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COVID 19 IInformation
ffor P
d Staff
St ff 
V l
1 Number
b 10,
10 December
b 2020

Tips on how to protect yourself from the virus within the limits of prison or jail


OVID-19 has spread throughout
the world with deadly impact. In
the U.S., many communities are
scrambling to treat the sick with limited resources, the streets are empty, and people
are trying to stay healthy under challenging
The most common symptoms include
fever, dry cough, fatigue, loss of appetite,
loss of smell and body aches. More severe symptoms include high fever, severe
cough, shortness of breath, persistent pain
or pressure in the chest, sudden confusion
and bluish lips or face.
People infected with the virus may not
show symptoms for two to 14 days after
exposure. The Centers for Disease Control
and other reputable public health organizations have issued safety practices to help

Survival Guide for Prisoners ....1
Virus Updates ..........................4
Letters ......................................6
Outbreak at Corcoran ..............7
I"m Gonna Die in Here .............8
Ed's Comments........................8
Decarcerate Now .....................9

people avoid infection that you’ve probably heard about by now:
• Wash your hands with soap frequently, for at least 20 seconds each time.
• Cough and sneeze into your elbow.
• Regularly clean surfaces that multiple
people touch daily.
• Practice “social distancing,” which
means staying 6 feet away from other
people as much as you can.
• Refrain from touching your eyes,
nose and mouth—all parts of your
face where COVID-19 can enter your
Incarcerated people would be best served
to use the same prevention practices, but the
actual nature of prisons and jails, combined
with restrictions on supplies can make it
more difficult to ward off the virus. That’s
w News Inside teamed up with Brie Williams,
M.D, M.S., and Leah Rorvig, M.D.,
medical experts from the University
o California, San Francisco, who specialize
i in criminal justice. Williams also runs
a prison reform program called Amend at
Here, we answer your coronavirus
while being considerate of your
I be scared about getting
Medical Advice: Most places outside of
have a lower risk of infection than
type of group-living situation. This
i because it is easier to stay 6 feet away

from people you don’t live with when you
are out in the community. Also, it might be
easier to get cleaning products and to stay
away from others who are sick.
Prison/Jail Adaptation: This is a scary
time, but you’ve improvised while incarcerated. In the free world, you will have
more space and access to safety and cleaning equipment.
I’ve heard that handwashing is the
best defense against getting and
spreading the virus. How do I keep
my hands clean if hot water is unavailable or inconsistent in my cell
or dorm area?

And It Grows
The relentlessly rising toll of COVID-19 inside. The number of new
cases of coronavirus among state
and federal prisoners rose dramatically this week. More than 8,300
people were reported to have tested
positive—the second-highest number since the pandemic began in the
spring—as outbreaks emerged in
South Dakota, Wisconsin, Kansas,
New York and other states. And prison workers are being hit badly, too.
More than 2,200 prison staff tested
positive, the highest number of new
cases on record.
The Associated Press

Medical Advice: While hot water is better than cold for hand washing, your technique matters most: Wet your hands all the
way up to and a little past your wrists. Rub
soap on the front and backs of your hands
and wrists, and scrub for 20 seconds. If you
have access to clean paper towels, use one
to turn off the faucet and throw it out immediately.
If soap and water aren’t available but
hand sanitizer is, it has to be at least 60 percent alcohol to work. Use the same technique: Cover the fronts and backs of your
hands and wrists with sanitizer and rub
them together for 20 seconds.
Prison/Jail Adaptation: Fill bottles in
the shower specifically for handwashing.
Heat your water using a hot pot, stinger,
slop sinks or a bowl you place on the radiator. Insulate buckets of warm water with
blankets and towels for longer-lasting use.
Try to wash or sanitize your hands every
time you leave and return to your cell.
How can I shower safely in a communal setting?
Medical Advice: Try to stay 6 feet away
from other people, and be sure your hands
are clean before touching your face.
Prison/Jail Adaptation: If it’s possible,
remain 6 feet apart in the shower. Skipping
showers isn’t ideal, but if you live in a cell,
wash up in your sink using soap, water and
a rag.
Is it safe to sit on a toilet that 200
people in my dorm share?
Medical Advice: Getting COVID-19
from sitting on a toilet seat is unlikely.
However, the toilet handle, stall divider
and sink faucets could be dirty. Be sure to
wash your hands before and after using the
bathroom. The toilet handle, faucets and
other frequently touched items such as the
door should be disinfected at least daily.
Prison/Jail Adaptation: Before and after toilet use, clean the seat and flush handle
with bleach diluted with water if it’s available. If you don’t have bleach, do the same

with a rag lathered up with soap. When
possible, place a clean towel on the seat.
Wash and dry the towel after use. Place it
directly in front of a fan—if you have access—to speed up the drying process.
How do I protect myself from COVID-19 when I am outside of my cell
or off my bunk? Do I need a mask?
Medical Advice: Wash your hands frequently, don’t touch your face, try to avoid
crowded spaces and stay at least 6 feet
away from others at all times. If there are
some people you can’t distance yourself
from, try to keep this group as small as
Some research suggests that a mask you
make out of two layers of cotton cloth
(from, say, a sheet) can reduce the risk of
you and others spreading COVID-19 to
each other.
Prison/Jail Adaptation: Against the
rules, but it might be worth asking the COs
on your tier/unit to make an exception:
Before leaving your cell or bunk, protect
your eyes with shades or glasses. Cover up
your nose and mouth with a clean—cotton
if available—T-shirt, do-rag, scarf or knit
hat with the top seams torn open. Women
can repurpose head scarves and bras into
If your prison industries program is making masks and other protective gear, consider signing up for it.
Can I get COVID-19 from an object
someone has sneezed or coughed
Medical Advice: It is possible to get the
virus by handling an item that someone
with the virus has coughed or sneezed on
and then touching your mouth, nose and
Prison/Jail Adaptation: Don’t touch
your face. As often as you can, wear disposable gloves over your washed hands
and remove them after you touch surfaces.
If you lack disposables, wear your exercise
or winter gloves over clean hands. After
you remove your gloves, wash and dry
them. Speed-dry gloves by placing them
directly in front of a fan, if you have access.

Remember to wash your hands whenever
you touch things from a common area.
Prison/Jail Adaptation: Wear disposable gloves while handling your items. If
you don’t have any, use your exercise or
winter gloves. Throw away any cardboard
boxes and plastic packaging before you enter your cell or bunk area. Store exposed
food in small garbage bags.
Wash and air dry the net bags you use
to carry the items you bought after you unpack them. And wash and dry your gloves
and hands before relaxing on your bunk.
I live in a cell with bars for doors or
an open dorm. How do I protect myself
from people coughing and sneezing at
Medical Advice: Unfortunately, reducing risk in open-air dorm rooms is difficult.
To protect oneself and others, anyone with
symptoms should be immediately evaluated by medical staff and housed alone until
they have received results from COVID-19
Prison/Jail Adaptation: Against the
rules, but it might be worth asking the COs
on your tier/unit to make an exception: Before going to bed at night, cover bars with a
clean sheet, garbage bag or the plastic from
a new mattress.
In double-bunked dorms, people at the
bottom can hang the barrier from the top
bunk to create a tent. Top bunkers should
lay under a sheet as much as possible.
What’s the safest way to use the
community phone?
Medical Advice: Phone receivers, buttons and cords should be disinfected at
least daily. Still wash your hands before
and after you make a call.
If you choose to wrap the receiver with
a clean sock or piece of cloth, don’t touch
your face with the side that covered the
receiver. If you take your makeshift cover

Many of the items I purchase from
the commissary or canteen are
packaged in cardboard or plastic.
How can I protect myself?
Medical Advice: The virus can stay
“alive” on plastic or metal for up to 72
hours and on cardboard for up to 24. Try to
disinfect or wash with soap any packages.

Prison Covid News

back to your cell, wash it with soap and water thoroughly. Don’t use it again until it is
completely dry; germs thrive on moisture.
Prison/Jail Adaptation: Wash your
hands before and after you make your call.
If you have access to disinfectant, clean the
receiver, buttons and cord before and after
you use the phone. If you cover the receiver
with a clean sock or cloth, follow the medical advice.
We have community TVs here. If I
don’t watch television, I’ll go crazy.
Am I putting myself at an outsized
Medical Advice: It’s important to do the
best you can to reduce the amount of stress
that you are feeling and to get enough
sleep. Watching TV may help you do both.
Prison/Jail Adaptation: If you feel
compelled to convene around the TV, ask
your CO if you can try to keep yourself
safer by: Covering eyes with shades/glasses, use T-shirts, or scarfs to cover nose and
Should I purchase stolen mess hall
Medical Advice: Proper handwashing is
more important than wearing gloves. If you
do wear gloves inside your cell, make sure
that you don’t touch your face. The gloves
will have the same germs on them that your
hands would.
If you wear gloves outside of your cell,
throw them out when you get back or wash
them with soapy water and let them fully
dry before using them again.
Prison/Jail Adaptation: Ask the CO in
your area if you can wear plastic or rubber gloves provided by the facility. If you
cannot, wear your exercise or winter gloves
before touching surfaces. After taking off
the gloves, wash and dry them. Place them
directly in front of a fan—if you have access—to speed up the drying process.
What should I do if someone who
prepares food has symptoms of
Medical Advice: Currently, there is no
evidence of transmission of coronavirus
through food. However, anyone with symptoms should be immediately evaluated.
Prison/Jail Adaptation: Respectfully
ask the food handler to consult with the
medical department. Remember that we
are all in this together. There is no need to
be rude to symptomatic people who may be
afraid and vulnerable. ♥
Volume 1, Number 10

80 percent of those who died of
Covid-19 in Texas county jails were
never convicted of a crime
The “devastating human toll” of Covid-19 in Texas’s correctional facilities
is revealed in a new report by University
of Texas at Austin researchers. Over 80
percent of those who died of Covid-19 in
Texas county jails were never convicted of
a crime. The report shows 231 people died
from COVID-19 in correctional facilities:
190 prison inmates, 14 jail inmates and 27
staff members.
Covid cases in prisons in England
and Wales double in October
The number of prisoners who have tested positive for coronavirus in England and
Wales since the start of the pandemic more
than doubled in the space of a month in October, figures reveal. At the end of October,
1,529 prisoners had tested positive for Covid-19 since March, an increase of 883 on
the September figure, Ministry of Justice
(MoJ) figures show. The MoJ has been testing all symptomatic prisoners since April.
New COVID-19 cases in Iowa
prisons among highest in the
nation this week
Iowa prisons recorded the third-most
new COVID-19 cases in the U.S. this week,
according to a report by The Marshall Project. The week of Nov. 10, Iowa saw more
than 1,032 prisoners test positive for COVID-19. Only Texas and the federal prison
system recorded more new virus cases by
Tuesday, with 2,119 and 1,311 new cases,
respectively. Michigan prisons also reported 1,011 new virus cases this week. No
other state reported more than 1,000 new
cases in the same time frame.
National Guard was deployed to
Richland Correctional amid
COVID-19 outbreak
In the midst of last month's COVID-19
outbreak at Richland Correctional Insti-

tution, the Ohio National Guard was deployed to the prison to cover staffing gaps.
Over a quarter of Richland Correctional's
392 staff members have tested positive for
COVID-19 since the pandemic began.
New Coronavirus testing gor all
state prisoners and DOC staff
After recent coronavirus outbreaks at
several Massachusetts prisons, universal
testing of state prisoners and staff began
Nov. 14. The Department of Correction
says correctional facilities will be in modified operations for two weeks as tests are
conducted on prisoners and staff at all 16
state prisons.
Coronavirus outbreak identified at
Mississippi prison. More than 50
inmates test positive
Officials have identified a coronavirus
outbreak at a prison in the Mississippi
Delta in which more than 50 inmates have
tested positive for COVID-19. The facility
is operated by private prison management
group. The Mississippi State Department
of Health was notified immediately and
MSDH officials tested all 109 inmates. Of
those, 53 test results came back positive.
Sri Lanka prisons suffer COVID-19
Authorities in Sri Lanka say about 400
inmates from the country's highly-congested prisons have tested positive for COVID-19 as infected cases are surging in the
capital and its suburbs. Twelve of the 400
are prison officers while the rest are inmates.
The cases are detected from five prisons
in different parts of the country. Sri Lankan
prisons are highly congested with more
than 26,000 inmates crowded in facilities
designed to hold about 10,000.

tion. Also, nine Texas inmates approved for
parole died in prison before their release.

[The following virus updates are
only some of the news stories
relating to the pandemic unfolding inside the nation's prisons and
jails. Your outside people can read
more of this type of reporting, as
well as current and back issues
of this newsletter, on our website
at We'vej
added some updates from today's
(Nov. 16) news on page 3.]
COVID-19 is 10 times higher in
Oregon prisons than in rest of state,
stoking widespread fear among inmates
Inmates and even prison employees refusing to wear masks despite mask mandates. Prisoners in Oregon have again and
again, relayed frightening stories about life
in Oregon’s prisons in the age of COVID-19: Sleeping in dormitories with 50, 80
or more than 100 inmates packed so tightly
they can stretch out their arms and touch
prisoners on either side. The constant hacking coughs from others echoing throughout
the room. Falling ill with symptoms of COVID-19 yet being refused a test and instead
being forced to work, potentially exposing
countless others.
Texas prisons, jails worst COVID-19
hotspots of any in US
More Texas jail and prison inmates and
staff have been infected and killed by COVID-19 than those of any other state’s
criminal justice system, according to a
university report. At least 231 inmates and
staff members have died of COVID-19 in
Texas prisons and jails, according to the report by the Lyndon B. Johnson School of
Public Affairs at the University of Texas.
The study also found that Texas inmates
and staff tested positive for the coronavirus virus that causes COVID-19 at a 490%
higher rate than the state’s general popula4

COVID-19 positive inmates no
longer isolated at Waupun prison
The COVID-19 outbreak at Waupun
Correctional Institution is now so large that
prison workers can no longer isolate sick
inmates from those who are healthy. Last
spring, Waupun dealt with a major COVID-19 outbreak that peaked at 224 cases.
Now, it's in the midst of an even larger outbreak nearly twice that size, and in a memo
to staff, the warden says this outbreak appears to be resulting in illnesses that are
"much more severe."
Hundreds of inmates test positive
as COVID-19 rips through New York
A coronavirus outbreak has ripped
through an upstate New York prison where
access to medical services and sanitation
have long been criticized by advocates and
many inmates housed in the facility. Nearly
40% of inmates housed at the Elmira Correctional Facility, a state prison in Elmira,
New York, were COVID-19 positive —
588 out of a population of 1,515, according
to data released by the state's Department
of Corrections and Community Supervision.
Lethal indifference to Florida
prisoners dying of COVID-19
Florida prisoners are being infected and
dying at dramatically higher rates than
Florida’s overall population — more than
four times higher. That’s despite the Department of Corrections isolating those
who are ill and enforcing the masking and
social distancing provisions recommended
by the Centers for Disease Control. Prison
employees are at greater risk also. The
1,313 infections reported among officers
and others represent a rate more than three
times higher than that of Floridians generally.

Almost half of South Dakota's
inmates have tested positive for
Cases of COVID-19 more than doubled
over the weekend among two South Dakota prisons, and a fourth facility reached
more than 100 cases among inmates. The
South Dakota State Penitentiary in Sioux
Falls saw the biggest increase of cases over
the weekend, with triple the number of inmates testing positive. The facility reported
506 inmates with the virus, up from 166
inmates. The penitentiary has the largest
number of staff infections, with 35 reporting testing positive.
Active COVID-19 cases at Pender
Correctional rise to the highest in
the state
Pender Correctional Institution currently has the most active COVID-19 cases
among prisons in North Carolina. According to the North Carolina Department of
Public Safety, a total of 208 Pender inmates
have tested positive for the virus.
COVID-19 sickens hundreds of prisoners, staff in northern Michigan
The novel coronavirus has torn through
a prison in Marquette, infecting 75% of the
more than 1,000 men housed there since
the pandemic started in March. And 42%
of the 327 employees at Marquette Branch
Prison in the Upper Peninsula had tested
positive for COVID-19.
More than 450 inmates, dozens of
staff at Iowa's Anamosa State
Penitentiary have COVID-19
Nearly 500 inmates at the Anamosa State
Penitentiary have COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus,
according to the Iowa Department of Corrections.
Lockdown at Nevada prison where
Prison Covid News

93 inmates COVID-19 positive
State prison officials have ordered a
lockdown at a medium-security facility
in Northern Nevada after 93 inmates and
seven staff members tested positive for
the coronavirus. The Nevada Department
of Corrections said that additional sanitation measures have been deployed, and
all meals are being delivered to individual
units during the lockdown.
More COVID-19 Cases In Massachusetts Correctional Facilities
Like the rest of Massachusetts, there are
increased cases of the coronavirus in state
correctional facilities, including 140 prisoners who have now tested positive at the
Massachusetts Correctional Institution in
More than 2,000 New Jersey inmates released to slow spread of
coronavirus in prisons
More than 2,000 inmates in New Jersey
were released in an attempt to mitigate the
spread of the coronavirus in the state’s prison system — almost a month after the state
passed one of the first bills in the U.S. to
reduce sentences because of the pandemic. Liz Velez, a New Jersey Department
of Corrections spokesperson, told NBC
News in an email that 2,261 adults nearing
the end of their prison sentences were released early Wednesday amid rising coronavirus cases in some state prisons.e than
2,000 New Jersey inmates released to slow
spread of coronavirus in prisons.
El Paso County jail sets state record for largest COVID-19 outbreak
among inmates, with 690 sickened
Nearly 700 El Paso County jail inmates
have tested positive for COVID-19, the
sheriff's office announced Tuesday, making
Colorado Springs home to the state’s largest outbreak among inmates since the pandemic started. The fast-spreading virus has
infected 690 inmates out of 1,229 in custody, marking a nearly tenfold increase in
five days and surpassing all other outbreaks
in penal institutions reported by state public health officials, data show.
Volume 1, Number 10
COVID-19 outbreak at Maine Correctional Center grows to 81 confirmed cases
The COVID-19 outbreak at the Maine
Correctional Center in Windham has grown
to 81 confirmed cases, the state Department
of Corrections said. The department said 72
inmates and nine staff members have tested
positive using rapid antigen tests.
New COVID-19 outbreak reported at
Goose Creek Correctional Center,
Alaska’s largest prison
Alaska’s largest prison is now home to
the latest outbreak of the coronavirus in
the state’s correctional system. Twenty-two
inmates and five staff at Goose Creek Correctional Center near Wasilla have tested
positive for COVID-19, according to Sarah
Gallagher, a spokeswoman for the Alaska
Department of Corrections.
COVID-19 Cases Among Hawaii Inmates In Arizona Now At 378
COVID-19 Cases Among Hawaii Inmates In Arizona Now At 378. Mass testing
of Hawaii convicts who are serving their
sentences in a privately run Arizona prison
has identified 317 new cases of COVID-19,
according to a written announcement from
the state Department of Public Safety.
79th California prison inmate dies
of COVID-19
An inmate at a central California prison
died of complications from the coronavirus
Saturday, authorities said, becoming the
state’s 79th person to have a fatal case of
COVID-19 while they were incarcerated.
There have been 15,872 confirmed cases of
the coronavirus in the state prison system,
according to online statistics. The virus has
killed more than 17,500 Californians and
infected more than 900,000.

Dozens Of Prisoners At MCI-Norfolk
Have Tested Positive For COVID-19
Prison officials say coronavirus testing
continues at MCI-Norfolk after an outbreak at the prison last week. Prisoners and
attorneys say dozens of men held at Norfolk have tested positive for the virus. It's
the third outbreak at a state correctional facility since the end of September.
Should Prisoners Have to Pay For
Medical Care During a Pandemic?
All but 12 states and the District of Columbia charge fees to prisoners who ask
to see a doctor; officials say they want to
discourage prisoners from abusing the
medical system or stretching staff too thin.
Rates are set by each state, ranging from
$2 to $8 each time a prisoner seeks a visit,
according to the Prison Policy Initiative, a
national think tank. But low wages in prisons mean this fee could be equivalent to a
week’s work, and the cost can discourage
prisoners from seeking care.
8th inmate dies of coronavirus at
Avenal State Prison
An eighth inmate at Avenal State Prison
has now died after getting the coronavirus
while incarcerated. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
hasn't released that person's name yet, but
says 24 other inmates at Avenal State Prison have the virus right now.
Dozens of inmates test positive for
virus at San Diego federal jail
At least 56 inmates tested positive for
the coronavirus last week at a privately run
federal jail in downtown San Diego that
houses mostly pretrial inmates, according
to defense attorneys briefed on the matter.
Cases of COVID-19 nearly triple at
FCI Fort Dix
Virus News ............. Continued on page 10

Brother Infected
My brother, Shawn, a former marine,
contracted the COVID-19 in August. I am
his point of contact for emergencies and the
prison did not call me to tell me my brother was hanging on by the grace of GOD.
Another inmate called me to tell me the
horror Shawn endured for 6 days waiting
for someone to help him. As an accounted from other inmates, Shawn laid in his
cell for 6 days with a fever of 104 before
the head nurse pulled him to the infirmary. The only Shawn remembers from this
three-week ordeal is waking up wanting to
die because he was so sick. As a result of
neglect from the prison, he suffers memory
loss, unsteady gait and has respiratory issues. He has requested an inhaler but to no
avail, they have not given him one.
I am so disappointed in the legal system
and how our prisoners are treated. Yes,
some deserve to be there, but bottom line
is they are still human. I have confirmation
that prisoners are treated like animals, still.
Arizona is a very crooked state. My brother
ponders why Oregon doesn’t bring in fresh
potatoes since they are so close to Idaho potato farms, the questions go on and on and
on. It’s all about MONEY for all DOC’s.
Shawn and other inmates also told me they
were given masks made from used clothing
(from other prisons) and the guards were
not required to wear masks. How asinine
is this? The guards have infected the prison
so much they have been on lockdown for
months. DOC will NEVER reveal how
many have died or suffered from COVID.
However, my brother has told me that some
men never made it back to the Veterans
Unit after visiting the infirmary. GOD help
us all….
What lies in front of you
Your Newsletter was great—it is so incredible how much you all can inspire
one too practice safety... by washing your distancing... and wearing your
mask. It should not ever take for a love
one... nor anyone to die for anyone to see
an issue so serious. A great portion of news
out there heard about this pandemic in October and November of 2019. Two months
passed and they still had not taken control
of this pandemic. The United States should

have been fully alert of this pandemic.
I live in Stanley Correctional Institution
in Wisconsin. I have seen and experienced
a lot in my time here. They let two infected
staff members in, and now they’ve locked
down the school, PSU, chapel, one wing of
a unit, hobby, etc. Who knows what is going to happen next? An associate warden
tested positive for COVID-19, and this also
under the new warden—not a good start if
you ask me.
It is hard living here, not able to see my
children or grandchildren. I know I have no
reason to complain because “If you can’t
do the time...don’t do the crime.” I am getting my zoom visit’s, that I am thankful for.
What is truly hard, and I think a lot of people may disagree or agree, this pandemic
has made doing time become very stressful. For me, not being able to help nor feel
the love of our love ones. This is and will
be what I think about every day.
My deepest thoughts go out to Kettle
Moraine Correctional Institution, and also
too all correctional institutions because this
pandemic is not ending soon. However you
do your time, please remember your neighbors and your loved one’s, both inside and
G.T. - Wisconsin
Heavy Lifting
I think that it may be a good idea for you
to contact legal lawyers, along with legal
agencies in each state, and then list their addresses in your current newsletters. So that
way inmates know who to contact when
prison administrations do put their lives
in serious risk, jeopardy, or even death. …
The problem is that someone needs to find
these legal agencies and then let their services be made known to those who really
need them the most.
Donald, Nevada
[The above is only a part of Donald’s letter, and I printed this part to make a statement I’ve made too many times to count.
What he and so many prisoners often do
is to find work for us to perform out here.
We should contact the lawyers in each state
and provide you with the resources we
come up with. We should do this while you
sit on your ass and do nothing.
If you believe your conditions of existence are going to change for the better
because outside do-gooders have done the
job for you, well, you’re sadly mistaken. If
you want the right to vote you must peace-

fully and responsibly struggle for
it—just as women and blacks had
to do. If you are unhappy with
your status as a slave of the state,
it must be you on the inside who
work to change these things. You
must be your own liberators.
You have free food, housing,
laundry service etc. Unlike us out
here in minimum custody, you do
not have to worry about getting
the rent money or buying groceries. You have time to find these lawyers
and then share that information with those
who need it. We out here can support you in
these efforts, but you on the inside must do
the heavy lifting.]



C/Os Work While COVID-19 Positive
Here at Racine Correctional Institution
the C/0s are working mandatory double
shifts. They are tired and mad—that is
not good for inmates. There are nine units
here, six are on lockdown with positive
COVID-19 outbreaks. My unit is included.
They “might” come around once a week to
test us. But here’s the real problem, three
different C/0s have spoken out, they have
a cOVID-19 relief fund for one week off.
After than they must come back to work. If
they tested positive they still have to come
back to work as long as they don’t show
symptoms. How are we supposed to be safe
when C/0s who tested positive are allowed
to work?
Joe, F.C.I. Petersburg
Conditions Bad
We are currently on phase one lockdown
with multiple infections in our compound.
This is due to staff not being pro-active
concerning this virus, not wearing masks,
infected people in same units as healthy inmates. We are not having out temperatures
checked and no means of knowing who is
infected and who isn’t. We are not getting
hygiene packs at all since August. No cleaning supplies, no real meals. Unit showers
and clothing are not being done. They are
letting infected inmates run around the
unit, door-to-door without masks. We are
restricted from phone use and no emails.
Jerry, U.S. Penitentiary, Atlanta
[The above complaints are an edited version of letters we get from prisoners across
the nation. All agree, as this writer states,
these condition are "due to staff not being
pro-active concerning this virus."]
Prison Covid News

By Tarryn Unique
y name is Tarryn Unique – I am
31 years and I am a female prisoner incarcerated at C.I.M. I am
serving LWOP for murder robbery. I myself
and fiancé are STRONG ADVOCATES
We are anti-socialist, against all forms
of systemic oppression from ‘The State’
by way of institutions of gov’t authority.
These institutions of ‘The State’ further
racisms, sexism and classism by way of
force, violence, drugs, manipulations and
‘Jim Crow-ish Laws’.
Direct activism involves using the systems of redress provided by said INSTITUTIONS against the SAME INSTITUTIONS. WITH AIMS TO BLEED
CONFUSED with COMMUNISTIC ECONOMIC SECURITY measures and practices. Other forms of direct actions employed
by our movement is forwarded by DIRECT
OF PROPAGANDA. Social Media calls


By Tarryn Unique

Volume 1, Number 10

OF ACTIVISM CAN CRUMBLE A SYSTEM FROM WITHIN. BTSA is an advocacy group for Social Justice which aims
are to combat and end all systematic and
institutional forms of oppressions using
methods of activism, direct action, protection, among others…
BTSA’s Point of View on the entire pressing situation of the pandemic here at CHINO…’Chief’s’….just plain and simple.
I was the last transfer into Chino State
Prison on 3/11/2020. Just a week into my
arrival there were talks of the need to be
safe and aware. It was a weekday like any
other in prison, an oppressed one, except
on either Thursday or Friday there was a
Jewish Rabbi sweating profusely with a
slight cough, but this is prison norm – seeing sick staff come to work and spread their
sickness upon what they see the inmates as:
weak-minded, less-than, expensive babysitting and/or just plain dumb. The Rabbi
calls out a few inmates, and as a common
gesture and extends his sick hand to say
hello, and that he would be gone a few days
becaue he felt sick. It wasn’t until he went
to all five buildings which were populated
with inmates, and passed through the chapel room, Sgt’s, Lt’s, Cpt’s, and C/O offices
when either himself or CDCR staff noticed
he was sick and was positive for Covid-19.
Now common sense would be to lock
down Chino and check all inmates who
spoke with the Rabbi – CDCR doesn’t
work on common sense, only money. Hazardous conditions equal more pay for staff.
A few of the inmates took it upon themselves to self-quarantine due to inmate
advice, and the others chose the obvious.
Now staff knew of the ‘self-quarantine’ inmates inside of ‘Colusa’ [building name],
but staff did not see this as camaraderie,

they welcomed them to go to chow and eat.
Two days later every inmate in contact with
the Rabbi slowly started to catch it – and
– spread it. On day 61 I said to myself I
need to self-quarantine before I become a
I advised people of the plan to go ASU,
to get away from the inevitable, and just
as I expected those who have been brain
washed ‘remain oppressed’, and they failed
to realize those horrible outcomes. So till
this very day I have been in solitary confinement away from the pandemic. I am
not delighted in the least but I am grateful
for the understanding of a situation I could
have been a statistic to. And for those of
you fighting the fight I pray for you daily,
because what you are feeling out there in
society, we have been feeling on a daily
basis for years and have outcried the need
to abolish prisons entirely. Isolation of
any form is a proven fact of mental harm.
is a call for justice and a peaceful stance
both inside these prison walls and out! ♥

There are more than 500 cases of COVID-19 among inmates at the Corcoran
prison - that's about 11% of the prison population.
They've been e-mailing about the outbreak, and she's also been getting information from another inmate he mentors in a
youth offender program (neither have tested positive for COVID-19 yet).
The younger inmate told Hoyt that COVID ran rampant in his building, and he's
been raising concerns, from too much mixing and moving of inmates, to too little
mask-wearing by correctional officers.
Fifty SATF employees also currently
have the disease. "He said they'll do so
when the sergeants are around or when it's
chow time," Hoyt said. "And then for the
rest of the day they take it off."
Late last month, the Office of the Inspector General released a report detailing
CDCR's failures to enforce mask wearing
among inmates and staff at its facilities. ♥



e started this little newsletter
back in April, as soon as we
learned how badly the COVID-19 pandemic was ravaging its way
across the nation’s prisons. We felt there
was a need for prisoners to be better informed about this subject, as the bourgeois
media was not adequately reporting what
was taking place on the inside. I think it
was in the August issue that we first asked
readers to kick down two stamps for every
issue they wanted to receive—one stamp
to pay for the materials used to create the
newsletter, and the other to mail it to you.
So far, the response from prisoners has
been a bit underwhelming. If you do not
have stamps or money, or outside people
to help you, then send us artwork from the
inside. Look at the drawing on page two,
done by Tarryn Unique, a prisoner in the
California State Prison at Corcoran.
There is another reason we would like to
have your stamps or checks for subscriptions, beyond helping us to defray the costs
of production and mailing, and that is your
contributions represents a yardstick by
which we measure how much interest there
is in the work we do.
If you on the inside are not interested in
the content we provide, then why should
we waste our time, energy, and money
sending this newsletter to you every few
weeks. In short, your contributions are a
measure of just how much the service we
provide is needed. If it is not important to
you to kick down a few stamps or to send
us a check, then why should we bother? We
could spend the resources used to produce
this newsletter on more important things.
This newsletter goes into prisons in every state, and to many prisons in each of
those states, and also to many readers in
each of those prisons. Volunteers do all the
labor and pay all the costs. This is not a sustainable situation. Bottom line: you step up
or we step out.
Nothing worth anything is free. Like I
said, if you don’t have stamps or money,
then send us artwork. For 15 years I ran
a website called Prison Art, where I sold
the arts and crafts of prisoners. I shut the
site down once it was discovered I had advanced stage lung cancer, yet I’ve always
had a soft spot for flash art from the inside.
Besides, we have been thinking of having an auction to help raise money for the
newsletter. We were thinking about selling

our personal treasures, but artwork from
the inside would help a lot.
Now for some bad news. Many prisoners in Pennsylvania are having their newsletters returned marked “Refused” by the
service that processes their mail. Prisons in
some states use a private mail processing
service to handle prisoner mail. No doubt
this saves the state a few bucks and allows
them to gives money to their cronies. But
as usual, when state functions are privatized those who suffer are the poor. Take
medical for example, what's more important to them, corporate profits or the quality
of your health care?
So in this particular instance, if you write
a letter to a prisoner it must go to an address
in Pennsylvania. If you send that same prisoner a publication, however, it must go to
an address in Florida in order to reach the
same individual. When prisoners write and
ask for a subscription with a return address
for correspondence. Then their newsletters
come back marked "Refused." No notice of
rejection or opportunity to appeal.
The prisoners are also at fault for not giving me the correct address. But still, privatized mail handling? I am appalled at what
today's prisoners allow themselves to be
subjected to.
Moving right along, the person who
types up most of the letters you send us
asked that you write clearly and legibly
when you write letters and articles. I do the
keyboarding too, and sometimes we both
have a problem reading what you write.
Now some more virus news: This week,
new infections among prisoners again increased sharply to their highest level since
the start of the pandemic, far exceeding
previous peaks. At least 182,593 people in
prison had tested positive for the illness, an
8 percent increase from the week before.
Iowa, Michigan and the federal prison system each saw more than 1,000 prisoners
test positive this week, while Texas prisons
surpassed 2,000 new cases. Cases among
staff also continue a troubling rise.
The latest federal prison outbreak, in
Fort Dix, New Jersey, appears to have been
seeded by busloads of prisoners transferred
from Elkton, Ohio, site of an earlier deadly
outbreak. “It is filthy, people are ill, everyone is depressed, everyone looks like
death,” one prisoner said. Inside the Pickaway, Ohio, state prison where three quarters of the population tested positive and
dozens died. A Colorado jail is the state’s
second largest virus hotspot, detainees
weren’t provided masks until last week. ♥

Investigation Shows How
Jails' Privatized Healthcare
Places Profit Over Prisoners,
With Deadly Results
by Brett Wilkins, staff writer
Reuters report found that inmates
in jails with contracted medical services were more likely to die and
suffer substandard care than those in facilities with publicly managed care.
U.S. jails in which healthcare has been
contracted out to private providers experienced inmate death rates up to 58% higher
than detention facilities with publicly managed medical services, a Reuters investigation published Monday found.
Reuters reviewed inmate deaths in more
than 500 U.S. jails from 2016 to 2018 and
found that facilities where healthcare was
run by one of the country's five top prison
medical services companies had significantly higher mortality rates.
The national average for jails where local public health or law enforcement departments managed healhcare during that
period was 12.8 deaths per 100,000 inmates. Detention centers with privatized
healthcare experienced between 2.3 to 7.4
additional annual deaths depending on the
company providing care, an increase of between 18% and 58%.
"I need to go to the hospital," Loflin
pleaded. "I'm gonna die in here." But management at Corizon Health Inc.—a privately-held company with an exceedingly long
list of wrongful death and medical malpractice lawsuits—rejected the request of
the jail's medical staff. By the time Corizon
approved Loflin's hospitalization, it was
too late. He died after suffering irreversible
brain damage.
"You've got counties being greedy, not
wanting to spend money on medical care,
and companies saying, 'We can do this,
we can do it cheaper for you,'" Dr. Robert
Greifinger, former chief medical officer for
the New York State Department of Correctional Services, told Reuters. "How do
companies achieve those economies? Part
of it is being stingy with care." ♥


Hopeful for unity...
Eager for change.
David Carr, Oregon SHU
Prison Covid News



his group is a subgroup of the COVID-19 Mutual Aid WA, who are
out here pushing legislation for
us locked up inside and I want to get this
information out there to as many of my
friends, family, and allies as possible so
this is the mission:
Dear Friends,
#FreeThemAll WA, P.O. Box 30624, Seattle, Washington.98113 is a subgroup of
the Covid 19 Mutual Aid WA. COVID-19
Mutual Aid is a community-based network
based on the principles that it is imperative
we prepare for the unknown through creating and sustaining social networks of people who are committed to engaging in the
community care work that makes for resilient and powerful support groups. #FreeThemAll WA is organizing with incarcerated
siblings and other system-impacted folks
like our families out there to demand that
Washington State defund DOC and decarcerate now! These people are reaching
out today to share their own Movement to
get us out who no longer belong in prison,
were over-sentenced, and/or we're very
young, now only being warehoused for the
benefit of profit by these criminals running
the DOC.
#FreeThemAll WA has already adopted
the legislative demands being proposed by
the Coalition of incarcerated groups who
are working with our Republic to push this
legislation into existence, including the
Asian Pacific Islanders Cultural Awareness
Group, Black Prisoners Caucus, Concerned
Lifers Organization, Native American
Community, Latino Development Organization, and the State Raised Group, all of
which are at the Washington State Reformatory, and working hard with the Republic to push the following legislation.
The four demands of #FreeThemAll WA:

Volume 1, Number 10

These are the goals in order to Dismantle, Change, and Rebuild this corrupt
organization called the (WADOC) which
has become nothing more than a money pit
for the WADOC to extort money from our
taxpayers of the State of Washington by
and through extensive overtime shifts especially during this COVID-19 Pandemic,
but always, which I currently have a Public Disclosure Request in to uncover, and
bring to the light.
Through the Correctional Industries
which has extorted millions of dollars from
our families and the taxpayers of Washington, specifically the over 1.3 Million
Dollars collected to feed the Monroe Correctional Complex hot breakfast since July
Through the J-pay system where they extort millions of dollars, and when there are
cuts to be made where do the criminal organization called the WADOC make cuts?
Our programs. The ‘Budget Cuts’ currently
proposed are for the 2021 budget shortfall
are targets at programs that SUPPORT INCARCERATED INDIVIDUALS. These
• Graduated Reentry program: $540,000
• Housing Vouchers Program: $674,000
• Community Chemical Dependency
Program: $1.5 Million
How does this sound to the Republic of
Washington? Let’s make cuts to the things
that will help the prisoner population get
back to their families faster and assist them
in staying out when they get out. Does
this make sense? Only for the Washington
State Department of Corrections to keep
us locked up and coming back. But how
about cutting some of these cops overtime
hours... Excuse me... Guess this is supposed to be professional huh? Let’s talk
about letting people out... Or STOP talking
about it, and do it, and DO IT!!!
Now we already have this Senate Bill
6164 and 5488 passed by the legislature finally. LET THE JUVENILES OUT! Bring
them back and let them out! I have five on
my 78-man tier right now who fell when
they were actual children, all been down

over ten years. No murders! No rapes! LET
Many old men in here in their late 60’s
and 70’s been down over 25 years. LET
THEM OUT!!! Expedite the Senate Bills
that have already been passed, SB 6164 and
5488. These are the Senate Bills we want
to be passed this coming legislative year
that promote Defunding and Decarcerating
our people and releasing our families from
their own hardships:
BILL to age 25.
• Prohibit JUVENILE POINTS from
being used in adult sentencing.
for serious violent crimes for up to 1/3
their sentence.
• Eliminate MINIMUM SENTENCING LAWS, under which judicial discretion is minimized and systematic
incarceration is further facilitated.
Now, I am not a part of any cultural or
political organization. I AM an independent
thinker and man, and currently Unlawfully
Restrained Thirteenth Amendment Citizen
fighting for the Critical Resistance against
the Prison Industrial Complex, bad government, and corrupt police. My mission in
life is to Dismantle, Change and Rebuild
this corrupt money pit called the Washington State Department Of Corrections.
Join WE THE PEOPLE in the Resistance. Dismantle, Change, Rebuild!!! ♥
By C.W,, Washington State Penitentiary

A Nation's Treaty Ignored
2.2 Million US Slaves

“Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a
punishment for crime whereof
the party shall have been duly
convicted, shall exist within
the United States, or any place
subject to their jurisdiction.”
Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S.
“No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery …
shall be prohibited in all their
Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, Article 4,
a treaty the US is a signatory to.

COVID News ....... Continued from page 5
The number of COVID-19 cases inside
Federal Ccorrectional Iinstitution at Fort
Dix nearly tripled on two days earlier, according to data reported by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. As of Oct. 30, 165 inmates
inside the federal prison had tested positive
for the virus, nearly tripling the 59 cases
the previous day. Eight staff members have
also tested positive.
COVID-19: More than 100 inmates in
Rapid City prison test positive
The South Dakota Department of Corrections in its weekday updates of COVID-19
in the state's prisons said that 184 inmates
at the Rapid City Community Work Center
have tested positive, and just one has reported recovering.
Number of cases in Maryland
prisons tops 1,000 since pandemic

Two Maryland inmates died from COVID-19 late last month, bringing the total
number of inmate coronavirus deaths to 13,
according to the Maryland Department of
Public Safety and Correctional Services.
More than 1,000 inmates have contracted
the virus since March. Two correctional
workers have died, according to the department, and 808 guards, correctional staff
and contract workers have tested have tested positive for the virus.


Lawmakers have ‘grave concerns’
over how officials are handling
COVID-19 outbreak at N.J. prison
A group of New Jersey members of Congress on Monday called on the federal Bureau of Prisons to halt inmate transfers to
Fort Dix correctional institution — which
has the second most current cases of COVID-19 of any federal prison in the country
— until it implements a testing strategy and
there are no active cases.

Prisons and jails have become a
‘public health threat’ during the
Within a week, 23 inmates and 17 staff
members were found to be infected. One
inmate died hours after testing positive.
Within a month, more than three-quarters
of Pickaway’s roughly 2,000 inmates were
confirmed positive. By the end of May, 35
were dead.

Pennsylvania prisons face a deadly
‘full-blown resurgence’ of COVID-19
The number of positive cases reported
by the DOC stood at 442 prisoners and 244
staff. There has not been a single time during this pandemic that there have been that
many active cases. So far, 17 incarcerated
people have died — six of them since midOctober.

Prison Covid Newsletter ©
PO Box 48064
Burien, WA 98148




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