Pomona Jail Annual Detention Review, ICE, 2004
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Office ofDetel1fion and Removal Operations u.s. DepartmcBl of Homeland Security 425 I Street, NW Washington, DC 20536 u.s. Immigration and Customs Enforcement OCT 1 2 20G4 MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: SUBJECT: Gloria Kee Field Office Director Los Angeles Field Office ,,~.~ ~~~~~ ~rector Pomona City Jail Annual Detention Review The Annual Review of the Pomona City Jail was conducted on June 21,2004, in Pomona, California. A final rating of Acceptable has been assigned. No further action is required and this review is closed. The rating was based on the Reviewer in Charge (RIC) Summary Memorandum and supporting documentation. The Field Office Director must remedy the deficiencies in the RIC Memorandum, and initiate the following action in accordance with the Detention Management Control Program (DMCP): 1) The Field Office Director, Detention and Removal Operations, shall notify the facility within five business days ofreceipt of this memorandum. Notification shall include copies of the Form G-324A, Detention Facility Review Form, the G-324A worksheet, RIC Summary Memorandum, and a copy of this memorandum. 2) The Field Office Director shall schedule the next annual review on or before June 21, 2005. Should you or your staff have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Acting Deputy Assistant Director, Detention Management Division at (202) 305 b6, b7c b2 high - Of/in' (~fDt!I('/lIi()n and Rernol'lll Operatiolls li.s. Department of Homeland Seeurity 3001\. Los Angeles Street Los Angeles, CA <)0012 u.s. Immigration and Customs Enforcement August 15,2004 MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: Victor X. Cerda Acting Director Headquarters Detention and Removal Operations b6, b7c Reviewer-In-Charge, Headquarters Detention and Removal Operations SUBJECT: Review Summary Report, Pomona City Jail The Headquarters Office of Detention and Removal (HQDRO) performed a review of the Pomona City Jail, an IGSA facility. It was conducted on June 21, 2004. This review was b6, b7c , Reviewer-In-Charge, and assisted by Detention performed under the supervision of b6, b7c Operations Supervisor , Los Angeles Field Office. The review measured compliance with the ICE Detention Standards. No other assessments were performed or requested at this time. Attached to this memorandum is a copy of the original Fonn G324B Detention Inspection Form. All worksheets and working papers are maintained in the appropriate file system and are available for review by the Review Authority. Type of Review: This review was a routine scheduled assessment and was conducted for the sole purpose of determining overall compliance with the ICE Detention Standards. -- Review Summary Report, Mira Lorna Detention Center Page 2 Review Summary: The following review summarizes only those standards not in full compliance. Each Standard is identified and a short summary provided regarding standards or procedures not currently in compliance. It appears that the facility meets the standard but is requested to change its operating procedures to comply with language contained in the ICE Detention Standards. These are considered to be administrative changes that do not affect the daily operation or will have an insignificant affect on how the facility is operated. There were 24 Compliant Standards and 1 Deficient Standard. The following summary lists the standard that was found to be non-compliant. DISCIPLINARY POLICY -DEFICIENT: The Jail uses an infonnal disciplinary system. The Disciplinary Policy was not noted in the Detainee Handbook. The staff stated that they would review their policy and address this deficiency. Overall, the Review indicated substantial compliance with the ICE Detention Standards. The staffwe encountered was courteous, knowledgeable, and professional. They were very receptive to recommendations for changes in their procedures. During the review, no constraints or abnonnal difficulties were encountered. Staff and detainees were cooperative and available to assist reviewers or to answer questions posed by the team. Recommended Rating and Justification: The result of our careful evaluation and review of the procedures and operation of the facility reflects their ability to provide for the proper and hwnane care of ICE detainees within the guidelines of the ICE Detention Standards. The facility's ability to directly supervise and control their detainee population's behavior has proven to be as effective. As a whole, I feel the documentation the team viewed supports the notion that the facility should be rated as Acceptable. RIC Assurance Statement: It is the opinion ofthe Reviewer In Charge that the findings of compliance and non-compliance are documented on the G-324a Inspection form and that it is supported by docwnentation in the review file. e u.s. Department Of Homeland Security Detention Facility Review Fonn U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Facilities Used Under 72 hours Estimated Man-days Per Year ICE Intergovernmental Service Agreement Facility used Under 72 Hours or Less I.3700 E. Accreditation Certificates Accredited By: ACA: 0 NCCHC: 0 JCAHO: Date: Date: Date: A. Current Inspection Type of Review ~ Field Office 0 HQ Review Date[s] of Review 06121104 F. Problems I Complaints (Couies must be attached) The Facility is under Court Order or Class Action Finding Court Order 0 Class Action Order The Facility has Significant Litigation Pending Major Litigation 0 Life/Safety Issues I )~~ ye;k;;.. ;W·i-,(ktai1eti-wn~:;Jpemomi.'i d:ul;n.: :~ o PreviousIMost Recent Review Date[s) of Last Review 10/20/03 Previous Rating l2'J Acceptable 0 Deficient 0 At-Risk o . B NameandL ocation 0 fFaCllty T Name POMO:"lA CITY JAIL Address (Stred and Name) 490 WEST MISSION BLVD. City, State and Zip Code POMONAf CA 91766 County LOS ANGELES f Chief Executive Officer (WardenlOIClSuperinlelldenl) Name SGT. b6, b7c Telepllone (Include Area Code) (909) 626- b6, b7c ""Plstrld ~ OS ANGELES, CA from District Office )IlLES Jstanre C. ICE Information viewer (Last Name, Title and Duty Station) b6, b7c I DO I LOS ANGELES DlSTRlCT Last Name 1Title of Team Members (Reviewers) b6, b7c SIEA; LOS ANGELES DISTRICT I , Controlling Field Office LOS ANGELES Nearest Field or Sub-Office LOS ANGELES G F aellh T H"IstOrv Date Built 1962 Date Last Remodeled or Upgraded 1988 Date New Construction I Bedspace Added NONE Future Construction Planned DYes No Date: Current Bedspace Future Bedspace SAME 53 IZI I H. Total Facilitv PODulation Total Intake for previous 12 months 4250 Total Mandays for Previous 12 months 8201 L / D CDFIIGSA I n f,ormation o nly Contract Number Date of Contract or [GSA 12·02-0109 10/01102 Basic Rates per Man-Day $75.00 Other Charges: (If None, Indicate NJA) EMERGENCY HOSPITAL TRANSPORT& TREATMENT; ; , I 0 Facility Ca lacitv Rated Adult Male 58 I Adult Female 11 Operational 58 r 11 Average Daily Population ICE I Adult Male 12 I Adult Female 0 Staffing Level b2 high Emergency USMS N/A 0 Other 0 0 I Support: POLICE DEPT. Form 0-324B (9/25/03) Significant Incident Summary Worksheet r ICE to complete its Review of your facility, the following information must be completed prior to the scheduled review dates. lbe infonnation on this form should contain data for the past twelve months in the boxes provided. The information on this form is used in conjunction with the ICE Detention Standards in assessing your Detention Operations against the needs of the ICE and its detained population. This fonn should be ftlled out by the facility prior to the start of any inspection. 0 Assault: Offenders on Offender I 0 0 Assault: Detainee on 0 o o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o o 0 o o 0 o o 0 o o 0 o o 0 o o 0 o o o o 0 o o 0 0 o o 0 0 o o 0 0 o o l(A) 0 o I (I) 0 o 0 0 o o 0 0 o o Staff ice.1 Referra1s as a result ofinjurics sustained. Escapes Any attempted physical contact or physical contact lnat involves two or more offenders Oral , anal or vaginal penetration or attempted penetration involving at least 2 parties, whether it is consenting or non...;Qnsenting Routine transpor1ation of detainees/offenders is not c onsidered wforced" Any incident lhat involves four or more detainees/offenders. includes gang fights, organized multiple hunger strikes. work stoppages. hostage situations. major fires. or other large scale incidents. Form G-324B (I 1/6/03) Admission and Release Classification System Detainee Handbook Food Service Funds and Personal Property Delainee Grievance Procedures Issuance and Exchange of Clothing Bedding, ilDd Towels Practices Contraband Detention Files Disciplinary Policy Emergency Plans Environmental Health and Safety Hold Rooms in Detention Facilities Key and Lock Control Population Counts Security Inspections Special Management Units (Administrative Segregation) Special Management Units (Disciplinary Segregation} Tool Control Transportation (Land management) Use of Force Staff I Detainee Communication Detainee Search All findings (At-Risk, Repeat Deficiency and Deficient) require written comment destrlblng the HDding aDd wbat Is necessary to meet compliance. Fonn G-324B (11/6103) RIC Review Assurance Statement By signing below, the Reviewer-In-Charge (RIC) certifies that all fmdings ofnoncompliance with policy or inadequate controls contained in the Review Report are supported by evidence that is sufficient and reliable. Furthermore, findings of noteworthy accomplishments are supported by sufficient and reliable evidence. Within the scope of the review, the facility is operating in accordance with applicable law and policy, and property and resources are efficiently used and adequately safeguarded, except for the deficiencies noted in the report. Reviewer-In-Chargc;; (Prinl Name) b6, b7c b6, b7c Title & Duty Location Date D.O. LOS ANGELES 06/21/2004 Print Name & Duty Location Print Name & Duty Location b6, b7c / LOS ANGELES, CA Print Name & Duty Location "lie Rating Recommendation: Print Name & Duty Location r8J Acceptable o Deficient OAt-Risk RIC Conunents: Form G-324B (11/6/03) EADQUARTERS EXECUTIVE REVIEW The signature below constitutes review of this report and acceptance by the Review Authority. FD/OIC/CEO will have lO:ilijj from receipt of this report to respond to all findings and recommendations. HQDRO EXECUTNE REVIEW: (Please Print Name) Signnture Title Date Final Rating: 0 Acceptable o Deficient OAt-Risk Conunents: Fonn 0-3248 (11/6/03) • (EADQUARTERS EXECUTIVE REVIEW The signature below constitutes review of this report and acceptance by the Review Authority. OIC/CEO will have iNi,8 a]1I receipt of this report to respond to aU findings and recommendations. DRO EXECUTIVE REVIEW: (please Print Name) 0 Superior Good t?:?l Acceptable Deficient OAt-Risk Final Rating: o o Comments: The Review Authority concurs with the recommended rating of "Acceptab\e." The Reviewer-In-Charge has appropriately justified the rating. Form G-324A (Rev. 8/(/01) No Prior Version May Be Used After 12131101 Department of Homelanlecurity Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Detention and Removal Condition of Confinement Review Worksheet (This document must be attached to each G-324a Inspection Form) This Form to be used for Inspections of alllGSA Facilities Used Under 72 Hours Field Office Detention Review Worksheet [gJ 0 Local Jail- IGSA State Facilitiy - IGSA Name POMONA JAIL Address (Street and Name) 490 WEST MISSION BL VD. City, State and Zip Code POMONA CA 91766 County LOS ANGELES Name and Title of Chief Executive Officer (Warden/OIC/Superintendent) b6, b7c SGT. Name and title of Reviewer-In-Charge b6, b7c Date£sJ of Review 06/21/04 Type of Review Headquarters o f2J Operational o Special Assessment DOther · G-324B Detention Re\iew Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) The "Contraband" standard governs all personal property searches. IGSAs use or have a similar contraband standard. Staff prepare a complete inventory of each detainee's CDFs and Staff completes Form or similar form IGSAs for every lost or missing property claim. IGSA facilities forward all 7 claims to ICE. o [8J o o o o PROPERTY IS BAGGED & SEALED BY ICE. o o o releases are coordinated with the ICE office of jurisdiction. 0 o ICE Staff enter all information on detainees admitted, released, or transferred into the Deportable Alien Control 181 o FACILITY HAS A MEDICAL SCREENING FORM o o o Standard Rating: At-Risk Deficient Page 2 of17 G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Reviewer Signature: b6, b7c Date: -1 - 1 - 0"-\ o D HA[) eat OAt-Risk The detainee handbook states in clear language basic ibilities. detainee The handbook identifies: • Initial issue of clothing and bedding and personal hygiene items. • when a medical examination will be conducted. • the telephone policy, debit card procedures. direct and frees calls; Locations of telephones; Policy when telephone demand is high; Policy and procedures for emergency phone calls. and the Detainee Message System. facility search procedures and contraband • policy. • facility visiting hours and schedule and visiting lations rules and USES THE SERVICE CLASSIFICATION OF THE SUBJECT. ~ 0 0 IZJ 0 0 THERE IS NO MENTION OF MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS OR DEBIT CARDS I THEY ARE NOT USED AT THEFACILITY. ~ 0 0 Page 3 of17 G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Reviewer Signature: b6, b7c Date: -,-I - 0'1 The handbook describes the detainee disciplinary policy and procedures: Including: • Prohibited acts and severity scale sanctions. • Time limits in the Disciplinary Process . • Summary of Disciplinary Process. • The detainee handbook describes the sick call procedures for general population and segregation . • The handbooK specifies the rights and of all detainees. o o Standard Rating: o Deficient Finding At·Risk The food service program is supervised by trained staff. Knife cabinets close with an approved locking device and the on-duty cook foreman maintains control of the ke that locks the device. All knives not in a secure cutting room are physically secured to the workstation and staff directly supervise detainees using knives at these workstations. Staff monitor the condition of knives and dinin utensils Detainees are served at least three meals daily. No more than 14 hours elapse between the last meal served and the first meal of the followin da . A registered dietitian conducts a complete nutritional analysis of every master-cycle menu planned. The food service program addresses medical diets . Satellite-feeding programs follow guidelines for proper sanitation . Hot and cold foods are maintained at the prescribed, "safe" temperature(s) after two hours. (140 degrees for hot - 40 d rees for cold All meals provided in nutritionally adequate portions. Food is not used to punish or reward detainees based upon behavior. [gI 0 0 0 0 r8I 0 0 [gl 0 0 r8I r8I 0 0 0 0 0 0 [gl 0 0 [gl 0 0 IZ1 0 0 r8I THEY SERVE READY MADE MEALS. Page 4 of17 G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Reviewer Signature: b6, b7c =--______ -, ~ J - t . " I D ate: _'_ _ __ include inspecting all incoming shipments for damage, contamination. and pest infestation. Deficient 0 D D At-Risk Detainee funds and valuables are properly separated and stored away. Detainee funds and valuables are accessible to su Detainees'large valuables are secured in a location accessible to designated supervisor(s) or processing Repeat Delrichrmc:v 0 0 ~ D D rgj VALUABLES ARE KEPT IN ICE CUSTODY an arriving detainee's medicine to the 0 0 t8l THERE IS NO MEDICAL STAFF. arriving detainees and their personal rgj 0 0 0 IZl 0 rgj D 0 rgj 0 0 ity procedures for handling detainee are similar with the ICE standard. Standard Rating: Ie o Deficient OAt-Risk A POLICE REPORT WOULD BE MADE. A REPORT IS TAKEN. 0 Page 5 of 17 G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Reviewer Signature: b6, b7c At-RJsk Deficient o At-Risk Deficient to return emergency phone calls 181 0 0 181 0 0 181 0 0 181 0 0 181 0 0 Page 6 of17 G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Reviewer Signatme: b6, b7c - Date: 1 - 1 - . '1 o detainee phone calls are monitored, notification is posted by detainee telephones that phone calls made by the detainees may be monitored . Special Access calls are not monitored. D 0 CALLS ARE NOT MONITORED. D Standard Rating: o o At-Risk o Deficient ACCellJlable There is a written visitation schedule and hours for general visitation. Hours for both General and Legal Visitation ule and rules are available to the A general visitation log is maintained. Visitors are searched and identified according to standard requirements. WArlAlIIr [gJ D 0 [gJ 0 0 D [gJ 0 D IZI 0 VISITORS ARE NOT IN THE SECURED PART OF THE FACILITY. IZI THEY DO NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL SERVICES. A Rating: Deficient At-Risk o o Page 7 of17 G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Reviewer Signature: b6, b7c ______ Date: l- 1- .\ '-'\ Detainees in the Special Management Unit have access to health care services. The facility has a written plan the delivery of 24-hour emergency health care when no medical personnel are on duty at the facility, or when immediate outside medical attention is uired. Detention written records of medication Detainees are required to sign a refusal to consent form when medical treatment is refused. 0 0 [8J [8J 0 0 [8J 0 0 0 0 [8J 0 0 [8J 0 0 fZI o o o o Standard Rating: o Deficient Acceptable At-Risk Every new staff member receives suicide-prevention training. Suicide-prevention training occurs during the .. mnln".... orientation nrnnr::lm Training prepares staff to: • Recognize potentially suicidal behavior; • Refer potentially suicidal detainees, following facility procedures; • Understand and apply suicide-prevention ues . Rating: At-Risk Deficient Page 8 of17 G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Reviewer Signature: b6, b7c Date: "") .. "1- -l"-''! The facility follows a written procedure for handling illegal contraband. Staff inventories, holds, and reports it when necessary to the proper authority for seizure. Upon admittance, receive notice of items they can and cannot possess. o D o o Standard Rating: o Deficient Ie OAt-Risk The facility has a written disciplinary system using progressive levels of reviews and appeals. D D The facility rules state that disciplinary action shall not be capricious or retaliatory. o D o o o o Written rules prohibit staff from imposing or permitting the following sanctions: • corporal punishment • deviations from normal food service • clothing deprivation • bedding deprivation • denial of personal hygiene items • loss of correspondence privileges • of exercise The rules of conduct, sanctions, and procedures for violations are defined in writing and communicated to all detainees and in writi The following conspicuously posted in Spanish and English or other dominate languages used in the facility: • Rights and Responsibilities • Prohibited Acts • DiSCiplinary Severity Scale • Sanctions • If so where acts occur, When minor rule violations or informal resolutions are AFF ATED IT WOULD BE ADDED TO FACILITY ITISN THE PRACTICE IS PROHIBITED. SAME AS ABOVE NOT POSTED IN SPANISH. o D o o Standard Rating : Acceptable (gI Deficient G~324B OAt-Risk Page 9 of 17 Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Reviewer Signature: b6, b7c Date: -,,- l . -"-)'-1 No Detainee or detainee groups exercise control or authority over other detainees. Detainees are protected from: • Personal abuse I Corporal punishment • Personal injury • Disease • Property damage • Harassment from other detainees The facility has written emergency plans that cover: • Work/Food Strike Disturbances • • Escapes • Bomb Threats • Adverse Weather • Facility Evacuation • Intemal Hosta es Standard Rating: t8J Acceptable o Deficient o o o o o o o Repeat Finding OAt-Risk 'nn",t""nt inventories are maintained for all flammable, toxic, and caustic substances used/stored in each section of the The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) file hazardous substance used. All personnel using flammable, toxic, and/or caustic substances follow the prescribed procedures. They: • Wear personal protective • Equipment. • Report hazards and spills to the • des' ated official. THE FACILITY HAS SOME PLANS IN PLACE BUT ARE LACKING IN CERTAIN AREAS. STAFF STATED IT WOULD BE UPDATED. 181 0 0 0 181 0 0 181 0 THE SYSTEM IS IN THE PROCESS OF BEING IMPROVED. SAME AS ABOVE. AS ABOVE. o o Page 10 of 17 G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Reviewer Signature: b6, b7c . Date: '\ -"\ .- .) '-\ The MSDS are readily accessible to staff and detainees in the work areas. Hazardous under proper supervision. • quantities are limited . Staff always supervises detainees using these • directly supervises and accounts for products with methyl alcohol. Staff receive a list of products containing diluted methyl alcohol, e.g .. shoe dye. All such products clearly labeled as such. "Accountability" includes issuing such products to detainees in the smallest workable The facility evacuation The plan requires: Monthly fire inspections. Fire protection equipment strategically located • throughout the facility. • Public posting of emergency plan with accessible building/room floor plans. • Exit signs and directional arrows. • Ar1 area-specifIC exit diagram conspicuously in the di I8J 0 0 A ACCESS. 0 [81 0 0 0 I8J I8J 0 0 I8J 0 0 I8J 0 0 I8J 0 0 [81 0 0 PRODUCTS LISTED NOT STORED IN THE FACILITY. • • • AI pest-control professional inspects for rodents, insects, and vermin. • At least monthly. • The pest-control program includes preventive for insects. Standard Rating: D Deficient 0 OAt-Risk Page 11 of17 G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Reviewer Signature: b6, b7c ___ _ rooms well ventilated. well lighted and all switches located outside the room. The hold rooms contain sufficient seating for the number of detainees held . The walls of the hold rooms escape proof. The hold room ceilings are escape and tamper resistant. are not held in hold rooms for more than 12 • under the age of 18 are not held with adult Ie Deficient IZI 0 IZI 0 0 IZI 0 0 [8l 0 0 IZI 0 0 [gl 0 0 IZI 0 0 IZI 0 0 IZI 0 0 At-Risk The entrance/exit door locks to detainee living quarters. or areas with an occupant load of 50 or more people. conform to • Occupational Safety and Environmental Health Manual, Chapter 3 • National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code 101. IZI o o Page 12 of17 G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Reviewer Signature: b6, b7c Date: I . - 'l-~,\ Individual gun lockers are provided. • They are located in an area that permits constant officer observation. • In an area that does not allow detainee or public access. All staff members are trained and held responsible for adhering to proper procedures for the handling of keys. • Issued keys are returned immediately in the event an employee inadvertently carries a key ring home. • Detainees are not permitted to handle keys ~ o o o o Standa rd Rating: o Deficient Written procedures cover informal and emergency counts. o Deficient o o R Ar1. ... at o o The control officer other deSignated position maintains an out -count record of all detainees the Accelltable o o At-Risk Find STAFF STATES THE ISSUE WILL BE ADDED TO SOP. o At-Risk Page 13 of 17 G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Reviewer Signature: _ b6, b7c ~_ _ _ _ _ Date: '"', ., -. .. , f - , ... ", Detainees do not have access to the Control Center. Officers monitor all vehicular traffic entering and leaving the facility. and departing x 0 0 x 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 X 0 0 0 X D 0 X 0 0 X X 0 0 X 0 0 X 0 0 X 0 0 ALL STAFF HA ACESS. ATRU SAME AS ABOVE SAME AS ABOVE OAt-Risk provides The Administrative Segregation non-punitive protection from the general population and individuals undergoing disciplinary segregation. • Detainees are placed in the SMU (administrative) in accordance with written criteria. In exigent circumstances, staff may place a detainee in the SMU (administrative) before a written order has been approved. • A copy of the order given to the detainee within 24 hours. Administratively segregated detainees enjoy the same general privileges as detainees in the general Page 14 of 17 G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Reviewer Signature: b6, b7c ~ _____ Date: .: ---; -J'1 x ",<>rlit<>,"V o o condition. A health care professional visits every detainee at least three times a week. The maintains a permanent log. • Detainee-related activity, e.g., meals served, recreation visitors etc. At a minimum staff record whether the detainee ate, showered, exercised and took any medication during every shift and records all pertinent information, e.g., a medical condition suicidal/assaultive behavior etc. ,,,,, ... nn,un Rating: Deficient o x o o x o At·Rlsk Officers placing r1ot<:nn,ooc: follow written nrr,r-o,n , A completed Disciplinary Segregation Order accompanies the detainee into the SMU. Standard procedures include reviewing the cases of individual detainees housed in disciplinary detention at set intervals. STAFF x Reoeclt Findings o x o x o o x o o VERY SELDOM USED . PROBLEM DETAINEE WOULD BE RETURNED TO ICECUSTODY. Page 15 ofl7 G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Reviewer Signature: b6, b7c Date: i ..\ -J'i, Detainees are allowed to maintain a normal level of personal hygiene, including the opportunity to shower and shave at least three times/week. A e.g., 0 D x x D 0 X 0 0 D 0 X 0 X 0 0 X D o OAt-Risk • • TAFF D D X 0 D X IN THE SECURE PART F THE FACILITY . Non Restricted (non-hazardous). procedures for the issuance of tools to At-Rlsk Deficient Findi Page 16 of 17 IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) G-324B Detention Reviewer Signature: _ b6, b7c -'-_ __ Date: 1 -""1 _jV, -----'-- • Does not use force as punishment. Attempts to gain the detainee's voluntary cooperation before resorting to force • Uses only as much force as necessary to control the detainee. Mecication may only be used for restraint purposes when authorized by the Medical Authority as medically X 0 0 0 0 X In immediate-use-of-force situations, staff contacts medical staff once the detainee is under control. 0 0 X X 0 0 X 0 0 0 X 0 • Special precautions are taken when restraining pregnant detainees and medical eI are consulted and The officers are thoroughly trained in the use hard restraints. involving calculated use of force, a and retained for review. MEDICATION IS NOT USED. D EMERGENCY CARE IS PROVIDED. rd Rating: e 0 Deficient 0 D At-Risk Page 17 of 17 G-324B Detention Review Worksheet for IGSAs (Under 72 Hours) Reviewer Signature: b6, b7c Date: "1 - l-<yv\