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Pris 12 4 No. 8 VOL. 2 75-767 ISSN 10 FCC O PrNiseownsLe g l a l a N g ews e L n o VOL. 24 ISSN 10 No. 11 75-767 8 013 Dedicate ber 2 cem Ddeto Protectin s g Huma t Righ n Rights umanThe Too-M H y g r n t i t s a Prisons u ec n t d o y r n P I P are risone e ted to W Phaovnast, u derc lrs Dile ovtaere Dedica risohny we need monre ’ mma . L oca rs te d abu m of P lot- imp T cr inte im d r that, as n ort an n o ithain f ney xFriedma win l Ae tate ju s o ttor R as st er stated b ty b tr icr e cov ant beat. r y ci mn Fr same o GA in Augus l, in f nDua loca enleeral E to e e e o d e ra co e o n p th m – th vera ad t, “taoo m ric th ge kiitnhin as rg in th any Aon s Ho to too manynprbiseon r lls are mge ea in Heoldeca such ai ade w a local mer “T ar , e m ican s for blicati s arnsetrmeamitm erald y JohnnoE.trDulayngoneod hin onca callingraditite e sinces go lha edialled alllly, eithther w ing pufar tos ohlo an w en b llow e rder H W fola ca . fo ge avng, an n ca s beentrasta Novem ber 20 13 d for co rcnemen t priso he d veAra),ge own nty. In crois alle a stdrative,enea AT t es f is cofouun g perion H reason l ch (Lys n this the world, six tim tinra gade r prsoc aide leol o larg s, kof ar ,” sa wfe l pprluos s ec ddearrieofs Crim TeTdAG ort es what - China, or unov n’ twee de d to .” LA baloso al Ju anspin ut orio mis- R meg ter, anisda it is in ngt, dthise roicsse Jo d tr Iraq erse s to st (loes an todrybymthe nat de ra C cess e Com r acst es ca te lis , oily a llda seorto tana op sp nge rsur inim ac and o le The tota , for that mat Canada – or g – th the high noee ri tr te fi n ts m ig s. lo A n In e um nv ne who n e re . ie T R o ter. ri ng th b iolentmdr l numbe sedntin e li ,es call ws di ess pan – to at aLAeport A to co e dr ge en s st A tr ne rr d re T m st ie ce ad co ec in ss w ug te r of Am ti il te s fo e ne s tio it ro Recen serv rL enende subm for som nal cont te e ac ort ice. . r The dsthan er, off in a long on to finally d their fam an pwhs.onButewohe tly ad ve eff rd e rs g , er si an m ro g a , ft in n hu l is 7 m ericans under that lo “A re wleer ak 1 in ot expen and frien tandas lls arenger illion – ates an kes acti ru me th decade-was pbi not just ries? Th s legmento sotanhecer)prcaotesly - role or 50 – if you inbC ellemoststrikeem eral or more eipa ts th lloan sion ta prison inm ice. This is der issue Itetition for sult of ea fo im ca s, w ifo ll d in -u lit al e m rn ca cl d pr ar p n er y ud rv obation. p ’s a fa the re y n ne familrenewed f ICS ia in oa sto- ho at tes are geconfi s’ent ority oattentioblish engtire state cost th y for phone se tes; it is a br er Jessic That ’s e people on , is m il ia rn pcyhone ra the prison p issue. A heaavy FtoCC sonerm nd P ra on cl e. in quries ll er riso lls,riestan to their Alm of Massachus more than th st masaja hutmcaan tioensvaab briefly must pa arkets and C Commissi ever y dato loth w atpm angesD es pi te th as ec os gh e et th ch s ll ra ou ey ts t m r ts in is . C ha co t ed ca fo of ed on y F ov d e g lf r –thne rc ersiingh eiar of al ”– gm pay afac ter ptin issue r e bust Americ muan chd-nineecountle eration exac Primweer justice. r see njad t pwlaercee onsmal ly 100,000 pe l federal pris by A ceBualntitsmoor an co ways on of social orcel s: A ts helping theder in ople, or on pr m.unitie ssVO city – ar stry co em dum onesil toguards dr lan a ch any im 13d fo w enough ers eili.rv2ic aiisdmaccoil 20 e s,nfa F urCse), thin L p S se e ve ar rv re e in m ug r lo p in 5 Rosen , ca g tim for a pregatnate to C ated rc nat ho ISSN 10esanNdoof ic gang nts. allegedlhyig h er thoffenses. A at Ped rcer tr , mission (Fpiccoat s th dinfo soer th se an auese dd state e for nonviole -767 . 1panmieon caur 75 of thne accou leeadmeru, ch om e st actsPrerim lves, co ey nt arkabl -em to an whopar t bdecth 8 m , ions C d to cap th ade A e soners an-ldaundderebinitgpho em n” tal approaches d jail prisoner his drug ou siofo terusnar sed of th y littlerico te unicat m opSerra larged oen s, half a m r a larg isfo ationste mmisgh terntpri Cd priDvaavteid- Fathi, IC Comm decision, vo phone calls ted T ry is comp icns s, in an “c h es . e it ill ay ra ci p w io k “C ty di la n n, or . reri ies ctso dust al ti cies onsids erin L e serv federal an ivil s for reforms re or an dmar ib ip in n en p n te er of o ic -p la m ag n h ra n , th ha a g u p es n s o N that hu o rdlyisan nUnion hone coe Amereciction e Pr m t, in ate, er nce siyo ee: PL rr an comm saen provid s held in st county and ojec g dista act oth ys -he’s se atio son p’s Nto e on the be ge number, th e co n det thne thna pri ow ch ee of lon ners and en industry. [S in s, f u ti C n l en o n ne S er ri ra Pr . ai s on e’s at so m k t. ig is et es s ti ra ,” Gest From th ly e ac on ce ntalege seanan dd odco facicolive asr d perated pri lities, imm deon eerEdw ge kiccrkbac a m esnt tr by priso rison phon ito incr a perstaper of ci callne f co ur t re po rt says. ti spalite his to -o as of im aley p onease al ord er s, st il e ly juvenile fa her correcto re nbe justbic hichinth o ooms se sonths’ei costwsr aseedrefo Ha to the 13, p.42]. -page fi ferred sense thw ly as Hi l a the naaltio om pri e ac ed ins th d ot jails, frrm nly tu“rn the corn at tualr role asS en ever ywhere, 20 Op 131 Th atsted nner publish 2nt are usu nters an are com8mo “I’veS). IC thee numau Sept. tend to e 3. It is er di 1 n ce h CC’s ber andRe se ng 0 on it ” F ar ge be on be w tin , C e af ro p e m ti en do 3 p risre ter conv (I alerCo1st nasus inca g to do g pricise. Bec r oftsre–po Th s th Janua S in ices ve ce tem o ay rv b IC vi g s n se ep -d on m of iction. rc rt th er rv S 0 en er s as in er er In s is ,sinin s assign in ry 201 oncthwh pathio kget; wor Snuch Calling S 12 knowne’s been aydmcrimin Nove due to a 9 carceratio nn.e seha on pan k re o ar e e no m ed av at e h tim s, e e to si u al released Register on effBr t s ican 4 ai on is dwin% th 90 cover h ddmem that g 19 for st justice, even phpe rpcthroitinviiz ’e companie rithsoisnho Inmat din eche-la to ec n Injuries Amon ta .79dled du gs to de or co coens part tim in 15 ha 4ol7eid e e pcriminSecufu rul sfoTr sign Federal yet gone in ctok – einto n ve g Priso liFive fa th s) s lo e s e d ag ca , ifi at C e, s at er er al de s De t io ca an ne - n edav ), in just s of cuts nt rs nd btor’s Pr e antea a om (DOanre yo redformrrenh TL icateesyst rovi s ar d tl u p Is n has no la m s ld (G s, ck isons in io la “Th ll , el k er be H ct em 9 o at re be aey arbor. Tel*Lnin d , in inTh wofeindteto e n’rat 18 th eTpo k , licic America vid thdo eCorbe for 4 ,” hewhsaicysh. cu in re , n S st m o es L of ge y W se . H si Federa de at ry ar al ts e co om rv epe dm ch,” says Paco day ls in men live li s. s al artmenby Dora se te- ha elisfoth l Grants e ng Globipp s,arC ey fotu m k i’res oSrrecba tion myD epgotten rates thto sotw nnLA pfihrsonlli Favor Pr 24 C trlo reisthase an nt ul W4ri ers mix20rorvith stat nt ars dNeew gh o ulyth batse elpft ,Pfoayr-othe of Cce osecuthninoes g ie t mw eon . st Ji U.Simportankte pred tsee GEO Pu hohnpem byer 2 t, alyform edga ison en C ors e to atre se an k su rior ons pwitep ro h ge r ere so of:chJu w llshtout of Rutm inenflto ceiv uri hoabfoun er W.ashingMas oluti ssiaCan on der tias eca mth nas stat of cs dw siw erddreed ie e,sviIn s espDortAar IC MS Priso 26carr yi 26 Pberiso Thehic oal an ded the fici connL ro p nol, or Ds, ngS co hur,ar st p act Fig rc ti th .3 m u bl , er tr h 19 3 0 ar tc in e I ns et at 2 el 5 in co Ne 90 eg on w dn h co pu 1 q T n e io h hi ld n nsidleerast $al New w Exon er yonbu’acinks,th uestisonco, w essd – an le an eC of f otherblgissu hedndEsh “Iosf th es erations he wasthe 2. s magaz ghly e te : uIfhe inagad I’veexnpl C Phon ick re in k ac an 30o pineg ic ismber av Registryth be1 nd aidu at ine evkos 28in Ath Fo pyo oiey cr FL DO s.es10an–dmad thae pra stuba risond,er erivcoeCnbo il20 eIC pri n’ g A nu th mro ,L wscaor s ga tinte2ll0hirm to lls theetey vi ecasnr itnebest .jant soinn?” darilcoea O s, itI im sidok odf y.rsS. er vin in ynf itor Book Review is su ro eredpth er ni fotio g ethcae ceYco syeraem ,N asstkem ssat pants Tm icC g time inns : Agains prnop l- finpo the Ed dDth ib an phinon IC g, as smaakth p, rimso 34icweso priamsy . kn ispin arny? za toS at riso erIle and el s –itntinra etosaco From t Their 32 lyri 4e0at w fo e so ar m re u on lo l rv W s p -s lt ro po ti a O an si o m au se ve er w o e ow ri W p st ffi le o fl h d rtar n wha illL rr m S cials in eres th wt osa t omthe-or Mneicpaid e a pof thuerd r theft, drug n th sote the an easay riro wonrd wanhyso onnceto “N ers.s gh WV mgstenem in IC ora36lhsleneeppe s Hints henlle A milrilisora n er, all llsmsw thrg ve traffick p risy lls ar o pu thyseie,rve err, hpit eye one ck catrg lethssle riinba ce grfrou rebeof atcaic Habea ersy Face Chargebsesid34 da, my W m the nlleincaor op dnd dishmleen o av xa f o al o ov ed gu ai o re ec al h rm ly nd e lo p tr fo ll ly IC P id r w D er o e u e g av , E s on n el suhe se fant t so eff ic annat fe Clo enmar te me bet icallyehan l-in bjug . r. And d te lt io fo-perso d asosturatce lease. Cellb men here ar joat lls narow urio dne ury C Limits Solitar ow at eb b na ca ec tr ca re p d ed k n p lis ti ic an d an by w r lo : in u r ne an e v locks lo d ty D ts e o k po Th ai s. ee thLeliin rs y Confi slat m pr e ascipu et 36 wnea p univer pr ed nco they te nrepthaied er or srdro ounmceor FCI ist,on ridse sh opr,re fence. 42 eceisive dso litinesis,hm er ha r, nd Ba neas b re s p of hi nd is m Fede si n t fa p ha au ta s tio a -n p on o , en ty ie o pr Be ri th s ocist sopke toatta esised ndised os psou msedfe . Thou ok like ivateluysed at t sra e inten offi unst an in leActfter si ll ns a tvolu ab dcioalnen unse re icine ral Prison Int t o d s r fu th th f p u co at tr ed sy t s o at g ei u te e an at ou in n ca ti h th u or ac h b m fa em st x n rn ar th re flat lic pbloac on to showgovern cedvalue, te 48 e issuyeesar worse endustries I’ve ents ed jeoctpit in-g ques wieosrkan Tele in thw enca s an ns doju g lla sprofieb e itphritso toem by uof Auditcome38 erbyinth New Confinem it licy nnistyec . ofa f stteic - il he in g rc h.tionfos men onh ahwdasithpuno ynercisalw d mini-re -screen TV dac unm from osimdea pArem-f e.dhebingtionca al l,dshtem keloffi g . dRessaea otivaeYin litarys in Brief e Costs work t an sm er shat . closeegco rssp lica friger s, fr 52e pri reciTh lecr pie o can rene inpearof eicnnu thoys an 47 th to inve tositsan BOP So solnlldi-l Car stitu youcaar m ri lleonlyiles, an ato ow inso va ll rd inugh ed e itiri rs sb ab-eloie te,co tarooo stigatth ta n“T e cada nin er ’spbe Health” dvisays voal s,su non rw f,”ages afford to re rs for asso prcn, lltreg toaith lvly m honufo e th raerctati- topper riso ofly ed arece,ifi ca o u ional ri capetion for h te h e p in ct r n Es e e om n w w e ($ w re t a to S t o il ca h by 56 ho Th no f 4.10 5.30 to them u48 urists,d returnonm Cor an mane fromor ca dohesn’ ndab a sp e A 1 in ers icerale:leI2.o3nTh y2st0an- milies w os nbe n r in way no e’ m o to m it so av ka “Y t er 5 $ ou p o ill an ri ha al 7 1 ia 9 ri ri es ic p inngg,qu t 14 fa who do e io sont.s.P ans lo nA , vetim fato 0,eo imes ve a go uit: W th priotsoedn .50). W ith .3 Euros par onf pre u-eyinlim itsted erm ta okmsh It ’s er it cres coumnom rnm en ew gler moc n’t e. ve 50 aniccean ers are 9th Circ her el thee en inneso tl cu kere numt,bth s s, coin hod hiugh d le carc eaydatban yceihe an here enitt hpath denoes anasdha allowed ectronic t in M r ck eierr at small s are freq f t infaca gi llsnat his fam ac y ca w e. , io stm enen raid. inve n,”afW gemen joty in r. rc in The w ll ation hioonnek, asvery inggifth Th though pso a scmreas ilies in Hel to spend 52 Expun deve anys oerfeat t sa ifde cockrigh Restor ra and ca per call. d. W stin lo n te es ens ed b u pe ng p a sh d – st ti ty d in e’ fi u s kn in Vo ithou ingt ha arbecu sinki. Men ute ses ntured owsledgstea io–nstake t as mycaLn cosntve ts three ndicen in Ea at aff h e m a Fr val ac ar w om e 54 bl ea t, l Io a Cro pit, e so he satoyso wh s a st t ur the Ed ons toce There telecommthue gate, an get s th in Pris itor caey herey. P ere prison a g ym nd’re d says ep in reverse, sse-playing , “ifSth (Lind inavac Abuse the ri er Soke to h ia tiwng 56 utdh A ju a Elder ficers re oc eartoth soners thro s and within frica’s w U.S. Bl cause clearly won is mother: “I st outside ugho Prison such a ders w namet ear navy slac eir own cl ition to told yo Proble Jailed t 10 o re Extrad ag h ks, po thes. O uRights u.” nDedicated action at she’ to Protecting Human ms for Pa s and sh Then w ). rk f s o d fer ie in sa the so ould bato g Tick -blu id to on a n in Br Privat n ad ets 12 News er spray. ns, handcu er bars; but e shirts, e Prob reassu vous attem ds, his voic The as th ff ation s, ey Tas carr ri e p Servic Linda si ALEC 16 es from ng to know t at sarcasm cracking and m stant ward ers or pepp y Taskfo crimin : “It’s wizen en wh e arou erwe’re rce Dis als.” su ed being o n bands Incarc 18 The protect re and jean roadie: gra d, Timo, lo has led erated huddle American o yi ed k Vetera s, n s re g li d shir ke a beard s gath for slim . Thei ns’ Prog Parole 22 t, , r gr er b b w la ab ik rams cigars. Term into hisp ck er boo s th Fixing ts and vest On this co e top of his ers grow ho a family for CA Justic a taste 28 h n t. “priso e might wo Lifers e Refo n” respon versation is ead – unable The son n rms C ut in O even ta se spea prison part of th der just w to belie $16 M 32 h klahom reacti . k is k er W ve in s illion e S cand to a par g place is the on to a ers? Th here are Award in . ti Th av cu p th u ed to risons, e ia eir nusual larly A PLN Su 34 NY Pr an Am punishing e impenetra n open es Flor isoner fill in th in it. But w and there’ merican erican condit b ida Ja s e’ ions th le barrisense il CCA an 38 Fir their d e backgroun ll leave th nothing o at sati d GEO em her d need ilemm prison st , an im p f justice? sfy Resolu o e ed a. s rt an to p are no Why tions to und Law Li 42 t ca advertise with PLN? 2 Filed ri t brary erstan Acces d tu sons here d all open fa ve at : No rd s Claim ciliWho ic ry, co ate to News 44 ties. C reads S PLN 2 Reject p t in Brie ie th t d lose t e ed State, from f Philad mid-19th ce d “open I o 50 ” th o se r New YoDon’t elphia our word for it! 3 rk’s A take ’s Eas nprison prison sin p ri so u ce b te er h n u u rn s s rn 19 mane leave th 56 , back to do Coverage 4 treatm re p re se n te Media e pri 71. The th these d m o when ent. p or com e township son ground 95 male d ’s w al ls , risons look To anWebsite s mute of Amer el sAdvertising 4 li to the general mai each day ca men d m er as , st ke prisons: ican eye, mainla ntenan escrib ee l d o 10-m nd for ce co eS eter Ad Rates 5 o rs Display work n or A ditions in candinavia . I’ve h ea n w rd meric Ads 7 an pri ays that ec closed-priClassified so son w here I ho th ose of n Policies 8 have leAdvertising d a wri the ting O INSID DE INSI Priso n L egal New s Dedica A E merican A p arthe I INSI ted to P DE rotecti ng Hu man R ights ndina vian P rison s Are id: Wh y S ca Supe rior Prison Legal News Information for advertisers CONTENTS Why advertise with PLN? P RISON LEGAL NEWS is the premium source of national advertising to reach people concerned about prisoner rights and criminal justice-related issues — civil and criminal trial and appellate attorneys, judges, journalists, academics, paralegals, human rights activists, family members of prisoners, lawmakers and other government officials, and state and federal prisoners. PLN has more than 9,000 monthly subscribers. We distribute several thousand additional issues each month to interested people and organizations by mail and at events. PLN has subscribers in every state and conservatively estimates that each issue is read by at least 90,000 people. Unlike readers of free circulation magazines, ours have the income and interest to buy your product and services. Lawyers, academics, libraries and other professionals 15% Human rights activists, family members, officials, etc. 15% 70% State and federal prisoners Who reads PLN. According to our most recent reader survey, 60% of our paid readership purchased at least one product or service from a PLN advertiser in the preceding year. Some of the largest and most prestigious public interest organizations in the United States regularly run public service and informationgathering ads in PLN. These public service advertisers include the Southern Poverty Law Center, American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights Watch, among others. PLN is the only nationally circulated magazine you can advertise in that goes into every medium and maximum security prison in the country and most of the lower security prisons as well. We have a solid track record connecting advertisers to their target audience since 1990. No one else has our depth and reach. Our many long-term advertisers have found that Prison Legal News is the most effective and economical way to reach their target audience. If you must reach people with an interest in prison issues, no other advertising medium even comes close to PLN. [2] Don’t take our word for it! Ask any of our advertisers about the results they get from advertising with us! We encourage advertisers to track their ads so they can see for themselves. “ “ “ Prison Legal News has proven to be the top source of new inquiries for our products. There is no question that advertising in PLN has increased our new customer base year after year.” —Michael J. 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Ads must be submitted in .JPG format, 500 x 70 pixels for banner ads and 150 x 60 pixels for button ads. website: ad email: Display Ad Rates Advertisement Standard Sizes & Dimensions P rison Legal News offers the 23 display advertising options shown on these pages. All dimensions are listed width first and then the height. Any ads submitted at incorrect size or shape will be resized to fit space, which may distort the look of the ad. If you are running an ad for multiple months, you can vary the ad by using a different size ad at no extra charge. For example, if you are running a 1/6th page ad for 3 months: The first month you could run a 2-col.-wide ad, the next month a 1-col.-wide ad, and the third month a 1-1/3-col.-wide ad. Please see technical specifications on back page. 1/12 page 1 month $190 2 months $300 3 months $395 6 months $715 One year $1,335 1/8 page 1 month $280 2 months $455 3 months $590 6 months $1,060 One year $1,960 1 col. wide 2-3/8" x 2-3/8" 1-1/2 col. wide 3-5/8" x 1-1/2" 2 col. wide 4-7/8" x 1-1/8" full page (Other than inside front & back cover) 1 month $1,390 2 months $2,455 3 months $3,370 6 months $6,200 One year $11,445 1 col. wide 2-3/8" x 3-5/8" 1-1/2 col. wide 3-5/8" x 2-3/8" 2 col. wide 4-7/8" x 1-3/4" full page 7-1/2" x 9-3/4" (Inside front & back cover ONLY) 1/6 page 1 month $305 2 months $545 3 months $730 6 months $1,335 One year $2,455 1 col. wide 2-3/8" x 4-3/4" 2 col. wide 4-7/8" x 2-1/4" 1-1/2 col. wide 3-5/8" x 3-1/8" 1 month $1,655 2 months $2,935 3 months $4,040 6 months $7,360 One year $13,735 Inquire About Availability Track your results! Simply include “Dept. PLN” in the address of the ad. [5] 1/4 page 1/2 page $410 $715 $995 $1,795 $3,325 1 month 2 months 3 months 6 months One year 1 col. wide 2-3/8" x 7-1/4" 2 col. wide 4-7/8" x 3-5/8" 1-1/2 col. wide 3-5/8" x 4-3/4" 3 col. wide 7-1/2" x 2-3/8" $760 $1,265 $1,870 $3,550 $6,415 1 month 2 months 3 months 6 months One year 2 col. wide 4-7/8" x 7-1/4" 3 col. wide 7-1/2" x 4-3/4" 2/3 page 1 month 2 months 3 months 6 months One year 1/3 page 1 month 2 months 3 months 6 months One year 1 col. wide 2-3/8" x 9-3/4" 2 col. wide 4-7/8" x 4-3/4" $545 $950 $1,300 $2,350 $4,375 $945 $1,700 $2,505 $4,370 $7,775 2 col. wide 4-7/8" x 9-3/4" 3 col. wide 7-1/2" x 6-1/2" 1/2 back page 3 col. wide 7-1/2" x 4-3/4" 1-1/2 col. wide 3-5/8" x 6-1/2" 3 col. wide 7-1/2" x 3-1/8" 1 month $910 2 months $1,660 3 months $2,230 6 months $4,095 One year $7,640 This is the same size as an inside 1/2 page, placed at the bottom of the back page, below the mailing address. Inquire about availability. [6] Classified Ad Prices, Sizes and Policies 1. Only advertising of products, services, or providing or requesting information will be considered. 2. Payment must be made in advance. There is a two month minimum on classified ads. 3. The first line ONLY can be in Bold. Submit first line in bold type or otherwise indicate you want the first line in bold. 4. Periods and spaces between words and sentences count as one character. For example the following three words with the space in between and punctuation adds up to 22 characters: Legal Services. Cheap! 5. There are 32 characters per line, including spaces and punctuation. 6. All ads are in Myriad Pro 9.5 point type. 7. Prisoner names or addresses are not accepted. 8. Messages between prisoners are not accepted. 9. Messages to a prisoner are not accepted. 10. Advertisments for prison pen pals are not accepted. 11. Advertisements for a pen pal service are OK. 12. Requesting legal assistance with a case will be accepted if an attorney is the contact person. 13. All ads will be placed at PLN’s discretion. 14. Prison Legal News reserves the right to refuse any ad. 1/48th page 2 months $110 3 rows of 32 characters = 96 characters total. 1/36th page 2 months $125 5 rows of 32 characters = 160 characters total. 1/30th page 2 months $135 6 rows of 32 characters = 192 characters total. 1/24th page 2 months $150 8 rows of 32 characters = 256 characters total. Actual Size of Ad Circle if you want the 1st line to be in Bold type (like above) or Regular type. Actual Size of Ad Circle if you want the 1st line to be in Bold type (like above) or Regular type. Actual Size of Ad Circle if you want the 1st line to be in Bold type (like above) or Regular type. Actual Size of Ad Circle if you want the 1st line to be in Bold type (like above) or Regular type. Advertiser Information No. of months: Rates are effective Sept. 1, 2018 Size: 1/24 1/30 1/36 1/48 (circle one) Amount Enclosed: Name: Company: Address: City/State/Zip: Mail Ad Text, Payment and Form to Prison Legal News PO Box 1151 • Lake Worth, FL 33460 Purchase ads by phone with Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express [561] 360-2523 Advertising Questions? Email PLN at [7] Advertising Policies Special Advertising Prison Legal News reserves the right to decline advertising for any reason. Slight variations in ad dimensions may be necessary to improve the look of a magazine page. This sometimes results in a larger ad than the listed dimensions. Ad copy and changes must be received by the 10th of each month for placement in the following month’s issue. All ads must be prepaid by check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. Prison Legal News can provide advertising options to reach all or a particular segment of its subscribers. Call 561-360-2523 to discuss your needs and for pricing. Technical Specifications Prison Legal News accepts in display advertising black-&-white/grayscale PDF or TIFF formats, at exact size. Any ads submitted in other sizes or formats will be charged a one-time fee of $10–15. PLN can also scan a hard copy and clean it up for a $15 fee. If you want us to lay out your ad, a onetime fee of $25–100 will be charged according to the size and complexity of your layout needs. Please supply all text and images, as well as any additional instructions. Special Placement Prison Legal News attempts to place display ads in the magazine so that they receive maximum exposure on a particular page. We regularly rotate the ads in each issue. Additionally, within the following guidelines and for a 10% surcharge, the placement of an ad can be reserved for any location on any page except the inside of the front and back cover, the back cover and page 3: Only space for ads 1/4 page and larger can be reserved. Inquire first for availability of a particular location. Placement is reserved on a first payment received basis. Previously reserved and paid for ads are grandfathered into a particular location and cannot be bumped. Advertiser: Name: Company: Address: City/State/Zip: Ad Frequency and Size No. of months: Size: Width: Amt. enclosed: Mail Payment and Form to Prison Legal News PO Box 1151 Lake Worth, FL 33460 Purchase ads by phone with Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express [561] 360-2523 Advertising Questions? Email