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Police Academy Instructor Guide New York City Police Academy 2005.pdf

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INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………..
RULES AND REGULATIONS ……………………………………………….
ACADEMIC CURRICULUM …………………………………………………
RESOURCES ………………………………………………………………….



Congratulations on your assignment to the New York City Police
Academy. You will find teaching extremely rewarding- but equally demanding.
Through your words and demeanor, you will be the primary influence on the
careers of those recruits under your charge. The responsibilities are great. You
must understand that you are viewed as a role model while in the classroom and
during informal dealings with recruit officers. Recruits are eager to learn, and
may emulate your behavior. For this reason, it is imperative that you act
professionally and courteously toward recruits inside and outside the classroom.
Recruits will ultimately form their opinions of the job based on your
attitudes and behavior. In light of this, the Department should be depicted in a
positive light. To recruits, you are the personal representative of the Department
and, as such, you must always act accordingly.
Over the course of the next six months, you will be training new officers to
become community-minded, problem-solving public servants who will actively
and impartially enforce the law, while respecting the dignity of each individual.

Fraternization with recruits from any company while they are assigned to
the Academy is strictly forbidden and will result in immediate disciplinary
action, including, but not limited to, loss of assignment and/or transfer from the
Academy. Fraternization includes dating, flirting with, or socializing with recruits
of either sex, either while on-duty or off-duty. Even the appearance of
impropriety is to be avoided. Instructors are not permitted to attend company
functions or parties until after recruits have graduated from the Academy.
Instructors are prohibited from car-pooling with recruits, offering rides, etc., as
well as communicating via e-mail, telephone or other electronic means.
The acceptance of gifts other than a plaque or pen and pencil set
from recruit officers or recruit companies, before or after the completion of
training in the Police Academy, is prohibited.


Equal Employment Policy
The use of racist, sexist, or homophobic language, or using sexually
explicit terminology in the classroom is prohibited, whether this language is
directed toward or against an individual or not. The use of “street” language or
terms, for whatever reason, has been construed by the Office of Equal
Employment Opportunity (OEEO) as creating a hostile work environment. The
telling of ethnic, racial, sexual or religious jokes, or jokes about disabilities is
strictly prohibited. It is incumbent upon instructors to comply with OEEO policies
and Police Academy guidelines regarding employment discrimination/sexual
harassment reporting requirements.
Maintenance of Discipline
Instructors are expected to be “firm but fair.” Your general attitude should
be one of encouragement. Degrading or berating recruits in front of the company
should be avoided, and criticism should generally be done in private. Intimidation
is prohibited. Creating an atmosphere of fear is counterproductive to the learning
process and discourages legitimate questions from recruits.
Instructor Demeanor
Your primary role should be one of encouragement, motivation and
morale-building. Emphasis should be placed on positive reinforcement. Recruits
should be encouraged to ask questions in class, and they should not be criticized
for any questions asked. Discipline should be meted out with respect. There is
nothing wrong with being firm, particularly in the beginning, but after a certain
period, you should act more as a mentor and helper than a disciplinarian.
Remember, the manner in which recruits are treated by you and other Academy
staff is the way recruits will treat the public. Respect the dignity of each
individual, and treat recruits with courtesy and civility.
Assigning Homework
Recruits are regularly assigned chapters to read prior to the next day’s
classes. It is important to keep in mind that recruits are required to do
homework. Reading and studying assignments must be reasonable and not
utilized as punishment. “Punishment” homework assignments, such as
writing out entire chapters, have been found to be counterproductive and are


Company Punishment
If a recruit or several recruits commit an infraction, they are to be dealt
with individually through normal disciplinary processes. Punishing an entire
company for the actions of a few will NOT be used as a normal method of
discipline. If you feel that company punishment is warranted, conferral must first
be made with your Team Leader. Team Leaders will determine if such action is
It is extremely important that all behavior, both positive and negative, be
documented by the instructor in a timely fashion. The Recruit Company Diary is
used for this purpose. Additionally, any “49’s” written about the recruit’s behavior
must also be retained. At the end of training, a Recruit Performance Assessment
Committee meets and determines whether a recruit will be recommended for
field assignment, special monitoring, or termination. The information in the
recruit company diary is critical in deciding whether termination proceedings are


Keep Team Leaders informed of your whereabouts at all times.


Upon reporting for duty - check with Team Leaders for any previously
unscheduled assignments such as:


Muster coverage
Class coverage
Mail-run duty
Detail coverage

BE ON TIME for work, classes, to and from meal, etc. You are required to
be in the appropriate uniform at the start of your tour.
a. It is Academy policy that lateness for duty will result in a submission
of a "28" for lost time, as well as an entry in the minor violations log.
b. Be timely with assignments.


Team Leaders must approve any changes to class schedules.


Any discrepancies or conflicts in instructor schedules should be brought to
the Team Leader’s attention as soon as possible.


Submit "28's" five (5) days in advance:


a. Submission of a "28" does not guarantee a day off – M.O.S. are
responsible to follow-up to determine approval.
b. When taking off, let Team Leaders know what lesson has to be

Be familiar with the contents of the Recruit Orientation Handbook. You are
responsible for the information that it contains.


Staff members will be in proper uniform at the beginning of their tour.
a. Unauthorized equipment and uniform items are prohibited (i.e. nonuniform jackets or vests, cellular phones, beepers, etc.),
b. Uniforms should be clean, pressed and in good repair at all times,
c. When conducting classroom instruction, uniform shirts should not
be rolled up and ties should be correctly fastened to shirt.


Have uniform available at all times (including white shirt, summer blouse
dress shoes, helmet, vest etc.)

10. Update the status board on a daily basis.
11. Classroom instruction protocol is as follows:
a. Put your name, current lesson and homework assignment on the
chalkboard (top right).
b. Review past day's lesson - question and answer session. Use
street-related questions in order to see how students apply their
c. Introduction/transition from previous lesson to lesson at hand,
mentioning TPOs.
d. Cover present lesson - intro and content in your specific teaching
style (i.e. lecture, PowerPoint, role-play).
e. Summarize the day's lesson.
f. Assign the specific TPOs that will be covered during the next
lesson. This will give the student direction as he or she does his or
her homework.
12. Be prepared to be evaluated at all times (including while substituting). You
are expected to be teaching the lesson that is listed on the status board.


13. Instructors are to have a seat available by the door for any visitor at all times
(e.g., C.O.P.A., C.O., Recruit Training Section, Team Leaders).
14. All instructors are required to attend all seminars. The seminars are run on
a strict schedule; therefore, be punctual and prepared.
15. Never leave a class unattended or dismiss a class prior to the scheduled
end of training or end of tour (1530 or 2400).
16. Ensure that classroom is clean-have student officers pick up refuse before
you teach and at the conclusion of the class.
17. All instructors will be issued a class diary for each company assigned to
a. Diaries for each company must be maintained and updated and
must be available and accessible for inspection at all times.
b. Instructors must document occurrences such as inappropriate
classroom conduct, off-duty incidents or any other behavior
deemed noteworthy.
c. Instructors will record grades, demerit cards, command disciplines
and any referrals (tutoring, counseling, etc.) without delay.
d. Any/all information in diaries is to be considered confidential and
will not be shared with other recruit officers.
e. Copies or originals of any pertinent documents must be kept in
diaries ("49's", D.I.R.'s, "61's").
f. Diaries will be inspected by supervisors on a regular basis.
g. Official Company Instructors should ensure that the diary inspection
sheet (available in the appendix) is accessible for supervisory
18. Never portray a negative attitude or express negative opinions in the
presence of recruits regarding the Department, the students, the P.A., other
instructors/staff, etc.
19. At the end of each exam, instructors with an inordinate number of failures in
his or her company will be interviewed by the Squad Commander to explain
how he or she intends to reduce the number of failures (tutoring, counseling,
conferences, motivation, etc.).


20. Any recruit who fails two or more quizzes in any trimester must be officially
referred to tutoring by the instructor.
21. All recruit failures will be moved to the front center desks in the classroom
and will be monitored for improvement.
22. Breaks are a privilege that recruits should earn, if they are to be given at all.
a. If a break is given, the instructor is responsible for his or her
b. Breaks will be taken inside the classroom and should not exceed
10 minutes.
23. Sign in sheet - Sign in (please print CLEARLY) at the time you arrive and
not based on the last entry. Sign in sheets will be located in room 523 or
room 609 of the Police Academy.
24. Sign out when leaving the building. When leaving building for court, follow
Patrol Guide procedures.
a. Indicate post changes on the front and rear of the roll call sign
in/out sheet.
b. When performing the mail run, check with the Squad Commander
for any additional mail run assignments.
25. Staff members’ professional personal appearance should exceed that of the
recruits. We are role models. This is particularly important at muster. Make
sure your uniform, equipment, and personal appearance reflect favorably on
you, the Police Academy, and the Police Department.
26. Personal cell phones and beepers will not be openly displayed during work
hours (unless used for official business).
27. Note to all MOS who use their meal period for physical workout:
a. Meal is 1 hour
b. MOS should sign in and out on roll call. If using gym, sign gym log
c. Once you use your meal for workout/run, you are not entitled to
another hour for meal
d. Do not remain in any office or classroom attired in gym gear
e. If in lounge, you must be on meal period and signed out on roll call
28. Recruit officers are to be addressed as "Recruit” or "Recruit (and surname);"
Instructors as "Sir," "Police Officer (surname)" or "Sergeant (surname)"


General Duties and Responsibilities
As an instructor at the Academy, your day will be demanding. You will be
teamed with other instructors and you will teach a unified curriculum to your
assigned company. Additionally, you will attend instructional seminars daily;
prepare lessons for class; prepare test questions; proctor exams and quizzes;
tutor and advise recruits; conduct muster inspections and recruit roll calls;
perform duty at details; give expert testimony; and carry out various
administrative duties.
Companies scheduled for physical training as the first assignment of the
day shall muster in the gymnasium unless a classroom is specified. Other
companies shall muster on the muster deck (3rd flr.), or Campus Deck (1st flr.), as
specified in the daily schedule. Recruit officers shall fall in for muster at the time
indicated on the official schedule for the day, usually 0715 hrs. for the “day” tour
and 1545 hrs. for the “4x12”. During inclement weather, companies scheduled
for muster on the muster deck will muster according to the Inclement Weather
Muster Schedule, as directed by Recruit Operations. At such times, notice will
be given to Company Sergeants, who will inform their companies.

Company Sergeants will call the roll and prepare Absentee Forms.
On command, Company Sergeants will deliver Absentee Forms to the
instructor mustering the company.
On command, Company Instructors will march their companies to their

All companies are inspected daily for personal appearance and proper
equipment. As an instructor, it is imperative that you strictly adhere to
Department guidelines regarding personal appearance. Uniforms must be clean
and pressed, and shoes shined. You must become familiar with Patrol Guide
Section 204 – Uniforms and Appearance.
Squad Commander
The following duties and responsibilities are in addition to those enumerated in
Department procedures, directives, and orders relevant to the Squad
Commander’s rank.

Be responsible for the overall performance of all personnel assigned to
squad – including recruits.



Ensure proper decorum of all personnel assigned to squad – including
Conduct muster in the absence of Assistant Squad Commander.
Complete and forward assigned communications in a timely manner.
Oversee discipline of recruit officers assigned to squad.
Conduct weekly squad conferences to discuss matters affecting squad.
Disseminate orders and directives from Commanding Officer, Recruit
Training Section.
Ensure that notifications are given to members assigned to squad.
Perform all matters assigned by competent authority.
Ensure that all members assigned to squad are in appropriate attire and
that their personal appearance is consistent with Department regulations.
Ensure that monthly self-inspections are completed in a timely manner.
Ensure that ‘Line of Duty” injuries to recruits and staff are investigated and
recorded as appropriate.
Schedule Assistant Squad Commander for a minimum of six (6) hours per
week of classroom instruction/observation.
Ensure that hourly floor inspections are conducted as scheduled.
Ensure that status sheet is maintained and updated on a daily basis.
Ensure that an adequate supply of Student Guide materials, lesson plans,
quizzes and all other necessary written materials are on hand and
distributed when needed.

Assistant Squad Commander
The following duties and responsibilities are in addition to those enumerated in
Department procedures, directives, and orders relevant to the Assistant Squad
Commander’s rank.

Assumes the duties and responsibilities of the Squad Commander when
he/she is not present.
Complete and forward assigned communications in a timely manner.
Monitor classroom instruction of squad to ensure that curriculum is being
taught in a consistent manner.
Be directly responsible for supervision of Squad Leaders.
Conduct muster as assigned by the Squad Commander.
Verify and sign roll call.
Direct the preparation of a weekly roll call and daily sign-in sheets.
Investigate “Line of Duty’ injuries to recruits and staff, as appropriate.
Perform all matters assigned by competent authority.
Sign requests for excusals in the absence of Squad Commander, and
maintain squad diary.
Review classroom evaluations prepared by Team Leaders and notify
Squad Commander of results.
Perform monthly self-inspections as directed.





Perform a minimum of six (6) hours of classroom instruction/observation
as directed by Squad Commander each week.
Inspect and sign company diaries of companies assigned to squad at least
two (2) times per trimester and at least two (2) times during the Skills and
Abilities term.
o Ensure that Squad Commander is notified of any incidents that
impact a P.P.O.’s performance or evaluation.
o Ensure that remedial measures are taken to correct minor
Inspect and sign company diaries of companies assigned to squad upon
notification by the Official Company Instructor of any matters affecting the
performance of the company.
o Ensure that Squad Commander is notified of any incidents that
impact a P.P.O.’s performance or evaluation.
o Ensure that remedial measures are taken to correct minor
Perform hourly inspections as directed by Squad Commander.

Team Leader
The following duties and responsibilities are in addition to those enumerated in
Department procedures, directives, and orders relevant to the Team Leader’s




Be responsible for the overall performance of instructor team.
Ensure that all instructors assigned to team are in appropriate attire and
that their personal appearance is consistent with Department regulations.
Monitor classroom instruction and prepare classroom evaluations of
o Review with instructors; recommend improvements in instructional
style, discipline, and overall classroom management.
Coordinate scheduling of classes under the direction of the Squad
Ensure that all training blocks are covered and the appropriate lessons
taught in the event of OCI’s absence due to vacation, sick, or other
authorized leave.
Attend mandatory instructional seminars provided by the CDU seminar
coordinator – as scheduled – and conduct daily seminars for instructors
in team.
o Document seminars in Seminar Log.
Prepare lesson plans and instructional aids and teach a minimum of six
(6) hours per week.
o Document training sessions provided in the manner prescribed by
the CO, RTS.
Visit or inspect each company assigned to team at least two (2) times per



Inspect and sign Company Diaries of companies assigned to team at
least once per week, or upon notification by Official Company Instructor of
any matters affecting the performance of the company or team.
Review and sign deportment cards submitted by Official Company
Provide coverage for details when directed by Squad Commander.
Prepare annual evaluations for Police Officer instructors assigned to team.
Conduct a weekly team conference to discuss issues directly affecting the
performance of the team:
o Classroom performance of instructors;
o Overall performance of recruit officers;
o Changes in curriculum;
o Scheduling issues.
Disseminate orders and directives from Squad Commander.
Investigate “Line of Duty” injuries when directed by Assistant Squad
Supervise the preparation of Recruit Evaluations of those recruits
assigned to team instructors.
Perform muster and/or officer of the day duties when directed.
Update Status Sheet on a daily basis.
Carry out all matters assigned by the Squad Commander.
Meet with Physical Training and Tactics Dep’t. personnel, on a weekly
basis, to discuss matters relating to overall performance of team.
Contact Recruit Operations to discuss matters relating to overall
performance of team.
Perform duties of other team leaders when directed.
Ensure that adjunct instructors are observing/teaching companies within
team for the entire teaching block (4 ½ hours) each day.
Make notifications to instructor team, as appropriate.
On a weekly basis, confer with the Squad Commander to ensure
standardization of instruction and dissemination of information.
Be prepared to discuss all aspects of team performance at Pro-Act
Ensure that all team member requests for leave (UF 28’s) are submitted to
Team Leader for approval by Squad Commander five (5) days prior to
requested leave.
Perform hourly floor inspections as assigned

Official Company Instructors
One Company Instructor is designated for each company. The Official
Company Instructor (OCI) is responsible for the overall administration of the
recruit company. OCIs must be informed of any incident, situation or problem
which recruits encounter that could affect training - including arrests,


summonses, auto accidents, etc. The Company Instructor will also monitor the
training activity of the company as a whole to ensure that there are no problems
or deficiencies. When in doubt as to what incidents are to be reported, confer
with the Team Leader.
The following duties and responsibilities are in addition to those enumerated in
Department procedures, directives, and orders relevant to the OCI’s rank.

Be directly responsible for the performance of Recruit Officers assigned to
his/her company.
Personally prepare lesson plans and instructional aids for class.
Maintain overall performance evaluations/records regarding recruit officers
assigned to their company.
Submit deportment cards taken from recruit officers to Team Leaders.
Maintain and update company diary, as necessary;
o List and explain grades, deportment cards, command disciplines,
referrals and any other noteworthy incidents.
Perform details as assigned.
Inspect and grade homework assignments and quizzes in a timely fashion.
Perform duties of other instructors when assigned by competent authority.
Perform muster inspection of recruits as scheduled.
Conduct workshops and role-plays as directed.
Make notifications to recruit officers, as appropriate.
Perform all matters assigned by the Team Leader.
Ensure that all recruits assigned to company are in appropriate attire and
that their personal appearance is consistent with Department regulations.
Submit recommendations for referrals to Human Resources directly to
Team Leader for review and approval.

Adjunct Instructor
The adjunct instructor is responsible for assisting the members of the
team with instruction of the companies. The adjunct will follow a weekly schedule
created by the Team Leader. Adjunct instructors must teach or observe at least 3
lessons a day (4 ½ hours).


Lawful Orders
Recruit officers have police officer status. As such, they are subject to all
lawful orders of the Police Commissioner, and all ranking officers. An Academy
instructor or supervisor of any rank must be obeyed.
A recruit who fails to obey a lawful order of a ranking officer, instructor, or
staff member, or who is otherwise found to be insubordinate, will be referred for a
hearing before the Commanding Officer, Police Academy, or a designated
ranking officer.
General Rules Regarding Recruit Conduct
As a primary enforcer of Academy regulations, you must familiarize
yourself with the rules contained in the “Recruit Officer Handbook.” A recruit’s
behavior, conduct and ability to conform to the rules and regulations of the Police
Academy are under constant evaluation and scrutiny by the staff. It is important
that you are knowledgeable of these rules and regulations. Remember to use
your discretion when appropriate.
Uniform Cap Regulation
Recruits are only required to wear their uniform cap while in the confines
of the 13th Precinct (14th – 29th St., FDR Drive – 7th Ave.) or when assigned to a
detail or field trip. Discretion should be shown when disciplining recruits off duty,
such as on the Long Island Railroad, Penn Station, etc. The disciplining of off
duty recruits should generally be restricted to serious infractions or infractions
that would be detrimental to the Department’s reputation.
Classroom Regulations
Recruit Officers must be prepared for scheduled lessons and shall bring
with them all necessary books and materials. The Police Student’s Guide will be
kept in a loose-leaf binder for easy additions. Notebooks of some type must be
maintained. Newspapers, books, periodicals and similar matter not related to
classroom instruction are not to be brought into classrooms. Recruits must have
a #2 pencil with them while in class.
Recruits may not leave the classroom without your permission. When
required to leave class, they must also inform the Company Sergeant of the
reason and their destination.
A recruit class will come to attention when its instructor enters the
classroom at the beginning of each class. Thereafter, the class will only be


called to attention by the instructor when a member in the rank of Sergeant or
above enters the room. In the absence of an instructor, the Company Sergeant,
Assistant Company Sergeant or other designated person will call the class to
Classroom Appearance
Classrooms will be checked periodically by supervisors. Instructors must
ensure that desks are neatly aligned, window shades are all at the same level,
and debris is removed. Instructors will prepare a “Classroom Inspection Report”
and will notify the Squad Commander when repairs are required.
All recruit officers will render an appropriate hand salute, as prescribed by
U.S. Army regulations, to all members of the service while wearing their recruit
hat or when reporting to ranking officers. It is not necessary to halt while saluting
a uniformed officer. Acknowledgment may be verbal, such as the statement
“carry on” or “as you were.” Salutes will not be returned by personnel who are not
covered (the ranking officer is not wearing a hat). Once the salute has been
acknowledged, the recruit will be free to continue on his or her way or address
the member whom he or she has saluted. An acknowledgement and greeting
“Good morning (afternoon or evening), Sir/Ma’am” will also be rendered to all
civilian-clothed personnel while recruits are traveling about the Police Academy
Addressing Instructors
When reporting to or when speaking to an instructor, recruits will, at all
times, address you as “Instructor,” e.g. “Instructor Jones” or “Sergeant Jones.” At
no time will an instructor or staff member allow a recruit to address them by their
first name. Recruits must use the term “sir” or “ma’am” in any conversation with
instructors or clerical staff. Conversely, you should address the recruits as
“Recruit” or “Officer”, e.g. “Recruit Smith” or “Officer Smith.”
Company Sergeants
A Recruit Company Sergeant will be selected from the company to which
you are assigned. His or her selection is based on prior military and/or academic
experience. He or she must be obeyed (by recruits) in the same manner as
Police Academy instructors. The Company Sergeant serves as liaison between
the Academy staff and the recruit officers. His/her primary task is to convey
important information to and from the recruit officers. The Company Sergeant will
assume control of the company when no staff member is present.
In order to assist the Company Sergeant, an Assistant Company Sergeant will
also be designated.


As your representative, it is important that you support your Company
Sergeant. If a Company Sergeant is clearly unsuited for the extra duties
assigned, a new one will be selected. The mere fact that members of a company
do not like their Company Sergeant is not, in and of itself, a reason for
Administrative Officer
Each month a recruit officer is designated as an administrative officer for
the company. Their duties are as follows:

Assume post outside the classroom and call the room to attention.
Assist Instructors/Company Sergeants in issuing or collecting materials.
Clean/organize classroom when dismissed for next assignment.
Assist Company Sergeant and Physical Training and Tactics Department
staff in motivating recruit officers who have difficulty with cardiovascular
endurance training.
5. Perform duties of Assistant Company Sergeant when that officer must
perform Company Sergeant duties.
Recruits are expected to be punctual when reporting for training or other
duties. Repeated lateness will be considered a lack of capacity for police service.
As their instructor, it is imperative that you hold yourself to the same
standard and set an example.
Recruits who are late for muster will be directed to the Recruit Operations
Unit, Room #523. If recruits are one (1) hour late (or more), they will receive a
Command Discipline. Recruits returning late for class or returning late from meal
may be issued a deportment card.


Recruits are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the rules
and standards of the Police Department and the Police Academy. The Recruit
Discipline Unit, located in room 523A, is responsible for disciplinary problems
and compiling statistics for those individuals who do not meet the Police
Academy’s standards. Each recruit while in uniform will carry two recruit
deportment cards, properly filled out. If you observe a recruit committing an
infraction, or a recruit who is in violation of procedures, you will take one card, fill
in the information and turn the card in to your Team Leader. Inform the recruit to
report to his or her Company Sergeant, who will replace the surrendered
deportment card with a new one. An accumulation of deportment cards will lead
to a Command Discipline. Command Disciplines and deportment cards should
not be taken lightly, as they may lead to a recruit’s dismissal.
All deportment cards taken by an instructor from recruits MUST be turned in to
the Recruit Discipline Unit (after review from the Platoon Commander). Failure to
do so will be considered a serious violation.
Disciplinary Probation
Recruits will be officially summoned to the office of the Recruit Discipline
Unit for a Disciplinary Probation Hearing when he or she accumulates:

Five (5) recruit deportment cards - Disciplinary Probation
Lateness of one (1) hour or more - Command Discipline
Three (3) lateness under one (1) hour - Command Discipline

Continuous disciplinary lapses will result in “Special Tracking” designation. Those
recruit officers placed on Special Tracking will be given special attention and
considered for possible termination.

The new, integrated curriculum takes a holistic approach to police training.
As a Police Academy instructor, you will be a generalist, able to impart to the
new recruits the knowledge and skills needed to be an effective Police Officer.
Our unified curriculum draws on three main traditional areas of police training:
Law, Police Science and Behavioral Science. Unlike the past, when each
discipline was taught independently, the new curriculum has been updated to
reflect the changing role of police officers in today’s society.
Police officers are expected to play the role of social worker, crime fighter,
mediator, first responder, teacher and role model to name a few. As such, police


officers are required to learn and be able to apply the law and patrol guide
procedures as well as have the emotional competence to carry out their role
While in the Academy, recruit officers will be expected to acquire a
working knowledge of the law and its various components, such as: search and
seizure, rights of people taken into custody, laws of arrest, criminal procedure
law and the guidelines on the use of deadly physical force. In addition, they will
be instructed on Police Department policies, procedures, regulations and tactics;
these include: an introduction to law enforcement, the Police Department’s
mission and rank structure, report writing, emergencies and unusual disorders,
arrest procedures and many more. These “technical” skills, coupled with further
instruction on effective communication, ethics, crisis intervention and the ability to
appreciate other cultures form the basis of the new, unified curriculum.
A variety of approaches will be used to teach the recruit officers. Aside
from the traditional classroom format, instructors will also employ role-plays and
socio-dramas, simulations and assessment exercises, team teaching, tutoring
and other student centered methodologies. This will help bridge the gap between
theory and practice and to afford the recruit officers the opportunity to practice
their newly acquired knowledge and skills.
Instructors, including detectives and police officers, have supervisory roles
and responsibilities relative to their recruit officers. The discretion and latitude
enjoyed by you as an instructor is an awesome responsibility and should be
viewed as an opportunity to expand your skills while shaping the future of our
Recruits will take four academic examinations during their Academy
training. Three exams are administered during the first fifteen weeks with a final
examination prior to graduation.
On examination days, no recruit is permitted into the Police Academy
unless authorized. Prior to entering the building, authorization will be obtained
from a supervisor in Recruit Operations Unit via the security desk on the first
Exam integrity is of utmost importance. The instructor assigned to proctor
a company during an exam will obtain exams from the Testing Unit. They are
carefully counted before removal from the office and are signed for by the
instructor. When collected after the exam, they must again be counted to ensure
that all copies are returned to the Testing Unit. If an exam is missing, a
Command Discipline will be issued to the responsible instructor.


Grading Criteria
Graduation from the Police Academy will require recruits to pass both terms of
the curriculum, as measured through the following:
A minimum grade of 75.0% on each of three written examinations
administered during the Knowledge and Fitness Term. Recruits who fail a written
examination will be permitted one additional attempt to demonstrate mastery of
the subject matter by taking a make-up exam within seven (7) days of the original
exam (or as scheduling permits). A second failure of any written examination
will result in immediate recommendation for termination.
Successful completion of all components of the physical strength, agility,
and fitness examination administered at the end of the Knowledge and Fitness
Term. Recruits who fail any components of this examination on their first test will
be permitted one additional attempt to pass.
Successful completion of the Firearms and Tactics component of the Skills
and Abilities Term, as measured through standards and tests developed by the
Firearms and Tactics Section.
Satisfactory evaluation by Recruit Training Section instructors and platoon
commanders on the practical exercises administered during the Skills and
Abilities Term.
A minimum grade of 75.0% on the final written examination administered
upon completion of the Skills and Abilities Term. Recruits who fail the final
written examination will be permitted one additional attempt to demonstrate
mastery of the subject matter by taking a make-up exam within seven days of the
original exam (or as scheduling permits). A second failure of the final written
examination will result in immediate recommendation for termination.
A score of 100.0% on the written Justification for the Use of Force
examination administered during the Skills and Abilities Term. Recruits who fail
the Justification examination will be permitted one additional attempt to
demonstrate mastery of the subject matter by taking a make-up exam within
seven days of the original exam (or as scheduling permits). A second failure of
the Justification examination will result in immediate recommendation for
A record of adherence to Departmental and Police Academy disciplinary
Satisfactory overall evaluation by Recruit Training Section official
instructors and platoon commanders.


Upon a Recruit’s Failure to Meet any of These Standards: The
Commanding Officer, Recruit Training Section shall cause the recruit to be
notified that the recruit has failed the training program, and that termination
procedures will be initiated.
Note: Recruits who possess a valid vehicle operator’s license but who fail
or do not have the opportunity to complete the Driver Training Program of
the Skills and Abilities Terms shall graduate with their classes, so long as
they have met all other standards above. They shall not, however, be
certified as qualified vehicle operators until they successfully complete this
Academic Probation
If a recruit fails to achieve a minimum grade of 75% on any one of the
trimester examinations, he or she will be given a second exam on the relevant
subjects and placed on “Academic Probation” during the next trimester.
Probation is a warning to the recruit that his/her academic performance must
improve. It also alerts instructors that the recruit is experiencing difficulty and
requires special attention. During the period of Academic Probation, a recruit’s
performance will be closely monitored to ensure tutoring attendance, satisfactory
completion of assignments, increased class participation, as well as utilization of
Academy resources. A recruit will remain on Academic Probation until he or she
successfully passes an academic examination on the first attempt. Recruits who
do not pass the trimester exam on the second attempt will be recommended for
Recruit Evaluations
Near the end of the training period, each recruit’s overall performance will
be evaluated by his or her instructors and recorded on a Performance Evaluation
Form. The evaluation is based on a recruit’s examination scores, disciplinary
record and behavioral characteristics (such as communication skills, self
discipline, judgment/decision-making, appearance, attitude, police ethics,
comprehension skills, interpersonal skills, drive/initiative and sick record). An
unsatisfactory sick record will have an adverse effect on a recruit’s evaluation.
If after being afforded additional assistance through tutoring and/or the
Human Resources Section, a recruit still does not meet the established
standards, a request will be made for termination. Academic failure and/or a poor
disciplinary record will result in “Recommendation for Termination.” The goal of
the entire academy staff is to assist every recruit in achieving the successful
completion of the training course; however, we will maintain our academic
standards and expect compliance with all rules and regulations.


Seminars and Training Resources
You should strive to be the best possible instructor. In addition to the state
certified Methods of Instruction course, instructor seminars are available for your
professional development - they are conducted by experienced instructors; don’t
be afraid to ask questions or clarification if anything is unclear in your mind.
Individual Tutoring
Tutoring in the Academy is readily available for all recruit officers.
Attendance at these review sessions is to be strongly encouraged. A copy of the
weekly Academic Tutoring schedule is provided to each recruit company.
Additionally, tutoring schedules are posted in the cafeteria as well as on the
fourth and fifth floors.
Human Resources Section
The Academy’s Human Resources Section is available to all recruit
officers who may be experiencing a personal or other type of problem. The
Human Resources Section is in operation Monday through Friday, from
0800X2200 hours and is staffed by professionally trained counselors. A recruit
may seek assistance voluntarily or may be referred by his or her instructor.
Should an officer feel that he or she is experiencing any personal problem
(family, marital, financial or inter-/intra-personal) that may affect his or her
performance as a recruit officer, the officer should be urged to seek the
assistance of the Human Resources Section. All discussions with a counselor
are deemed confidential, as per Police Department guidelines. If you suspect that
a recruit is experiencing personal problems, the recruit should be officially
referred to the Human Resources Section.
In order to achieve academic success, it is important for recruits to devote
several hours a day to reading and studying the material. Recruits should be
encouraged to ask questions if they are uncertain about a particular point or
“Drop-in” Discussion Group
The Human Resources Section will provide an ongoing Drop-In
Discussion Group for recruit officers. The group will be facilitated by two
guidance counselors and will be offered once a week to recruit officers (who can
attend on their meal hour, as well as their off-duty time). Time will be allotted in


the beginning and end of each discussion for recruit officers to vent particular
The Drop-In Discussion Group will be advertised to all companies and
each time a recruit is officially referred to the Human Resources Section, he or
she will be advised of the opportunity to attend the group discussions.
Recruits can check bulletin boards for postings of upcoming Discussion
Group’s “Theme of the Month” as well as the scheduled time and room in which
the group will meet. The discussion themes will run for approximately one month
to ensure that each recruit is afforded the opportunity to attend.

The classes that you will be teaching are college level courses. After
recruits graduate from the Police Academy, they will have earned 34 college
credits, 18 of which are upper class credits.
Parking Permits and Locations
Police Academy staff parking permits are obtained from the Integrity
Control Officer. You will also receive a current list of authorized “selfenforcement” parking locations. Police Academy personnel are prohibited from
parking at fire hydrants, bus stops, bus lanes, etc.
At the graduation ceremony, recruits who have demonstrated outstanding
performance during their Academy training will receive awards. There are awards
for first, second highest overall performance (academic and physical); first
category, academic or physical; and highest average in firearms. Individual
awards are presented by the Mayor, The Police Commissioner, the First Deputy
Commissioner, the Chief of Department and outside benefactors. The highest
overall performer is selected as the class valedictorian. Notice of an award is
placed in the officer’s personnel folder.
Fire Drills
Instructors are responsible for the orderly evacuation of recruits in the
event of a fire or fire drill. Fire drills are conducted periodically. You must
familiarize yourself with the escape route map posted in each classroom.
Recruits are to be instructed to remain orderly.


Training Regimen
Recruit officers receive training in military drill, self-defense, baton, first
aid, CPR, crowd control and frisking and cuffing. A typical physical training class
will begin with a run and a calisthenics class.
Graduation Requirements
In order to graduate, recruit officers must:

• Attain an overall grade of 75% or above and;
• Attain a minimum passing grade above 7.5 percentile in each of the
three (3) fitness components.
Fitness Components
Upon entry into the Academy and again prior to graduation, recruits will be
administered a test in the following three (3) components:
1. Muscular Endurance - Recruit officers are given one (1) full minute to
perform as many bent knee sit-ups as possible.
2. Cardiovascular Endurance - Recruit officers must run 1.5 miles within
a prescribed time period.
3. Muscular Strength - Recruit officers must bench press a specific
percentage of weight as determined by their own body weight.
Failure to meet the Physical Training and Tactics Department’s
requirements (overall grade, physical agility test, and fitness components) will
prevent a recruit from graduating and will ultimately lead to the termination of
their employment.


The Police Academy Driver Education and Training Unit program is a four
(4) day driving course that serves as a qualification program for recruit officers.
Three (3) Day Emergency Vehicle Operation Course
Offsite Testing: This test is designed to evaluate a recruit officer's
skill in the operation of an RMP under routine driving conditions. The proper
execution of basic maneuvers, including a parallel park, three point turn, and a
four-corner turn, will be evaluated by instructors.
Backing Exercise: This test requires a recruit officer to back a
vehicle around a three-cone serpentine into a coned chute. This exercise
simulates parking between two existing vehicles. In order to qualify, the recruit
officer must complete this exercise within 25 seconds without disturbing any
Emergency Vehicle Operation Course: The Emergency Vehicle
Operation Course challenges an officer's ability to control a vehicle under
simulated police emergency situations. The course requires a driver to complete
the run within a certain time frame. Penalty time is calculated into their final
score for committing driving errors.
Highway Test: This examination evaluates a driver's ability to
handle an RMP, while driving under everyday highway situations.
Written Exam: Based on the lessons learned in class, along with
the material offered in the Recruit Student Guide, this test must be passed with a
70% score or better.
Note: Tutoring is available to recruit officers who have difficulty with the
safe operation of an RMP. Appointments must be made by calling (718)
377-6323. After successful completion of the RMP course, an insurance
discount is recognized by the New York State Department of Motor
One (1) Day 12 - Passenger Van Course
This program is given to recruit officers who have qualified in all five areas
of the Three (3) Day Emergency Vehicle Operation Course. Recruit drivers are
tested on the highway, residential streets, a van course, and barrel proficiency
course. This program is conducted on the 4th day of the 4-day recruit program.


The Firearms and Tactics Section conducts ten (10) days of training for
recruit officers that consists of the following courses:
Five-Day Basic Firearms Course
The Five-Day Basic Firearms Training Course is designed
to provide the recruit officer with a working knowledge of the basic tenets of
marksmanship and firearms safety. It consists of five training sessions that
include both classroom instruction and range-firing exercises. Classroom
instruction covers a broad spectrum of topics ranging from basic shooting
fundamentals to Justification. Range-firing exercises are designed to develop a
novice shooter’s proficiency with the service and off-duty 9mm pistols. A series
of range exercises are fired from a distance of 7, 15 and 25 yards during
sessions 1 through 4. These drills will prepare the recruit officer for a
qualification course, to be fired during session #5.
Firearms Testing
Recruit officers must achieve a score of 78% or better on qualification day
(Session #5) with the service weapon. All recruit officers will fire a qualifying
service and off-duty pistol Practical Qualification Course. The course requires
the recruit officer to consistently strike a basic silhouette target within a gray
shaded area located in the center of the target. A total of fifty (50) rounds of
ammunition will be fired from a distance of 7, 15 and 25 yards, within a specified
period of time. Each round has a value of 2 points if it strikes the gray shaded
area. The best possible score that can be achieved is 100%.
Firearms Tutoring
If a recruit officer fails to achieve a score of 78% or better with the
service and off-duty pistol on qualification day, tutoring services are available.
Recruit officers are also given the opportunity to re-qualify with the service and
off-duty pistol at the Police Academy range. Tutoring and re-qualification take
place on the officer’s personal time (R.D.O.’s, meal periods, etc.).
Five-Day Tactical Training Course (Sessions 1-5)
Since 1969, the Firearms and Tactics Section has monitored and
evaluated armed confrontations. The information acquired through this analysis
has been invaluable in developing a comprehensive tactical training program.
During the Five-Day Tactical Training Course, the recruit officer is instructed in
methods and techniques designed to maximize the officer’s ability to survive an
armed confrontation.


Session # 6
This session consists of four (4) qualifying courses of fire. The following is a brief
description of each exercise.
1. Off-Duty Practical Qualification Course - This course consists of a
series of timed exercises in which the recruits fire their off-duty pistols
from the 7, 15, and 25 yard lines. Fifty (50) rounds of ammunition are
fired at a silhouette target. Each round that strikes the gray shaded
area is worth two points. The highest score that can be achieved is
100%. The recruit officer must score 78% or better in order to qualify.
2. Close Combat Course - Fifty (50) rounds of ammunition are fired at
an advanced silhouette target from a distance of 3 feet and 10 feet,
utilizing close-firing techniques. Recruit officers then fire from a
distance of ten (10) feet utilizing point shoulder shooting. The recruit
officer must strike the target at least thirty-nine (39) times in order to
3. Exertion Course - This course is designed to simulate the mental and
physical fatigue an officer might encounter during an armed
confrontation. Each recruit officer will be required to perform a series
of physical exercises that include jogging, running and push-ups.
After each set of exercises, the recruit officer will fire a series of
exercises from the seven (7) and fifteen (15) yard lines. Out of the fifty
(50) rounds of ammunition that are fired, thirty-nine (39) must strike
the target in order to qualify. The recruit officer must also complete all
required physical exercises.
4. Multiple Target Course - Fifty (50) rounds of ammunition are fired at
two (2) targets from a distance of seven (7) yards. The officer must
strike the targets at least thirty-nine (39) times in order to qualify.
Session # 7
The recruit officer will be instructed in the advantages of utilizing cover in
an armed confrontation. Range exercises will include firing fifty (50) rounds of
ammunition at an advanced silhouette target from behind cover. Recruit officers
will then train on the Firearms Simulator (F.A.T.S.) where they will respond to a
series of simulated field encounter scenarios. This is a non-qualifying course of
Session # 8
During this session recruit officers receive classroom instructions and view
videotapes on the following topics:



Soft-Body Armor
Pepper Spray (O.C.)
Accidental Discharges
Armed Confrontations and Encounters (“friendly fire”)
Post Shooting Tactics
Safeguarding Weapons
Mass Reflexive Response
Dog Encounters
Laser Alert
Weapons Retention

Session #9
This training session takes place in the “Tactics House” where the recruit officers
participate in role-plays involving various types of real life police encounters that
emphasize the following tactical skills:

Use of Proper Tactics
Room Entries
Perimeter Searches
Confrontation Situations
Use of Cover and Concealment
Deadly Physical Force

Session # 10
This training session takes place in the “Tactical Village” where recruit officers
participate in simulated street encounters. Modified weapons capable of firing
marking cartridges are utilized.


Please note the locations and telephone extensions of the following Academy
Units, many of which you will interact with on a regular basis:
Administrative Services
Ceremonial Unit
College Liaison
Computer Training
Commanding Officer
C.O., Recruit Training
Curriculum Development
Driver Education & Training
Firearms & Tactics
Graphic Art & Design
Human Resources
Instructor Development
Instructor Room
Instructor Room
Lost and Found
Personnel Officer
Physical Training & Tactics
P.A. Security Desk
Recruit Operations Unit
Recruit Discipline Unit
Research & Development
Roll Call
Sick Desk
Testing Unit
Video Productions

Room 631
Room 761
Room 760A
Room 617
Room 612
Room 614
Floyd Bennett
Rodman’s Neck
Room 424
Room 820
Room 746B
Room 609
Room 633
Room 629
Room 523A
Room 617
Room 523
Room 523A
Room 638
Room 631
Room 613
Lefrak City
Room 631
Room 421
Room 431

x715, 717
x289, 226
x756, 758
x721, 790
x740, 741
718-760-7600/01, 02

The General Information telephone number for the Police Academy is:
(212) 477-9700
SBA Delegates
Sgt. Michael Stewart
Sgt. Gary Lombardo

Room 614
Room 613


PBA Delegate
P.O. Steve Wallace
P.O. Ricky Vitalli

Room 613
Room 609





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