Oregon Doc Death in Custody Report Iacob Stefan 2010
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OREGON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Unusual Incident Report r!?5l 2Ct () V{ G()OIS UIR#: Referred to State Police: ~Yes DNo State Police Case #: -!.:10"--o"'02::o6"'0c..c72"----_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ - Location- Health Services :"nFi',i!!i'!, ':"i!!!:!i'';';:':'i)'::,!:!! '\il'irii,'iii,"i',,!, Date: °1120/10 Tiino: 4:00 5:00 a.m. Medical Attention Required: Functional Unitiinstitution- Dyes ~No OSP "'"e:o', 'tm-clt" "Illvo 'rt)"" "'" ,,' '" ""'i;1 ii i,ini :;!! ii']!':!! fin in,!,n!!"!:!iiiii:,i:'!!. Cl en ,; "-,'12 - 0"0'-iial.'Icl-'f' C ;: -n lea ors: ve :'~-!!::':':,!i'I'h-i'!n!.i-i!"::!!i i Use afForce <Specify> Inmate Assault <Specify> Escape <Specify> Contraband <Specify> Inmate Death Apparent Natural Cause Property <Specify> Medical Emergency <Specify> Emergency <Specify> Self Injury <Specify> <Specify> Type afForce Used: Attempted Suicide <Specify> EmployeeNolnoteer/ Contractor/Citizen Blood and/or Bodily Fluid <Specify> Other: i:" "~I' <Specify> Staff Assault (OR) ° <Specify> !~!Ti;:::~~f~~l,;:i't:\:i :;l;!J!J[;'n,~§"~~~!;:J!: ! ",Location, iL (r!iIDformation: I. Iacob, Stefan 15168617 Life I. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. Page I of2 CD i 15 (08/05) 1,:1 I' ' 3. Incident: Describe Incident in detail: (Times, dates, locations, weapons involved, sequence of events, inmateslstaff involved, etc. For escapes only: include a detailed description of the inmate(s); height, weight, color ofhair/eves, clothing last worn, and other significant info. On 01/20/10 I received a phone call from Officer Nicholas assigned as the Infirmary Officer informing me that Inmate Iacob, Stefan 15168617 had been pronounced dead at 4:40 am by Nurse Mark Ebner. I informed Officer Knutson to go to the Infirmary and start a crime scene log for bunk nnmber 13. I informed Master Control to start the notifications. At 6:40 am Chief Medical Examiner Rick D. Thompson and Oregon State Police Detective Sarah M. Fryling arrived at the Infirmary and conducted the investigation. The body was then released and was taken out of the institution at 7:57 am. All staff involved with the unusual incident was offered ESS. 4. S ecffic Information: (personal in' ,ro e damaae, notification ofkin . Mother: Maria Iacob, Massillon OH. Phone nnmber (330) 834-9217 Cell phone nnmber (330) 837 2304 Misconduct Issued? DYes [glNo 5. Communicated To: I;.,':;" '.i:i, iii'!i:',i',',',:,:,!,',','f" LUlU,I!',':',1, 'ii!!!,i,::!i,'!~':'!:,li':i.~.itl~ 'i',',!', ,'i 'i:.!i)~i~!i.!i'!;!,!!1Jiill!¢!!;!l! ';";'r:'-; , I. Mrs. M. Dodson 2. Mr. M. Yoder 3. Mr. J. Premo 4. State Police 5. Medical Examiner ~jPIO cO Asst. Supt Super. Dispatch M.E 6. Mr. T. Randall 1/20/10 1120110 1/20/10 1120110 1/20110 7. Chaplin Holbrook 8. ':il"-!:-;!,i:,!;!, N.M. Chaplin ,:,-j "i','i"i:"i';!.:,J ::,:.Ii.l-i' 120/10 1/20/10 '-iSS'",,S.;l, \0. 9. 10. 6. Report Completed By: James M. Taylor Print Full Name Lieutenant Title 'Signature 01120110 Date Page 2 of2 Security/OIC 1st shift Functional Unit ......... CD US (08/05) Oregon Department of Corrections (ODOC) Offender Information System (OIS) Report Produced by TAYLORJA 01/20/2010 05:02:39 AM Mission: To promote public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions and reducing the risk of future criminal behavior , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Public Information A Public Records request is REQUIRED for releasing information outside the Public information box. Offender Name: IACOB, STEFAN Age: 44 DOB: Sex; Male 06/25/1965 Race: White Height: 5' 11" Hair: Brown Weight: 200 Eyes: Hazel Caseload: 001 06 BUCHHOLZ,MARSHALL 503-373-1665 SID: 15168617 OREGON STATE PENITENTIARY Location: Cell: IN-13 Flag: D';'ainer/Notifler Status: InmateO DNA Coliecled Custody Cycle: Institution Admission Date 1-1-6 09/16/2004 Earliest Release Date: life 4 Classification: 031215/01 CLAC MURDER UF Inmate 09/1612004 Life 031215/02 CLAC BURGLARY I AF Inmate 09/1612004 000-055-000 Page 1 of 1 Offender SID: 15168617 Name: IACOS, STEFAN r..~:~jl>~ , .....~.~, ;j~j~ir:~l'J~I~tl~,ut':l~C!:: iil'1~ .$::'(....":!1er.r:"«iI1~~.!ar.i'.:1!t~b!!.I?nS-'tlgll(J ~t"4.'D~rr.lld,e~t!o:'is ..; Tt'I~":ir!oon3t~~;.,.t'(!~!!.1';d~~:J~ =t';~ad, enC/or ~U?'pm'~c;Jau;:<mdl!: Intendlld fer "ppropriatc and <ltlp:o~p';f use under eXisting department rul(ls, t"1"'~1r-c~ .... ··..".OtP~!lr.i!I) ";!.,'I':1{:~.mU2.1:1?I~r·'iiQ'.o;i,~~~~~C'<",..i:I~A~~i!c.:ImT~;:'"Ils>Gt.OJnv:r~'" ~t."·.';r..::o;~tt<,.::t,.." DOC 2"r.:r.'ir:ii•.-j.....'o/.'!-.!lro!l::hf,JWt!r.lrY.ll·:C:"'!1f~lilTtt~L~ Md .pn:'I::'.~~tdl!~trc~,·tt:'l i'1lomlo1Jon .:;nj"l~'or .:!orot~ Ih... dOCUr.ll!!"» in(ormolJon from vo\.lr computer "'ystcm. OPS5011 TAYLORJA Corrections lntormation systems Offender Public Information 4:42:52 1/20/10 Offender .. 15168617 lACOB, STEFAN Location .. OSP OREGON STATE PENITENTIARY Age Sex Height Weight 44 Male 5'11 11 2001bs DOB 6/25/1965 Race WHITE Hair BROWN Eyes HAZEL Caseload 00106 BUCHHOLZ,MARSHALL Classification 4 --Court Case Cnty ORS Abbrev CIs 031215/01 CLAC MURDER UF 031215/02 CLAC BURG I AF Status. Inmate Cell. IN-13 DOC cycles. 01-01-06 DNA Collected lnst admission date ... 09/16/2004 Earliest release date. Life 503-373-1665 *DESIGNATOR* MurderMin=Y Type Begin Date Yrs-Mos-Days Term Date & Code I 9/16/2004 Life I 9/16/2004 000-055-000 Bottoj11 F3=Exit F11=Menu bar F4=Prompt F12=Cancel F5=Refresh F6=PTA Case load F17=A11 offenses F9=Retrieve + STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INTEROFFICE MEMO DA1'E:.January 20, 2010 TO: U. J. Taylor O.I.C 1st shift FROM: C/O. T. Nicholas On 01-20-2010 I was the assigned infirmary officer, at approximately 0440hrs infirmary orderly Kelley, Casey #16370345 told me that it appeared that inmate Iacob # 15168617 may have passed away, I immediately secured the area with crime scene tape and walted for officer Knutson to take over the crime scene log. At approximately 0450hrs R.N Mark Ebner pronounced inmate Iacobb dead. fi1.M'~ STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OREGON STATE PENITENTIARY DATE: January 20, 2010 TO: 00 Michael Yoder Oregon State Penitentiary FROM: C/O L. Knutson Oregon State Penitentiary SUBJECT: In Custody Death of Inmate Iacob, Stefan #15168617 INTEROFFICE MEMO On 1/20/2010, at 4:45am, I was assigned to the Oregon State Penitentiary as an extra staff. At this time orc Lt. Taylor instructed me to start a crime scene log in the infirmary. Upon my arrival at 4:48am I was informed by infirmary Officer T. Nicholas that I/M Iacob, Stefan SID# 15168617 had expired. C/O Nicholas proceeded to secure bed #13. All notifications were made by C/O Nicholas. I ensured crime scene security until the arrival of the Medical Examiner and Oregon State Police. At 6:40am Rick D. Thompson, Chief Medical Examiner, and Sarah M. Fryling, Oregon State Police Detective arrived at the crime scene. They conducted their investigation, and released the inmate at 6:55am. I notified C/O Nicholas and Lt. Richards that the body had been released. Master Control, Cpl. Lara was notified and the body was moved to side room #6 until the arrival of the MortiCian. I remained with the body until it was released to the Mortuary at 7:57am. cc: File osp Health Services UrHl~wl! Enddent Nl!r~il1g Form For SecurIty Report Date: Time: lAcon, STEFAN Inmate: 15168617 - 06-25-65 SID #: ---------------- The Inmate named abpye was seen by a nurse for examination of possible /VIedical Issues9- IvJental Health Issues 0 Post Altercation D In the Clinic ¥es 0 No 0 In General Population Yes 0 No 0 Yes~ No 0 Injuries Noted Yes 0 No 0 Medical Treatment Indicated Yes 0 No 0 Significant IvJedical Treatment Yes 0 No 0 Requiring Infirmary Care Yes 0 No 0 Requiring Hospitalization Yes 0 No 0 In Special Housing ("'l'>(!.'" ""a~/) The following was found: L? ~aa.5e.J. Medical Staff Name: /.'I,,/!: c6# t / V Signature: fvl~/ This form needs to be filled out immediately after an evaluation of an inmate and provided to the Officer-in-Charge (OlC) when incidents arise, e.g., post altercation, use of force, death, PREA, medical emergency. P:OSP Forms/Inmate Oregon Department of Corrections ***Crime Scene Contamination Log*** Crime Scene.security Officer: Location: C;b t!-r",c< J:;,,,f.s,,~ OS(J:r"trp..,-,! &,J,# /J' Daterrime Log Started: /- r90 c .90/0 c~,ivJ'r 6.<11.. Cril1)e:::2j, Victim:.Z'AC<26. 0'1.- 'f 8 ste£~ .... 4- r:n("U,I? ,,*** NOTICE: ALL PERSONS ENTERING CRIME SCENE MUST READ AND SIGN ***.,1( Admitting officer will fill out all spaces except the signature of entering person. Only persons authorized by (m Oregon State Police supervisor, or detective in charge, shall be permitted to enter the crime scene. Those persons may be required to give hair, fiber, 01' other types o/samples. . )'l~0~(i ....•.... '.:> ...... ;\'I <f? " ··:,:.'Slghi\tLn,'e' ..••••.... ::.< ~~ , 7:. AJ.: oj,,> /. > k. ,L /) C(u~ ,t<~~:", r N(~'-« fr~ /,',..J/ /,,.,,i fi, ~J~(/;- -t )c<z '" ~ « fi'ni JIt.// fbMr" 1j,{J("'f j ()"r ... -."." ...... R~1Ln iA/> t~ r./<tn t"J V ... i.'ltr~. i?;1J , O'/~ </ 0 0'1: 'Sp CH:yo 6'i:~S L/v ·:. ~.~:~i'Q·.!!:i',~~t.:~_~t.~<·: UUi-i', ~t" f,'k.L •f ,d.:~J OC'lo OG:S;{ ,...,):.1 ":'" oL ;t.(u Db:)"$'" ~ r- Ie. - . :. do./~ J;(fi'I .r~ c. ~ Nco..r", ;;. /tc::>~ I- t.....J '::/- .' i":r:~;,.. 7',,{,.,~'7 ~J«..(",. 'A-{ .'tiiI)q~ «I'M Wi'.f.t;") {;t....<.. • .1' cb,l'{ ;1A..t>;U. ( Htr.- <; -/.-1.- p~ i-'~" \ 't"\;~ oJ f1 ? <1.-,...., 0e.1 ;:::1';/'7 r/- ..,.,«o¢cJ. c '" I 7 CD 1201 D (1/96) Department of Corrections Oregon State Penitentiary Inmate Death Notification Sheet Date: I/';).b/(o I I Time: '-t: 'f 1.0 A.M. OIC: L-L Io.if( 6 r Use Offender Information Screen, Print Public Information Screen. 1. Assign staff, Name: D\!~. k",~\-.",..,,,, ini tiate a Crime Scene ontantl.nal.OnLog. 2. Preserve all Evidence, 3. Witness list (Do not interview) Time Name of person contacted: Paged: 0.0. Time Contacted: '-I: 5'lb AM Y;.q to AI"" . I'V1 e. .V,.., A-e/ to secure the scene and Comments: 1:U\",,::-'>t~ IWt ~. "", ..1'r '~\\\ ~ Lr.\lw-- ,wl, '.~l,-q,-\-I'I\~. "'S'lo~ '" , Asst. Supt. Security M. Yoder· S~""" '"'" ... (,4"<!. £{: s t, tl.,oI(. V: <£(., t\ "'1' Superintendent: Superintendent will determine J. Premo :5 : di)i\.~. 5' :c9"C,4.U\. Asst. Dl.r. Instl.tutions if additional notifications beyond the intt~tu~~ nerd t~ib be made. D\I~":~8~·".~:.~ ~ii. '~;t; To be notified before the State Police are notified. B. Belleque - Jan, May, Sep M. Gower - Feb, Jun, Oct B. Hoefel - Mar, Jul, Nov S. Blacketter - Apr, Aug, Dec Unusual Incident Briefing Summary Requested: Yes No Notify for attempted suicide P.LO. Michelle Dodson S :5'6A.J\'\ .; ~ '5 "b tA ,1\.\ • ""~ O.d~.... 'S<>,.~ "?k ..... :1I (0,;:1-0, I\' ,1\""'1-: O~r. I''''~,1;'p.' ~ EOL Cd"''''', \10\1 liJ", .~li. /.b" \~ I Sta te Police If;5'~AI<o\ l[:-5 ( A.I\.\· ~03- ~15' -~'5H DOC. Carom. Manager: Case it ...... _ I o.o:;,"'o1~ After hours call home first Unusual Incident Briefing Summary Requested: Yes Medical~ixaminer: il.h eTS Manager --rt..."", rn~"" OSp3 -S : 6(0 ,A,I"\' Suicide Brian Walker Notify for Heal th Servioes: T. Randall '-;: 5 1> ;''''' Lf "5' 'b ,A., "'" • Chapl~~I~Ne~~ of Kin: (\\ a ,ll. t~ 1M It.. 'lOa.. < No ~nmate medicaL transport after normal business hours 6' :';;>IA."" Funeral Home Duty Call Calendar Alternative Burial and Cremation of Oregon, Sherwood, Or. 503-925-8685 Person Contacted: Completed By: E:+4e~ / k4,\..Vy(o.., CI-' G.' t6J..t) Time: c::':;;;!3.A,M.