Prisoner Support Directory Prison Activist Resource Center 2008
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PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 PO BOX 70447 OAKLAND, CA 94612 Marie B. Choi Pat Foley Max Harris madrone phoenix Taeva Shefler Community Advisory Board Rose Braz B♀ (rita d. brown) Angela Davis Linda Evans Pam Fadem Ruthie Gilmore Holmes Hummel Dorsey Nunn Andrea Pritchett Frances Free Ramos Elihu Rosenblatt Prison Advisory Board Marilyn Buck Mdume Olatushani Yvonne Roach Dr. Mutulu Shakur The Angola 3: Albert Woodfox, (510) 893-4648 PLEASE NOTE ADDRESS CHANGE! Core Volunteers B♀ (rita d. brown) 1 Greetings, March 2008 We hope this mail finds you well in body and spirit, and keeping up the struggle. This is the 2008 edition of the PARC Resource Directory, which includes suggestions and referrals from prisoners. Please note our address has changed. We thank those of you who have trusted us with your letters and stories, who returned the evaluation forms, and passed the directory on for others to use. We apologize for this form letter, but as you can imagine, we get far more requests for help and information than we can respond to individually. PARC is an all-volunteer organization with no paid staff. We thank you for your patience. Be advised it may take us 3-4 months to respond. We sent you this directory as part of PARC’s Prisoner Solidarity Project. Enclosed you will find a packet of helpful resources, including a directory of organizations, prison literature projects, referrals to some pen pal groups, legal resources, and other information. Some new groups have been added to the 2007 directory; some have been dropped; and many addresses or phone numbers have been changed, so please check this new edition. Over the past year, PARC has also been involved in a project to document toxic exposure and other environmental and human rights abuses in prison work programs, and to shut down a Department of Justice-owned corporation; for more information see page 20. Some of you may be inquiring about our big National Directory with listings for all 50 states. We are still working on an updated version, but we hope to have it online in .pdf format soon. We are also considering publishing options that might enable us to send it inside. Let us know if there are specific types of information you need that you don’t find in the enclosed packet. We are not a law office or a legal referral service; we cannot give any legal advice. Please contact any of those listed in the packet for more assistance. Our aim is to assist you with information and contacts you need, but also to help get the voices of prisoners out to the public. We are always looking for ways to inspire grassroots activism and to engage more people in the struggle. We always need information on prison conditions, so we welcome reports and group complaints regarding medical neglect, brutality, prison slave labor, or other issues. Please send us information to be publicized; we do publish some letters on our website. If we can use your name and/or mailing address, please sign and return the evaluation form or write to us with explicit permission to do so. We understand that many prisoners may prefer not to publish under their own name. In that case, we will only identify by state and date if we excerpt something from your letter. Please note: we do not keep a database of the prisoners we correspond with. For any further correspondence, please clearly label the outside of your envelope or postcard “Second Contact—No Packet Needed. Stamps and monetary support are needed and welcomed; please do not send selfaddressed stamped envelopes. To those on the outside: feel free to copy and distribute this directory as widely as possible. If in the area, come visit us! There is always work to be done. Herman Wallace, and Stay strong, and keep in touch. Remember that it takes all of us united and working together to build a more humane and very different world. Robert King In solidarity towards justice, Wilkerson (free!) PARC! This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 NATIONAL ADVOCACY ORGANIZATIONS Alliance of Incarcerated Canadians/Foreigners in American Prisons (AICAP) 16770 S. Watertower Dr. #166860 Kincheloe, MI 49788 V: 416-968-9417 UPDATED! The American Arab AntiDiscrimination Committee (ADC) 1732 Wisconsin Ave NW Washington DC 20007 V: 202-244-2990 Write to report incidents of discrimination. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) National Prison Project th 915 15th St. NW 7 Floor Washington DC 20005 V: 202-393-4930 Write for list of publications and the contact info for the ACLU office in your state. ACLU of Texas Prison and Jail Accountability Project P.O. Box 12905 Austin, TX 78711-2905 V: 512-478-7300 F: 512-478-7303 Write for their free 49-page Prisoner Resource Guide (available on their website). Contains "summaries of the law on common prisoner problems" and extensive listings of advocacy groups for Texas prisoners. UPDATED! American Friends Service Committee Prisoners Resource Center 89 Market Street, 6th floor Newark, NJ 07102 V: 973-643-2205 F: 973-643-8924 Has criminal justice programs in various states. Parole & post-release services offered. Anarchist Black Cross P.O. Box 667233 Houston, TX 77266-7233 Write for their "ABC Information and Resources Guide" (available for download on their website). Contains essays on the 2 politics of the ABC and addresses for local chapters that do prisoner support. UPDATED! Barrios Unidos 1817 Soquel Avenue Santa Cruz, CA 95062 V: 831-457-8208 F: 831-457-0389 Post-release services. Performs Pow-wow/ Cinco De Mayo/Juneteenth ceremonies at Tracy and info packet related to cultural traditions. Battered Women's Justice Project Criminal Justice Office 2104 4th Ave. South, Suite B Minneapolis, MN 55404 V: 612-824-8768 or 800-903-0111 ext. 1 F: 612-824-8965 We provide assistance and information to battered women charged with crimes and to their defense teams. We do not provide direct legal representation. Women in prison can subscribe to our newsletter "Double Time" for free. California Coalition for Women Prisoners 1540 Market St. #6 San Francisco, CA 94102 V: 415-255-7036 ext. 314 F: 415-522-3150 Runs and action center and produces newsletter “The Fire Inside” California Prison Focus 2940 16th St. #B5 San Francisco CA 94103 V: 415-252-9211 F: 415-252-9311 Provides several different services, including advocacy, investigations into control units in the CA prison system, visits and limited family support. Write for quarterly newsletter “Prison Focus.” Chicano Mexicano Prison Project PO Box 620095 San Diego, CA 92162 ml Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE) National Office P.O. Box 2310 National Capitol Station Washington DC 20013-2310 V: 202-789-2126 This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 A prisoner advocacy group with chapters in all 50 states. Write for contact info for the CURE chapter in your state. Coalition for Prisoners’ Rights Prison Project of Santa Fe PO Box 1911 Santa Fe, NM 87504 V: 505-982-9520 Monthly newsletter free to currently and formally incarcerated individual and family members. Stamps and donations needed. UPDATED! Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition 1212 Mariposa St. #6 Denver, CO 80204 V: 303-825-0122 F: 303-825-0304 A network of organizations, faith communities, and individuals working to reverse the trend of mass incarceration in Colorado. Quarterly newsletter: ‘Colorado Justice Report’. Re-entry guide for parolees, referrals & community resource list. " UPDATED! Critical Resistance: Beyond the Prison Industrial Complex National Office: 1904 Franklin St. Ste. 504 Oakland, CA 94612 V: 510-444-0484 Northeast Regional Office: 976 Longwood Ave., Bronx, NY 10459 v: 718-676-1672 Southern Regional Office: 930 N. Broad St. New Orleans, LA, 70119 V: 504-304-3792 Critical Resistance provides information on the prison industrial complex and produces quarterly newspaper “The Abolitionist.” Please do not contact for legal help. CR has chapters in Baltimore, Chicago, Gainesville, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York City, Tampa-St. Petersburg, and Washington DC. UPDATED! Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Inc. 2212 6th St. Berkeley, CA 94710 V: 510-644-2555 F: 510-841-8645 Provides assistance to state prison inmates concerning medical access, provides referrals throughout nation. Write for list of publications on disability civil rights and 3 newsletter subscription. UPDATED! Drug Policy Alliance 818 Bancroft Way Berkeley, CA 94710 V: 510-208-7711 F: 510-208-7722 One of the leading U.S. organizations promoting alternatives to the war on drugs, with extensive on-line library, reports on drug policy reform by state, public health alternatives to criminalization, and more. Free Battered Women 1540 Market St., Suite 490 San Francisco, CA 94102 V: 415-255-7036 ext. 320 F: 415-552-3150 "In California, the majority of women prisoners are survivors of domestic violence; some are doing time for defending themselves and their children, or were forced to confess to crimes. Join the movement to free battered women from prison." NEW! Heart of the Earth Survival School Prison Program National Indian Prisoner Support Network C/o Ted Means, Vernon Bellecourt 1209 Fourth St, S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55414 NEW! Human Rights Coalition Human Rights Coalition 4134 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19104 V: 215.387.6155 e: The Human Rights Coalition (HRC) was founded in 2001 based on the radical notion that there was a vital segment of the population missing from the organizing work against prisons: the families and loved ones of the over two million prisoners in this country. Not just as spokespeople or tokens, but in decision-making positions, deciding what campaigns to do and what issues to address. Incarcerated brothers took this idea, and asked their family members as well as some supporters to take the lead in building such an organization, and the HRC was born. UPDATED! The Jericho Movement P.O. Box 1272 NY, NY 10113 V: 718-949-5153 This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 The Jericho Movement is a political prisoner support group working towards prison abolition. Justice Now 1322 Webster St, Suite 210 Oakland, CA 94612 V: 510-839-7654 F: 510-839-7615 Focuses soley on the needs of women prisoners. They work on alternative `sentencing, document human rights abuses in prison, and their Building a World without Prisons project (works with women prisoners to get their words and art in the media) UPDATED! Malcolm X Grassroots Movement 1-877-248-6095 “The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement is an organization of Afrikans in America/New Afrikans whose mission is to defend the human rights of our people and promote self-determination in our community.” NYC Office: 36A Ralph Ave Brooklyn, NY 11221 V: 718-254-8800 Mississippi Office: PO Box 16051 Jackson, MS 39236 V: 601-353-5566 Alabama Office: 119 Third Ave West Birmingham, AL 35204 V: 205-910-7952 California Office: PO Box 3585 Oakland, CA 94609 Georgia Office: 123 Main St, Atlanta, GA 12345 Middle Ground Prison Reform 139 East Encanto Dr. Tempe AZ 85281 V: 480-966-8116 Working for Arizona's prisoners and their families since 1983. Main areas of activity are: 1) public education about the need for criminal justice reform 2) legislative advocacy on behalf of prisoners and their visitors 3) litigation to protect and define the rights and responsibilities of prisoners and their supporters 4) referral to community resources for ex-offenders. Spanishspeaking volunteers available. The National Center on Institutions and Alternatives (NCIA) 7222 Ambassador Rd. Baltimore, MD 21244 V: 410-265-1490 NCIA offers parole advocacy services to inmates seeking parole, transfer between 4 institutions, or death penalty mitigations. UPDATED! National Center for Lesbian Rights Provides legal referrals for LGBTQQII… California Office: 870 Market St. Suite 370 San Francisco, CA 94102 V: 415-392-6257 Florida Office: 3170 Third Ave North St. Petersburg, FL 33713 V: 727-490-4260 Washington, DC Office 1325 Massachusetts Ave NW #600 Washington, DC 20005 V: 202-737-0012 NEW! National Native American Prisoners Rights/Advocacy Coalition C/o Len Foster Navajo Nation Corrections Project P.O. Drawer 709 Window Rock, AZ 86515 National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights th 310 8 St., Suite 303 Oakland, CA 94607 V: 510-465-1984 F: 510-465-1885 Helps monitor and share information to build campaigns against immigration raids, police collaboration with immigration enforcement, abuses by immigration police or other law enforcement agents, and BICE and other DHS activity in workplaces, neighborhoods, and public spaces. The Network/ La RED Ending Abuse in Lesbian, Bisexual Women’s and Transgender Communities P.O. Box 6011 Boston, MA 02114 V: 617-695-0877; hotline: 617-423-SAFE Services include confidential hotline, emergency shelter, advocacy, and free support groups for lesbians, bisexual women, and transgender folks fleeing domestic violence. The November Coalition 282 West Astor Colville, WA 99114 V: 509-684-1550 An organization of drug war prisoners and their loved ones. Their goal is to enlighten the public about unjust sentencing laws and the destructive increase in the US prison population. They publish "The Razor Wire", $6/yr. for prisoners. This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 5 UPDATED! Partnership for Safety & Justice (formerly Western Prison Project) P.O. Box 40085 Portland, OR 97240-0085 V. 503-335-8449 F: 503-232-1922 Advocacy group working with prisoners, families, and grassroots groups in OR, WA, ID, MT, UT, NV, and WY. Publishes quarterly "Justice Matters" as well as a Prisoner Support Directory. Founded in 1976 to 1) fight the death penalty and 2) challenge cruel and unconstitutional treatment of imprisoned men, women, and children throughout the U.S South. Center attorneys represent people facing the death penalty; provide technical assistance to other attorneys; and represent individuals confined to prisons and jail in federal class action litigation. Pennsylvania Prison Society 245 N. Broad St., Ste. 300 Philadelphia, PA 19107-1518 V: 215-564-6005 or 1-800-227-2307 Does advocacy work, including prison visits and publishes “Graterfriends,” a monthly newsletter for people in prison which is primarily inmate guided. South Dakota Prisoner Support Group P.O. Box 3285 Rapid City, SD 57709 V: 605-399-1830 PrisonerSupportGroup/ Following a rash of deaths in South Dakota prisons, the PSG was formed to support people on the inside, ex-prisoners, family, and friends, and to draw attention to racist injustice, medical neglect, and illegal conditions inside S.D. prisons and jails. Some members speak the Sioux language. UPDATED! Prison & Jail Project 217 Forrest St. Americus, GA 31709-3943 V: 229-928-2080 Monitors prison and jail conditions in SW Georgia only, publishes the newsletter "Freedom ways." UPDATED! Prisoner Information Network Behind the Wire Prisoner Information Network 235 West 100 South Salt Lake City UT 84101 V: 801-355-0234 Began in 1995, when a small group of Utah state prisoners, their families, and other allies organized a coalition to give voice and information to Utah's incarcerated. Habla Español. NEW! Transgender, Gender Variant, and Intersex (TGI) Justice Project 1095 Market St., Suite 308 SF, CA 94103 V: 415-252-1444 F: 415-252-1554 The TGI Justice Project works mainly with prisoners in CA; they work on alternative sentencing, writing advocacy letters trying to help transgender prisoners get access to hormones, finding attorneys and preparing cases for attorneys. Prisoners can send confidential legal mail to the above address, c/o Alexander Lee, Attorney at Law. ART AND MUSIC PROGRAMS UPDATED! Project for Older Prisoners C/o Jonathan Turley George Washington University Law School 2000 H Street NW Washington, DC 20052 V: 202-994-7001 / 202-994-0537 Law students interview and evaluate older and geriatric inmates in obtaining parole or other forms of release from incarceration. Operates in five states LA, MD, MI, NC, VA and DC. Art Behind Bars, Inc. P.O. Box 2034 Key West, FL 33045-2034 V: 305-304-4772 F: 305-294-7345 Art Behind Bars is an art-based community service program that has a national call for artists on the inside to donate their work as a community service for use by other nonprofit organizations. All donated art is shown twice a year. Ex-prisoners are invited to submit art to Art After Bars at the same contact. Southern Center for Human Rights 83 Poplar St. NW Atlanta, GA 30303-2122 V: 404-688-1202 F: 408-688-9440 UPDATED! Keeping the Faith: The Prison Project The Pat Graney Company This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 1419 South Jackson Street Studio 11 Seattle, WA 98144 V: 206-522-8151 Founded in 1995, "Keeping the Faith: The Prison Project" is a series of workshops with incarcerated women in WA, MA, FL, and Brazil focusing on writing, movement, and performance skills provided through lecture demonstrations, performances, and classes. Outside In P.O. BOX 5714 Santa Fe, NM 87502 V: 505-986-6054 Brings free live music and performing arts presentations to prisons and juvenile detention centers in New Mexico. A great organization to contact if starting an arts program anywhere in the country. Prison Art PO Box 69586 Seattle, WA 98168-09586 The Prison Art Project Provides an online outlet for the sale of crafts and artwork created by prisoners. Do not submit original art. Send a SASE for a free brochure and instructions. Prison Art P.O. Box 69586 Seattle, WA 98168-9586 Produces monthly catalog of prisoner art “Art for Justice”; maintains walk-in gallery and occasional events. Write for info. NEW! Prisons Foundation 1600 K Street NW #501 Washington DC 20036 V: 202-393-1511 Prison Creative Arts Project (PCAP) 3187 Angell Hall Ann Arbor, MI 48109 V: 734-647-7673 F: 734-763-3128 PCAP facilitates fine arts, creative writing, and theatre workshops in juvenile detention centers and prisons. Organizes/curates annual art exhibit by Michigan prisoners, with all income going back to the artists. BOOKS AND READING 6 PROJECTS Many thanks to the Books4Prisoners Crew, who put together most of this list; be sure to order their fine Resource Directory! UPDATED! AK Press 674-A 23rd St. Oakland, CA 94612 V: 510-208-1700 AK Press publishes and distributes a wide variety of radical literature and audio, many directly relating to prisoner and policing issues. Many titles are written by prisoners themselves. Offers prisoners a 30% discount on any/all purchases. Distributes some Spanish language titles but do not have a Spanish language catalog. UPDATED! American Bible Society 1865 Broadway New York NY 10023-7505 V: 1-800-32-BIBLE Free bibles including large print and study guides. They can arrange with a chaplain to have books sent if necessary. Will send books in Spanish upon request. Rock of Ages Prison Ministry Prisoners Bible Institute P.O. Box 2308 Cleveland, TN 37320 V: 423-479-3243 Free King James Bible, correspondence course. Offers New Testament study course through the PBI. UPDATED! Asheville Prison Books Programs C/o The Readers Corner 31 Montford Avenue Asheville, NC 28801 V: 828-254-3025 Sends books to individual prisoners in the Southeast only. Also sends their National Prisoners Resource Directory to prisoners anywhere in the US. Free to inmates; donations gladly accepted! Can sometimes provide books in Spanish. Association for Research and Enlightenment Prison Outreach Program 215 67th St. Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061 V: 1-800-333-4499 Books about the life and work of Edgar Cayce, meditation, and reincarnation. This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 Prisoners are limited to one book every two months. No catalog; when you write, give them an idea of what topics you are interested in. Barre Center for Buddhist Studies 194 Lockwood Rd. Barre, MA 01005 V: 978-355-2347 We provide free books, in the Theravada Buddhist tradition. UPDATED! Books 2 Prisoners C/o Iron Rail Bookstore and Publishing 511 Marigny St., New Orleans, LA New Orleans LA 70117 V: 504-944-0366 Books 4 Prisoners Crew C/o Monkey’s Retreat Bookstore P.O. Box 19065 Cincinnati, OH 45219 Free books to prisoners in Ohio, Indiana, and Texas only. Sends “Inside Out: A Resource Guide for the Incarcerated” to all US prisoners, send 85 cents in stamps, embossed envelopes, or money order made out to Books for Prisoners. Free world, send $6. Does not accept county jail prisoners’ requests from outside of Ohio. UPDATED! Book ‘Em 5125 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15224 V: 412- 361-3022 Free books to prisoners. Request by subject. A prisoner-published magazine, Hubris from Somerset state prison is available for a small fee. Books Through Bars 4722 Baltimore Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19143 V: 215-727-8170 Sends progressive political and educational materials at no charge to state and federal prisoners in ALL states except MI and OR. Donates books directly to county jail libraries but does not accept individual requests from county jail prisoners. Request books by topic. No catalog. Donations including artwork and stamps greatly appreciated. 7 172 Allen Street NY, NY 10002 V: 212-254-3697 x. 322 Ships to prisoners nationwide. Specializes in political and history books. Occasionally sends fiction and educational books. No religious literature. Donations of stamps and cash are appreciated. If you send a money order, please make it out to the group’s fiscal sponsor, ABC No Rio. UPDATED! Books Through Bars—Ithaca C/o Autumn Leaves Bookstore nd 115 The Commons, 2 fl. Ithaca, NY 14850 V: 607-645-0250 An all-volunteer operated, community-based organization that sends books mainly to the most populated states: NY, TX, FL, CA, PA. Ships to many other states throughout the country as well. Books to Prisoners C/o Left Bank Books 92 Pike St., Box A Seattle, WA 98101 Free books to prisoners nationwide. Request by subject, no religious materials or legal materials. Donations appreciated. Does NOT ship to prisons that require all books sent to be new. Chicago Books to Women in Prison C/o Beyond Media Education 7013 N. Glenwood Ave. Chicago, IL 60626 Free books to women prisoners only in CT, FL, IL, IN, MS, and OH. UPDATED! DC Prison Book Project C/o Quixote Center P.O. Box 5243 Hyattsville, MD 20782 V: 301-699-0042 Sends donated reading material to prisoners and educates the public about issues surrounding prisoner education and literacy. Gainesville Books for Prisoners P.O. Box 12164 Gainesville, FL 32604 V: 352-870-4006 1/01/13.29.05.htm Covers prisoners nationwide. Accepts requests by topic of interest only. UPDATED! Books Through Bars—NYC C/o Bluestockings Bookstore This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 8 Human Kindness Foundation Prison Ashram Project P.O. Box 61619 Durham, NC 27715 V: 919-383-5160 Sends spiritual books free to prisoners, prison workers, and those who cannot afford them. You can receive 2 free books and a catalogue of other “hard to find” spiritual books. Provides one book written in Spanish. V: 812-323-7395 Write for catalog. Offers 50% discount to prisoners on some titles. Inside Books Project th C/o 12 St. Books th 827 W. 12 St. Austin, TX 78701 V: 512-647-4803 Sends free books and literature to prisoners in Texas only. Does not accept requests for hardcover, Bibles, pulp fiction, or pornography. Send 1 37-cent stamp for resource list and newsletter. Accepts artwork donations for their yearly prisoner art show. Midwest Pages to Prisoners Project C/o Boxcar Books 310-A S. Washington St. Bloomington, IN 47401 V: 812-339-8710 No California prisoner requests. Islamic Education Center 2551 Massachusetts Ave. NW Washington DC 20008 V: 202-332-8343 F: 202-234-5035 Free Koran and beginner or advanced study guides. Can do return mail care of the chaplain. Provides written information in Arabic and English. Jewish Prisoner Services International P.O. Box 85840 Seattle, WA 98145-1840 V: 206-985-0577 Emergency Collect Phone: 206-528-0363 Offers the Jewish Bible, prayer books, and other books of Jewish history and culture to Jewish inmates only. Materials available in Hebrew. Maoist International Movement P.O. Box 29670 Los Angeles, CA 90029 MIM is a revolutionary anti-imperialist group fighting criminal injustice, helping prisoners to organize and educate themselves. Sends books to prisoners, and offers prisoners free subscription to our newspaper MIM Notes. NEW! Microcosm Publishing 222 S. Rogers St. Bloomington, IN 47404 Midwest Books to Prisoners C/o Quimby’s Bookstore 1573 North Milwaukee Ave., PMB 460 Chicago, IL 60622 Free books to Midwest prisoners. UPDATED! Prison Book Program C/o Lucy Parsons Bookstore 1306 Hancock St., Suite 100 Quincy, MA 02169 V: 617-423-3298 (No collect calls) Does not send books to CA, MA, MD, MI, PA, KY, LA, NV or TX. No computer books, horror, romance, textbooks, true crime, or white supremacist materials. Publishes the National Prisoner Resource List (free to prisoners nationwide) and resource list for LGBTQ prisoners. Can be delayed up to 3 or 4 months. Prison Book Project C/o Food for Thought Books P.O. Box 396 Amherst, MA 01004-0396 V: 413-584-8975 ext. 208 Serves prisoners in New England and TX only. Request books by subject. No mailing list or catalogue; no hardback books. Prison Literature Project 2022 Blake St. Berkeley, CA 94704 No Texas or Oregon requests. Request by subject. Stamps or donations greatly appreciated. UPDATED! The Prison Library Project 915 C West Foothill Blvd., Suite PMB 128 Claremont, CA 91711- 3356 V: 909-626-3066 This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 Free books on self-help, personal and spiritual growth, wellness, and metaphysical books. No law books, technical, or GED. No catalogue. Free resource guide on request. South End Press 7 Brookline St. # 1 Cambridge, MA 02139-4146 V: 1-800-533-8478 Radical publisher with wide range selections, including 1994 anthology (Criminal Injustice) edited by PARC founder Eli Rosenblatt. 50% discount to prisoners. Urbana-Champaign Books to Prisoners Project C/o Spineless Books P.O. Box 515 Urbana, IL 61803 V: 217-344-8820 Sends various books to state & federal prisoners in Illinois. Has large selection of novels. Women’s Prison Book Project C/o Arise Bookstore 2441 Lyndale Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55405 V: 612-721-3723 DEATH PENALTY RESOURCES Campaign to End the Death Penalty P.O. Box 25730 Chicago, IL 60625 V: 773-955-4841 A national grassroots abolitionist organization that works with prisoners, family members and organizers. It has a penpal program for prisoners on death row and also publishes a newsletter called The New Abolitionist (free to prisoners). They have chapters around the country; write or check website for regional offices. Death Penalty Focus 870 Market St. # 859 San Francisco, CA 94102 V: 415-243-0143 f: 415-243-0994 Dedicated to abolishing capital punishment through grassroots organizing, media outreach, nationwide coalition building, and education of political and civic leaders and the public about the death penalty and its 9 alternatives. Does not offer any legal services or become involved in individual legal cases. NEW! D.R.I.V.E. Movement Founded by Death Row prisoners, the DRIVE movement seeks to unite the Death Row community to push forward and initiate change in the conditions. Through DRIVE we have organized a group of passionate prisoner activists who have put aside all minor barriers of ethnicity, creed, color and beliefs, to focus on the injustices forced upon us by this system. Resists by means of inner-resistance, outer-petition drives, protests, direct actions, and hunger strikes. Death Row Support Project P.O. Box 600 Dept. P Liberty Mills, IN 46946 V: 260-982-7480 Offers pen-pal services to death row inmates only. Can connect Spanishspeaking pen-pals on a limited basis. National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty th 1705 Desales Street, NW 5 Floor Washington DC 20036 V: 202-331-4090 F: 202-331-4099 Publishes the "Abolitionist Directory" for $3 and "Lifelines", a quarterly newspaper about what's going on in the struggle for prison abolition. Puts out a monthly newsletter called the "National Execution Alert" which focuses on the scheduled executions for the next month, giving a brief background of the case with addresses of people to write to fight to stop the execution. Damamli Publishing Co. 25-A Crescent Drive, Suite 171 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 Publishes the autobiography of Stanley “Tookie” Williams, Blue Rage, Black Redemption available for $28.49 (includes shipping). CA residents add 8.25% sales tax. Book is trade paperback. V: 925-705-3027 NEW! Stanley Tookie Williams Legacy Network c/o Neighborhood House of North Richmond This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 rd 820 23 St. Richmond, CA 94804 Stan Tookie Williams was the co-founder of the Los Angeles Crips. In 1981 he was convicted of murdering four people and sentenced to death row at San Quentin Sate Prison. He was executed on 12/13/05. He became a famous activist struggling against the death penalty and to overcome gang violence, and fought up to his death bed. He drafted the Tookie Protocol for Peace, a national street peace initiative. This is a framework for peace between gangs. This Legacy network was founded to achieve Tookie’s last wishes, including violence prevention education, literacy projects, and work for social justice, including abolishing the death penalty. Go online and read the Protocol for Peace! Sign it and pass it along! Also read about his case at FAMILY AND VISITING RESOURCES UPDATED! Aid to Children of Imprisoned Mothers, Inc. (AIM) 691 Garibaldi Street SW Atlanta, GA 30310 V: 404-223-1200 F: 404-755-3294 An advocacy group for incarcerated mothers. AIM can provide helpful information for all women in prison who have children but can only provide social services in the Atlanta area. Aid to Inmate Mothers (AIM) P.O. Box 986 Montgomery, AL 36101-0986 V: 334-262-2245 or 1-800-679-0246 F: 334-262-2296 Aid to Inmate Mothers provides visitation and other services for Alabama's inmate mothers and their children. Family and Friends of People Incarcerated Roberta Franklin, Director 2243 Ajax Street Montgomery, AL 36108 V: 334-220-4670 or 334-834-9592 Center for the Children of Incarcerated Parents P.O. Box 41-286 Eagle Rock, CA 90041 10 V: 626-449-2470 Provides free educational material for incarcerated parents and their children, as well as therapeutic services, family reunification services, and related information. Many services are free. Families of Parchman Prison Inmates P.O. Box 2174 Starkville, MS 39760 V: 662-323-5878 html We serve as a support center to anyone who has a family member incarcerated or recently released from Parchman and any other prison in Mississippi. Friends and Family of Louisiana's Incarcerated Children 188 Williamsburg Street Lake Charles, LA 70605 V: 337-562-8503 FFLIC is fighting for the closure of Swanson and Jetson Centers for Youth and for an increase in community-based services that help our children grown and thrive in their own homes and communities. NEW! Families United for Prison Reform 12625 Frederick St. #I5-141, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 v: 951-210-9149 FU4PR is sponsoring two initiatives for the 2008 general election in California to increase prisoner rights and sentencing. Families United for Reform Prison Ministry General Board of Global Ministries The United Methodist Church 475 Riverside Drive NY, NY 10115 V: 1-800-862-4246 Helps prisoners' families with visitation, transportation vendors, parole board information, and children's events. Offers services and information in Spanish. Family and Corrections Network 32 Oak Grove Rd. Palmyra, VA 22963 V: 434-589-3036 F: 434-589-6520 Provides information about programs serving families of prisoners. Publishes FCN report tri-annually, which focuses on a topic This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 important to families with prisoners. Offers technical "program design" assistance and training. Also offers pamphlets to Incarcerated Fathers and Children of Prisoners. Limited written info in French. UPDATED! Family Support America 307 West 200 S, Suite 2004 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Provides information about family programs, including prison projects Hour Children, Inc. 36-11A 12th St. Long Island, NY 11106 V: 718-433-4724 Mission is to support mothers and their children. Provides resources and services outside and inside NY state prisons. Provides services in Spanish. UPDATED! The Incarcerated Mothers Program Edwin Gould Services for Children 1968 2nd Ave. 2nd floor New York NY 10029 V: 212-876-0367 Provides advocacy, foster care prevention, counseling, and vocational training. Also runs "Achievers' Girls and Boys Shine" program for children ages 9-19 whose parents have been or are incarcerated, Saturday activity groups, and "Grandparents as Parents" support group. Justice Works Community 1012 8th Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11215 V: 718-499-6704 F: 718-832-2832 Sponsors "Mothers in Prison, Children in Crisis" campaign to end mandatory minimum sentencing for drug law violations. National Institute of Corrections, Information Center 791 N. Chambers Road Aurora, CO 80011 V: 1-800-877-1461 F: 303-682-0558 Provides the "Directory of Programs Serving Families of Adult Offenders" to prison libraries, chaplains, and prisoners' families, not directly to prisoners. Prisoner Visitation and Support (PVS) 1501 Cherry Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 V: 215-241-7117 F: 215-241-7227 11 Provides institutional visits to prisoners only in federal and military prisons nationwide. Limited services for Spanish-speaking prisoners. Prison Calls Online (Formerly known as Tele-Net Inc.) P.O. Box 620909 Oviedo, FL 32762 V: 1-888-925-1400 / 7800 F: 1-888-921-8500 Helps families pay less for their collect prison calls. NEW! San Francisco Children of Incarcerated Parents Partnership. P.O. Box 293, 1563 Solano Ave., Berkeley, CA, 94707. 2.4 million U.S. children have a parent behind bars today. The partnership formed to improve the lives of incarcerated children and to demand a “Bill of Rights” for them, downloadable from the website in English and Spanish. Women's Prison Association and Hooper Home 110 Second Ave. New York NY 10003 V: 212-674-1163 F: 212-677-1981 Provides foster care prevention, counseling, and housing placement assistance. HEALTH CARE / MEDICAL NEGLECT/AIDS AND HEP C RESOURCES AIDS Educational Project C/o ACLU National Prison Project 733 15th Street. NW Suite 620 Washington DC 20005 V: 202-393-4930 Serves as a national resource center to provide educational materials and legal information about AIDS in prison. Offers class action and litigation for prisoners. Provides free packet of information to prisoners, including educational pamphlet. (in English and Spanish, single copies free to prisoners) and a comprehensive "AIDS and Prison Bibliography" for $10. AIDS in Prison Project The Osborne Association 809 Westchester Ave. Bronx, NY 10455 This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 V: 718-707-2600 or 1-800-344-3314 htm Brochures for HIV-positive people. Info hotline in English and Spanish. T-Th 3-8pm. Collect calls accepted at 718-378-7022. Also provides transitional housing for recently released prisoners, substance abuse treatment, job readiness programs, and case management for ex-prisoners. AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania 1211 Chestnut St. Ste. 600 Philadelphia PA 19107 V: 215-587-9377 F: 215-587-9902 Provides legal services in English and Spanish. UPDATED! AIDS Project-East Bay Wellness Center th 499 5 Street, Suite 306 Oakland, CA 94607 V: 510-663-7979 Post-services include case management, health services, housing & food assistance for HIV+ people. UPDATED! AIDS Treatment News th 1233 Locust Street, 5 Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107 V: 1-800-873-2812 Articles available for free download on website; cannot offer free subscriptions for prisoners. Write for info. AmfAR Treatment Library 120 Wall Street, 13th floor NY, NY 10005-3908 V: 212-806-1600 or 1-800-39-AMFAR F: 212-806-1601 Conducts AIDS research and provides written information in English and Spanish. Center for Disease Control's National Prevention Information Network P.O. Box 6003 Rockville MD 20849 V: 800-458-5231 Provides info, publications, and technical assistance on HIV/AIDS, STDs, and TB MF9-6 Eastern time. Spanish-speaking services available. General info line on ALL medical questions is 1-800-342-2437 12 (English) and 1-800-344-7432 (Spanish). Harm Reduction Coalition 22 W. 27th St., 5th floor New York, NY 10001 V: 212-213-6376 A national advocacy and capacity-building organization promoting the dignityof individual impacted by drug use. Provides training and other educational services addressing the adverse effects of drug use, including incarceration. Offers written publications and trainings in Spanish. Hepatitis C Awareness Project P.O. Box 41803 Eugene, OR 97404-0520 V: 541-607-5725 or 1-888-HEPINFO F: 541-607-5684 The Hepatitis C Awareness Project is an Oregon grassroots organization designed to increase the awareness of viral hepatitis and to help educate the community about HCV prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. We offer seminars, workshops, and support groups, both inside and outside of prison. Distributes newsletter: "Hepatitis C Awareness News." Hepatitis C Support Project HCV ADVOCATE P.O. Box 427037 San Francisco, CA 94142-7037 Publishes monthly patient newsletter. Fact sheets on Hep C available for free download in five languages. UPDATED! Infectious Diseases in Corrections Report (Formerly known as the HIV and Hepatitis Education Prison Project Report) 146 Clifford Street Providence, RI 02903 V: 401-453-2068 Publication edited and written by prison health care providers discussing HIV/AIDS and hepatitis care for incarcerated people. Latino Commission on AIDS 24 West 25th St., 9th Fl. New York NY 10010 V: 212-675-3288 F: 212-675-3466 This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 13 Dedicated to providing prevention (through education) and training for treatment for all those in need with the HIV virus. Offers written information and resources in Spanish. affected by HIV and AIDS. Spanish resources available; also limited written information in Spanish. National Minority AIDS Council 1931 13th Street NW Washington DC 20009-4432 V: 202-483-6622 F: 202-483-1135 A Jailhouse Lawyer's Manual Columbia Human Rights Law Review Attn: JLM Order 435 W. 116th St. New York NY 10027 V: 212-854-1601 F: 212-854-7946 th The 7 edition of A Jailhouse Lawyer's Manual is $25 if shipped directly to prisoners; $90 for all others. It is also available for free download from website. Topics include habeas corpus, PLRA, civil rights claims (Section 1983), disciplinary proceedings, AIDS, immigration, and parole. th 7 edition of the Immigration & Consular Access supplement available. The Spanish Jailhouse version is $15 for prisoners; $30 for all others. Please send check or money order to above address. JLM also accepts postage stamps as payment. PLEASE NOTE: We cannot provide legal advice to prisoners; we cannot discount our publications any further.prisoners; we cannot discount our publications any further; and we do not have used copies to distribute. If you would like to order the JLM but are unable to purchase one, please inquire with your prison law library to see if they will order one. National Prison Hospice Association (NPHA) P.O. Box 4623 Boulder, CO 80306-4623 V: 303-447-8051 F: 303-447-8055 NPHA helps to develop and implement hospices and better end-of-life care for terminally ill prisoners and their families. Also publishes a tri-annual newsletter. Test Positive Aware Network (Publishes "Positively Aware") 5537 North Broadway St. Chicago IL 60640 V: 1-888-872-6448 or 773-989-9400 F: 773-989-9494 HIV/AIDS publication, occasional articles specific to prisoners. Free for those with HIV, $25/yr. for others. Project Inform 205 13th St. #2001 San Francisco CA 94103 V: 415-558-8669 F: 415-558-0684 Provides HIV and AIDS hotline at 800-8227422. Can help Spanish-speaking callers. San Francisco AIDS Foundation 995 Market St. #200 San Francisco, CA 94103 V: 415-487-3000 F: 415-487-3009 Provides California HIV/AIDS hotline at 800367-AIDS. Puts out publication called BETA, available in Spanish and English. WORLD (Women Organized to Respond to Life-Threatening Diseases) nd 414 13th Street, 2 floor Oakland, CA 94612 V: 510-986-0340 F: 510-986-0341 Provides information and educational support for women and families infected and LEGAL RESOURCES: FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL Blackstone Career Institute P.O. Box 899 Emmaus PA 18049-0899 V: 610-967-3323 or 1-800-826-9228 F: 610-967-3126 Offers a well-known correspondence program in law. The oldest school of its kind in the U.S., prisoners make up a sizeable percentage of students enrolled and have come from over 1,000 prisons across the U.S. NEW! Correctional Association of New York 135 E. 15th Street, Suite 1 NYC, NY 10003 V: 212-254-5700 F: 212-473-2807 Have four working project groups: the Public Policy Project, the Women in Prison Project, the Prison Visiting Project, and the Juvenile This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 Justice Project. Florida Prisoners’ Legal Aid Organization 14365 E. Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32826 v: 407-306-6211 [add info] La Raza Centro Legal Inc. Attn: Detention Project 474 Valencia St. Ste. 295 San Francisco, CA 94103 V: 415-575-3500 F: 415-255-7593 Resources and possible legal referrals for INS detainees in Northern California. We are not able to help with criminal or other civil matters. Spanish services provided. Legal Aid Society Prisoner's Rights Project 199 Water Street NY, NY 10038 V: 212-577-3346 or 3300'rig htsproject.aspx Legal Services for Prisoners with Children 1540 Market St. Ste. 490 San Francisco CA 94102 V: 415-255-7036 Legal services are provided in California only, but some general information is available. Lewisburg Prison Project 434 Market Street, Suite 307 Lewisburg, PA 17837 V: 570-523-1104 Publishes a number of low-cost materials for prisoners, including "legal Bulletins", "Prisoner's Guide to Federal Parole", and "Due Process Standards for Administrative Detention." Provides direct legal service to all federal prisoners in Central Pennsylvania, including those at USP Allenwood and USP Lewisburg. Send SASE for publication and price list. UPDATED! Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)--National Office 634 S. Spring St., 11th floor Los Angeles, CA 90014 14 V: 213-629-2512 Has regional offices in GA, IL, TX, CA, and DC. Write for more info. Provides referrals. NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund Inc. 99 Hudson St. 16th Fl. New York NY 10013 V: 212-965-2200 Non-profit law firm which deals only with cases of obvious race discrimination, handles small # of death penalty & life w/o parole cases. National Lawyer's Guild Prison Law Project 132 Nassau Street # 922 New York, NY 10038 V: 212-679-5100 F: 212-679-2811 Published a 2005 Jailhouse Lawyers handbook, free for prisoners, on bringing Section 1983 claims. NLG offers $8 membership for jailhouse lawyers; prisoners receive quarterly Guild Notes, other mailings. Can not provide lawyers. Prisoner Legal Services San Francisco Sheriff's Department 555 7th St. 2nd fl., Room 201 San Francisco, CA 94103 V: 415-558-2472 Provides legal information, assistance and advocacy to prisoners in the San Francisco County Jail system. Limited information available in Spanish. Prisoner Self Help Legal Clinic Seaton Hall University School of Law One Newark Center Newark NJ 07102 V: 888-415-7271 Supports prisoners' efforts at self-litigation with educational resources. Provides services in Spanish and English. The School of Paralegal Studies Professional Career Development Institute 430 Technology Parkway Norcross, GA 30092-3406 V: 770-729-8400 or 800-417-2407 Offers a correspondence course. Sylvia Rivera Law Project This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 th rd 322 8 Avenue, 3 Floor NY, NY 10001 V: 1-212-337-8550 / 1972 Provides free legal services to transgender and gender nonconforming low-income people and people of color. Only available in NY and surrounding areas. NEW! Transgender Law and Policy Institute 328 Flatbush Avenue, Box 312, Brooklyn, NY 11238 Provides legal, medical, and social science resources to attorneys and others advocating on behalf of transgender individuals. Makes freely available litigation, legislative, and education advocacy materials for use by other advocates for transgender people.. PAROLE/PRE-RELEASE INFORMATION Housing Discrimination Project 57 Suffolk St. Holyoke MA 01040 V: 413-539-9796 =2047 For ex-prisoners dealing with housing discrimination. Fortune Society 53 West 23rd Street, 8th floor New York, NY 10010 V: 212-691-7554 F: 212-255-4948 Prisoner re-entry, advocacy for prisoners on behalf of their families, HIV counseling, and support groups. Publishes "Fortune News." Northern California Service League 28 Boardman Place San Francisco, CA 94103 V: 415-863-2323 NCSL provides job placement assistance to parolees. Palladia (Formerly Project Return) 10 Astor Place, 7th floor NY, NY 10003-6935 V: 212-979-8800 Helps parolees with employment readiness, job placement, individual and family counseling, as well as recreational and 15 community service alternatives. Project Rebound C/o Associated Students Inc. Cesar Chavez Community Center 1650 Holloway Ave., T-138 San Francisco, CA 94132-1722 V: 415-405-0954 Assistance with educational programs, admissions, and support services to exprisoners. St. Patrick Friary 102 Seymore St. Buffalo, NY 14210 V: 716-856-6131 Group counseling provided at Attica, Wyoming, Collins, Orleans, Albion, Groveland, Gowanda and Rochester prisons. Post-release services include housing for parolees and job training. They also offer assistance with educational opportunities, transportation, and job opportunities. PUBLICATIONS AND MAGAZINES NEW! Allied Resistance c/o Kansas Mutual Aid, PO Box 442438 Lawrence, KS 66044 Monthly publication of prisoner revolutionaries dedicated to build a movement for a just and sustainable future. $1 or 4 stamp donation suggested. Ask for info about prisoner labor unions. Anarchist Black Cross South Chicago ABC Zine Distro P.O. Box 721 Homewood, IL 60430 Offers a wide variety of political zines at low cost to prisoners. Specializes in helping get the truth out of the gulags, in zine form. Supports prisoner initiatives such as prison labor unions. Offers zines for women prisoners. English only. Asheville Global Report P.O. Box 1504 Asheville NC 28802 20 Battery Park, #515 Flat Iron Building V: 828-236-3103 Winner of ten Project Censored awards, and a great source of weekly independent news. The Graduate Group P.O. Box 370351 W. Hartford, CT 06137-0351 This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 860-233-2330 Publishes a book called "A Guide to Successful Plea Bargaining." "Inside Journal" A publication of Prison Fellowship P.O. Box 1550 Merrifield, VA 22116-1550 V: 1-877-478-0100 A 15 year old publication that comes out 8 times a year. Carries stories by current and former inmates. Justice: Denied C/o Hans Sherrer P.O. Box 68911 Seattle, Washington 98168 V: 206-335-4254 Magazine for the wrongfully convicted publishes prisoners' stories only. Justice Watch 1120 Garden St. Cincinnati, OH 45214 V: 513-241-0490 Works to eliminate classism and racism from prisons and opposes death penalty. Operates Garden Street Transitional House for parolees. Publishes quarterly newsletter. Legal Publications in Spanish, Inc. Publicaciones Legales en Espanol, Inc. P.O. Box 623 Palisades Park, NJ 07650 V: 1-800-432-0004 Contact is Ben Zapp or Francis Ortiz. Publications in English/Spanish and Spanish-only. Nolo Press 950 Parker St. Berkeley, CA 94710-2524 V: 510-549-1976 Publishes "Legal Research", 4th edition, which gives step-by-step instructions in finding legal information. The legal selfhelper can use book to find and research a case; read statutes and administrative regulations; and make requests under the Freedom of Information Act. Write for current list and prices. "Outlook on Justice" Publication of Criminal Justice Program of the American Friends Service Committee 16 2161 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02140 V: 617-661-6130 ext. 120 A newsletter of the AFSC (Quakers), $2/year for prisoners. PART: Publication of People Against Racist Terror/Anti-Racist Action P.O. Box 1055 Culver City, CA 90232-1055 V: 310-495-0299 Publishes quarterly “Turning the Tide.” Positively Aware 5537 North Broadway Chicago, IL 60640 V: 773-989-9400 National magazine on HIV/AIDS. Covers treatment, social issues, financial, and legal matters. Free subscriptions to prisoners. Spanish language version available. Prisoners' Guerilla Handbook to Correspondence Programs in the US & Canada C/o Biddle Publishing Co. th 2400 Northwest 80 street, Suite 148 Seattle, WA 98117 212 program profiles, listing tuition rates, time limits, courses offered, degree programs, accreditation, and much more. "Any prisoner seeking to begin or continue their education behind bars will find this to be an invaluable road map."--Paul Wright, PLN, $24.95 & $2 S/H. SUNY Binghamton Prisoner Support Group/OFF! Magazine C/o OFF! Editor, OCC SUNY Binghamton Binghamton, NY 13902 V: 607-777-2050 We are a small grassroots group that works directly with prisoners based on their individual needs. REHABILITATION/NONVIOLENCE PROGRAMS Community Alliance on Prisons 76 North King St. Ste. 203 Honolulu HI 96817 V: 808-533-3454 "A coalition of churches, community orgs, academics, ex-offenders, and concerned citizens who have come together to develop effective interventions for Hawaii's non- This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 violent offenders." Focuses on alternatives to incarceration, prison reform legislative issues, and community education. UPDATED! The Insight Prison Project 805 Fourth Street. Suite 3 San Rafael, CA 94901 V/f: 415-459-9800 Communication training in nonviolence in correctional facilities; expanding to include post-release training. UPDATED! Mettanokit Outreach Attn: Medicine Story 167 Merriam Hill Road Greenville, NH 03048 V: 603-878-2310 Native American circles in 9 prisons in New England. Booklet describing the program and post-prison group called Ending Violent Crime. Pathfinders of Oregon 8010 North Charleston Ave Portland, OR 97203 V: 503-286-0600 Pathfinders are a cognitive restructuring/skills building process/ it was designed to transform criminally deviant behavior into responsible conduct. FOR OREGON PRISONERS ONLY. UPDATED! Project Return of Louisiana Inc. V: 504-452-5585 Call for updated address. This organization was displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Provides a prison aftercare program, 90 day residential, and addresses transitional issues such as anger management, substance abuse, academic enhancement, computer skills, job readiness, etc. Prison Program at Buddhist Peace Fellowship P.O. Box 3470 Berkeley, CA 94703 V: 510-655-6169 ogram/prison_program.html The Buddhist Peace Fellowship Prison Project provides ministry to help prisoners develop skills to meet everyday violence in prison. Also has training for inmate meditation programs, a Community Correspondence Program, and an Advocacy and Education network. 17 The Safer Society Foundation P.O. Box 340 Brandon, VT 05733-0340 V: 802-247-3132 A national research advocacy, and referral center on the prevention and treatment of sexual abuse. Provides referral services for therapists is area in which sex offender will be released. Also provides damaged books for prison libraries upon request and puts out workbooks for sex offenders; youth workbook only is available in Spanish. Triune Arts 111 Wildwood Crescent Toronto, Ontario Canada M4L 2K9 V: 416-686-0467 Educational resource for restorative justice programs: "resolving Conflict Creatively between Victims and Youth Offenders through Diversion and Transformation" is an educational resource intended to raise public awareness of an alternative to the existing justice system's approach, to provide training and to encourage citizens to participate in community justice programs. SOCIAL SUPPORT AGENCIES Better People 4310 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Portland OR 97211 V: 503-281-2663 Better People's mission is to dramatically reduce recidivism in Multnomah County and other areas. UPDATED! Families against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM) 1612 K St. NW, Suite 700 Washington DC 20006 V: 202-822-6700 F: 202-822-6704 Chapters in almost 30 states. Write for newsletter and list of publications, including info on Booker and Fanfan decisions. Also provides amicus briefs. UPDATED! Families to Amend California's Three Strikes (FACTS) 3982 S. Figueroa St. #209 LA, CA 90037 V: 213-746-4844 Works to amend California's Three Strikes This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 law to target violent felonies only. Quarterly newsletter (by donation). Print return address exactly if you want a response. Flyers printed in English and Spanish. International Community Corrections Association (ICCA) 1730 Rhode Island Ave NW, Suite 403 Washington, DC 20006 V: 202-828-5605 Publishes the ICCA Journal on Community Corrections, as well as various newsletters. Also puts out a directory of residential programs every 3-4 years. Provides limited referrals. NAACP Criminal Justice Prison Program 8 W. 26th St. Baltimore, MD 21218 V: 410-358-8900 l_crime.html NEW!!! Prison Place Started by an ex-prisoner, this website is a place for friends and families of those on the inside to communicate and support each 18 other. Offers referrals and advisory services for prisoners who want to break the cycle of recidivism. Projects operate through regional offices and are not available in every area. Write for local addresses. The Sentencing Project 514 10th St. NW #1000 Washington DC 20004 V: 202-628-0871 F: 202-628-1091 Write for list of publications & prices. "Publications on drug policy, voting rights, juvenile justice, sentencing law and policy, racial disparities, and women prisoners.” Free download on website. Visions for Prisons Peace in Prison Project P.O. Box 1631 Costa Mesa CA 92628 V: 714-556-8000 VFP sponsors volunteers around the world and offers prison volunteers training. They also promote a prison non-violence program. Offers a meditation instruction service in Spanish. --------------------------------------CHECK THESE OUT! --------------------------------------Prison Legal News Prison Legal News is an independent monthly publication started by prisoners that reports, reviews, and analyzes court rulings and news related to prisoner rights and prison issues. PLN has a national (U.S.) focus on both state and federal prison issues, with international coverage as well. PLN is subscribed to and read by civil and criminal trial and appellate attorneys, judges, public defenders, journalists, academics, paralegals, prison rights activists, students, family members of prisoners, concerned private individuals, state and federal prisoners, politicians, and government officials. PLN will mail an informational brochure, a calendar and a bookmark at no charge to any prisoner in the U.S. Subscriptions are not free to prisoners but available at a reduced cost; please write for more information to: Prison Legal News, 2400 NW 80th Street #148 Seattle, WA 98117. (206)246-1022 f: (206)248-6846. All of Us or None All of Us or None is a national organizing initiative of prisoners and former prisoners to combat the many forms of discrimination that prisoners face upon release. They are active in several local and national campaigns, including BAN THE BOX, a movement to end job discrimination based on felony convictions. *Have you ever been in juvenile hall, jail, prison, or INS detention? *Are you currently on probation or on parole? *Are you having a hard time starting over or finding a job since your release from prison? *Have you or someone you know been denied housing or welfare due to a felony conviction? *Would you like to know more about your right to vote with a felony conviction? *Have you been denied custody of your children because of your felony conviction? *Has your juvenile record been used against you? We are working towards solutions to these problems. Contact: All of Us or None, c/o Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, 1540 Market St. #490, San Francisco, CA 94102. 415-255-7036 ext. 337 TIGRA This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 19 TIGRA is an organizing project formed in 2004 in immigrant communities to challenge the banks that profit from families sending money to loved ones through wire transfers (called “remittances”). Like immigrants, prisoners must receive funds through Western Union or U.S. Postal Service money orders. Money transfer agencies charge 8-15% in fees, resulting in billions of lost money for low-income workers and their families. TIGRA works with community and ethnic associations to conduct the following survey; after 350 surveys are completed in one area, TIGRA demands that corporations reinvest in those communities. More information available in languages at ***TIGRA survey, for friends and family on the outside: 1) What prison or jail do you send your money to? 2) How much money did you send the past year? (less than $500; $1-2k; $2-$3k; $3-$4k; $4-6k; other); 3) What company do you use to send money? (Western Union; MoneyGram; Travelex; JPay; U.S. Postal Service; bank (what name?); other) 4) How much do you get charged for sending money? 5) These companies make billions of dollars from transactions such as your family’s. If they were to reinvest some of their profits back into your community; what kinds of services do you want to see supported? (low-cost or free childcare; low-cost or free English classes; low-cost or free bank accounts; scholarships for young people; low-cost or free bus passes; create jobs in the community; other). Send your name and contact information to TIGRA, and ask your friend/family member on the outside to send their name/address/phone/email address/organization affiliation to TIGRA, 900 Alice Street #320, Oakland, CA 94607 (510) 653-3415 Campaigns for Telephone Justice The New York Campaign for Telephone Justice is an organizing project formed in 2004 by the Center for Constitutional Rights, Prison Families Community Forum, and Prison Families of New York, Inc., to challenge the companies that profit from prisoners calling their loved ones. After years of struggle including a class-action lawsuit, the campaign succeeded in getting a bill passed that ends the state’s profittaking on phone contracts by prioritizing “the lowest possible cost to the telephone user.” This campaign will continue to pressure companies to lower their rates for prison phone calls and produces an organizing kit for use across the U.S. They do not provide direct services to prisoners; we encourage you to contact the following organizations; if you are on the outside, go to This website lists campains state by state, including Floria, Illinois, and Maine. NY Campaign for Telephone Justice c/o Center for Constitutional Rights Attn: Lauren Melodia 666 Broadway Ave 7th floor, NY, NY 10012 (212)-614-6481 The Campaign to Promote Equitable Telephone Charges c/o Michigan CURE P.O. Box 2736 Kalamazoo, MI 49003-2736 FACTS on prisons and prisoners you should know: As of June 2006, there were 2,245,189 prisoners held in Federal or State prisons or in local jails. That is approximately 497 inmates per 100,000 U.S. residents Women are the fastest growing prison population in the United States, increasing over 500% since 1970. There were 111,403 women prisoners as of June 2006. There were more than 1,250,000 women in prison or jail, or on parole or probation in the US, year end 2005. In 2005, there were 3,254 death row prisoners-held by the Federal prison system and 36 states where the death penalty is legal. Of those prisoners, 56% were white, 42% were black, and 2% were of other races. 52 of those prisoners were women. Blacks represent 12.9% of the total U.S. population, but 39.5% of the U.S. prison population. Roughly two thirds of female inmates in jails and state and federal prisons are women of color. As of January 2007, almost 80% of women and more than 91% of men in prison for drug offense were African American or Latina, even though studies show that Caucasians use, sell, and buy drugs in greater numbers than people of color. Since 1973, the number of women in prison for drug crimes has increased by 825% This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 20 Black children are nearly nine times more likely to have an incarcerated parent in prison (7%), and Latino children (2.6%) are more than three times more likely, than white children (0.8%). About 64% of mothers in state prisons lived with their children before prison, compared to 44% of men. What happened to those children? Most correctional facilities unfairly target transgender people in prison by placing them in correctional facilities according to their birth sex and not according to the gender they identify with: transwomen are incarcerated in prisons that house men and transmen arte incarcerated in prisons that house women. 14% of women in New York’s prisons are HIV positive. The rate of infection among women inmates in New York is more than double the rate for male inmates (6.7%) and almost 100 times higher than the rate in the general public (.15%) Sources: U.S. Census; Bureau of Justice Statistics:; Justice Now factsheet: “Prison Abolition is a Women’s Issue”; Women in Prison Project, Correctional Association of New York:; Prison Legal Services of New York:; Human Rights Watch: TOXIC SWEATSHOPS Over the past year, PARC has been working in coalition with the Center for Environmental Health, Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, and the Computer TakeBack Campaign to end the exposure to toxics of people working in electronic recycling programs in prison. In October 2006, this group of organizations released the report “Toxic Sweatshops: How UNICOR Prison Recycling Harms Workers, Communities, the Environment, and the Recycling Industry.” The core of the report was prisoners’ voices, collected in affidavits by a jailhouse lawyer and questions prepared by SVTC and PARC. Since the release of the report, Congress has begun to call for investigations into these issues. Sworn statements from prisoners have played a vital role in advancing our understanding of how electronic waste is recycled in prison. If you have ever worked in a prison industry that has exposed you to toxics, please fill out the following survey and return it to our legal support: Micheal Couzens, Attorney at Law, PO Box 3642, Oakland, CA 94609. For more information on this issue, please visit the parc website: QUESTIONS *Do you wish to keep your identity anonymous? *What kind of prison industries program are you currently working in (laundry, landscaping, garage, janitorial, industries, other; please be specific)? *Where are you incarcerated: federal, state, county, or other prison? *If you are working in a Federal Prison, are you working for UNICOR? If not, what is the name of the prison industries program you work for? *What is the name of the facility you are incarcerated in? *How long have you worked in this program? From month/year to month/year? *Do you have any health concerns that you believe are related to your work? If so, what have you done to get redress? *What, if any, special care is taken to protect your health and safety when you are working? Are there any special steps you believe should be taken, but are not? *Has there ever been environmental/toxic materials testing at your site? If so, have you ever witnessed manipulation of activity or change in work routine specifically because of the tests? [For example: stopping work before or sudden clean-ups to pass air quality tests] How many times? When were the tests (month/year)? Do you know what they were testing for? Please list. *Have you had a blood sample taken and tested since you began working in the program? If so, do you know what they were testing for? Please list. Were the results shared with you? How often have you been tested? *When doing this work, what do you wear? Are you provided with personal protective equipment? What? *Have you seen or been involved in accidents, injuries, breakage of equipment at the worksite? If so, how often, and of what nature? Please describe. *What tools are you given to work with? Would you describe the equipment as adequate or inadequate? Please explain. *Have you ever seen prison guards questioned, disciplined, or fired for workplace corruption or violating rules (i.e., refusing to provide safety equipment, setting aside products for personal profit)? Explain. *Do you know where the products you work with or produce come from or are shipped to? Please detail (names of schools, colleges, agencies, hospitals, corporations)? *What do you believe are solutions to the issues you have described above: a) more job training inside prison; b) work furlough so that you can work outside of prison side-by-side with “free” workers; c) close prisons, and spend the money on community needs like health care, education, job creation; d) other. Explain. *Can we use your statements here in reports or media work on these issues? *What is your race/culture/ethnic background? *Please provide contact information for a friend or family member outside of prison, and sign and print your name, with your prisoner id# and date signed, under the following: “I swear under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the U.S.A. that the foregoing statement is true and correct.” This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 21 Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners Approved by the First U.N. Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, held at Geneva in 1955, and approved by the Economic and Social Council by resolutions 663 C (XXIV) of 31 July 1957 and 2076 (LXII) of 13 May 1977. Accomodations *Cells for individuals should not be used to accomodate two or more persons overnight; dormitory facilities are to be supervised at night. Exercise and Sport *If not employed in outdoor work, every prisoner shall have at least one hour of exercise in the open air, weather permitting. *Young prisoners and others of suitable age and physique are to receive physical and recreational training. Medical Services *Pre-natal and post-natal care and treatment are to be provided by women's institutions; where nursing infants are allowed to remain with their mothers, a nursery staffed by qualified persons is needed. *The medical officer shall see all sick prisoners daily, along with those who complain of illness or are referred to his/her attention. *The medical officer is to report to the director on prisoners whose health is jeopardized by continued imprisonment and on the quality of the food, hygiene, bedding, clothing, and physical regimen of the prisoners. Discipline and Punishment *Cruel, inhuman, and/or degrading punishments, including corporal punishment and restriction to a dark cell, shall be prohibited. Instruments of Restraint *Handcuffs, straitjackets, and other instruments of restraint are never to be applied as a punishment, and irons and chains are not to be used as means of restraint. Information to and Complaints by Prisoners *Upon admission, prisoners shall be informed of the regulations they are to live by and of authorized channels for seeking information and making complaints. *Prisoners are to have the right to make complaints to the director of the institution, as well as to the central prison administration and the judicial authority, in the proper form but without censorship as to substance, and they are to have the opportunity to speak directly to an inspector of prisons outside the presence of institutional staff members. *Unless evidently frivolous, each complaint shall be replied to promptly. Contacts with the Outside World *Prisoners are to be allowed regular contact with family and friends, by both correspondence and personal visits. *Prisoners who are foreign nationals shall be allowed communication with diplomatic and consular representatives of their State, or a State or international authority that has taken charge of their interests.* *Prisoners are to be kept informed of current events and important items of news. Books *Every institution shall maintain for the use of prisoners a library with recreational and instructional books. Guiding Principles *The prison system must not aggravate unnecessarily the suffering inherent in a prisoner's loss of selfdetermination and liberty. *Prisons should utilize all remedial, educational, medical, and spiritual forms of assistance to treat the prisoner's needs and facilitate his return to society as a law-abiding member. *Government or private agencies should be available for the after care of released prisoners Treatment *Treatment of prisoners under sentence shall be directed to achieve the capacity for law-abiding and selfsupporting lives, utilizing professional services whenever possible. Education and Recreation *The ongoing education of prisoners is to be facilitated, and schooling of illiterates and youthful prisoners is to be considered compulsory. *Recreational and cultural activities are to be made available. STATE LISTING OF RESOURCES This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates. PARC Prisoner Support Directory Last Updated March 2008 Core Volunteers B♀ (rita d. brown) Marie B. Choi Pat Foley Max Harris madrone phoenix Taeva Shefler Community Advisory Board Rose Braz B♀ (rita d. brown) Angela Davis Linda Evans Pam Fadem Ruthie Gilmore Holmes Hummel Dorsey Nunn Andrea Pritchett Frances Free Ramos Elihu Rosenblatt Prison Advisory Board 22 PRISON SUPPORT DIRECTORY EVALUATION FORM Please fill out this form so that we know what is/is not working in our directory. Please mail this evaluation to our office: PO Box 70447 Oakland, CA 94612 In the Prisoner Support Directory (enclosed) which categories of resources have you used? (check the slots) ___Advocacy Organizations ___Art and Music Programs ___Books and Reading Projects ___Death Penalty Resources ___Family and Visiting Resources ___Legal Resources ___Parole/Pre-Release Information ___Publications and Magazines ___Rehabilitation/Nonviolence Programs ___Social Support Agencies ___CHECK THIS OUT! section ___surveys ___facts you should know ___Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners ___Mail Order Publications Please write down the names of any group/s that you have written to that have not responded in over 4 months: Marilyn Buck Mdume Olatushani Yvonne Roach Dr. Mutulu Shakur The Angola 3: Albert Woodfox, Herman Wallace, and Robert King Wilkerson (free!) We need your explicit written permission in order to publish your letter with your name and mailing address. Sign the statement below to grant this permission: “I grant to the Prison Activist Resource Center permission to publish my correspondence, and if published, permission to publish with my name and mailing address: Signature: _________________ Mailing Address: __________________ __________________ This 22-page resource directory has been published by the Prison Activist Resource Center, P.O. Box 70447, Oakland, CA, 94612 510.893.4648. Please mail us the evaluation form with updates.