Pn Doc Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications 2002
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COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Department of Corrections Secretary's Office (717) 975-4860 March 13, 2002 Subject: Issue 0 ' Policy NU'Tlbe" DC-ADM 803. Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications To; Allinmales From; J~.PhD. -,,- ~~;;:'~rY Attached IS a copy of revised Policy NU:Tlber DC·ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications that will be effective June 24, 2002. The r.ew policy affects the way that mail from yOU" attorney will be handled. Unless the new policy is followed, all mail, including mail from your attorney, will be opened in the mailroom of the facility where you are housed. "':"his incoming mail will not be read unless security issues are raised. The pol;cy was changed because the Department issued a new regulation on how mail f~om attcrneys will be handled. The regulation was in response to ~ecent security and public health concerns. The regUlation. 31 Pa Cooe §93.2, IS published in the Decefllber 12, 2()01.editlon of the Pennsylvai'iiiiBull6tin. uYour attorney cannndlt at www.pabuHetin.cQrn. The attached policy can also be found by you~ at:orney at the Department's website at You are re~ponsiblQ for notifying your attorney of the new policy. You should inform your attorneY' that if h~ or st1e wants to have mail from them opened in your presence, because he or she ,snot able to communicate WItt: you in confidential telephone :aIl5. visits, or in any other way. he or she must follcw the process in the new policy. Your attorney must hand-deliver the mail to a DOC facility or comml.inity corrections center with the apprcpnate postage. It will be Inspected for contraband by DOC staff in their presence. and then marked with a DOC stamp shawir:g that it has been InspectBc. It will then be sealed and placed in U.S. ma!l. When It arrives at your facility, It will be opened in your presence and Inspected for contraband. If your attorney is not able to follow this procedure, and cannot communicate with you in another way, he or she may contact your Fac:i1ity Manager 10 request oltoer means of delivery and inspection. Although the regUlation went into effect on December 22, 2001, the Department will allow a 90 day grace period for you and your attorney te adjust to this new procedure. On June 24,2002. the Department will begin following the new policy and all mail will be opened in the facility mailroom unless the new procedure has been followed. A list of Department facilities and community corrections centers that will aeceot mail is included In the attached policy. You are encouraged to notify any attorney who may wish to mail you a confidential letter of this change in polley as soon as possible. An extra copy of this memo is attached fOI you to send to your attorney. cc: Executive Staff Superintendents Regional Directors Boot Camp Commander • .- .-.0 . . . ' ... ~. Privileged Correspondence Stamp -..'" 1 Inspected on: Date By: _ Time _ Pnnted Name Signature Facility~ Reissue of Policy, Oc.AOM 803, "Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications" Memo Attachment A · --- ._- --._-----------------------_._---- _.. _--- ._- --- --'- _._- ..- -1- - Approved For Delivo -.--'l'T --. - Cnnrments l ~I 1--------. - - ---- - - - - -_.---. ----+--- - - - -.. ------ ------1--- --. -. -- - ---------- ----_.. _-----+------1-- 1-------- - - . - - - + - - -+-----_ .. - --- -----------1------- .---- ' - - - - - - - - + - - - - - -._- ----- ---_._-- ---- - "- -------- --4- 1 - - - - - _ . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - _ .. 1.._ _ • " J ._ ._ _ -__ Reissue of Policy, DC-ADM 803, '"Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications" Memo Attachment B COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Department of Corrections Secretary's Office (717) 975·4860 March 13. 2002 Subject: Reissue of Policy. DC·ADM 803. "Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications" To: Executive Staff Superintendents Regional Directors Boot Camp C~mmander From: Jeffery A. Beard, Ph.D. Secretary ~ Attached please find a copy of the revised DC·ADM 803. "Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications" policy. The following changes were made in this version. 1. The incorporation of policy bulletins DC-ADM 803·1, DC-ADM 803·2, DC-ADM 803·3, DC-ADM 803-4. and DC·ADM 803·5. 2. The definition at "reasonable quantity" was deleted, as there was an error in the reference to 9.6 cubic feet of storage space The amount of space of one footlocker and two records boxes does not equal 9.8 cubic feet. 3. A definition of Storage Space has been added. The new definition reads as follows: Inmates in general popUlation shall be permitted storage space equal to four records center boxes. This space may be made up of the four records center boxes or orle footlocker and two record center boxes. In cells that i18ve a builtin, or a free standing storage cabinet, the inmate is permitted to use that space and either two records center boxes or one footlocker. Inmates in Disciplinary Custody status shall be permitted storage space in accordance with Department policy DC-ADM 801, "Inmate Discip#ne." Inmates in Administrative Custody status shall be permitted storage space in accordance with Department policy DC-ADM 802, "Administrative Custody Procedures, " Capital Case inmates shall be permitted storage space in accordance with Department policy 6.5.8, "Capital Case Administration." 4. §VI. F. 4. b. (9) was deleted as this language was already contained in subsection VI. A. 12. ReIssue of Policy. DC·ACM 803, "Inmate Mall and Incoming Publicatons" Page 2 of 5 5. §VI. D. 1. a. was reworded te read, "The facility's mailroom staff shall open and inspect all incoming non..privileged correspondence." The phrase "facility's mailroom staff shall" replaced the phrase "facility may" and the remainder of the sentence was deleted. The reason for the deletior: is that this language was also incfuded in §VI. D. 1.b. 6. A new. §Vl. D. 1. b, was added that reads, "Any item or material in nonprivileged correspondence (e.g. internet pages, news articles, etc.) that is questionable in natLire shall be reviewed by the Incor.ting Publication Review Committee for possible violations of §Vl. F. 3. a. and/or §VI. F. 3. b. of this pohcy." This change was made in response to a concern raised by one of the fasilihes ihat noticed an increase in the number of printed internet pages that were accompanyir.g non-privileged correspondence. 7. §VI. D. 1. b. was renumbered as §VI. D. 1, c. due to the new subsection being added. 8 The new procedures for handling incoming mall from the court or an inmate's attorney have been incorporated into this version. (§Vl. B. 2.) These procedures reQuire that the envelope used to mail the dccuments must be marked with a Department stamp. (§VI. B. 2. t.) A stamp has been developed and a sample has been attached to this me110 (Attachment A). Central Office will have the stamps made and one will be supp:led to eactl facility. 9. §VI. B. 2. j. states, "An attorney who is unable to comply witr, the above procedures, and unable to communicate with an inmate client through other means, and written communication is the only reasonable way to transmit the information, may seek advance permission from the Facility Manager at the facility where the inmate is housed, to have correspondence delivered in some other manner. The request must be in writing. shall explain why compliance WIth these procedures is not possible. and shall propose an alternative means of having the correspondence searched and delivered to the inmate. If the Attorney provides no proposed alternative, the Facility Manager shall provide an alternative with which the attorney shall comply." The alternative shall be to allow the Attorney to mail the information to the inmate via a postal carrier. When it is received at the institution, mailroom staff shall open and inspect the mail in the mailroom. However. the opening and inspection of the mail shall be video recorded and a log mamtained of all such items opened outside the presence of the inmate. When inspections are to be recorded, the staff member shall ensure that the following information is stated on camera prior to conductir.g the inspections: 1. The name of the facility; 2. The date and time; and 3. Hislher name and claSSification. Reissue ot Policy, DC·ADM 803. "Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications" Page 3 of 5 The log {Attachment 8 of this memo) shall ir.clude tre following information· 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The The The The name and address of the sender; name and numbe' of the ir.mate that the mail is intended for; date the mail was received; date the mail was inspected: The name of the staff member who ir.spectea the mall; If the mail was approved for delivery; and Comments if the mail was disapproved for delivery. As this policy is contained in the inmate handbook, the Bureau of Standards. Practices and Security will coordinate the printing and shipping of this policy to your facility for distribution to the inmate population. Any questions you or your staff may have concerning this policy should be directed to your Regional Deputy Secretary. cc: file : Policy Number: Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications :Date of Issue: I, March 25, 2002 1_ _- I. ' Authority: I !Jq.~ I I DC·ADM 803 I Effective Date _-=-Je: .:.f r:":, ,:~J' ' ;' AA';.;. .~';: ;.;Be~a;.;. ;:rd: .!. .tP:.....:h..:..:..;.D::..;;._....:...... June 24. 2002 - -_ _....:...; I ~ AUTHORITY The Authority of the Secretary of Corrections to direct the operation of the Department of Corrections is established by Sections 201, 206,506. anc! 901-8 of the Administrative Code of 1929. 7~ P S §§61, 66.186, and 310-1. Act of April 9. 1929. P.L 177. No. 175, as alT'ended. II. PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to establish policy and procedures governing inmate mail privileges and incoming publications: III. APPLICABILITY This policy applies to all inmates and employees. volunteers, and contract vendors who reside or work in facilities under the jurisdiction of the Department with the exception of the Bureau of Community Corrections IV. DEFINITIONS A. Approved Inmate Name The committed name and/or a name Change that is in accordance with Department policy. 11.5.1. "Records Office Operations:' ~ 1·ABC·50-01. 1-ABC·5D-04, 2-CC·SC-01 I ~UIJ' DC·ADM 1103, Inmate Mail and Incoming PublicarioR$ Policy Page 2 B_ Sulk Mail Adver.ising material. sales catalogs, and sales fliers that are specifically identified with a uS Postal Service Bulk R.ate Stamp and do nol meet the criteria of a pu~"cation as outlined in this directive C. CDCC/MDCC Camp Hiil Diagnostic and ClassIfication Center; Muncy DiaGnostic and Classification Centar. D. Child Pornography The presenlation of sexually explicit behavior involving or depictinS children, as 10 a pholograph, intended t~ arouse sexual excitement E. Contraband An item that an inmate is prohibited from possessing or an item that an inmate is permitted to possess, but which has been altered or is being used for something other than ir's intended purpose. F. Explicit Sexual Material Pursuant to 18 Par C.S.A. §5903 explicit maierials include: any book, pamphlet, magazine, printed matter however reproduced, which contains any picture. photograph, drawing or similar visual representation or image of a person or portion of the human body which depicts nudily. sexual conduct, or sadomasochistic abuse and which is harmful to minors Explicit sexual material also includes that which contains detailed verbal descriptions or narrative accounts of sexual excitement. sexual conduct or sadomasochism abuse and which, taken as a whole is harmful to minors. G. facility Manager ·The Superintendent of a State Correctional Facility or Regional Correctional Facility, Commander of a Motivational Boot Camp, Director of a Community Corrections Center. Director of the Training Academy. H. Incoming Publications Review Committee (IPRC) A committee of facility personnel selected by the Facility Manager at each facility, that reviews incoming mail that may contain prohibited materials. I. Indigent Inmate An inmate shall be deemed indigent if the combined balances of his/her faciiity account and any other accounts are $10.00 or less at all times during the thirty days preceding the date on which lhe inmate SUbmits a request to a person designated by the Facility Manager. Any inmate who refuses available work, although he/she is physically able and is not precluded from work by virtue of hislher housing status. is not indigent for the purposes of this policy and is not eligible for free stationery or to anticipate for Page J DC·"-fJM 803, Inmate Mati and Incoming Publi(;ations Policy postagd Inmates who are self·confined may also be considered as refusil"g available work although physically able as determined by the Program Review Committee (PRe). Any ir.rnate who has funds in another acco~nt. which If deposited in his/her facility account would bring his balance to more than $10.00, is not indigent. Any inmate who has not made a good faith effort to manage his/her money so as to be able to pay the necessary costs of litigation him/herself is not indigent. J. Facility Mail Distribution System The system used to deliver and pick-up nail from inmates within a facili~y. K. Nude Photographs As defined ,n 18 Pa. C.S.A. §5903, nude means "st:owing the human male or female genitals. pUbic area 0" buttocks with less than a fully opaque covering, or showing the female breast with less lhar. a fUlly opaque covering of any portion thereof below the top of the nipple". A photograph is an image of a person, place. or object made using a camera or device which exposes a photosensitive surface to light. Fer purposes of this policy, pictures in a magazine or other publication of general circulation shall not be considered photographs. L. Obscene Material The definition of obscene contained in 18 Pat perlormance. if: e.S.A. §5903, is "any material or 1. the average person applying contemporary community standards would find that the subject matter taken as a whole appeals to the prurient interest: 2 the subject matter depicts or describes in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct of a type described in this section (sexual COJ'ldl.!ct is defined as patently offensive representations or descriptions of ultimate sexual acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated. inclUding sexual intercourse, anal or oral sodomy and sexual bestiality; and patently offensive representations or descriptions of masturbation. excretory functions, sadomasochistic abuse and lewd exhibition of the genitals): and 3. the subject matter as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, educational or scientific value.· M. Opaque Opaque refers to something dense. impervious to the passage of light. N. Privileged Correspondence 1. Outgoing Privileged Correspondence: Outgoing rnail addressed to the follOWing persons is privileged correspondence and shall not be opened outside the preser.ce of the inmate who is sending It except as provided for in Section VI. D. 2: DC·ADM 803. InmiltlJ Mail and Incoming PUblication:. Policy Page 4 a. Elected or appoir.ted federal, state. or local officials: One to whom the inITiate has petitioned 10 redress a grievance. The term elected or appointed official includes. but is not limited to. the courts. the President of the United States. the Governor. the A:torney General and the District Attorney. The term elected or appointed official does not include the Veterans Administration, Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Social Security Administration. Department of Education. the Pennsylvania Prison Society, the Pennsylvania Soard of Probation and Parole or to agencies to whom the inmate has applied for benefits. b. Attorney: Any person authorized under applicable law to praGtice law and who is engaged in an attorney/client relationship with the inmate addressee. All correspondence to attorneys must be clearly marked with the attorney's full name, or the full name and address of the Jaw firm, printed on the envelope for it to be considered privileged. 2. Incoming Sealed Privileged Correspondence: Mail from the court or an inmate's attorney that has been sealed pursuant to 37 Pa. Code § 93.2 and in accordance wi~h the procedures set forth in Section VI. B. 2. of this policy. O. Prurient Obsessively interested in sexual matters; marked by an obsessive interest in sex; alol/sing or appealing to an obsessive interest in sex. P. Public Mall Systems The United States Postal Service and private carriers who serve the public with systems to move pieces of mail from one location to another. Q. Publications Printed material that is circulated among the public for conveying information. ThiS includes newspapers, magazines, hardcover or paperback books, pamphlets and newsletters. regardless of Postal Rate. that are not specifically intended for the purpose of advertising or selling merchandise. R. Storage Space Inmates in general population shall be permitted storage space equal to four records center boxes. This space may be made up of the four records center boxes or or.e footlocker and two record center boxes. In cells that have a built-in, or a free standing storage cabinet, the inmate is permitted to use that space and either two records center boxes or one footlocker. Inmates in Disciplinary Custody status shall be permitted storage space in accordance with Department policy DC-ADM 801, 1Iinmate Discipline." Inmates in Administrative Custody status shall be permitted storage space in accordance with Department policy DC-ADM 802, "Administrative Custody Procedures." Capital Case inmates shall be permitted storage space in accordance with Department policy 6.5.8, "Capital Case Admin Istration.·' . iQOQS£' DC·ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Pub/icatioft!# Policy Page 5 S. Undeliverable Mail Mail thaI cannot be identified for delivery due to incomplete or incorrect information V. POLICY It is the policy of the Department to provide ir.mates access to communication with members of society through the established public mail system. to inspect mail, d~termme the types of publications allowed, and to review publications intended for inmates.~ ~estrictions shall be related direcUy to facility order and security, pUblic safety, and otscenity laws and statutes. J Vi. PROCEDURES A. Mail Privileges 1. Inmates shall be permitted to correspond with the general public, their attorney, and public officials. 2. There shall be r.o limit to the number of correspondents to whom an inmate may send or from whom an inmate may receive mail. 4 3. Inmates are prohibited from: a. corresponding with inmates, former inmates, parolees, probationers, codefendants, or victims of the ir.mates' criminal acts except wit~ the written approval of the Facility Manager; b. transferring or receiving through any means whatsoever. negotiable instruments, money, or items of monetary value to or from any other inmate, former inmates, parolees, probationers, co-defendants, or victims of the inmates' criminal acts or their immediate families without prior written approval of the Facility Manager; c. corresponding with current or former employees, current or former volunteers. or current or former contract employees except with the written approval of the Facility Manager; d. sending or receiving correspondence containing threatening or obscene materials, as well as correspondence containing criminal solicitations or furthering a criminal plan or misconduct offense; a 1-A3C.5D-1J4, 1.ABC.5D.07 ~ 3·4429 ..o\CI 3·4432. 1-ABC-SO-02 43-4430 -.. ,srwt (Ui c(c C Q.' .(.'XC ..JiMU.....Qi .QIWiQiQiiQiX""'" DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Poliw P~ge 8 e. uSlns the facility address to fraudulently identify nim/herself as an employee. agent or representative of the facility: ~or example: Theodore Smith, Paralegal SCI Mahanoy 301 Morea Road FracKville PA 17932 f. writing to individuals who have informed the Department, in writing, that they do not wish to receive conespondence from the inmate. This restriction is not to be interpreted to infringe on the right of inmates to correspond with public officials with regard to the perormance of their official duty; g. corresponding with prohibited parties directed through a third party; h. sending or receiving battery-operated greeting cards; i. sending or receiving "bill-me-Iater" or free gift transactions: and receiving correspondence or homemade artwork in correspondence that has any item affixed to it with glue or other types of adhesives, including tape. Unaltered commercially manufactured greeting cards. other than battery operated greeting cards, will be permitted. 4. Each inmate will be permit~ed, without cost, to mail 10 one-ounce, first-class letters per month. s 5. There will be no limit on the number of letters that an inmate may send at his/her own expense. 6 Envelopes are available for purchase through Commissary. In the event an inmate has purchased envelopes prior to a transfer to another facility, the inmate shall be allowed a one-on-one exchange of envelopes upon arrival at rhe new facility. 6. No obscene material or contraband shall be written or drawn on, or contained in. U,e mail. Such mail will be opened, returned to the sender. or disposed-of at the inmate's expense. 7. Outgoing. non-privileged correspondence may be opened and inspected if there is reason to believe that the security of the facility may be impaired or this directive is being Violated.' 8. All outgoing mail shall include on the envelope the full.approved inmate name, DOC inmate number, and retum address printed in a legible, undisguised manner on the upper. left-hand comer of the envelope. Envelopes not bearing this information will be opened and returned to the inmate if identified. 5 3-4431. I.ABC.50-o3 e 1.ABC.50.02 1 1.ABC.50-05 DC·ADM 81JJ. Inmate Mall and Incoming Publi~afjon5Policy Page 7 9. All outgoing correspondence will be stamped "Inmate Mail- PA. DEPT. OF CORRECTIONS." 10. Inmates shall seal and place all outgoing correspondence in the collection boxes provided in each housing unit arod/or other designated locatior.s. 11 All Inmates are prohibited from receiving nude photographs. 12. In accordance with 18 Pa. obscene or explicit sexual under the age of 18 found SUbject to a misconduct in C.S.A. § 5903. the Department will not disseminate materials to inmates under the age of 1B. Any inma:e to be in possession of explicit sexual materials will be accordance with DC·ADM 801, "Inmate Discipline." B. Privileged Correspondence Outgoing Privileged Correspondence: In order to be treated as outgoing privileged correspondence. the inmate's approved name and DOC number shall be printed in a legible, undisguised manner on the upper, left-hand corner of the envelope The letter must be addressed to a specific attorney, law firm or elected or appointed federal, state, or local official as specified in the definition of ~Outgoing Privileged Correspondence." (See Section IV. N. 1.) 2. Incoming Sealed Privileged Correspondence: Only mail from the court or an inmate's attorney, sealed in the following manner, Will be opened and searched In the presence of the inmate. a. An attorney or authorized representative/designee may hand-deliver a sealed confidential client communication to one of the facilities listed in Attachment A, Department of Corrections Facilities. if the a~omey is unable to communicate through alternative means. b. The person making the de/ivel)' must do so dUring normal business hours unless granted permission in advance by the Secretary or the Facility Manager designee. c. The person making the delivery shall provide valid identification and information sufficient to verify that the person is the inmate's attorney or authorized representative of ttJe attorney_ d. The person making delivery shall present the documents for inspection for contraband. The documents must be unsealed and unbound when presented to allow for search. They must be presented in an envelope on which sufficient postage has been affixed, unless the delivery is made at the facility at which the inmate is housed. e A log (Attachment B. Incoming Privileged Mail Receipt Log) will be maintained of the r.ame of the person who delivered the mail, narne of the staff member who received the mail. the form of identification presented, a description of the document presented for inspectIon, the number of pages and tile date that it was placed in the U.S. mail. ~ DC·ADM 803. Inmate Mail and IncomIng f. Publication.; Polley ..•. Page 8 The documents will be searched, but not read. They will then be sealed in an envelope in the presence of the person submitting the documents and the tJerson will sign the envelope over the seal. The "envelope will be marked wi~h a Department ~Privileged Correspondence Stamp' that indicates thai Department staff has searched it and that it shall be opened in the presence of the inmate. g. The envelope will then be placed in the U.S. mail, within 24 hours of receipt. by the staff member who searched and sealed the envelope unless either the delivery is made at the facility at which the inmate is housed or prior arrangements for altemate delivery are made with the Facility Manager at the facility accepting the documents. h. Upon receipt at the facility where the inmate is housed. the envelope will be unsealed and searched again for contraband in the presence of the ir:mate. i. A court may direct delivery of court documents sealed from public disclosure to an inmate by specific order. The court's representative shall deliver the sealed documents and the specific court order to a facility listed in Attachment AI Department of Corrections Facilities, and the document will be processed as set forth for attorney mail above. Under no circumstances will documents filed in a court of publIC record be delivered sealed to an inmate. j. c. An attorney who is unable to comply with the above procedures. and unable to communicate wi:h an inmate client through other means, and written commur:ication is the only reasonable way to transmit the information. may seek advance permission from the Facility Manager of the facility where the inmate is housed. to have correspondence delivered in some other manner. The request must be in writing. shall explain why compliance with these procedures is not pOSSible, and shall propose an alternative means of haVing the correspondence searched and delivered to the inmate. If the Attorney provides 110 proposed alte rnaliv8, the Facility Manager shall provide an alternative with which the attorney shall comply. Stationery. Pen, and Postage for Indigent Inmates Upon written request, indigent inmates shall be provided with stationery and a pen, and will be able to anticipate ~he cost for postage to file papers necessary to the good-faith pursuit of legal remedies. e 1. No·Cost Stationary and Pens a" An inmate who needs no-cost stationery may submit a request to the Facility Business Manager or designee_ The request shall contain: (1) the date of the request: (2) the approximate quantity of paper needed to prepare the legal documents: 03-4262.3·4264. l-ABC-50-06 ~ DC·ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publif:iltions Policy Page 9 (3) whether a pen or the use of a pen is needed; (4) the current balance in his or her inmate facility account, if known: and (5) the caseidocket number, type of case, and location of filing. b. The Business Manager/designee shall review the information contained in the request slip and verlfy that the inmate has insufficient funds to purchase ~e needed material. This determination will be based on the definition of "'ndigent Inmate" in Section IV. I. of tI'1is policy. c. The Business Manager/designee shall respond 10 the request within five working days of receipt. d. Upon approval, the inmate shall be provided free of charge: (1) the use or permanent possession of a common type of stick ball pen; and (2) a packet of fifty sheets of clean paper and fIVe sheets of carbon paper. Paper must be 8 1/2 x 11 inches in size. Should the quantity of paper or carbon paper provided prove 10 be insufficient, the inmate may submit a request for one more additional packet per month. 2. Postage a. Anticipated Postage b (1) An indigent inmate, who must immediately file a legal document with a court, shall be permitted to anticipate the deposit of funds into his/her account to mail/egal documents to a court, attorney. or party to a laWSUit by sending a reCjuest to the Business Manager/designee and antiCIpating o!'l his/her account for the cost of mailing such documents. (2) The Business Manager/designee shall respond to the request within five working days of receipt. (3) An inmate may anticipate on hislher account for legal mail up to $10.00 per month. Under roo Circumstances, shall the Business Manager/designee approve requests in excess of $10.00 per month. (4) After all court-ordered deductions are taKen in accordance with Department policy DC-ADM 005, "Collection of Inmate Debts, II one hundred percent (100%) of any monies received in an inmate's account will be used to satisfy the postage debt. Postage Limitations An inmate will be permitted to anticipate the deposit of funds into hlslher account for regular first-class postage only except that: DC·ADM 803. Inmat!l Mall and Incoming Publications Policy Page 10 (1) a ·Petition for Review" to Respondents is the only legal document required to be served by certified mail. return receipt; (2) an inmate may use, but is not required to use, certified mail, return receipt to file and serve a ·Petition for Review" with the Court; (3) an inmate may not be permitted to anticipate the deposit of funds in:o his/her account to mail documents in any :ase in which he/she is not a party; (4) any misuse of postage and incomplete or false requests shall be grounds for disapproval of any further ar.ticipation for postage and for discipline; and (5) The inmate may appeal any decision regarding this section as outlined in Department policy DC-ADM 804, "Inmate Grievances:' D. Security 1. Incoming Correspondence a. The facility's mailroom staff shall open and inspect all incoming correspondence unless it is incoming sealed privileged correspondence that 'Aill be processed as set forth in Section VI.B.2 above and opened in the presence of the inmate. b. Any item or material in incoming correspondence (e.g., internet pages, news articles, etc.) that is questionable in nature, shall be reviewed by the Incoming Publications Review Committee for possible violations of Section VI. F. 3. a. and/or Section VI. F. 3. b. of this policy. c. Incoming correspondence, other than privileged correspondence, may be read upon the wriHen order of the Facility Manager and reproduced upon written order of the respective Deputy Secretary only when there is reason to believe Ihat the security of the facility may be threatened. that this directive is being violated. or there is evidence of criminal activity or of a misconduct offense. 2. Outgoing PriVileged Correspondence a. Outgoing privileged correspondence will not be opened, read. censored, or reproduced outside ;he presence of the inmate, except under the following conditions: t 1) with the prior written approval of the Secretary of Corrections or designee. A request for approval to open, read. censor, or reproduce privileged correspondence outside the presence of the inmate must be made ir1 writing to the Secretary and must state the reason for the request: and (2) permission will be granted only when there is reason to believe :he correspondence may reveal or discuss planned or future criminal activity including but not limited to the follOWing: DC-ADM 803. Inmate Maillnd tncaming Publications Policy Page 11 (a) any information relating to a possible escape: (b) the introductJon of weapons. drugs, money. or other contraband that presents a clear threat to the security of the facility; ec) Any information relating to a possible prison disturbance or other ac~ivity that presents a clear threat to the security of the facility; and (d) any information relating to other criminal activity. Specifics of suspected activity must be provided. b. A log will be kept of instances where mail is read, and the inmate will be no~ified unless such notification would impede an investigation of misconduct or suspected criminal activity. The inmate wi!! be notified that his/her mail was read at the completion of the investigation. E. Handling and Distribution of Mail 1. Outgoing mail placed in the housing unit collection boxes or other designated locations will be collected each day. Monday through Friday. A reasonable effort Will oe made to ensure that such maU is delivered to the US Postal Service on the same day. Saturday's mail service may be available as determined by each facility's needs and capabilfties. 9 2 Incoming mail, includir.g packages, will be processed as follOWS: a. The facility will not accept any mail that has postage due. b. All inmate mail wili be checked against the inmate roster. c. If an inmate has been transferred or released. mall will be forwarded, unopened, to the new address, if known. for 60 days. 10 If no forwarding address is available, mail will be returned. unopened, to the sender. It is the responsibility of the inmate to notify correspondents and publishers of a change of address. d. If ar. Inmate elects to have mail held by the mailroom while on furlough or an Authorized Temporary Absence (ATA), a formal notification. in wrJling, may be required by the facility, and appropriate procedures will be established by the facility. e. Each facility will develOp local procedure to ensure that incoming sealac privileged correspondence is opened and inspected in the presence of ihe inmate. All remaining mail will then be opened. inspected and dislributed to the inmate. '·j.4437.1·ABC·5D·C9 .0 3 -4 4 38. 1·A9C·50-10 DC-ADM 803. Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Poticy f. Page 12 All incoming rnail will be delivered to the inmate within twenty.four hours and packages will be held no more than forty-eight hours, excluding weekends and holidays. i ~ g. Any inmate who receives letters of a disturbing nature should bring the matter to the attention of the housing unit oHicer and make arrangements to discuss ttie problem with his/he!" unit manager or counselor 3. Incoming mail will be opened and inspected for contraband in the facility's mail roem. 12 Money orders and certified checks will be recorded, indicating the nature of t3 the receipt, the sender, the amount received, and the date. A DC-13GB, Cash Transaction Receipt will be issued to the inmate for all amounts recei'led. The money orders and/or certified checks will be forwarded to the facility Business Manager who will deposit the money into the inmate's account. 4. The facility will not accept personal checks or cash sent through the mail. If a personal check or cash is discovered during an inspection for contraband. the entIre piece of mail is to be returned to the sender with a notice that it is being returned because of non-permitted contents. 5. All incoming mail must include the approved inmate name and DOC number. 6 If incoming correspondence is determined to be undeliverable for any reason other than those stated in Section VI. A. 3, it will be marked appropriately and returned to sender at the inmate's expense or otherwise disposed of. 7. Incoming mail containing contraband will be confiscated and held fer further inspection and disposition. The contraband will be returned to the sender (if known). or it will be destroyed. 8. All correspondence which is read in accordance with this directive and appears to be in violation of Section VI. A, 3 will be handled as follows: a. the Deputy Superintendent for Facilities Management or designee will review correspondence and will notify the inmate and the sender that the let:er is rejected; b. the correspondence may be held for at least seven Working days after notification is sent. to pennit reasonable opportunity to appeal the decision. The Facility Manager will respond to all appeals and make a final decision as to whether the correspondence shall be rejected: and c. An inmate who VIolates this directive will not lose basic correspondence privileges. However, violations may result in the monitoring of mail until such time as it IS determined that further violations will not OCC'Jr. Any violation of this directive may result in misconduct charges being filed. 11 3.44~i '2 3.44~.;. 3-4436; ~-ABC-5D-06 'J 3-4435: l-ABC.So-07 DC-ADM 803, (nmareMail and Incoming Publications POlicy Page 13 9. Bulk Mail Most magazines and newspapers are sent in by bulk mail. Since the inmate has paid subscription for and newspapers. they are to be permitted. a 10. Certified or Registered Mail a. Each facility will establish procedures in cooperation with the local Postmaster for the processing of certified and registered mail. b. Determination of mail to be sen~ by these methods will be the responsibility of the inmate. c. Except as provided in Section VI. C, the inmate must have funds available in hislher account and an approved cash slip for such postage paymer.t in order to send mail certified or registered. 11. Inmate Organization Correspondence. a. Only approved inmate organizations as defined by Department policy 7.8.1, "Inmate Recreational and Therapeutic Activities" may send and receive mail. b. Payment of postage is the responsibility of the inmate organization. c. All incoming and outgoing inmate organization correspondence must be reviewed and approved by the facility staff coordinator for the organization. d. All outgoing correspondence must be reviewed by the staff coordinator for the organization ~o ensure compliance with Department policies. e Outgomg correspondence must be sealed and delivered to the mailroom by the staff coordinator. F. Incoming Publications 1. General Procedures a All publications must be received from the original source. Covers of hardbound publications may be damaged through examination or removed where inspection of the cover is deemed necessary and no reasonably-available alternative form of inspection is adequate. b. Magazines must be mailed directly from the original source. Single copies of smaillener-sized pamphlets may be received in regular correspondence from family me."bers. friends, or religious advisors. c. Newspapers may be mailed or delivered to the facility. --".. -_.----.- ----. ... .... , : • • e , v • ..,.., _ DC·ADM 803. Inmate Mail ""d Incoming Publications Policy • •" .., P,glt 14 d Publications. new or used. that are sent di:-eetly from a publisher, bookstore. book club, distributor, or department store will usually be deemed ~o have come from the original source. e. Newsletters and other mail from recognized non-profit religious and charitable organizations. when addressed to an individual inmate shall be delivered to :he inmate even if rr.ailed at less than first or second-class mail rates (i.e., bl.llk 'Tlail rate). f. If a publication con:ains questionable content, mailroom personnel, education staff, or the librarian will be responsible for forwarding these pUblicatior.s to the Incoming PUblication Review Commit~ee (IPRC). g. An inmate may receive more than one copy of any publication only with special approval of the IPRC. h. Upon transfer, publications approved at one facility will not necessarily be permitted in another facility. The IPRC at the receiving facility will review any publications that are deemed questionable. :. Upon receipt of mail sent at less than First or Second Class Rate. the mail inspector will verify that the stamp specifically states -Bulk Rate" and if the words ·Sulk Rate" are not printed on the mail, it will be processed as incoming mail. j. However, If the words "Bulk Rate n are marked on the item. Ihe mail Inspector will determine if the item meets the definition of a publication as defined in Section IV. Q. If the criteria for a publication are met, it will be accepted and processed in accordance with Sections, VI. E. and F, regardless or the postal rate at which it was mailed. Although. if the Item has a Bulk Rate Stamp, but does not meet ~he criteria for a pUblication, delivery will be refused. 2. Review Process a. The IPRe will determine whether written or printed material is a publication witt-in ten days after the material is received. b. Each issue of a pUblication will be reviewed individually. No pUblication will be banned without review unless it appears on the monthly circulated banned list. .Ivly publication that contains one or more sections dealing with prohibited topics must be disapproved in its entirety. If a publication is disapproved because of a section(s) dealing with prohibited topics, facility staff or the original source may not alter the publication by removing the prohibited section(s) :n an attempt to make the p;.JblicatlOn acceptable. The publication must remain in its original format. c The contefll will be reviewed against the criteria listed in Sections VI. F. 3. a. and b. below DC·ADM 803, Inmate Mall and Incoming Publications Policy P,ge 15 d Publications that are extensively circulated throughout the general public will not be excluded for the sole reason that they contain se)tually-explicit materials, however, they may be excluded if they contain materials prohibited by the critena guidelines. e. The committee will communicate its decision to the inmate and copy troe Facility Manager. f. If a publication is disapproved the reason(s) will be included. g. No publication shall be prohibited solely on the basis :hat the pUblication is critical of penal facilities in general, of a particular facility, of a particutar facIlity staff member, of an official of the Department or of a correctional or penological practice in this or in any other jurisdiction. 3. Criteria Requests for and receipt of publications may be disapproved when the pUblications contain the following' 14 a Securily Issues l~ •• ABC.5D.04 (1) information regarding the manufacture of explosives. incendiaries. weapons, escape devices or other contraband; (2) instruction regarding the ingredients or manufacture of poisons, drugs. or intoxicating beverages; (3) writings which advocate Violence, insurrection or guerrilla warfare agamst the government or any of its facilities or which create a danger within the context of the correctional facility; (4) writings that advocate, assist or are evidence of criminal activity or facility mIsconduct; (5) racially inflamma.ol)' material or material that could cause a threat to tt:e inmates, staff, and security of the facility will be prohibited entrance imo the facility; (6) maps, road atlas, etc. that depict a geographic region; (7) non-privileged mail contaimng official documents Ii e., driver's license. birth certificate, welfare card, medical cards, etc.). These documents will be confiscated and placed in the designated safe. The correspondence only will be forwarded to the inmate; and DC·~OM 803. Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Po/icy (8) Page 16 the above criteria should not be interpreted so broadly as to require disapproval of recognized textbooks in chemistry, physics or :he social sciel'lces. b. Obscenity Issues The following categories of matenal are considered "obscene": (1) where one of the participants in the act is, or appears to be, nonconsenting; (2) where one of the participants appears to be forceful, threatening: or violent: (3) where one of the participants is dominating one of the o~her participan:s and one of the Individuals is obviously in a submissive role or one of the participants is degraded. humiliated, or willingly engages in behavior that is degrading or humiliating; (4) one of the participants is a child/minor, or appears to be a child/minor; (5) where there is actual penetration, be it pel1i1e/vaginal-oral, penile-anal. or penile-vaginal; digital-anal, digital-vaginal: or insertion of any inanimate object in a body cavity, or the depiction in the context presented is deemed to be opposed to legitimate penoiogical objectives; (6) where any bodily excretory function is depicted; (7) where the material depicts bestiality, sadomasochistic benavior. or bondage: andJor (8) materials that depict or expressly encourages violent or assaultive sexual conduct, or involuntary deviant sexual contact. 4. Appeal Process a. Inma~es shall have the right to appeal a decision that results in the disapp!oval of a publication in accordance with Department policy DC-ADM 804. b If the decision IS appealed, the mailroom officer will hold all questionable publications until the appeal process is completed. c. The publication will be forwarded to the mailroom officer for final processing. d. If the inmate chooses not to appeal, a cash slip should be sent to the mailroom in order to mail the publication out. If the inmate refuses to submit a cash slip wit1"in fifteen days of the decision, the publication WIll be deslroyed. DC·ADM 803. InmareMail and Incoming Publicarions Policy Page 17 5. Denied Publication Listing a. By the fifteenth of each month, ~he IPRC from each facility will forward a list of pUblications that were disapproved at their facilities for that month and the justification for denial. to the Executive Assistant :0 the Secretary/dElslgnee at Central Office. b The Executive Assistant to the Secretartldesignee will compile a !"1onrhly list cf all publications denied and, upon completion, distribute the list to the IPRC at each facility. c. All publications on the denied publications list will be denied at all facilities. d. In the event that the decision to deny a publication is reversed via the appeal process, the Executive Assistant to the Secretary/designee shall notify the IPRC at each facility that the publication is to be permitted. 6 Possessions of PUblications a. Each inmate in general population is permitted to retain the following Quan:ity of publications in hislher cell: (1) three newspapers; (2) 10 magazines; and (3) 10 books (school books or otherwise). unless additional books are approved by the facility's education department. b. Inmates in Administrative Custody, Disciplinary Custody and/or a Special Management Unit wiD be allowed to retain quantit.ies of written materials as outlined by the respective Department policies on those subjects. VII. SUSPENSION DURING AN EMERGENCY In an emergency or extended disruption of normal facility operation. the Secretary, or designee may suspend any provision or section of this policy, for a specific penod. VIII. RIGHTS UNDER THtS POLICY This policy does not create rights in any person nor should it be interpreted or applied in such a manner as to abridge the rights of any individual. This policy should be interpreted to have sufficient flexibility so as to be consistent with law and to permit the accomplishment of the purpose(s} of the policies at the Department of Corrections. DC-ADM 8DJ, Inma'(J Mail and I"comlng Publications Policy IX. Page 18 RELEASE OF INFORMATION AND OISSEMINATION OF POLICY A. Release of Information 1. Policy This policy document is public information and may be released upon request. 2. Procedure Manual (if applicable) The procedure manual for this policy is not public information and shall not be released in its entirety or in part, without the prior approval of the Secretary of Corrections or designee. This manual or parts thereof, may be released to any Department of Corrections' employee on an as needed basis. B. Distribution of Polley 1. General Distribution The Department of Corrections' policy and procedure manuals (when applicable) shall be distributed to the members of the Central Office Executive Staff, all Facility Managers, and Community Corrections Regional Directors on a routine basis. Distribution to other individuals and/or agencies is sUbject to the approval of the Secretary of Corrections or designee. 2. Distribution to Staff It is the responsibility of those individuals receiving policies and procedures, as indicated in the "General Distribution" section above, to ensure that each employee expected or required to perform the necessary procedures/duties is issued a copy of the policy and procedures. X. SUPERSEDED POLICY AND CROSS REFERENCE A. Superseded Policy ,. Depar.ment Policy This document supersedes the following documents~ DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail Privileges issued January 22.2001 by former Secretary Martin F. Horn. b. DC·ADM 603·1. Inmate Mail Privileges issued June 11,2001 by Secretary Jeffrey A. Beard, Ph.D. c. DC·ADM 803-2, Inmate Mail Privileges issued October 24,2001 by Secretary Jeffrey A. Beard, Ph.D. a 2. Facility Policy and Procedures This document supersedes all facility pOlicy and procedures on this subject. DC·~DM 803, Inmate Mailllfld Incoming Publications Policy Page 19 13. Cross Reference(s) 1. Administrative Manuals a. DC-AmI. 005. Collection of Inmate Debts b. DC-ADM 801, Inmate Discipline c. DC-ADM 802. Administrative Custody Procedures d. DC-ADM 804, Inmate Grievances e. 6.3.1. Facility Security f. 6.5.8, Capi1a1 Case Administration g. 7.8.1. Inmate Recreational and Therapeutic Activities h. 11.5.1, Records Office Operations 2. ACA Standards a. Administration of Correctional Agencies: 2-CO-5D-01 b. Adult Correctional Institutions: 3-4262, 3-4264, 3-4434, 3-4429,.3-4430, 3-4431, 3-4432,3-4433.3-4435,3-4436,3-4437,3-4438 c. Adult Community Residential Services: None d. Adult Correctional Boot Camp P~ograms: 1-A8C-5D-01, 1-ABC-5D-02, 1-ABC50-03, 1-ABC-5D-04, 1-ABC-50-QS, 1-ABC-5D-06, 1-ABC-5D-07, 1-ABC-5D- 08, 1-ABC-SD-09. 1-ABC-5D-1 0 e. ·.1 . !\ Correctional Training Academies: None . ( ,.1 H.l~.':'J:'.'I«:V,Q(WawWUU4t4J14444¥4!iJl)J,Wg.$tt , , Department of Corrections Facilities State Correctional Institutions - State Regional Correctional Facility - Motivational Boot Camp SCI AICIl)n 1')745 Route 18 Albion, PA 16475·0001 Telephone: r814~ 756-5779 SCi Cambridge Sprhgs Fu'lerton AJerlue Cambridge Springs, PA 16403·1238 Telepilo"\e: (814', 398-54:10 45~ SCI Greene 169 Progress Dnve Waynesburg, PA 15370-8082 Teiephone: {724} 852-2902 SCI Pittsburgh P,O.80x99901 Pitlsburgn. PA 15233.Q:m1 Telephone: (412) 761·195: SCI Greensbur9 R.R. Box 10 ROGte 119 South Greensburg. PA 15601·8993 Telephone: (724) 837-4397 Quehanna Motivational Boot Camp He Box 32 Karthaus, PA 16845-003~ i"'elephone: (814) 263·4125 SCI Relreal 660 Stale Roule 11 Hunlock Creek. PA 18621-3136 Te!ephone (570) 735-8754 SCI Camp Hill 25,)( ~:sbum Road P,J. Box 6837 Camp Hill, PA ~7001·8837 Telepnone: (717) 737-4531 SCI Houtldale ?O. Box 1000 Houtzdale. PA 16698·iOOO Telephone: (814) 378·1000 SCI Rock"iew SC: Ci:este r cC'O East Fourth Street Chester. PA 19013·43S1 Telephone: (610) 490·5412 SCI Coal Township 1 Kelley Drive Coa1 Township, PA 17866·1020 Telephone: (570) 644·7890 SCI Cresson ? O. Box A fJld Routa 22 Cresson. P~ 16699-0001 '7'ele!=rcne: (814) 886-818' SCI Dallas 1000 Follies Road Dallas. ?A 18612-0266 (670) 675-1101 SCI Frackville 1111 Altamont Boulevard Frackville. PA 17931·2699 Tel~phone: (570) 874·4516 SCI Huntingdon 1100 Pike Street Huntingdon, PA 16654-1112 TelephOne: (814) 643-2400 BOllA Bellefonte, PA 16823-0620 Telephone: (814) 355·4874 SCI Smithfield P.O. Eox 999 Huntingdon, PA 16652·0999 Telephone: (814) 643·6520 SCI Laurel Highlands 5705 Glades Pike P.O. Box 631 $om8f$et. PA 15501·0631 Telephone: (814) 445-6501 SCI Somerset 1530 Walters Mill Road Somerset, PA 15510-0001 Telephone: (814) 443·8100 SCi Mahanoy 301 Morea Roao Frad<ville. PA 17932·0001 Telephone: (570) 773-2158 SCI Waymart P.O. Box 256 ROllte 6 Waymart, PA 1847:;-0256 Telepho:1e: (570) 488-5811 SRCF Mercer 801 Butler Pike Mercer. PA 16137·9651 Telephone: (724) 662-1837 SCI Waynesburg 373 Prison Road Waynesbur9, PA 1537D-8020 Telephone: (724) 627-6185 SCI Muncy P.O. BOI( 180 Roule 405 Muncy, PA lnS6-0180 Telephone: (570) 546·3171 SCi Graterford P.O. Box 246 Roule 29 Grate-rforc, PA 19426·0246 Telephone; (6iO) 489·4151 SCI Pine Grove i 89 Fyock Road Indiana, PA 15701·6542 Telephone: (724) 465-9630 DC.ADM 603.lnmatfJ Mail and Incom;ng Publications !.G."'$%$% (3 CCQQO;i.i"'.4Q,O,.Q i ..'i"W;,.Oi,i.w».,:;.&iXO tMf!!!4i1.~."'".I).I).I).«.iQ.w:o:;;.$( Attachment A. Page 1 of 2 i i t i,,:,i,",!W~ .,.4&% w Qi)..'h. =",:.w<i".'!,.'~,.t!~!'!' , Community Corrections Centers Region I REGIONAL OFFICE 1355 West Che t9nham Avenue :Ik,."s Park. PA 19027-3122 Telephone: (215) 560·1600 ecc PHIlADELPHIA ;;2 407 '''ortl': 8" Street Philacelpha, PA 19123·3907 Telephone: (215; 560-3041 eee FHiLAD:::LPHIA #3 219 East Hig., Street Pt,ilacelphia. PA 19144-1197 Telephone: (215i 560-48B5 eee PHILADELPHIA ~ 1221·122~ Bainbridge Stree: Phl:adelphia. PA 19147·1805 Tel;,ohone: (215) 5E0-4543 ece #4 lE2e-1630 North 15.11 Street Phlliidelpnia. PA 19121-3402 PHILADELPHIA Telepnone; (215) 560-5326 Region II REGICNA~ OFFICE 1235 Elme~on A'Jenue Harr!st:~rg. PA 11110·9706 Tele;Jhone: (717) 7e7-6127 eee ALlE"JTOWN 608-610 Hamillon Mal Allentown. PA 18101-2104 Telephone: (610) 821-6741 eec HARRISBI,;RG 27 NOM Cameron Sireet Harnsburg. PA 171C1-240B T,iephone~ (717) 787-4427 eec JOHNSTOWN 301 Washington Street Johnstown.PA '5901·16~2 T~'ephone: (814) 53~·2416 SCRANTON cee 240 Adams Avenue Scranton. PA 18503·1602 Telephone: (570) 9€3-421S YORKCCC 317 Wesl Market Street York. PA 17401-1009 Telephone: (717) 771-4541 Region III REGIONAL OFFICE 1301 Beaver AvenU6 Pittsburgh, PA 15233·2342 Telephone: (412) 565·5657 P:TTSBURGH eec #1 915 Ridge A"enue Pittsburgh, PA 15212·6004 Te!ephona: (412) 322·6806 PITTSBURGH ece #2 501 North Neg:ey Avenue Pittsburgh. PA 15206-2430 ERIE eee Telephone: (412) 565-5360 423 West Sift Slteet Erie. PA 16502·1336 Telephone; (814: 871·4281 PI7TSBURGH CCC #3 535 South Aiken Avenue Pittsburgh. PA 15232·1532 Telephone: (412) 681-1202 300 West State Slree! Sharon, PA 16146·1246 Telephone (724) 983-513S DC·AOM 803, Inmate Mall and Incoming Publications SHARONCCC Attac/lment A, Page 2 of 2 .--------_._-- ------- ---_.---------- ----__ =--..--,~. .. Name of the Person ~ 1 M -I c:liveccu C Ie al ".n. D' wuO I FoOD of Iden. fica';on Name oflbe 513fT Member R" th "'1 oJ Documenl nf"scnpliufI ccelvmg C l ' :u ------- .... --.-------..- - 1---_._---.. _---1--._--------=--+---- ..---.----- 1------------- -----------~- 1------------1----------. 1--- 0- Number of I).\gcs of rhe I)o('·umenl Daw rhe Rt:c:civt:d Mail was placed U1 Ihe U.S Mall -- - -. -~------ ----...--------_1__--- 1---------4- ----.-----l--------- J---------- - . Mail3eceipt L~g_ _ Presented by (he Person 'VIto Deljv~red .heMail -.-+----'~. 1---- .In.~~mlng Privileg~~ - --._. l--- --- -- -- -- -----1--------- --------------J-------- ------------·4-·----·-------1-·-----------~- ------- -1-------------1----- - - - - - - - - - j.. ----------1- -- --_., 1------------+-_._-------+------------+---------- 1------------. -------------1----- - - - - ---1-----------------_. -- .- --- ---._--_. ----- .. _-_.---------- .-, - -_ _ -- - .. - _ -- ._____ DC·ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incomino Publications -._- - ' ---. . ..1--.-. - Attachmont B