Provider Manual, Massachusetts Partnership for Correctional Healthcare, 2015
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Massachusetts Partnership for Correctional Healthcare Provider Manual Version 1.2 May 2015 Provider Manual Table of Contents MPCH Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 5 MPCH Guiding Principles .............................................................................................................................. 5 MPCH Approach ............................................................................................................................................ 5 MPCH Summary ............................................................................................................................................ 6 Working with MPCH...................................................................................................................................... 6 MPCH Regional Office Key Utilization Management Staff ........................................................................ 6 MADOC Facility Names and Contact Numbers ......................................................................................... 7 MPCH On-Site Services ................................................................................................................................. 7 On-Site Practitioners ................................................................................................................................. 8 On-Site Practitioner Availability ................................................................................................................ 8 24-Hour Access ......................................................................................................................................... 8 Monitoring Healthcare Services.................................................................................................................... 9 Specialty Care, Emergency Department and Hospitalization Accessibility/Coordination ............................ 9 Specialty Care Prior Authorization ................................................................................................................ 9 Emergency Department Services ................................................................................................................ 10 Hospitalization ............................................................................................................................................ 10 Specialty Provider Responsibilities ............................................................................................................. 10 Working with the Inmates .......................................................................................................................... 11 Continuity of Care ....................................................................................................................................... 11 Specialist Appointment Access Standards .................................................................................................. 12 Hospital Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................. 12 Provider Assistance with Public Health Services ........................................................................................ 12 Version 1.2 Page 2 of 25 Provider Manual Credentialing Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 13 Recredentialing ........................................................................................................................................... 13 Provider/Facility Site Review ...................................................................................................................... 13 Eligibility ...................................................................................................................................................... 13 Billing and Claims ........................................................................................................................................ 14 General Billing Guidelines ....................................................................................................................... 14 Billing the Inmate .................................................................................................................................... 15 Clean Claim Definition............................................................................................................................. 15 Non-Clean Claim Definition..................................................................................................................... 15 Timely Filing ............................................................................................................................................ 15 Electronic Claims Submission.................................................................................................................. 16 Paper Claims Submission ........................................................................................................................ 16 Unsatisfactory or Claim Payment Concerns............................................................................................ 17 Provider Relations Assistance ..................................................................................................................... 17 Provider Updates .................................................................................................................................... 17 Provider Complaints................................................................................................................................ 17 MPCH Pharmacy Program........................................................................................................................... 18 Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee ...................................................................................... 18 Medical Records.......................................................................................................................................... 18 Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 18 Release of Medical Records .................................................................................................................... 19 Medical Records Audits .......................................................................................................................... 19 MPCH Medical Management Department ................................................................................................. 19 Overview and Medical Necessity ............................................................................................................ 19 Version 1.2 Page 3 of 25 Provider Manual Prior Authorization Overview ................................................................................................................. 20 On-Site Practitioner Referral for Specialty Service ................................................................................. 21 Specialist Referral to Specialist for Treatment or Second Opinion......................................................... 21 Process to Request Follow-Up Specialty Services ................................................................................... 21 Self-Directed Care ................................................................................................................................... 21 Medical Necessity ................................................................................................................................... 22 Review Criteria ........................................................................................................................................ 22 Requirements for Providers to Notify MPCH Medical Management Department..................................... 23 Emergency Services ................................................................................................................................ 23 Notification of Observation Stays ........................................................................................................... 23 Concurrent Review.................................................................................................................................. 24 Discharge Planning .................................................................................................................................. 24 Retrospective Review.............................................................................................................................. 25 Summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 25 Version 1.2 Page 4 of 25 Provider Manual MPCH Overview Welcome to the Massachusetts Partnership for Correctional Healthcare (MPCH) Provider Manual. MPCH is a company established by two of the oldest and most respected names in correctional healthcare and managed Medicaid services: MHM Services, Inc. and Centene Corporation. This innovative partnership brings a combination of recruiting, program management and proven care principles to both the on-site and off-site correctional healthcare operations. MPCH has entered into an agreement with the Massachusetts Department of Correction (MADOC) to provide comprehensive healthcare services to inmates throughout the Commonwealth’s correctional system. MPCH is committed to building collaborative partnerships with Providers. MPCH serves the MADOC consistent with our core philosophy that quality correctional healthcare requires coordination of care provided within the correctional facility and the services provided “outside the walls.” Headquartered in the greater Boston area, all MPCH employees that work within MADOC and Providers are based in Massachusetts. MPCH Guiding Principles In your dealings with MPCH you will find that we apply the following guidelines to all our interactions. We… • • • • • • • Provide access to high quality, accessible, cost-effective healthcare Perform our functions with integrity, operating at the highest ethical standards Build mutual respect and trust in our working relationships Create communication that is open, consistent and two-way Embrace diversity of people, cultures, and ideas Encourage innovation to challenge the status quo Stress teamwork and meeting our commitments to one another Also, please note that MPCH welcomes open Provider communication regarding appropriate treatment alternatives. MPCH does not penalize Providers for discussing medically necessary, appropriate care or treatment options with our on-site primary care physicians. MPCH Approach Recognizing that a strong healthcare program is predicated on building mutually satisfactory associations with Providers, MPCH is committed to: • • Version 1.2 Working as partners with participating Providers Performing our administrative and clinical responsibilities in a superior fashion Page 5 of 25 Provider Manual As much as possible, MPCH programs, policies and procedures are designed to minimize the administrative responsibilities in the management of care, enabling the Provider to focus on the healthcare needs of their patients. MPCH Summary MPCH’s philosophy is to provide access to high quality healthcare services by combining the expertise of on-site primary care practitioners and specialty providers/specialty services with a highly successful, experienced managed care administrator. MPCH believes that successful patient outcomes are the result of providing care that is medically necessary, rendered in the appropriate setting and at the appropriate interval. It is the policy of MPCH to conduct its business affairs in accordance with the standards and rules of ethical business conduct and to abide by all applicable federal and Massachusetts laws. MPCH takes the privacy and confidentiality of health information seriously. We have processes, policies and procedures to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and Massachusetts Privacy Law requirements. Working with MPCH For your convenience, we have included a quick reference guide to provide an overview of your role in providing care and recommendations for care as part of your MPCH contract. The information below and throughout this manual will include information that should assist you and your day-to-day operations staff. The information includes: • • • • • • Contact information for MPCH Medical Management Department (Utilization Management staff) Name and contact number for Department of Corrections sites Claims submission and contact information Role of the MPCH on-site practitioner The referral process and your role Information required by MPCH on-site healthcare team for continuity and provision of care MPCH Regional Office Key Utilization Management Staff MPCH Medical Management Department (Utilization Management Staff) MPCH Statewide Medical Director MPCH Chief Nursing Officer Version 1.2 1-855-330-2330 1-855-330-2330 1-855-330-2330 Page 6 of 25 Provider Manual MADOC Facility Names and Contact Numbers Bay State Correctional Center Boston Pre Release Center Bridgewater State Hospital Massachusetts Alcohol and Substance Abuse Center Massachusetts Treatment Center MCI-Cedar Junction MCI-Concord MCI-Framingham MCI-Norfolk MCI Plymouth MCI Shirley North Central Correctional Institution (Gardner) Northeastern Correctional Institution Old Colony Correctional Center Pondville Correctional Center South Middlesex Correctional Center Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center 508-668-1687 617-822-5000 508-279-4500 508-279-3500 508-279-8100 508-660-8059 978-405-6100 508-532-5100 508-660-5900 508-291-2441 978-425-4341 978-630-6000 978-405-6100 508-279-6000 508-660-3924 508-872-0281 978-514-6500 MPCH On-Site Services Most on-site Healthcare Services Units operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The type of staff used to provide services besides practitioner staff include registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, certified nurse assistants, medical assistants, medical records clerks, and secretarial/administrative assistant staff. The sites also provide on-site mental health and dental staff to allow a full complement of onsite care capabilities. Sites are managed by a clinical and administrative team that may include a Medical Director, Director of Nursing, and/or Health services Administrator. Medication services include provision of all practitioner ordered medications. These are managed on-site and generally provided by single dose administration. There are medical infirmaries which are staffed with nursing staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to allow provision of higher level of medical care such as IV management, wound care, and pre/post op care. The goal of health services within a correctional services contract is to perform as much care/service on-site to minimize the need to transport inmates outside of the facility. We strive to provide appropriate level of care and services while minimizing the risk to public safety by transporting inmates to outside service providers. Healthcare services that are routinely provided by on-site services and/or mobile service providers include: Version 1.2 Page 7 of 25 Provider Manual • • • CLIA waivered tests such as blood glucose monitoring, urine pregnancy tests, blood guaiac tests, etc. Sites also draw all routine labs. These labs are drawn, prepared, picked-up, and results completed/returned by a contracted lab vendor. Radiology services include routine chest, and extremity radiographs. Some sites may also have availability of services provided by a mobile vendor for ultrasound, MRI, mammography, etc. Dialysis services On-Site Practitioners Practitioners providing care can include a combination of physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants. On-site practitioners are MPCH employee and serve as the primary care provider and ‘medical home for the management of inmate patient care. Site practitioners are responsible for providing/performing care and management of urgent and routine medical care. They are also responsible for care and management of inmate patients with chronic disease. Site practitioners are also responsible for requesting and managing inmate patient specialty care. Inmate patients are not allowed to ‘self-refer’ for a specialty provider/service as allowed in the community. The on-site practitioners submit requests for specialty service based on the MPCH prior authorization list (PAL) for services identified as requiring medical necessity determination. MPCH uses InterQual and other evidence-based criteria to assess medical necessity of the request. Our program uses a two level review system where trained utilization management nurses perform Level 1 review. Any request not meeting criteria for Level 1 approval is deferred to our MPCH Statewide Regional Medical Director for final determination On-Site Practitioner Availability Availability is defined as the extent to which MPCH employs the appropriate type and number of practitioners necessary to meet the needs of the inmate patient population housed in the institution. As part of our contract with MADOC, MPCH provides all the on-site practitioner staff. Most on-site practitioner staff are provided Monday through Friday during the day; however, larger sites with more complex inmate patients may include evening and/or weekend coverage. Hours of practitioner time on-site can range from 4 hours/week for a very small site to 80 hours+/week for larger sites. 24-Hour Access Regardless of the assigned staffing at the site, MPCH provides access to on-call practitioner(s) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Access to a provider can include a practitioner returning to the facility for such things as suturing. Version 1.2 Page 8 of 25 Provider Manual Monitoring Healthcare Services MPCH monitors the quality of our healthcare services in numerous ways to include the following: Department Network & Contract Management Medical Management/ UM Data Available Frequency of Monitoring On-site Practitioner Availability Ensures that MPCH employs the appropriate type and number of on-site practitioners and specialty care providers/services necessary for Specialty appropriate and timely access to care. Provider and Analyzes a variety of reports to determine Specialty Service if additional Providers may be required Availability Prior Auth & Ensures prior authorization and Concurrent management of care based on evidence Review based practice guidelines On-site Quality Improvement Complaints Monitoring Quality Improvement Committee (QIC) Description Monitors provision of on-site and off-site access to care; tracks and trends inmate complaints and grievances. Ongoing Daily Ongoing Analyzed Quarterly Summary information is reported for review Audits Meetings at and recommendation at the QIC and is Process and least incorporated into MPCH’s annual Outcome Studies assessment of quality improvement Quarterly activities Specialty Care, Emergency Department and Hospitalization Accessibility/Coordination As part of our health services contract, MPCH has a Medical Management Department. The department includes utilization management staff performing prior authorization, concurrent review, retrospective reviews, appeals management, and other utilization review activities. Specialty Care Prior Authorization On-site practitioners are responsible for requesting any services requiring prior authorization. Therefore, prior to the inmate being scheduled an appointment, the service requested, such as ‘initial evaluation and treatment recommendations’ will have been authorized. Upon return from a specialist visit, the on-site practitioner will review the evaluation and recommendations from the specialist. Based on the recommendations, the on-site practitioner may submit a new Version 1.2 Page 9 of 25 Provider Manual request for additional services that were recommended as part of the initial specialty consultation. You, as the specialist, are not responsible for requesting the prior authorization. Emergency Department Services Emergency department visits do not require prior authorization. If an inmate patient is sent to your emergency department for services, the on-site nursing staff will notify you that the inmate is in route to your facility and provide report regarding the patient’s current care/status. Inmates presenting to the emergency room will be transported by one or two correctional officers who will stay with the inmate throughout the course of the emergency department visit. Our on-site nursing supervisor will routinely make contact with the emergency department requesting updates for prolonged visits. If it is determined the inmate will require hospitalization, it is important to contact the referring site’s healthcare nursing supervisor. If the inmate requires transfer to another institution, you will need to work in conjunction with the correctional officers and site healthcare staff regarding the transfer. Inmates requiring transfer to an inpatient bed or inpatient facility will be followed by MPCH utilization management staff. Hospitalization Pre-planned hospitalizations require prior authorization. The prior authorization process is initially managed by the on-site practitioner. Upon admission to the hospital, MPCH utilization management staff should be notified. While the on-site nursing staff provide notification to the MPCH utilization management staff, we also request that the utilization review staff at the inpatient facility provide notification regarding the inmate patient admission to the facility. Management of concurrent review of hospitalized inmate patients is coordinated by the MPCH utilization management staff. Our staff coordinate review with hospital utilization staff and provide necessary updates for the on-site practitioner and nursing staff. MPCH utilization management staff also assist with coordinating discussions related to discharge planning. The goal of discharge planning is to discharge the inmate back to the facility as soon as medically indicated; remembering that discharge planning may include release back to one of the correctional facilities that have infirmary capabilities. Specialty Provider Responsibilities Specialty services are obtained within the MPCH network upon approval of the prior authorization request initiated by the on-site practitioner. Specialists may complete diagnostic tests if part of the authorized service. It is important to remember that when coordinating scheduling, the on-site staff should be informed of results of testing and patient history that may be required as part of the specialty visit. These documents, test results, radiology exams, etc. will be sent with the inmate for your review. Version 1.2 Page 10 of 25 Provider Manual If an immediate need arises during the visit to your office and you feel additional services, evaluation, testing may be required immediately; you will be required to contact the MPCH Medical Management Department to request prior authorization for those services. This would include such requests as, referral to another specialist or admission to the hospital. Prior authorization is not required in a true emergency situation. However, all non-emergency inpatient admissions require prior authorization from MPCH. Please call the Utilization Management team at 1-855-330-2330 for prior authorization before performing any tests or procedures that are not part of the original authorization for this visit. Working with the Inmates The inmate patient will be accompanied by one or two correctional officers whenever he/she comes for an appointment. The officers transporting will work closely with you and your office staff to provide privacy for your other patients. MPCH and MADOC will work with you to minimize any disruption to your other patients. The transporting correctional officer staff will provide you and your staff with a sealed envelope that include the inmate patient’s confidential medical record. The packet may also include a document on which you can briefly document the synopsis of the encounter/visit. If a document is not included, simply document the note on a standard progress note from your office and include a copy with the returning records. All medical record information should be placed back in the envelope, re-sealed and provided to the transporting correctional officers prior to leaving your office. When working with the inmate patient, it is important that you do not share any information with him/her specific to follow-up recommendations and particularly follow-up appointment dates, if already and/or previously scheduled. If at any point you realize that you have informed the inmate patient of an upcoming appointment date and/or time, it is important that you notify the healthcare unit immediately to permit the appointment to be rescheduled. Continuity of Care Since MPCH on-site practitioners are responsible for continuity of care, it is extremely important that they obtain timely and thorough documentation from you, as the specialist, related to your evaluation and treatment recommendations for the inmate patient. Therefore, important responsibilities of you as the specialist include: • • • Coordinate the inmate patient’s care with the on-site practitioner Complete written evaluation/report and return as part of the inmate patient’s visit Provide the on-site practitioner with complete consult report and other appropriate records within 5 business days of seeing the inmate patient Version 1.2 Page 11 of 25 Provider Manual Specialist Appointment Access Standards Timely access to appointments for inmate patients requiring evaluation and/or follow-up care is important to providing acceptable access to services as well as to maintaining positive outcomes. MPCH staff responsible for coordinating scheduling will work with your office scheduler or designee to identify routine process for scheduling, including routine times/days of the weeks that may be coordinated or set aside for easier access to appointments. Our contracts routinely require that specialty appointments be completed within a designated timeframe from the time of their prior approval by our utilization management staff. Our Utilization Management staff will work closely to work with you to access services within our specified time frames. MPCH will monitor appointment timeliness and access to specialty services as part of our ongoing Quality Improvement Program. Issues specific to access and timeliness will be discussed with individual providers and/or services if required. Hospital Responsibilities MPCH utilizes a network of hospitals to provide services to inmates. Hospitals providing services as part of the MCPH network will work with Utilization Management staff for the following: • • • • • • Obtain authorization for inpatient services and non-emergent outpatient services except for emergency stabilization services Notify MPCH Medical Management Department of all maternity admissions upon admission and all other admissions by close of the following business day Notify MPCH Medical Management Department of all newborn deliveries on the same day as the delivery, and notify MassHealth of the birth (when applicable). Note: MPCH is not responsible for the payment of newborn services Perform concurrent review and discharge planning in conjunction with MPCH utilization management staff Assist in determining most appropriate and lowest level of care to provide medically necessary care Assist in providing continuity of care from hospital facility back to the correctional institution. MPCH network hospitals should refer to their contract for complete information regarding the hospitals’ obligations and reimbursement. Provider Assistance with Public Health Services MPCH is required to coordinate with public health entities regarding the provision of public health services. Providers must assist MPCH in these efforts by working with the MPCH Chief Nursing Officer or designee in: Version 1.2 Page 12 of 25 Provider Manual • • • • Complying with public health reporting requirements regarding communicable diseases and/or diseases which are preventable by immunization as defined by Massachusetts law Assisting in the notification or referral of any communicable disease outbreaks involving inmate patients to the local public health entity as defined by Massachusetts law Assisting in the notification or referral to the local public health entity for tuberculosis contact investigation, evaluation, and the preventive treatment of persons with whom the inmate patient has come into contact. Assisting in referring inmate patients to the local public health entity for STD/HIV contact investigation, evaluation, and preventive treatment of persons whom the inmate patient has come into contact. Credentialing Requirements Physicians and applicable ancillary providers must complete the credentialing process to be a participating provider with MPCH. MPCH recognizes the credentialing information supplied by CAQH if the provider is already registered. A single-page demographic form is the only requirement for CAQH participating providers. Credentialing materials can be found in the Provider section of the Centurion website at: Recredentialing Specialty providers must comply with the recredentialing policy of one JCH accredited facility at a minimum. Provider/Facility Site Review Site visits are performed on a case-by-case basis in cooperation with the provider, provider practice or inpatient facility. Site visits will be performed by MPCH Medical Management Department staff. Site visits will be coordinated, as indicated, with the provider office management staff and/or inpatient utilization management staff prior to the visit. MPCH Medical Management Department staff will work with designated provider/facility staff to define reason/purpose of the visit to allow for proper coordination and provision of information required, if indicated. Eligibility Eligibility has a slightly different meaning in a correctional system. Eligibility is tied directly to the inmate being housed and/or ‘on count’ at a MADOC facility. Therefore, inmates are considered ‘eligible’ for authorized services from the date of incarceration to the date of release Version 1.2 Page 13 of 25 Provider Manual from the MADOC. It is important to understand that there may be times when inmates are released from facilities and then, may be re-arrested and returned to the MADOC system. If this occurs, the inmate is not eligible for MPCH payment of services during the time they are released from the facility until re-arrested. It is important to ensure that your staff managing scheduling understand that an inmate will never contact them directly to schedule an appointment. Appointment scheduling will always be completed for services being authorized/paid for by MPCH through a MPCH healthcare staff member. Inmates will be escorted by MADOC correctional officers for all appointments. If a person presents without a MADOC escort, the Provider must call the MPCH Medical Management Department to determine whether the person is still incarcerated. MPCH is not financially responsible for services the person receives prior to or upon discharge from the MADOC. If you have questions, it is best to contact Medical Management regarding the inmate’s eligibility for services. MPCH is not responsible for the services provided to a newborn of a MDOC inmate. Billing and Claims General Billing Guidelines MPCH processes claims in accordance with applicable State prompt pay requirements. Physicians, other licensed health professionals, facilities, and ancillary Provider’s contract directly with MPCH for payment of covered services. It is important that Providers ensure MPCH has accurate billing information on file. Please confirm with your Provider Relations Department that the following information is current in our files: • • • • • • Practitioner or Provider Name (as noted on current W-9 form) National Provider Identifier (NPI) Tax Identification Number (TIN) Taxonomy Code Physical location address (as noted on current W-9 form) Billing name and address (if different) Providers must bill with their NPI number in box 24Jb on the CMS1500 (HCFA) or box 56 on the CMS1450 (UB04). We encourage Providers to also bill their taxonomy code in box 24Ja to avoid possible delays in processing. Claims missing the requirements will be returned and a notice sent to the Provider, creating payment delays. Such claims are not considered “clean,” and therefore cannot be accepted into our system. We recommend that Providers notify MPCH in advance, but no later than 30 days, of changes pertaining to billing information. Please submit this information on a W-9 form. Changes to a Provider’s Tax Identification Number (TIN) and/or address cannot be processed when Version 1.2 Page 14 of 25 Provider Manual conveyed via a claim form. Such changes must be communicated as noted in the Provider Update section of this manual. Claims eligible for payment must meet the following requirements: • The inmate was incarcerated on the date of service • Referral and Prior Authorization processes were followed, if applicable Paper claims must be submitted on standard CMS1500 (HCFA) and CMS1450 (UB04) red claim forms. Photo copies and faxes of claim forms will not be accepted for processing and will be returned and a notice sent to the Provider requesting resubmission. Black and white claim forms are only accepted when submitting information for a claim dispute. Payment for service is contingent upon compliance with referral and prior authorization policies and procedures, as well as the billing guidelines outlined in this manual and the Provider Billing Guide Billing the Inmate Inmates cannot be billed directly for any service or co-pay. Clean Claim Definition A clean claim is defined as a claim received by MPCH for adjudication, in a nationally accepted format in compliance with standard coding guidelines and which requires no further information, adjustment, or alteration by the provider of services in order to be processed by MPCH. The following exceptions apply to this definition: (a) a claim for which fraud is suspected; and (b) a claim for which a Third Party Resource should be responsible. Non-Clean Claim Definition A non-clean claim is defined as a submitted claim that requires further investigation or development beyond the information contained in the claim. The errors or omissions in the claim may result in: (a) a request for additional information from the Provider or other external sources to resolve or correct data omitted from the claim; (b) the need for review of additional medical records; or (c) the need for other information necessary to resolve discrepancies. In addition, non-clean claims may involve issues regarding Medical Necessity and include claims not submitted with the filing deadlines. Timely Filing Contracted Providers (in Network) must submit all original claims (first time claims) and encounters within 120 calendar days from the date of service. Non-Contracted Providers (out of Network) must submit all original claims (first time Version 1.2 Page 15 of 25 Provider Manual claims) and encounters within 120 calendar days from the date of service. The filing limit may be extended where the eligibility has been retroactively received by MPCH, up to a maximum of 365 calendar days. All corrected claims, requests for reconsideration, or claim disputes must be received within 120 calendar days from the date of notification of payment or denial is issued. Electronic Claims Submission Emdeon Payer ID - 42140 Network Providers are encouraged to participate in MPCH’s Electronic Claims/Encounter Filing Program. MPCH has the capability to receive an ANSI X12N 837 professional, institution, or encounter transaction. In addition, it has the ability to generate an ANSI X12N 835 electronic remittance advice known as an Explanation of Payment (EOP). For more information on electronic filing please call (800) 225-2573 Ext. 25525 or 314-505-6525. Providers that bill electronically are responsible for filing claims within the same filing deadlines as Providers filing paper claims. Providers that bill electronically must monitor their error reports and evidence of payments to ensure all submitted claims and encounters appear on the reports. Providers are responsible for correcting any errors and resubmitting the affiliated claims. Paper Claims Submission All paper claims and encounters should be submitted as follows: Mailing address for Paper Claims: MPCH PO Box 4090 Farmington, MO 63640-4198 Timely Filing Claims should be submitted within 120 days from date of service for consideration. Providers should expect payment within 30 days after receipt of a clean claim. General Claim Inquiries Please call 1-855-330-2330 Version 1.2 Page 16 of 25 Provider Manual Unsatisfactory or Claim Payment Concerns If a Provider has a question or is not satisfied with the information they have received related to a claim, there are effective ways in which a Provider can contact MPCH program: 1. 2. 3. 4. Submit a Corrected Claim Submit a “Request for Reconsideration” Contact a MPCH Provider Relations Representative at 1-855-330-2330 Submit a Claim Dispute. All disputed claims will be processed in compliance with the claims payment resolution procedure as described in the Provider Complaints section of this manual. Provider Relations Assistance Providers may seek assistance through our regional office staff at 1-855-330-2330 Provider Updates To ensure that we can communicate with you effectively, and to avoid any possible delay in claim payment, it is important that you notify us, in writing, as soon as you are aware of any of the following situations: Addition or termination of an office location. Addition, change, or termination of Tax Identification Number (W-9 required). Name change (W-9 may be required). Change in ownership. Change in a phone number, fax, or e-mail address. Change in office hours, panel capacity, or age limitation Provider Complaints Providers have the right to initiate a formal complaint regarding dissatisfaction with MPCH administrative policy or process. Please contact our regional office at 1-855-330-2330 and ask to speak with the Executive Director who can help you process your concern. Complaints about adverse decisions for medical services and or procedures will be reviewed by the MPCH Statewide Medical Director or the appropriate qualified medical professional(s). Provider complaints related to a medical management decision, including expressing dissatisfaction with a decision, will be handled at time of receipt. Please call the statewide medical director at 1-855-330-2330 to discuss your concern. Version 1.2 Page 17 of 25 Provider Manual MPCH Pharmacy Program MPCH covers all prescription drugs for MADOC inmates that are ordered as part of their on-site treatment plan. MPCH utilizes a formulary for provision of MADOC healthcare services. Providers are encouraged to use the approved formulary. Please contact the MPCH Regional Office for a copy of the current formulary. When making recommendations for medications as part of the inmate patient’s treatment plan, we ask that providers be knowledgeable and understanding that medications that can be easily abused or offer ‘benefits’ from the inmate standpoint, i.e., abusable narcotics, (inmate can get a ‘high’ from them) can only be recommended when the provider feels that the medication is the most medically appropriate. If medications are recommended in your treatment plan that are not on the current MPCH/MADOC formulary, the on-site practitioner will review the request and obtaining the recommended medication will require the on-site practitioner to obtain non-formulary approval. So, again, it is important to familiarize yourself and any other treating staff with the formulary. Our on-site healthcare staff are responsible for ordering, managing and administering all medications ordered for inmates in the institution. We obtain medications for all MADOC correctional facilities through an arrangement with the State Office of Pharmacy Services (SOPS). Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee The MPCH P&T Committee continually evaluates the therapeutic classes included on the formulary. The committee is composed of the MPCH Statewide Medical Director, Pharmacy Program Director, MADOC Clinical D\director and MPCH site Medical Director(s) and other appropriate medical professionals. The primary purpose of the committee is to assist in developing and monitoring the MPCH formulary and to establish programs and procedures that promote the appropriate and cost-effective use of medications. The P&T Committee schedules meetings at least quarterly. Medical Records Overview MPCH Providers must keep accurate and complete medical records that comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements. MPCH primary care providers maintain medical records for all inmates. Timely and complete provision of care information specific to inmate patient services allows MPCH on-site medical practitioners to make informed care decisions and maintain continuity of care. Also, maintenance of records by you as the Provider will enable provision of quality healthcare service to MADOC inmate patients. Specialty providers are expected to provide copies of records of services provided by the specialist for inclusion in the inmate comprehensive medical record maintained at the prison site. MPCH uses Provider medical record information as an avenue to review the quality and appropriateness of the services rendered. Provision of privacy and confidentiality of records Version 1.2 Page 18 of 25 Provider Manual for care provided to inmate patients is no different than the requirements for any patient you provide services for in the community. Massachusetts administrative regulations require Providers to maintain all records for at least 6 years after the date of medical services for which claims are made, or the date services were prescribed. Specialty physician will not provide copies of medical records to inmates. If an inmate requests a copy of his medical record the specialists should refer the inmate to the Health Services Administrator at the prison. Release of Medical Records All inmate patient medical records shall be confidential, and shall not be released without the written authorization. All requests for medical records should be referred the health service administrator at the prison. Inmates cannot be provided copies or originals of medical records information by any treating Provider or Facility. MADOC policy for acquiring medical records must be followed. Medical Records Audits MPCH routinely audits medical records maintained at the prisons including documentation provided by specialist and hospitals. MPCH may contact providers if the audit results raise questions about medical documentation provided by the specialists or hospital MPCH Medical Management Department Overview and Medical Necessity The MPCH Medical Management Department hours of operation are Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Authorization may be requested via telephone or fax. For telephone authorizations during business hours, the Provider should contact: Prior Authorization – 1-855-330-2330 Inpatient Concurrent Review – 1-855-330-2330 The MPCH Utilization Management (UM) Program is designed to ensure inmates receive access to the right care, at the right place, and at the right time. Our program is comprehensive in scope to ensure services provided are medically necessary, appropriate to the inmate’s condition, rendered in the most appropriate setting, timely, and meet nationally recognized standards of care. MPCH’s UM Program includes: Version 1.2 Page 19 of 25 Provider Manual • • • • • • Prior Authorization Concurrent Review Retrospective Review Discharge Coordination Complex Case Management Assistance with Complex Medical Release Cases Our medical management program goals include: • • • • • • • • • Healthcare based on evidence-based guidelines/practice Monitoring utilization patterns to guard against over or under utilization Development and distribution of clinical practice guidelines to Providers to promote improved clinical outcomes and satisfaction Identification and provision of intensive care and/or disease management for inmates at risk, or with complex care needs Education of Providers to promote improved clinical outcomes Coordination of care with sites to ensure implementation of programs that encourage preventive services and proactive management of chronic condition and focus on selfmanagement Focus on early identification and management of inmates with complex care needs Creation of partnerships with Providers to enhance cooperation and support for UM program goals. Coordinated discharge planning program to ensure appropriate utilization of on-site infirmary and specialized care units in order to minimize hospital length of stays Prior Authorization Overview For MPCH, the prior authorization process is driven by the on-site Medical Director or practitioner at the individual correctional facility. The on-site practitioners will initiate all requests for provision of specialty services to include any additional follow-up care or treatment recommended based on a specialty provider evaluation or follow-up visit. The on-site practitioner may request additional clinical input from the specialty Provider to document medical need for requested service(s). MPCH considers prior authorization as a request to MPCH’s Utilization Management Department for determination of medical necessity for elective services on the Prior Authorization List. This process requires completion and approval prior to the service being scheduled/delivered. Therefore, an inmate should never automatically be scheduled by the specialty provider for a follow-up visit. Follow-up appointments and requests for additional services are managed by the on-site Medical Director and practitioners. MPCH requires Prior Authorization for certain inpatient and outpatient services and treatments, as well as treatment at MPCH Designated Tertiary Facilities or when treated by Providers practicing in affiliation with those facilities. Version 1.2 Page 20 of 25 Provider Manual Always contact the MPCH Medical Management Department if there is any doubt about whether or not a service requires Prior Authorization or has been already been pre-authorized. On-Site Practitioner Referral for Specialty Service MPCH’s expectation is that on-site practitioners coordinate all ongoing healthcare services. MPCH requires a referral and prior authorization for all specialty services prior to the service being scheduled and/or provided if the service is routine or urgent in nature. Prior Authorization number will be provided by the MPCH clinical scheduling staff at the time of appointment scheduling if prior authorization is required in order to provide coverage for referrals to all specialists MPCH requires that all specialty Providers submit feedback to the referring on-site MCPH practitioner, in writing, that provides the practitioner the outcome of the examination, tests performed or recommended, and/or any treatment recommendations. Written report should include any discussion, education provided directly to the inmate patient regarding recommendations Specialist Referral to Specialist for Treatment or Second Opinion When medically necessary services are beyond the scope of the Specialist’s practice, or, when a second opinion is requested, the Specialist must collaborate with the MPCH on-site practitioner. The MPCH practitioner will be responsible for requesting authorization for the service. Process to Request Follow-Up Specialty Services Specialist should contact the MPCH referring on-site practitioner for discussion regarding additional service recommendations requested during an active appointment. Failure to contact the referring practitioner and/or MPCH utilization management staff for prior authorization of additional services may result in non-payment of those services Self-Directed Care Inmates are not allowed to self-direct care. All services provided must be approved by MPCH. If your office is contacted directly by an inmate, please contact Medical Management Department immediately to request clarification of the patient’s eligibility. Inmates upon release, are allowed to use any community provider; however, once released from the facility, MPCH will no longer be responsible for cost of services. Version 1.2 Page 21 of 25 Provider Manual Prior Authorization Response Timeline Routine Prior Authorization Requests: • Decisions shall be made within two business days of receipt of all information necessary to make a decision • The requesting practitioner will be called within 24 hours of the decision • Written notice of an approval is sent to the practitioner and site Healthcare Services Unit within two business days of the verbal notification Expedited Prior Authorization Requests: • Decisions will be made as soon as possible taking into account medical urgency and always within two business days • The requesting practitioner will be called within one business day of the decision • Written notice of an approval is sent to the practitioner and site Healthcare Services Unit within two business days of the verbal notification • Notification of an adverse determination is sent to the practitioner and site Healthcare Unit within 24 hours after the decision and no later than 72 hours after the receipt of the request • The decision timeframe may be extended if necessary, once, up to 48 hours if MPCH utilization management staff are unable to render a determination based on lack of information required to complete the review. Medical Necessity MPCH defines Medical Necessity as healthcare services that are consistent with generally accepted principles of professional medical practice as determined by whether: a) The service or level of service is the most appropriate available considering potential benefits and harms to the inmate patient b) Service is known to be effective, based on scientific evidence, professional standards and expert opinion in improving health outcomes c) For services and interventions not in widespread use, services are based on scientific evidence and are the least intensive and most cost-effective available. Review Criteria MPCH has adopted the utilization review criteria developed by McKesson InterQual Products Specialists representing a national panel from community-based and academic practice, to determine Medical Necessity for non-emergency inpatient and outpatient services. InterQual criteria are applied to: • Medical and surgical admissions • Select outpatient procedures • Ancillary services Criteria are established, periodically evaluated and updated with appropriate involvement from Version 1.2 Page 22 of 25 Provider Manual physicians of Centurion’s Medical Management Services and the Centurion Quality Improvement Committee. InterQual is utilized as a screening guide and is not intended to be a substitute for practitioner judgment. Utilization review decisions are made in accordance with currently accepted medical or healthcare practices, taking into account special circumstances of each case that may require deviation from the norm in the screening criteria. Criteria are used for the approval of Medical Necessity, but not for the denial of services. The MPCH Statewide Medical Director or designee is the only individual authorized to make adverse determinations. Providers may request an appeal related to a Medical Necessity decision made during the authorization or concurrent review process. The appeal may be submitted at 1-855-330-2330 Requirements for Providers to Notify MPCH Medical Management Department Emergency Services Prior authorization is not required; however, MPCH Medical Management Department should be notified within one business day of admission to the Emergency Department and/or subsequent hospitalization secondary to the Emergency Department visit. Notification should include clinical information related to the emergency services and/or need for hospital admission. Notification of Observation Stays It is the responsibility of the receiving hospital and/or Emergency Department to notify MPCH Medical Management Department of all Observation Stays Definition of Observation Stay • • • • • Version 1.2 If an inmate patient’s clinical symptoms do not meet criteria for an inpatient admission, but the treating Physician believes that allowing the inmate patient to leave the facility would likely put the inmate patient at serious risk, he/she may be admitted to the facility for an Observation Stay. Such stays should be reviewed with the MPCH on-site or on-call practitioner or MPCH Medical Management Department (Monday through Friday during business hours) to obtain authorization for inpatient stay and initiate discharge planning discussions to ensure inmate patient care cannot be managed by an on-site MADOC infirmary Observation Services are those services furnished on a hospital’s premises, including use of a bed and periodic monitoring by a hospital’s nurse or other staff These services are reasonable and necessary to: o Evaluate an acutely ill condition o Determine the need for a possible inpatient hospital admission o Provide aggressive treatment for an acute condition. Observation stays may last a maximum of 48 hours If an inmate patient begins treatment in observation status and then transitions to an inpatient stay, all incurred observation charges and services will be rolled into the Page 23 of 25 Provider Manual acute inpatient reimbursement rate, or as designated by the contractual arrangement with MPCH. Observation is not separately reimbursed when the stay results in an inpatient admission. Concurrent Review MPCH utilization management (UM) staff perform ongoing concurrent review for all inpatient admissions. MPCH UM staff will review the treatment and status of all inmate patients receiving inpatient services through contact with the hospital’s Care Management Department and the attending Physician, when necessary. On-site and telephonic models are utilized to conduct utilization review in collaboration with the hospital Care Management Department. An inpatient stay will be reviewed as indicated by the diagnosis and response to treatment. The review will include evaluation of the current status, proposed plan of care, discharge plan, and any subsequent diagnostic testing or procedures. Inpatient concurrent review authorization decisions are made within one calendar day of receipt of all necessary information and Providers are verbally informed of the decision within one calendar day of the decision. Written or electronic notification includes the number of days of service approved, and the next review date. In the case of a denial of service days: • • • • Written notices are sent within one business day of the verbal notification All existing approved services will be continued without liability to the until the Provider has been notified of an adverse determination MPCH UM staff will work directly with the hospital’s Care Management Department to facilitate discharge back to an appropriate MADOC level of care facility Notices will contain information on how to appeal Discharge Planning Discharge planning activities are expected to be initiated upon admission. The MPCH UM staff will coordinate the discharge planning efforts with the hospital’s Care Management Department, and when necessary, the attending Physician in order to ensure that inmate patient receives appropriate post-hospital discharge care. It should be noted that MADOC infirmaries can provide a skilled level of services to inmate patients supporting earlier discharges from the hospital. Hospital Care Management Departments are encouraged to develop understanding of level of care and services that can be provided by MPCH/MADOC on-site infirmaries. This level of understanding will assist in promoting coordination of discharge planning with MPCH UM staff. Version 1.2 Page 24 of 25 Provider Manual Retrospective Review Retrospective review occurs when an initial review of the services provided to an inmate patient occurs after the date of service. This is sometimes necessary because authorization and/or timely notification were not obtained prior to the service delivery due to extenuating circumstances. Routinely this process encompasses services performed by a Provider when there was no opportunity for concurrent review. However, retrospective review is also performed on active cases where an appropriate authorization decision cannot be made concurrently within the required timeframe due to lack of clinical information. For cases that qualify for a retrospective review, a decision is made within 30 calendar days of receipt of all necessary information. Summary The information presented in this Provider Manual is meant to present to Specialty providers and their staff an overview of coordinating services with MPCH. Specific questions should be directed to MPCH Medical Management Department staff. Version 1.2 Page 25 of 25