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Prisoner Letters to Fcc Re Prison Phone Rates 7-2012

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Received &Inspected
July 0, 2(:12
Michael B. Tenore , T62906
{lule Creek sta t'2 Prison
P • 0 .'iox MJ 9 060
lone, C7" 95640

.11" 19 2012
FCC Mall Room

.Iuli 1.13 Gena.ctlo\'·;'s:ci
cal Cor;;munications Cor:l,,'C'is:sion
Public CO,(hnents
445 12th Gtreet, S~
Washington, DC 2055~



Global Tel Link "Abusive Practices "

Dear Chairman Julius Genachowski:
lain \vTi ting to voice mL, '--"old !ny family and frienti,::,;
feelinSs of being used , held up actuall,
our pr ison' s phone
service, Global Tel Link. Their actions are no .lns ass ~~an
t3king ~dvantage of peop le; in fact , taking an unfair advan tage
over a "ca~::;tive audL~nc:3", (literally) that have no other av,?nues
or relief.
It ' s extortion.
If loved ones long to talk with their loved ones and vice
ilsrsa t'.ny ,lre II f)C:-:;C(1I to ~)ay exorbitant, ,2v,en usurious like
rEltes .
Global IE;]. I,inl: ,shoulc, be aovised that a judge hal, already
pronoGTIc3d )unish~ent an0 ~in2 .
It is not Global Tel Links
place to allot
itional punishment an~ fines, let alone,
against a prisoD2r ' s family and friends .
Chair~an Genachowski, we certainly wish you our best in
rectifying this abusive practice that is being inflicted on
ou~ families and friends by Global Te l Link whose only real
mati ve seeras bJ be --Just Because They Can.

Thank yoo for your concern and help with this matter .

P.s., Perhaps a team or task force should follow the money.


Received & \nspectecl

,\\1\ 19 2012
June 29, 2012

FCC Mail Room

Chairman Julius Genachowski
Federal Communications Commission
Public Comments
445 12th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20554
RE: This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket
Dear Mr. Genachowski:
I have been incarcerated in the Federal Bureau of Prisons for
close to 12 years now. The cost of making a phone call is way
to expensive for me and those with me considering that working in
prison does not pay much at all.
Since my criminal sentence ended November 22, 2006, and I
was detained civilly for 5.5 years before being civilly committed
I have still had to phone the high cost of making a phone call
here at FCI Butner I Medium. The cost of a phone call from a
federal facility is .23/minute for long distance and maybe a few
cents cheaper if the call is local. International calls cost .99
a minute and this creates a burden for those with families who
are not in the United States.
I would urge you and the FCC to take control of the price
gouging that is being done on the cost of phone calls for those
who are incarcerated throughout the United States. The cost of
calls has forced my family to eliminate the ability to receive
collect calls because the cost ended up being almost $10.00 per
Thank you for your time and efforts in considering this



=an~ly ~
FCI Butner I Medium
PO Box 1000
Butner, NC 27509-1000



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