates are $18/year, $9/six
months for prisoners.
South Chicago ABC Zine Distro
PO Box 721, Homewood, IL 60430
Provides serious political educational zines, free to
prisoners. Works closely with many conscious prisoners
who are strong writers and artists to get the empowering
truth both inside and outside US gulags. All expenses out
of the group’s pocket. Donations, including stamps, are
St. Rose Peace & Justice, 140 W Boundary St,
Perrysburg, OH 43551
Newsletter written by death row prisoners. Free to people
on death row. $25 for other prisoners, $50 for people
outside prison. Half of subscription money given in
scholarships to family members of murder victims.
Turning the Tide: Journal of Anti-Racist Action,
Research and Education
ARA-LA/PART, PO Box 1055, Culver City, CA 90232
Analysis and perspectives of the oppressed in the struggle
for liberation. Free to prisoners.
Lawrence ABC Publisher and Distributor
PO Box 1483, Lawrence, KS 66044
Sends free literature to women prisoners and to men in
Oregon, Kansas and Missouri ONLY. Donations of
stamps gladly accepted. Provides info on topics including
anarchism, the prison industrial complex, and prisoner
writing and art. Due to time and money constraints, make
only one request per month. Does NOT provide legal
assistance. DO NOT send legal paperwork, as we cannot
afford to return it. NOT able to send books to prisoners.
Write for a copy of literature list.

Partnership for Safety and Justice (formerly Western Prison Project)

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The Veterans Advocate published by National
Veterans Legal Services Project
PO Box 65762, Washington, DC 20035
Monthly newsletter covers veteran’s law and advocacy
issues, $80, other publications available, write for price

Legal Publications/Resources
Special Litigation Section
U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division
Special Litigation Section, PHB
950 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20530
The Special Litigation Section of the US government
enforces federal civil rights statutes regarding conditions
of institutional confinement; law enforcement misconduct;
protection of institutionalized persons' religious exercise
Lewisburg Prison Project
PO Box 128 Lewisburg, PA 17837
Publishes a number of low-cost materials for prisoners,
including legal bulletins. Bulletins can be downloaded for
free on website.
Protecting your Health and Safety: A Litigation
Guide for Inmates
c/o Prison Legal News (PLN)
2400 NW 80th St #148, Seattle, WA 98117
Litigation manual $10 (formerly produced by Southern
Poverty Law Center), PLN also publishes a magazine.
Prisoner’s Rights Research Project
University of Illinois College of Law
332 Law Bldg. m/c 594
504 E Pennsylvania Ave, Champaign, IL 61820
Project involves student volunteers, working under a
faculty advisor and more advanced student supervisors,
who research and respond to legal research questions
posed by indigent prisoners incarcerated across the

National Lawyers Guild
Prison Law Project
132 Nassau St, Suite 922.
New York, NY 10038
Publishes Jailhouse Lawyers Handbook and Women’s
Appendix in collaboration with Center for Constitutional
Rights and other self-help legal publications. Handbook is
free & may take several weeks for delivery. Handbook can
be downloaded free from the following web site. National Lawyers Guild web site is

Center for Constitutional Rights
666 Broadway, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10012
Offers publications and books including the Jailhouse
Lawyers Handbook and Women’s Appendix in
collaboration with the National Lawyer’s Guild. handbook at .
La Raza Centro Legal, Inc.
Lawyer Referral Service and Pro Bono Project
474 Valencia St #295, San Francisco, CA 94103
Mainly for Spanish-speaking clients. Handles all types of
legal problems, civil and criminal. All attorneys located in
San Francisco though no geographic requirements for
The Paralegal Institute
2933 W Indian School Rd, PSV Mail Drawer 11408
Phoenix, AZ 85061-1408
Associate degree program. Accredited by Distance
Education Training Council. Registered with National
Association of Legal Assistants.
West Group Publishing
PO Box 64833, St Paul, MN 55164
Books on legal topics: Criminal Procedure in a Nutshell,
Law of Corrections and Prisoner Rights, Prisoners and the
Law, all for sale.

National Center for Youth Law
405 14th St, 15th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612-2701
Represents juveniles involved in or at risk of becoming
involved in the juvenile justice system in cases likely to
result in significant systemic reforms. Assists lawyers who
are directly representing at-risk or incarcerated youth.
Publishes Youth Law News.

The Georgetown Law Journal Annual Review of
Criminal Procedure
Georgetown ARCP, 600 New Jersey Ave NW,
Washington, DC 20001
Publication $15. Topic-by-topic summary of criminal
procedure in the United States Supreme Court and Courts
of Appeals. Do not send legal materials.

Nolo Press
950 Parker St, Berkeley, CA 94710
Publishes legal self-help material such as Legal Research,
4th edition, which gives step-by-step instructions in
finding legal information. Please write for catalog.

Death Penalty Resources

Columbia Human Rights Law Review
A Jailhouse Lawyer’s Manual
435 W 116th St, New York, NY 10027 Publishes a two volume
Jailhouse Lawyers Manual, $25 per volume, $45 for both.

February 2007

American Civil Liberties Union
Capital Punishment Project
201 West Main Street, Suite 402, Durham, NC 27701
A branch of the ACLU that deals with death penalty
Death Row Support Project
PO Box 600, Dept W, Liberty Mills, IN 46946
Pen-pal services to death row inmates. Mail from nondeath-row prisoners won’t be acknowledged.

Partnership for Safety and Justice (formerly Western Prison Project)

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NAACP Legal Defense Fund
99 Hudson St, Suite 1600, New York, NY 10013
Civil rights law firm that supports minority rights; also has
an anti-death penalty project. Separate organization from
NAACP. Publishes quarterly Death Row USA, free to
National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
1717 K St NW Ste 510, Washington, DC 20036
Provides information and advocates for legislation in
opposition to death penalty.

Resources for Gay, Lesbian, Trans Prisoners
American Civil Liberties Union
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender
& AIDS Project
125 Broad St, 18th Fl. New York, NY 10004
Helps prisoners who are facing discrimination because
they are transgender, lesbian, gay, bisexual or they have
Gender Identity Center of Colorado Inc.
3985 Upham St. Suite 40, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
A non-profit that provides support to people who cross
dress, are transsexual, or are non-traditional in their gender
identity, also an informational and educational resource to
the community at large.
Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders
30 Winter St, #800, Boston, MA 02108
HIV and LGBT Prison Issues, New England focused, will
refer out non-New England prison issues.
National Coalition for Lesbian Rights
870 Market St, Suite 370
San Francisco, CA 94102
NCLR is a national legal resource center committed to
advancing the rights and safety of lesbians and their
families. Provides representation and resources to gay
men, and bisexual and transgender individuals on key
issues that also significantly advance lesbian rights.
Publications include an overview of legal issues affecting
transsexual clients and another publication on the rights of
transgender prisoners.
Out of Control Lesbian Committee to Support
Women Political Prisoners
3543 18th St, Box 30, San Francisco, CA 94110
Free newsletter, Out of Time, 5 times a year.

Prisoner Art and Writing
The Poetry Wall
Cathedral of St. John the Divine
1047 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10025
Displays poetry written by prisoners.

February 2007

Keeping the Faith – the Prison Project
The Pat Graney Company
1419 S Jackson St, Studio 11, Seattle, WA 98144
A community outreach project. Every year the artist team
goes to the Washington Corrections Center for Women for
2 months to conduct workshops of movement, writing and
visual art that culminate in a powerful performance by the
inmates presented to other inmates, prison administrators,
press, and members of the public.
Prison Writing Program
Pen American Center
588 Broadway, Suite 303, New York, NY 10012
Free writing resource booklet for prison writers. Sponsors
annual writing contest for prisoners.
Real Cost of Prisons Project (RCPP)
Comix from the Inside/Writing from Prison
5 Warfield Place, Northampton, MA 01060
RCPP will post original comics, cartoons, and writings
from people in prison on its web site. Write for guidelines.

Sex Offender Resources
Sex Abuse Treatment Alliance
PO Box 1191, Okemos, MI 48805-1191
Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants-Sex
Offenders Restored through Treatment. Publishes quarterly
newsletter and advocate for reintegration of sex-offenders
back into the community.
Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers
4900 SW Griffith Dr, Suite 274, Beaverton, OR 97005
Newsletter for members only. Provides treatment referrals.
The Safer Society Foundation
PO Box 340, Brandon, VT 05733-0340
Research, advocacy, referrals, self-help materials for sex

Resources for Native American Prisoners
Native American Indian Inmate Support Project
8 Dallas Dr, Grantville, PA 17208
Supports the introduction of Native American religious
ceremonies and programs in prisons.
Native American Prisoners’ Rehabilitation
Research Project
2848 Paddock Lane, Villa Hills, KY 41017
Offers many services for Native American prisoners,
including legal and spiritual support, tribal and cultural
programs, and direct contact with prison administrators.
Native American Rights Fund
1506 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80302
Legal organization, works for religious freedom for native
people in prison and on other legal issues. Publication Study of Native American Prisoner Issues, by Walter
Echo-Hawk, Native American Rights Fund (1996) - $12.

Partnership for Safety and Justice (formerly Western Prison Project)

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Resources for Women Only
Women and Prison: A Site for Resistance
Beyondmedia Education
7013 N. Glenwood Ave, Chicago, IL 60626
A forum for public discourse about the ways that
incarceration affects women's lives and the work that
people are doing to dismantle systems of violence and
oppression. Accepts submissions of articles, visual work,
personal narratives, etc. Write for guidelines.
National Clearinghouse for the Defense of
Battered Women
125 South 9th St #302, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Legal and other assistance for battered women charged
with crime and to their defense teams. Resource library of
articles available.
Chicago Books to Women in Prison
c/o Beyondmedia Education
7013 N. Glenwood Ave, Chicago, IL 60626
Chicago Books to Women in Prison is a volunteer
collective working to distribute books free of charge to
women in prison nationwide.
Women’s Prison Book Project
c/o Arise Bookstore
2441 Lyndale Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55405
Provides women and transgender –identified persons in
prison with free reading materials covering a wide range of
topics – all volunteer.
National Lawyers Guild
Prison Law Project
132 Nassau St, Suite 922.
New York, NY 10038
The Jailhouse Lawyers Handbook has an Appendix on
legal issues specific to women. It can be downloaded for
free at National Lawyers Guild web site is

Other Directories
Prison Activist Resource Center
PO Box 339, Berkeley, CA 94701
Publications, fact sheets, national resource directory.
National Prison Project of the ACLU
ATTN: Prisoner's Assistance Directory
915 15th St NW, 7th Floor
Washington DC 20005
$35 for directory, updated for 2007.
Prisoner Resource Guide, ACLU of Texas
Prison & Jail Accountability Project
PO Box 12905, Austin, TX 78711
Info about federal lawsuits, Texas and national prisoner
resources. Resource guide can be downloaded for free at
the web site.

February 2007

Other Resources
Project for Older Prisoners (POPS)
c/o Jonathan Turley, Director
George Washington School of Law
2000 H St NW, Washington, DC 20052
For prisoners over 55.
Alliance of Incarcerated Canadians/Foreigners in
American Prisons (AICAP/AIFAP)
2 Bloor St W Ste 100 , Toronto, ON Canada M4W 3E2
Jewish Prisoner Services International
PO Box 85840, Seattle, WA 98145-1840
Advocacy organization for Jewish prisoners and their
families. Chaplaincy.
Prisoner Visitation and Support
1501 Cherry St, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Provides institutional visits to prisoners in federal and
military prisons nationwide. No state prisons.
ETC Campaign
c/o Michigan CURE
PO Box 2736, Kalamazoo, MI 49003
ETC Campaign’s goal is to reduce high cost of prison
phone calls. Michigan CURE has quarterly newsletter for
members also self-help brochures and booklets-some cost
Inside Dharma
PO Box 220721, Kirkwood, MO 63122
Bi-monthly Buddhist newsletter for prisoners. Focus on
Missouri prisons.
Prison Dharma Network
PO Box 4623, Boulder, CO 80306
International, nonsectarian, contemplative support network
for prisoners, volunteers, and COs. PDN's mission is to
provide prisoners, and those who work with them, with the
most effective contemplative tools for self-transformation
and rehabilitation. Provides books and educational
Stop Prisoner Rape, Inc.
3325 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 340, Los Angeles, CA 90010
Information and advocacy on sexual abuse and
exploitation of prisoners. Support and advice for victims
and targets of both sexes including info on psychological
and health consequences, legal action, and survivor
Ohio University College Program for the
Haning Hall 222, Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701
College degree correspondence program. Write for more
info & costs.

Partnership for Safety and Justice (formerly Western Prison Project)

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Books-to-Prisoners Programs
(adapted from the Ohio Criminal Justice Program/AFSC’s list)
Books to Prisoners groups are almost all volunteer run, with limited funding and not always enough people to keep up
with requests. Since there are so many prisoners who need books, please write to just one or two projects, and please don’t
write with a request within six months of receiving books. Please include your release date with your letter– it may take
months for a group to fill your request. Most of these groups will not supply pulp fiction (romance, action, thrillers, or other
non-educational materials). Please list genres or topics if possible, not just specific titles, and check the requirements for your
state or prison before writing. Remember, these groups want you to be reading!
1. General book programs that are free or ask for
a small donation
Books to Prisoners
c/o Left Bank Books
92 Pike St., Box A, Seattle, WA 98101
Request by subject. No religious materials and very
limited legal materials available. Cannot pay postage to
prisons requiring 1st class mail. Donations or stamps
appreciated. No books to prisons requiring “new books.”
No books to prisons in California.

Siddha Yoga Prison Project
SYDA Foundation
PO Box 99140, Emeryville, CA 94662
Mails monthly a free newsletter, correspondence course, In
Search of the Self. Will stock prison libraries with Siddha
Yoga books, tapes and other materials.
Women’s Prison Book Project
c/o Arise Bookstore, 2441 Lyndale Ave S,
Minneapolis, MN 55405
This program is for women prisoners only. Unable to send
books to Oregon prisoners.

Books Through Bars
New Society Publishers
4722 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19143
No title requests, include a variety of subjects. Very limited
legal resources.

2. Specifically religious Books-to-Prisoners

Prison Book Project
PO Box 396, Amherst, MA 01004

International Bible Society
1820 Jet Stream Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80921-3696
Inmates can receive free on the inside Bible (English or
Spanish) and a booklet for women or men. No large print
inmate bibles.

Prison Book Program
1306 Hancock St, Suite 100, Quincy, MA 02169
Request topics or titles: legal materials, educational, social,
political, and books in Spanish. No catalogue. Does not
send to TX, MI, NV, OR, CA, LA.
The Prison Library Project
915 West Foothill Blvd, PMB 128, Claremont, CA 91711
Free books on self-help, personal and spiritual growth,
wellness, and metaphysical books. No law books,
technical, or GED. No catalogue.
Prison Literature Project
c/o Bound Together Books
1369 Haight St., San Francisco, CA 94117
Request books by title, no Christian/Islamic, horror,
romance novels, stamps or donations greatly appreciated.
Books thru Bars of Ithaca
Autumn Leaves Book Store, 115 The Commons, 2nd Floor
Ithaca, NY 14850
Very limited number of new books available. Donations or
stamps appreciated.
Maoist Internationalist Movement
PO Box 29670, Los Angeles, CA 90029-0670
Free bi-weekly newspaper MIM Notes, journals and books
with a revolutionary perspective. Current events,
revolutionary nationalism (BPP, YLP, etc.), Marxist
February 2007

ARE – Assn. for Research and Enlightenment Prison Outreach
215 67th St, Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061

Islamic Center
2551 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008
Free Koran and study guides. Can send through chaplain.
Human Kindness Foundation
P.O. Box 61619, Durham, NC 27715
Spiritual books only.
Core Ministries
8857 Bennett Hill Rd, Central Lake, MI 49622
Publishes and distributes a prisoner newsletter The
Christian Inmate News to jails and prisons all over the
country. Four issues a year.
Jewish Prisoners Services International
P.O. Box 85840, Seattle, WA 98145
Religious materials and support for Jewish prisoners and
their families. Info for Chaplains.
Alavi Foundation
500 5th Ave., 23rd Floor, Ste 2320, New York, NY 10110
Free Koran for Muslim prisoners.
Rock of Ages Prison Ministry
P.O. Box 2308, Cleveland, TN 37320
Free King James Bible, correspondence course.

Partnership for Safety and Justice (formerly Western Prison Project)

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3. Organizations who will sell books to

Our Favorite Books

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
125 Broad St, New York, NY 10004
National Prison Project Journal $2 and other publications
for prisoners.

Are Prisons Obsolete? Angela Davis, Seven Stories
Press, 2003

AK Press
674-A 23rd St, Oakland, CA 94612
Possible discount on books to prisoners. Distributes
thousands of books on subjects ranging from left politics,
literature, music and history. Write for a catalogue of
books you can buy.
National Lawyers Guild
Prison Law Project
132 Nassau St, Suite 922, New York, NY 10038
Write for list of publications.
Oxford University Press, Inc.
198 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10016
(includes Oceana Publications) Brief Writing and Oral
Arguments $35, Introduction to the Legal System of the
United States $29.50, more.
Prison Legal News
2400 80th St NW #148, Seattle, WA 98117
Monthly legal publication, $18/year. Also sells books on
prison and political issues
South End Press
7 Brookline St #1, Cambridge, MA 02139-4146
Write for catalogue of books for purchase.

Instead of Prisons, Prison Research Action Project,
Safer Society Press 1986
Criminal Injustice: Confronting the Prison Crisis
Elihu Rosenblatt Editor, South End Press, 1996
Live From Death Row, Mumia Abu Jamal, 1996
Lockdown America: Police and Prisons in the
Age of Crisis, Christian Parenti, Verso Books 1999
The Perpetual Prisoner Machine: How America
Profits from Crime, Joel Dyer, Westview Press, 1999
Prison Writing: My Life is My Sundance
Leonard Peltier, St. Martins Press, 1999
The Prisoner’s Wife: A Memoir, Asha Bandele,
Pocket Books, 2000
Gates of Injustice: The Crisis in America’s
Prisons, Alan Elsner, Prentice Hall, 2004
New Jack: Guarding Sing Sing, Ted Conover,
Vintage Books, 2000
Invisible Punishment: The Collateral
Consequences of Mass Imprisonment, Marc Mauer
and Mada Chesney-Lind Editors, The New Press, 2002
The Crime Drop in America, Alfred Blumstein and
Joel Wallman, Editors, Cambridge University Press, 2000
The American Gulag, Marc Dow, University of
California Press, 2004
Prison Nation, Tara Heriel and Paul Wright Editors,
Routledge Press, 2003
Race to Incarcerate, Marc Mauer/The Sentencing
Project, The New Press, 1999
The Real War on Crime: The Report of the
National Criminal Justice System, Steven R.
Donziger Editor, Harper Perennial, 1996
Search and Destroy: African American Males in
the Criminal Justice System, Gerome G. Miller,
Cambridge University Press, 1996
Confronting Confinement, Commission on Safety and
Abuse in America’s Prisons, 2006, download report at
A Human Rights Approach to Prison Management
Andrew Coyle, International Center for Prison Studies,
2002, download book at:

February 2007

Partnership for Safety and Justice (formerly Western Prison Project)

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Listed below are a number of Pen Pal Services. Always contact the services directly for information and prices and
find out exactly what you are getting if they ask for money. Partnership for Safety and Justice does not endorse or
do business with any of these sites. Many people write to us looking for pen pal resources so we try to provide
information about existing resources. You have to decide if it’s worth it. We always appreciate information about
people’s experiences with these services and have removed several addresses based on negative reports from
people in prison. Let us know what you think.
Inmate Connections
465 NE 181st #308, Portland, OR 97230 moderate to expensive

Prison Pen Pals
P.O. Box 235, East Berlin, PA 17316-0235

Women friendly, gay friendly, email forwarding, stamps accepted,
personal and legal webpages, state and federal directories

Women friendly, Gay Friendly, legal ads
Moderately priced

The Pampered
PMB #120 9220 SW Barbur Blvd, Suite 119
Portland, Oregon 97219

Attn: Arlen Bischke
PO Box 1342, Pendleton, OR 97801 Women friendly, Gay Friendly,
Moderately Priced

Women friendly, Gay Friendly,
Displays inmate art and poetry,
Moderately Priced

Reaching Beyond the Walls
PO Box 6905, Rutland, VT 05702
Women friendly, Gay Friendly,

PO Box 10, Edgewater, FL 32132
Women & gay friendly, high price

Displays inmate art and poetry, e-mail forwarding, Free listing.
(Donations, send SASE) Charges $1.50 for first print out of your
web page. Can’t accept new applications until 11/1/06.

P.O. Box 1664, Voorhees, New Jersey 08043

Friends Beyond The Wall, Inc
Poughkeepsie Plaza
2600 South Rd, Suite 44-244, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-7004

Women friendly, Gay Friendly,
Displays inmate art and poetry,
Moderately Priced, e-mail forwarding

Women friendly, gay friendly, inmate art, poetry & writings, legal
ads, e-mail forwarding, moderate

Inmate Classified
PO Box 3311, Granada Hills, CA 91394

Outlaws Online, Inc.
973 N. Shadeland Ave PMB 161, Indianapolis, IN 46219-4809
Women friendly, gay friendly, email forwarding

Women friendly, Gay Friendly,
High priced, e-mail forwarding

Prisoner Writes
PO Box 78, Mt. Holly Springs, PA 17065

Women friendly, gay friendly

Prison Legal News
PLN is a 36 page monthly magazine edited by former prisoner Paul Wright. PLN is funded almost entirely through
subscription income and donations from readers and supporters. Since 1990, PLN has provided a monthly review and analysis
of prisoner rights, court rulings and news about prison issues. PLN has a national (U.S.) focus, with international coverage as
Topics covered in PLN include: court access, disciplinary hearings, prison conditions, excessive force, jail litigation,
visiting, telephones, religious freedom, free speech, women prisoners, retaliation, the Prison Litigation Reform Act, medical
treatment, AIDS, the death penalty, control units and much more.

A one year subscription for the print version is $18 for prisoners, $25 for individuals, more if you can afford it, and
$60 for lawyers and institutions. Prisoner donations of less than $18 will be pro-rated at $1.50/issue. Do not send less than $9
at a time. New subscribers please allow four to six weeks for the delivery of your first issue, longer if you are a Texas prisoner.
Confirmation of receipt of donations cannot be made without an SASE unless you have not received your first issue within the
time allotment mentioned above. Ad rates are available on request. PLN is a Section 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Donations are tax deductible.
Send subscription request and payment to:
Prison Legal News
2400 N.W. 80th Street, PMB #148 Seattle, WA 98117
February 2007

Partnership for Safety and Justice (formerly Western Prison Project)

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